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➡ In this episode of Jailbreak Overlander, Richie explores a dangerous and remote trail in Arizona, known as a shelf road. Despite his experience with off-roading, this particular trail, which starts in a small town called Skull Valley, scares him due to its precarious location on the side of a mountain and the unexpected obstacles he encounters. Richie’s journey becomes even more challenging when his truck’s shocks blow out, causing the vehicle to tilt dangerously towards the cliffside. Despite the fear and uncertainty, Richie appreciates the stunning views and eventually finds his way off the mountain when he sees trees, indicating he’s entering a forest.
➡ The writer describes a challenging off-road journey in a top-heavy truck, navigating a cliffside trail that becomes increasingly difficult with washouts and rough terrain. Despite the struggle, they reach a forest, which initially seems like a relief but turns out to be equally challenging with large boulders and tight spaces. The journey, from Skull Valley to Prescott, Arizona, is the longest and scariest trail the writer has ever taken. The writer also mentions the effort put into capturing footage of the journey and encourages viewers to like, share, and subscribe to their video.


Welcome back to another episode of Jailbreak Overlander. I’m Richie and this is Jailbreak and in this episode I’m in Arizona as you can see. Now if you follow this channel for any length of time you’ve seen me put myself in extremely precarious exotic locations all over the United States. Places where getting into big trouble was easy to do. You’ve seen it time and time again. These are called shelf roads. Roads that are on the sides of mountains where there are no guard rails and if you screw up you’re going over.

Now I thought I’d seen them all until I found this one particular road in Arizona and this thing scared the life out of me. Even if you don’t love off-roading you’re gonna love the footage because it’s absolutely beautiful. You’re gonna want to sit back relax and check this out. Okay so while I was in Arizona I got a chance to hook up with a lot of good people and do a lot of really good trails. Tough, tough trails. These are no joke as you can see right here. Incredibly rocky trails. Really really foliage covered trails.

Trails out in the middle of nowhere. I’m used to that stuff. No big deal. We got trails with huge boulders while you’re going down an incline or a decline. I’ve done it before. I’ll do them again. That’s why the truck has so much armor on it. She can handle it. But the trail that I found that scared me the most is the trail that I found on my own and I was alone when I did it. Of course because why wouldn’t I? The trail that I found started out in a town called Skull Valley, Arizona.

Skull Valley is a very small town and the name of the town comes from the original settlers finding skulls of Navajo and Apaches all over the place. Hence the name Skull Valley. Now with a name like that what could possibly go wrong? I headed in. In the afternoon with darkness coming soon completely and utterly alone. What could go wrong? Now like I’ve said and like you’ve seen in past videos I’ve done tons of shelf roads. The difference was this one was several miles long and it was covered with obstacles like this.

Large rock climbs that you had to do while on the edge of a cliff that went down at times to a thousand or more feet. There’s no room for error and the worst part is I had originally I had gotten my king shocks rebuilt at a local shop and for whatever reason whether the owner didn’t know what he was doing or just didn’t pay attention. My shocks blew out and in this video you can watch one of them blow out which causes the truck to tilt precariously towards the cliffside. I was not stoked whatsoever at all.

I’m driving on a several mile long shelf road in Arizona. I don’t know where I am. Nobody else knows where I am. I’ve only seen a side-by-side go by one. This road is tight. Now maybe you can or maybe you can’t tell how straight down that drop-off is but it’s straight down and the thing that made me that prompted me to make this video is this is the first time I’ve been on a shelf road that is so desolate so long it’s several miles long and I don’t know the road so the further I go I have no idea how bad it’s going to get coming up and it got bad.

Now I found this little spot to pull over or just stop in the middle of the trail actually as you can see and I found it strange that here is where somebody decided to set up an old refrigerator many many years ago and then just light it up because apparently that’s what they do around here which is cool. I have no issues with that. I just found it to be a very strange place that somebody was either that somebody was on this trail carrying a refrigerator simply to dump it off the side of the road and then either they or others have shot it up over the years.

It’s hard to tell. And just a reminder this is where I am. This is why I’m making this video. I’ve been on this road for over a mile and I still have several miles to go and this is what’s below and above. It’s straight up and straight down. No place to turn around and nobody knows where I am and I have no idea what’s coming up in front of me. So again what could possibly go wrong? When I wasn’t worrying about when will this trail end or how will this trail end I did take advantage of my perspective.

I’m at the top of a mountain looking down at the junipers and the cactus. It was a beautiful day and for some reason nobody else was on this trail. That kind of bothered me and then the name Skull Valley kind of bothered me too. I’m not gonna lie but I was all alone up here and with the sun getting low into the mountains I had to make up some time because I had no idea how much longer I was gonna be on this trail and I certainly did not want to camp on this trail overnight so I had to make up some time.

The good thing about the mountains is it reminds you of your place on earth. You’re just a tiny speck in this big old place and it helps remind you of that. Keep that in mind or don’t. It’s funny how the camera makes everything look so smooth but pay attention to the truck bouncing around violently right here. Every one of those bounces feels 10 times worse when you’re sitting in the driver’s seat. It feels like you’re going right over the edge. It’s quite the trip. If you’ve never done it you can’t understand what I’m saying but there’s an idea.

The camera under the truck gives you a pretty good view of how close to the edge I am. This trail is I believe a side-by-side or an ATV trail not necessarily a truck trail and I didn’t find that out till after the fact as usual and if you pay attention right over my shoulder you can see the sun is almost down behind the mountains so the anxiety level is going up right here believe it or not. I have lights to drive at night but I don’t know where I am and I don’t know where I’m going to come out.

I went in in Skull Valley miles ago and have not a clue where I am right now. The view from up here was amazing and I did stop and take it all in but the problem was the trail just kept going on forever off into the mountains. I was way too far to turn back now especially with the Sun almost behind the mountains. As soon as the Sun sets the temperature drops exponentially and it gets really dark especially out here when the only light is the Sun so I had to hustle.

When I got to a certain point on the mountain I noticed the trail texture changed it went from very rocky to sandy which gave me hope that I was coming out someplace someplace anyplace just off of this trail. I kind of put the hammer down and was using the drone to spot me the drone gave me the ability to see what was up around the corners ahead of me as well as to videotape so I took advantage of it always use whatever tools you have at your disposal it helps out a lot but right now the hell with tools drones lights etc I needed to get off this trail one way or the other there was no place to camp there was no place to pull over I was in a bit of a fix and I’ll tell you what I ain’t scared of heights snakes or red-headed women but having to rush on a trail where you don’t know where you are or where you’re going will drive your anxiety level up exponentially you think being married’s bad try being in the high desert with nightfall coming and you don’t know where you are you you you so the Sun is setting and I’m driving and I’m flying the drone and I’m watching my cameras and I’m watching the trail and it just does not relent it doesn’t end it keeps going and somehow I’m still always on a cliff face pointing straight down it just doesn’t end no exaggerate I mean look for yourself that is straight down surely this trail had to come to an end at some point it had to because at this point I’m starting to think this is some sort of voodoo or Native American magic to trap a stupid city boy that didn’t tell anybody where he was going on the side of a mountain cliff just so he could think he was gonna die and then make a YouTube video I don’t know but it did go through my head and then suddenly finally when I thought I saw saw trees trees mean you’re getting off the mountain into a forest area right when I thought the going was gonna get easier it started getting tougher and still take note I’m still on the side of a cliff straight down one-way lane no end in sight and as a little kick in the dick the road started getting even rougher again so now I’m still climbing and the trail is getting incredibly difficult including the washouts anybody in a lifted top-heavy truck like mine just loves washouts what could possibly go wrong and then finally after driving all day long and stressing the last hour of the drive at least at the very minimum I came to the forest to me this was a way out this was gonna get me out of here and it did the only issue with the drone all that much because of the trees and to be perfectly honest at this point I didn’t want to fly it anymore I had been shuffling cameras around as much as I’ve been driving it’s amazing how much time and effort you have to put in with the cameras just to get this amount of footage but I did it so here it is you’re welcome if you even made it this far in the video but the forest roads were incredibly difficult to navigate so the drone was pretty much out of the picture and I thought I was pretty much out of the woods so to speak not so much first of all going into the woods I was thinking of this as a refuge like I’m home free and then it turns out the trails went from sand and small rocks no big deal I’m cruising right along here I’m actually trying to pick up the pace now that I’m not on the edge of a cliff and I’m on a you know pretty decent sand road so I’m engaging the supercharger will say and then the further I go I’m on a cliff again and the road is now nothing but large boulders super tight I’m squeezing through trees that other off-roaders have taken a chainsaw to so you can get by and I’m on a cliff face once again heading into I have no idea where and if you pay attention you’ll notice that there is just about no sunlight left but look at that ledge right there straight down again I have no idea how I found this road I have no idea how I made it through this road but I did but I’ll tell you what right when I thought it was getting easier it got progressively worse as you can see even with the one camera running look at the size of these rocks and look how much the truck is rocking and rolling no pun intended look at this crap the trail took me from Skull Valley to Prescott Arizona so whatever that trail is called is the trail that I was on but it was the longest scariest trail that I’ve ever been on ever and that’s just how it is at any rate if you enjoyed this video hit that like share and subscribe leave a comment below and I will return the favor and for those that are under the mysterious people that just can’t quite figure it out obviously I’m reaching from Boston I thought that was pretty straightforward with my name my voice my face my truck my license plates etc and jailbreak has been a side project channel of mine for about four years so there’s that at any rate I’m out

See more of JailBreak Overlander on their Public Channel and the MPN JailBreak Overlander channel.


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