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➡ The podcast discusses the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which are digital versions of a country’s currency controlled by a central bank. The host argues that while CBDCs may offer faster transactions and increased financial accessibility, they also raise concerns about surveillance, data privacy, and increased government control over individual finances. He suggests that Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, offers more financial independence and autonomy. The host also emphasizes the importance of spiritual life and its impact on financial status, and encourages listeners to focus on improving their relationship with God to achieve financial stability.
➡ The speaker discusses the risk of deflation, where businesses delay purchases expecting prices to drop, which can lead to economic problems like job losses and bank failures. They also mention the potential for government stimulus to help businesses, and the importance of being aware of various risks, not just those related to the stock market. The speaker shares their personal investment experiences and stresses the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own financial decisions. They also express their desire to create an American hedge fund and emphasize the importance of integrity and faith in their life and work.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing God and spiritual growth over money and political beliefs. He criticizes those who idolize political figures and neglect their spiritual and personal responsibilities. He also warns about the potential dangers of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and urges people to protect themselves financially. Lastly, he advocates for a balanced approach to life, where financial stability is achieved without compromising spiritual values.
➡ The speaker shares his passion for tires and helping others, reflecting on his past as a tire mechanic. He emphasizes the importance of finding joy in retirement, not just focusing on money. He also discusses his deep faith in Jesus, asking for forgiveness and expressing his desire to spread love. Lastly, he offers his services for retirement planning, but clarifies that he’s not the right fit for everyone.


Foreign. Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of Scriptures in Wall Street. I’m on the road today. My kids are playing hockey, and I really, really wanted to do a podcast, and I got behind with calls and all the. All the stuff that’s happening. I committed to you guys to always, always provide content. And so here I am. If you are new to the show, please like and subscribe on Rumble. We are. We’re growing very rapidly. My firm is growing rapidly. And. And honestly, this show is basically just about truth, God’s word, and making money in the stock market and making money in your retirement.

I really feel that how your spiritual life is. Represents and shows up in. In your financial status. I really believe that. I really feel that as you grow closer to God, as you go closer to doing the hard things, he blesses you financially. He blesses you with favor. He blesses you with knowledge. He blesses you with. With just his blessings, like it says in Malachi 3. I’m not here. I’m not here to cater to anyone’s feelings. I’m not here to. To people, please. Even though I’m guilty of that personally. This. This show is for those that actually want to hear the truth.

My opinion, whether it’s worth 2 cents or not. And. And obviously, everything on this podcast is for information education purposes only. I’m not giving financial advice, even though I am a licensed financial advisor. This is just information and education purposes only. Once again, I’m sorry that I’m in my car, usually in my studio, but I wanted to just do 20, 30 minutes of. Just talk about, like, what is going on. We get a lot of calls, a lot of calls this week about, hey, this rug, pull the CBDCs. And honestly, I just want to clear the air.

I want to clear the air a little bit. My opinion. So people don’t realize what a CBDC is. I thought this. I thought this article did a great job explaining this video. Mike, you can play the video explaining what a CBDC is. So let’s start there. What are CBDCs and why don’t we need them? Easy, because we have Bitcoin. Let’s mine deep. CBDC stands for central bank digital currency. In a world moving toward digital innovation, the concept of central bank digital currencies has emerged. But they’re not the ideal solution. In fact, the existence of bitcoin, a revolutionary, decentralized digital currency, cast a compelling shadow on the feasibility of CBDCs.

In simple terms, CBDCs are digital representations of a country’s official currency, managed and regulated by a central bank. The idea is to provide a digital alternative to traditional cash, allowing faster transactions and increased financial accessibility, taking away your freedom while presenting convenience. However, the critical question arises, do we truly need CBDCS when Bitcoin already exists? Bitcoin operates via a secure peer to peer network recorded on the blockchain. It’s transparent, immutable, and not controlled or issued by any central authority. As a result, Bitcoin has unlocked a new era of financial independence where individuals can store and transfer value without relying on banks or governments.

In contrast, CBDCs are centralized systems where governments directly issue currency to citizens, all at the whim of their central bank. This means they cannot provide the same level of autonomy and censorship resistance that Bitcoin offers. Moreover, the implementation of CBDCs could potentially lead to concerns about surveillance, data privacy and and increased government control over individual finances. So, as you see with this video, I thought it was very eloquently put. CBDC is the central banking digital basically circuit or system is an avenue to control you. Is an avenue to control you. It doesn’t matter if Trump is in.

It doesn’t matter if Biden is in. The government in all its form wants to control you. I repeat, the government in all its form wants to control you. This is why the second Amendment is our most powerful resource right now. Regardless if Trump is in, and I’ve said this, and I’m not anti Trump, I’m not like Trump hating, Jewish hating. That’s not me. I don’t hate anybody. And you know what? I don’t. I can give a flip if all the Jewish people in the world are evil. It doesn’t matter to me because evil has no race.

Evil has no race. That’s why God in his word said, we suffer not from flesh and blood, but rulers of darkness. There’s no, there’s no, like North Korean, there’s no Asian, there’s no Spanish, there’s no Jew. There’s no, there’s no racial ethnicity tied to that. It’s straight evil. Evil is black and white. It is not the yin and yang. Yin and yang is a cultic symbolism that these kids still grasp on. God is perfect. Satan is perfect at what he does. He is pure evil. There is no good in him and there’s no evil in God.

There’s no yin and Yang balance crap that New Waves garbage. So what I’m going to say may trigger some of you guys once again. I’m not here to, to cater to your feelings. I’m here to speak the truth. I am here to be the light. You know, the other day I was in my car, I was listening to worship music, and I just felt the need to cry out to God. I don’t care. I’m in my parking lot, all these hockey people seeing me. I can give a flip. I really could give a flip. And I told Jesus I literally had the Holy Spirit in my heart.

I said, jesus, there’s sin in my life that I’m trying to get rid of. There’s thoughts in my life that I’m trying to get rid of. Kill those thoughts. As a matter of fact, Lord, I will die on your feet knowing that my soul belongs to you, my heart belongs to you, Jesus. Anything that goes against that, take it out of my life. I don’t care how violent it is, because my. I’m dead. I’m dead to the cross because you gave me eternal life. This is how powerful this is. When we worship in church, do we really mean these words? Or is it Christian karaoke? Like, where’s the men? Where’s the freaking men? We are nothing but a bunch of weak men.

And it shows up financially, it shows up in government, it shows up on tv. Like, even Lamborghini has figured this out. They do not advertise on TV because their customer base doesn’t watch tv. Like, people that seek comfort, the people that want to do the easy things in life. The. The. The people that want to escape, that do not have self discipline. And I’m not perfect. I’m not saying I’m the most disciplined guy in the world. I still got fat on me. I still have sin in my life. I still struggle with things. But my spirit basically was hitting me hard yesterday.

And it said. I cried out to God. I said, God, I know there’s something you have greater than me that you want me to do, and I’m not ready for it. Because there’s sin in my life. My heart is not ready. Take it out so I can honor you more with my finances, with my marriage, with my family, with my fitness, with my work, with my clients, with everything. Let me be an open book for you, because I’m here to serve you, Lord. So take the pain away. And. And you know what I heard? You know what I heard? I heard the scripture in Deuteronomy.

I. I basically heard that he said, carlos, like, what could you do in your life if you knew you could ever fail? You can never fail. What could you do? So my question to you today is, what could you do today, right now, if you knew you could never fail. Like, how big is that? If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would your life look like right now? Maybe in two years, maybe in one year, maybe in five years. I don’t know. Maybe you’re struggling at work, maybe you’re struggling in your marriage, or maybe you’re struggling with your finances.

What if you’re struggling in all four pillars of your life? Your fate, your fitness, your family, and your finance? Basically. Basically want to say that it doesn’t matter what I can tell you. If you don’t have your relationship right with the Lord, your finances will never be right. If you don’t have your heart in the book of life, no stock tip, no retirement plan could ever, ever be fulfilling. We need to stop looking for that 20 that’s missing in our lives and focus on what God has given us right now and make that 20 better with the 80% we already have.

That’s been my fault. I’ve been trying to perfect my life my way, when God has already given me the things that I need. We’ve gotten so weak because of Trump. Putting our faith in. In Trump. Yeah. He’s a conservative, or we think he is. We’ve gotten. We’ve gotten, like, very complacent. And, and will the stock market crash? Absolute freaking lutely. Will the banks fail? Yes. I even think inflation is here to stay. There’s no way you can have it controlled. And if it is controlled, we will see a deflationary risk that no one wants to even talk about.

Deflation basically means guys like, if I own a. If I own a bakery and I buy yeast for a thousand dollars a month to run my bakery, and I know it’s going to go to $500, I may wait a whole month or buy or, or just buy, you know, half a half of what I normally buy and buy more at 200. When it’s gonna be 200, if I know it’s going to be lower because I got smacked up when it was 1200 and now the following week was 800 and the following week it was 600, and I know it’s going to go down to 200.

As a business owner, I’m going to wait to buy the yeast and make the bread. Well, this is the deflation risk. So what happens is my cash flow gets tied up. I cannot pay. I cannot make payroll. I cannot make payroll. 90% of businesses hire people in America. Right? So, or, or I would say it this way. 90% of Americans work for a small business. If we, as Business owners cannot employ our staff. They cannot go to Walmart, they cannot go to Target, they cannot go and spend money. This creates a massive, massive problem in our economy where we see lockdown, bank failures like you would never seen before.

This is a huge problem, deflation. So as we are cooling off, we have to be very conscious of deflation. And this is why Jerome Powell is in a pissing match with, with President Trump. And Trump’s like, oh, we’re going to lower interest rates. Well, if we lower interest rates, that’s going to be a problem. It’s going to be a huge problem and it will happen. But now we got to be careful with the cash flows of the businesses. So do not be surprised if you see stimuluses for business owners. Like we had the PPP with the liquidity crisis of lockdown.

I, I’m assuming something like that is going to happen when it comes to deflation. And who knows, we may see it, we may not. But it is a risk. Just like there’s a political risk, just, just like there’s a social media risk and an interest rate risk. There is a lot of risk than just a stock market risk. There’s a lot of risk than just, oh, the dollar’s crashing. Meanwhile, the dollar has been going up. Check out this chart. I’m here mobile, and I can pull this up on my phone. The US Dollar is actually going up.

And so what’s interesting is that as the volatility index goes down, and right now it’s at 14, we have the volatility index going down. So that means the stock market is going up. And if you listen to me, what was it three weeks ago? I said, hey, I’m going in the stock market, S&P 500. I’m gonna throw a few bucks in, guys. I threw like $2,300 on XP Excel. I’ve been talking about it for weeks now. And that two grand turned into six grand. I just bought a close to expiration option on the S&P 500. Made like 4,000 bucks.

Only put money that you can afford to lose in options in these leverage ETFs. I’ve told you that 10 times over. So do not call my office and say, oh, well, Carl’s work or I didn’t recommend crap. You need to take responsibility and listen to my disclosures. I said, this is for information and education purposes only. I am not taking responsibility. I’m only being generous enough to tell you what I think, period. I’m not here, I’m not here to make Money off of you. I’m just here to provide content. If it. That is your own responsibility.

If you take what I say as investment advice and you lose money, I’m. All I’m going to do is play this podcast and tell you and show you I did not recommend it. You bought this on your own accord. However, I do stuff that I think it’s going to work and I publicly talk about it. From an education. Information purposes only. If you want financial advice, you can give me a call. 813-448-3446. Nancy Pelosi is not the only one that can make money in the stock market. Do you understand why she has access to all these crazy trades, like 500 or 50 mil.

I don’t know how much. It was like a million on. On Google Nvidia and bam. It hits. She knows something. And if you look at the ptr, the periodic transaction report, she just reported this. This is public information. If you don’t report it, these guys get a slap on a freaking wrist for $250. I did a podcast on this like last year and there were so many politicians, so many politicians that do not fill PCR reports. It’s in crate. It’s crazy talk. So we need to look into that. You know, and my passion is this. My passion is making money off the manipulations of the market.

My goal is actually to have a fund one day, a hedge fund. And for the people, by the people, all American, no LGBTBs, no China crap, just full American hedge fund for gangster patriots that love the cross. Like that’s what I want to do and that’s what I’m studying do. I don’t care if it takes me 10 years. I’m on God’s time. I’m not on your time. I’m not on my time on God’s time. So whenever he gives me the cards to do it. And maybe I’m not ready for it because I’m a sinner. Maybe I’m not ready because I’m just not ready.

Maybe I’m too arrogant. Maybe I’m. Maybe I’m just not ready. Maybe I have to love the cross harder and embrace it harder and go through the fire. But there’s bigger things that are happening personally for me that I want to share to the world. I will be canceled. I’ll be ridiculed. You know, one thing is Stuff now wants me to do a we. We started a show with Stu Peters Financial. I’ve been talking about four years about it. I said, dude, you gotta we Gotta just do a show, just you and I. Now, one thing I want to make sure is I got a lot of calls.

I get a lot of calls. Hey, what’s your view on Israel? I am not Stu. He may have his own opinion about the Jewish agenda. I told Stu, I don’t care what the Jewish agenda does, care what God’s word says. And he says we’re supposed to love our neighbor. Now, I know there’s no money to be made when we say scripture, but I don’t care about the money, man. Like, I make my own money. I pay for my own show. I pay for everything. One thing, one thing I will not do is my integrity is never for sale.

And if God’s word says love your neighbor as yourself, by gosh darn it, that is one of the hardest verses other than love your wife. Like Christ loved the church. Well, how are we supposed to love our wives? Like Christ loved the church. You know why? Because he loves us unconditionally. He loves us even when we’re in sin. He loves us when we make mistakes. He is always there for us. And if we can’t focus and build our lives around that, then what are we doing? You know, there’s a triangle thing that I wanted to quickly mention that I run my life through this triangle.

So in this triangle, there’s a diagram. And Skyler Lewis taught me. I’ve had him on my show before. One of my mentors, he said, there’s a triangle. There’s a triangle on the bottom left. There’s your life experiences on the right hand side. On the bottom right there is your knowledge, knowledge and life experiences. On a top is your mission. In the middle is the cross. The moment we bypass across and we don’t go straight up to the tip to our mission through that cross, we will not have a fulfillment of life. I will repeat that. On the bottom, we have our experiences.

On the other bottom, we have our wisdom, our knowledge, our skills. I would say skills. On the very top is our mission. What is our mission? So my mission for me is I started America first time and plan. I started Cortez Wealth Management. My mission to me is to bring God into Wall street, as crazy as that is. And I don’t even know what that looks like. And I don’t even care because I’m here to die on the cross. I’m here to be a servant for God in everything I do. And I. And look, I’m not perfect, man.

Like, I get judged. I even get judged on my show. I Get judged by people the way I look because I like nice things and I wore a Rolex and I drive a expensive car. Like, I get judged. It’s all good. God knows my heart, man. I’m not here to cater to your heart. So it is what it is. But we have to focus on our mission, and that mission has to go through the cross. I don’t think hating Jews is a part of that mission. I don’t think hating vaccinated people is a part of that mission.

If you have hate in your heart, you cannot inherit God’s love. You can’t. And I know this is a financial show and you guys want me to talk about money and all this stuff. And look, I get sick and tired of money, man, because I talk about it every day. Like, I literally manage money for a living. And I will say this, that we just need more God in our lives. And I don’t know Trump as the answer. I voted for him and I will root for him. But it is scary to see people just fall on their knees for this guy when they won’t even go to their local Sunday church.

They won’t even lift their hands on Sunday. They won’t even help their brother. They won’t even show up as a man in their marriage. They won’t. They won’t even try to love their wives like Christ loved the church. They won’t even try to love their neighbor. But yet they pick the victim card mindset and say, hey, the Jews have done this, this, I’ve done that, Ukraine this, Ukraine that, so freaking what, man? I give a flip what America does. It is God first, not America first. It is God first, then America. America has blessed us. Remember what I said.

The tip is the mission. God is the mission. Not America, not Israel, not any other freaking country. America’s in the middle. Our experiences and our skills are is what it is. But yes, we need to promote America. I get it. But through America, we have to go through the cross. And the moment we start putting America first and God out is when we have our own demise. This is why it says in chronicles, if my people would stop and humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, he will heal our land. And I go back to my prayer I had in the parking lot in the same car just yesterday.

God, take the sin out of my life. I will die for you. You have died for me. You have my heart. You have my soul. You could kill me right now, but my soul will be forever for you. You can never kill my soul because it Belongs to you. You own it. Till we start proclaiming that and believe in that. That’s when we start growing financially, spiritually, physically. That’s when we start becoming a man. That’s when we can love our wives like Christ, love the church. Because it takes that passion, it takes that commitment, that covenant, that sacrament that us men are lacking.

You know, you see these men, they’re built, they’re ripped. They make money, but they have no spiritual life. Or they’re fat and they’re making a lot of money and they’re fat as hell and they can’t even run a freaking mile. You think that’s godly to be, like, lazy and, like, worry about money? No, man. It’s disgusting. And I’m not here to judge. I’m just calling it what it is. This shows up in your life financially. This shows up in many ways. So Trump says, hey, guess what? We’re going to cancel all CBDCs. Man, that’s dangerous, bro.

That is so dangerous. Sounds great. Yay. Yay. Cancel all CBDs. Yeah. DeSantis in Florida canceled CBDCs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then they backdoor and said, we’re going to create our own governmental entity. We’re going to create a executive order that allows for the government to have a designed Fed now program. What? What are you talking about? We’re going to cancel CBDCs, and then we’re going to create our own government one because Trump said it. Guys, don’t be this freaking stupid. Don’t be that sheep. I voted for Trump, but I don’t agree with the government creating the own cbdc, that’s stupid.

They already have done it. News flash. It’s called the Fed now program. It’s called your FDIC bank. It is called your brokerage account. It’s all tied to the cbc. They can track, trace, and control you on a moment’s notice. So to say that we’re going to create our own cb. They already freaking have, dog. They already done it. But my question is to you, what have you done now to protect yourselves from the cbdc? To protect yourselves from the government? You see, my people don’t fear because we already proactively figured it out. We already planned. They want to CBDC us, then go ahead.

The money. I know the money in the bank account’s already CBDC’d. So let’s not keep all of our money in the bank account. Let’s have some precious metals off site. Not in a. Not in the custodial hell fund in Texas and Delaware. Now the government knows where your gold and God forbid you have a gold ira. That’s like one of the, the craziest things you could do. But you need to understand that there’s rug pulls out there. And I don’t think Trump did the rug pull himself because he doesn’t even know what a meme coin is.

But they’ve used, they put his name on this coin. Yes. He hasn’t made gazillions of dollars. So let’s clear the air on that. Actually, CNN had a, had a good article on this, believe it or not. I actually read CNN a lot just so I can see what they’re saying and how I can counter it and actually agreed with this article because they’re so anti Trump. And you’re going to start to see a shift. You’re going to start to see a shift in. And the liberal media is going to start going right, the right media is going to start going moderate and you’re going to see that shift because good is evil and evil is good.

This is how Satan works. And he’ll confuse us, manipulate us and oh, go guess what, by the quantum financial system, blah, blah, blah. And they’ll tell you all these psyops, they’ll tell you all these things. Meanwhile, people are making money hand over fist because you believe a psyop. And yes, QFS is a psyop. Prove me wrong. Where has his financial reset? Where is Q and his ten days of darkness? Ask anybody that believes the dollar is going to crash and show them the chart. News flash, here is the chart for yourself. Here’s the freaking chart. Show it, Mike.

The US Dollar right here, it has gone up substantially. It is now starting to come down a little bit. And this is what we call volatility. The ball, the volatility of the dollar is always going to be there. That does not mean America is going to go to hand the hell in a hand basket. Get your head out of your political beliefs and start thinking like Wall Street. Start thinking rational. Smart people can take two opposing thoughts and ideas and beliefs and come up and formulate their own opinion. You see, my patriotic, conservative listeners, I’m with you till the end.

I love the cross just as much as you do. I will die for the cross. But we have to think smart here. We have to know that we’re vulnerable to the markets. We’re vulnerable because we have a belief system that makes us vulnerable. And you have to, you have to go in the market knowing that, hey, this is a game of ups and downs. This is a game that will manipulate you politically and they will use that manipulation, your fear, your anxiety, your uncertainty and your moral compass against you. And they’ve been doing this for years.

They even have banks that do this for you on it. Like they, they know that U.S. patriots are buying gold and they’ll suppress it. They’ll manipulate it the same ways you’re trying to avoid the bank failures. The same guys are screwing around with commodities. So here at my firm, what we do is we know those manipulations. We want to make money off of it. But more importantly, it’s more safe, it is more advantageous to have a carved out bucket of money in a green money account that never loses money, that makes money off manipulations that is outside of the stock market, you’re backed by insurance contract law, you’re back by no market volatility and you have insurance on your money with reserves.

Not some FDIC garbage where 0.74 but actual dollar for dollar reserves. It’s powerful man, powerful. You can afford to, to take risk. You can afford to have a nice retirement. Like honestly, I don’t need to work a day in my life. I can just serve tacos out of a, a food truck and skate at night. And I know in 15 more years I can retire. I can go work at Taco Bell. I freaking love Taco Bell. Those nasty burrito dude, I love that great f meat. I could go work at Taco Bell and low key. I actually.

One thing you don’t know about me is I actually like working on tires. And, and I wanted to, I wanted to get a part time job changing tires. And then my business mindset was like, well, what if I own a tire shop just so I can work whenever I want to work, get my hands dirty and fool everybody. Like I’m just a tire mechanic. No, I actually own a deck on joint and I do it because I can do it. And I like the feeling of having new tires on a car. I like the feeling that it gives to somebody the confidence they can go places.

I enjoy helping people feel good because I like to be treated the same way. Like it says in Matthew. And tires does it for me. I think tires are beautiful. I don’t know. I have this weird fetish with tires and every car I buy I always trick out the tires and I put new tires. I even look at my wife’s truck and I’m like, you know what? Those tires don’t look fresh no more. Let’s go buy some new ones. And I love the cement. I Just love how they put it on I and the AI has controlled the new tire machines.

And I, I, I was a high, in high school, I was a tire mechanic. I just fell in love with it. I loved people’s reaction. I fell in love with people’s reaction when they got new tires. And they’re very emotional stories. Like some people didn’t have money for tires and, and to help somebody that had a little extra money to donate to a single mom to put new tires was life changing for them. Just amazing. Something as simple as tires not. And so what I recommend, guys, is retirement is about finding what you love to do.

It’s not about the money, it’s not about a big number. So get that out of your head. It is mainly psychological and spiritual. You cannot retire if your heart is not right with the Lord the way you want to retire. So this is why I have scriptures in Wall Street. This is why I’m passionate about what I do. Because it is a personal development choice to learn the responsibility of retirement, to learn the responsibility of your money, to really, really be a priesthood in your home, to provide for your family, to live in your masculinity or your femininity if you’re a woman.

And that’s what I really wanted to say today, guys. Like, I love you. I’m not here to hate. And I ask forgiveness. I asked forgiveness on, I publicly asked for forgiveness. If you thought I hated vaccinated people, you thought I hated gay people. If you thought, I don’t care about illegal immigrants, should they go back to their home? Absolutely. But they’re people too, and they broke the law. And I believe in consequences. But I do have a heart. And my heart belongs to Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I don’t say that because it’s a cool thing or a popular thing.

But as I love the cross more, I can love my wife more, I can love my kids more, I can love my clients more, I can love my own self more. Because one of the things, if I’m being vulnerable with you is I suffer. I, I suffered from self worth. Like I go home to a messy home and there’s no structure. Like, I’ve worked my whole life to provide for my family. Even before I even started a family, I made choices at a young age. You know, I could set myself up. I grew up poor. Even though my father was great, I didn’t get the fulfillment that I wanted as a child.

And now my problem, my ish, is, am I not good enough? Am I not good enough? And that’s a lie from the bottom of Satan. Because at the end of the day, I am a vulnerable. I am authentic. I am a redeemable man and I would die. You can kill me right now if it’s for our Lord and Jesus Christ. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. And if you don’t have that same passion for your marriage, then what are you doing? If you don’t have that same passion for your family, then what are you doing? And I’ve personally been convicted of that.

And I ask God publicly to forgive me because I am a sinner. I am a sinner. I do want to pray. I’m in this podcast with, with this as I just want to pray, want to invite you into my own Dear Heavenly Father, we come into your grace right now. Lord, I don’t know what this end user is listening to or what is going through or the distractions in their lives, but Holy Spirit, I just pray, Lord, that you convict me with your force, your almighty force. You radiate your power and releasing sin in my life, sin in their lives.

And, Lord, that they can change their circumstances where they honor you, Lord, that they can be born again in your faith. That, Lord, more importantly, that they can have their name written in the book of life. Lord, this podcast is not about money. It’s about you. And I don’t care. I. I do not care about my image when I speak your name. I do not care about what other people think of me when I’m pursuing you. I do not care about what the government thinks of you, Lord. I do not trust any politician. I do not trust anyone other than your blood and your holy Spirit.

Lord, I pray, Lord, that this conviction is not just on me, but all of our listeners, Lord, that they can change to be better men for the cross. They can be better women for the cross, Lord, that families can be restored, marriages can be restored. That we can continue to bring you in our hearts. That we can avoid the Jezebels, that we can avoid the distractions, that we can avoid all the things that Satan puts us in. Even Jesus himself was tempted not once, but three times. You gave him the strength. You gave him the strength to not dabble in, Lord, I pray for that same strength for us, for that same strength for our listeners, Lord, that we can learn to love our neighbors as ourselves.

That we can learn to love our wives like Christ loved the church. Don’t know why that message is for somebody. I know it’s for me as well. And in Jesus name we thank you, Lord, for this podcast. We thank you, Lord, that you meet all our financial needs. Because in Malachi 3, you say, try me in this. Who are we to even try you, Lord? We thank you, Holy Spirit, for protecting us. We thank you for your grace. And, Lord, that we can show more love and less hate. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. If you are wanting to secure your retirement, if you want me to look at your portfolio, give us a call.

813-448-3446. I’m willing, I’m able. I want to put you first, and I want to make sure that your needs are met. And obviously, I’m not a good fit for everybody. If you don’t believe in God, if you don’t like America, then I’m not your guy. I am not your guy. If you want to make a million dollars in a year, I’m not your guy, nor do I want to be. I can’t work with everybody. And so I have a junior advisor, Josh. He’s amazing. He’s able to do most of our meetings. But I’m here overall to be a source for you.

My firm, CWM America, first time at Plan. We want to keep God first. America is important, but God is first over America. Ah, man, that felt good to just release all that. Anyways, everything on this podcast is not investment advice. It is education and information purposes only. Give us a call. We want to help you. 813-448-3446. Visit us at or you can download a free guide at God bless. I’m out of here. I need to go spend time with my kids. Thanks for bearing with me in the car on the road, and I’ll talk with.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.



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