Roger Stone – Michelle Obama Replaces Biden Precedents Set Barack Obama Fair Game | X22 Report

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➡ The X22 Report talks about being ready for tough times. It suggests buying a one-year emergency food kit to help you get through hard times. It also discusses a show called the X 22 Report, where they talk about politics. The guest, Roger Stone, shares his thoughts about President Biden and predicts that Michelle Obama might run for president in the future.
➡ The article talks about predictions for the upcoming presidential election. It suggests that Michelle Obama might run for president, and that current President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will stay in their roles. The article also discusses the possibility of Biden pardoning himself and his family before leaving office. Lastly, it mentions various legal issues involving former President Donald Trump and questions about the fairness of his trials.
➡ Donald Trump’s lawyers are arguing that he had immunity for actions he took as president. This argument was rejected by the DC Court of Appeals and will now be heard by the Supreme Court. There’s also a question about whether Trump can be on the ballot for president, as some argue he’s guilty of insurrection. However, he hasn’t been charged with this, and the law doesn’t clearly prevent him from running.
➡ The text talks about concerns over possible cheating in future elections, especially after the controversial 2020 election. It mentions fears of attempts to manipulate the vote, including using illegal immigrants as voters. The text also discusses the role of social media and mainstream media in shaping public opinion and possibly influencing election outcomes. Lastly, it highlights the need for better election laws to prevent potential fraud.
➡ The article talks about concerns over mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, claiming they’re against the state’s constitution. It also discusses fears that if Donald Trump is re-elected, there might be plans to limit his military authority. The article suggests that there could be protests similar to the BLM and Antifa riots, and that there might be attempts to use immigrants in these protests. Lastly, it discusses who might be Trump’s vice president if he runs again, but no decision has been made yet.
➡ Roger suggests that the best places to find his work are on his website,, and his show on Rumble. On his website, you can also find his radio show that airs every Sunday. He assures that signing up is free and they don’t share your data. All the links will be provided below the video for easy access.


Let’s talk about being prepared. When the economy collapses, you will collapse with it. You’ll feel it coming. All the signs are there. With it comes financial disaster, tight budgets and sacrifice. Plan for the worst with the best. My patriots apply. My patriot supply has helped millions prepare. They’ll help you too. Hard times take years to recover from. Make the first year easier with this one year emergency food kit.

Get it now. With $700 in savings at preparewithx. 22. Com. Sealed inside ultra durable packages, these delicious meals last up to 25 years in storage and provide over 2000 calories every day. That’s over 2000 calories every day for a year at a special price of under $2,000. This rare emergency food kit deal ends this week. You won’t see it again. Protect yourself. Protect your people. Start preparing with preparewithx.

22. Com, free shipping included. That is preparewithx 22 dot or click the link in the description. Hi, and welcome to the X 22 Report spotlight. Today we have a returning guest, Roger Stone. You can catch Roger’s work on stone zone. That is on rumblerumble. com, forward slash Rogerstone. That’s Monday through Friday at 05:00 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. Or you can catch Roger’s show on wabcradio. That is wabcradio.

com. He is on Sundays at 04:00 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. And I am very happy and honored to have Roger back on the X 22 report. Spotlight, Roger, welcome back to the spotlight. I’m really delighted to be here. I mean, I love the X 22 report because, well, you cover things that nobody else covers and you always bring the truth. So it’s a great privilege for me to be here.

Well, thank you very much. And actually, the privilege is mine. And I wanted to start off with who do you think is going to be the Democrat presidential candidate right now? Yes. Biden is continually saying that he’s going to be running. There’s a lot of rumors out there that, saying that, no, he’s not going to make it. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think Biden’s going to make it? Do you think he’ll be presidential candidate and do you think he’s going to go into a second term here? I do not.

And I have actually been on the record on this for close to two years. I think a number of things are abundantly clear. The Democrats themselves have recognized how incapacitated he is as a candidate. This has several aspects. First and foremost is his clear mental and cognitive decline. The man doesn’t look well. He seems easily confused. Sometimes he’s incomprehensible. He actually talks gibberish. You can never tell what you’re going to get.

That’s because I suspect that they are using drugs to keep him more alert. But as the drugs wear off, that causes problems. He’s constantly falling down. He didn’t seem to know how to get off of the stage. Increasingly his wife is leading him by the elbow. His staff is gritting their teeth every time he opens his mouth because they don’t know what he might blurt out. Just yesterday he remembered meeting Francois Miedarond at the G seven meeting right after he was elected.

And unfortunately meteran died in 1996. Andy described him as the prime minister of Germany and of course, meteran was the prime minister of France. So it’s the perfect example of him not knowing where he is now. You have the impact of his policies, which are disastrous. These recent job figures that they posted are completely manipulated. They’re fake. We didn’t add 353,000 new jobs. The brilliant housing expert and economic guru, guru Barry Habib correctly points out that they used quote unquote, seasonal adjustments to jigger that number.

In fact, America lost about 2 million jobs in this period. So they’re manipulating the data to try to persuade us that bidenomics is successful. It’s not. The most troubling economic indicator is the rate of inflation. The rate of inflation is crushing the average working family. The buying power of the dollar has receded dramatically. Then, of course, you have the results of his open border policies which have brought us a crime epidemic, a fentanyl epidemic, and caused giant fiscal problems for cities, states and counties who are scrambling to pay for millions of dollars in social services for illegal migrants to the detriment of american citizens who have their own problems.

So you have the mayors of Chicago, Boston and New York, all leftists, who said they were proud to be sanctuary cities when they were running for mayor, now saying this is not sustainable, running out of money. Just the other day, a group of migrants beat the daylights out of two New York City police officers in broad daylight in Times Square. And a liberal judge immediately released them without bail.

They, of course, left the state quickly, not heading to Florida where they know they would be apprehended, but headed presumably to California. So now you add to that the extraordinary evidence of criminal activity by Hunter Biden and Joe Biden for the White House to continue to say, and the Justice Department can say, well, that Hunter has nothing to do with Joe. The House Oversight Committee has proven multimillion dollar transfers from Ukraine and China and Romania and Russia to Joe.

Joe was getting 10% for the big guy as it was. So the epic corruption of the Biden crime, filming, all of these things add up to a situation which even the Democrats know Joe Biden cannot win. A most recent NBC poll, not exactly a conservative media outlet. For the first time in the 16 times they have matched Trump and Biden together, Trump has now increased his lead by five points since last month, leading Biden 47 to 42.

I use that just as an example, because when examining polling, you have to look at a substantial number of large polls with solid methodology and a large enough sample. And they all show at this point that both nationally and in the swing states, Trump is leading Biden. And he’s now, in some cases, leading him by a margin that is greater than the margin of error in the scientifically pulled selection of the poll.

Sample of the poll. So I have thought for some time that not only is Joe Biden’s decline a problem for them, but the public standing of Vice President Kamala Harris is as big a problem. She doesn’t have senile dementia, but she makes even less sense than Joe Biden. She’s turned out to be an embarrassment. And they know that if she leads the party into the next election, they’re also likely to lose.

That’s why I would predict to you that having cleared the way for Biden’s nomination, basically jiggering the rules of the democratic national selection process to make sure that Robert Kennedy could never actually pose a serious challenge to Biden, causing him to bolt the democratic process, they will allow Biden to roll through the primaries and the caucuses to get to the magic number under which he can be nominated.

And then I predict to you that shortly before the convention, he will announce that for reasons of health, he cannot accept the nomination, that he’s honored, that he is one renomination, but he just doesn’t feel up to the rigors of a campaign that Trump must be defeated, and therefore, he will release his delegates and throw it open to the Democratic National Convention. Now, the convention rules for the democratic party are very different than the republican party.

They have a class of delegates that are called super delegates. They’re people who automatically become delegates if you hold a federal office or state office or party office. These are the party insiders, and they are controlled by one man, as is this administration. That would be Barack Hussein Obama. And therefore, my prediction remains the same. The convention will then demand the draft of Michelle Obama. Now, people say to me constantly, but Michelle Obama, who, by the way, got a Grammy for her recent biography yesterday, presumably in the fiction section, although I don’t know, she has continued to say she’s not interested.

She would never run. To the people who say that to me, I said, well, there’s your proof that she’s definitely running. This is politics. Of course that’s what she’s saying today. So I predict that she will relent. She’ll say, no, I don’t want to run. No, I’m not interested. No, I can’t possibly do that. Okay, I’ll do it. And it would be a mistake to assume that she would be an inherently weak candidate.

In fact, she’d be a very formidable candidate. She has no political track record to attack. She’ll disassociate herself from these Biden policies. Oh, that’s what Biden was doing. I’m not Biden. Now the question becomes, what do we do with Kamala? We can’t have two women of color on the ticket. We can only bypass Kamala Harris, who would be normally considered to be next in line. It would be her turn if the sitting president declined to run.

So what then happens, in my view, is Barack and Michelle promise Kamala Harris if she decides not to seek reelection, that she will get the first open appointment to the US Supreme Court. And if Michelle Obama were to become president and they were to continue to control the Senate, which they control today, she most definitely could be confirmed. Now, I know that won’t make people happy, but she is a former attorney general of California.

She’s a former local county prosecutor in Oakland, where she locked up people for doing what she said she loved to do, smoke marijuana. Very strange. In any event, I stick by my prediction that Michelle Obama will be the democratic nominee for president and that she’ll be tough to beat. So with Michelle coming in, do you think she’s going to be coming in, like, around August or closer to the presidential election? I think their convention, I have to go back and look, but I think their convention is either in late July or August.

I still think they need to let Joe roll up the delegates. Now, the Democrats had their South Carolina primary, I believe it was yesterday, may have been Sunday. I’d have to go back and look. But turnout, he won 97% of the vote. That’s the good news. The bad news is that turnout was anemic. Nobody showed up. To me that shows a definite lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy could also mean, to a certain extent, that hardcore leftists because remember, in South Carolina, regardless of your party, you can vote in either party primary.

So it doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican, an independent, what we call a non affiliate, or a Democrat. You can vote in either the republican or democratic primary, which are not held on the same day. You can’t vote in both. So if you voted in the democratic party primary for Joe Biden, you would not be eligible to vote in the upcoming republican primary, which is, of course, a face off between former President Donald Trump and former UN ambassador and globalist Nikki Haley.

So a certain number of Democrats may be holding back so they can vote for Haley. But overall, it was a very bad sign that Biden’s showing was so anemic in terms of total votes. So just to be clear, Biden and Kamala, they will still be in the administration running everything. And Michelle Obama, she’ll be running for the president in 2024? I believe that that’s correct. In other words, I don’t think Joe Biden is going to resign as president, nor is Kamala Harris going to resign as vice president.

Joe Biden needs to keep his legal authority to pardon himself and his brother and his son and other members of the Biden crime family before he leaves. Now, I would point out to you that you do not have to be charged with a crime in order to receive a presidential pardon. That’s a widely believed misnomer. The case in point, Richard Nixon had not been charged with any crime when Gerald Ford gave him a full, complete, and unconditional presidential pardon.

So Joe is not going to want to take any risks about what might happen to him or his brother, his son, or his other grifting relatives. He will pardon himself on the way out the door as well as the others. Now, it’s interesting that the left always said, well, Trump’s going to pardon himself before he leaves, and it’s unconstitutional. But when Biden pardons himself, which I predict he will do now, the left will say, well, that’s perfectly fine.

He has the authority to do so. With everything that they’re doing with Trump, they set a lot of precedents where they’re attacking a presidential candidate. I mean, indictment after indictment after indictment. And if Michelle comes into the picture that actually brings Barack into the picture, do you think information is going to be coming out against Barack Obama? I know Michelle. She wasn’t the president. She was the first lady or first man, however you want to think about it.

But she’s clean. But what about Barack Obama? Does that open him up to certain things where they can bring that out in the presidential race. There’s no question about that. Now, I think it’s important to note, first of all, that this tsunami of lawfare against Donald Trump, this is counterintuitive, but all it has done is to turbocharge his campaign and actually make him stronger. It has reinvigorated his fundraising, which, frankly, comes from small and medium sized donors giving multiple times.

Trump is not, will never be the toast of Wall street, will never be the toast of the financial elite in this country. Sure, there’s a few wildcatter billionaires who are self made, who are supporting him, but they’re few and far between. But also it has turbocharged standing in the polls, I think particularly this civil case in New York, the so called E. Jean Carroll rape case, where she claimed that Trump had raped her in the dressing room in a very posh department store, Bergdorf Goodman.

She couldn’t remember the year this happened or the date this happened, but she’s certain it happened. She’s also certain she was wearing this particular dress, but the dress that she indicated actually wasn’t actually manufactured within the time frame that her lawyers tried to make the case that this sexual assault took place. She provides no other witnesses, no evidence, no physical evidence. They actually changed the state law to allow her to file this case because the statute of limitations had long run out on this alleged crime.

So George Conway, the leftist lawyer, met Eugene Carroll at an Upper west side cocktail party, persuaded her that he could find her. The financing for a lawsuit brought in Reed Hoffman, one of the founders of LinkedIn, a frequent visitor to Epstein’s Island, a major donor to left wing causes. Other than Nikki Haley, who he’s also given millions to, that tells you a lot. To finance the lawsuit. Then they went to friendly progressive state legislators in New York to actually change the state law to add a year’s statue of limitations to this crime, this alleged crime of sexual assault.

Now, oddly enough, the passage of that law brought loose lawsuits against former Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo and a lawsuit against progressive New York City mayor Eric Adams. So the law of unintended consequences. But those lawsuits, which are civil, in which Trump has now been basically ordered to pay $83 million. The first lawsuit, the first trial, held that he did not rape Eugene Carroll, but he did sexually assault her.

In the second trial, when she refiled him for defamation, she claimed that when he said, no, I never raped that woman, I never met her, she’s a wacko, she said. She claimed in her second lawsuit that she had been defamed that lawsuit, got to trial incredibly quickly. It’s very weird. And of course, he was found guilty again in that trial. Of course, he was not allowed to offer any defense.

He could not, for example, show the incredible interview from CNN where E. Jean Carroll told Anderson Cooper that she thought, and many people think the idea of rape is sexy. It’s a fantasy. I’ve never seen Anderson Cooper move to a break so fast in my life. So, as you know, the Trump trials and the timeline of a federal effort that’s very coordinated with these George SOS funded local prosecutors to make sure that Trump stands trial somewhere, anywhere, on as many charges as possible prior to the election, in order to drain the money from his campaign for legal fees and drain his time from the campaign trail.

In a criminal trial, you have to be present. You don’t have the option of not attending. So if there is a trial, Trump will have to be there. But unlike the civil trial in New York, he will not be allowed to go out in the hallway and comment on what’s going on because he’s gagged. He’s gagged on matters pertaining to the charges against him. Their timeframe has gotten off track.

It’s amazing to me that John Durham, who was charged as a special counsel with getting to the bottom of the russian collusion hoax, took five years to find out what we already knew. There was no russian intelligence collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign. Period, full stop. He debunks the so called Steele dossier. But Durham never actually addresses the totally fake story of a online hack of the Democratic National Committee by russian intelligence, which the intelligence agencies continue to say, without offering an iota of proof, happened.

It never happened. The government has no proof. In fact, we have proof, which I was not allowed to introduce at my trial based on forensic evidence and expert testimony, that the DNC’s computer servers were never examined by the FBI and that whatever was stolen was downloaded to some kind of portable drive and taken out the back door. The download times of those files tell you that story, prove that there was no online hack.

But why does it take him five years, him, Durham, five years to reach these conclusions? Just long enough to make sure that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta and Jake Sullivan and John Brennan, the radical islamic convert, CIA director and FBI director James Comey, and admitted former communist and others, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, that none of them can be criminally charged. Well, because Durham took his sweet ass time to issue his final report.

But Donald Trump, in the documents case, they wanted him to go to trial in January, in other words, last month. And now they want him to go to trial initially March 4, the day before the Super Tuesday primary, in which the largest single chunk of delegates to the Republican national nominating convention are going to be chosen. That timeline has been overturned, essentially by Trump’s assertion that he has presidential immunity for acts that he took during his presidency.

Now, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear that question, but they said first Trump had to make his appeal. He filed that motion at the trial level. The judge, of course, ruled against him. She’s hostile. That’s clear. He appealed it to the DC Court of Appeals. I’ve just seen a headline that says the DC Court of Appeals has rejected his immunity argument. It will now go to the US Supreme Court and be heard there.

I thought that the appeals presentation by Trump’s lawyers was weak. He was specifically asked by one of the justices, this was Mr. Sour representing Donald Trump. He was asked, well, could Trump, and this was a minute and a half into his presentation, the judge interrupted and said, could Donald Trump as president? Are you saying he could order SEaL team six to assassinate his political opponents and then he could order the assassination of any us senator who sought to impeach him? And his.

Trump’s lawyer, realizing this was a hypothetical question, said, well, the answer is a qualified yes. No. The answer is a qualified no. Trump would only have immunity for those actions that he took that were within the legitimate scope of his responsibilities and authority as president. Murdering your political opponents would not fall within that. It’s a ridiculous question, but it’s been turned against him in the courts. How quickly the Supreme Court can be briefed and can render a decision, and whether that can happen before the election, well, that remains to be seen.

Trump’s online legal critics, who always hide behind their credentials as former prosecutors, as if that means they’re honest or ethical or nonpartisan, like Andrew Weissman and Neil Kitel and this character Kushner. These guys are all partisans. They’re Trump haters. In the case of Weisman, he has a long history of his own prosecutorial abuses. He’s been tongue lashed by multiple judges. He’s covered up mob murders, he’s destroyed evidence.

But no, he’s the legal analyst at MSNBC. These folks are apoplectic because their entire plan to destroy Trump is based on these cases going to trial and finishing at trial and decisions being rendered prior to the election. And today at least, it’s not at all certain that that will happen. So do you think the Supreme Court will get involved. Do they want to get involved right before? Let’s talk about being prepared.

When the economy collapses, you will collapse with it. You’ll feel it coming. All the signs are there. With it comes financial disaster, tight budgets and sacrifice. Plan for the worst with the best. My patriots apply. My patriots apply has helped millions prepare. They’ll help you, too. Hard times take years to recover from. Make the first year easier with this one year emergency food kit. Get it now. With $700 in savings at preparewithx.

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22. Dot or click the link in the description for the election to take up another case. Or will they wait after they have already? Trump tried pardon me, special counsel Smith tried to bypass the appeals court and went directly to the Supreme Court and said, please review Trump’s motion for immunity to short circuit and shorten this process. And the Supreme Court refused to do so, saying, no, we will hear it, but we will only hear it after.

And if it is rejected in the court of appeals, I’ve just read that it was rejected in the DC Court of Appeals. I haven’t had time to read the stories, but if that is accurate, yes, the Supreme Court has already said that they will hear it. At the same time, as you probably know, the Supreme Court has also said that they will hear the Colorado question, which is really the broader question of whether states, any state, can prohibit Donald Trump from being on the ballot.

The argument against him is that he is guilty of insurrection, and therefore, under Article 14, section three of the US Constitution, he’s ineligible to be on the ballot for president. There’s a couple of problems with this. Number one, he has not been charged or convicted with insurrection in any jurisdiction, certainly not federally. Even special counsel Smith has not brought that charge against Trump. Secondarily, if you read the act, it specifically does not include the president and the vice president.

And thirdly, constitutional experts insist that it is not self executing, meaning the Congress would have to clarify it and pass some enabling or enacting legislation. Now, needless to say, the legal analysts at NBC disagree with that, but they’re wrong about most things they say. Again, Trump’s lawyers are arguing strangely that the law, the constitutional provision, would only prevent Trump from holding office, it would not prevent him from running for office.

This kind of perplexes me, because, first of all, I don’t think that’s true. And secondarily, even if he wins on the narrow question of whether he’s eligible to be on the ballot, which I think he surely is, why would he want to then reconfront this issue upon election? And those who are opposed to him will clearly never stop in their efforts to try to destroy him. So I think when we start to look at this, and I think Trump probably mentioned this multiple times, that this is their cheating strategy, I mean, it looks like they have many different phases of trying to stop Trump from being the nominee, trying to shut him down with these indictments.

It looks like Nikki Haley’s waiting in the wings for something to happen because she lost Ohio, lost New Hampshire, she has no delegates in Nevada, and she’s waiting until South Carolina. I mean, what do you think Nikki is waiting for? Is she waiting for the shoe to drop and all of a sudden she’s going to get all the delegates or something? Well, I think that there are three possibilities.

You have two things going on. Nikki Haley remaining in the race long past the time that she has any reasonable prospect whatsoever of defeating Donald Trump. If she ever did, and I’m not sure she ever did, we’re not going to know until the South Carolina primary. She did say on primary night in New Hampshire that she had to do better in her home state than she did in New Hampshire.

She got, I think, 43% of the vote in New Hampshire. Today. The polls show her around 33 in South Carolina. So I don’t think she’s going to meet that measure. On the other hand, she still got money in the bank because Democrats and other leftists and Trump haters continue to line her campaign coffers with millions of dollars, as well as millions of dollars to super pacs supporting her fine citizens, like the aforementioned Reed Hoffman, for example.

She could be in the race just to try to damage Donald Trump. She could be in the race to try to force her way on the ticket for vice president. I think there’s zero, zero chance that that happens. Let me say it clearly, zero. Or she’s perhaps, as some have said, she’s a pawn in this process. She’s just a puppet. She’s being used as the global to try to damage Trump, the guy who’s clearly waiting in the wings, hoping that Trump gets hit by a bus or some adverse legal decision that damages his candidacy is Ron DeSantis, having blown $200 million in a dumpster fire of a campaign for president, in which we found out that when voters actually meet and see and hear Ron DeSantis, they don’t particularly like him.

He was never able to come up with a rationale for his candidacy. Why are you running? You’re running because you’re America first. Well, we have an America first candidate. We have the founder of the America first movement. So why? Why would we want to settle for the Beatles tribute band when we have the Beatles right here? But he’s clearly now on an effort to rehabilitate himself. Suddenly, I notice the governor is talking out on a bunch of federal issues.

He’s talking about term limits and a constitutional amendment for a balanced budget and all these other issues that are not within his authority as governor. He really should stick to his knitting. His approval rating in Florida has dropped below 50%, which is extraordinary for a guy who just a couple years ago won this blowout victory as a governor. But he’s clearly hoping against hope that something will happen to Trump.

And then, rather than Nikki Haley, who he also despises because she basically eclipsed him in the nomination process, that the party would turn to him. I think it’s wishful thinking on both their parts. I mean, I remember when Tucker Carlson was interviewing Trump and he asked them about an assassination, but Trump never answered that. Do you think they will try something like that? I don’t want to be an alarmist, but I think it’s entirely possible.

Look, I wrote a New York Times bestselling book, the man who killed Kennedy, the case against LBJ. It’s the first book I ever wrote, folks, if you buy it, get it in paperback, because it has three extra chapters rather than the hardback copy. You can go to the manukilkenity. com, the man who killedkennedy. com, if this interests you. But folks who have killed one president, institutions that have killed one president are certainly capable of killing another president.

So I think those who are in power who recognize that they’re likely to be prosecuted for their treasonous acts if Trump becomes president. I think they’re capable of anything. Could it be a fake pandemic? Could it be a false flag terrorist attack on american soil? Could it be an assassination attempt on Trump? Could be all of those things. I pray about this every single day. I pray for the protection of Trump and his family.

But once again, I put nothing beyond these folks. I think they might try anything. On the other hand, we don’t even know to this day, there may have already been assassination attempts on Trump. I read yesterday, shockingly, that when Trump was hospitalized with Covid-19 that he was given remdesivir, which the track record of that is not very good. I’m thanking God that he survived his bout of COVID So since they’re most likely bringing in Michelle and Biden’s not going to run, it tells me that Biden, first of all, doesn’t have the votes and they need to bring someone in that’s at least popular to actually get the votes they need.

And we see all these illegals coming into the country and we know, know they want to put them on a fast path to citizenship so they can vote. I mean, what is their strategy to cheat this time? Because I think this time around, with everything that’s going on in the country, I think Trump is going to get a lot more than 75 to 80 million votes, which means they’re going to have to come up with the other.

And I’m not saying votes, I’m saying ballots or something to actually counter the number of votes that he is getting. So are they going to use the illegals and other strategies to cheat this time? I think it is entirely possible. We’ve already seen an effort in Arizona to let illegals vote, supposedly in federal elections. I think that’s unconstitutional. There’s also an effort to do so in New York in the larger sense.

There’s no question about this. When the mayor of Chicago had his press conference two weeks ago saying that he’s running out of money, he can’t sustain these immigrants, the answer, he said to all of us, is to make them citizens. I don’t know how that solves the problem at all, other than adding millions of dollars more to the government budgets, although frankly, we’re propping them up anyway. We’re spending on them anyway.

The mayor of New York City just approved a $53 million program which we’re going to give preloaded credit cards to illegal migrants in New York City. What about the veterans in New York City who are homeless? What about them? We have a situation in Washington state where the state is now going to pay illegal migrants $1,000 a month, taking this out of Covid-19 funds. I would remind you that in Maui, after that catastrophe there, every american citizen got a one time payment of $600, not $1,000 a month.

So I think you’re going to have an attempt at the same kind of garden variety cheating that we saw in the last election. I read on the gateway pundit last night, I read a rundown of what happened on election night in Michigan, not all of which I was aware of. Absolutely shocking. It is important that Trump and his lawyers be prepared this time, both technically prepared and legally prepared to fight legally for a free, fair, honest and transparent vote count.

And they have to be prepared to challenge certain ballots. Let’s take the situation in Georgia, which is really quite extraordinary. Trump has been charged along with a bunch of others. The only person I know in that group, actually, is Mayor Giuliani. I don’t know most of the rest of those folks, but the claim is that Trump and his local supporters knew that Trump lost Georgia, but they sought somehow to get the electors from Georgia to vote for Trump.

Well, if you read the minutes of the alternative elector slates meeting, they specifically say, we formed this slate of alternative electors to protect our legal rights in the event that our lawsuit is successful in challenging the results of the Georgia election based on the count and other discrepancies and irregularities. They’re not fake electors, they’re alternative electors. Exactly as John F. Kennedy filed in Hawaii in 1960. Because on election night, it appeared that Vice President Nixon had won Hawai.

He was awarded the electoral votes, and then on the basis of absentee ballots, we learned that JFK had won and his alternative elector slate was seated instead. Nothing illegal about that, no matter what they say at MSNBC. So you have a situation in which I think that they will yet try to cheat. But in all honesty, in the last presidential election, Trump was so, I think, reasonably confident of victory.

There was no mechanism in the place to deal with the massive number of irregularities and anomalies and outright fraud that went on in the vote count in multiple swing states. There is in Georgia continues to be a federal case about that election overseen by Judge Totemberg, who’s a liberal Democrat, but evidently a fair minded judge. I point out the secretary of state and the attorney general are both refusing to testify in that case.

They’re asserting their Fifth Amendment rights. That’s pretty outrageous. They don’t want to answer questions about what they did regarding the election. You also have ongoing litigation in Fulton county, about 150,000 mail in ballots that the county refuses to hand over, even though there’s been an order from the Georgia Supreme Court that they do so for examination. Remember the underlying premise of these prosecutions of Trump and his supporters in Georgia, that they knew they lost, but they sought to hold on to the electoral votes.

I think these litigations could prove that they didn’t lose at all, certainly prove that they didn’t believe they lost. Now we have the people of this country. They saw what happened in 2020. Now, Rasmussen did a poll that said 62% believe that, yes, the elections were rigged in 2020. People are seeing the election interference right now with Biden pushing all these indictments and everything that they’re doing to Trump.

So this time around with the cheating, I feel like it’s going to be very, very difficult because the people, they’re on to what they have done in the past. So if the people are understanding that there is cheating, how are they going to manipulate the elections this time where they can actually pull it off? If the people are on to them and they believe that there’s election interference and there is rigging of the 2020 election, isn’t this going to make it very, very difficult for them to pull this off this time around? It’s going to certainly make it more difficult.

Let’s remember that with the exception of X, formerly known as Twitter, the social media, such as Facebook, such as Instagram, such as YouTube, they continue to be heavily censored to try to make sure that no one who questions the official narrative of election results has any voice. Google is a particularly bad actor in this area. They’ve already announced their plans. So you’re going to have high tech, big tech is going to interfere egregiously in the next election as they did in the last one.

They also have their handmaidens in the mainstream media. What’s interesting, and you raised this, is Rasmussen showing 62% think there were irregularities in fraud in the last election. That is despite a mainstream media narrative in which they insist over and over again that not only was there no fraud whatsoever, no evidence of fraud, but if you say there was, you must be some kind of a nut, or even worse, an insurrectionist.

Talk about clamps on free speech. But yes, I think it’s going to be more difficult for them to cheat. Not impossible, obviously. They still control the machinery in these states. Under the current leadership of the Republican National Committee, no effort has been made to change the state election laws that were changed using Covid-19 as the excuse to allow for these mail in ballots, to allow for more extended early voting, to allow for these dropboxes for ballots.

I mean, this is the fundamental job of the party. The party has raised millions of dollars, ostensibly for that purpose, but has not spent it for that purpose. Now, local individuals, not even the republican parties, by the way, but local individuals, for example, in Pennsylvania, questioned the constitutionality of mail in ballots. The Pennsylvania constitution is very clear. This is not even an abstract question. Mail in ballots are illegal.

They’re unconstitutional in Pennsylvania. The lower courts upheld that view. The middle courts, the common pleas court upheld that view. But a left wing activist state, Pennsylvania Supreme Court, restored mail in ballots in violation of the Constitution. Given the shenanigans of the democratic machine in Philadelphia and in Pittsburgh and elsewhere, I think Donald Trump, in an honest election, would carry Pennsylvania. Will he be able to carry it with the mail in ballots and those bad actors doing essentially what they did last time? That’s quite a question.

I’m not sure of the answer. So what happens if they can’t cheat on the scale that they cheated in 2020? Because back then we had Covid. People were afraid to go outside. They were able to use the mail in ballot, just like you said. The laws have changed in different places. What happens if they find out that, okay, we just can’t cheat on the scale that we need to cheat? Do you think that they will try to postpone the election? I don’t think they’ll try to postpone it.

Although, as I said earlier, they could go out and start a war with Russia and try to claim some national emergency under the War Powers act to postpone the election. I think it would be very transparent. I don’t think they’ll do that. But it was a shocking article published by NBC. Also a great article by the independent journalist Matt Taibi, who’s hardly a conservative or Trump supporter. He’s neither.

But it basically shows that they have a backup plan to strip a re elected Trump over his authority of the military. Then they would presumably, if you look at their plan, they’re very open about this. By the way, you would have a repeat of the BLM antifa riots. Trump would have no power to utilize the Insurrection act. Senator Blumenthal from Connecticut, the guy who lied about serving in Vietnam, that guy, he is sponsoring legislation to try to put congressional or court control over the president’s authority of the military.

In other words, they’re removing civilian control of the military, one of the most basic constitutional principles. These are the same people who were behind the russian collusion hoax. These are the same people who were behind the two phony ukrainian impeachment drives. They’re the same people who were responsible for the election night theft in the last election. They’re so brazen that they’re talking about this openly. I had Matt Taibi on my WABC radio show this past Sunday.

You can go to wabcradio. com or you can go to the 77 WABC radio app. It was a great, great interview. That they’re talking about this at NBC, and NBC’s reporting on it just shows you how extraordinarily brazen they are. Are they afraid that he’s going to use the military? Is that why they want to strip? I think they’re afraid that if he’s elected and they stage a national riot to try to overthrow the government, exactly what they’re now accusing him of, but they’re capable of trying, that he would rightfully, constitutionally use his power to restore order.

The first responsibility of the president of the United States is to preserve order that’s within his constitutional duties. So I think they want to take away his authority to do that. Do you think that they’ll use the illegals for this? I mean, last time we saw it, they used BLM, Antifa and others. This time around. Are they going to use the same exact groups and are they going to add in the illegals to do this? I think that’s entirely possible.

We’ve already seen numbers of those in the Biden administration call for drafting the illegals into the armed services. They’re not even citizens, so why would they serve in the army? So I think that could be the plan. I think, again, the cabal is getting increasingly hysterical because Trump was supposed to have been destroyed by now. And despite their very best efforts to smear him in the media, to charge him in various courts, to drain his money and his time, it’s not working.

It’s very clearly not working. And that means that they become increasingly more desperate. There’s nothing whatsoever that these folks will do. They lied about Trump and Ukraine to cover up the actual crimes of Biden. Biden was the one trying to extort the Ukrainians, trying to get them, as you know, threatened to withhold millions in federal funds and a federal grant to Ukraine if they didn’t drop the investigation into the company, Barisma, the energy company that was paying off him and his son.

There it is. So now we know why they had the phony ukrainian impeachment. It was not that Trump had illicit dealings with the Ukrainians, but it was to cover up the illicit dealings of Joe Biden. And he’s so dummy went out and bragged about it, as you know. Who do you think is going to be Trump’s vp? Well, I’m glad you asked that. First of all, there are a bunch of people on the Internet who claim to be Trump supporters who question my loyalty to Donald Trump.

And General Flyn’s saying that Stone and Flynn had a secret plan to supplant Donald Trump as the nominee. No, not so. I most definitely did say publicly and privately, if for some reason Trump decided not to run, or if there was some reason legally that he could not run, that General Michael Flynn would be a better candidate for president than any of the rhinos who ended up running.

I stand by that. But that’s a contingency plan. Never did I say we need to push Trump out and push Flyn in. Never said that. Never thought it. And anyone who says, oh, well, Flynn is on the outs with Trump, all they need to do is look at my rumble feed, see the things the president has said about me or about General Flyn, to see that we are both among his most loyal supporters.

To go to your question, former president Richard Nixon, who I worked for and was a close friend and advisor in his post presidential years, once told me that in selecting a vice president, that you should look for someone. Don’t look for someone, he would say, who can help you look for someone who just doesn’t hurt you. So while that may be a little cynical, I think what he was saying is you need somebody who is completely acceptable to the Trump base, which is a very intense, loyal, and broad political base, meaning somebody who supports the America first agenda.

Well, let me back up. First and foremost, you have to pick an individual who, based on experience, temperament and judgment, is fully qualified to be president of the United States if, God forbid, something happened to Trump. That’s the first criteria. The second criteria is you have someone who shares your America first agenda, who is a MAGA Republican, who is not a rhino, who is not a neocon, but someone who shares your worldview on both domestic and foreign policy issues.

And at the same time, however, you need somebody who has some potential outreach to some voter group where you can make gains, in this case, African Americans, Hispanic, perhaps women, or just, I’m just riffing here, so I don’t know who that person is, but that’s a definition of the person that Trump needs to be looking for. Now, he’s a master showman. He keeps teasing that he’s already made a decision, or maybe he hasn’t made a decision and says he has a short list, but there is no shortlist.

Or if there is a shortlist, it’s only in his mind. And he hasn’t shared it with anyone, certainly has not shared it with me. Although we’ve discussed the broader topic, I just think it’s too early to say we don’t know who the democratic nominee for vice president is, never mind the democratic nominee for president. As we said earlier in the program, I’m still not convinced it will be Joe Biden.

Who you choose for vice president could be affected by who the democratic nominee is likely to be. So I think you have to let things play out. There’s a number of, I think, fully qualified individuals whose names you have heard as much as I have. It’s interesting that the president, in his Fox interview with Maria Bartoromo, threw out two names. Tim Scott of South Carolina, Christy Nome, the governor of South Dakota.

That’s interesting. But I think the fact that he threw out their names means, ironically, it’s highly unlikely that it will be either one of them. That’s just my reading of Trump speak, so I don’t have an answer for you in that. I don’t know. I have no knowledge. I think this decision is not made yet. I think it’s an open decision. In a perfect world, if there was a highly qualified individual who was committed to the America first agenda but also happened to be hispanic, that would be politically great.

First, you have to find someone who’s qualified. So the political considerations have to be secondary, but they’re not unimportant. Hey, Roger, thank you very much for being on the x 22 report spotlight. If people wanted to listen to you, where should they look? Again, the best place to go is stonezone. com. Stonezone. com. You can subscribe there for free, but also you can see my daily show, the stone zone, which appears on Rumble.

Rumble. I’m at rumble. com rogerstone. Those are really the two best places. Of course, if you go to Stone zone, you see all my print pieces, you see all of my videos. You can also listen there to my WABC radio show, which airs every Sunday from four to six. Or you can go to WAbcradio on Sundays, wabcradio. com, to listen to that. But the jumping off point is stonezone.

com. They can visit the store, get a copy of my books, my t shirt, my signed stones, all my other great products, stonezone. com. I urge folks to go there and sign up. It costs you nothing. And no, we don’t sell your data or give it to anyone. Great. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video to make it a lot easier for people. Roger, once again, thank you very much for being on the x 22 report.

Spotlight. Delighted to be here. It’s been a great discussion. God bless you. You too. Close. .

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Biden's potential self-pardon concerns about future election cheating emergency food kit preparation legal issues involving Donald Trump Michelle Obama presidential run speculation Roger Stone's predictions on Biden role of social media in Supreme Court hearing on Trump's immunity Trump's potential insurrection charges Trump's presidential immunity debate upcoming presidential election predictions X 22 Report political discussions

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