Get In Shape Combat Effects Of Aging: Inner Cellular HydrationTurns Back Clock Restores Youth | Stew Peters Network

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➡ The Stew Peters Network talks about how our energy levels and physical health can decline, leading to issues like chronic pain and fatigue. However, Energized Health has developed a method called intracellular hydration that can help combat these effects of aging. This process improves health at the cellular level, leading to increased energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being. People of all ages have seen significant improvements in their health and vitality through this method.
➡ The Energized Health Protocol is a program that boosts energy levels and improves overall health. It helps people, regardless of age, regain their vitality, enabling them to engage in physical activities and enjoy life more. The program also aids in weight loss and enhances skin health, making participants look and feel younger. It’s a sustainable solution that doesn’t require extreme diets or excessive gym time, making it a practical choice for those seeking long-term health improvements.
➡ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s Zelenko Lab has created Kids Z-Spike Gummies, a health supplement designed to protect children from health threats and help their bodies recover. These gummies, which contain ingredients like Vitamin C, Dandelion root, Pomegranate peel, and Bromelain, aim to cleanse, fortify, and defend against harmful proteins. They are natural, low in sugar, and come in a strawberry flavor. The gummies are part of a proactive approach to protect and repair children’s health, especially in the wake of the pandemic.


So as we age, we begin to slow down. That’s a fact. Physically, we become less prominent. We begin to lose our strength, our flexibility. We develop little nagging health issues that can sometimes turn into big ones, and it becomes harder day in and day out to feel good, to feel like our entire body is working at its best, especially when we need it to the most. And the same is true when it comes to our energy levels, and in many ways, these energy levels are directly tied to the way that we physically feel.

If your joints hurt, or if you have chronic headaches, your energy levels will most likely be impacted. It’s a compounding effect. When we’re young, we have all of the energy in the world. Little kids can run around in circles all day long. Trust me, I know. Teenagers, young people, they can stay out all hours of the night, but as you get older, you need more rest. You need more time to recuperate, and for some people, this can become a burden. It can have hard, wide-ranging impacts, both at home and at work, and when we don’t have enough energy to make it through the day without feeling exhausted or without taking a nap, it’s extremely hard, if not impossible, to stay mentally alert.

Just look at Joe Biden, for example, or the guy in the skin suit pretending to be him. I think Joe Biden’s dead. But anyway, I digress. We can suffer from brain fog that leads to anything from minor inconveniences to serious accidents. Now, this aging process and the side effects that come with it, it happens at all different times for all different people. For some, it starts earlier, and for some, it starts later. But either way, our doctors will tell us that it’s totally normal, that it’s something that we should expect. They’ll say that everybody gets old, and we should just resign ourselves to a boring, sedentary, oftentimes uncomfortable life and just wait to die.

And if that doesn’t shut you up, they’ll just throw a bottle of meds at you. But the truth is, we don’t have to accept that fate, and our friends over at Energized Health have been proving this to people for years. Using the scientific process of intracellular hydration, Energized Health has been able to help their clients to get into the best shape of their lives. I’m one of them. Combating the effects of aging, and for many, practically turning back the clock, de-aging, giving them the energy and mental clarity that they hadn’t felt for years.

For more on this, we’re now joined by John Jubilee, a friend of mine, and the founder of Energized Health. We had the pleasure of talking with Chelsea last week. It was great to have her on, and we welcome you back as well, John. Thanks for being here. John Jubilee – Well, honored to be here, Stu. Stu – So, I mean, this brain fog and this aging and this lack of energy, energy is a really big thing, and we’re just supposed to accept that that’s just what happens when we age? Is that true? John Jubilee – Absolutely not.

Absolutely not. It’s another one of the myths that people share, and I’m thrilled to share with you just a couple quick stories. For the last 27 years, 27 years, I’ve been helping people to reverse age, to get back their energy at every age, Stu. First off, I’m going to give a shout-out to my own mother, my mom, Stu, literally. In the energized health world, we have a phrase, after people get healthy at the cellular level, then we ask them a question, what’s next? What’s next? So, now that you are healthy, you reverse-aged, you gained your lean muscle, you gained your cellular hydration, you lost your visceral and subcutaneous fat, what’s next? And these people are – I had one guy, and he’s about 70 years old, he decided he’s going to go climb five mountains, he climbed five mountains.

I have people that decide they’re going to go run a marathon or a 5K or a 10K. Everybody has their what’s next. And my own mom, this year, my mom is in her 80s. She’s in her 80s, Stu, and my mom decided she’s going to go run a 5K, and she won her age division in her 80s. I had another couple that was 92 years old, 92, and they said – they’re both 92, the husband and the wife, and they said, hey, we want to do your protocol, can we do it? And I said, well, how old are you guys? They said 92 years old.

I said, well, you guys can do it as long as you’ll make a promise to me. You promise not to die. I said, that would be bad for my marketing if you guys do the protocol, then you kick the bug. And they said, hey, we’ll stick around as long as we can. And Stu, at 92 years old, the man was Joe. The couple’s name was Joe and Mary. And Joe, he got so healthy, his what’s next was he wanted to enter this rowing competition where they row for one hour. And so this guy gets on a rowing machine for an hour.

They count their rows. So, Stu, he wins the state championship of Tennessee for 70 and over, 70 and over at 92 years old, the 70 and over category. That’s amazing. He goes to the nationals, which was in Boston. He wins the nationals. He wins the national championship of rowing for 70 and over at 92 years old. And he was ticked off. And I said, Joe, why are you ticked off? Your wife already told me you won the national championship. He goes, John, I missed the world record by 12 rows. He goes, if I’d got 12 more rows, I’d add the world record.

I said, Joe, you got the world record. Dude, those guys are 22 years younger than you. Right. Yeah. This is the 70 year old bracket. You got the world record for 90 and up. How about that? Probably 80, 12 rows. Unbelievable. Yeah. And there’s nobody that’s too old for this, but I agree with you that would be a marketing faux puffs if these people kick the bucket after they hit that, that they do your protocol. But I mean, honestly, you’ve, you’ve told a lot of stories on this program about people that are up there in age, you know, 60 over, uh, that have had, you know, terminal illnesses, different disease and diagnosis that have been reversed.

Uh, and they’re becoming reversed because their age is literally becoming reversed in of itself. And they, they have all the energy in the world. It’s really amazing. So no matter if you’re old or young, uh, the protocol is for you. Talk a little bit about the science behind intracellular hydration. Yeah. Well, the science, the reason their energy goes through the roof is because, uh, when you optimize your organs, so the body is full of, you know, your, your thyroid, your kidneys, your heart, your brain, your lungs, your skin is an organ.

So the reason, you know, people look better as their skin is actually an organ. And when your organs are optimized, you can’t help it. You can’t help it. It’s just like when you, if you took a car and you put a better engine in it, you put a new engine in it, you put a new transmission in it. Of course, the car is going to be better. It’s going to go faster. It’s going to go longer. It’s the same thing with the human body. So as people get healthy at the sailor level, their organs are optimized, their energy goes through the roof, their strength returns back to what it was when they were 17 years old.

Uh, you know, and you’ve shared the story, you know, everybody knows my story. I’ve gotten stronger every year for 27 years. It’s a myth that we have to get weaker, that we have to get older, that we have to lose our energy. And the science behind it is cellular dehydration is what sucks the energy out of us. It sucks the energy out of our organs. It causes them to not be able to regulate our insulin or give us our healthy serotonin and dopamine. Those healthy chemicals, you could never, never have Parkinson’s. You could never have Alzheimer’s.

If you just had two healthy chemicals in your body, serotonin and dopamine and our science helps people to have that. Amazing, amazing stuff. The shell, uh, I like when you talk about the shell of the cell, uh, and, and why people, you know, they think that they just drink a bunch of water and that they’re, and that they’re not hydrating their cells, but that’s just not the case. No, absolutely not. Those, those cells are hard as glass marbles, you know, through oxidation and, and through life and through cortisol that we have, but we have a patent pending science of how to reverse those things and cause that cell to be for us like a beautiful, I like to use my little sponge here.

You know, when those cells become healthy sponges stew, literally they uptake the healthy hydration, the mitochondria, which is like little thermal nuclear power plants in the cell. Those babies light up like a thermal nuclear power plant. And that’s why the energy comes back at any age. People can get back their mojo. They can have the life they want. You know, a lot of us, uh, have parents that are in their, you know, sixties, seventies, eighties, uh, and then a lot of us have kids. And of course, grandparents always look forward to spending time with their grandkids.

You know, I mean, I, I remember growing up, uh, you know, and you get, you get to be 18, 19 into your twenties and your parents are saying, okay, I’m really excited for grandkids and all this stuff. But then, you know, as their grandkids get older, obviously they’re getting older too. And then they have less energy. They don’t go do fun things with them. They don’t go outside with them. They’re not active with them. And so kids then go over to their grandma’s house and they listen to the clock tick, you know? Uh, and it’s just not the relationship that a lot of people want to have with their grandkids.

They want to be active. They desire to be active. They would, they would love to be bowling or golfing or doing something with their grandkids other than sitting on the sofa and watching, you know, reruns of Lassie. So you can do this. I mean, this is something energy is so important. And this applies to parents as well. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, kids can be very draining, especially if you have multiple kids. But again, I mean, the energy levels for you to be active and throwing the baseball and the football or going for runs or hikes or going to the gym or going and climbing or boating or rowing or canoeing or fishing or doing all of the fun activities that you want to do, but you just don’t have the energy to do them.

You can have that energy with energized health. That’s why they call it energized health. It really does energize the cells. It energizes you. And one of the, you know, uh, side effects of this is obviously you start to look better. Here’s week eight for me. Uh, we’re going to put this picture up. This is week eight, uh, of the energized health protocol. And then it only got better from there as you watch the stubborn belly fat that hangs out on guys. Uh, this is because of the increase of cortisol. Uh, and so obviously that’s a testosterone inhibitor.

It’s a metabolism inhibitor. Uh, but that stubborn in here’s week nine is this is where it really starts to go away. Uh, and, and you can see there, I mean, I even look younger. I compare me, the guy on the left there, the before a picture when I first started the protocol, uh, I just look younger, my skin tone. And this isn’t just because I have a tan. I mean, this is actual healthy skin. This is what’s happening here. And then week 10, here’s me in the sauna at the gym. Uh, there it is.

Yep. Week 10. This is me. Uh, I mean, I could have been an underwear model for crying out loud. I probably still could be. And this is, this is, I, when I look at this stuff, it just, I get really proud of myself, but, uh, also just really thankful, uh, for your program. And this is just one of the side effects, knowing what’s happening internally, knowing that my organs are being taken care of, uh, feeling the energy, looking at my skin and then the overall happiness. The guy on the left does not look as happy as the guy on the right period in any one of these three pictures.

Uh, and that’s because, you know, I mean, you get proud of yourself, you get confident, you get your mojo back as you so eloquently put it. Yeah. And, and, and Stu, I got to share one quick story. Cause you mentioned the grandparents. So I had a grandparent, his name was Aaron Carey. And this gentleman had a horrible neuropathy, uh, in his leg. And it was so bad that, uh, he would go to his grandson’s baseball games and have to sit in the truck. He had to sit in the truck and watch from the truck.

He couldn’t even make it to the bleachers. Uh, he’d start walking over there. His leg would get all numb and he’d have to walk back to the truck. Him and his wife did the energized health protocol together. They both, both lost over a hundred pounds of fat. They reversed all their medical issues. And one year later, Stu, Aaron Carey was running around the baseball field, leading his grandson’s baseball team as one of the coaches. That was his transformation. He went from sitting in the truck, can’t even make it to the stands to running laps with seven year old grandchildren around a baseball field, totally got back.

The grandmother said she could never get on the floor to play with her grandkids. And now she could get down on the floor, get back up off the floor. That’s what grandparents can do. If they’ll just take a simple step, everything is possible. Yeah. Uh, I was a skeptic, you know that, you know, that when I started the protocol, we had a private phone conversation and I was very skeptical. Uh, no longer am I a skeptic I’m through and through sold out to the energized health protocol. I highly recommend it. If you trust anything that I say, trust this energized health, absolutely.

And it’s sustainable. That’s the thing. You don’t have to do one of these fad diets where you only eat meat or, you know, you give up all of your carbs and all this other stuff. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym. Nobody has time for that. Let’s be honest. Uh, very sustainable. And, uh, just, just an absolutely incredible life changing protocol, energized Go to energized When you get ahold of them, make sure that you tell them that Stu Peters sent you at energized Again, John Jubilee, we hope to have Chelsea back next time.

No, I’m just kidding. Uh, but we do. We like, we like talking with Chelsea. Uh, God bless you. And thank you so much, John. We appreciate you being here. Thank you, Sue. You’re a world changer. If someone told you that you could change your life, change your entire life in 88 days, would you do it? Would you believe it? We’re a job to Chelsea Jubilee. What would you say if we told you you could reverse most any ailment or symptoms without painful exercises in just 88 days? We have created the only patent pending intercellular hydration protocol.

Don’t miss your opportunity to feel better. We know there’s a lot of false hope out there and many people have bought programs that work for a moment, but it’s a lot longer than a moment. You need something that’s sustainable that will take care of you for a lifetime. We have been helping people gain intercellular hydration for nearly three decades. You will lose fat, not weight, fat, fast, including that killer visceral fat. Chronic dehydration is one of the root causes of many ailments and symptoms. We encourage you go log on our website and look at these amazing testimonials.

Over and over again, we’ve heard our clients say it sounded too good to be true, but it worked for me. I needed to reduce my arthritic pain and I also had very, very high blood pressure that needed to normalize and I’m pleased to say that I have absolutely no arthritic pain anymore and my blood pressure is normal. It was really cool to be able to get my life back. I didn’t think I’d cry talking about that. I endorsed the program wholeheartedly. It has led to improvements that I can’t fully explain based on my medical knowledge as it was talked to me.

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It is time to purge suddenly. It’s you or them. Make your move now. A message for parents that love their kids and of course want to keep them safe and healthy. It’s a health product that you can’t ignore. Kids z-spike gummies from the Zelenko Lab z-stack supplement line. These aren’t just ordinary supplements. These are your child’s shield against upcoming health threats and a recovery mechanism to help dissolve and block spike proteins. Of course, inspired by the legendary Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Dr. Z didn’t just practice medicine. As you well know, he changed the entire game over the pandemic.

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Targeting those tricky spike proteins is difficult, but not if you have the z-spike gummies. All natural, zero artificial junk, low in sugar, and a strawberry flavor that your kids will actually want. This is about more than just avoiding colds. This is about giving your kids a proactive protection and repairing them from damage caused during the pandemic. As we know that there’s shedding involved and parents, they didn’t leave you out. You can achieve the same goals for your health and body, pairing Dr. Zelenko’s hero products, z-spike and z-detox for daily support.

Rise up and protect your kids with Dr. Zelenko’s kid z-spike gummies. Perfect for kids ages four and up. Head over to slash SPN and then use the code for 15% off. The code is SPN. Secure your bottles right now. They have subscriptions too. Remember, this isn’t just a supplement, it’s a shield. It’s Dr. Zelenko’s legacy. Shield up with kids z-spike gummies, the smart way to protect and heal our kids. slash SPN. Again, slash SPN. [tr:trw].

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