FED/CENTRAL BANKS TAKE ACTION! The 10 Year Yield CRATERS And Stock Futures SKYROCKET! | Gregory Mannarino



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➡ Gregory Mannarino talks about how on January 15, 2025, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) showed higher prices than expected, indicating that inflation is not temporary. Despite this, the 10-year yield and the MMRI dropped significantly while stock futures increased, suggesting possible intervention by the Federal Reserve. Meanwhile, the global economy continues to shrink at an unprecedented rate. The Bank of England is moving forward with plans for a digital pound, raising concerns about surveillance and hinting at a similar move in the U.S.

➡ Consumer prices have increased more than anticipated, surprising many. This is due to the central bank’s involvement in the stock market, which is creating an illusion of stability while the global economy suffers. Issues like low interest rates, currency devaluation, and loss of purchasing power are causing problems for everyone, but there’s no accountability for these actions. Despite these challenges, the speaker encourages everyone to take care of themselves and each other.



Okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregor Manarino, Wednesday, January 15, 2025. You can’t make this up if you even try to. Let me show you what I’m talking about. So this morning, we got the CPI number, consumer price index, well, prices came in worse or higher than expected. Imagine our shock here. You mean inflation isn’t temporary? It’s not transitory? It’s not going away? Okay, whatever. You and I expected this, but how about this? You got the 10-year yield cratering, the MMRI dropping substantially, and you got stock futures ripping higher across the board.

What does this look like to you, direct intervention by the Federal Reserve? Look, you knew this. You and I have been talking about this for, I don’t know, at least a week, that without direct Federal Reserve or central bank intervention in the debt markets, it’s over. Let’s talk more about that just real quick. I want to show you something. So you all know who this guy is. Jeffrey Gunlock, a multi-billionaire investor here, talking about how the debt market is, you know, kind of, it left the bus here. Okay, yes, he’s absolutely correct. There’s a big problem.

But this, look, man, there is no way. That what you’re seeing here can occur without direct intervention here from the Federal Reserve. It’s incredible to see in real time. But, you know, look, man, nothing is real. Nothing is real in this environment. I’m going to tell you what is real, though, this. The economy of the world, not just the German economy, continues to contract. And these numbers here, 0.2%, have no bearing on reality. The global economy, people, you know this, we’ve been talking about it forever, is shrinking at its fastest pace we’ve ever seen in history.

And that is also a phenomenon here in the United States. Let’s talk a little further here. So I want to thank my friend Paul for this. So Bank of England is revealing its new central bank digital currency plan. And this is all for that same thing. Let me read this to you. So breaking news, this is referring to this right here. The Bank of England is plowing on with plans to experiment with a digital pound despite widespread concerns about surveillance. Of course, look, man, this is where they’re going. And let me show you something else in case you don’t know.

They’re already preparing us here in the United States. So Fed government waller, no need for a Federal Reserve central bank digital currency. When you hear talk like that, you know the polar opposite is true. Powell, Powell, Fed is not remotely close to a central bank digital currency, which means they are right on top of it. You can’t make any of this stuff up. It’s incredible to see, honestly, right off the bat. I mean, look, man, how many of you are really surprised to see this happening right now? Look, we all knew, I think, that the Fed would intervene.

It looks like they have intervened. Let’s see how this plays out moving forward, honestly. Am I buying more stock today? I’ll let you all know, all right, because it appears that they’re not done inflating the system. The Fed, in my opinion, and central banks around the world, they’re going to continue to lower rates. You’re even going to hear from world leaders who have already promised you lower rates. So they’re coming. It’s coming. And that means what does it do? What happens when a world leader calls for central banks to lower rates or a central bank itself lowers rates? What does this do? It kills the purchasing power of the currency.

It opens up a doorway for cash to make its way into risk assets, in this case, the stock market. You can’t make it up. And as we have spoken about for, I don’t know, how many years now, people? The faster that the economy craters, the higher this is going to go until it doesn’t. It doesn’t appear, I’m looking for something here, it does not appear that the Federal Reserve is done. They’re not done. I can’t find it. Anyway, look, so the CPI, the consumer price index, prices come in higher than expected. Let me ask you.

We all understand that the mummified creature that’s still right now is sitting behind the Resolute Desk. I’m talking about Bidenstein, mummy man himself. I can’t even think about him. He drives me nuts. Just the mere fleeting thought in my head makes me want to puke. We know that that creature in his entire administration has not held the Federal Reserve to account whatsoever. Temporary transitory, nothing. Do you think it’s going to change with the switching of the figurehead to sit behind the Resolute Desk? Do you believe that the illustrious Trump is going to hold the Fed to account here or no? I want to hear from you on that one.

We already know the last creature didn’t do it. We already know that Trump promised you lower rates here during the campaign. When are people or these things, I’m talking about the creatures that dwell in the halls of the Federal Reserve, when are they going to be held to account because you and me, we can’t do anything about it. And do you think our illustrious leadership is going to do anything about it? No. What I do believe is we’re going to be thrust again into a system that we don’t want. Oh, don’t worry. There’s no need for central bank digital currency.

Oh, don’t worry. We’re not even remotely close to it, which should tell you the polar opposite is going on here. You can’t make this stuff up. This is epic. I have to tell you, look at that 10 year yield. It has literally fallen off of a cliff. Look at the M.M.R.I. Stock futures skyrocketing across the board. Why did we just get phenomenal economic news? No, we just found out that you’re being crushed to death because prices continue to rise. Well, wait a minute. What does it actually mean? The dollar is getting weaker. Man, I’m telling you, they got they got it’s over.

It’s absolutely over. Here we go. Consumer prices rose more than forecast in December. Hey, stocks go off to the races on that one. Do you think, honestly, it would be possible? It’s not possible for me. Could you make any of this stuff up if you try to? Would you be able to write this down as if it was science fiction? I don’t think so. What does this mean for you and I if we realize, OK, that we’ve been speaking about this for months, that currency devaluation as we’re being bridged into the new system is going to accelerate.

You need more proof? Well, they’re telling you by their own numbers that prices continue to rise at the wholesale level, which we found out yesterday and at the consumer level. Oh, where’s the accountability? Why is it? Why do we pay taxes? Can someone here tell me why we pay taxes here when we have no representation here? And we’re expanding government. Government is getting larger and larger and larger. We’re supposed to be cutting spending. Take a chainsaw. President Select Trump, if you had any B-A-L-L-S, you would be taking a chainsaw to government, not expanding it, sir.

But of course, that’s the bigger plan. More control over the people. And it all begins with, well, this digital currency, we’re going to be the crypto capital of the world, being pulled further and further away from a constitutional money system. You want to end the Fed? Go back to that. Could you imagine, honestly, if instead of being thrust into the crypto capital of the world, we’re being returned to a constitutional money system, a gold-backed system, the Federal Reserve would end. Right now, they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. They’d be running for the hills.

But this, the bridge, it’s all their plan. This isn’t the plan of any president or group of people. This is the central bank’s plan. And we all know that. They’ve been wanting to push us into this cashless system, not for decades. They already have it. And when you hear talk out of Fed presidents like Waller, and you hear the chairperson, oh, we’re not even remotely close to it. Come on, man. Really? Anyway, look, guys and girls, we’re going to continue to do what we’ve been doing here. I’m telling you right now, hoard gold, especially silver here in this environment.

And yes, of course, you do need cryptocurrency in your portfolio, XRP, new record high. I mean, come on. Did we nail this to the wall? With regard to this market, most of you know I am 90% out, 90% out of this market right now, compared to my investment that I had up until the last FOMC meeting. Will I be getting back in here? Let me evaluate it. I want to see what’s going on, because clearly, clearly, at least as of right now, it looks like the Fed has directly intervened in this market. And let’s see what they’re going to do next.

What do you think, people? Is this just too much? Honestly, is this absolute? This is… I don’t know. Whatever, man. All right, look, I’m going to let you guys and girls go. I got a lot of stuff to cover here. Now, I do not have the specifics on this yet. I will look it up. I will present this to you later here. But what else do you need to know? Consumer prices rose more than expected. Really, no one saw this one coming. Nobody, really? How about you did? And I did. And again, where’s the freaking accountability here? There’s no accountability when you have a central bank that is directly intervening in the stock market to prop this up, to foster the illusion here of whatever it might be.

Meanwhile, the world economy is being decimated by the same things. We’re all in the same boat here, artificially suppressed rates, currency devaluation, purchasing power losses is what’s destroying us all. But again, zero accountability. Oh, man, I tell you, sometimes this stuff really just makes me want to flip out just a little bit. How about you? People, I love you all from the heart. I mean that with all I got. I will see all of you later, as usual, 4 or 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream. And it’s going to be interesting. I’ll see you later.

Right? Until we meet again, please take care of yourselves and each other. [tr:trw].

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.



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