12Feb24 Super Sunday Circus as the US Empire Makes Its Moves Abroad #SuperBowlMassacre | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show criticizes the government’s spending on wars and neglect of domestic issues. He points out that while people were distracted by the Super Bowl, the Senate was approving billions for wars in Ukraine and Israel. He also criticizes the expansion of the IRS and the lack of action on border control. The host believes that both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of these issues and that they are not acting in the best interest of the American people.
➡ This video discusses the complex political relationships between the United States, Iran, and other countries. It suggests that both Republicans and Democrats have contributed to the current state of affairs, and criticizes their actions. The text also discusses the history of Iran, including the Islamic revolution and the role of the CIA. It ends by questioning the fairness of the U.S.’s military presence around Iran and the potential for future conflict.
➡ This video discusses the political landscape in America, focusing on the actions of Trump and Biden. It suggests that both Democrats and Republicans pose threats to the country, but in different ways. The author emphasizes that our hope should not be in politicians, but in our faith. The text also criticizes Trump’s focus on personal loyalty over policy and his lack of concern for the country’s well-being.
➡ The video discusses the controversy surrounding Anheuser Bush and Bud’s advertising strategies, accusing them of promoting inappropriate content to children. It also criticizes Trump’s involvement with the companies. However, it acknowledges Anheuser Bush’s contributions to American society, such as supporting farmers and providing scholarships for families of fallen servicemen and women. The text also discusses the importance of personal connection to God, criticizes the idolization of celebrities like Taylor Swift, and mentions the popularity of the show “The Chosen”.
➡ In the third episode of a show, a character named Rama, who represents unnamed female disciples and apostles’ wives in the Bible, dies. Some viewers were upset that Jesus didn’t resurrect Rama. The article also discusses how a cathedral in the UK is being used for silent discos, which some see as disrespectful to Christianity. Lastly, it mentions a couple who plan to start an online church in 2024, despite their involvement in previous scandals.
➡ The video discusses a shooting at Joel Austeen’s church and criticizes the lack of information available about the incident. It also criticizes Austeen’s church and other similar institutions for being more focused on money than on faith. The author expresses frustration about the promotion of dishonest people in politics and religion, while those who are sincere and truthful are often ignored or silenced. The text ends with a call to reject hopelessness and to take steps to improve one’s own life, while also acknowledging that there are limits to what can be achieved through personal effort alone.
➡ The video encourages people, especially those feeling lost or unhappy, to explore the Christian tradition for hope and guidance. It suggests reading the Bible, praying, and attending a church that takes the Bible seriously. The text also discusses the misconception that living a Christian life is joyless, arguing that happiness is not about circumstances but gratitude. It concludes by suggesting that our unhappiness may stem from desiring the wrong things, and that turning to God can provide a more fulfilling path.
➡ The video discusses the idea that wealth and fame don’t guarantee happiness, and that personal introspection can lead to better understanding of oneself. It criticizes political leaders, comparing their moral understanding to that of toddlers. The text also discusses the promise of Christianity and the importance of not placing hope in temporary things. Lastly, it criticizes the pharmaceutical industry, suggesting that some treatments may cause more harm than good.
➡ The video discusses a man’s health issues, the recent victory of the Freedom Convoy in Canada, and the need for lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also talks about the militarization of the medical industry, comparing it to the military-industrial complex. The author believes that the only way to hold these entities accountable is through legal action. Lastly, the text mentions a personal story about a relative diagnosed with stage four cancer, asking for prayers.
➡ The video talks about a person dealing with fast-moving cancer, and how this situation can make people reflect on their lives. It also discusses the pain of stomach cancer and the hope for relief. The text then shifts to criticize the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the use of vaccines and lockdowns. It accuses Donald Trump and other governments of using the situation for their own benefit, causing harm and division among people.


Using free speech to free mind. You’re listening to the David Knight show. It’s Monday, the 12 February year of our Lord 2024. Well, today we’re going to take a look at the Stupor bowl. And I call it that because as that pageant was unfolding and everybody was so concerned about that and the celebrities, and you had the Senate meeting to spend even more money on war. Nothing, of course, on the border, keep the invasion going.

It reminded me of the lyrics from a Chicago song. While the city sleeps, men are scheming new ways to kill us and tell us dirty lies. And of course, they rob us on the way to that. So today we’re going to begin focus a lot on the pageants of sports and politics. It’s all a big play, isn’t it? As a hashtag was Super bowl massacre, and as a hashtag.

And what it was is as we were having our little celebration and what is going on with Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, there were Twitter videos of a new assault on another city in Gaza. The dead babies, mutilated bodies, all the rest of that while we’re celebrating with this silly game. And it is such a silly game, obscene amounts of money. And of course, we get hit for billions of dollars to build these stadiums.

There’s one going in, in Tennessee so that these multibillionaires teams and their millionaire players can play a boys sport. And so that was what was happening as the Senate yesterday passed a preliminary vote on a $95 billion aid package for more war, more war in Ukraine, more war in Israel. And this is just like the way they passed the Federal Reserve act, doing it on Christmas break, that type of thing, so people won’t notice? Does anybody notice? Does anybody care? Everybody’s talking about Super bowl overtime and sudden death.

Do they care about the sudden death that is being brought around the world by America and its allies and how we pay for that and support that and how they use that to rob us to pay for this murder and death. The bill was supposed to be a bit bigger at $118,000,000,000, but they trimmed it down a little bit. They’re so fiscally responsible, aren’t they? Isn’t that great? Well, you know, we were going to ask you for $118,000,000,000 that we don’t have, but now we’re going to only ask you for 96 billion that we don’t have.

How about that? Look at all the money we saved. Look at what we cut. That’s the way they talk about this kind of stuff. And of course, there’s no offsets to anything. There’s no offsets. As Speaker Johnson was saying, well, we’re going to give money to Israel, but we’re going to cut the IRS budget. No, they didn’t. Didn’t do any of that, not in this bill. As a matter of fact, they’re creating an IRS army.

As I pointed out last week, this idea that this is going to be coming after complicated corporations and people making more than $400,000 a year, that’s not true. And the people like Taylor Swift and her boyfriend will have more than enough lawyers that they can hire to handle all this stuff. No, it’ll go after the small businesses again. Always does. Small businesses, farms, that type of thing. Oh, look at all the money coming through your thing.

Yeah, but I don’t keep any. Well, it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter. And so they’re creating a massive IRS army to make sure that we own nothing. They’re going to grow the IRS by a factor of seven. Vast majority of it’s going to be agents involved in enforcement, but there’s no interest in cutting that back. There’s no interest in doing anything to stop the invasion of our country. Instead, we’re going to go $100 billion in debt.

Ukraine gets most of it valued at 61 billion. Israel will get 14 billion. But again, no corresponding cut to the IRS, as Mike Johnson was starting to talk about. And that’s on top of their annual funding that has already been baked into the cake, as wine press points out. That’s really what they do. Every year, Taiwan gets another 4. 8 billion. We’re hoping we can have a war with China.

That’d be great for military industrial complex profits. These guys are never going to go fight any of it. So rich man’s war, poor man’s fight, always. And then this, this is how they pull it back. Well, we know that we’re funding all these wars and we’re creating humanitarian crises everywhere, massive amounts of civilian death. But we’re setting aside $9 billion for humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the West bank and Ukraine and others in different conflict zones around the world.

Around the world. So it’s not really for those two areas necessarily. And who knows what’s going to happen? I mean, you’re going to give $9 billion. How many billions of dollars are you going to give for civilian humanitarian assistance to Ukraine? Where’s that going to go? Straight into the pockets of Zelensky. And, of course, with all the bravado about how they’re going to win this war and all the rest of it.

He just changed out as commander in chief. You don’t do that if you’re winning a war. These are acts of desperation. The funding is act of desperation as well. And we should be paying attention. This Chuck Schumer says this bill is essential for our national security, for the security of our friends in Ukraine. Well, what about that? Is he a friend to the US? You’re not going to find any friends to the US.

In Washington, DC. You may find one or two people who will speak up against this at the peril of their career. People like Chip Roy or Thomas Massey will push back against this and they’ll be called anti semitic for pushing back against any of this stuff. But for the most part, all of them are feathering their nest. They are funding death, suffering and war around the world with your money while they do everything they can to destroy us with an IRS that is seven times bigger and a border that has collapsed.

The Daily Caller said one border agent had harsh words for the people in DC, said, now that I’ve seen more of it, I can respectively say go f themselves. He said, you want to shut this down? It’s real easy. Just team up the Department of Defense with DHS and let us enforce it like we’re supposed to. By the way, my anger and frustration with Trump, the president after Trump the campaigner in 2016, is that, well, he said he was going to end these wars.

Well, end them. Bring the troops home, use them to do the border. You’ve heard me say that so many times and I’ve been saying it since the beginning of 2017 where he claimed that he couldn’t do anything about the border. And it’s interesting now to see the Republicans say, well, Biden is using that same line, I can’t do anything with the border unless I get the help of the Republican Congress.

Trump said, I can’t do anything with the border unless I get the help of the Democrats in Congress. And exactly the same situation. Trump had control of the Republicans, had control of the Senate. Democrats had control of the House. The opposite party had control of the Senate, had control of the House, but his party had control of the Senate. Now, Biden is in the same situation. His party has control of the Senate but not of the House.

And he says he can’t get anything done. And they’re all heaping scorn on him, saying he can get something done, he can do this. Everybody is saying that. RFK Jr. Is saying it all. The Republicans are saying it. And they’re right. They would never say that about Trump, would they? You see, that’s the difference. You want to know the difference between Trump and Biden? It’s just partisan politics because they all lie to us.

They all tell us the same lies. They all keep the same issues going forever, the same wars going forever. Biden didn’t end the Afghanistan war. The Afghans did. It was chaotic because he got thrown out. You don’t leave like that if you are winning a war. And they could have left at any time in the last couple of decades. They could have left at any time during Trump’s administration.

So why criticize Biden for that? Well, he certainly deserves criticism for that because he didn’t end it. He got thrown out and people died because of that. Many people did disorderly retreat and they had plenty of time to do it the right way. Nobody chose to do it that way. They never had any plans for leaving. None of these candidates, Republican or Democrat. And of course they had no plans ever.

And they still don’t of defending the border. They just play this partisan game every election. At least the Democrats are going to tell you what they’re going to do. That’s why I think, I’m beginning to think that they’re not as dangerous as the Republicans, even though they’re full on Marxists who want to destroy this country. The Republicans will tell you they’re going to stop them and they do nothing.

As a matter of fact, they join with them secretly. That’s the problem with the Republicans and it always has been that way. Democrats will tell you that they’re going to destroy your life. Republicans will tell you they’re going to stop the Democrats and they wind up aiding them as they do here. So Mitch McConnell, exhibit a, chided those who said would disagree with us global interest, bebone american leadership and lament international commitments.

McConnell said, this is idle work for idle minds. It has no place in the United States in it. American leadership matters and it is in question. And I guess he went back to his frozen catatonic state, the gerintocracy and the hegemony right of the american empire that is on its last legs, bankrupt, corrupt, immoral, illegal american empire. He represents it. So does Schumer. Biden represents it. So does Trump.

Iran cheers the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution with promises to death to America and death to Israel. 45 years ago was when you had the ayatollah take over. But it was actually 71 years ago that this all began. Even when you have a news article from Breitbart. They don’t get that history right. For Americans, even conservative Americans, the history of Iran begins with the takeover of the american embassy in the Ayatollah Khomeini.

They don’t talk, ever. Never will you find Breitbart or any of these other conservative magazines, and certainly not the left. None of them will ever talk about the CIA. The CIA and its coup in Iran is why they chant death to America. Because of what Shah did, because of what the Shah’s secret police, the SaVAK, did, trained by the CIA. What do you think the CIA has planned for Americans? Well, just take a look at these places that they’ve overthrown already.

Now they’ve done a coup in the United States as well, and they’re just biding their time. But again, 45 years since the ayatollah took over and the Shaw left, but it’s been since. 19. 53. 71 years. And the history of Americans, they don’t understand what happened for that 26 years, and they don’t care how we got there, that blowback. You see, the CIA is not about national security.

It doesn’t create security for us at all. It goes around the world, creating death and destruction that blows back on us. We are more secure when we don’t have entangling alliances abroad. As I looked at that hashtag Super bowl massacre and I looked at all the pictures of dead babies, and again, when you talk about war, there are justified moral principles for beginning a war. And then there are moral principles for how you conduct a war and how you don’t go after civilians and how you try to end it as soon as possible to save human life, those are not there on the israeli side.

Even if Israel knew about Hamas attack on October 7 and even if they stood down, Hamas is still guilty for what they did. Hamas is guilty. And to take this out on civilian populations, as they are doing, as everybody is unjust as what Hamas did. The magnitude, of course, is greater in terms of the number of people killed. But the issue is still the same. The anniversary was yesterday, the 45th anniversary of the islamic revolution.

And just to put this in context, again, as I’ve said before, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, Bill Casey, another CIA guy, one of the founders of the CIA, had been with the OSS during World War II. He moved to make sure that Iran did not release the hostages, made promises and assertions to them if they would keep the hostages because they knew that they would gain politically against Jimmy Carter, it’d be a big win for Carter.

If the hostages were released. And so they said, don’t do it. And they even kept them hostage after the election. So from the first week of November to the third week of January, they still did it just to make Reagan look good and Carter look bad. You see, they have absolutely no concern about Americans. It’s all about their geopolitical games. It’s all about their domestic politics as well.

And so just think about that. Think about the fact that you got people who are taken hostage. They’re worried every day that they’re going to be executed, summarily executed. And you got Bill Casey and Ronald Reagan okay with that, and they’re going to leave them in that situation and their families in that situation from today until next January the 21st. Ain’t it great to have Republicans on your side as well as Democrats? They are all after us.

They are all our enemies. You better fight them locally. And don’t put your hopes in politics, but fight them locally. Everybody knows that in 2020, things got better or worse locally. Locally, they got better or worse at the state level, based on what President Fauci and his stooge Donald Trump were demanding and funding with everybody. And I’ll play it for you today. I had a listener send it to me.

I didn’t see it in the rally. It’s a clip of a Trump talking about how he’s going to withhold funds to get people to do what he wants them to do. What have I always said? Anybody who tells you that 2020 was the bad Democrat governors? That’s the line I’ve heard so many times, told to my face, told to me on social media. These people have no idea how Washington or even the state governors get done what they get done.

It’s all about money. It’s all about bribery and blackmail, withholding the money. That’s how they get past the 10th amendment. That’s how Trump got past the 10th amendment and President Fauci got past the 10th amendment. So getting back to Iran, they were burning us and israeli flag, shouting, death to America, death to Israel. One of the leaders there, Razi, said the bombing of Gaza has to be stopped as soon as possible.

The islamic revolution began with widespread unrest in Iran over the rule of the Shah Reza Pallavi. And of course, it’s always about this injustice, blowback. We should be concerned about what is happening in Gaza. When you look at these people holding dead babies and you look at these pictures, these mutilated bodies from massive civilian bombing campaign, and then they put up Super bowl massacre, will that be what happens at future Super bowl? You’ve seen that scenario played out in the movies all the time.

An act of terrorism. The Shah, terminally in secret, Leo with cancer, fled the country in January of 1979. Komeini then returned from exile and the government fell on February 11, 1979, after days of mass demonstrations and confrontations between protesters and security forces captured the embassy. And then the CIA and Reagan did their deal, which eventually went to, of course, the Iran Contra stuff as well. So as we look at this in this massive war, world beyond war has an article.

You’ll find it also in free thought project. The urgent need to attack Iran has been falsely advertised for over 20 years. This is one of those things like the dire climate predictions. We’re all going to die if we don’t do something. We only got a couple of months to, you know, crazy people with nuclear bombs is a real threat. The climate is not. But at the same time, they keep making these urgent claims.

We’ve only got days or months left and we must invade Iran. DC has been pushing hard for war. Some high points have come in. 20 07 20 15 20 17 20 24 each time it has been absolutely critical to attack Iran at once. There can be no delay. The push to attack Iran has been on for so long that entire categories of arguments for it, such as the Iranians are fueling the iraqi resistance and demonized leaders of Iran have come and gone.

The latest excuse is the killing of three members of the US military in 2022. If you look at military spending, Iran, if you look at military spending, Iran spent 0. 8% of what the US did, not even 1%. And then when you look at the map, as they point out, this is what it looks like. If you’re in Iran, there at the center, look at all of the military bases surrounding them, represented by all of those pins everywhere, how would you feel if the situation were reversed? What if Iran had little bases all around our border, Mexico, Canada, maybe even something out in the ocean, right? This is what the empire of us military bases looks like to Iran.

Try to imagine if you live there, what would you think of this? Who is threatening who? Who is a greater danger to whom? The point is not that Iran should be free to attack the United States or anyone else because its military is smaller. The point is that doing so would be national suicide, and it would also be something that Iran has not done for centuries. But it would be typical us behavior.

Now, when we look at that map and we think about this, if you go back and you talk about iranian aggression yeah, it looks bad when they’re burning our flag and they’re chanting death to America, that type of thing. But go back to 1988. Remember that? Remember what happened in 1988? The US Navy was conducting drills and they shot down by accident an iranian passenger commercial jet. It was flight six.

Five killed everyone on board, 290 people. That was 1988. We saw a replay of that, by the way. Eight years later, 1996, with flight 800 off the coast of Iran, another us military naval exercise gone wrong, and shooting down a commercial plane. Now, the way that was handled in America, they just had the FBI go out and confiscate all of the flight controller tapes and all the rest of the evidence that was out there.

Told people to shut up, that type of thing, but in Iran, they could not cover it up. What did Iran do? Did they engage in terrorist attacks? No, they didn’t do anything. As a matter of fact, the US paid compensation to Iran for the deaths. Paid a pidance to them for the deaths. They took it. Probably not happy about it, but there’s not much that they can do about it.

If you look at this map, there’s really not much that they can do about that. And so that is really where we are. I think that is a very telling point. First of all, the US military twice shooting down passenger planes. One of them, when it’s domestic, they lie, they cover it up. But when it happens with Iran, they could have treated it as a terrorist attack, but instead they didn’t.

Regardless, the roots of a Washington push for a new war on Iran can be found in the 1992 defense planning guidance. The 1996 paper called a clean break a new strategy for securing the realm. The realm? The realm. So we already have people who aspire to be the global government. You want to know what the global government looks like? Well, it looks like maybe it’s headquartered in the United States.

At least they want to do it that way. The UN is headquartered here. I know a lot of people make a big deal out of the EU, but it’s the other. And of course, America wants to continue its hegemony to a global governance. They just want to make it, extend it to some kind of a global CBDC. It was also in the 2000 rebuilding America’s defenses and a 2001 Pentagon memo that you heard described by Wesley Clark, where he said, hey, we got all these nations that we’re going to attack.

Iran, I’m sorry, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria and Iran. They say here, it’s worth noting that Bush Jr. Overthrew Iraq, Obama overthrew Libya, the others are works in progress. In 2000, the CIA gave Iran nuclear bomb plans in an effort to frame it. This was reported by James Risen. And Jeffrey Sterling went to prison for allegedly being Risen’s source. But nobody involved in the scheme was ever punished in any way.

The way it always, that’s the way it is with, you know, as Tucker Carlson has that interview of Putin. And Putin says, yeah, we had peace talks and Boris Johnson shut it down. We all knew that there was nothing new in the Carlson Putin interview. Nothing at all. Even the fact that Tucker Carlson was a CIA wannabe and they refused to let him in because, as Putin said, it’s a serious organization after all.

That’s why they wouldn’t let you in. But there was nothing at all new in the Putin interview, whether you’re talking about the pipeline or Boris Johnson shutting down peace talks and all the rest of stuff. But Boris Johnson was outraged as if this was some new, you know, he demanded something be done about it because we punish the people who tell us the truth about our lying, criminal government.

Just take a look at Julian Assange. Same type of treatment that Boris Johnson wants for Tucker Carlson. In 2010, Tony Blair included Iran on a list of countries that he said Dick Cheney had aimed to overthrow. The line amongst the powerful in Washington in 2003 was that Iraq would be a cakewalk. But only real men go on to Tehran. Well, I guess maybe that’s why we didn’t go, because we’ve got no real men in Washington and we got nobody in Washington who’s going to fight that fight.

But the truth of the matter is that Iran is much, much bigger and a more difficult place to conquer than Iraq is far, far more difficult. So real men go to Tehran. This is how detached these people are from our lives. And then, of course, one of these campaigns where it was essential that we attack Iran right away. Never forget Netanyah, whose 2012 effort here where he does the Acme bomb interpretation, the bomb with the burning fuse on it.

First stage, second stage, final stage, they’re right there. That was twelve years ago. Twelve years ago. So they have to urgently be attacked. That is the constant line about it, whether you’re talking about Netanyahu or John McCain, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. So to bomb or not bomb Iran, that is the question. And the american conservative takes a look at this and they go through a lot of pragmatic considerations for the empire, not really so much moral considerations, but this is their conclusion that they reach here.

They said bullying, bribing, bombing and sanctioning opponents has not worked well. See, just from a pragmatic standpoint, forget about God’s judgment on us as a country, as a people. And of course, we’re led by godless men who don’t fear God, don’t think they’ll ever answer to anyone for what they do. Thanks to a string of strategic military failures in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and Ukraine, Washington is rapidly reaching hell in its relations with the rest of the world.

Well, that pretty much sums it up, as a matter of fact, on trend’s journal, Gerald Salinti’s publication, this article, oil wars. Us forces in Syria caught stealing dozens of tankers of oil after Biden’s retaliatory airstrikes. And again, we’re not even sure that those strikes were in Jordan, because the US has. There’s a base that’s on the jordanian side, and right there, on the opposite side of the border in Syria is another base.

And the many bases there, the jordanian government said it wasn’t on their soil. So it might have been the american base in Syria that was attacked yet again. But a US escorted convoy of 60 tankers. 60 tankers stole oil from US occupied territory in Syria, was seen headed towards US bases in northern Iraq, says a syrian news outlet. The alleged theft occurred after the US’s bombing campaign in the region.

And so the Trends Journal contacted the State Department and said, this is what the Syrians are saying. Is this true? They didn’t respond. This is not the first time that Syria accused the US of occupying about 20% of its country. Do you realize that? When did this happen? Well, a lot of it happened under Trump. It escalated under Trump. Did we have a vote on this? No. Just like he does gun control without doing votes, he does wars without doing votes as well.

But you’re supposed to believe he’s going to protect all of our gun rights and he’s going to keep us out of war, just like he brought all the troops home and ended the wars. Oh, that’s right. He didn’t do that. He just said he’s going to do that. That’s the difference between candidate Trump and President Trump. President Trump is a Democrat. He’s a New York Democrat. He’s a lying narcissist.

But candidate Trump, he’s a hardcore America first conservative. Who do you think is going to be president, candidate Trump or President Trump? So the US is occupying about 20% of the country to steal its resources. In September, its ministry of foreign affairs and expatriates sent a letter to the UN’s secretary general that accused the US of stealing syrian oil and gas reserves during Washington’s years long occupation in the name of fighting terrorists.

A letter reportedly claimed that the damage caused to Syria’s oil and mineral wealth sector amounted to $115,000,000,000 they paid for the latest military bill. They’re not fiscally irresponsible at all, I guess maybe, right? No. Last year, Robert Ford, former Obama ambassador to Syria, called on american troops to come home. In a letter to Congress, he said, american forces have achieved success in degrading ISIS, but they have little chance of stopping recruitment.

And in the meantime, they have been regularly subject to attack by pro iranian militias allied to the Assad government. Same type of thing that Reagan did when he pulled out of Beirut. These people, crazy. They’re always going to be fighting each other. We don’t need to be here. There’s nothing to be accomplished. This is a former Obama ambassador to Syria, and yet it continues. No sign of letting up.

As a matter of fact, one of the things that, again, wine press points out that when Trump was asked why he didn’t pull troops out of the Middle east during his tenure, something that he campaigned on, he literally said it was because the US was there stealing the oil. As Dave Chappelle comedian says, Trump is the guy who will come out of that meeting of insiders. He’ll tell you exactly what they’re going.

You can’t believe these guys are going to do this and they’ll go right back in and join them. So candidate Trump comes out and tells us these guys are going to do all this stuff. And then President Trump goes back in and joins them and keeps doing it. And so at the Super bowl, as the Super bowl was going on, you had Biden troll the MAGA QAnon people who said, this is all a conspiracy.

They’re going to rig the game so that Kansas City wins and then they can use Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Travis. And so Biden puts this out, dark brandon with a laser eyes, just like we drew it up. And that’s his official account. And so they double down on it. And a lot of the people who were there talking about what is happening right now in Gaza with the hashtag Super bowl massacre, they said, oh, so is he talking about the Super bowl or the massacre? Just like we planned it? More murderous civilians, more money to the murderers who are doing this? Well, we’re going to take a break.

And as we talk about the Super bowl massacre, we talk about war and all the rest of it. I thought it’d be good to go back and revise what George Carlin had to say. Remember this old routine? I remember the very beginning of it, but it was interesting to see it again. The difference between baseball and football, it kind of tells us it’s a social commentary about what has happened to our country from the 19th century to the 20th century.

And then there’s a clip right after that of George Carlin talking about America’s love for war and how it defines us. These two things are such a part of our lives, these two activities, and yet they’re so different. Baseball is pastoral, 19th century. Football is technological, 20th century. Baseball is played on a diamond in a park, the baseball park. Football is played on a gridiron in a stadium, war memorial stadium.

In baseball, you wear a cap. In football, you wear a helmet. Baseball has a 7th inning stretch. Football has a two minute warning. Baseball has no time limit. We don’t know how long it’s going to last. We might have extra innings. Football is rigidly timed, and it will end even if we have to go to sudden death. Football is based on downs. What down is it? Baseball is based on ups.

Who’s up? Are you up? I’m not up. In football, you get a penalty. In baseball, you make an error. Whoops. In baseball, in the stands, there’s something of a picnic feeling. You know, emotions may run high, but there’s not that much unpleasantness. In football, in the stands, you can be sure that at least 27 times during the game you were capable of taking the life of a fellow human being, preferably a stranger.

And to sum this up, the objects of the game is quite different. The object of the game in football is for the quarterback, otherwise known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blip, even if he has to use the shotgun. With short bullet passes and long arms, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack which punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy’s defensive line.

In baseball, the object is to go home. I’d like to talk a little bit about the war in the Persian Gulf. Big doings in the Persian Gulf. You know, my favorite part of that war? It’s the first war we ever had that was on every channel plus cable. And the war got good ratings, too, didn’t it? Got good ratings. Well, we like war. We like war. We’re a warlike people.

We like war because we’re good at it. You know why we’re good at it? Because we get a lot of practice. This country is only 200 years old, and already we’ve had ten major wars. We average a major war every 20 years in this country. So we’re good at it. And it’s a good thing we are. We’re not very good at anything else anymore. Can’t build a decent car, can’t make a tv set or a VCr worth a.

Got no steel industry left. Can’t educate our young people, can’t get health care to our old people. But we can bomb the out of your country. All right. If you like the Eagles on a dark desert highway, the cars and Huey Lewis in the news. They say the hotter rock and roll, you’ll love the classic hits channel at APS radio. Download our app or listen now@apsradio. com. Well, I apologize for that.

I thought I’d beep that out to the audience because I know we have families who listen to this and adults hear this kind of stuff all the time in this country, but I thought somehow we got the original version of that in there. And I just saw this from anomaly, who normally has his head on straight about Trump, and yet he says, well, this is the best thing I’ve heard in a while.

If this is his angle, I’ll vote for him hands down where Trump is saying from this point forward. Are you listening? US Senate, no money in the form of foreign aid should be given to any country unless it’s done as a loan, not just a giveaway. Well, we’ll see. We’ll see what happens. As a matter of fact, before we get into Trump and Biden, Trump had some amazing statements.

He’s really in full campaign mode. Not talking about his wonderful vaccine and kill shots, not talking about how he locked everybody down. No. Now he’s talking about how he’s going to save America and he’s going to do everything that the right wants. Are you going to be fooled by that? Really? It’s that easy for you to get turned around? Seriously? Wow. Okay, let’s talk a little bit about the Super bowl.

We had Travis Kelsey, and again, he shows up wearing a sequined suit at the Super bowl. And I’ve got a picture of it somewhere here. And here it is. Look at this. Look at this rock star football player. And why not? I mean, look at the money that he’s made, right? Gets a big paycheck for winning the Super bowl, but he also gets a big paycheck for playing football.

But one thing that I’d not talked about, and it happened during Christmas. I came out, I was not doing the show. Guard was talking about it, so I’m sure guard did. But the fact that he gets more money for his Pfizer commercials than he gets paid to play football, isn’t that amazing? So he gets $20 million for doing a Pfizer commercial. This is one of the reasons why you should not envy these wealthy people.

You should look at somebody like this Travis Kelsey, who takes his $20 million and his $14 million that he gets paid for playing NFL and stuff, and he spends it on stuff like this. Looks like he’s got a purse, too, that he’s carrying a sequined outfit here. As I said many times, what we need to understand, we need to have pity on people like this, quite frankly, because they’re like the bull, the ceremonial bull that’s being led to a slaughter.

And they put all kinds of flowers and wreaths on it and everything, and everybody lines up in a parade. And if the bull had much of a mind, the bull would think, well, they love me. Look at that. I’m a big dude, and everybody just loves me. They’re infatuated. I’m so important. Yet even if he got to that level of intelligence, the bull would not realize that he’s being led to the slaughter.

And that’s really kind of the way that it is with these celebrities. You see, Travis Kelsey led a lot of people to the slaughter, the slaughter of the pfizer shots. He’s got blood on his hands. He may be wearing sequined suits, but he’s got blood on his hand. He and a lot of other celebrities, and nobody more so than Travis Kelsey and nobody more so this late in all of this stuff, when it has been exposed and people understand the harm these things have done, he comes in after all of that as common knowledge.

No excuse. None whatsoever. There was no excuse for the people that I worked with telling people that it was sugar water and that type of thing, because they knew about vaccines. They’ve been covering vaccines for many, many years. There were a lot of people who didn’t know what was going on. Took them a while to catch on to the vaccine scam, to the pharmaceutical company scam, to the CIA dark winter germ games that have been going on since 2001.

A lot of people didn’t know that. But at this point, where he went in and they paid him $20 million for a couple of commercials, again, more than he works really hard. It’s paid really well. But it’s $14 million. He has to do a lot of training, a lot of hard work, be concerned about injuries and that type of thing. But with the commercials, he just walks in, and for $20 million, he gets paid 14 million for all this football stuff and the hassle and hard work.

And yet $20 million just to do a couple of tv commercials probably doesn’t even have to take the shot because he’s probably not that stupid. You think? I don’t know. He’s dating Taylor Swift? I don’t know. So anyway, I didn’t know this because I don’t watch sports or tv, and I was otherwise occupied with time off the holidays. But a lot of fans criticized him for that. And what he became the spokesperson for was this double shot for flu and Covid-19 that they put together the latest vaccine after all this stuff.

And as one person said at the time, you don’t have to be antivaccination to question that news, as there are legitimate issues around a pharmaceutical company creating something deemed officially as essential. Essential. Wall Street’s essential. The shots are essential. Your informed consent is not essential. Your life is not essential. Your business is not essential. Your education, your travel, none of that is essential. But having figures like $20 million to be able to spend on one face of a campaign is another matter.

They said. So even people who were pro vaccine were looking at this and saying, wow, that’s a lot of money that they’ve got to throw around. Well, of course, Trump gave them tens of billions of dollars. Tens of billions. And not millions, but billions, thousands of times more than this to develop the vaccine. He paid for the vaccine to be developed. He guarded them against any liability for the harm that they cause.

But there is no harm for fraud. And if they got $20 million to pay Travis Kelsey to entice people to take this stuff that they say is safe, it’s not. And effective, it’s not. Then they are liable to be sued for fraud. Fraud is not protected under the Fauci vaccination thing. Fraud is not protected under the prep act that George W. Bush put in. And this is fraud.

People should be suing these companies at this point. People commented at the time, and again, this is the week of Christmas. This last Christmas. Yeah, this bro sold his soul. Another one said, the vaccine must be slowing him down because it looks like he’s had a horrible season this year. Another one said, well, he probably never got vaccine. And of course, he fought with Aaron Rogers. Aaron Rogers called him Mr.

Pfizer at one point? Well, why not? I mean, he’s getting $20 million, and then when you look at the money around the Super bowl, played in stadiums that taxpayers pay for, we all have to pay for that, but we can’t all afford to go to the Super bowl even if we wanted to. Super bowl ticket costs roughly 11. 7% of the median family household income, 12% of your income.

If you are median, the ticket is $9,024, and the median household income is 77,000. If you’re wondering if anyone in the country is seeing their wages outpace rampant inflation, says zero hedge, we found at least one group is the growth in the NFL. Players Super bowl paychecks has significantly outpaced the rise in median household income. And they focus on that because unlike the contracts, and you see this massive disparity in what the players are paid.

For example, the new guy, Brock Purdy, who was the very dead last draft pick two or three years ago or something, he’s only making $800,000. Other people are making other quarterbacks, especially the one for the Kansas City Chiefs. Cheaps. They’re not cheap. They are paying him tens of millions of dollars. Right, and most of the quarterbacks are making tens of millions of dollars, but he’s made $800,000. I’m sure that he will renegotiate that up, but the contracts are all over the place.

But when you look at what they pay the players on the winning team and on the losing team, they all get the same. And so that’s what zero hedge did. They said, take a look at the paychecks for the Super bowl teams and compare that to what has happened to median household income. In 2012, the median household income was recorded at $51,000. It’s supposed to be 77,000 this year, a 51% increase.

Of course, it’s not more that’s higher. You’re getting paid more fiat dollars because of inflation, and it’s not keeping up with inflation, which tells you that in a decade, we have seen more than 51% inflation, or more than 51% decline in the purchasing power of the Federal Reserve’s sheets of bribery that they use for people. Swishes instead of fiat currency should call them bribery paper. Super bowl players earnings have surged by 94% over that period of time, though, so they have beaten inflation over that period of time.

The winners of the Super bowl in 2024 will be taking home $171,000 for the game. The losers. And that’s up from 164,000 just last year. So it went from 164,000 last year to 171,000 this year. The losers will be taking home $96,000. And then they said, finally, we can’t mention insane pricing without mentioning concert tickets. And we can’t not put Taylor Swift in that category. Leading the charge of costing her fans sometimes thousands of dollars per ticket.

It truly is amazing when you look at the price of these tickets and stuff. I remember when we moved to Austin, I never liked Austin. I was not happy about moving there in the first place. But I thought, well, at least there’s going to be some concerts we can go to. And then I saw the prices of the tickets, even of old bands that are not in demand anymore.

It’s like paying hundreds of dollars to go see somebody perform live, especially when they’re now 50 years older than they were when they recorded the song originally. But take a look at what it cost to see Taylor Swift in 2023. The average ticket price was $2,183. To go see Taylor Swift. As a matter of fact, Babylon B, referencing Brock Purdy’s low salary of $800,000, did a joke about it.

They said Brock Purdy was happy that he finally got a chance to see Taylor Swift because he couldn’t afford to buy a ticket to her concerts. So that was his anyway. But, yeah, they said, if you look at the amount that they charge at a Super bowl, for example, and if you went there because you wanted to see Katy Perry do a nine song set list at the 2015 Super bowl, you paid around $9,000, $9,700 for a ticket.

You’re looking at about $1,000 per song to see her sing this live. Well, the other part of the insanity is the way they followed Taylor Swift’s jet. I told Karen, I said, this is like the thing they do with NORAD following Santa Claus’s sleigh on, you know, that everybody was like, is she going to make it? Is she going to be able to land? Is the airport going to be too crowded for her to land her plane? And all the rest, all of the pearl clutching drama that was put out there by the mainstream media, and with something as silly as this, understand that for serious issues as well.

For serious issues as well. Whether you’re talking about the border, whether you’re talking about any legislation, whether you’re talking about funding for wars abroad and continuing wars, they do the same kind of phony pearl clutching for every story that they cover, the same kind of stuff that they did for Taylor Swift’s jet plane. Meanwhile, they tell us nobody cares about. There weren’t any articles that I could see from mainstream media.

Other people had already done it, talking about Taylor Swift’s carbon footprint. And she threatened the kid who had the account that would follow her jet and talk about how much carbon she was burning everywhere because she’s one of these climate pimps. But nobody in mainstream media talked about that, about her jetting all over the place and hopping across the globe to see her boyfriend play a game that he gets paid millions of dollars for.

No one talked about that. And then at the Super Bowl, Washington examiner, one Nation, two anthems. Because we had the black national anthem as well. As I said, it’s a nice song. It references liberty and an expression of black people’s historical struggle. But you understand it’s not about that to have these two songs side by side. What the NFL is trying to do, he points out, is to continue to try to disunite Americans by featuring two separate anthems.

Because we got two different countries. That’s what they want. They want the balkanization of our country. They want many competing ethnic groups. This is the plan to have ethnic civil war, ethnically based, also happened last year. Fans will be asked to stand to attention not just for the Star Spangled Banner, but also for the lift every voice and sing known as the black national anthem. He says this is part of the political left’s radical racial agenda of national division.

And of course, that is the agenda of the NFL, NASCAR and all these other major corporations that have now been taken over. You see them saying, the NFL is so gay or this or that or pushing tranny stuff. The separate black anthem is a musical endorsement of the forces and the agenda that are driving deep fissures, deep fissures into our culture and threatening our society? Meanwhile, you had James Carville talking about the fact that Biden passed up an opportunity to speak in a Super bowl interview.

He was on CNN with Michael Smirkonish, who asked him, he said, so if you’re running the campaign because Carville ran Clinton’s campaign, he was the one who came up with a quote, it’s the economy, stupid. They don’t care about these bimbos that Bill Clinton rapes and sexually assaults. It’s just the economy. They’re making good money. They’ll vote for him again. He was right. So he said, so if you’re running the campaign, what do you do? Do you put him out more? Do you put him out less? How do you handle this revelation that he was a corrupt criminal, as guilty as sin, but they weren’t going to prosecute him because he was a kindly, old, senile man and the jury would never convict him.

That’s what we found on Friday, Carville said. Well, don’t accept the Super bowl interview. I mean, it’s the biggest tv audience, not even close. And you get a chance to do a 2025 minutes interview on that day and you don’t do it, that’s kind of a sign that the staff or yourself doesn’t have much confidence in you. There’s no other way to read this, he said. And he’s not going to the debates.

Well, guess who else is not going to debates? Trump’s not going to debates not because of mental senility, but because what’s the point? The election’s not about any issues and it’s not about the record of these two men, both of whom have been president. They’ve both been president and they don’t want to run on their record and they don’t want to have their record discussed by the other guy.

They want to make it about personalities. And Biden has said, yeah, I want, Trump is the, and I want to focus on his personality. And Trump wants to focus on Biden’s senility, but he’s also going to throw out a lot of promises, red meat to his base that he has no intention of doing anything about. And I’m going to show you that in a moment. I want to go over the stuff that he’s putting out that is being taken seriously even by people like anomaly folks.

I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life that Trump is a lying shill for the globalists. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. And I’m going to show you why. After we take this, after I finish this with Biden, we’ll talk about Trump. So he says. So he’s not going to do any debates. He’s old. I know what that is because I’m as old as he is and I’m never going to get better.

I know what it is because I’m almost as old as he is. Today is the youngest you’re ever going to be for the rest of your life. They have made the choice they want to go through with this, he said, democrats, myself being one, fundraisers, donors, door knockers, flushers, volunteers, the whole democratic infrastructure of the country needs to be told, okay, this is what the president’s going to do, and this is what he’s not going to do to try to work around whatever it is.

And so he says, so I thought him not doing a Super bowl interview was just telling. Well, it was very telling when he did the outrage about the report from the special counsel. How dare you say that I’m senile? And then he mixes up the leader of Egypt with the leader of Mexico. But then it got even worse. This is his most recent one. There is some movement, and I don’t want to maybe choose my words, there’s some movement.

There’s been a response from the, there’s been a response from the opposition, but, yes, I’m sorry, from Hamas. But it seems to be a little over the top. We’re not sure where it is. There’s continuing negotiation right now. He has no idea what he’s talking about. And then they did a little set piece. They skipped an interview because you can see what he’s like. Even when he’s at a podium where he can have notes, where he can have teleprompters, they skipped an interview.

And then they put out this little thing of him sitting in, like, some theater chairs, everything except for the popcorn. And that was his little Super Bowl Sunday video where he bumbled and mumbled about shrinkflation. Heavily, heavily, heavily edited. When you say, I’m not going to play that for you. He was mocked for talking about shrinkflation. And again, what he’s trying to do is he wants people. He understands that the economy is going to be a big issue, always is.

And so he wants to blame businesses for inflation. And we know that businesses are reacting to the inflation that he has caused with the Federal reserve and with the Treasury Department. Easy money, and not just him. Same thing happened with Trump and with Obama and all the rest of them. Chickens are coming home to roost. But he wants to blame it on businesses, their monetary policy. He wants to blame on businesses.

He wants to blame it on people who produce things. When the only thing that he produces is inflation and mandates. That’s the only thing that government produces. He is a demagogue of the first order and a senile one of that. He said, the american public is tired of being played for suckers. Well, evidently not. Evidently not, because we still have people who are fully vested in presidential politics, presidential politics, who you have essentially no leverage whatsoever.

Your vote is one vote out of millions, even if you round it off to the state level, tens of millions in many cases, or if you look at it over the overall perspective, one vote out of 330 plus million votes. And that’s assuming that the election is honest. And the election is not honest. They rig ballot access everywhere. And so again, the closer you come, the lower down you go, the more of a chance you have of your vote matters more, especially at the local level, because nobody pays.

It’s inversely proportional to where you can have an effect. Everybody is focused like a laser beam on the presidential race, which means which you have absolutely no control over whatsoever. You have no control of these people putting them in or what they do when they’re in. But when it comes to the state or to the local level, to the sheriff or the town council, most people don’t pay any attention.

And even after these people, you’re one of maybe a few hundred or a few thousand votes in that area. And then even after the election, if you get actively involved, you can affect those people. You have more of a chance of affecting them than you do the president in Washington or your senator, your congressman. You have no leverage over those people. And so you really should be focused on the local stuff if you’re going to focus on trying to fix things politically and to stand in the way.

And we all know, know Soros knows it. Musk says, look at what Soros is doing with the district attorneys and everything. You should pay attention to what he’s doing. But you experienced it yourself. No matter where you live, you realize that things were better or worse, depending on who the local officials were during the 2020 lockdowns and the globalist martial law, medical martial law. Donald Trump is focused on Taylor Swift because everything is about him personally, the deeply wounded narcissist.

Everything is about him. Are you loyal to me? Oh, Nikki, you’re not loyal to me. Is Taylor Swift going to be loyal to me? Loyal to him for what? He says she’s disloyal if she endorses Biden, he says, I signed and was responsible for the Music Modernization act for Taylor Swift and all other musical artists he wrote. And that was 2018 bipartisan legislation to update music copyright issues for the streaming era.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything for Taylor and never will, said Trump. And so again, this is why, meanwhile, the MAGA people were putting out the dark Brandon stuff about rigging the Super bowl. We’re going to take a quick break, and when we come back, we’re going to take a look at some of the things that Trump is trumpeting about that he’s going to do as president and see if you can believe it or not.

Yeah, this is the Ripley’s election. We’ll be right back. Elvis. Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles and the sweet sounds of Motown. Find them on the oldies channel@apsradio. com making sense common again, you’re listening to the David Knight show. Well, this was sent to me by Rob 42 in New Jersey. Thank you, Rob, for sending this. He says you’ve been right about Trump and how this stuff operates. And of course, when we look at Trump making promises about how he is going to get things done, what does he talk about? He talks about how he’s going to use money.

He’s going to use money to bribe or to blackmail people. If you don’t do what I say, I’m going to take away the money. Right? And this is why when all the people say, well, he didn’t do anything. No, he did. He did it with the money. As a matter of fact, an emergency had already been declared by the big pharmaceutical executive that he put in charge of HHS, which is over the NIH and over Fauci’s NIAID.

Alex Azar, the former CEO of Eli Lilly, was put into place by Trump after Trump had made a big show of talking to RFK Jr. About being skeptical about vaccines and the autism connection and the rest of this. And so after that, there was a big infusion of cash into the Trump transition period. And voila, you got a big pharmaceutical executive put in at the top of HHS and the most politically connected of the pharmaceutical companies at that point in time.

Alex Azar, Eli Lilly. And so when you look at how historically this has been done, the emergency was declared by that guy the end of January. And then March 13, Trump’s executive order of an emergency released the money. Again, it was a declaration of this emergency, of this, but that had already been done at the end of January. Trump’s executive order was all about the money. And so here’s what he says about cutting funding to people who are doing what he doesn’t like to do.

Sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school, pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity and inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the lives of our children. And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask. Or a mask mandate. Wait a minute. He was president when the mask mandates were out there with all the schools and everything, and he was giving more than pennies to the schools.

He didn’t cut their funding at all. Matter of fact, they help everybody out with pandemic relief and all the rest of that. Yeah, I would vote for that guy if I believed a word that he was saying. But we’ve already been through this. This is not our first rodeo, is it? And yet we have people again, anomaly, you know, from this point forward, said Trump, if you’re listening, us Senate, no money in the form of foreign aid should be given to any country unless it’s done as a loan, not as a giveaway.

It can be loaned on extraordinarily good terms, like no interest and an unlimited life, but a loan nevertheless. The deal should be contingent, that the US is helping you as a nation. But if the country that we’re helping ever turns against us or strikes it rich sometime in the future, if the nation strikes it clown, it’s cartoon politics. Then the loan will be paid off and the money returned to the United States.

And we should never give money anymore without the hope of a payback, without strings attached. Strings, folks are attached to all of the money now that is handed out domestically. That’s what people don’t understand. That’s why I’ve been saying for the longest time, you had, Truman said the buck stops here. That was a sign he had on his desk as president. He’s responsible for what happens in the federal government.

And that’s especially true of the swamp, of the deep state, because the swamp, the deep state, whatever you want to call the massive bureaucracy that operates, it all operates under the executive branch. Every single one of those people, the entire swamp, is under the president, and he did nothing to reduce it. And so, again, there’s always strings attached. And they were pulling those strings, and there are strings attached.

Even when you first give the money out, I’m giving this money out. But, you know, this is because we’re all going to pretend that there’s some kind of a pandemic emergency here. We know that there’s no pandemic. Right. But you want this money, I’m going to give you this money. As a governor, Republican or Democrat, you’ve got many times more than your entire state budget at your individual discretion as to how you want to hand that out.

And that’s the kind of political power that these people dream about having. And so look at what he had to say. Know, first of all, let’s talk. Know the hypocrisy. You heard Trump say, not a penny for a school that has a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate or that does any kind of the tranny stuff, right? And yet Trump was the person who was pushing the tranny stuff with his Miss universe.

He was at the very beginning of know. He was reaching out and bragging about his DeI appointments as president, and he was running ads and outreach to the LGBT about all that. And so he was one of the biggest promoters of trainees, and so was General Flynn back in 2014, pushing and pushing that Navy SEAL Chris Beck to get a transition and bragging about all of that. That was Mike Flynn, Mike Flyn, Donald Trump.

They’ve reinvented themselves without ever explaining what changed their mind. Did you have some kind of a come to Jesus moment on the road to Damascus or something? Well, tell us about it. We’d like to know your testimony about this. No, they’re just opportunists out there. And so that’s a short clip. Let me play it again. Listen to this. Not a penny for all these different people who are going to be pushing the kind of stuff that Donald Trump made a career of pushing to kids and adults on tv.

Sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school. Pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto the lives of our children. And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a, you know, we’re past the point. We have people say, I’m going to cut the funding to the department of education or get rid of it altogether.

The whole purpose of the department of Education was to bribe and blackmail people, the schools, to do exactly what the schools are doing right now, to push the Marxism, the perversion, to push the mandates, the medical martial law. That was the purpose of having the department of Education, to have some kind of financial department of bribery. That’s what they should call it, the Department of educational Bribery. And then you got the department of this other thing, bribery.

It’s all about bribery. It’s all about the strings. And he knows that. He knows that. He’s not as stupid as the people who vote for him. He’s not as stupid as the people who make excuses for him. Trump is not as stupid as the mAga. People who say they hate the mandates, they hate the mask, they hate the lockdowns, they hate the vaccines, and they vote for the guy who did it.

Talk about a stupor bowl. Every one of his campaign events, people are in a stupor and they eat up these empty promises. Anomaly. Best thing I’ve ever heard in a while. If this is his angle, then I’ll vote for him hands down. You could say that in 2016. And I did say that. I did think, well, yeah, these people, whenever they’re running for office, they say all kinds of stuff and they never follow through on it.

And that’s the way it was the first year or two. Then 2019 he went hard against for guns. He went hard against in 2018, against guns, 2019. He doubled down on the gun stuff. He went against the vaccine, went against vaccine informed consent for religious or medical reasons and other things like that, and gun control. And then in 2020, there was no difference between Donald Trump and Klaus Schwab.

None whatsoever. And so this is how it works. And even from at the gubernatorial level, at the governor level, look at DeSantis, right? DeSantis was defunding locals, jurisdictions that had mandates for masks and for vaccines and things like that. He did just the opposite of what Trump did. Just the opposite. And he did it in 2020. And Trump attacked him for doing that kind of stuff. And these are all the things that Trump just said, I’m going to cut money for these people that we’re giving money to.

If they’ve got a mass mandate, DeSantis did that. If they got a vaccine mandate, DeSantis did that. If they push this sexualized tranny stuff on kids, I’m going to cut their funding. DeSantis did that. He’s basically reinventing himself as DeSantis never talked about the issues, didn’t want to debate the issues. When DeSantis was in, it was all about Trump and his lawfare, his persecution by the Biden administration.

And then he goes before the NRA and he says, the second Biden term, will it be the death knell for the second amendment? No, we’ve had plenty of. Don’t worry about that. Quite frankly, all of them are against the Second Amendment. And there’s ways that you can stand against that at the local level because we still have the Constitution. Like I said about the pistol know, here in Tennessee, Biden wants to do the pistol brace.

Trump started a pistol brace ban. He did it by executive order. He pulled it back when the NRA was pushing hard against him, he pulled it back in that transition period where he was trying to stop the steel support. So he dropped it. Then Biden picked it up again. But here in Tennessee, it didn’t going to happen because they have passed a law saying that you will not enforce this or use any of our officers to enforce this in the state of Tennessee.

If we make it legal. And then they made pistol braces legal, you can stop this kind of attack. A lot of these attacks on the Second Amendment at the state level, and there’s nothing that you can do about it, just like there’s nothing that Jeff Sessions could do about legalization of marijuana when you had states legalize it. So if you’ve know Biden and Democrats and Republicans want to outlaw guns at the federal level, even in spite of the Second Amendment.

Well, the states can nullify it. That’s why it comes back to the states. Because can you really trust Trump to guard our second amendment rights? He vowed before hundreds of NRA members to support them in their fight for the second amendment. And evidently, none of these people remember the bump stock or the pistol brace bans that Trump did by executive order and set a precedent to do that.

He said, your second amendment will always be safe with me. As your president said this in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to the crowd’s cheers, Trump said that he would make the Second Amendment a true american right. He doesn’t. It’s already an american right. First of all, it is a human right. The Constitution doesn’t give us these rights, let alone some idiot like Trump. Everybody was talking about Putin in his interview with Carlson and how he really controlled.

Carlson starts out by saying, is this going to be entertainment? Is this going to be a serious interview? Well, of course Carlson wants to say it’s a serious interview. All right, well, then let me tell you a little bit about the background of this. And he goes back to the start talking about russian history, and he continues with that for 45 minutes. And any attempt that Tucker tries to make, weak attempt to get to something as current, he shuts it down.

And so everybody is criticizing Putin for giving his version of history. And I said to my family, say, can you imagine Trump or Biden ever talking for 45 minutes about american history, about the american government, things that happened? Trump and Biden never talk about the founding of this country or the constitution, except Biden, when he hated the Bill of Rights during the confirmation of Clarence Thomas. He hated the whole idea of natural rights.

Well, natural rights say that it isn’t even the Constitution that gives us these rights. If they were to repeal with a constitutional amendment, if they were to repeal the Second Amendment, folks, we would still have the right to keep and bear arms that transcends this government. And when any government becomes destructive of our God given rights, it is our duty to alter or to abolish that government. That would be where we would be at that point in time.

But Trump isn’t going to give us the Second Amendment. He didn’t give it to us. Nobody did. The people who wrote the constitution, Madison, the Bill of Rights, he didn’t give us the Second Amendment. He recognized the Second Amendment. And he prohibited people like Trump from doing the very things that Trump did in his first term, which is to infringe upon our God given rights. Trump has already defied the Constitution and the Second Amendment prohibitions against our God given rights.

So he said he would make the Second Amendment a true american right by demanding that Congress pass a national reciprocity law so that Americans could legally carry a gun regardless of where they happen to be. Trump said it has to be across state lines. If Joe Biden is reelected, then your gun rights will be gone. Totally gone. The only thing standing between you and the obliteration of the Second Amendment is me.

He’s always the only thing that is standing between us and the Democrats, isn’t it? No. He throws the January sixers between him and the Democrats. He throws everybody else between him and his political opponents. Here’s what he had to say. During my four years, nothing happened. And there was great pressure on liar having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield. And once you yield a little bit, that’s just the beginning.

That’s the avalanche begins. Oh, he held the line, did he? He didn’t yield, did he? Well, here’s the. Do you remember? Let me just play it for you. Refresh your memory about how he was pressured, but he would not yield. He was leading the effort for gun control with Chuck Schumer and with the Democrats had his side. So if I could just sum up, Chris and John, Pat, Joe, maybe you could all get together.

You’ll start it from that standpoint. Other people, Diane, you have some very good ideas. We all have. I think everybody. Marco, I know you have a lot, fellas, if you could all get together. Diane Feinstein, great piece of legislation, Chuck, she loved this. You can have an amazing result in the vote. The votes are hard to get in Congress. That’s what’s been happening. You can have an amazing result.

People are going to be shocked to see the number. It’s not going to be 60. It’s going to be way above 60. It may be a number that nobody would even believe. People want to see something happen, but they want to see something good happen, too. Not just another piece of. I mean, you didn’t pass anything, let alone some good stuff. We want to pass something. Yeah, we got to pass something.

Get together and do something. Infringe. Maybe set the foundation to infringe. Foundation where some of the great things said to infringe on our rights. I mean, some people aren’t going to like that, but you’re going to have to look at that very seriously. And I think we’re going to have a vote. I think it’s going to be a very successful vote, and I will sign it and I will call whoever you want me to if I like what you’re doing.

And I think I like what you’re doing already. But you can add to it. But you have to be very, very powerful on background checks. Don’t be shy. And don’t worry about bump stock. We’re getting rid of it. It’ll be out. I mean, you don’t have to complicate the bill by adding another two paragraphs. We’re getting rid of it. I’ll do that myself because I’m able to. Fortunately, we’re able to do that.

No, you’re not going through Congress. No, you’re not, you lying piece of filth. You traitor to the constitution. You don’t have the authority to do executive orders for gun control. But you did, and you set the precedent. And right after he said that, lala Hare said, well, I’m president, I’ll give him 100 days to pass the gun control things that I want. They don’t do it. I’ll do it by order, just like Trump just did with the bump stock.

The NRA did not oppose him on that because they didn’t care about bump stocks. Then he goes to pistol. Wait a minute, the principle is the same. And that’s why Trump started with bump stocks. You see, it’s very calculating. He starts with something that is really foolish and something that was a part of a massive false flag, the Vegas shooting, all tied together, all part of a big scheme.

This is not stupidity. This is conspiracy. They start with a shooting. They target a conservative country audience, kill people. And there was more questions about that than any other mass shooting I’ve seen. And then he uses that ridiculous idea that it was all based on a bump stock to come after and shooting of conservative country and western music fans. And now something’s got to be done about that.

It’s not an important thing. So just stand back and let me get rid of that one thing. It’s really not important who wants that? And he establishes a precedent, and then he follows up on it. And the Democrats are following up on it all the time. So what did he say in there that you heard him say, well, we’re going to ban certain types of weapons. He said, ban certain types of weapons.

And people aren’t going to like that. He said, but we can do that. Then he goes on to say, and we’re going to, I didn’t play for you the part where he said, we’ll take the guns and do the due process later. Everybody knows that. Well, if you do the due process later, then it’s not a process. The process is due before you take any guns. Right. So it’s not due process.

If you do it later, then he said, background checks. Background checks. We’ve got to do a lot more. What else are you going to do with background checks? Well, that’s what Biden is trying to do now via executive order, via this massive bill that we’ve had two ATF whistleblowers concerned about this because what else can you do with background checks that isn’t being done now? Well, you can use background checks to shut down private sales.

That’s the only thing that was left. So if he says, so, we’re going to background checks. We got to be very strong on background checks. Well, the only thing left for background checks was to shut down private sales. So he’s going to ban certain types of guns. What would that be? Well, he doesn’t name assault weapons or anything, but ban certain types of guns. We are going to take the guns and do the due process later.

We are going to escalate background checks, going to make sure that you can’t get a gun if you’re not 21. Well, where is that come from? That’s an infringement. There’s nothing about age limits about that. And if you’re going to set it at 21, they could set it 35 or anything that they want, whatever. And again, he says, I’ll take care of that. I have the power to do that.

You don’t need to bother putting that in. It’s difficult. These votes are hard to get. So let’s start doing gun control by executive order. I can do that. I have the power to do that. I don’t need to put this into a bill. You guys don’t need to be involved in infringing the constitution. And again, for the longest time, we have accepted the idea that courts could infringe our second amendment rights, that the legislature could infringe our second amendment rights.

And what Trump brought us was the idea that the executive branch could infringe our constitutional rights. I can do that. He said, well, no, you can’t do that and stay true to your oath to the Constitution. But that doesn’t matter to him. But he’s putting out a lot of red meat now and everybody is just woofing it down, not thinking about it. He also rails against fascist Democrats, but he jokes that the indictments have been very good for him at the polls.

Everybody knows that Trump knows that. All the Democrats know that. Again, going back to James Carville, how do we get so lucky? They’re talking about impeaching Biden now. That’s going to be wonderful for us. Well, it was wonderful for Trump, and that’s what he rode to get the nomination over the other Republicans. Now that he’s the last one standing, for all practical purposes, he still engaged in ad hominem attacks against Nikki Haley.

But for all practical purposes, he is the nominee now that everybody has dropped out of the Republican Party. And so now he is pivoting hard to the right and pretending policies that he never supported, policies that he did exactly the opposite. Policies that were done by his opponents, but not by him. Now he’s going to make those his own. That’s the level of fraud and the confidence game that this guy is running on his naive supporters who have flushed down their memory holes, everything that the guy actually did as president.

So he says, it’s hard to say, but it’s good to be indicted. But it sure as hell has helped the polls. And, you know, it’s interesting that one court case he’s looking at, and that’s the one that’s in the Supreme Court where they’re talking about ballot access, and he’s right, he should win this, where they’re trying to keep him off the ballot. Ballot access is one of the key areas of election corruption and always has been from the very beginning.

I’ve said that, and I especially doubled down on it in 2020. I said, you want to talk about election corruption? It’s way bigger than one or two voting machine companies. You don’t want to talk about the fact that it was Trump who created the vote by mail stuff with his lockdown election. But I said the real issue about the corruption of elections begins with ballot access and then also with debate access.

But, of course, we’re not even talking about doing debates this time around. And so in the Supreme Court, they had arguments with the Colorado state attorney general trying to keep him off the ballot. And in these arguments, the way it went last week, it looks like it’s going to be a nine to zero opinion for Trump. Looks like he’s going to unanimously win, and he should. It’s absolute garbage.

But what was really curious to me was at the lower level, his lawyers decided that they didn’t. It says that if an officer or somebody who has the office, a constitutional office, has engaged in insurrection, then they should not be allowed to run for office. So there’s two different things involved here. And they decided to focus on trying to say that the office of the presidency is not a constitutional office, that he’s not a constitutional officer.

I think that was too clever by half. I think it was a specious argument. Some people tried to say, well, technically, officers of the constitution are people subordinate to the president, but he’s not. I don’t buy that at all. He takes an oath to the office of president, end of story. Instead, I said, why doesn’t he talk about the insurrection? Are his lawyers trying to avoid the insurrection? Because they want to distance themselves so much from that? Because if they would make it about the insurrection, that might have some beneficial effects for the people who have become political prisoners, who’ve been politically persecuted, all the people rotting in jail or about to be rotting in jail.

All the J Sixers make it about the insurrection. It wasn’t an insurrection. It was not an insurrection. It was a protest where some people got violent. End of story. It’s not an insurrection at all. Not at all. Not even close. And so it looks like he’s going to win in the Supreme Court. And one of the things in his favor is, unlike these other trials, he didn’t show up at the Supreme Court and start making a jerk out of himself, attacking the judges like he does in these other cases and all the rest of this stuff, just making it a show trial.

And it’s one of the reasons. But he loves that. He loves that. He knows that this works to his advantage, the indictments work to his advantage. And then he baits the judges and the juries to indict him. He defies them to do it. And then he plays the victim card. Well, he didn’t do that at the Supreme Court. And when the questioning was going around, the questioning was not about whether the presidency is an office of the Constitution.

It wasn’t about that. It was all about the insurrection. And all of the judges were incredulous that the Colorado people would even call it an insurrection. So that could be a big win, and it could be something that helps people, the January sixers. But then Trump can’t leave it there, because everything is about him. And so listen to this, and I’ll play it for you, but before I play it, because as he’s saying this, an airplane goes by, and it’s a little bit hard to hear, and he stops for a second, and then he corrects it.

First. He says, the insurrection, right? And the airplane’s gone by. He calls it an insurrection. Always denied that it was an insurrection, but he calls it an insurrection. And he’s got a moment to think about it and he goes, well, it was Pelosi’s insurrection type of thing, right? Heard. And I watched and the one thing I’ll say is they kept saying about what I said right after the insurrection, I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi.

He is such a good liar. They said, what I said right after the insurrection, it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi. The same type of thing where people have put together a clip of people trying to pin Trump down on any kind of statement about religion because he’s portraying himself and he’s got all these pastors who are pushing him and know, what is your favorite book in the Bible? Do you like the Old Testament or the New Testament? Oh, equally.

Well, I don’t want to say it’s a very personal thing and all the rest of the stuff, but in that they went back to when he was on with Pat Buchanan and another guy back in the, they were talking about books and they said, so what are you reading now? He was not running for office. This is back in the 90s. What are you reading now? And he goes, Tom Wolf.

I like Tom Wolf. And he says, are you reading the bonfire of the vanities? No, I haven’t read that. And they talk a little bit more and then they come back and he says, oh yeah, I loved the bonfire, the vanities. He just goes back and forth saying, whatever and he knows that nobody ever calls him on these lies. And so again, he listened to this one more time short and I watched.

And the one thing I’ll say is they kept saying about what I said right after the insurrection. I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi. What I said right after the insurrection. And then I think it was an insurrection that’s caused by Nancy Pelosi. Well, now it’s an insurrection. Let’s talk about some of the. I’ve got more to say here, but I want to take a break and I want to catch up with some of the comments here on Rumble.

Perfectly effed up. Thank you for the tip. It’s all Bs and it’s all bad for you. George Carlin, Rumble. Mr. Enrico, thank you for the tip. Please email me. And he gives his email address. I am vaccine injured and I will tell you the rest, please. All right, I’ll do that. You got the email address? Okay, I’m sorry to hear that you’re vaccine injured, but I do want to hear the story on Rumble.

Stealth patriot, thank you for the tip. He says Trump is a globalist and so is Putin. Yeah, Putin compares Christianity to communism. In a 2017 interview, Trump and Putin both are playing their part for the new world order. That’s right. They’re both there, Davos. They’re both know Trump didn’t ever sing like Putin did for the elites. Found his thrill on. But look, you know, they’re all doing the same.

I had somebody send me an email saying that Putin’s vaccines are not the mrna stuff. Well, that may be true. They’re the vaccine mandates. Anyway, I never support any vaccine mandates. I think any vaccine mandate, any mandate that you put something into your body is evil. And if we accept that as a principle, that means that they can force you to put a chip in your body, that removal of informed consent, just as Putin has locked up his opposition, as he shut down a free press, as he’s invaded other countries, all things that we do as well.

But there is no difference between these people. He’s not a good guy. That’s one of the big mistakes of the alternative mainstream media, is to try to make Putin the good guy. And everybody seems to fall into this, well, I don’t like Biden and Biden doesn’t like Putin. Therefore Putin must be a good guy and I’m going to support him. Stalin and Hitler fought each other. Neither one of them were good.

And this is just a Game of Thrones. There is no good guy. And it doesn’t make somebody a good guy because your enemy hates. Know the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That’s not true, folks. That is not true. That is a kind of machiavellian geopolitical stance and it is not true. The enemy of your enemy can still be. Your enemy can still try to kill you.

They can be playing that game just like you’re playing that well. You know, we’ll have a temporary alliance and I’ll get the other guy on Rock Finn. Dougalug, thank you very much for the tip. I appreciate that. Friegan says on Rumble, Trump said last week he didn’t there with a wall because he was doing such a good job with the border. Yeah. As a matter of fact, there’s a chart that was put up in an article on zero hedge and it shows the number of border encounters and they’re going up and down just a little bit, little bit of variation from Obama to Trump until you get to 2019 and it goes straight up for Trump and then it drops straight back down in 2020.

What happened in 2020? Well, their so called global pandemic and limitations on all kinds of travel and the fact that they started at that point in time doing more border enforcement than they ever had. But if you get rid of that 2020 aberration and then when you get Biden, it goes way up. Okay, three years, okay. However, if you ignore that 2020, you see a trendline going from the beginning of Biden, not from Obama’s administration.

It was just bouncing around horizontal. But he picks up, and it’s about the same number of people that they had crossing the border during Obama. And then from that point on, it goes straight up. The only thing disturbing that trend is 2020. And they look at that and they say, oh, wow, Trump had that under control. No, Trump was locking all of us down. And that was a Davos agenda if ever there was one.

Rockfin MJ Nichols, thank you very much for the tip. I appreciate that. He says, hi, david, thanks for the program. We’re going to take a quick break. And when we come back, we’re going to talk about what Trump said about NATO. That’s got a lot of people upset. Look, I was hoping that he was going to defund NATO and get out of it because unless we want war with Russia, the whole purpose of NATO was war with Russia to defend against the war with Russia.

So when the fell, you know, it really was an organization without much of a job, and they should have taken it down at that point in time. And it was really an anachronism of the cold war. But they found a new mission for it. And it wasn’t just an anachronism of the Cold War. Remember, you had NATO running Operation Gladio, which was a false flag. They pretended that they were communists in Germany and in Italy.

And that’s where Alex Jones’s big source for kicking off the stop the steal stuff, Steve Pacheneck, he was involved in that with Henry Kissinger. He was Henry Kissinger’s envoy. They had kidnapped the italian prime minister, Aldo Moro. And Steve Pachennick went over there and Aldo Moro had figured out what was going on. There’s actually NATO running these people. And according to the italian government’s investigation, it was Steve Pachennik who said, kill him.

So we’ll take a quick break and we’ll be right back to talk about NATO. Stay with us. You’re listening to the David Knight show. Interested in a curated list of the finest classical music? Find it now@apsradio. com. The shocking moment that Trump tells a cheering crowd that he would encourage Russia to attack fellow NATO members for failing to pay their dues. This is bigger news in the EU than it was in the US.

And this is Daily Mail that has it. Trump has claimed that he would encourage Russia to attack NATO members who don’t pay their share of the alliance’s budget. He said, president of a big country stood up and said, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us? I said, you didn’t pay. You’re delinquent. And he said, yes, let’s say that happened. No, I would not protect you.

In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills, says Trump, who has had six casino bankruptcies. You got to pay your bills. That’s a principle that he lives by. Here’s the actual clip of Trump talking about Russia and the NATO countries that he would not defend if they didn’t pay up. I did the same thing with NATO.

I got them to pay up. NATO was busted until I came along. I said, everybody’s going to pay. They said, well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us? I said, absolutely not. They couldn’t believe the answer. And everybody, you never saw more money pour in. The secretary general Stoltenberg, I don’t know if he is anymore. But he was my biggest fan. He said, all these presidents came in, they’d make a speech, they’d leave, and that was it.

And they all owed money and they wouldn’t pay it. I came in, I made a speech, and I said, you got to pay up. They asked me that question. One of the presidents of a big country stood up, said, well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us? I said, you didn’t pay. You’re delinquent. He said, yes, let’s say that happened. No, I would not protect you.

In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills. He’s a tough guy, and he just tells everybody. I seriously doubt that that happened. I think if that had happened, it would have been the kind of reaction that you’re seeing now in the european press if that really had happened. But he’s such a tough guy, isn’t he? Like, I think we ought to get out of NATO.

Why didn’t Trump do it? Why didn’t he do it the first time around? And he got a lot of these countries to pony up the money. And what did they do with it? They used it to attack Russia and the Ukraine war. I already talked about this. I said, did it ever occur to you that all of Trump’s belly aching about, well, we’re going to pull out a NATO if you guys don’t pay more money? Maybe that was to portray himself to his audience at home as Mr.

America first tough guy. Yeah, make them pay for their own defense, when in reality what it really was is preparation for this move, this Ukraine war, which they’ve been preparing for since, really the 1990s, but especially since 2014, the Obama coup. See, I think that Trump is, everything that he’s done has set the table, laid the groundwork for what the Democrats did. They created the poison and then Biden creates the mandates.

It’s always like that on Rockfin. Dan Shanier says, thank you, sir, for everything and helping me focus my life on his will for me. God bless you. And we’re going to talk about that. By the way, after I get finished with politics, I want to talk about the way we should look at all this. We don’t want to be doomers, as they say. We don’t want to be black pilled.

We need to understand where our real hope and happiness lies. I do think that it’s important to know the threats that these different people pose to us in different ways. I think one of the biggest differences between, in terms of the threats that come from Biden or from Trump, I think they got their pet issues. They’ve got the issues that each of these sides have carved out. But for the most part, the threat is going to be knowing what the Democrats are going to be trying to do and also knowing that the Republicans are not going to do anything to stop it.

Meanwhile, they’re going to tell you to rest easy. Every time you see a Republican get elected for president, everybody stops buying guns. When a Democrat gets in, everybody starts buying, know there’s not that much difference between them. We were just talking about how Trump’s going to come after guns. And so you need to understand that and act accordingly. But our hope is not in princes or politicians. Our hope is in Christ.

And that is really the only hope that is worth focusing on, the only relationship that is worth investing time in. We have a responsibility to protect innocent lives. We have a responsibility to see that justice is done. God is going to ask us about that. My salvation is not based on doing any of that stuff. My salvation is based on the fact that Christ took my sin and gave me his righteousness.

But there are rewards that we don’t want to lose. Or have taken away from us. There will be a judgment in that sense. And those are things that we don’t even really understand what they would be, but they have eternal consequences. And so if you don’t stand for innocent lives or do other things like that, maybe there’s some rewards that you’ll be thinking about for. Could have. I could have been somebody.

Marlon Brando. Still, I could have been somebody. But no, I didn’t. I just watched the Super bowl, and that was it. Nikki Haley tells Trump to say it to my face after he questions her military husband’s whereabouts. Now, this is kind of interesting. I think this is typical of what you see with politicians, especially Democrats, especially Democrat politicians from New York, like Hillary, like Trump. And that is projection.

For the longest time, everybody’s been wondering, where is Melania? As a matter of fact, you remember when the Iowa campaign kicked off. And I don’t remember if it was a DeSantis pack or who it was that did it, but somebody rented one of these planes that tows a banner behind it, and the banner says, where is Melania? People were trolling him about the fact that Melania didn’t want to have anything to do with him or his campaign.

And so as soon as she makes her first appearance, he then projects this onto Nikki Haley. Oh, her husband’s not around anywhere. I guess he knows about her. It’s just pure projection. Listen to this. She comes over to see me at Mar a Laca. Sir, I will never run against you. She brought her husband. Where’s her husband? Oh, he’s away. He’s away. What happened to her husband? What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone.

He knew. He knew. But no, think of this. Think of this. I will never run against you, sir. But it’s all over tape. We’ve got, like, 19 verd. The great dance cavino he made. Yeah, okay, well, you know, that’s what it’s about. A deeply wounded narcissist. Where’s this loyalty? You said that you’d never run against me. You kissed my ring. What’s the matter with you? Does he care that Nikki Haley wants to know your name when you get on the Internet? Does he care that Nikki Haley wants to get us involved in all these wars that he says he doesn’t want to get us involved in? Wouldn’t you think that he’d attack her on that? No, what he does is he attacks her on her personal disloyalty, because that’s the only thing that matters to him.

He doesn’t care about the foreign wars. He doesn’t care about the globalist agenda to track and id everybody, to surveil everything that we’re doing. He doesn’t care about CBDC. He’s using those words. But it was in his administration that it began with his worthless son in law, his grifting, corrupt son in law, Jared Kushner, and with his goldman Sachs banker that he put in charge of the treasury department, Steve Mnuchin.

They kicked off CBDC. They were passing memos about how we can put this together. And then Biden takes it from there and he escalates it. And let me tell you, Trump is going to do the same thing when he becomes president. He’s going to play to these globalists right now. He wants the support of the MAGA people after he’s president. He’s going to want their support and he’s going to kick the MAGA people to the curb like he did the first time around.

What happened to her husband? Where is he? He’s gone. He’s gone. He knew. He knew. He says, right again, he doesn’t care about policy. He doesn’t care about the constitution, he doesn’t care about the country. He cares about disloyalty to him. And it’s all about. And so Haley responded on a post that her husband’s, Michael says, michael is deployed, serving our country, something you know nothing about. You see, Trump is stupid.

He’s stupid. He’s not even informed about his enemies. He just shoots from the lips. He wants to attack Nikki Haley because her husband’s gotten. Did he even bother to look to see where he is? He just assumed, I think, that her husband had enough of her, just like Melania’s had enough of him. I think he’s just projecting his, says her husband, Michael Haley immediately posted. He says the difference between humans and animals.

Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack. Trump has said that he avoided service in Vietnam through student and medical deferments. His wife, Melania Trump, has been absent from the campaign trail and has not appeared with him at a public campaign event since his announcement speech. But that just changed. She appeared with him at Mar a Lago. I mean, you didn’t even see her with him at Mar a Lago.

They had the two of them, and then Ramaswamy and his wife made a grand entrance, the four of them. And so I guess it’s safe now for him to mock Nikki Haley because her husband’s not around. And then you have, this had happened already from the very beginning, Donald Trump Jr. Pleading for conservatives to keep drinking bud light. And now Donald Trump is doing it. And this happened last week.

I didn’t get around to talking about it, but it fits here. People were saying he was bought out after he pled for people to stop the boycott on Bud Light, give them a second chance. They’re the ones who brought in Dylan Mulvaney, this guy who wants to pretend that he’s a giggly little girl and they used him to sell product. But in spite of all that, Trump says that Anheuser Bush is not a woke company.

Yeah, don’t believe what they do. You see, same approach that you should take towards him. As a matter of fact. Don’t look at what Trump does. Don’t look at what Anheuser Bush does or Bud light. Don’t judge them by their actions. They’re really not that way. Really. He said they’ve already paid a very big price for putting Dylan Mulvaney on the cans and stuff. He said it was a mistake of epic proportions.

Well, a mistake. Was it a. No, no, it was deliberate somehow. How did that happen? Who put her picture on? I don’t know how that happened. No, it was deliberate. But, you know, Trump has these epic, quote, unquote, mistakes of creating a kill shot, but he’s not going to admit to it. He’ll admit that they made a mistake of epic proportions, but he’s not going to talk about his epic mistakes.

He urges his followers to give Bud light a second chance and to shun other companies that are looking to destroy America. Oh, so give Bud light a second chance because all the other countries are looking to destroy America. Give Trump a second chance because his opponent is looking to destroy America. Well, yeah, they both are. Trump is looking to destroy America just like Bud light is looking to destroy.

Look, Bush, Anheuser Bush and Bud are selling sex, they’re selling drugs and they’re selling transgender stuff, and there’s only to kids and they’re putting it on tv and the rest of this stuff. What is it about that that is so hard to understand? And yet that’s what Trump has really done as well. Not the drugs, not the alcohol, until now. And then he writes this massive thing. Bud light ad was a mistake of epic proportions and for that, very big price was paid.

But Anheuser Busch is not a Woke company. But I can give you plenty that are am building a list and might just release it for the world to see. Why not? The radical left does it viciously to, well, run conservative companies and people, very nasty, but it’s the way they play the game. On the other hand, Anheuser Bush spends $700 million a year with our great farmers, employs 65,000 Americans, of which 1500 are veterans, and is a founding corporate partner of Fold of honor, which provides scholarships for families of fallen servicemen and women.

So that gives them a pass. That gives them a pass to push tranny insanity on kids and the rest of this stuff, no, none of that makes any difference. They’ve raised $30 million given 44,000 scholarships. Anheuser Bush is a great american brand that perhaps deserves a second chance. What do you think? Perhaps instead we should be going after those companies that are looking to destroy America. And their shares jumped when he did that.

Their shares jumped by 4% on the basis of Trump becoming a spokesperson for them. Are they paying him? Yeah. No. I look at all this stuff, and in terms of second chances, I don’t think so for the company. People are one thing. Companies are another thing. I give people second chances, especially if they admit they made a mistake. But if there’s somebody who was a Davos quizzling like Trump, who did everything that Davos wanted and the UN wanted as part of their agenda and did it at the same time and then bragged about it, I don’t think you give a person like that a second chance.

I won’t be giving him a second chance. I won’t be giving him a second look. We’ll be right back. Hear news now@apsradionews. com. Or get the APS radio app and never miss another story. All right. And before we get into the next topic here, I want to say thank you to some of the people who have sent us checks. In February, we’re off to a really slow start.

The gas gauge is not updated with this, but it is a very slow start this month. And so we really would appreciate it if you listen to the program on a regular basis, if you would just make a small donation. And we have seen some new donors. And again, it doesn’t have to be a lot. If we have a lot of people who pay a minimal amount, just a few dollars or something a month, that would do it for us.

We do have some very faithful people who have supported the program over a long time. Let me just thank them real quickly. Timur R. Tom and Nancy K. Jeff and Janine K Martin P. Mike and Tina G Kelly M. Jeremy W Tom and Sylvia Dale L. David and Susie S David and Deborah W Louise L. Jiminesh I’m having a hard time reading Karen’s writing here. I hope I got that right.

Jiminesh B. Phillips, M-H-D. And Edward C. Thank you, all of you. And I promise I’ll get the gas gauge updated. But as I said, it has gotten off to a slow start this month. I said before, when I criticize politics and people putting their hope in it, especially the one that you have the least influence or ability to control, the one that is going to be the least likely to produce any results, we’ve got everything upside down.

We pay the most attention to the presidency, then we look at the senators and congressmen, and that’s the next to the least effective way that you can get involved in politics. We need to look at it from the bottom up. That’s where we have the most effect on that. But again, it all really begins. If you want to turn things around in this country, it all begins with you.

If you are not connected to God, that is something that is going to be a problem for you personally throughout eternity. And if you are, then that helps to get you through rough times, even if things fail politically, as they appear to be doing. And so we look at this, it’s really sad to see the state of what is happening with christians in this country and the state of so many of these institutional churches.

Just take a look at know we see all this stuff about Taylor Swift. I’m so tired of seeing her everywhere. I don’t go to entertainment sites. I don’t go to us or people. I don’t even go the daily mail, except they pull up something’s referenced from somebody else for a political issue. Like we’re talking about Trump and his NATO pronouncements and things like that. But I don’t go to these entertainment sites.

But even on the so called political news or world news, Taylor Swift is everywhere. Can’t avoid it. And even with this church in Las Vegas, it is faith Lutheran. It’s actually not church. It’s Faith Lutheran middle and high school in Las Vegas. They’re setting up a Taylor Swift Bible study. Wow. A group of nearly two dozen students meet every Tuesday before school for Tuesdays with Taylor. Not Tuesdays with Jesus.

Right. A Bible study that relates scripture passages to the famous pop star’s lyrics. Now, we’ve talked about how some of these colleges that people pay exorbitant amounts of money to go attend have little silly courses about Taylor Swift songs and all kinds of silly stuff like that. And here it is at a middle and high school and they’re doing this. And they think that this is a way to bring people, to show people God.

I said, we take Taylor Swift’s song lyrics and we connect them to Bible verses, and then we talk about how they really. And, you know, thus saith the swift. And I guess the disciples were first called swifties in Las Vegas, right. It’s absolutely crazy. And one of the people that’s there said, I really like this club because we get connections. It’s about their social connections. We get peace and we get common likings.

Common likings. So the key thing that the church today is looking for, I say the church in general, is that we not have conflict with anybody. I don’t want to make anybody mad. I don’t want to trigger, you know, then if that’s the way you’re looking at this, you’re not following Jesus. He said, the world hated me, and they will hate you, but they won’t hate you if you follow Taylor Swift instead of Jesus.

One person said, I walk away with hope and love and with happiness because I just love to talk about Taylor Swift. And I love talking about the Bible, too, a little bit about that. Well, there’s no one above Christ, and there is nobody beside Christ either. We can make our little idols about all types of things. And of course, for the longest time, going back to the middle of the 20th century, where we had the pop culture that began with the teen idols and all the rest of this, that’s what they were.

They were idols. We can make idols of anything. We can make idols of money or sex or drugs or celebrities or a job. We can make idols of good things. We can take it to an extreme and make an idol out of it. Then you’ve got another cultural phenomenon, the chosen. Now, this is very popular. This is Dallas Jenkins’dad. Worked with Tim Lahay, and they did the left behind novel series.

And they did some. Not very good, from what I hear, movies about it. But he’s really hit a home run in terms of audience and money with the chosen. And I saw this article and it said, we need to talk about episode three, the shocking character death, because I don’t follow the chosen. When it first came out, I looked at a few of the episodes and know it’s playing a little bit too loose with and quite think, and I’ve talked about this before, I think know if God wanted us to have a visual representation of what he was doing, we would have had Christ come now instead of when they didn’t have cameras and things like that.

And so I think that God has told us what he wants us to know in the Bible, but we want to keep reinterpreting this in various ways. The first three episodes of season four of the chosen hit theaters on February the first. They put it together as a movie and did a theatrical release, and it has grossed over $9 million. So he’s making a lot of money off of this and all of his people.

And in a recent livestream, Dallas Jenkins, who’s the show’s creator, director, co writer, co producer, discussed a shocking turn of events in the third episode. So I thought, what is know, some character died. That’s really going to upset know. Which character in the Bible is this? Oh, what’s not a character in the Bible? It’s something that he’s created. Dallas Jenkins revealed that Rama, a fictionalized character who is meant to represent both the unnamed female disciples of Jesus and the unnamed wives of the Apostles, dies at the end of episode three.

Let’s stop right there. It’s meant to represent the unnamed female disciples and the wives of the apostles. Is God just a misogynist or something that he didn’t put that in there. Why didn’t he put that in there? Yeah, the Bible’s pretty good, but it could use some representation. I think the mic was working. Travis said, yeah, the Bible’s pretty good, but it could use some. What do you say? Representation? Yeah, it needs to be brought up to just.

They just didn’t get it right. I see this in a lot of the translations where they’ll try to do gender inclusive language in the translations. So, yeah, unnamed female disciples. It needs a little bit of improvement here. So he’s going to fix it. And so this fictionalized character who has a composite to represent all of the females that God just chose to ignore but not Dallas Jenkins, dies at the end of episode three.

And in the show, Rama is married to Thomas, and she dies in Thomas’s arms. She is killed by Quintus, another fictionalized character who is a roman magistrate. And though Thomas asked Jesus to raise Rama from the dead, he does not. This is a soap opera. It’s not anything to do with the Bible. And they have. It’s amazing how fast and loose they play with this stuff. I mean, it’s just amazing.

And I guess maybe we’ll eventually find out what the real names of the Magi are. Right. And if there was only three or if there was a bunch of them or whatever, two or more. But, yeah, he’s going to fill in all of those missing details for us about everything. Now, back when I was a kid, back in the 1950s, Hollywood used to do these sword and sandal things, Victor mature, and they did a lot of these biblical epics, and they weren’t biblical at all.

They were set in the time. They had absolutely nothing to do with it. Even you look at the ten Commandments, I mean, there’s a lot of liberties that were taken with that. A lot of characters are invented. Nathan was invented, and the rest of this stuff. But even to the extent we’re seeing it as a small child, know the burning bush and you hear. But, you know, actually, the way it’s written, the angel of Lord is inside that bush, inside that burning bush.

That’s not the way that Cecil B DeMilles depicted it. And so we have these different things. Even if you go through and you have something where all of the characters are saying everything verbatim, they still have an interpretation. Like, how is that line delivered? Is he smiling? Is he frowning? Is he staring at somebody? And all of that is going to convey, perhaps, a meaning, a different meaning than the one that was there.

And so I think the purpose was for us to not search for God in some kind of a soap opera, but in what he gave us to look for him. Others felt wounded by the fact that Jesus did not resurrect Rama and felt it didn’t reflect the character of Jesus. Well, there you go. So he’s got this composite female that is supposedly Thomas’s wife and killed by another fictional character, and then Jesus decides not to raise her.

And so we need to talk about that. He said, we need to talk about it openly and honestly. Well, here’s the way you talk about it. Whoever adds to my word, whoever takes away from it, that’s what God said. God said what he wanted to say. And I don’t think that Dallas Jenkins has really got a handle on what is going on with this. I’m just saying that if you look at it as entertainment, fine.

It’s just going to color your impression of what God wanted to convey to you unnecessarily. There is so little time in our life. I can’t imagine wasting it on tripe like that, quite frankly. And then we have this. In the UK, they’ve taken Canterbury Cathedral and they’ve turned it into Canterbury. Sells sales as they have sold out. They’ve sold out and used this cathedral, which. And, look, I don’t believe that there’s anything holy about these buildings, but these people who built it, created these masterpieces.

They did it to honor God. And they did it to create something that was separate and above everything around it. And it truly is amazing when you look at these magnificent temple cathedrals and stuff, that when you think about what the people were living in at the time, and you look at this and you understand that even if you don’t recognize these buildings as being something that is holy, it certainly was a manifestation of people who were doing something they thought for God.

But that’s not where we are right now. Where we are right now is they have what they call the rave at the nave. And what this is, is a silent disco, they said, and here’s all these people, and they’ve got glowing headphones on and they’re dancing around to music that’s being pumped into their headphones and their headphones are glowing in the dark and they’ve got light sticks that they’re jumping around with and they’re singing.

And this is really a picture of how paganism has really taken over these. It’s essentially kind of a tombstone of Christianity there. They’re going to have two of these. They’ve already had one. There’s another one that is coming up. 290s themed silent discos held at one of the UK’s oldest cathedrals. Because the christians are gone and it’s just an empty place there. Dozens of revelers jumped up and down with glow sticks while listening to beats on their headphones.

As one person said, they’ve garnered a lot of signatures. They said that they built this thing back in 597. The church is supposedly the seat of the archbishop of Canterbury, who is the head of their Church of England. But they said it’s not appropriate, it’s not respectful, but it’s the most people that they’ve had in their church for quite some time. It’s probably more people that get to show up at that church building over an entire year, showing up for these silent disco things.

But one person said it will not bring young people closer to Christ. Rather, it will send the message that Christ and his church and all the truth, beauty and goodness it has to offer are unimportant. And we see this all over Europe, these magnificent buildings being repurposed for discos or other things like that, that entertainment deserves our attention more than God. Isn’t that really what the chosen is about? So many things we do, or the Taylor Swift Bible studies? Isn’t that really about entertainment, that deserves our attention more than God? Is it something that is going to bring young people in, or is it trivialize what this is all about? That entertainment deserves our attention more than God.

That christians do not take their faith or their holy places seriously, that Christianity is just a lame joke, he said. Well, yes, I think that is basically what a lot of people are seeing in terms of the institutional church. And here is an example. We have Brian and Bobby Houston, who said they were going to create an online church in 2024 and they were going to call it Jesus followers church.

Now, these are a couple of people. I don’t know anything about them other than the fact that they were involved in Hillsong, which is one of these contemporary churches out of Australia, had a lot of successful contemporary christian music, made a lot of money off of that, and then had a lot of sexual scandals. Surprise, surprise. Within the church, a series of controversial issues, including accusations that Brian breached the Hillsong pastor’s code of conduct by behaving inappropriately toward two women.

In August of last year, an australian magistrate found that Brian not guilty of covering up his father’s sexual abuse, his father’s sexual abuse within that church. And then there was a hot mic recording that was just released by somebody inside the church who’s really still not happy with what’s happening with this kind of tv evangelism. The hot mic audio was accidentally uploaded, they say accidentally uploaded, maybe accidentally, to revival city church’s YouTube page.

And in the recordings, Bobby can be heard telling her husband Brian to, quote, hook the audience so they don’t leave before he gives the offering announcement. So when do you think I should do the offering? Brian asked one of the producers. Before the message or after the message? And Bobby responded. She believed that it should be at the end of the message, but she told Brian, you’ve got to hook them so that people don’t leave.

And then the conversation turned to her rolodex. Her Rolex. Her Rolodex watch. Her Rolex watch. They got a rolodex of everybody, don’t they? They’ve got a big money there. You look at this, and we just had a shooting at Joel Austeen’s church yesterday. Still, there’s no information. I mean, they don’t even know the woman’s age yet. But why? First thought, it looks like know another one of these tranny killings, but it was a woman with a trench coat who had a long rifle and was holding the hand of a five year old child.

They don’t even know. There’s been so little information put out. There was a young five year old child who was shot and in critical condition, but they don’t even say if that child was the one that the would be killer, I guess, brought in, another person was wounded. The police protectors that were there took down this woman. I don’t know. They said they’re looking to see if it’s some kind of a hate crime, you would imagine, perhaps.

And yet when you look at this, even a phony church like Joel Austin’s church, and I say it’s a phony church because it is a grifting operation. Folks, again, I look at this and I know faithful pastors who stick to the word and who do expositional teaching and try to do the best that they can to mentor other people. They get no attention at all. And this guy gets 30,000 people a week to show up.

Why? Because he’s offering them the promise of riches in this life. If they give him money, they just paid off 100 million dollar loan or something like that that they had at that church. It’s just beyond belief how phony it is. And I know how disturbing it must be for pastors who are sincere trying to follow God. I mean, I look at it and I understand that when you look at these people in media that are making so much money, I mean, Joe Rogan just signed a new contract and tens of millions of dollars or whatever, I can’t even get on Spotify.

Well, I’ll tell you a, just because we got purged in December and when we reactivated that, I told, well, try to send this out to Spotify again. And so for about a month we have been on Spotify and that’s the biggest podcast there. So now I imagine, now that I’ve said this, I’ll get kicked off and I really don’t care. But I just find it amazing that they won’t even carry me and not pay me anything.

It’s because of content. And we’ve just seen the same type of thing happen with Jason Barker and others who wanted to and surge who wanted to. I think it was Serge or maybe it was angry Tiger. I don’t know. It was Karen saw the post that was sent and I haven’t looked at it yet, but we’re going to get Jason on to talk about, you know, they get on Facebook and they get kind of preemptively purged off of this.

So we look at this and we say, how is it that people in politics who lie and grift get promoted like that? How is it that people in religion who lie and grift get promoted like that and people who are sincere, people trying to tell the truth, get purged everywhere. That is the way that it is. And so many of us will look at that. And that’s always been the question that David had in the psalms.

Why do the wicked prosper? That has always been a part of it. But I just want to know, when we look at this, let me just pass this on to you. This is from Mike Sabo. You find it on americanreformer. com. It’s an essay. He says we need to reject doom and gloom, doomerism. He says what the dissident right is looking for and not able to find, they will find that in Christ.

And so he said, why is there no concerted effort amongst the evangelicals to reach out to the dissident right? Well, I would answer that and say, well, because so many of these pastors are trying to ingratiate themselves to Trump and to the people who support Trump, and at the same time, they’re discrediting themselves every bit as much, if not more so, than the teen Bible study that wants to build a Bible study around Taylor Swift.

You want to build your church around Donald Trump. That is a house of cards waiting to collapse. But he said there was a recent post on conundrum Cluster’s substac about the Texas border. He said after conundrum cluster gave his somewhat contrarian take on the mess at the southern border, he sounded a crucial note that the right desperately needs to hear today. He said, america is, or at least Americans are going to make it through this.

We’re not doomed. There’s still a shot of salvaging this situation. It’s even a pretty good shot right now. He said black pill spiraling is very popular in right wing circles. It’s one of the reasons why you’re not going to see me putting out the ambulance light. Red alert. Red alert, emergency broadcast. We’re going into civil war tomorrow, that type of thing. And that alex does all the time.

It’s embarrassing to see that all the time, but I don’t do that. Virtually every major cultural indicator, he says, is plummeting. And the ruling gerintocracy have the country pointed straight toward a cliff as they head off to cushy nursing homes, which is interesting because most of the people in the alarmist right are pushing those alarms and then holding Trump out as the only hope when he’s not a so.

And that’s the I people say, well, you’re supporting Trump, aren’t you? No. Who are, you know, who is going to save us as president? It’s like nobody’s going to save us as president. The calvary is not coming. Christ was at Calvary, but it’s a different kind. Prospects look bleak for rising generations. In response, members of the right typically try to outdo each other with the worst possible predictions of what the future holds.

Will it be, will the education re education camps only have two latrines or just one? That type of thing. Much of the problem today comes from hopelessness, says conundrum cluster. Pessimistic statements become self fulfilling prophecies. Too often, trading various end of America scenarios are exercises and larping and simply fuel generic demoralization, neutering any possible response that could be constructive. As if, as Joe Biden has repeatedly said, the federal government holds f nuclear warheads, then what use is there for mounting any kind of a pushback? Isn’t it all a foregone conclusion? Well, it’s not, he says, and it isn’t conundrum Cluster says.

Now more than ever, Americans need to understand that they have power to improve their lives. Your problems are solvable by you. To the young men of the right, to the young men of the future, do not give up hope, he says. He’s counseled those on the right to diet well, to fix their physical ailments, to get regular exercise, including pull ups, to stop negative feedback loops, which are especially prevalent on social media.

And as this author says, well, those are all good things to do, but they’re not really where your hope is involved. Right? None of us control our future. And when you look at that’s the same conceit, quite frankly, that’s all good advice. And it’s not evil stuff like the Silicon Valley elites are planning. Oh, we’re going to transfer your mind into a robot or something. You’re going to become a cyborg or this or that, and you’re going to live forever.

But they also engage in all this stuff. I mean, look at the obsession, clear obsession that you can see in Jeff Bezos. I mean, he’s working out pretty hard. And you better believe, just like a lot of these other billionaires, he’s taking everything that he can to extend his life. Every kind of supplement, every kind of exercise. Personal trainers, you better believe he’s eating well, but he’s going to die.

He doesn’t really have any hope for eternal life. He doesn’t have any hope that he’s going to transfer his mind into something else. All those things that are being sold, those types of things that a lot of these guys are involved in, go beyond this good stuff. And get really into evil occultic things that aren’t going to work for them, frankly. But to focus on eating well, exercising, learning to shoot or whatever, all of that.

Exclusively. Exclusively. These are all good things to do. And by the way, civil defense manual has got a lot, two volumes. Got a lot of information about very good things that you can do and things that you should do. You should prepare for your family. You don’t provide for your own. You’re worse than an infidel. So you want to provide food for emergencies. There’s a lot of indications that we have a very fragile infrastructure, so you should be providing that type of stuff.

Part of what civil defense manual? Again, you find that civil defensemanual. com Jack Lawson’s book, part of what he talks about there is building community and not being isolated. And that’s all very good stuff as well. But Jack Lawson will tell you that there’s more to life than that as well. And that’s what this guy says. Countering our present madness will take something more than self help courses.

It’ll take more than a kind of teddy Roosevelt bully training, that type of thing. For christians, our hope is ultimately in Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God and will put all of his enemies under his feet. He says, I don’t know if conundrum cluster is a believer, but he says, if not, I encourage him along with everybody else on the dissident right to dig into the christian tradition.

He says, start praying. Read the Bible daily. Begin attending a local church weekly. For most of those in dissident circles, attending a MCC church with a light show and a hipster giving a TED talk will not be for you. Fine. Find a church that takes the Bible seriously. Dive deep into the christian tradition. That’s one of the things my sons, they couldn’t believe. The number of churches around here that have light shows and fog machines.

It’s like that’s really no different than the silent disco at the Canterbury cathedral. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few. Samuel, old Testament the right wing can find hope in what they’re looking for by looking for God. And then he talks about the passage from Jeremiah for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper, not to harm. And you know, that’s from one of the most depressing books, really, in the sense that he’s always talking about.

I guess maybe lamentations is more depressing by Jeremiah, but he’s always talking about coming, judgment and all the rest of that. But that really bright thing there, that passage that is set aside, and everybody puts it on plaques and puts it up on their walls and everything in that. When he says, don’t despair, I know the plans that I have for you. What he’s telling them is that even though their nation has been destroyed, there’s been massive suffering.

They’ve been taken away into a foreign country, captive. And he says, in that country, build houses, build families, have children, all of these things. And he says, because I have no plans, I’ve got for you. And that ought to be our approach to all this all the time. It was Martin Luther who said, if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I’d still plant a tree today.

Trees take a long time to grow. We are here to do what God has told us to do. And along with that, let me just add this as well, because I spent a lot of time. Please indulge me, because I spent a lot of time talking about negative things. And I don’t want people to be left in despair because there’s no reason for us to despair. There’s reasons for us to prepare.

There are reasons for us to resist this stuff. There’s reasons for us to try to establish a just society. And part of that is praying for leaders that are just, or praying for the leaders to be changed by God. That’s another aspect of that. Changed personally or changed out. Either way, politicians are like diapers. They need to be changed frequently. Right. But God can change them in a different way.

I’ll give you one more here before we take a break. And that is an op ed piece. This is actually from christian post. He said, a lot of people think you can’t be holy and happy at the same time. And I talked about this last week. I said, well, you know, happiness is just kind of things that happen to you. It isn’t something that is deeper, but people get those things confused.

And so he’s kind of talking about it in terms of, are you going to have to live a miserable life to follow Christ? Yeah, there will be difficult things. But the more difficult things become, and I’ve said this before, most difficult times in our lives have been the times that we have been closest with God. And when I look back on it, those were actually the best times in our life.

Now, they would not have been the best times if we were not close to God. They would have been really insufferable. But he says, when I talk to people who say that they’re not christians, he said, I’ve heard about every reason you can imagine that they would reject Christianity. He said, I found that you can get past the superficial responses as there’s no evidence for God or how do you explain evil in the world? But he said, beyond that, there’s two that really do rise to the top besides those types of things.

When Jesus confronted the woman at the well, and he indicates that he knows her whole history, gives her some information about. First thing she does is she pivots to a theological thing that’s too personal. Let’s not talk about that. You Jews say that God’s to be worshipped in Jerusalem, but we worship him elsewhere, Mount Gerizim, or, you know, she immediately deflects. So let’s talk about theology. But he was focused on her life, and so he says, so they’re looking really at more personal things.

He says, the first reason that I see is people have had bad experiences with religion. Maybe they’ve gone somewhere where there’s some grifting pastor who is in it for the money and the audience and the following. And he uses, if that’s what he’s into, he abuses the trust that people put in him. And usually there’s some kind of a sexual issue there. That’s usually what follows with that kind of abuse of trust.

So he says, a lot of times have had bad experiences with religion. They’ve seen maybe professing Christians who looked nothing at all like Christ in their behavior. Famous quote from Gandhi, well, I like your Christ, but I don’t like you Christians. You’re so unlike your Christ. Well, guess what? Gandhi wasn’t like Christ either. I mean, that’s the human condition. That’s like the entire point. Yeah, that’s the entire point, exactly.

He misses the whole point. You can see it in other people, right? But you can’t see it in yourself. That’s the key thing. The next reason has to do with christian life and its expectations, primarily its moral demands. The feeling is that day in and day out life of a Christian is not one that’s fun, but one that is drudgery filled with denial of nearly every pleasure available.

I see this often about people talking about puritans and stuff like that. They had a good time, actually. They took things seriously. But considering the difficult circumstances that most people of that time everywhere were living under, they were not really monastic and things like that. They weren’t self flagellating and wearing hair shirts and all that kind of stuff, like you see some of the monasteries in the Middle Ages, he said.

So a lot of people think it’s just drudgery and denial of every pleasure, he said. No fulfilling sex, no meaningful possessions, no nothing. And who wants that? The devil’s lie of you can’t be holy and happy has likely run through the heads of everyone presented with the claims of Christianity, including yours and mine. If we were to be honest. Initially, he says, it sounds good, but there is a problem.

He said, the problem is that everybody who says, well, I don’t want to be a Christian because it’d be a very unhappy, unpleasant life. He said the vast majority of people, according to polls, are unhappy. They see their life as drudgery. Now, he doesn’t talk about this, but the reality is that what makes a difference in your life is not your circumstances, but your gratitude. If you look at the simple things in life and just marvel at what God has freely given you, that is a whole different way of looking at life.

And so many of those things that he’s talking about, relationships and other things like that, take on a whole new perspective, he says. But if you look at the Gallup poll taken a couple of years ago, unhappiness is now at a record high. People feel more anger, more sadness, more pain, more worry, more stress than ever before. The study resulted in a book that was published by Gallup called Blind Spot, and the author said global misery was rising well before the pandemic.

In fact, unhappiness has been steadily climbing for a decade, and its rise has been in the blind spot of almost every world leader. So he says, I’ll play a game of what if. Travis says suffering is mandatory, misery is optional. That’s a good way to put it. Did you do that or is that okay? All right. I thought maybe that was something from the guy that you read all the time.

Was that Chesterton? Yeah. GK Chesterton? Yeah. He says, let’s play a game of what if? The misery is optional. Suffering is not optional, but says, let’s play a game of what if. What if, by our very nature, we have the wrong desires and it causes us to love bad things that lead to rotten outcomes and result in us being ultimately unhappy, which, since we’re talking all the time about Taylor Swift, she resembles that comment.

I mean, here’s somebody who has everything, and then her boyfriend even has a sequined suit. But sometimes a sequined suit doesn’t buy you happiness. And sometimes, even though you’re famous and billionaire or whatever, you pick one, have one bad relationship with people after the other. What’s behind that? I don’t know. It’s a whole string of bad relationships that she’s had. What if God can change our nature so that we have the right desires that cause us to love good things in the right way? That leads to positive outcomes and results in us being truly happy? Well, if that’s right, that sounds like a winner to me, he says.

Well, guess what? That is the promise of Christianity. C. S. Lewis wrote, believing in a real right and wrong means finding out that you are not very good. He describes past generations of nonchristians as, quote, in many ways merrier than a modern, but with a deep sadness. When he asked himself what was wrong with the world, he did not immediately reply. The social system or our allies or education.

It occurred to him that he himself might be one of the things that was wrong with the world. G. K. Chesterton said the same thing. Interestingly, they both realized that, and it’s that internal consideration of your life that is so devoid from our political leaders. These people have the perspective and the introspection of a toddler. Not only are they reverting to their diaper future, but you look at Biden and Trump, they have the moral understanding of a toddler.

It truly is amazing and it truly is a curse that these people have been put over us as leaders. Absolutely is a curse. So never give up the fight against tyranny. But don’t ever put your hope in anything as temporary as this life, and certainly not in anything as untrustworthy and gollum like as these politicians that we have running for president. We’re going to take a quick break.

We’ll be right back. Whether you’re feeling like the blues or bluegrass, Aps radio has you covered. Check out a wide variety of channels on our app@apsradio. com. You’re listening to the David Knight show, the common man. They created common core to dumb down our children. They created common past to track and control us. Their commons project to make sure the commoners own nothing and the communist future. They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, ordinary.

But each of us has worth and dignity created in the image of God. That is what we have in common. That is what they want to take away. Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, intimidation. They desire to know everything about us while they hide everything from us. It’s time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. Please share the information and links you’ll find@thedavidnightshow.

com. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. If you can’t support us, financially, please keep us in your prayers. Thedavidnightshow. com. All right. And I want to thank nick ellenbucker. Thank you very much for the tip. I appreciate that. And also do not obey. Thank you as well. Appreciate that. Let’s talk a little bit about the pharmaceutical industry beyond the $20 million that they were able to pay travis.

Kelsey, by the way, travis is reminding me to ask you to please like the stream. And as he points out, he said, we got about 1000 viewers on rumble, only 100 thumbs up. And so maybe we could improve on that. Here’s a personal challenge to all of you. If you like it, only 10% of you have put a thumbs up. So if we could get you to do that, that would really help the visibility of the channel and doesn’t really cost anything, just a little bit of time to do that.

And also I want to remind people that we have tonyardman at wisewolf gold. He’s set up davidnight gold. That’ll take you to his website, let him know that you’re coming from us. Tony can help you with gold, silver. He also can handle any amount, large or small, but he can also help you to set this up on a regular savings program. And that is very, very important. We’ll talk about that coming up, if we got enough time.

Before we do, though, I want to talk about pharmaceutical issues. There was a tweet by Peter mccullough that was retweeted by Thomas massey with a comment. Mccullough was talking about remdesivir. He says Dr. Wax was right. In 2020, remdesivir has been exhaustively analyzed by the who solidarity group, concluding that it does not save lives. Rather it caused kidney injury and liver damage in some which can contribute to causal Pathways of death.

The who advised against it in November of 2020. But you remember how this all happened, don’t you? Again, the who was advising against it. There was a study that came up in China that said, well, it doesn’t do anything. We had about the same number of people, actually slightly more people that died that had this, and they had kidney and liver problems that were part of this. This is something that Fauci had tried to sell multiple times.

He had tried to sell it for AIDS. He had tried to sell it as a treatment for Ebola. And in each one of these cases, just like for this supposed pandemic, they said it doesn’t do anything except give people, many people, kidney and liver damage that kills them. And so after this came out, the study was posted on the WHO site, this chinese study, but it was taken down, and it was taken down within 24 hours and within one week, without explanation.

Within one week, Fauci put out his not peer reviewed assessment of it, and his results were the same. We got a lot of people who have kidney injury, liver damage from this thing, and about same results didn’t really show anything. Always in the past, the way they would look at some kind of a therapeutic, which is what it is, they would say, well, do the people recover? What percentage of the people recovered? Well, no, there wasn’t any difference between the two control groups.

And so what he said was, yeah, but we’re going to change that. The people who survived got better, 36% faster than the other people. Now, that has never been the standard. Standard would be something like, well, 36% of the people got over it because of the drug. No, he just said, well, they recovered faster, which is a total lie. That’s never been the standard for that. But he pronounced it the standard of care and he got it sold.

And then you had Ram Paul, who got his wife to buy Rem deserve stock, thinking that people would not notice it, I guess. See, the whole thing was a scam, and we knew this, and I reported it in 2020 about how this is not his first rodeo of this, and the fact that he was desperate to get this thing through for Gilead pharmaceuticals because they were about to lose their patent on it.

And going back to the spring of 2018, there was an assessment that was put out by Goldman Sachs about the pharmaceutical industry, and they used Gilead, the same people that developed Ren deserve, they used Gilead and said, here’s an example of what we don’t want in the pharmaceutical industry. They came up with something that actually cured hepatitis C or something like that. And they said the problem was they made $12 billion the first year, and then it drastically dropped down, like one or 2 billion, and now it’s down to just a couple of hundred million or something.

It’s just exponentially going down. They said, we do not want this from the pharmaceutical industry, do not cure things. We want to have chronic conditions that we keep selling drugs for. And it’s even better if they sell you a drug that creates conditions that you didn’t have before, like kidney injury and liver damage. And if you survive, you’re a customer for life for these other things. So that’s what Peter McCullough said.

Now, Thomas Massey retweeted that with a comment. He said, I had a family member go to hospital for an issue unrelated to Covid. They tested for Covid. The doctor said he needed remdesivir even though he had no Covid symptoms. He had displayed symptoms at home a week prior. He refused to take remdesivir. The doctor was flabbergasted and he’s home doing fine. Yeah, we’ve had that same situation. Yeah.

The nurses even called it run. Death is near on Rockfin solo cat, 1980. Dogs would be smarter without the vaccinations. People too. There’s so many different health effects of these things on rock Finn. Dougalug response says, I think that’s what happened to my dog’s coat. After the last vax, she started getting dry, itchy skin. That’s what’s happened to scout. Frankly, we had never gotten him vaccinated. And then when he got his leg torn up, we think it was Coyotes.

That doctor nearly killed him. He said, oh, it looks like Skin’s getting a little bit black. He cut the skin off of both sides of his back leg and said, oh, I’ll probably have to take the leg off. And he recovered. He’s got a bad scar on one side where the hair has not come back. But this doctor loaded him up. He was in such bad condition. They had him there in their hospital, and the doctor loaded him up with shots.

And ever since we got him back, he’s got dry, itchy skin all the time. He can’t. Never had that before. Never had it before. Brian, Deb McCartney, good to see you there. Said many friends and family’s pets have this. Yep, yep, we do. As we have seen the victory last week in Canada over the freedom convoy of truckers. This is very true. This is from epic times. Matthew Horword says it must be done.

After the court victory for the Freedom convoy, Canadians are ready to sue and it must be done. And I think this is key. We are not going to see anything done. It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it, that in every country, nobody is going to be held accountable. And the only way that they’re going to be held accountable for anything that they did in 2020, whether you’re talking about Trump or Republicans or Democrats or Biden or Trump, the only way any of them are going to be held accountable is if there’s going to be lawsuits.

And I think that’s especially true of Pfizer and of Moderna and these other vaccine companies because of the way that they have fraudulently pushed the safety and the efficacy of these drugs. And I think it’s imperative for people to sue now. We don’t have any. I know it’s a big deal, and I’ve looked at things like the purging that we have gotten, and to sue a big corporation, I know that’s a big.

I want to sue Google. There’s no way I’m going to win that. And I don’t want to make my life miserable trying to do something like that. But it really is. If you can find some kind of, if lawyers want to set up some type of a class action lawsuit or something like that, it really is imperative. That’s a very important thing to do. That’s the only way that these people are going to be brought to heal.

That’s the only kind of public validation of what they did being wrong. We do need to try to elect people that are going to acknowledge what was done, the medical martial law, and put some reforms in place, but that’s not even being talked about now. So suing them is very important. On the Brownstone Institute, this from Clayton Baker, he said medicine has been fully militarized. And this is pretty obvious from the beginning as well, too, wasn’t it? Operation Warp Speed was a military operation.

It was going to be funded by Trump giving tens of billions of dollars to each of these pharmaceutical companies. It was going to be delivered by the military. Remember, right after the election, we had the election on Tuesday, then by Saturday, the media declares Biden to be the winner on Sunday. The next day, 60 minutes runs this piece that they had in the, they’d filmed it, had it in the can, ready to go, saying that, talking about how all these people in the military are going to be delivering the vaccine out there.

It’s good to go, it’s ready to go, and we’re ready to do this as soon as we get the get go from the vaccine companies, because the FDA is not going to do anything about it. Very next day, that Monday, not even a week after the election, Pfizer says, we’re done and we’re 92% effective. And then they started the biding war about, and kept bidding it up till they got up to 100%, and then it started falling until it got down at low 20%.

The whole thing was a lie, but it was also militarized from the very beginning. And I said, as Trump was doing the lockdown, I said, it’s medical martial law. Well, Clayton Baker says of the Brownstone Institute, medicine has been fully militarized. He says, I’m thinking of a certain industry. See if you can guess what it is. It’s a huge industry. Constitutes a large portion of the nation’s gdp.

Millions of people earn their living through it, directly or indirectly. The people at the top of the industry are among the super rich. This industry’s corporations lobby the nation’s government relentlessly, to the tune of billions of dollars per year, both to secure lucrative contracts and to influence national policy in their favor. And it pays off to the tune of trillions of dollars. The corporation supplying this industry with its material conduct, advance conduct, advanced, highly technical research far beyond the understanding of the average citizen.

The citizens fund this research, however, through tax dollars. Unbeknownst to them, the profits gained from them, developed using tax dollars, are kept by the corporation’s executives and investors. And he goes on and on. The operational side of the industry is emphatically top down in its structure and its function. Those who work at the ground level must undergo rigorous training that standardizes their attitudes and their behaviors. Finally, these ground level personnel are handled in a peculiar manner.

Publicly, they’re frequently lauded as heroes, particularly under declared periods of crisis. Privately, they are kept completely in the dark regarding high level industry decisions, and they’re often lied to outright by those in the higher levels of command. These grunts even significantly forfeit some fundamental civil liberties for the privilege of working in this industry. So what am I describing? He says, if you answered the military, of course you would be correct.

But if you also answered the medical industry, you would be every bit as right. You see, this whole thing was a merger between those two groups. We even now have a medical version of DARpA Barda, and a biological advanced research, I think, is what it stands for. But it’s essentially the same type approach. Everything is essentially the same as the military industrial complex, the corruption, the secrecy, the compartmentalization of information, all of that.

And so that’s where we began. It’s kind of where we end up today talking about this militarized pharmaceutical industry, top down dictates on how to manage COVID patients were handed down to physicians from high above. These were enforced with militaristic rigidity, unseen in doctors professional lifetimes. The mandated protocols made no sense. All these ventilator stuff, and know, you look at Peter Navarro. Now, Peter Navarro has one of Trump’s right hand men and his administration.

He’s been sentenced to found guilty of some minor violation that they trumped up a non charge, and he’s been sentenced to several months in jail. While he is appealing it, the judge has said he’s not going to get out of jail, he’s going to serve that time while he’s doing the appeal. He’s going to be in jail. But I have absolutely no sympathy for him because he’s the guy who ran this program to ram through ventilators on everybody, to tell Ford and General Motors and other companies to stop making your car start making ventilators and pushing them on everybody.

For that, he ought to be in jail for the rest of his life. The number of people that were killed with that, I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. As I’ve said before, it’s very much like Dennis Hastrid, who was sent to jail for something that’s not a crime, when in reality, the guy was a pedophile. And everybody knew it. They knew it going in. And don’t tell me they didn’t know Peter Navarro was putting together something all the doctors knew.

This didn’t make any sense. Why had we never done this before? Why did it just get imposed like that, like a snap, and everybody has to do it. Well, it was a bribery. That was one of the biggest pieces of bribery, that ventilator system of any of the COVID stuff. With the Trump administration paying hospitals to do this, and then later on, bribing them to identify people as COVID patients, $13,000, bribing them to put people on a ventilator, $39,000, and then giving them a 20% bonus.

And then that was the bribery aspect. That was Trump. And then when Biden came in, he said, well, if you don’t do this stuff, if you don’t vaccinate your nurses and doctors, we’re not only going to take away that gravy train that Trump put you on, but we’re going to take away all of your Medicare Medicaid stuff. And so the hospitals run by a corporation said, we’ll do it, we’ll do it.

If these people don’t do it, we’ll fire them. And they were more than willing to do it. That’s why these people need to be sued, because it was all about the money, the love of money, the root of all evil, and the root of how presidents get these things done in violation of the 10th amendment and the MAGA. People need to understand that and embrace that, if they can get past their double thing.

Jason Barker, my cousin’s husband, got diagnosed with stage four cancer in his digestive tract. I’m sorry. We could use prayers for Bob. It is not operable. So basically a death sentence. Well, we certainly do pray for Bob and especially know this is something that is coming for all of us. It may happen very quickly. It may happen as a cancer that is moving very quickly. I’ve known so many christians who had cancer, and they were grateful that it gave them time to say goodbye to people and to put things in order and to contemplate their position with God.

And that is especially true of non christians because all of us are going to die. That could be a real gift if it is a time that we step back and take assessment of our life. And so I don’t know what his situation is, but we just pray for his family, who is going to go through a very difficult time. Pain. I know that stomach cancer is very painful.

I’ve had relatives who have died from that. So we pray for his suffering, that it would be relieved, pray for the suffering of his family, that they would have hope of being reunited at a later time. Before we run out of time, let me just read one more statement to you from this, he said, we know the rest. We know the ill conceived toxic gene therapy antidote, falsely billed as a vaccine that Trump is so proud of, was foisted upon the population by blackmail.

The vaccine is how we end the pandemic. You’re not going to get out of this lockdown. You see, the blackmail didn’t just begin with Biden’s mandate. It was always rehearsed in dark winter that they’re going to keep people locked down until he took the vaccine. You’re not going to get out. And that was a specter that was held over everybody’s head by Trump, who instituted the lockdowns and the masks and the social distancing and paid people to do it.

The effective bribery of medical authorities and politicians, as well as other deep state directed psyops designed to divide the population and scapegoat dissenters. The pandemic of the unvaccinated, he said the end result sounds like the aftermath of a giant military operation. Millions dead, many millions more psychologically traumatized economies and tatters. See, this is why I will never support Donald Trump. This is beyond what he did was beyond broken promises.

This was literal war against not only Americans, but it was a planned global demicide. Governments in every country used Trump’s shots, paid for by american taxpayers, to these legally protected, politically connected, militarily connected pharmaceutical companies. They’ve got the cash to throw around to Travis Kelsey so he can parade around in a sequined suit. And you’ve got Donald Trump parading around in front of a crowd that hates all this stuff, understands what it is, but will not make the connection to him.

I’ll keep trying. Thanks for joining us. Let me tell you, the David Knight show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the David Knight show right now. Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show@thedavidnightshow.

com. That’s a website. .

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