Which PRISON is WORSE: STATE or FEDERAL?? | The Healthy American Peggy Hall



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➡ The Healthy American Peggy Hall discusses the differences between state and federal prisons. She explains that state prisons usually house violent offenders, while federal prisons often contain those convicted of drug-related or white-collar crimes. Federal prisons are generally considered safer and have more security levels than state prisons. She also mentions a case involving a former chairman of the Board of Supervisors in Orange County, California, who she believes should be held accountable for his actions.



Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from TheHealthyAmerican.org. We’re going to be talking about a rather somber topic, and that is prison. The difference between a state prison and a federal prison. The reason this is on my mind is because I hope that one of the public serpents from the Orange County Board of Stupidvisors, that’s how they’ve proven themselves friends. It is my intention that I’m going to see him behind bars. And I’ve done several videos for you about Andrew Doe, who is the former chairman of the Board of Supervisors in Orange County, California, and how he was dealing the dirty Doe to his daughter Doe to the tune of over $10 million.

And finally, the FBI investigated. They raided his house, her house, the houses of his cronies. They’re shutting down all of these fake, fraudulent sham companies that are posing as nonprofits, stealing your money and my money, and taxpayer dollars that are printed out of thin air, apparently, and lining his own pockets. And I have been speaking out about this, and it was concerning to me because the district attorney in Orange County, California, said that this man Doe was not going to be charged with any of the state crimes that he is liable for. So it put me in mind of whether or not Todd Spitzer, the district attorney, is in cahoots with this Andrew Doe.

I have videos on that. I’ll link them for you at the end of this broadcast. I also have sub stacks with written analysis about all of the dirty, dirty deeds and dealings of this dodo. And that’s over at peggyhall.substack.com. So it put me in mind as to why would Todd Spitzer not charge this felon with crimes of the state of California, you can be tried for crimes in the federal jurisdiction and in the state jurisdiction. And then I did some digging, and I found out some very surprising information about the differences between state prisons and federal prisons.

That’s what we’re going to talk about in this video. I know that was a long introduction. Give me just a moment as I thank the sponsor. And then let me know in a comment. If you know the difference between the state and the federal prisons, if you had to go to prison, which would you choose and why if you know of anyone who has spent any time behind bars. Actually, that’s probably a personal question. Let’s go ahead and just listen to the word from our sponsor on a happier note. So friends, you’ve been asking me about collagen about whether I take it about whether you should take it.

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So depending on the nature of your crime and where it allegedly occurred, you can be charged with the state or federal crime, or both. Again, you can be held accountable in the state where it occurred, even if it is a federal crime, and you can serve time for both. Now, federal prisons and state prisons are different in many ways. In fact, there’s actually, let me do this, there is something called the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Did you know that? I’m going to take you right on over. If you want to do more of a deep dive, I find it very fascinating.

Here are where the prisons are located. This is the BOP.gov and it is the Federal Bureau of Prisons, FOP, and here are where the prisons are located. Isn’t that interesting? None in Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Kansas. There’s one, it looks like none in Iowa, maybe just on the border between Iowa and Illinois. There are several in Chicago, several in Washington, DC, a lot on the East Coast, none in Maine, it looks like, and just one in New Mexico, a couple in Colorado, one in South Dakota, one in Oregon, one in Washington, a handful in California, and a handful in Florida.

I find that very, very interesting. And you can learn all about, this is where I got a lot of the information here, and I was curious as to the difference and where these prisons were. So here you can find out, let’s go, I was just clicking around a little bit. There are five levels of prisons in five security levels at the federal level. So a minimum, low, medium, high, and then it says complex and administrative, that looks like six. But I’m going to share with you what the differences are. And that’s why we hear about people going to the country club, right, for their prison term.

So let’s look at some of the information here that I compiled for you. State prisons are the places where the convicted criminals go, and they usually are for violent offenses. So that’s where you’re going to have your murderers your rapist, and all the other hard crimes in the state prisons, whereas that federal prisons, usually are housing those that are drug related or white collar crimes, such as embezzlement, right stealing, fraud, all these things that public serpent dough is and should be held guilty for the security is different as well. So federal prisons are generally considered safer than state prisons.

And when you think about it, you’re not going to be in with all the murderers and, you know, drug dealers and that kind of stuff. So you’re going to also have a higher degree of security in the federal prisons. And maybe that means that there aren’t going to be as many of the inmate riots or something I’m not quite sure what that means. But the federal prisons have five security levels and the state prisons have three, let’s talk about the state prisons. They have minimum, medium, and maximum. So the minimum security. This is where you have inmates that are working in work camps.

The medium security is the prisons will have double fences, but there will be more movement allowed within the facility. Inmates can attend treatment programs while housed in their cells. Now I know that there are some wonderful animal rehabilitation programs where they bring in these animals that would be euthanized in the shelters, and they bring them in to some of these prisons and I know that in the state prison in Tehachapi. I’ll have to get the exact name. There’s a program where the inmates are allowed to work as dog trainers of course everything is supervised. They have to be approved for the program and I’m telling you there are some amazing success stories that come out of that as they learn to reconnect with doing something of service, and it’s quite heartwarming.

The maximum security prisons now these are the most secure prisons with the most violent criminals those are not the ones that are working with the dogs, and these are the criminals that pose a threat to others. These prisons have heavy cell doors and inmates typically spend most of their time in their cells. That’s the state prison. Now, I don’t watch those TV shows about prisons, you may think, like, I’m late to the game you probably know all about this but it’s is new information for me and I think it’s rather interesting. So, inmates are placed in different security level prisons depending on their criminal history and other factors.

So some of their factors to be included in the state prisons are their sentence length, their violent behavior, if they’re a threat to government officials, if they are at risk of escaping, and if they have been involved in what they call prison disturbances. So, let’s talk now about the federal prisons there are five types of security levels and minimum security prisons are the least secure type of federal prison. They’re designed for inmates who pose a low risk of violence or escape minimum security prisons prisons are often referred to as camps or clubs. This is probably where they’re going to send Andrew dough, where he’s going to be playing golf and working on his memoirs and getting three cooked meals every day.

Inmates in minimum security prisons typically live in dormitories or open barracks, they have a lot of freedom of movement and they are allowed to participate in a lot of activities and a variety of activities, such as work, education and recreation. So let’s see, they get to work out, they have all their meals prepared for them. And it’s basically like being in a country club as some of these are referred to in the minimum security federal prisons. Now there’s a low security federal prison, and these are more secure, but they’re still considered relatively low risk facilities, and these are often referred to as prisons not camps or correctional institutions.

That’s what the Bureau of Prisons likes to call them correctional institutions. Inmates in these low security prisons typically live in dormitories or open barracks, they have some freedom of movement, but they’re subject to more restrictions than the minimum security prisons. Now the medium security prisons, they’re the most common type of federal prison. They’re designed for inmates who pose a moderate risk of violence, or the potential for escaping. These are often, again, referred to as prisons, they typically live the inmates typically live in single cells or small dormitories, they have less freedom of movement than inmates in minimum or low security prisons, and they are subject to more restrictions.

Okay, then you’ve got the high security prisons. These are the most secure types of federal prison. They’re designed for inmates who pose a risk of escape, or a high risk of violence. And these are often referred to as supermax prisons, or interestingly I’ve never heard of this term before, they’re referred to as control units. Inmates in these control units typically live in single cells, they have very limited freedom of movement, they are subject to very strict security measures. If this is not a deterrent to avoid ending up in a prison, I don’t know what is. Now there’s another kind of federal prison, I had not heard of this.

This is called an administrative security prison. It’s a special type of federal prison that is designed to house inmates who pose a unique security risk. Administrative security prisons, again, are referred to as supermax prisons or control units. They typically again live in the single cells, they have very limited freedom of movement, they are subject to strict security measures. The high level of security assigned to a prison is important because it determines the type of programming and services that are available to the inmates. So in the minimum security prisons, the inmates have a lot of exposure and opportunity and access to programs and services than those in the high security prisons.

The level of security assigned to a prison also has to do with the cost, because it costs a lot of money to house these inmates. So the cost of housing the inmate in the minimum security is a lot less than housing the inmate in the high security prison. So it’s interesting, a few other differences. The sentence length, I have learned that in the state prison, usually these inmates are sentenced to a shorter sentence than they are in federal prison. Therefore, they usually serve their entire sentence because it’s shorter. While in federal prison, when you’re given life sentences or you know 30 years or 50 years, the information I have says that the federal prison inmates are usually released after serving about 85% of their sentence.

Another interesting thing between the prisons in the state, in the prisons, the federal prisons, the federal prisons are generally newer and have a more modern infrastructure than state prisons. And when it comes to the rehabilitation programs, both state and federal do offer those, including educational training, vocational training, substance abuse treatment, and psychological counseling. Now, the operation and funding, obviously in the state, it all comes from the state, and federal is funded by the federal government. I think that it is so interesting that you can actually get this information on the website of the Bureau of Prisons.

So let’s go back there for a moment. I will have this link for you in my sub stack and the description box below. So it’s very likely that these public serpents such as Andrew Doe would prefer to spend time in the federal lockup. This is kind of interesting. What do you think about this headline here, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, they’re kind of a little tongue in cheek, I guess, sleep soundly will be up all night. I guess meaning you don’t have to worry about these violent prisoners escaping because there will be guards up all night guarding them, even though we just learned that the federal security.

The federal prisons usually have the less violent criminals than the state prisons. So in our institutions located around the country we work throughout the night to keep you safe. And then it says the majority of our employees work at one of our 122 prisons, we call them institutions located throughout the nation, and then they go on with the information that I just shared with you. So, that is quite interesting and eye opening I did not know all about that I like to stay as far away from prisons and state prisons, I like to stay as far away from courtrooms and attorneys as possible these days as well, although there is a lot of great information coming out about these lawsuits that are being ruled on in accordance with the law and juries are awarding in the multiple millions of dollars to those that have been harmed through discrimination based on their religious beliefs, observance and practice.

So, I would love to see some of these criminals that have been violating the rights of individuals, also pay a penalty and not just a financial penalty, although they are civil crimes and usually that is not, you’re not locked up, because of your violations in that instance, although I wish they were in some cases. Alright friends on that happy note talking about prisons. I hope that was informational and enlightening for you. I really appreciate having you on board remember I’m here every day at 4pm Pacific that 7pm Eastern, and I will be sharing some of your words of encouragement, things that have you have sent me in the mail, and books and information that will help you as we are turning the tables on the tyrants and defending truth and freedom as we march this all the way to heaven.

See you soon everybody. [tr:trw].

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.



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