We Cant Afford To Live Anymore Rent Is Too High… Women Complain They Cant Survive Alone

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ The speaker discusses the high cost of living and the struggles of paying rent, criticizing those who complain about these issues but don’t take responsibility. They suggest that if you can’t afford your rent, you should consider living somewhere cheaper or staying at home. They also mention the difficulties landlords faced during the pandemic, with many tenants not paying rent or damaging property. The speaker encourages people to be more responsible, thankful, and to understand the business perspective of landlords.
➡ The speaker discusses the struggles of affording housing, expressing frustration about the high cost of living and the need for multiple income sources. They also criticize people who live beyond their means in expensive areas and then complain about the cost. The speaker suggests that people should live where they can afford and not rely on winning housing lotteries or other unlikely solutions. They also express disappointment in people who publicly share their financial struggles, seeing it as an embarrassment.
➡ A man expresses his frustration about his partner sharing their financial struggles on social media, particularly TikTok. He feels embarrassed and suggests they should find other ways to cope, like making different types of videos. He also acknowledges the difficulty of their situation, including potentially having to move due to high living costs, and empathizes with others facing the same issues. He ends by reiterating his discomfort with their personal issues being aired online.


And so you guys know that I like to do this. I like to get to get to people and see what the sentiment is of people that’s complaining online so that I can criticize them or or support them and And the problems that’s happening in society right now. The sentiment is is that rent is too high? Which is one of the reasons why I’m trying to understand why people are voting for Kamala Harris in the first place and That life is basically unaffordable. So make sure y’all hit a life with a algorithm subscribe to the channel I’m telling you notifications.

Let’s rock out. Yo, every time I pay my rent, I feel like a piece of me dies Just a little piece of me just a little sliver every time I give that amount of money to my leasing office And everybody’s like, oh, yeah, but you know, you got a roof over your head. You’re adulting. I’m like, but at what cost? What happened to our men Honest to God What happened to the men in this country Because these will be the same type of guys that be coming up on my platform and typing hard in the chat talking about it Ain’t no good women and it’s tough out here.

I Love Love and I hate to say it like this But this is just my opinion personally, and I see the little note the bullring in the nose Y’all different now. It’s a different thing. I mean stepping out Used to be getting a tattoo Honest to God like stepping out and doing something different Used to be getting tattoos. I Remember I wanted to get a tattoo when I was younger But I already understood because my dad and my mom had established that you are not getting a tattoo Until you are at least what 20 21 years old or 18 years old.

What the hell happened to our men? Yo Honest to God and I used to love paying rent I used to love paying bills is nothing that feels it for me And I know this is a new generation because y’all selfish as hell and y’all don’t believe in doing anything That’s responsible and you just want to go and buy chargers and hellcats and go to Tulum all day, but I remember You know first, you know getting my own place and all of that stuff and then I also remember in a time where you know, I Taken care of my wife and my daughter whatever and all of this stuff and I used to love the fact that You know when I would pay all of the bills because you know, everything will be taken care of and we didn’t have no No, nobody knocking down our door and my daughter was sleeping Well, and one of the things that I would do every single night every single night is I would go through the house And I would do a final check when everybody was in the bed.

I would go through the house I will make sure that the front door is locked that the alarm was on I will go through and go in my daughter’s room and then I will make sure I will pray for my daughter and then I would go and pray for Rita and that’s what I did every single night and then I would go in the living room and I would pray and So I pray for my daughter I would pray for reading and I would go in the living room and I would pray and One of the things that made me feel so good and the reason that I was so comfortable and I was always thankful and the thing that I led with is always thanks and I was thankful for the fact that I had the ability to pay for and make sure that my daughter was safe that She had a roof over her head that she could go to school without no worries that she wouldn’t have to go hungry and all of that Stuff and so I just had a different sense of it I had a different level of appreciation Which drove me to more and I also believe that being thankful was one of the things that allowed for me to gain more because you know When you align yourself with God, he don’t allow for you to skip steps He’s not gonna give you something that you can’t handle or anything.

That’s gonna take you down. So when I see grown men Personally when I see grown men Complaining about paying bills and doing a very minimum as far as keeping a roof over your head. I Man, maybe because they was raised by a mama’s. It’s a different type of madness out here, bro I got a fucking strategize how to fucking eat for the next two weeks literal survive. I got a dog I’m a single parent Trying to do all bad by himself and this shit is getting I’m getting Molly whopped out here y’all damn Will be you got you got or trying to move out my parents house The cost of living just get higher and higher I Insurance goes up Gas goes up Not to mention the fact that you got to make three times the rent of wherever you live at which is kind of insane, it’s not it’s because The average person my age ain’t even making what I’m making not to mention the fact that I check much I check my pay stubs all the time.

I’m not making as nearly as What I would make if they ain’t take all them fucking taxes out of my chicks, but you want to continue to vote for Kamala Harris You want to continue to vote for Kamala Harris, but then you you complaining about taxes Listen, if you can’t afford three times the rent then either you need to lower Where it is that you live in or the amount that you don’t understand amount that you pan that’s a or B Stay home You are not Entitled to be able to do what you want to do when you can’t afford it Y’all know why they raise it raise the requirements to making sure you put down a security deposit and a security deposit And you have to pay three, you know You got to be able to afford to three times a rent because they know that y’all got chargers challengers and hellcats And y’all been running off on a plug, especially in, California And these places especially in places where they have really lacks super relaxed Policies as far as what you can and can’t do y’all been running off on the plug Y’all haven’t been paying y’all rent.

And so y’all basically created a space where people want more security Because you would they need to make sure that you can afford it a and that be they want a security deposit because it’s Gonna be hard to get you up out of there So y’all ran off on a plug. They know you got look they know that you have When they say three times you have to make three times what you paying in rent That means that they don’t want you to spend any more than thirty three percent of your income on housing So that you can comfortably afford it considering that you also get taxes taken out of your check Nobody owes you know, you better get a roommate better get a co-signer You know what I’m saying like Y’all don’t look at it from the business owners perspective Landlords was getting a butts kicked during the pandemic over the last three and a half years Landlords caught L’s all day long Landlords was getting a backs kicked in Backs kicked in you notice how remember when they used to everybody used to advocate for doing trucking and ain’t nobody talking about trucking no more Remember when everybody used to advocate for doing real estate and getting all of these doors, but ain’t nobody talking about it no more Because everybody is broke Everybody is broke A lot of people that I know is getting out of the landlord business because they tired of dealing with y’all y’all got y’all dog Scratching up the walls.

They scratching up the wood floors y’all smoking in there and You messing up all of the good stuff So now they gotta vet you more effectively. Okay, who coming in here with you Let me pull your credit score to make sure you ain’t never been evicted before I need to see your checks up Not the fake one at your homegirl is making for you But I need to actually see your checks up to make sure that you can you can effectively afford to rent One of the reasons that they pour your credit report is because they trying to figure out how much you pan and and your car Notes and all of this stuff to also justify in addition to finding out whether or not you didn’t been evicted before So that they can justify that you can afford to rent because they got to make their mortgage payment property tax payment and all of this stuff every two weeks like And I I just been sitting here thinking like cuz with me personally when I moved out I always wanted to move out by myself.

Nope or with a significant other When I was going to realize you’re married to move out They get roommates Or they move in college apartments with other people that they don’t even fucking know of because the cost of reading How can I get a house these days How can I get a house bro The average house is like 300 bands, you know saying and like the monthly the average like monthly cost of it It’s like 2,500 a month. Like that’s that’s crazy. Like and me personally, I never I never agreed with Having to have more than one source of income in my opinion your fault Granddaddy and grandpops always had two and three jobs.

You having more than one source of income Should be a choice. It shouldn’t be it’s a choice for you to have one one source of income You don’t have to work. You’re just gonna be living a life Look look America is the land of opportunity not the land of entitlement It’s the land of opportunity not the land of entitlement, so you’re gonna have to get in where you fit in big dog Lower your expenses and run it up. I shouldn’t I shouldn’t need two sources of income to fucking survive I’m 23, bro.

Your fault. Yeah, damn. I am fucking 23 And I’m already like having a midlife crisis for you You know I’m saying because I want to move out my parents crib, but I ain’t gonna move out my parents crib I ain’t trying to live check the fucking check like I’m sitting here making More money than I ever made ever in my life in a year in a year span and it’s still not enough For me to fucking move out and be and be able to fucking sustain a living like We’re doing bro, and they wait until we get grown to do shit like this Dog this has been people complaining about this since beginning of time y’all got it lighter and easier than that ever before Lighter and easier than ever before oh What a time to be alive in 2007 in 2008 What a time to be alive in 2007 boy.

You don’t know what struggle look like Having no jobs trying to get a job at the flower shop Stocking shelves overnight over at Home Depot Doing a sales job going to school at community college with a newborn daughter in 2008 my daughter was born in February of 2008 at the height At the height of the suffering you don’t know what suffering look like young man young man young man Yeah, it’s over with bro. It is over with Oh, I love it to see a woman crying I Love seeing a woman crying about whether or not she can afford what she doing cuz that mean Nate is just around a corner A lot of new people here.

They’re not familiar with who Nate is Nate can get you out of a bind Nate can get you out of a bind But usually Nate can only get women out of a bind, but it usually comes along with a certain demographic of women that cries That is the criteria. It has to be a tear and They cry so I haven’t seen this I’m wondering if this is a Nate situation housing lottery for a luxury apartment Packing a low they won the lottery for a luxury apartment How do y’all about to make me curse on them in their morning show? How is that possible? How can you win the lot dog that should be illegal? You should not win the lottery for a luxury apartment.

That is an accident oxymoron You win the lottery to be able to pay the lowest amount possible based off of your income for a luxury apartment Get out of here with that. I’m just listening to praise and worship music because I’ve never thought I was gonna get out of here I’ve never thought I was gonna get out of here because my income I grew up down the street from where I live right now, and I’ve just been here since I was born I I didn’t think that I’d ever be able to find an apartment that I could afford in New Jersey Why y’all don’t why y’all gotta stay in Jersey? Why y’all stand in New York? Why y’all stand in Miami? Why y’all stand in California and Los Angeles? Why y’all stand in these? super high areas And the last year I’ve just been leaning into God and leaning into prayer And I was like, I don’t know how I’m gonna get out of here But I’m gonna do it whether it’s through making tiktoks or whatever not making tiktoks.

I know God And I’m finally leaving on Friday To go live that’s why I moved the building that I moved into is no low-income requirement They didn’t require anything from the city or the state and one of the benefits of that is that they then didn’t have to designate a certain number of the units for Not low-income, but they call it something else here So basically if you apply to the state and you get tax credits in order to bill here in the city Then they have to designate or allocate a certain number of the units from Mixed housing like to have all different types of people not just the people that have resources No, I want the people that can actually afford to live where I’m living because I’m not I’m not looking to be going down the elevator With somebody that was crying because they just was praying to Jesus and they want a lottery to be able to live right next to you And pay a lower rate just because they them No No, live where you can afford it I don’t know.

Whatever bro And you were single baby mama Where is the daddy’s and I have to give all of the glory to God all of the glory to God because it All the way that the secrets of events happened. I just know this was from God There is no way I Just have to make this video to say thank you to him because bro. I’m getting out of the hood We got one coach. We do got one We got one card here We got one Small child Living in the hood pack their car up got their TV in the back along with their furniture and they couch couch in the box We got one Somebody get Nate on the phone Where they can increase your rent and where we just got back from vacation and that shit is already affecting us They’re already trying to raise our rent What do you mean? You just got back from vacation if you can’t afford to live where you live where y’all why y’all on vacation and because of that we had a whole dispute thing with our landlord this morning and Because of that, I’m already on plan B C D all the way up to Z in my head and I’m trying to find already another place as a backup in case we do have To move is it that no place near us that couldn’t come in I could see the tears coming What’s up with women crying on Tiktok me and my child and my man is affordable Nothing is affordable in this city at all two three-bedroom apartments that and the prices are Three four thousand even five thousand dollars That’s fucking ridiculous and I’m crying because I know everybody’s gonna come at me talking about also just move I can use that money to run a house somewhere else.

I Understand that my family’s here. My friends are here in my community. I don’t want to leave home, you know My family my friends and my community I don’t want to leave Do y’all realize that y’all are having literally experiencing first world problems This is so first world. It’s people that’s really going through stuff so you got a choice of what you want to do when you want to do it and Y’all are complaining because you can’t afford to live where you want to live where your family and your friends are over there in NYC Give me a break dog.

Give me a break. Give me a break. I’m not going for it I don’t understand. I don’t get it. You can’t afford to be there. That’s not for you It’s not for you And you know what? Let me say this also I would be incredibly embarrassed as a man as a man as a man as a father as your man I’m assuming she said her man so she didn’t say her husband I would be incredibly embarrassed if my girl if my wife is on tick-tock crying the pole mouth Don’t you embarrass me out here in these streets? Don’t you embarrass me out here in these streets? You’re not gonna be out here embarrassing me Hey No, hey, no, it’s a thousand other things that you can talk about but now I’m gonna be walking down the street with you and people gonna be looking at me because I’m not sufficiently providing for my family and I got look look when y’all say that y’all got a man and Y’all walking around crying the pole mouth and crying on tick-tock about how it is that y’all just got off vacation And you got a little kid up under you and you can’t afford to live no more.

That is embarrassing as a man I do y’all not have a sense of pride Do these guys not have a sense of pride y’all letting these chicks upload these tick-tocks and leaving it on there for the internet To be able to react to forever. Y’all don’t have a sense of pride Hey, no, no, no, don’t sit there and cry the pole mouth. I figure it out We’re gonna figure out a way baby, but get off a tick-tock on that type of time do some makeup videos Do some tutorials, whatever you got to do, but don’t be out here throwing my business out here in the street And in the very next page the very next post it’ll be this is my man Straight because like So many so many of us go through this that we have to eventually leave Our homes because we can’t afford to be here anymore Don’t be frustrated my family is here my best friends.

Don’t embarrass me, baby They’re here and That’s all they have and the fact that we might have to leave and relocate another state Hurts Because we can’t even afford to live home anymore Don’t embarrass me, baby. I’m just upset and I just needed to vent because I And I know I don’t really talk about it on my page but I relate to all of you my man my man my man sucks And I know That my city is losing its people because of the rent because of because of the price of living This shit is ridiculous Nah, you can’t embarrass me like that, baby Not on the intranet not on the intranet.

I can’t have that

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affordable living options affording housing challenges coping with high living costs discomfort with embarrassment over financial disclosure on social media high cost of living struggles living beyond means criticism moving due to high living costs pandemic impact on landlords paying rent difficulties reliance on housing lotteries sharing financial struggles online taking responsibility for financial issues understanding landlord business perspective

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