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➡ Donald Trump pardoned around 1,500 people who were arrested during the January 6th protest, and commuted the sentences of 14 others. Among those pardoned are Joe Biggs, Enrique Tarrio, and Stuart Rhodes. The article also criticizes Joe Biden for pardoning five members of his family and accuses the media of spreading false news about Donald Trump. The author also mentions a controversy about gender identification on federal documents and driver’s licenses.


Promises made, promises kept, and my liberal tears mug runneth over. Remember when the media used to obsess about January 6th, every single day, for years? Well, they’re obsessing over it again because Donald Trump pardoned, I believe, every single person who was arrested for the mostly peaceful protest that day, pardoning 1,500 of them and then commuting the sentence of 14 because there were some people who did some bad things there, and so the team decided that they should still be let out and set free, but they shouldn’t have their record cleared of what it is that they did.

So 14 of those people. Joe Biggs, who was sentenced to 17 years, even though he didn’t even attack police, didn’t break anything, just went on a tour of the Capitol because he’s a proud boy. He is a free man back at home with his family and rocking the Trump sneakers that somebody gave him as a gift. Enrique Tarrio, also a free man who will be home back with his family today. Stuart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers, also a free man, and in a press interview said he doesn’t regret anything. And we had 1,500.

We have 16 under review. As you know, we commuted about 16 of them because it looks like they could have done things that were not acceptable for a full pardon, but these people have served years of jail. Their lives have been ruined, and in many cases, listen to me for a second. Stop interrupting. They served years in jail, and if you look at the American public, the American public is tired of it. And the best part is the Democrats don’t have a leg to stand on because, as I’m sure you heard, Joe Biden pardoned five members of his family.

So the Hunter Biden pardoned just around Thanksgiving, and then four more members of his crime family and a bunch of his Democrat conspirators. And I won’t play you again the clips of the Democrats complaining back in 2020 about the paranoia that Donald Trump was going to give preemptive pardons to his family and a bunch of his associates. But this one I will play because it wasn’t included in the other montage from the last few days. Here’s Chuck Schumer now, projecting every accusation, of course, being an admission of guilt from the Democrats. The president’s reportedly asking his staff whether he can issue preemptive pardons for himself, his family members, Rudy Giuliani.

There’s a simple answer. No. No, Mr. President, that would be a gross abuse of the presidential pardon authority. So in other words, Joe Biden has engaged in a gross abuse of his presidential authority because if the Biden crime family members, including Joe Biden’s two brothers, of course, Hunter, his sister, probably his grandkids as well, and the scum Democrats, Jamie Ratskin on the January 6 committee, Dr. Fauci, Adam Schiff, if they didn’t do anything wrong, then why would they be concerned about a jury of their peers convicting them of something? And of course, they still haven’t gotten over the out-of-context clip of Elon Musk giving his heart away to the audience, which they interpreted as a scary Nazi salute.

Here’s Alexander Ocasio-Cortez who, as you may have heard, has a crush on Elon Musk whining about it. You’re gonna do a Sig Hale, you’re gonna do a Hale Hitler, or their rebrand a Roman salute from behind the presidential seal of the United States of America. It’s on. It’s on. Elon Musk, in case you weren’t aware, has Asperger’s, which is a form of autism, and obviously he’s not a quote normal guy, but he certainly isn’t a Nazi. What is so important for us to understand is that you and your cohorts are spreading ridiculous fake news.

As always, remember right after the first inauguration in January of 2017, when as soon as Donald Trump arrived at the Oval Office with his staff, a Time Magazine reporter from the prestigious Time Magazine tweeted out the fake news that Donald Trump had removed the bust of Martin Luther King from the Oval Office. The first thing that he did, as soon as he got there, because he just couldn’t stand to see it, because he was a terrible racist. And then it turned out that the photo that the Time Magazine reporter had seen was just somebody standing in front of the bus, because the Oval Office was full of people.

And so someone just happened to be blocking it. It was there the whole time. Even Snopes debunked it that day, because it was absolutely pathetic. Imagine how delusional and paranoid you have to be to see a photo of the table where the bust stood, and then not be able to put two and two together that somebody is standing right in front of it. And that’s why you can’t see it. Donald Trump’s a racist. He must have just thrown it in the trash, because he couldn’t stand the sight of it. And then the media continued to attack him after the story was debunked, because he was understandably outraged about it.

But then they tried to turn that against him. This from CBS News. Trump is still salty over the fake news report about the MLK bust removal. Yeah, imagine being upset about being smeared as a racist and doing something so ridiculous. Something our great new president did do, however, is remove all of the imaginary and fake and ridiculous supposed genders from all federal documents, including visas and passports. And he’s going to probably have to sue nearly a half a dozen different states in order to get them to stop issuing gender non-binary driver’s licenses.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, literally for years now, 24 different states allow people who think that they’re non-binary or one of the other 58 different imaginary genders to list acts on their driver’s license instead of male or female as their sex. Here is Democrat operative and TikTok star Harry Sisson, Harry Sissy, the future Brian Stelter, the Gen Z Brian Stelter, completely humiliating himself on Pierce Morgan’s show, which, by the way, is called Uncensored. And if you didn’t know, he complained for an entire week after Elon Musk restored Alex Jones’ account on Twitter.

The irony is just too thick. You couldn’t even make that up. Literally a show called Uncensored and the guy complains about somebody getting uncensored. But that’s a whole other story. Do you think there should be more than two genders in America? Yeah, I don’t know what that executive order means. I don’t know what the president declared. It means there are two genders, male and female. Do you disagree with that? How many genders are there, Harry? Yeah. Come on, little guy. How many genders are there? Again, these guys don’t know what they’re talking about, so they won’t be able to enforce them.

How many genders are there, Harry? How many genders are there? What’s the lead? I’m going to use Joe Biden’s answers. At least two. At least two. That’s satisfying. How many more other than male female? That’s a TikTok answer. There’s at least two. There’s at least two. Well, Donald Trump says it’s male and female, there are two. How many more are there after male and female, Harry? There’s at least two. How many more are there? What are the other ones? There’s at least two. What are the other ones? Harry, let’s try this.

If you’re a female, what is the other gender? It’s so funny how these conservatives get time to lie on this show, but when I’m speaking, they all interrupt and there’s no problem. You’ve just been asked a very simple question, Harry. How many genders are there are? Harry, you simply got asked if there are at least two genders. How many more are there than male and female? You asked me about Donald Trump’s executive order. I’m trying to explain how legally it makes absolutely no sense and it’s going to get sued in court.

Then we go into culture wars with Dave Rubin, this Ferguson guy, asking how many genders are there. No, I’m asking you. They’re screaming their faces. Watch your mouth, kid. But come to think of it. I’m not sure why Dave Rubin, who was conservative eggs, token gay guy who purchased several children to be condemned to be raised by him and his husband by buying eggs from a fertility clinic and then renting several women’s wombs, having them artificial inseminated, thus not only condemning the children to be raised by two dudes, but also literally never knowing who their mother even is, especially not even having a mother in their life.

That’s all the story. Go watch my video on that. But I’m not sure why he’s even on this show because he made a promise that if Joe Biden were to actually complete his term, that he would retire and completely disappear from public life. Here we go. I’m going to make a bold statement. Michael, come to make a bold statement today. Bold statement. Here we go. If Joe Biden, again, you can see this was from November 30th of 2020 is sworn in on January 20th, 2021, and he completes a four year term, actually completes a four year term.

I will retire. I will retire at the end of that term. That will be it. I will disappear in just over four years, four years and about a month and a half. That’ll be it. That’s how convinced I will just disappear from public life altogether. I will delete all of my accounts and then you’ll never hear from me again. That’s how convinced I am. Wow. Those are some pretty bold statements, but like all conservative in coasts and political pundits, he is obviously a liar, although he could afford to retire because he sold his Encino mansion in California for $5.8 million and then moved to Florida a few years ago.

Something else that the Trump administration is going to have to do, if not than us normal people as a society will have to do it, is eradicate teachers from public schools like this. Guys, I messed up. I messed up. So I had a kid on Monday. They said their pronouns were she her. Then on Wednesday, yesterday, they came to me and they said, you know what, my pronouns are they them. I want you in the class to be they them. Okay, cool. Great. Great. You actually should be like, listen, I’m going to call your parents and you need to go and see a psychiatrist.

They come to class today. There’s names on desks and groups for assigned seats. They can’t find there’s because I guess my first class knocked it off. So I go to the class. Hey, is she in anyone’s group? Does anyone see her name? It took me five minutes to realize that I did. What did you do? So someone asked a question yesterday, what are you doing? You mess up. Well, we all mess up. So what I did when they were sitting by themselves, I approached them and said, I screwed up, didn’t I? And they said, yep.

And I said, I am so sorry. That is completely 100% my fault. I apologize. I will not get it wrong moving forward. You know, please no, I heard you when you told me your pronouns. How did this country go so far down the sewer that not only are people identifying as they, thems, but people like this are allowed to be teachers at public school. And no joke. I’ve said this before, when I was in even middle school, if we had a teacher like this, where they have identified as a they, them are started pushing this nonsense on us.

We, the kids would have run them out of town. We wouldn’t have needed the parents. We wouldn’t have needed the school board. We wouldn’t have needed the government. We would have done it ourselves. All in good time. We got a lot of cleanup to do in the culture. It’s happening very rapidly. Donald Trump has ordered the state department and the embassies to stop flying the rainbow flag, black lives matter flags, only the American flag. So we’re not going to see any more scenes like this happening outside of federal buildings. Like during the, of course, Biden, unbelievable.

It seems like a parody. You know, this is what they did, but it’s going to be tough because the crazies are getting riled up. This young woman, Olivia, I’m not even going to try to pronounce her last name. She went viral because she got failed in a biology class because she used male, female pronouns or said there are only two genders. So she then became an activist and his friends with Riley Gaines and she was set to speak at a turning point USA event last night at the University of Washington. But the protesters are committing felonies, false imprisonment, barricading her in the room, pulling fire alarms and banging on the doors.

The event is supposed to start at six, six, 14. There’s hundreds of people essentially blocking off the road to get to the event, um, dancing to protest. Just to stop me from literally speaking. Once again, thank you to security. I don’t, I don’t even know what to do at this point. What you do is keep doing exactly what you’re doing. These bold and beautiful young women are setting a fantastic example for the younger women, not only just for Generation Z girls, but for the Generation A girls. That’s the Generation Alpha below Generation Z who need it to be shown that the liberal media industrial complex is a brainwashing information warfare tool that is determined to destroy them.

I’m Mark Dice. Thanks for watching and subscribe to my channel if you’re new here. And if you want to support my work and get a great shirt or your Liberty’s mug, head on over to my online store, or click the link in the description below. And this week you could save 20% off anything by using the promo code ultra MAGA at the checkout. So head on over to or click the link in the description below and chuck them out. [tr:trw].

See more of Mark Dice on their Public Channel and the MPN Mark Dice channel.



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