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Chris. I’m Chris Farrell and this is On Watch. Welcome to On Watch, everybody, the Jewish Watch podcast where we go behind the headlines to cover news and information that the mainstream media, the old legacy media, really doesn’t want you to know about. Where we try to recover some lost history and explain the inexplicable. Today, I’ve got great help to do all those things. I have with me my friend and colleague, Adam Lovinger. Welcome to On Watch, Adam. Thank you, Chris. Pleasure to be here. Not only are you a brilliant attorney and an incredible strategist and analyst, I’ll keep complimenting you, but it’s all true.
I’m committing acts of truth here. He’s also the author of a new book that all of you need to go out and buy and that’s called the Insider Threat. Adam wrote this based upon his years long experience dealing with the Deep State political operators, chiefly in the Pentagon, but also in other entities like the White House, National Security Council, places where you worked. So Adam, you wrote this book talking about an insider threat, the Deep State. It’s a deeply personal story, isn’t it? It is, absolutely. So you were in the Pentagon doing strategic studies for an oddball little office called the Office of Net Assessments that most people never heard about.
Let’s start there. Talk to us about what your experience in the Pentagon was. Past tense? Yeah, yeah. So I was working at an office called the Office of Net Assessment, which I would describe it as a high level strateg. And in the course of working in that office for a dozen years, I’d gotten to know General Mike Flynn quite well. And we had developed this ongoing dialogue. And it turns out that what he was seeing in battlefield intelligence in the field, the pathologies that he was uncovering were the same that I was observing in this high level strategy office and that related to our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In that it seems that far too many government officials, including senior military officers, but also civilian leadership, far too many senior officials were not focused on winning these wars, but more on lining the pockets of their contractor friends, keeping the wars going. Because war is a lot of business for a lot of interests. And for the record, we have not won a war since 1945. Correct? Correct. So it’s not an insignificant strategic concern. That’s right. That the United States appears to be unable or unwilling to actually win war, to have a conclusive, clear, compelling victory. We just kind of grind on into weird stalemates.
Correct. And you know, what we were seeing is not only was it the economic incentive, but Also people building their bureaucratic empires. And what I started to see during the Obama years, I was a civil servant in the Office of Net Assessment. So I was there for the entirety of the eight years of the Obama administration was also there was some foreign influence, specifically Russian foreign intelligence and even an alleged Chinese spy who was, you know, really sort of, you know, weaving their way into this high level strategy office. So just for clarity, this office of net Assessments, this is like the big brain guys.
These are smart guys like yourself and others. And you’re looking ahead to not what’s the threat next year or in three years. You’re looking at what should we be doing in 2050, like long range, way down the line, big picture and patterns and trends, those sorts of things. Yeah, yeah. And ultimately, I mean, the purpose of the office is to ensure that America is, you know, the leading power of the world. Peace through strength is really, I’d say, one of the mottos of the office. And it sort of relates to America’s war plans. And that, you know, phase three, dominance in all of America’s war plans, you know, calls for America being able to, you know, control the battlefield at the end, at the end of any conflict.
And if you don’t have primacy in these conflicts, you can’t do that. And so there was this real sort of erosion of that. And, and the Office of Net Assessment during the Obama years really stopped doing net assessments. And these are the precursors to national security strategy. And so if you have no net assessments that are informing national security strategy, you don’t really have a national security strategy and you don’t really know where you’re going. And so you get these endless wars. And so returning back to where I was when President Trump won, this is when Mike Flynn was going into the National Security Council, he’s like, adam, I need you to come over to make sure that we have these net assessment informed strategies going forward.
Because he had buried far too many of his soldiers and seen far too many military personnel die in wars for which there was no strategy. And that was reprehensible. So General Flynn obviously was the Chief Military Intelligence Officer of the United States as the director of dia. So he’s keenly aware and sensitive to these problems. You’re sitting in the Office of Net Assessments. The two of you have occasion to talk, interact, exchange ideas. He then moves into the Trump administration as the National Security Advisor and he says to you, hey, detailed, you’re going to come over from the Pentagon to work for him in the National Security Council.
Correct. That’s kind of the predicate. That’s right. That gets us to this, and that’s when all hell breaks loose. Somebody didn’t like that. Someone didn’t like that. People that did not want the two of you putting your heads together. Yeah. And what General Flynn told me is like, adam, I’m bringing you over here so you can do the job that the Office of Net Assessment is supposed to do, because they’re not doing it. And so we’re comingI’m bringing you over here. And within several months, I had had five investigations launched against me, despite having had a spotless career before that.
Right. Well, much like General Flynn, you became an enemy of the Deep State, an enemy of that professional political class in D.C. that can’t stand any kind of disruption. Yeah. So baseless claims, they always attack security clearances, right? Correct. That’s like, you know, insider threat 101. Go after a guy’s clearance, make wild accusations about stuff. Yeah, we’ve just seen it. Yesterday was Pete Hegseth confirmation hearing, and facts be damned, we’ve got some stuff we can kind of smear them up with. So let’s just make the claim even though we know it’s not true. Yeah. As you said yourself, I mean, the weaponization of security clearances, it’s a real epidemic, and it makes sense.
There’s no right to a security clearance. It can be suspended just based upon a presumption, as a precautionary measure, there could be something wrong. Credible, derogatory information. Credible derogatory information. And I respect that. I understand that. That national security is important enough that if there is even a suspicion that there’s something wrong, you should be able to suspend a clearance. However, the real problem was what happens after that in that, you know, you suspend it, but then you have to go and you have to look at the facts, you know, look what’s really going on. And at that point, what I call the Deep State, which is essentially a lawless sort of cabal of bureaucratic oper, they can take that process and essentially do whatever they want.
There’s no checks and balances on that. It’s largely administrative. It’s administrative. So it’s. Whatever I decide I want to do with it, I can do with it. And there’s no timelines, there’s no oversight, there’s no double check. There’s no appeal. It’s just, I’m in charge, so I get to jerk you around. Correct. And this is, by the way, not permitted. It’s a criminal act to do this because it’s a violation of, you know, you’re subverting your weaponizing federal process, which is an 18 USC 1505 violation. So these are operatives who are doing this, who are weaponizing this.
They are committing crimes, but these crimes are not held to account. And this is, I think, one of the systemic problems of what I call the deep state. And what I really mean by the deep state is, I mean, what I saw. I don’t like to cast aspersions or paint too broad of a brush, but it’s, you know, certain individuals, you know, essentially controlling key nodes within the national security bureaucracy, working together to essentially rig entire processes. So being able to remove someone like me based entirely on lies and then sort of hermetically seal off the facts and the law, you know, for years.
And this is something that the founders would just be aghast at. You know, the authors of the Federalist Papers warned about this sort of tyranny. And you see, you know, polls of ordinary Americans these days, and I just saw a poll recently that something like a third of all Americans think that, that the US Government is that we’re being essentially ruled by this tyrannical, unaccountable sort of permanent government and without any accountability and no checks and balances. And it’s largely correct. And it’s largely correct. You guys at Judicial Watch point that out every day. And I have to say that this book, I couldn’t have written this book without the help of Judicial Watch, frankly.
So I’m truly grateful to you guys here. A lot of, you know, what you did was expose the subversion of the federal investigative process and the weaponization of government, specifically the weaponization of the Freedom of Information Act. You guys, you know, litigated that. You won in court, in federal court and showed that the things in my case that were being concealed, that there was no legal basis for that. So eternally grateful to judicial. You are very welcome. And you, your case did an enormous service because your book, the Insider Threat, I’d like to give a copy to every incoming Trump appointee so they understand what they’re dealing with.
You know what I mean? This book explains there’s nothing better for these sort of career political operatives, largely from the left, largely Democrats. Not entirely. There’s always a jerk who’s got his own agenda, but it’s often highly politically charged, and they want to get a hold of some appointee and they want to drag him into the quagmire. Security clearance is always an issue. The other thing that they will ding people on is time and attendance. They will claim that someone has lied about whether they put in leave or whether they were basically awol, you know, absent without leave, or they fudged their hours in some way.
That’s always time and attendance is another great one that they go after. And then the third one that I always see looked at is some kind of travel voucher claim where you went to Pittsburgh for a conference or something and they say, aha, you claimed seven extra miles. It’s usually some extraordinarily insignificant, ridiculous thing. And you say, well, yeah, because there was backup on the interstate. And so I went around and you know, whatever it is, they will attempt to manufacture some crisis over something that’s very ordinary, very explainable, not a big deal or simply not even true, just a falsehood.
But they get to sling the mud and then they put you in limbo. And then the other thing that’s kind of sad, and I’ll let you talk the other thing that’s kind of sad is the number of people in an office that the minute you’re identified as being one of those people who run for the hills, who will abandon you, won’t answer your email, pick up the phone, won’t have lunch with you, they frantically run for the tall weeds and hide out cuz they’re worried that they’re next. Yeah, yeah, this indeed happened to me. A very senior Trump official went around to various people in the National Security Council staff after I was yanked out and asked, you know, hey, why didn’t you go to Adam Lovinger’s aid? Why didn’t you help? And you know, he came back to me, he said, adam, everyone was so scared that what happened to you would happen to them and they stuck their neck out.
And I don’t really think that’s, you know, so fair for a lot of these people who won’t stick their neck out. And the problem is that there’s a recognition that these people who are not sticking their neck out, they know that if they do, if they do something honorable, they stand up for the facts and the law and try to make sure there’s due process, that they know that the process is so rigged, is so illegal that there’s no justice. And so when you have this sort of Soviet style tyranny that’s sort of, you know, growing within the US national security bureaucracy, it doesn’t bring out the best qualities in people.
And that’s a shame, that’s very generous. And then that permeates the national security bureaucracy and you were mentioning about, you know, time and attendance and travel vouchers, security clearances, what I found of these five investigations, the very first one was launched against me. It was illegal, but the funny thing about it was that it actually incriminated my accusers. And so these guys were like, oh, my God, we launched this illegal investigation. That’s bad enough, but it turned out to incriminate them. And so they’re like, we’re gonna cover this thing up. And then launched another one. And, and the one thatthe second one waswas really being done.
The investigative officer was the direct subordinate of my accuser, who was, you know, himself, you know, quite incriminated by the first investigation. And soand ultimately, you know, they were trying to find something I had done wrong. But in the end, in the final analysis, in large part you know, thanks to Judicial Watch, Uncovering the truth, we realized it was all lies. And I went through essentially four years of lies. And one set of lies were two, obviously lies. They sort of did away with those and they came up with new ones. Right. And it’s just something that it should not exist in America.
I mean, I would hope that no matter what side of the aisle you’re from, Democrat, Republican, this is not the country we want to raise our children in. And we have to do something about this. This was a years long process. Multi, multi year, Truly years long. Five different investigations, all of them shot down, all of them proven to be false, misleading. Correct. No foundation for them other than to destroy you. Yeah. Very often the process is the punishment. Absolutely right, Absolutely. Because they want to grind you up. Yeah. Right, yeah. They want to cost you.
Lawyers, accountants, gray hair. Yeah. Ulcers. I mean, there’s a lot of personal. I mean, you suffer because of this. Right? Well, you know, it wasn’t, it wasn’t a walk in the park. And it’s definitely not something that I wanted to experience. But I do have to say, looking back on it, that first of all, it’s really important to uncover and expose this rot in our republic. I mean, I have a legal background. I love the US Constitution, our constitutional order. This is the best country in the world, and we can’t let this country go the way of other great powers that have collapsed from within because of this internal rot.
And so we have to fight this. So it’s a good fight. It’s a horrific fight. It’s. It’s miserable. As you yourself mentioned, I had to rely upon Judicial Watch and pro bono legal representation to fight against a weaponized process that’s being funded by the US Taxpayer. Right. Unlimited time, unlimited funded money, unlimited lawyers, unlimited phony baloney administrative review boards and processes that they manufacture out of thin air. There is no process. We’re going to invent one. Right. And we’re going to appoint the guy in the office that hates you to be your investigating officer. Right, Absolutely.
This is, this is the kind of when they really should, obviously. I mean, so my experience doing this is from a military environment. And you know, if you had what in the army you would call a 15, 6 investigation, which has to do with an army regulation for doing investigations, you have to appoint a disinterested. Of course, yeah. You know, third party, some other commissioned officer from either an adjacent unit or some other non involved. So the person can come in and say, so what’s going on here? Right, Adam? This guy says, you know, you’re a bad guy and you’ve done A, B and C.
And you go, well, that’s baloney because here I can show you. And then the officer goes back and writes a report and says, there’s no foundation to this. Yeah. And it’s 30 days and it’s done. That’s the way it should be done. Right. But for you, it’s years long. Right. And it’s kind of in house guys going after you. Yeah, yeah. Are any of these characters still floating around? They’re all still floating around. As I, as I talk about in the book, it’s like they, they then sort of, you know, after they weaponize all these investigations, they then ensure that they get medals for it.
And in the, in the narrative, for the very, for the, you know, the high medal, they’re rece. Like the Defense Superior Service medal, they’ll write that, you know, they sort of did the exact opposite of what they really did to sort of retroactively sanitize this, you know, horrendous abuse of due process. And it’s an insurance policy. And this was actually explained to me by a military officer. He was saying, listen, Adam, what happens is that these bad actors, they’ll do something horrendous, they’ll do something criminal, and then they will ensure that they get a medal for precisely that work that will turn on its head 180 degrees what they did, because they know that they can then sleep well at night for the rest of their life because it’s in the narrative of their very high medal.
And the U.S. department of Defense will go to bat for them because they don’t want to possibly threaten the sanctity of their medals regime. And it’s a very cynical, horrific thing, particularly for those brave men and women who actually earn those medals, you know, fighting America’s wars in combat for valor and what have you, that there are these Washington based deep state bureaucrats who are genuinely undermining America from within, getting the very same medals. In yesterday’s hearing with Pete Hegseth in front of Senator alum Services committee, this should have been entered as an exhibit. This should have been provided to anybody wondering about the Pentagon and how it operates and who’s who and what’s what in that system.
I guess the other thing that’s very frustrating is there are a lot of people in the Pentagon who are completely honorable, forthright, true blue, smart, loyal, dedicated. And they get sucked into this. Yeah, I gotta tell you. So I was in the Pentagon for a dozen years and really I started out in the general counsel’s office. I had never encountered what then happened to me. And so you’re absolutely right. I think it’s so important not to paint the bureaucracy with this. A broad brushstroke of it’s all the deep state, it’s all corrupt because I encountered so many honorable people.
But it is certain offices that seem to just be captured, they’re institutionally captured. They’re typically not offices that you encounter very often in the Pentagon. It was like the Washington Headquarters Services. This was a very weaponized office, in my case, you guys, a very important office. It sounds, frankly, it sounds boring. Like, no offense, but Office of Net Assessments is not exactly. No one even knows what the hell that means. Right? Net Assessment. Yeah, but even this other organization you’re talking about, Washington Headquarters Services. It sounds like a cleaning crew. Yeah. I mean, yeah, but actually it’s an extremely important sort of administrative, bureaucratic element that controls all the pay and finance, all the personnel files.
Yeah, those sorts of things. The security, various security issues. For example, this first investigation against me was sort of predicated on some leak of classified information. And the Washington Headquarters Services was intimately involved in this leak. The problem, however, is that it had to do with a contractor leaking classified information. Well, who is responsible for that contractor? Washington Headquarters Services. Who’s responsible for the security measures that are put in place to ensure that classified information, classified information is handled properly. Washington Headquarters Services. So now they’re involved in the investigation. They’re an interested party. But this is, you know, part of the weaponization.
And you’re absolutely right. I mean, these boring offices. Washington Headquarters Services Various personnel offices. Sadly, the Department of Defense office, Inspector General this has been a highly weaponized operation. Going outside of DoD, I encountered the U.S. office of Special Counsel, which has set up in the wake of the Watergate matter to represent whistleblowers. But this has been turned into an office that targets whistleblowers. I mean, it’s really perverse. In my experience, OSC is profoundly compromised. There’s been a few good people here and there who have tried to run it, but overall, extremely disappointing. And then very, very often, inspectors General are where the truth goes to die.
I mean, it is a grand cover up operation that is meant to make sure that troublesome people that are going to raise unpleasant questions, that it all just gets papered over. And either the response is, well, that’s under investigation, we can’t tell you, or once they finish our investigation, which is very rare, they come back and say, well, we’re going to handle this as an internal matter. Yeah, yeah. What the hell does that mean? We’re going to handle it as an internal matter. And my experience there was with our illustrious Department of Justice Inspector General. Oh, yeah, and that’s a sideshow.
Yeah, no, it’s a horrendous thing. And I mean, if I was to really put on my Christmas wish list, you know, one thing to really change in our government, I would put, you know, dismantling the inspector general system and transferring that function to Congress, where it seems like it belongs in our Constitution. It’s, you know, you’re checking and balancing the executive branch from the legislative branch. You can’t have the executive branch check and balance itself. It just seems like an inherent conflict of interest that this doesn’t work. And, you know, under the law, of course, there’s this dual reporting, you know, mandate to both the agency head and the Congress that inspectors general have.
But in practice, it doesn’t work. Yeah, you know, you have two masters, meaning you have no master. Right. So you go through this process, but as you mentioned kind of briefly, you’re smarter than the average bear. You have the, you have the added advantage in looking at this as being someone legally trained. You’re an attorney. And so I don’t know that everybody, anybody in, whether it’s the Pentagon or whether it’s State Department or someplace else, if they didn’t have an appreciation for sort of the legal mechanisms, that they would have been able to fight it as successfully as you did.
So with your attorney’s eye, with your legal training, what sort of an advantage did that provide to you in going through this really excruciating process? So it provided some advantage because one thing that was. That was, you know, dispiriting and really depressing and actually shocked my lawyer at the time, Sean Bigley, an excellent attorney who specializes in security clearances, was really just, you know, the lawlessness of it. But I would say that so even though we were being, you know, led down this lawless process, my legal background, his legal background allowed us to sort of make a record of it.
And so we knew what things to record. We knew sort of, you know, what hoops they were supposed to jump through my accusers, what hoops that they didn’t. And so we made this record of it, and that was helpful, and we lay this out in the book. But I have to say, it’s one of the problems here is that, you know, I think that almost really, no matter how smart you are, no matter how legally trained you are, there’s really. There’s no hope for this system because there’s a lot of redundancies that get put into this process.
They’re going to target some lawyer, and they’re going to do it lawlessly, which they do. They’ll just make sure that every chance, every time some sort of legal review or some appeal or some sort of appeal to some other authority comes up, that they will have rigged that process as well. And so one of the most, you know, one of the, you know, clever, but also rather, you know, perverse and sinister things happened was that my accusers ensured that from the very beginning, the acting general Counsel of the U.S. department of Defense, Paul Kofsky is his name, was involved in orchestrating these illegal investigations.
They did that. We realized several years later why they did that, which was that I had my clearance suspended, then it was revoked. And then years later, we were then appealing that revocation to an administrative law judge, this guy Leroy Forman over at the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals. And when Leroy Forman learned that Paul Kofsky, his boss’s boss, had orchestrated these illegal investigations, he nearly fell out of his seat. And at that point, because there’s no way in the world he’s gonna run counter to that. At that point, he stopped taking notes because. And it was clear to my lawyer and I that this.
That this wasit didn’t matter what we said. It didn’t matter what the law said. This guy’s boss’s boss had orchestrated these illegal hit jobs. And what’s he going to do, right? You know, he was. He hasn’t been an administrative law judge for decades because he bucked this illegal system. Right, right. And sadly, I’ll tell you, and I write this in my book, is how my lawyer, who was leading a security clearance law practice has shut his law practice down. Because he told me he’s like, Adam, just like a surgeon needs a scalpel to perform his trade, a lawyer needs the facts and the law to matter.
And your case showed me that these people can get away with ignoring all that and it just doesn’t matter. And it’s a very sad commentary. That’s extremely sad commentary. Yeah. Well, did the Pentagon and all these characters, did they leak, did they try to run a whisper campaign against you as well? Absolutely no. One of the interesting things was, you know, I had my clearance suspended on one set of lies, and then I was sort of put off. You know, the Washington headquarters services sort of took hold of me and put me off in this little, you know, back office because I’m a civil servant.
And they were then sort of under the gun to figure out, okay, well, that first set of lies doesn’t really hold up. It’s not really believable. So what they started doing was leaking sort of trial run charges to the press about me. And it’s a clever thing to do this because they knew that I was desperate to get my career back. Sure. Because I knew that I was innocent and I knew that what they were doing was illegal. So they really sort of took advantage of that psychological anxiety to. All right, well, we’re going to test out this allegation against you and this one and say they’re leaking this to the press knowing that I will be like, if that’s what I’m being accused of, because I didn’t know at the time what I had done wrong and what they were going to charge me with that I would give them my best evidence to counter that charge.
And of course we did, because we’re like, I want to get out of here and I want to get my career back. So we gave them the best evidence and that allowed them to sort of change which allegations keep morphing it. Exactly, exactly. And it’s a horrendous thing. It’s a criminal act because they’re leaking my Privacy act information to the press and that’s a crime. And one of the sad things is that there were several times throughout my case when these, my accusers were leaking to the press my Privacy act information. And by definition, it’s public knowledge at that point.
And the leadership at the Pentagon just didn’t do anything about it. They didn’t, you know, investigate the source of that leak. They just didn’t care. And this was during the Trump administration. I think there were some, you know, loose ends that weren’t really, you know, working properly. But this is something we have to clean up. And, you know, no matter what political party you are, you know, you got to ensure that these violations of the Privacy act are not done with impunity. And then sort of the practical or sort of the political application of all this is that you showed up over at the National Security Council at the request you were detailed so you didn’t become some other new kind of employee.
You were still a Pentagon guy, civil servant, who was told your new duty assignment is over at the White House. And so you go over there on detail, and the person that you’re reporting to is General Mike Flynn. And, of course, General Mike Flynn terrified official Washington at the FBI, doj, CIA level, because he had been director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Yeah. So he knew all the little stupid pet tricks, the Jim Comey, Peter Strzok crap. He would have seen through that, like, in 30 seconds. Oh, and he was already getting to the bottom of it.
He was already seeing through. Oh, yes. Which is why there was a decapitation. Correct. Right. They had to eliminate Flynn by any possible trick imaginable and sensationalize and controversialize and remove him because he would have exposed all the stuff that was going on. And so they turn him into a monster. They make outrageous claims against him, but you’re his guy. So Flynn, you know, in the most ridiculous way. And of course, people now know what was done to Flynn and why and how he was really terrorized the way that he was. And he’s out of the office, but you’re still sitting there looking up, saying, wait a minute, where did.
My boss just got ripped out of here. You must have had this sense of foreboding that you were next on the chopping block. Right? Yeah, well, I certainly did. And in the book, I call Flynn an existential threat to the deep state. Yes. And the reason why is that the election of Flynn President Trump was quite an extraordinary thing and a very refreshing thing, because here is an outsider. Trump is not a creature of Washington, D.C. he didn’t have to sort of, like, you know, climb up the rungs of Washington power to, you know, and make dirty deals along the way so that, you know, the deep State could.
He’s not a Joe Biden career path. Exactly, exactly. He can’t be controlled by the swamp. He’s an outsider. He comes in. However, what makes him so threatening to the swamp is that he brings in insiders like General Mike Flynn, a 33 year army intelligence officer, former head of DIA, somebody who really knows the dirty tricks of the back alley, stiletto wielding, deep state, dirty tricks of Washington. He brings in this insider who’s just as committed as President Trump is to cleaning up this nonsense because he is so upset that this corruption has killed so many soldiers under his command in Iraq and Afghanistan.
And it’s like it’s a personal thing for him. He’s really got the bit between his teeth and he wants to take on this mandate of the American people given to President Trump to drain the swamp and bring back accountability. He brings in a few people that he’s got confidence in, myself included, Derek Harvey and some others of the first sort of crop. And, you know, as soon as Flynn is taken out, the rest of us are gone. And the deep state has, you know, Washington so wired that it was the day after Flynn was removed that I was taking the Metro down from my house, crossing over through Lafayette Square, right in front of the White House, going into work at the National Security Council.
And this Navy officer who I’d worked with stood up and said, hey, Adam, you know, now that, you know, now that General Flynn’s gone, who’s going to protect you from James H. Baker, who is my accuser at the Office of Net Assessment? And he just walked away. And so it’s like a scene out of a movie. It’s a scene out of a movie. They knew my very, you know, my migratory path to work every morning. And it’s a little bit eerie when this, when you’re watched like this, it’s beyond eerie. It’s Soviet, it’s very Soviet. And you know, coming back to the, I mean, the Soviets, of course, the Russians, now the Chinese, they want this to be this way.
You know, a lot of this dividing and conquering America from within. This is genuinely the statecraft, the tradecraft of our enemies. And we’re playing right into it, unfortunately. So the good news is you survived all this. I mean, you did, you came out, you popped out on the other side vindicated. That doesn’t happen very well. I haven’t really been vindicated because, you know, my career in the federal government has still been destroyed based on lies. And so I’ve never been vindicated. That’s dormant. Hopefully I will be vindicated. But, you know, this has not been resolved and it shouldn’t be allowed to stay because a lot of people in the foreign policy community are aware of My case.
And they’re looking like, what’s happened to Adam Bleznger? You know, he hasn’t been vindicated. He hasn’t been, you know, restored, hasn’t been made whole. And, you know, the injustice continues. And so I think that that will send a message to people whether they want to, you know, buck the system. Yeah. You know, I think that part of. At least there’s a segment of vindication in this. Yeah. So I’ve been at judicial watch for 25 years. I’ve bumped into and dealt with lots of people in circumstances not exactly like yours, but similar whistleblowers, people that tried to do the right thing, who got ground up in the process.
But your book is different, and I mean that in a very complimentary way. It’s extremely readable, and I commend it to all of our viewers and listeners. It is a great book. It’s very personal. But you don’t go off the deep end on the personal side of it, because some people, it turns into a screed. They’re just kind of venting. You don’t do that. And you lay out, like, really the. The case and the saga of what you went through. And it’s extremely well documented. This is not just some, like I said, either a screed of people just complaining or some dry manual of personnel regulations.
You’ve really threaded the needle on this in a remarkable way and written a great book. I would. I would give it to every single Trump appointee and tell him you want to know what your staff is doing around you and next to you and beside you. And everything that you have in here is footnoted, which I love. So it’s not just kind of sweeping assertions. You point to paragraphs and documents and reports. And it’s an extraordinary bit of work you’ve done. It’s a great public service in and of itself. So you’re to be congratulated for that, even if there isn’t full vindication.
You got the last word in writing this, so I think it’s great. Thank you, Chris. And just on that, I really appreciate those comments. What I do with this book, which, you know, at first made my publisher a little bit uncomfortable, is I name names, which I love. I love them. I name names. And I, as you’re right, I mean, I do document it. I’ve got the evidence to back up every assertion I make. But for this is a sort of a pathology of our country, is that there’s all these books that are sort of, you know, addressing These problems, but they’re a little bit too theoretical to do anything about it.
Yeah. Like the Afghanistan withdrawal. Yeah. Everyone says it’s horrible. Okay. Yeah, exactly. But, well, who is responsible? Who’s responsible? And let’s hold those people to account. Because until you hold those people to account, this problem is going to persist. And this is one of the critical things, and you see it in poll after poll, the American people, that the American people want accountability. And Pete Heggesath said this very eloquently the other day in his confirmation hearing, is that, you know, if you’re a rifleman and you lose your rifle, you’ll have the book thrown at you. But if you’re a general and you lose a war, you’ll get a promotion.
This is precisely the issue, which is that these, the senior, real criminals, the people that are knowingly and willfully weaponizing government and just doing it, just, you know, time and time again, they have to be held to account. None of this stuff is going to get fixed unless that happens. And I gotta tell you, one thing that really got me through all these years, in addition to the support of Judicial Watch and my family and friends and others, is that what happened to me personally is not important. It just isn’t. But what happened to me is part of a bigger problem.
And so I really, in this book, I try very hard through every chapter where I’m just talking about me, to say, this is not just about me. This is about this bigger problem. Look what happened to France after the Dreyfus affair, where they just covered all this up. Well, it fell apart as a great power. You know, look what happened to Rome. When Rome became this beset by internal rot, it collapsed. And that there’s a lot of rhymes throughout history of what’s happening in America today is so Soviet. And of course, we know what happened to the Soviet Union.
It collapsed from within. Exactly. And it’s incumbent upon us to make sure that doesn’t happen here. When you went to write this, did you have any reservations? Did you think to yourself, I mean, you could go either way. You could say, well, maybe I should just keep my head down and shut up and hope it all gets better. Or, you know, going to the other extreme, sort of the screed I mentioned before, we just want to vent everything that you could possibly vent, but you found the middle ground. So what was your thinking? What was your process for getting there? Well, I have to tell you, I mean, it’s.
When you’re an American, you’re brought up to believe in the values of our republic. And you’re a lawyer and, you know, develop a love for the law and for our constitutional order, which is so enlightened, you know, to see it violated so just savagely and with such impunity and not even around the edges, but fundamentally violated. And to see high military honors being given for the opposite of what they claim to be given. And I’m thinking about, I’ve not served in uniform. I know you have. And I have so much respect for every American who serves in uniform that, you know, no American service person should ever, ever have to think that these medals are being given for anything but the high valor and honor that they claim to be violating.
That is, it’s so, it’s such a horrendously horrible thing. And so, you know, to, you know, writing this book, even though I was getting, I wasn’t getting vindicated through this administrative process that I had to go through and I still haven’t been vindicated to date, but this book exposing this, you know, this really, you know, it kept me going and it’s, you know, and to, I’m a great fan of the Stoics, of the classical Stoic tradition of Marcus Aurelius and Cicero and Seneca and these others, and turning a bad thing into a good thing. That’s so that they did not get the better of me.
My accusers, these corrupt bureaucrats who remain mostly in office to this day in their positions, never been held to account with their high level security clearances, even though we have dispositive evidence of their criminality. They were made in office. You know, being able to expose them for what they are is important. And to turn a bad into a good. It’s been attributed to CQ Brown, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs. I don’t know if he actually said it or not, but there’s an attribution that at the Army Navy game he met with President Trump and his remark was something like, well, I’ll be able to work with him.
Which I found astoundingly arrogant and completely out of touch because General C Q Brown doesn’t work with the President of the United States, he works for the President of the United States. But it’s just that sort of mentality. There’s a lot of folks running around that five sided building across the river here who are just feel that they’re very insulated and that no one can really get to them. I think they’re going to be shocked in the short term here, in a very short period. I think A lot of them are going to turn in retirement paperwork or they’re going to look for other opportunities.
You know, would you like fries with that? Could might be part of what they’re saying in a frequent basis. But there’s going to be people that are going to get out because I think there’s going to be a real big systemic shakeup. I could be wrong, but I think so. But I just think of this attributed quote and I can’t swear to it, but it sounds like something that the current leadership, again hack Seth, pointed out. We won World War II with seven four star flag officers. We currently have 44 four star flag officers, which is preposterous.
But there’s a lot of that. Yeah, you know, there’s a lot of that. Yeah. And this is, this is an important issue. You know, I think it’s really unfortunate that so many high military officers, senior military officers, but also, you know, senior civil servants can get to great heights, but doing pretty despicable things or just, or not putting the Constitution first, putting their own self interest and that are their cronies first. And this is a problem. And this is not a new problem. This is a very old problem. Abraham Lincoln had to fire many generals for incompetence, but he did fire them and that was important.
But this country, in order to retain the confidence of its citizenry, we need to ensure that those who achieve high office, you know, get there because they’re following the law, doing their duty, distinguishing themselves, you know, objectively and not through some, you know, corrupt process. And this sort of mentality, if indeed General Brown said that, you know, this is indicative of somebody who achieved high office not on the merits, but on something else. And again, I don’t want to cast aspersion, I don’t want to attribute that to him. But that doesn’t surprise me because that sort of mentality is rather pervasive.
Yeah, I think that that’s really the lesson is I may not have it exactly correct, but if that’s the sentiment, then it’s way, way, way out of line. Adam Lovinger, you have done an enormous public service. Once again, the book is the Insider Threat. This is a critically important book, people. Really, truly. There’s a lot of people that write books based upon their past experience doing X, Y or Z. This is not just another book by some guy who did strategy in the Pentagon. This is a very important look at really the Mechanics of Washington D.C.
and if you want to understand, you know, Trump 47 and what he and the other people working for him are up against. This is literally the manual, the playbook. To understand what the. Well, like the title says, what the insider threat is. So congratulations to you. Thank you again. Everybody watching this or listening to it, you need to order a copy of this immediately, if not sooner, read it and appreciate what this guy went through and the fabulous work that he’s done in producing this book. So besides this book, where can folks either follow your work or do you have a website for the book or what’s the.
Yeah, so, I mean, I’m very happy to have anyone associated with Judicial Watch reach me on LinkedIn. And I’m associated with an excellent organization called the Gold Institute for, for International Strategy. And the book can be found on Amazon. The publisher, my superb publisher, Roger Kimball of Encounter Books. You can get on the Encounter Books website, Barnes and Noble, all sort of the normal places, but it’s readily available and I even checked if you order it, it’s like one day delivery. Nice. We have it tomorrow. You have it tomorrow. We can send you out an email quiz to people and test them on your knowledge of it.
Adam, thank you so much for coming in. Thank you, Chris. Appreciate it. I’m Chris Farrell on.