RBN Authentic News (17 September 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On September 17, 2024, Florida announced its own investigation into the attempted assassination of former President Trump at his golf club. The suspect, Ryan Wesley Ruth, had hidden near the golf course for 12 hours before being spotted. Ruth, who had a history of weapon-related charges and had previously expressed a desire for political assassinations, was found with a sniper rifle. Meanwhile, supporters of Trump accused the New York Times of inciting violence against Republican VP nominee JD Vance, and Russia warned of potential alliances with China in response to perceived threats from the U.S.
➡ A missile, likely from Yemen, hit Tel Aviv, Israel, and wasn’t intercepted by any of Israel’s defense systems. This raises concerns about Israel’s ability to defend against such attacks, especially if they were to engage in conflict with Iran, who may have similar capabilities. Meanwhile, there’s increasing censorship in the West, particularly against Russian state media, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Lastly, there are concerns about the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons, which could lead to the destruction of modern civilization.
I’m sorry, but the text you provided (“too. [tr:tra]”) doesn’t seem to be a complete article or paragraph. Could you please provide a full text for me to summarize?
➡ The text discusses concerns about reckless decision-making at high levels of the U.S. government, particularly regarding the situation in Ukraine. It suggests that the U.S. and NATO have lost the war in Ukraine, with Russian military advances being unstoppable. The text also mentions a recent interview on a Russian television program discussing the danger of escalation and U.S. activities aimed at fighting a nuclear war. Lastly, it touches on allegations of bias and rigging in a debate between Trump and Harris, and the death of an ABC employee who documented these allegations.
➡ The residents of Wingfield, Ohio are upset about the government providing financial aid to Haitians instead of local homeless veterans. They believe this has led to increased living costs and job scarcity. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is criticized for her prosecutorial record and her plans to change America’s economy and Supreme Court. Lastly, Harris’s stance on fracking and her performance in a recent interview have also been questioned.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the benefits of a product called Ease Off, advice on buying gold, and a critique of various news stories. It also includes a detailed discussion about the war between Russia and Ukraine, suggesting that the Ukrainian losses are much higher than reported. The text ends with a promotion for a Confederate store and a radio show.
➡ The conversation discusses the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, suggesting that the casualty ratio is eight to one, favoring Russia. It also mentions the involvement of the CIA and other American agencies in Ukraine’s affairs, including alleged assassination attempts and the creation of a hit list. The discussion also touches on the weaponization of Ukrainian forces and their operations in Syria and Africa. Lastly, it criticizes the treatment of a WNBA player, Caitlin Clark, who has been the target of a significant percentage of the league’s flagrant fouls.
➡ The text discusses various issues including racial tensions in sports, the perceived lack of fairness in referee decisions, and the dominance of certain racial groups in different industries. It also touches on political dissatisfaction, the influence of Zionists in global affairs, and the need for individuals to be aware of their surroundings and the manipulations of various groups.
➡ The speaker believes that there’s a potential for a corporate and fascist takeover, similar to the JFK situation. They argue that large corporations, like Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, and individuals like George Soros, are controlling major corporations and real estate, and could be behind potential threats to Trump. They urge people to follow the money trail to uncover the truth. They also mention a service that helps homeowners challenge illegal mortgage transactions and restore their property rights.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including casualty numbers in the Battle of Kursk, political opinions about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and issues related to immigration and cultural assimilation. The speakers express strong views, with some criticizing the current government and others expressing support for Trump. The conversation also touches on the displacement of people due to wars and a dangerous situation involving explosive pagers in Lebanon.
➡ The conversation discusses various global issues, including the potential collapse of Israel, the political situation in Russia, and the influence of the Jewish administration in the U.S. It also touches on the financial world, assassination attempts on a former president, and the lack of investigations into these matters. The discussion ends with a call for people to spend time with loved ones and support RBN.


This is Jim Fetzer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBM Live, this 17th day of September, 2024. By far the most interesting developments concern Florida conducting its own investigation of the Trump shooting. This is a curveball. This is very significant. Ron DeSantis tweets. The state of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club. The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin, how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee. Good for Desantis. Once you turn it over to the FBI, it’s going to be covered up completely.

This guy could very likely be a CIA asset. There’s all kinds of information coming in about him. It’s all profoundly disturbing. He’s not a normal citizen whatsoever. There are some of the additional stories, but there’s more to come. Accused Trump gunman Ryan Wesley Ruth hid in Sniper’s nest for nearly 12 hours before he was spotted by the Secret Service. Brian Leslie Rout, the alleged would be Trump assassin, set up a sniper’s nest near the former president golf course and hid there for nearly 12 hours before the apparent ambush attempt, federal prosecutors said one day. Ralph cellphone peeing to the spot on the edge at Trump’s international Wells Palm beach starting from 01:59 a.m.

sunday. Fascinating how cell phones locate you at every minute of the day. His gun barrel was spotted by a Secret Service agent at about 01:30 p.m. while Trump was on the links 300 to 500 yards away. Now the web and he had at a k 47 would have been very poor, 300 to 500 yards. But if he was waiting for Trump to show up on a nearby lake, on a nearby hole, that would be a whole different matter, especially since he was fully automatic. Here’s another Trump suspected would be assassin in 2002 welded a fully automatic machine gun in a three hour stand up with police.

Ruth was charred with possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun in connection with his 2002 arrest. Ryan Routh, a suspect in Sunday’s apparent assassination attempt against former president Trump in Florida, the second in two months in 2002, wielded a fully automatic machine gun amid a three hour stand with police in North Carolina, according to a report from the Greensboro News and Record. The paper’s story focused on federal agencies, including the Secret Service and homeland security, that arrived Sunday night at a Greensboro address associated with Routh, who is 58 years old.

The news and records that officer departed the residence at 2106 Hyatt street after spending a few minutes there, adding it wasn’t clear if they took anything from the home much further in the report, a link to a brief news and record story dated 16th December 2002, which the paper Sunday story said involved raw. There’s much more. How about this? Alleged would be assassin recruited for Ukraine’s international legion before he was caught with an ak 47 on a golf course near Trump, Ryan Routh went to Kiev to fight for Ukraine’s military and recruit for its international legion.

In a book length manifesto, Routh wished for assassination of Putin and Trump and urged a nuclear war with Russia. Ryan Routh was arrested today with an ak 47 style rifle fitted with a sniper scope several hundred yards from Donald Trump while the former president was golfing. According to the Washington Post, the golf course incident is being investigated as a potential assassination attempt. Duh. Back in 2022, Raoul reportedly traveled to Ukraine to recruit for the international legion. According to Newsweek Romania, which interviewed Routh. In 2022, the american resident of Hawaii hoped to fight as a volunteer alongside the ukrainian army what was too old at age 56.

So plan b, Route said, was to come to Kiev and promote the idea of many others coming to join the international legion. We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians. There are about 190 countries on our planet, and if the government’s not officially sending soldiers here, then we civilians should pick up this torch and make it happen. Pretty bizarre. Meanwhile, the Trump camp is alleging that the New York Times is also inciting violence against JD Vance. Supporters of former President Trump are calling out the New York Times for an opinion piece on republican VP nominee JD Vance and is rejected of credal nationalism.

This is disgusting by New York Times, posted ex Matthew Boyle, the Washington bureau chief for Breitbart News Network. Editors should intervene and correct this and apologize for it. Really gross from the New York Times posted Jim Banks, a US Senate candidate in Ohio. It’s disgusting. The media is now pushing these ridiculous violence, inciting claims about JD Vance just two months after Donald Trump was nearly assassinated, wrote Alex Bruce Witz, a Trump campaign advisor. Also, friendly reminder to the media and the left that JD is a father of three biracial kids. They should immediately retract and apologize to jdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.

All three included a screenshot of the opinion piece written by Times columnist Jamel Bouley entitled JD Vance’s blood and soil nationalism finds its target. The visa headline, however, has now been changed shouldn’t jv Vance represent all of Ohio? This kind of propaganda is untrue and dangerous, said Steve Cortez, a former Trump advisor. Corporate media viciously smear JD Vance because he’s so effective at unmasking their lives. And here it is. Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA posted. So now the Times is directly calling JD Vance a nazi. This is a kind of regime propaganda that nearly got Trump assassinated.

What else can we conclude except that the New York Times wants JD Vance dead? How bad is that? Meanwhile, Russia has reported that it could combine with China if both face threats from the United States. Maria Zakarova announced this Wednesday. I’d like to remind you Moscow and Beijing will respond to double containment by the US with double counter action, Sakarova said when asked about US plans to deploy a typhoon missile system to Japan for several months. A typhoon is a new missile system developed by us that would have been banned under the Intermediate Nuclear force treaty between the US and Russia.

Trump tore up in 2019, which prohibited land based wisdom with a range between 310 and 3400 miles. Meanwhile, China has declared it will support Russia if NATO attacks. Russia formally notifies UN if US UK approved western weapons strike deep into Russia, a state of war will exist. I’m so impressed with how Russia abides with international law. They make all the diplomatically appropriate moves. They had notified formally the US, the UK, French and Germany that this would be their position. They have gone to the United nations to declare it. I admire that it’s above board. It is the right way to conduct international relations, especially in a time of stress.

Russian leadership has issued a follow up statement to President Vladimir Putin’s Thursday brief video address, worrying that if the US and UK authorize Ukraine to pursue long range strikes on russian soil, the NATO and the Russian Federation will be in an official state of war. On Friday, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, informed the UN Security Council that UN countries would start an open war by allowing western long range missiles to target Russia. If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia. Moscow Z envoy introduced in that case will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for western aggressors.

I’m believing. While they’ve already designated the three locations in the UK where the storm shuttle missiles are located as immediate targets, that none of this will be done with nuclear weapons, that Russia will not be the first to deploy nukes. They have such sophisticated, powerful, conventional, non nuclear weapons they don’t need to. But if the west replies by deploying nukes, it’ll be all over. We can bend over and kiss our ass goodbye. Meanwhile, terrifying russian artillery destroys ukrainian BM 21 grand rocket launcher. That’s coming from Scott Ritter. Meanwhile, Doctor Jacques Bowdoin, Yemen strikes Tel Aviv. Israel’s unexpected downfall.

Let’s check this out. This is such a good guy that he, you know, his reports are simply excellent. So nice to have you back. Come on. Thank you very much for inviting me again. Let’s get started with what’s going on right now between Houthis, Israel. We had Houthis, they were talking, they have used a ballistic missile to hit a military base close to Tel Aviv. And we had this attack. On the other hand, in Israel, they’re talking about, there are a lot of discussions between Netanyahu and his minister of defense talking about they want to attack Hezbollah.

It seems the next two, three weeks for Netanyahu is so crucial for his power in Israel. And how do you find the whole situation, this attack and what’s going on vis a vis conflict with Hezbollah? Well, the Houthi attack or Ansar attack on Israel that happens last weekend is very interesting. And probably I can show you here a map so that you have an idea of what we are talking about. This was a hypersonic missile that was launched from Yemen up to the Tel Aviv. And the missile landed in the neighborhood of the Ben Gurion airport, probably targeted the power plant.

But we don’t know exactly. I mean, I don’t know. Maybe I have other information. The issue here is twofold. The first one is that we have, the first thing is that we have an hypersonic attack in the heart of Israel that Israel was not able to intercept. And that’s very interesting because as you have seen on the map, you have currently three navy ships that are around the Yemen. They were not able to intercept the missile. And in the landing phase, if you want, of the missile, none of the israeli system, and namely the arrow system, which is designed to intercept ballistic missiles, the patriot missile that can, that is supposed to be able intercepting ballistic missiles.

Well, and then you have the David Sling, which is not designed for this kind of missile. It’s more designed for cruise missiles and the Iron Dome, which is more designed for tactical missiles or like those rockets fired by the Palestinians, for instance. But the two main, the patriot and the euro system, were not able to intercept the missile. The missile traveled the 2040 km within eleven minutes and 30 seconds. That gives a speed, an average speed of 11,000, which is extraordinary considering the, let’s say, technological or capabilities of Yemen, which is obviously not a very rich country, this missile, which is designed by the Houthis as the hatm two missile, is probably a variant of the iranian Sheikhar Shekhan missile.

And this is. So this was probably, it was designed in Iran, but was probably assembled somehow in Yemen. In any case, we see that the Yemen has this capability. And now it’s interesting, when we talk about Israel wanting to attack Iran, having war with Hezbollah, with whoever in the Middle east, we can see that just one missile without any decoy was able to hit the heart of Israel. What would happen if Israel would attack Iran? You know, because we can assume that this missile is not the only one that the Houthis have, and it’s probably not even the only one that Iran has.

By the way, when I mentioned Iraq, you had also the other day, you had the iraqi resistance who was able to strike Haifa, the israeli port of Haifa, with a cruise missile. And this is not the first time, let me just say, this is a truly stunning development. It’s got sent shivers down the spine of the idea that the Houthis in Yemen could fire a missile, a hypersonic missile, they could not defeat into Israel. Stunning. And as the colonel was observing, just imagine Iran has hundreds of these missiles that the Israelis are unable to defeat. Meanwhile, we have our board from Edward Hendry about Bill Gates trying to warn us about laser weapons, but interestingly, it appears to have been taken down.

Meanwhile, US pushes to censor Russia worldwide while. While running its own propaganda campaigns, no doubt about it. Speaking of Russia fanaticism pervading the United States and its legal framework, one of the things that I think got too little attention in terms of a massive escalation of censorship in the west was soon as Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, and Europe and the UK and the US and NATO got involved in that war. The EU, as I’ve said many times before, made it a crime, made it illegal to platform RT or Sputnik or any other russian state media.

So if you’re a european citizen and you know that your government is funding and financing this war, and you want to hear from the other side, you can, because the government made it illegal for you to even hear that. Which, as I’ve explained before, is why Russia? Why rumble is not available in France? Because the french government said, we see that you’re violating our law by still platforming RT and Sputnik, and you need to move that immediately. When Rumble said no, the French said, we’re going to cut you out at the IP level. Then continuous attempts to demand censorship of every government in the world as a condition for allowing citizens to access their information they want to seek.

Now the us government today. Glenn Greenwald will be right back. Tahibo Tea Club’s original pure poudiarco super tea comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on. As a result, it naturally has antifungal, anti infection, antiviral, antibacterial, anti inflammation, and antiparasite properties. So the tea is great for healthy people because it helps build the immune system. And it can truly be miraculous for someone fighting a potentially life threatening disease due to an infection, diabetes, or cancer. The tea is also organic and naturally caffeine free. A one pound package of tea is $49.95, which includes shipping.

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It’s because the buying power, the value of the dollar, has tanked. It’s worth nothing. And that gold that your family would have owned in 1907 will buy at least the same amount of goods, if not far more. William McPhee once stated, it’s extraordinary how many emotional storms 1 may weather in safety if one is ballasted with ever so little gold. The truth about money. Gold versus cash in the crisis. Gold a valuable thing to store the power of gold in times of crisis. Historical sketch of paper currency. Oh, and beware the ides of rare coin dealers and Alan Greenspan speech on gold and economic freedom.

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Easy. Well, we have another number of additional foreign reports. We have the worst israeli attack on Syria yet. We have Iran successfully launching a domestically built Shamron one research satellite into Orbitz. We have the saudi central bank caught secretly buying 160 tons of gold in Switzerland. That suggests to me they think there’s going to be a collapse of the financial system. Can the US find a new partner in West Africa after being forced out of Niger total recall this may be the most interesting canadian government destroying all Covid mRNA jam to eliminate evidence of genocidal crimes against humanity.

This is from the truth seeker. Highly reliable source of important stories and information. Slow to load. That may be deliberate. Remember, the censorship has become massive. Absolutely massive. I think that may have been a victim. Meanwhile, if nuclear bombs drop on Germany, it’s going to create chaos. Chaos. We do have a report about it here. The fact that Lincoln would say anything that suggests he would consider the use of tactical nuclear weapons somehow acceptable in Europe or anywhere else. It’s just hard for me to understand if he has any idea about what he’s talking about. And frankly, I believe he doesn’t have much of an idea of what he’s talking about.

And this attitude, this cavalier attitude towards something that I think knowledgeable people who have worked on these issues would tell you would with overwhelming likelihood result in the destruction of modern civilization as we know it for his. For minimizing embarrassment to the Biden administration, for political problem they have is. It’s beyond my belief. I mean, it’s beyond belief to me that anybody could be both so ignorant and so reckless. I don’t know how else to state this. I realize it’s very strong language, but, you know, it’s just hard to comprehend. Just to let you know who are listening to Doctor Ted Postal, MIT professor emeritus, one of the world’s leading experts on nuclear weapons.

Anybody could be, could be so reckless, especially someone who is in a position where decisions he makes has serious consequences for the security of really, the modern world. I mean, it’s just. It’s that bad. Now, the. It seems to me that the Russians are really very appropriately. Incidentally, I just got off a Zoom talk where with a russian television program that will run on Sunday, an interview where I talked about the danger of escalation and some of the activities the United States has been involved in, which are clearly aimed at fighting and winning a nuclear war.

I mean, there is a disconnect at the top levels of the us government between reality and their perception, their misperceptions of things. And this has really gotten completely out of control. And Blinken’s recent statements just further confirm my greatest fears that the people in the White House and near the White House have actually no idea what they’re doing now. The facts are simple. The west, and I’ll say the west, it’s really the United States. And who leads? NATO has lost the war in Ukraine. The russian military advances are now absolutely unstoppable. Unless the Russians were to arbitrarily decide to put down their weapons and run away.

The war is absolutely lost. It’s actually been lost for a longer time. And the incursion into Kursk that was made by the ukrainian government has been, has, has accelerated. I want to understand. This incursion has accelerated the disastrous military defeat of Ukraine. What? The ukrainian standby. We’ll be right back after this break. I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to republic broadcasting network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. My name is John, the founder of Blackout Coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee. I’ve always loved coffee.

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Now these days, I’m not so self esteem well, turning to domestic, we have more about the debate between Trump and Harris, where an employee of ABC actually documented how they were rigging the debate. Before the debate, he went out of his way to certify it, sent himself a letter so there’d be a postal record. Believe it or not, as I may have mentioned yesterday, the guy’s dead, so I think there’s every reason to suspect he was taken out because he was blowing the whistle. They didn’t like it. He took multiple steps to ensure that it would be documented that he had created this affidavit about how they were going to rig the election before the election, and indeed it followed true to form, just as he had anticipated.

Documents are being reported by prominent Twitter users as being the rumored ABC News whistleblower affidavit. If they are real and if the information in them is accurate, and I have a copy here, you’ll be able to access when you go to the stories. For today, this is a legitimate bombshell that will nevertheless be widely ignored by the corporate media. The skeptic in me wants to wait to hear from official sources, including speaker of the House was allegedly in contact with a whistleblower because he sent him a copy of his affidavit. But everything about the document seems to jibe with not only what’s been rumored, but also what we saw during the ABC news presidential debate.

You’re the first six pages. I’ve worked for ABC for over ten years in various since the acquisition of ABC in 1996, I’ve seen a significant transformation nature of news reporting. For the record, I do not endorse Donald Trump as a candidate. The intent of this affidavit is to address concerns about perceived bias observation on debate communication since a debate between Trump and Harris had been announced to be broadcast on ABC, various members of staff expressed the hope of a debate were issues that were important to every day American would be discussed and there had been promises that the candidates would be held to firm discussion regarding their policies.

Political position clarification many who are looking for a fair enough debate, question the clear bias well known throughout the company. It’s common knowledge that debate moderators, as well as the chief executive officer of my employer, a well known not to support Donald Trump, which has led to several employees speaking up in regard to how fair the debate would be concerned regarding journalist integrity and mind you, I’m only reading portions, not all. It’s my belief that contemporary news organization, including ABC News, no longer adhere to impartiality. Influence of commercial interests and substantial donors appear to affect news presentations, resulting in selective reporting and biased narratives.

Observation pertain to the fairness I’ve noticed specific instances related to the debate between Trump and Harris raising concerns about procedural fairness. Included are the Harris campaign received particular accommodations, including, but not limited to providing a podium significantly smaller than that used by Trump and assurances regards split scenes television views that would favorably impact Harris’s appearance relative to Trump. It was agreed that Trump would be subjected to fact checking while Kamala would not. That was widely known throughout the company. Trump would be fact checked. Various people were assigned a fact check and observation it was perceived candidate Trump would make during the debate.

Harris received assurances Trump would be fact checked done via multiple communication with the Harris campaign, whereas the Trump campaign was not included in those negotiations. Harris campaign was provided with sample questions that, while not the exact questions, covered similar topics that would appear during the debate. Moreover, the Harris campaign imposed restrictions on the scope of questioning, including no questions regarding the perceived health of President Joe Biden, no inquiries related to her tenure as attorney general of California or district attorney in San Francisco, no questions concerning her brother in law Tony west, who get this, faces allegations of embezzling billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and who may be involved in her administration if elected.

Internal organizational climate I’ve observed uproar now it’s bias against Trump. Within ABC News, employees expressing favorable view told him experience significant concern about potential retribution. There’s more to it and the ways in which he documented it. But get this, he’s reported now to have died in an automobile accident. Is that a coincidence? I think nothing. Meanwhile, Jones picks up on haitian immigration crisis and pet eating allegation and what he says will blow your mind. One of Sarah Gonzalez longtime dream was fulfilled this week. An ultimate bucket list item, she called it when the notorious Alex joined joined the program.

While the two broached a number of pertinent subjects related to the dire state of our country, one topic was all these haitian migrants and left keep saying is just another crazy right wing conspiracy theory. Regardless of what the media says, all the residents in Wingfield, Ohio are pretty mad about the government giving thousands of dollars in aid to not the homeless veterans on the street. Not all of these Americans who could use the handout in Biden and Harris America. But to the Haitians criticized Sarah notice the mass influx is driving up the cost of living, trying up insurance rate for people’s cars because the foreign drivers having accidents all over the place and ultimately driving locals out of their homes.

Sarah played a recent clip of an interview with Us Wingfield resident very candid about the treachery that’s going on in her city. I’m having a hell of a job finding a job because they want the Haitians. I work retail before I lost my job back in April. I do transactions. I can see what comes across on certain cards. A Haitian comes through, it’s been 500 in food stamps and still has five grand on their food assistance card, the resident lamented. The Haitians are calling them the magic money cards because they never run out. I’m homeless, I’m jobless.

I’m sleeping on friends couches because I can’t get government assistance because I come from the wrong country, apparently, she said. Alex added, the woman’s words are powerful. Indeed they are. And many of us are regarding this as the location where a real explosion may begin right here in the USA. That the residents are reported to be absolutely enraged by the dumping of these Haitians in their community and by the special treatment they’re receiving. Meanwhile, zero hedge law firm collapsing Amit Harris’s vow to prosecute Trump, largely shedding Joe Biden’s canard that Trump must be defeated to save democracy.

Kamala’s concern is that she prosecutes criminals, and Donald Trump is one. I know Donald Trump’s type. As San Francisco district attorney and then California attorney general, Harris supported jailing parents of truants, suppressed evidence, kept an innocent man on death row, repeatedly covered up his conduct, leaned into dismissal. More than 600 cases incarcerated prisoners beyond their sentences violated federal law that protect owner privacy, failed to disclose conflicts of interest arising from our personal relationships. Her record of abusing prosecutorial power fits perfectly with Democrat law fare against Trump and his advisors. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz criticizes Biden and Harris for weaponizing government for four years.

Texas senator Cruz has a history of calling out the Biden administration for abusing its political power. This week, he doubled down on the message with new comments. In a similar vein, he made the remarks Monday back on September 9, during which he was addressing Trump business lawsuit in New York and how it was recently described by Big Apple’s top federal prosecutor as a travesty of justice because had the case involving alleged hush money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, said to have been done under false pretenses to sway the 2016 presidential election, is utterly co robbed.

Indeed. He has certainly got that right. Meanwhile, the FBI with a billboards in Haitian Creole encouraging people to report hate crimes in Springfield. Get this. Nick Sodor tweets new the FBI putting up springboard billboards written in Haitian Creel here in Springfield, Ohio, including people to report hate crimes. This is insane. Instead of handling the real violent crime that’s now running rapid in Springfield, thanks to Kamala’s illegals, the FBI is focusing on victimizing the haitian population in order to push inherited this is disgusting. This is what our country has descended to. Meanwhile, former counsel of economic advisors chief Rips Harris’s attack on Trump’s economy.

Kevin Haslett, a former senior advisor to former President Trump, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, RIP VP Harris for the remarks he made during the week presidential debate where she rewrote history about us economy recovery under Trump. Has it made the remarks during an interview that aired Friday on PBS. Firing line with Margaret Hoover would less about Harris’s claim that the Biden Harris admin had to clean up the economy after Trump presidency. The first quarter of Biden first term for the Biden Harris first term then GDP growth was about 6.5, inflation about 1%. And so the pandemic was just like an awful experience for everybody, of course.

And we had the worst quarter we’ve had since the Great Depression. And though really bipartisan, through really bipartisan legislation, it passed with unanimous support of Democrats, Republicans and Democrats working together to repair the economy with a sequence of stimulus bill that were right sized. In other words, of course, what else would we expect? She’s lying about everything, including the economy. Meanwhile, she has a horrifying plan that could change America forever. Kamala and her allies would stop at nothing to accomplish a radical agenda. They’ve unleashed a DOJ on conservatives and have twisted logic and facts at the breaking point.

Now she’s revealed a horrifying plan that could change America forever. Whenever someone would try to create a restriction on anything short of abortion on demand, the Democrats would say the Supreme Court has spoken. But now that the Dobbs decision has happened, turning it back to the states, they claim the Supreme Court is anti democratic. Never expect consistency from radical pro abortionists. Never mind that the constitution creates three equal branches of government. Ignore the fact Democrats were in charge for years and could have codified Roe v. Wade during the Carter, Clinton, Obama or Biden presidencies. Now they just want to blame the Supreme Court for their problems.

Remember, the Supreme Court did not end abortion. It just turned the issue back to the states and the other two branches of the government. For 235 years, the court has had nine justices and redisted political pressure from the legislative and executive branch. But now she wants to pack the core. She’s seriously warming to the idea. When she was a failed candidate in 2019, but a member of the Senate, she was strongly in favor of backing the court with as many lefties as they could muster. Mind you, that is very much still her plan. Meanwhile, CNN left democrats blown away after delivering a massive dunk on Kamala HARRIS, CNN believe it or not, what do we have? Kamala’s doubles down on a big fracking lie on CNN one of the most memorable parts of Kamala’s 16 minutes pre taped interview with CNN was when Hosanna Bush Bash attempted to throw Harris a lifeline by offering a chance to walk back her support for banning fracking.

Fracking has found itself to be a talk issue in the coming election due to the importance of the economy of Pennsylvania. And this is where Bash rushed in with a lifeline. It’s virtually impossible for Kamala to win Pennsylvania while promoting economic destruction in 2019. You said, quote, there is no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. Fracking is, you know, is a pretty big issue, particularly in your must win state of Pennsylvania, stated Bash. Do you still want to ban fracking? Instead of catching the perfect setup cue to save herself, Kamala decided to blatantly lie about her previous position.

She claimed she had not only opposed a ban on tracking now, but had opposed it all the way back to 2020. No, responded Harris, and I made that clear in the debate back in 2020. Bash, realizing she’d completely miss the attempt to clean up the debate, gave Harris a second chance. But she doubled down, claiming her position changed in that campaign in 2020, arguing she had made that very clear. Here’s Clay Travis tweeting, I know politicians live at Kamala side by side on banning fracking when she ran for president 2020 and now is honestly staggering. It’s not just she said she would ban fracking, she said she cited her baby nieces as a reason.

Absolutely stunning. We know all about Kamala’s cozy ties with ABC. Those don’t need repeating. Meanwhile, she was slammed over a disastrous solo interview. This is really rather fascinating. Daily Wire reports Harris looked nervous and struggled to answer easy questions from a friendly reporter on six ABC Action news in Pennsylvania, including questions about how her policies would lower prices to make life more affordable for Americans, questions about how she’s any different from Joe Biden. Our newest ad just dropped come true. Vice president, pleasure to meet you. Thanks for coming. Our audience appreciates your time. Of course, as you know, we’re sitting here in a state, and arguably in front of an audience that 54 days from now could decide the outcome of this presidential election.

You hear it more than I do. People want to know more about you and about your specific plans. At the debate the other night, you talked about creating an opportunity economy. I wonder if we can drill down on that a little bit when you talk about bringing down. I never needed anybody’s help in any way now. But now these days, I got so self assured I’ll find the dream of mine. I’ll open up the door. Hey there. Are you gonna wait till the cows come home to get your new ease off, drop and lift? What in the world is and ease off dropping them? Our ease off is a new tool to increase production for your meat processing company that will get that whole hog or half a beef on or off your rail with our remote control.

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Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in her jar by the door. Who is it for? All the lonely people. Where do they all come from? Well, five stories we won’t cover in detail, with one exception. Glenn Beck delivered Tucker a scary message about Fox News he never expected Supreme Court forces Biden DOJ to drop charges against January 6 offendance. Patrick J. McShay School mass shootings, Operation Gladio and the American Bolshevik revolution that posted on my blog@jameshfetzer.org.

dot or New World Order elites plotting to use AI to deprogram so called conspiracy theorists. If you’re not a conspiracy theorist at this time, at this point, or better, a conspiracy realist, you haven’t been paying attention. Caitlin Clark viciously fouled in career high 35 point matchup against Dallas Wings. WNBA refs failed. This is outrageous. She can do for women’s basketball what Tiger woods did for golf, and every one of the members of the league are going to benefit financially and in terms of interest and coverage, this is outrageous. The story I wanted to talk about was Patrick J.

McShay, who is indeed on my blog@jameshvetzer.org, and I encourage everyone to check it out. He’s written a rather spectacular article. There’s another, too, by Joaquini Goldman, hearing from what Matt McShay has to say, Operation Gladio and the very stealthy strategy of tension paving the way for the american Bolshevik revolution. This was originally published on State of the Nation, whose editor says this article in its entirety is supremely important because it underscores a multi decade criminal conspiracy carry out an Operation Gladio level campaign of terrorism via mass shootings against the american people. And, of course, bear in mind I brought together groups of experts to expose so many of these shootings that have been fabricated, events that were not real, that we’re using crisis actors to carry out where they pay off the community big bucks in order to subscribe to them.

And where my dear friend Brian Davidson, for example, went down to Uvalde, and he observed that in Uvaldeh, he saw so many crisis actors, they just go from one location to another. He said it was like a traveling circus. I think we all need to recognize what’s going on there and that it’s a sham. I’ve done so much work on Sandy hook, but also the Boston bombing, orlando in Dallas, Charlottesville, parkland, the moon landing, Las Vegas. Yes, there be anybody I want somebody to love oh, I can find a little help from my friends gonna drive a little help from my friends do I get high with help from my friends? Yes, I get five a little help from my friends with a little help from my friend.

Well, hello, folks. This is Mike Gatti, the rebel madman at Republic Broadcasting Network. If you are searching for your inner rebel, it can be found at the Dixie Republic. It’s the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina. The anti white, antichrist, anti southern world ends at the asphalt. Welcome to God country. Log on to thedixie republic.com to view all of their southern merchandise, from flags to t shirts to artwork at the store. Browse through their extensive collection of belt buckles, and have a custom made leather belt handcrafted in their Johnny rib gun and leather shop.

Now, remember dixierepublic.com, where you can meet all of your southern needs. You’re listening to Republic broadcasting network because you can handle the truth. Look at you. See the love that’s sleeping what my guitar gently leaps well, welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBM Live, the 17th day of September, 2024, where I take your calls. We got lines full for the moment. JP in Chicago. Join the conversation. Good afternoon, Jim. I got a quick Ukraine update for you, if you got a minute. Yes, it appears, you know, I did the math, and if you go back to that air force kid that got locked up for leaking that information, he was accurate.

Back then, it was eight to one. Eight to one kill ratio. That’s Russian killing eight Ukrainians to one. So if you do the math, I went to the russian mod. They lost over 600,000 men. Multiplies. That times eight. That’s 4.8 million casualties that the Ukrainians have that they’ve been covering up with the fake media, the western media, and, you know, JP, could you be off by a digit? Could it be. How many do you say Russia had lost? 60,000 would sound more likely. It’s 600,000. I’m actually on the mod site right now. I mean, really? Yeah.

600,000. Wow. The 8000 tanks, they lost 8000 tanks, 20,000 APC’s, 600 aircraft. Like 20 something. JP, just to be clear, you’re talking about the ukrainian losses. No, no, no. See, this is the problem. Ukrainian lies about everything. They lie about everything. They fabricate their numbers. So the only truth I’ve been getting is from telegram and the russian mod, because the russian mod, they have to write letters home to mama. They got. If they blow up a tank, they got to make another one. They got one of the biggest factories right now in the world. They could produce more tanks in one year than the whole world.

That’s how big the tank factories are. But they lost 8000 tanks and 600,000 men according to their russian mod. So what I have to do is do funky math to come up with the real numbers on Ukraine, figuring that they’re lying about everything. So I multiply the russian losses times eight. If you be conservative, though, let’s say we’ll multiply times four. Let’s say the whole war wasn’t always Russia winning eight to one. Let’s go down to four to one. Even if you go to four to one, that’s 2.4 million casualties Kia on the ukrainian side. Wow.

Two to 4 million. Wow. You know, JP, I’ll bet you are right. I’ll bet you are right. And it could even be closer to 4 million. I think you are nailing it. Very shrewd of you to make this calculation. I like it. It’s basic math. And the fact that I’ve been taking video down and making video of this alive on, bitch, you rumble. You go to my Wu weihe. JP watchman channel. But I have from the beginning of this war, which is February 2022, I’ve been documenting every week the battles and the videos. I would get the coolest videos.

I’m telling you. Some of it was kind of fun to watch. The guys, the Russians running from, the drones, they’d be shooting all around, and they’d finally throw the rifle at the drone and blow it up. But those drones are wicked, man. They’re just wicked. And that’s why I call it World War Z, because, like XYZ, that’s what we were fighting in World War one and two. You know, primitive warfare. XY coordinates. You get artillery and tanks. Well, this one’s all about the air, baby, the Z coordinates. And these modern day drones can take out a $10 million tank no problem, because they move at high speed, they got high explosives, they got the armor piercing rounds, and they hit them where they’re soft on top.

And the engines, you know. Wow, wow. Well, they lost 8000 tanks. Now, if you multiply that times, you know how many Ukrainians lost? And all the men and all the equipment and then all the mercenaries. It’s got to be in the millions, bro. You blow away. I’m convinced you’re on the right track and that those numbers are staggering. And it explains why this thing had been so fiercely fought. Because the west was briefing up Ukraine in advance and the Russians have destroyed them, as you say, eight to one. And that ratio, I thought it was as much as ten to one, but I had no idea the Russians had sustained that much, I thought was more like maybe 200,000 on the russian side, even 100,000 to a million on the Ukrainian.

But you’re telling me it’s multiples of that. JP, good work. Yeah, yeah. So I’ll let you go to the next caller. Have a good day. Jim, fabulous call, JP. Peter in Los Angeles. Delighted to have you back. Peter, your thoughts? Well, I didn’t call up to talk about this, but, you know, I’m a 30 year military guy, and I would tell you that I think that the eight to one ratio is correct. But I think he’s talking about the total casualties in the millions. Those are. Those are K wounded, WIA, missing a. That’s the whole shebang.

And that’s my take on it. I would tell you that 8000 tanks would be hard, even for the Russians, which I can tell you what their yearly production numbers are. It’s about 1200 a year. But what they’ve done in the past, they’ve warehoused, even back to the t 34s that they’ve warehoused everything. They never throw anything away. Aren’t they so smart? If it was eight times 8000, there’s not that many, like armor vehicles. The west, in its aggregate, has not produced 60,000 armored vehicles since the end of World War two. Put together. That just. That’s just absurd.

I’ll bet you is right. But I think he’s talking about total casualties. Total casualties, Peter. That explains it. Of course. You’re right. You’re right. I like that. But the other thing. But the eight to one, I totally agree with JB on. I called. What I called about was the Trump thing. I want to connect the Trump assassination thing, where again, the second time, it’s like the FBI and the Secret Service, like, for a dollar, you can take a couple shots. It’s like an arcade. Take a couple shots of Trump. Here you go. But I want to connect the dots.

I want to connect. I sent you a couple things this morning. One of them was, I was shocked to see it was that there was a ukrainian special forces team that attacked a russian base in Syria. Did you happen to notice that? I knew there was an increased israeli attack. I had. No, no, no. I hadn’t sorted that, Peter. I hadn’t got to that store yet. It would be in tomorrow. This. Yeah, tell us. Let me repeat this, because it’s somewhere in your hopper, a ukrainian special forces group attacked a russian base in Syria. Now, I want to point out that there’s no way that they could even get to Syria without american acquiescence and active involvement in transportation, logistics and everything else.

Listen, we run the ukrainian secret service and CIA, whatever their version is called. I want to also point out that the same Ukrainian, which this guy that was going to try to take out Trump was obviously a government asset and a CIA guy and connected. But for years now, they’ve had a death list the ukrainian CIA has of Americans. Again, this is completely dominated by our CIA. And yet some of the names on the list are Scott Ritter, Judge Napolitano, Doug McGregor. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re on it. Glenn Greenwald, all these people, anybody who’s spoken up is on a death list.

And so if they’re doing hits against the Russians in Syria, by the way, they’re also using ukrainian special forces in Africa against the Russians. We’re pulling out of Niger. But here they’re going a different way. And now they’re using as a tool the ukrainian secret service. So I just want to point that out that there’s, that they’re totally controlled, that they have a hit list of Americans and they’re already operating as our tool overseas. The second thing I want to also bring out to go along with your conspiracy theorists and how probably both of us are destined to be reprogrammed, but going back all these years and to talk about Gladio, by the way, just, you know, in the last four years, the CIA, let’s go back to Ukraine when the CIA under, you know, did the color revolution that put in the regime that Zelensky is part of.

Now. He had a predecessor, was a jewish chocolate billionaire. Now it’s the jewish, a piano playing with his dick, cocaine sniffing Zelenskyy. However, in his boss, Kolomoyski, another ukrainian jew. So at any rate, George Soros was pivotal in that as he has been in all these color revolutions. And let me just go back in the past couple of years along. They tried it in Iran, failed. They tried it in Kazakhstan, failed. They tried it in Georgia, failed. They tried it in Belarus, failed. They were involved, of course, with Libya, and they were involved with destabilizing Syria.

I’m talking about the CIA. This is right. And now we’re talking with the weaponization of this totally controlled ukrainian thing with its hit list of american citizens. And we’re talking a horrible. And by the way, going back to some of these other things, like, for instance, the Boston marathon bombing, the Sarneev brothers. You know, their uncle was a bigwig in Gladio in central Asia. Yeah, yeah. So he was a CIA gladio guy and his nephews, the tsarnaevs, supposedly carried out, carried out bombs. Yeah, that was fraudulent. They were just a patsy. I even submitted an amicus brief.

I was one of three parties protesting because the backpacks didn’t match when they put them in the scene. They used the wrong backpacks. The ones that exploded were small, compact. They were black nylon with a white patch. They had big, baggy backpacks. One was kind of silver, the other even, you know, a different color, but totally different shape. I mean, they were just framed. And we did our best. I even wrote to the California bar to complain about this. Judy Clark. They used to clean up these cases because while she formally pled them guilty in the her second paragraph of her opening statement, she said they did it.

I mean, it was just outrageous. Peter, the corruption of our legal system is beyond belief. Yes, and of course it’s. And the other point I want to make out is that the CIA, you know who the director of national intelligence is? It’s April Haynes, a jewish woman, right? The head of homeland security. Mayorkas, a jewish guy. The head of the Department of Justice. Garland, a jewish, you know. Jake Sullivan. Well, I don’t know many Irishmen named Jacob, so I’m sure his mother had something to do with it. I’m not sure he is. Blanken the State Department.

So what I’m saying is that these guys, the CIA, which has weaponized all these in the Justice Department is, and now they’ve weaponized these. All this ukrainian stuff you can add in there, the Todd, you know, the bankman, Sam Bankman freed and the money laundering that goes in and out of there and makes all the Democrats rich and enriches their coffers for everything. Now that these ukrainian guys are coming back and now there’s violence and it’s controlled violence against the us political system. The same political system and the same candidate that the CIA and the FBI forged documents to try to get Trump on back in 2016 for the Washington thing, they actually forged documents and stories.

So it was a big stretch when you look at what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, and now you look at what happened on this freaking golf course and this ukrainian nut, this american ukrainian nut that hangs out with the Azov battalion and it does recruiting, obviously, a CIA guy that they’re in the same, like they’re weaponizing them, like they did with the special forces guys in Syria, the ukrainian guys and in Libya and everywhere else. Yeah, yeah. All related along with Gladio. Yeah. Spot on, Peter. Spot on. Well, that’s, that’s pretty much it for me, but. But I just got so pissed when I saw one.

One further issue. Caitlin Clark being viciously fouled. I mean, these. These NBA players are so dumb, they don’t understand their own self interest. They want to glory in her. She can’t do for the WNBA what Tiger woods did for the PGA. I mean, it’s absolutely outrageous, Peter. They’re beating up and double and triple their salaries. Make them famous. I think. I think that, by the way, she’s got 17% of all the flagrant fouls that were handed out in the entire WNBA season. 17% of the flagrant. The hateful meant to injure or went against Caitlin Clark. I got that to you.

I hate to say it, but. But these black players who resent her are stupid. They are stupid just beyond belief. I mean, they’re not only immoral, they’re contradicting their own best interests. How dumb can you get? They got a gravy ticket to fame and fortune in Caitlin Clark, and they’re trying to destroy her on the court. I’m just incensed. Yeah, there’s three elements that go into that. One is, you’re right, it’s a huge racial element. And, like, you’ll notice everybody doing those flagrant fouls. They’re all black. They’re all, like, power forwards or centers much bigger than she is.

And the other thing is, women are cutthroat and jealous of each other anyways. Then you add the racial aspect, and it’s. But it’s the officials lack of doing anything, the league itself, that allows this. It’s absurd. They’re gutless. Peter, you’re absolutely right. They haven’t got the guts to do their job. Get the hell rid of them. Get some refs in there who actually perform the responsibility of referees. Outbreaks. Peter, there’s one more aspect to it, if I may say. One more thing about that, and that is another element of this, is you can’t take a black or non white dominated business or industry or whatever and have a white person come back in and basically dominate it.

White people are now. They’re disallowed from excellence. White excellence is not allowed in sports or any industry that is dominated by non whites. That seems to be the rule of thumb. Do you see that as well? Yeah, I think you’re right. I think you’re right. And, of course, Kamala’s all in on this sort of happy horse manure. It’s unreal. Unreal, leader. Unreal. Love your calls. Thanks. Thanks on all. Keep them coming. Hey, Francis in North Carolina. Silly girl, what you got for us today? Oh, what I don’t have for you. Hey, young man, is the silly viking gal at your disservice.

Oh, and speaking of which, I come to comprehend that I have now been referred to as a viking queen. Well, with all due respect, I can’t be a viking queen because I would not even want to be able to live up to that title. So I have enough to deal with as is. So I have to admit I’m flattered by the comment, but go figure. Aside from that issue with this whole thing about though, this person, that person, whatever, taking a pot shot at Trump and so forth, you know, they call it assassination attempt and so forth, they’re going to continue to do that until they turn blue in the face and the cows don’t come home.

So go figure that mess out. I’m just sitting back and observing what’s going on. And that’s all there is to as far as the political b’s is concerned. And yes, I call it b’s because it never changes. And all the decades in life that I had been through, I have not seen any improvement, period. A lot of people think, well, it was better during this time and better during that time. Think again. That depends on what part of the sector of society you were talking about. The everyday person on the street. It doesn’t change, period. Oh, and by the way, look, I hear the music.

Stand by, Francis, I’m carrying you over. Stand by. We’ll pick it up with Francis right after the break. Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for all get more tank will save you money every month on gas. I’m Dave von Kleist, and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas. My mileage increased by two and a half miles per gallon, and I’m saving money on every fill up.

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Do this, do that, whatever have you. Do you know what? When people start to realize that regardless of whether the person is a Jew, a Muslim, whatever have you, around the world, just for, you know, poops and giggles, I just picked out a couple of names. The real problem is the fact that they all can be Zionists. It doesn’t matter what their culture is, what their religion is, or whatever. Zionists will absorb anybody and anything, for that matter, for their own selfish purpose. And that is the real problem that we’re facing right now in the world.

Political scene and military scene, for that matter. It’s not per se someone who’s Muslim or Islam or Buddhist, ahai, you name it, go figure. Or even Christian, for that matter. Here, I leave that out the picture. You can still have Zionists, regardless of who it is, and they’re basically pulling the strings. And to say, at least the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and other major families and all that, they’re also obviously Zionists. Otherwise they wouldn’t be paying so well, for that matter. Now, as for, oh, goodness me, almost lose myself for a second there. I’m not surprised at what is being done as far as them pulling the strings are concerned with the politicians are concerned of who they’ve already got chosen.

So when I hear about that, I have to laugh under my breath, as it were, because to me it’s becoming a complete joke and people are falling for it. I know a lot of people say, well, if you’re not going to vote, then you’re the cause of all this problem. No, because if I had that kind of money that the so called Zionists have, I wouldn’t be in this, in the US, for that matter. I’d be somewhere else. Not here, for that matter. So let’s get realistic here. Besides, I was born and raised in the south, so let’s see just how much you know of an outsider I am not.

So aside from that issue, there’s a lot of things that people need to get in order as far as their household is concerned. There’s so many different things I could touch upon, but I’m gonna leave it at that for now. But I think people need to take into consideration and observe what’s going on around them and stop taking on this group. That group, whatever. Because your sexuality, your religion, your spirituality, your financial arena is concerned, is all being played against you. They know what buttons to push. Thanks that matter. So with that, have a great week.

Thanks, Francis. Thanks for that chance in West Virginia. Join a conversation. Chance. Hello, gentlemen. Jimbo. Geez, all these damn diversions. Let me tell you, it’s becoming crystal clear to me, Jimbo, that we’re one breath away from a corporate, corporate government and fascist takeover. Now, let me tell you why. You study JFK, correct? Yes. Okay. This is JFK all over again. It’s amazing how they keep following the same script and keep getting away with it. And if that’s the case, they will get Trump very soon. Now, corporate working with corrupt government, CIA and organized crime. Now, let me tell you, just like JFK, the collaboration of the Texas oil men, right? The corrupt politicians, CIA and George Parr, the king of Texas.

You’re aware of that, correct? Go ahead. Okay. Well, just like that, what do we have here? People keep looking at the lone assassin, the inept secret service. They’re not following the money trail. Black Rock is buying up all real estate across the country and sticking in illegals. Not to mention that they control 90% controlling interests in all the major corporations. Now, what people have to look at is dig deep in that money chill and find out who’s all behind this, and you will find Blackrock, State Street Vanguard, along with George Soros, funding all of this. This is, this is where they have today.

That’s why they pick. You know, I think they hired an Annette patsy this time to give everyone the impression that everyone wants to kill Trump. You know why? Because when they finally do it, the eyes won’t be on them. People have to dig deeper than the Secret Service, deeper than these lone assassins, and see where the money is funded from. What do you think, chance? Let me make a couple obvious points. How the hell they get from Hawaii to go Trump’s golf course. How did he know where Trump would be at that place in time? He had to have had speaker one.

The reasons I just told you this goes deeper. We have CIA, we have corrupt corporations at the very top, like Blackrock. We’ve got Soros, they’ve got all over the place. Those are the main culprits. But nobody’s concentrating on them unless we get to the head of the chance. Almost everyone I’ve spoken with sees this guy’s a classic CIA asset. There isn’t any doubt in their mind that that’s what’s going on. We also believe we have to go higher. Go ahead. We also believe it was just a warning that if he opposes a war in Ukraine, this is what could happen to him.

Now, I think because DeSantis is doing the investigation, they can’t just cover it up if the FBI took it all over again. This is JFK all over again. I feel Ydez you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot homeowners if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you’ve already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transactions illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed and the mortgage transaction declared unenforceable.

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Here come old flat top here come groovin up slowly he got Julie one holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what it. Please, chance, go ahead. Listen, let me just make a comment. No big trumpet, our fan. But by the same token, I most definitely don’t want to see anything happen to him. I think, like I said before, we’re a breath away from a corporate government and fascist takeover. This is following the same script as JFK, but with different interests. But they’re all within the same organizations, big corporations, Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard with George Soros.

And if we keep looking at these, these inept so called assassins and inept secret service agents, we’re missing the point. We have to follow that money trail. They’re being paid off. Play their part. And I think we’re looking at JFK all over again. Jim Bob. Well, what I was going to do is explain why you’re on the right track. Because Jack was taken out. Because he wanted to get rid of the Fed. He wanted to destroy this. He wanted to get us out of Vietnam. Listen to me, Chance. Trump wants to do a lot of things very similar.

He wants to reform the government, wants to kill the deep state. I wouldn’t be surprised. He wants to overhaul the FBI. So it’s very similar. They’re trying to go of them. Yeah, well, Chance, I’m agreeing to Jimbo. Oh, I didn’t. I missed that last comment, Chance. Namely, that’s the same conclusion I’ve come to. I believe when you look to the very top of all this, you’re going to find not only Soros, everybody blame me. It’s sorrows along with Blackrock, because look what Blackrock’s doing. Look at all the controlling interests they have in the major corporations. Buying up the real estate for the illegals hand in hand.

Corporate, corrupt government, big corporations, CIA are all working together again, just like in JFK situation. They’re using the same. And I’m shocked that people don’t put. Can’t put this together. Yeah. Yeah. Even to the lone gunman. I mean, Lee was actually in the doorway of the book depository when the JFK motorcade passed by. So he not only wasn’t the lone gun, but he wasn’t even one of the multiple shooters of whom I’ve identified eight. So it’s really massive. But yeah, they’re going to keep trying to kill. I’m glad you see it the way I see it, because it’s hard trying to convince people they won’t look past secret service and lone gunmen.

They’re not following that money to the very top. And that’s the problem. And as long as they keep doing this, it’s going to be JFK all over again. Chance, I’m glad you’re speaking out. I could not agree more. Excellent. Thank you, Jim. Thank you for taking my. Keep them coming. Keep them coming. Paul and New Jersey. Ball, join the conversation. Ball, Paul. Paul in New Jersey. Join the conversation. Julie, did we lose Paul? Rick? I don’t guess he’s there anymore. Rick in Arizona. Rick, join the conversation. Did we lose Rick, too? Yeah. Okay. Can you hear me now? Yeah.

This is Paul, right? No, this is Rick in Arizona. Okay, Rick, go right ahead. Rick, go right ahead. Okay. Well, I was just looking up some casualty numbers. You know, the Russians lost 15,000 men in Afghanistan, and the country about blown its cork. They couldn’t tolerate the casualties. So I think this JP character from Chicago is a little off on its casualty numbers. I mean, the Battle of Kursk, for example, the Germans lost 200,000 men. The Russians lost 700,000. The Germans lost tanks. They lost up to 1500 tanks. In the battle of Kursk, the Soviets lost 6000.

The Russians lost 1100 aircraft. I mean, these casualties that are coming out of Ukraine are idiots. I would bet that. I don’t think there’s. But I wouldn’t believe there’s even 50,000 dead Russians because, Paul, did you hear Peter’s clarification? Those numbers would be total casualties, meaning wounded. Not all dead. I wounded. I think that probably is a pretty good fit if you look at it as casualties. Not killed in action, but casualties dead or wounded because, you know, typically got four or five times as many wounded as dead. Go ahead. So how many people did he claim are wounded, dead? How many casual does he beat? What was the number that he gave? Well, my estimate prior to JP’s call would have been 100,000 Russians and a million Ukrainians.

Now, he was giving numbers that went up from that, but I think it’s because he was including the wounded as well as the dead. So I think that’s all right, doctor. All right, doc. I mean, in my mind, space station, ukrainian war stories and taking over apartment buildings, stories are for idiots. It’s been pretty horrific. Well, I mean, the Ukrainians are putting little kids and old men on the front line, and they’re being ground up by the Russians. I mean, there’s no doubt about that. Yeah, well, I don’t believe it. I think about long time ago, they would have killed.

Nobody’s dying for Zelensky. Okay. Can you say wag the dog? Yeah. People shooting bullets at Trump. This is about getting more money for the secret Service. Okay. All right. Thanks for taking the call. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe we’ll have a better connection next time. Paul from New Jersey. Are you here, Paul, or not here? No, he says Tom. Okay, Tom, Tom, join the conversation. Tom. Yeah. Good day, everybody. Good day, Jim. Listen, man, I want to get some stuff off my chest, but first off, I can’t wait for Donald Trump to get back in there to arrest this Hillary.

Rot him. Clinton, Clint, and she should be arrested for her perpetrating lies again and the russian dossier and all that. Donald Trump should have never gave her a break when he won the presidency last time. He should arrested that cretin. That cretan should have been arrested. Okay, slick Willy, he was a pig about how bad Donald Trump is. Tom, Tom, let me make a point I’d made before. Hillary has some super high classification. Hillary is in a special category. I don’t. I think she’s immune from the law. Otherwise she would have been hauled in and socked away a long time ago.

Trump would have done it. She has some super high classification, Tom. I’m telling you, that’s the reason he hasn’t been able to. He hasn’t been able to follow through. And I was dumbfounded. She was on Ms. She was on MSNBC yesterday pontificating. I mean, this is one of the most despicable creatures on the face of earth. Well, absolutely, Jim. She’s an absolute murderer. And the people better see through this because they better pay attention. What’s going to happen now here, Jim? I’m going to go to immigration, but before I do, there’s so many breaking stories here in unit south Florida.

Okay, I want everybody in your audience to understand this, okay? 90% of the males that were in Haiti were in gangs. Okay? Now you bring them over here to Springfield, Ohio, and I want to suggest that everybody look at the YouTube videos and tell me all those white women and all those white men are saying that the haitian community over there is not even a. The cat. Are not eating the geese or the duck. They ate all the ducks, or not are eating the geese. Okay, there, you see? They got a bunch of people they interviewed were saying there used to be a button Snyder park there.

There were, there was a whole bunch of ducks and everything. There’s no more ducks, Jim. Mainly geese now. And they’re. These people are not lying. These people are telling the truth, the whole truth, not, but the truth. So helping God. Okay. Why are these lily white trash rat bastards? I call them white trash lily white. Why are these lily whites not saying, okay, I tell you what. And then the ones who don’t agree with the white population in Springfield, why aren’t they saying, okay, we can remedy this problem, Jim, let’s remedy it. Let’s take every one of those Haitians and stick them into Delaware, stick them into Maryland, stick them into Washington, DC.

Why are you bringing them to a red state, Jim? Why are these people coming to a red state? Why is Kamala Harris allowing these Haitians going to a red state that is predominantly going to vote for Donald Trump? Listen, it’s to insult us. It is to mock us. It is to make us know they can do any damn thing they want and they don’t give up to it about us. Okay, Jim, you know what? And I got to go back. I get a little hot because I hear these people, some of these people calling in about Donald Trump.

Hey, Donald Trump’s the one at least saying, hey, if I become the president, I’m going to kick them back where they belong. They’re going to go back to their own country to make their own country better. I will give them the money. I will give them the money to make their own countries better, like Venezuela, Haiti. Why are they coming here? They’re not coming here to compliment. They’re not coming to learn our language. You can listen to the residents, and I hope Lauren calls in. You can hear the residents in Ohio say, these people don’t even want to learn the language.

Really? They speak French, Creole. They don’t want to learn the language. They don’t want to learn the culture. So who’s kidding who here? This is all by design, by these Schwine nonsense, Nick and poops. And I mean, Jim, we’re looking at it right here on YouTube or anything. And I gotta ask the audience, I gotta ask. We agree. We agree, Tom. We agree. And I love your passion. I love your passion. Because America is being destroyed by these monsters who are running our government. They’re destroying America deliberately, Jim. But you gotta remember, I lived this. I want you, everybody in your audience understand? I live this.

In south Florida, I remember when a Miami Dade county and the Broward county commissions, okay. Were predominantly white. There’s not 10, I’m gonna repeat, zero, on the Miami Dade county commission that has representation for a white, Anglo and Broward county, like 50 50. Okay, my point is, and guess what, Jim. These people coming to get these great jobs, how many people in your audience for getting six $7,000 a month pensions? Are they. Yeah, I know I’m not. Tommy, on top of that, listen, I got four other callers, Tom. All right, keep going. Okay, yeah, go ahead.

I hear all these white people complaining about Donald Trump. What do you want, Jim? The houses in Springfield, Illinois, Ohio, the houses that they’re doing, these Haitians for peanuts. If you had one of those houses down in South Florida, a three story house in south Florida, I don’t care what condition would go for. Is it go for like seven, $800,000 apiece up there to go for 100,000? You bring a house in three stories of. In south Florida, you get a million dollars all day long. These people are coming here from other countries, Tom. We got it, we got it, we got it.

Believe me, we got your message loud and clear. Beautiful, Tom. Keep them comment. Keith. Keith Rogers in Montana. Keith, join the conversation. Yeah, sorry I missed you there, Jim, yesterday there. Hey, I got two things for you. One is important, but I just want to say here, since the war on terror started, 37 million people have been displaced by America’s illegal wars. Yeah, you know, it’s kind of like Pastor Wright when he said America’s chickens are coming home to roost, you know, and this doesn’t count what the CIA’s Covid activities are down in these Central America and Latin America.

Anyway, Jim, have you. It finally broke on zero hedge this morning, but two weeks ago, a pager firm over there in Lebanon had switched out the paging system there. And all these pagers have been remotely being set off by Israel. They’ve injured over a thousand people so far by having these pagers blow up. Oh, they’re explosives in the pagers. It seems like that. And I know about how paging works that they work on two tone sequential pages there, so. Yeah, I’m not sure how many channel pagers they were like that, but once they were, like, putting a cell phone up to your ear and having it blow up like a hand grenade by your head.

You could be in a supermarket when the thing blows up, it takes three or four people out next to. But anyway, they also target the iranian ambassador. He got injured on that, too. Yeah, but it seems like Israel is going to ramp this war up like that till they finally get this third World War they want, you know? Well, I don’t know. I’ve got a lot of reports Israel’s on the verge of collapse. They don’t seem to be succeeding against the Houthis or his vezbola or even Hamas. Keith, I think Israel’s on the verge of collapse.

Well, I do, too, but remember, Biden’s minion, this entire administration, is jewish. You know, whenever, you know, you know that the United States stands behind Israel, stuff like, actually it’s. The Jews in this administration are going to make sure that Israel is taken care of right up to the last. So I go right up to the last, but I think the last is in view. I think there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Keith, look great. Glad you called, my friend. Glad you called. One more thing. Chance was the money. When chance was talking about the money, remember bricks? The main reason to destroy Russia is to.

Is to stop briCs, because that’s their financial hegemony. The main reason to destroy Russia is to loot Russia. They want to break it up with all these little statelets and rob it. Vladimir Putin observed that russian natural resources were worth over $80 trillion, and they started salivating. They want to loot Russia, Keith. That’s a bottom line. Yep, that sure is. All right, thanks, Jim. Okay. Love the call. James and Vancouver, please. James, join the conversation. Yes. I just wanted to say this incursion into Kurst has resulted in Vladimir Putin and his hardliners being totally galvanized in unison together.

Where before there might have been some details where they didn’t get agree, Ukraine attacking Kursk. Now the Russians are totally all on the same page, so there’s going to be no backing off this deal. Yes. I just wanted to say, the Rothschild hired Napoleon to take Russia. Okay. And Napoleon couldn’t do it. Hitler lost more than 1000 tanks at Kursk. Okay. Kursk is nowhere in terms of strategy. So Zelensky is making the same mistake as Hitler and. Well, yes, I like these points. Go ahead. No, I like your points. I like your points, James. I think you’re making appropriate historical comparisons.

Well, and now, as you’ve reported, the hooties have super fast missiles. It’s check and mate. All right. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sure, James. Thank you. Keep, keep them coming. Miles in Maine. Miles joining conversation. Yeah. Chase made a couple interesting points and Tom had a good call. However, if one of Trump’s ideas is to rebuild the, these other countries, he better rebuild this one first. Yes, I agree. Yeah. We’re way behind giving so much money to the rest of the world for destruction of peace and everything else that I think we better keep everything right here for quite a while.

I agree. Peter made some interesting points there, JP. So, I mean, now it’s like what we’re going to have, what they have in these third world south american countries, these hit squads on the people and on the public and on everybody that disagrees, that’s what we’ve descended to. But here’s another thing I’m looking at, Jim. You know, we see Blackrock and they’re creating havoc in the financial world, and now they’re creating havoc possibly in the, in the, in the political world. I mean, how many, often, oftentimes do you see two attempts of different assassins that are, both have affiliations with one of the same group? Yeah.

Good. How often does that happen in history? No, no, you’re right. You’re right. They have a common origin, a common cause, a common motivation, a common sponsor. You’re right. Well, they, they keep appearing on the scene. How does that just happen all the time? And on the same hand, this guy is from Ukraine and who wants to do the development in Ukraine? Yeah, sure. And that be the same group that wants to do the development in Gaza. That’s. You’re making nice points, Miles. Yeah. I mean, you got the one guy shows up at a blackrock commercial and then he tries to take out crime.

You got another guy who’s all pro Ukraine sending the message, if you oppose a war there, this is what could happen to you. I just love that DeSantis has been so smart. As they keep this guy in Florida, they’re going to try to take him out so he won’t talk. I predict, Miles, this guy may die. Well, here’s the thing, too. Well, we’ve got a lot of people that are in that category at this point. But here’s the, you know, here’s the failure here again, once again, we see this going on. We see this group, this organization, yet there’s not a word, a whisper on either side out of Congress.

There’s never any investigations, whether it be by this Congress or Senate, very few of any. Meaning when the food supplies or anything’s happening like that, we have no, you know, the food processing plants, no, look into it, you know, 160 plants or whatever. Now we have this group and two assassination attempts on our former president who’s, you know, and no, no investigation, no nothing. We have nobody anywhere saying, you know, let’s have a congressional, let’s pull these people in front of us right now and get to the bottom of this. And with that, Jim, have a great show.

Thanks for taking the call. Thank you, Miles. I like your calls. Kathleen in Texas. Join the conversation. Kathleen. Hey, Jim, no matter what, we’re all going to be treated tonight to a fabulous harvest moon. And with that in mind, may I sing one, Stan? One chorus of a song? Sure. Go for it. Okay. Oh, the moon is fair tonight upon the wabash from the fields there comes the breath of new mown hay through the sycamore the candlelight is gleaming on the banks of the Wabash far away. Nice. Very nice. My parents were both from Pennsylvania. But anyway.

But we. It’s going to be beautiful and we all get to see that no matter what’s happening in the world. And anyway, you’re all in my prayers. Thank you. Thank you, Kathleen. That was wonderful. Tom in Utah. Tom, you’re on. Hi, Jim. Just briefly, I. You were in the military, right? You were in the marines? If I got. Yes, we have a pretrial hearing tomorrow morning for my, my gulf war vet. You know, they’re trying to bootstrap him with the stolen. Stolen honor, whatever you want to call it. Valor. Stolen. Valorous. Stolen valor. Yeah, on top of the fraudulent arson thing that.

Defending him in. Anyway, so I’m reaching out to anybody that was in the Gulf war experience or any military that’s been, how to say, denied records. And that’s what we’ve been dealing with. We’ve been trying to find his records with. But I also got a, an idea from Mike Gowdy and that he might have been in a black ops and those guys. Records disappear. Yeah. Anyway, thanks, Tom. So where, where would they contact you again? Tell where to contact you if they had such records. Flames of injustice.org, claims of injustice. Claims of injustice. I know, Tom.

Thank you. Good luck with the case. Good luck with the case. Yeah, the doc. Thanks for the call. Casey in Idaho. Casey, join the conversation. Casey, join the conversation. Disconnected. Casey, disconnected. Just as I’m putting her on. Too bad. Well, oddly enough, I have to debate tonight against a guy named Dustin Nemoshe who wants to argue with is flat that it was a worldwide flood and some other related issues. He’s of course a creationist contrary to evolution. So we’re going to have a debate at five Central, six eastern. It will be broadcast on Rumble and I think possibly on Facebook and a couple other by realdealmedia tv, real deal media tv.

It’s only going to be 1 hour broken into five minute segments. He’ll go first, I’ll go second. Then we’ll just go through. So he’ll get 30 minutes. I’ll have 30 minutes. If. If that’s something you might enjoy. I mention it when it’s posted. And it will be posted. Of course. I’ll include the link in a. In the show tomorrow. And you can all watch it at your leisure. You don’t have to watch it live. I just mentioned it’s taking place by coincidence. It’s taking place today. Meanwhile, I want to tell everyone what I’ve been saying before.

Spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left. And remember, RBN is in need. Please think about supporting RBN if you like. These shows, are they worth a buck a show to you? Five days time, four week, $20 a month? Could you afford. Could you support RBN? Please? Think about it. We want to stay here. We want to join with you every day. I love it. Thanks for being here. Back tomorrow. Thank you, Jim. Yeah. Julie, thank you.

Have a good evening. You too.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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