Kamala Harris Celebrates 1 Year Of Taking Americans Guns!

Posted in: Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News, News, Patriots



➡ Kamala Harris, who claims she’s not trying to take anyone’s guns, recently celebrated the one-year anniversary of the White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The office has been working on expanding gun background checks, enforcing gun trafficking laws, and implementing state red flag laws. However, the author of the article argues that these actions are infringing on Americans’ rights to sell their own property and defend themselves. The author also criticizes the office for encouraging states to implement red flag laws, which they believe are unconstitutional and a major threat to the Second Amendment.
➡ The text discusses concerns about stolen firearms, the lack of police action in recovering them, and the potential misuse of these weapons. It also criticizes new regulations that may prevent civilians from accessing firearms developed for the military. The author expresses concern about the government’s efforts to enforce gun storage laws and other measures aimed at reducing gun violence, arguing that these infringe on Second Amendment rights. The text ends with a call to educate others about these issues.
➡ This text emphasizes the importance of being aware of political actions and encourages self-defense preparation. It suggests that Kamala Harris’ potential presidency could bring changes, and it promotes specific tools for self-defense. The text also stresses the importance of individual rights, particularly the right to bear arms, and suggests that the government may be trying to limit these rights.


The woman who is now saying she’s not trying to take anyone’s guns and she’s a gun owner, Kamala Harris just celebrated one year of taking people’s guns and went on record about it too. I want to bring it to you because it’s something that nobody is talking about and that is the celebration of the one-year anniversary of the White House’s Office of Gun Violence Prevention. I’m also going to give you a couple quotes from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris specifically about taking people’s guns, you know, because she’s not looking to take anybody’s guns.

In fact, as a reminder, here she is in her own words. I and Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff. Now since it’s a wonderful topic, I want to show you what I took to Thunder Ranch when I went out to train. This is the CMMG Banshee. This is an AR pistol and it performed flawlessly out at Thunder Ranch. All kinds of shooting positions and stuff like that. Get trained up, guys and gals. Be proficient with your tools.

Got a decent little sling that I got from my friends over at TriStar Trading. It matches the FDE everything. I am an FDE fan. CMMG right over there in Booneville, Missouri. They have a phenomenal warranty. They’re great Americans. They’ve sued the ATF and then to sponsor this video, use code GNG10 when you head over to CMMG. Appreciate y’all. Alright, so like I said, the woman who says, we’re not trying to take anyone’s guns away. Me and Tim Walz, we’re gun owners. Yeah, that’s a diversion because here is the report. You can see this is the opening page of the one-year progress report of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which is led by Kamala Harris.

Now I’m not going to show you the entire report. Just a couple quick snippets of what they are celebrating as well as what they want to do more of. There’s a couple things in here that I wasn’t even aware of that they had done and one of them, well they’re all pretty concerning, but one of them’s very concerning. Let’s talk about it. But here are a couple things the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is celebrating this week. One, expanding gun background checks and making clear the gun show loophole does not exist.

Well that’s pretty clear to make sure it doesn’t exist because it doesn’t exist. It’s made up for a beige that the people who don’t know and they’re asked from their elbow and believe everything the government tells them, they’re like well that sounds terrible, a gun show loophole. That’s crazy. What that is ladies and gentlemen is they’re cracking down on Americans’ ability to sell their own property to other Americans. Firearms as well. They’re trying to crack down on Americans being able to do that. They want everybody to become a gun dealer.

That’s the engaged in the business rule and they just want to stop private sales with firearms. Which brings me to something I got a couple people who reached out after my video yesterday about Kamala Harris and Joe Biden saying that more executive actions are coming, more executive orders related to gun control before the term is up for these clowns in office. People were like well Jared that’s only for federal employees. Yeah you know on the surface of it but you got to drill down deeper because how did all of these actions that were fighting millions of dollars in court it’s costing us as gun owners, gun owners, members of gun owners of America, Second Amendment Foundation, Firehouse Policy Coalition, your state groups, you name it.

Why is it costing the membership millions of dollars? Well it’s because these executive actions tell these unelected bureaucrats what to do and how to do it which turns into new rules like bump stock bans, pistol brace rule, what is a firearm. All these things that we’re fighting starts out with executive action. So on the surface yeah we don’t listen to them like we’re not we don’t work for the president they’re not even laws but what they trickle down to is backdoor bureaucratic actions that have the rules that have the teeth of law and put people away or in the case of Bia Malinowski they get you assassinated so that’s why I bring it to your attention but let’s carry on.

They’ve also worked to enhance gun background checks for individuals under age 21 that’s a violation of people’s rights just because of a number a monetary number but the same people can go to war they can enter into contracts they can go into debt they can go into go to college they can get married they can do all these things but you want to defend yourself you want to enforce your own constitutional rights then well son you’re gonna have to do more than someone else would have to do that might be 12 days older than you makes total sense.

Enforcing gun trafficking and straw purchasing laws. Now that is exactly what good Brian Malinowski assassinated the ATF could have done a myriad of other things to obtain the body of Brian Malinowski to investigate whatever the case they think they have built against him but no it broke into his house in the middle of the night and like most people you kick down my door at four or five or six a.m. you’re meeting force because you’re exhibit you’re exuding force to get into my house I’m going to meet you with equal or greater force and that’s what they want they don’t want people to be able to you know go against them in court but that’s just me if you think like me let me know down below in the comments and subscribe to this channel because you will love what you get here on Guns and Gadgets and I’d love to have you they still lean on this made-up boyfriend loophole and keeping guns out of the hands of abusive dating partners you know if you get into a shoving match an argument you only have to get into a shoving match in every state if we get into a verbal argument my wife and I or girlfriend and I or my mom my brother that’s a domestic relationship knows the share blood and marriage child living together that is a domestic incident and they want people to lose their rights their second-member rights for the rest of their life because they had an argument okay all right here’s another big one implementing state red flag laws they know that this is unconstitutional and illegal so they won’t be able to do it through Congress so they’re gonna try to get states to violate your rights and it’s been very very successful I’m gonna read this one to you state extreme risk protection order laws also known as red flag laws are an effective tool to temporarily remove firearms from an individual a court determines is a danger to themselves or others sounds great on the surface but that’s not exactly what it does it violates all of your rights however these laws are only effective if people know when and how to use them the bipartisan safer communities act includes 750 million dollars in bribe money for states to implement crisis interventions such as red flag laws however by March 2024 only six states had access this bribe money for the purpose of implementing red flag laws after Vice President Harris visited Marjory Stonem Douglas High School in Parkland Florida to walk through the building and say we needed to violate people’s rights and take guns and ban guns she called on states to use the bipartisan safer communities act funding to implement red flag laws the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention which she leads followed up on her call to action by extensively engaging states and as a result nine more states jumped on 15 states are now already using or planning to use the bribery money from the bipartisan safer communities act to increase effective use of red flag laws if that is not concerning to you you guys and gals you don’t have your fingers on the pulse of the Second Amendment I can’t say that any more clearly if you are not concerned about red flag laws whether or not you’d think you’ll ever be a victim of one the whole thing about being an American is to stand for our fellow brothers and sisters this is the single biggest risk to the Second Amendment and they know it which is why they’re trying to implement it at the state level well they went one step further they established an extreme risk protection order Resource Center where you can go on to erpo.org and learn how to violate the rights of your citizens in your state your city your town your county or if you’re a local law enforcement prosecutor attorney judge clinician victim service provider behavioral health or social service providers they’ll teach you how to they tried to make it easy to identify stolen guns this one I want your feedback this one I’m not really that mad at him what this is is it allows gun dealers access to the National Crime Information Center and see IC and allows them to run the serial number on that firearm to make sure it’s not a stolen firearm that’s for like pawn shop somebody steals your gun takes it to a pawn shop it should be in that list of stolen guns however let me bring you back to a couple months ago when I went down to Georgia just outside of Atlanta in McDonough and I went to a training event my friend Kevin Dixie no other choice firearms training they did a class call well they do it an event every year called train and learn check it out if you haven’t and several of our vehicles get broken into because we were being cased by I think the employees of the hotel and the cops came because a couple people not myself but a couple people had firearms in their vehicle and they were stolen thing was for total well the cops you know what they don’t give a shit about you they don’t give a shit about solving crime anymore most of them try to do right but when they’re in these Democrat control cities you should see the defeat on their faces because I confronted them hey have you checked with the pawn shops have you called the ATF like to get these numbers put in because you have now four guns from law-abiding citizens stolen by criminals out on the street and the worst could happen and they’ll come after the good people who did who you know who did nothing wrong the cops didn’t didn’t care just didn’t care and so they’ll say it’s the gun owners but it’s actually law enforcement law enforcement the same ones that will knock on your door in the middle of the night to enforce this bullshit to violate your rights and guy I get a lot of feedback from a lot of cops that I know some that I work with have called I’ve questioned me some that I used to you know think great things about on the federal level and the state level they get pissed off when I do I challenge them you know what do something about it be part of the fix make sure your brethren are not working for the law but they’re working for justice and won’t violate people’s rights but that’s sorry soapbox Jared from the future as I’m editing this I forget to add a major one this is the one that I didn’t even know was going on I want to show it to you has to do with new weapons being made for military oftentimes items that companies have military contracts for a civilian version a semi-automatic version makes its way to the commercial sale side for civilians that might not happen anymore check it out preventing firearms developed for the military from being sold to the public in 2023 the president directed the Department of Defense to leverage its acquisition of firearms to further gun safety in May of 2024 in response to the president’s directive the Department of Defense began to require that in planning acquisitions to develop new firearm technology department officials are to consider placing limitation on the future commercial sales of such newly developed custom technology covered by the contract as part of the decision making in acquisition planning the department will consider the lethality of the department specific technologies and their possible effect on civilian safety so new technology advancing technologies is going to be withheld from Americans that’s a violation of the Second Amendment but she’s not trying to take anybody’s guns and that’s something I didn’t know they were doing that’s something we need to be loud about absolutely loud about cuz they’re taking our money stealing our money from us taxes to develop more weapons for the military that we’re paying for and then saying you don’t have access to it we’re stealing your money to pay for it but we’re gonna ban you from having it make sense back to the video promoting safe storage laws that’s the next one coming they’re trying to get schools they’re trying to get doctors they’re trying to get mental health and human services folks they’re trying to get the VA and they’re trying to get the Department of Agriculture to force gun storage laws on people who seek their services people who go to school are gonna start being asked by people in the school do your parents have guns at home do you know where they are are they locked up we’ve already covered in instances where doctors are doing that your kid goes in for a physical and they say do you feel safe at home do your parents have firearms tell us all about it well if you’re a good parent you’re telling your children how to respond to those inquiries but that’s the next thing to come down on these executive actions some other executive actions that have led directly to gun control declaring gun violence a public health crisis that gets them into all the billions and billions of dollars of funding from the government to use against the American people restricting the export of firearms to stop arming violence abroad sounds well but what that does is put some firearm companies at risk of losing their businesses disrupting firearms trafficking networks well that’s absolute bullshit because the Department of Justice is the biggest firearms trafficking network in this country don’t know what I’m talking about see fast and furious supporting state efforts to remove firearms from domestic abusers we’ve covered that mobilizing AmeriCorps sites to help make our communities safer yeah drill into that if you have time helping states and cities establish and strengthen their own offices of gun violence prevention Maryland Pennsylvania and Maine have already established a state office of gun violence prevention they’ve established state government run offices looking to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of their states here’s what they’re doing right now to influence the election they’re getting the following groups to push a gun violence agenda to garner more votes for the Democrats they’re mobilizing health systems and health care providers they’re mobilizing artists and influencers Taylor Swift and the like who have the ears of our children mobilizing faith leaders so that you’re getting bombarded with it in church mobilizing educators so your kids are getting bombarded with it at school mobilizing communities uniquely impacted by gun violence so that everybody in that city or town that is run by Democrat policies feels like a victim and plays the victim card all part of the plan and it’s on us to educate our friends and our family and our neighbors our community about this stuff use this video to do it you want more information on it subscribe to the channel like the video and turn the bill notification to all notifications I’m gonna give you two quotes real quick one by Joe Biden who doesn’t even know he’s the president and well he’s not the president I think it’s Barack Obama pulling the puppet strings and one by this vice president who has not garnered one single vote is going to try to be the next president to take your guns and she’s celebrating a year of taking your guns Joe Biden said this I’ve spent countless hours meeting with families impacted by gun violence as they mourn their loved ones they’ve all had the same simple message for their elected officials do something vice president Harris and I responded to their call I signed the most significant gun safety legislation nearly 30 years and we announced dozens of executive actions to reduce gun violence but we knew more was needed that’s why I established the first ever white house office of gun violence prevention overseen by the vice president that’s Kamala Harris whose job was to take people’s guns in just one year is accelerated my administration’s efforts to reduce gun violence and help save lives what did Kamala Harris say president Biden and I have worked to address the epidemic of gun violence with the urgency it demands by enacting the bipartisan safer communities act the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years and launching the first ever white house office of gun violence prevention in the year since president Biden asked me to oversee this office our administration has improved and expanded background checks announced the single largest investment in youth and mental health in history and been an unprecedented resource to states cities and local communities we have also supported convened and worked alongside gun violence survivors the families of those who have lost loved ones to shootings and other impacted individuals to tackle the trauma caused by gun violence I am committed to continuing this urgent work to ensure that every person in our nation has the freedom to live safe from gun violence you do not you do not have that freedom you do not have the freedom to be safe you do not have a right there’s no right enshrined in the Constitution to be safe but you do have the right to make sure you stay safe that’s the Second Amendment they don’t want people to know that that’s that whole influence campaign they’re not telling people that you have these rights and these the Constitution is a limit on government they’re not telling people that guns bad but I just wanted to bring this to you because this information is vital there’s a lot of ammunition in here for you to start waking people up about the truth of what this administration has done and what Kamala Harris will do if she wins the office of the president it’s enough for me because reading this stuff really angers me but check out CMMG grab a Banshee grab some tools grab some 22 conversion kits they’re the best in the game G&G 10 will help you there appreciate y’all be safe stay vigilant carry a gun to keep you your friends your family your community safe it is you’re right one that is not given to you by the government and they’re trying desperately to take it you have to ask yourself why

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concerns about stolen firearms educating about gun control enforcing gun trafficking laws expanding gun background checks government enforcement of gun storage laws Kamala Harris gun control stance lack of police action on stolen guns regulations on military firearms for civilians Second Amendment rights and gun violence Second Amendment rights infringement state red flag laws controversy White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention

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