Japanese Researcher Discovers The Incredible Power You Have To Affect Your Reality!

Posted in: Patriots






Words, thoughts, and sounds have a massive impact on physical reality and your physical body…more than most people realize. 


Watch the video below to see the groundbreaking experiments that brought physical evidence to the idea that the mind affects matter


Masaru Emoto was a Japanese water researcher and author and is best known for his pioneering work in discovering the hidden messages in water.


You can watch this documentary to learn more about him and his work… 


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The power of his findings continues to fascinate and inspire the world. 


His work revealed that water is not just a simple compound of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom, but a complex substance capable of storing and conveying information. 


Emoto discovered that the molecular structure of water changes depending on the words, thoughts, and feelings directed toward it. 


He found that when water is exposed to positive words, such as love and gratitude, its molecular structure changes in a beautiful, symmetrical pattern. 


However, when exposed to negative words, its structure becomes asymmetrical, distorted, and polluted. 









This is why it is to VITAL to be aware of what you’re thinking. 


Yes, it’s important to be aware of what’s happening in the world, but it’s also critical not to dwell on the negative and feel that all day long. 


It will negatively impact the water in YOUR body! 


Remember, our bodies are about 70% water, so the thoughts you think and emotions you have impact YOU more than anyone else. 


This is part of the explanation of the placebo effect. 


If people believe a pill will cure their illness, even if it’s a sugar pill, they actually become cured a big percentage of the time! 


And in the Bible, it says words to the effect of “It is done unto you as you believe” 


That is because your thoughts and beliefs affect the external circumstances.


YOU are more powerful than you realize! 


Thank You For Sharing This Post & Helping Others See The Power They Have To Impact Reality!




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are thoughts things do thoughts affect reality Hidden messages in water how the placebo effect works how thoughts affect reality how thoughts impact reality masaru emoto messages in water masaru emoto

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