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Hey what’s up YouTube it’s Richie from Boston and I’m in the Mojave desert right now brought to you live by Starlink or close and it’s cold I’m tired it’s been a long long day but uh you know what check this out real quick will ya I spent three days making this video editing editing this video and YouTube is shadow banning it so I’d appreciate any of you guys just going over and watching it give it a thumbs up and leave it a comment because this is all I got you know what I mean while I’m telling you guys what I’m telling you this is how I occupy my time and don’t lose my mind and you can see me actually smash up my truck but uh it’s been up for two days it’s got 4,000 views I put a lot of work into this video so your call your call but try to leave the comments relative to the video and also you can just put this on at your house turn the
volume off and just let it play through that would help me out a lot I’d appreciate it because if it was the other way around I’d do it for you okay you know a long list of things to get to so let’s get to it right now we’re gonna start out with into thin air cuz he got a good one all right my friends I got a weird one for you about an article Canada just put out yesterday about shooting down a UFO do you remember seeing this video from years ago on February 22nd 1996 February 22nd is a key date here do not forget that of the tether incident that apparently took place out in space where a 17 mile long tether broke off of a space station and as they filmed it they zoomed in and captured all these weird-looking objects floating past the tether now many people have tried to debunk this video and try to explain that this is just
weird stuff floating in the foreground but take a look at the shape of these apparent objects and compare it to an article that Canada literally released yesterday December 8th of an updated image from a UFO shoot down yes they claim to have shot down a UFO over Canada back in February of 2023 27 years to the month later after this NASA incident took place Canada claims it shot down this UFO and then only yesterday December 8th 2024 did they update the image and re-release it to the public according to a defense spokesperson the image was taken from a Royal Canadian Air Force CP 140 Aurora long-range patrol aircraft before the object was downed by a USF 22 fighter jet the UFO was shot down on February 11th 2023 shortly after it entered Canadian airspace through Alaska was one of three unidentified objects blasted out of the sky that month according to CTV News okay so now we know that the UFO was actually over Alaska and then moved into Canada and then was shot down by USF 22s so there you go we got it we got the country of
Canada that just the day before took away all their their citizens guns effective immediately all of them and they’re sending them all to another country and then two days later they say they shot a UFO out of the sky using a United States military jet I find that strange but I find all this strange I’m starting to really believe that we are just seeing distraction after distraction after distraction after distraction these drones right here those are not those are not the drones and the police aren’t gonna catch them with these drones because they’re
military drones so I apologize for the quick way I put this video together and I also apologize for the shitty editing but I’m I’m standing outside it is what it is but since I started making this video this happened and there’s some smoke over here all right yes YouTube magic right there the fields on fire okay one of the drones over New Jersey has crashed and somebody walked right up and got footage of it a regular citizen and after he got footage of it and the authorities found out this happened police escorting three vans police in front policing
back going to the crash scene that would be the military those are all recruits that got to go there and pick up all the parts okay so one of the drones went down the army’s coming in to clean it up nothing to see here folks but here’s something funny because I told you this this guy’s buddy put a drone of his own up in the sky to see what was up with this which is what everybody should be doing you shouldn’t just go the government’s like oh there’s no there’s no there’s no threat to the public well how do you know that you don’t even know what it is you’re asking the public for help but this guy sent the drone up and this is what happened sound familiar a friend of mine on here that lives in New Jersey last night which lets you keep in mind is December 7th saw three very large drones sitting above his home and
when he decided to use his drone to get a closer look something really weird happened as he flew his drone up towards these other three drones he stated that these drones made absolutely no noise but then he stated that when his drone got closer that his drone was taken offline with what he stated seemed to be some kind of EMP but this is where it gets weird his drone fell straight from the sky and as far as I know he’s trying to recover the footage that he had on that drone he described these drones as being as big as a car and having one large blinking light on them but the craziest part about it is the fact that he released a video of them hovering above his house prior to releasing his drone to go up to get a closer look right and now his account has actually ended up being banned to keep in mind he had
89,000 followers and some of you probably saw that video but what’s weird is the fact that he had another video that clearly showed that after his drone fell out of the sky he recorded these drones going faster than any other drone he’s ever seen or faster than any helicopter that he or I have ever seen but now after having a conversation from earlier this morning he’s had numerous FBI officials show up at his doorstep which today is obviously Sunday December 8th but I still have yet to speak to him since noon and he hasn’t even read my most recent text message so it’s kind of concerning but according to him these officials were trying to seize his drone technology and apparently he was in the process of being taken in for questioning I don’t know how much I believe in that but he still has yet to text me back so
yeah remember I told you they can take your drone straight down my drone went right over the Pacific as soon as I hit the Naval Air Base it dropped right out of the sky as soon as Nora had realized I was above Cheyenne Mountain with a drone straight out of the sky that’s what they do that technology is old I have to watch certain channels and I can’t stand them I can’t stand them but I need to see what’s up with current events so it is what it is at any rate I saw this is on the east coast last year infrared camera running too okay so Starlink did do a launch yesterday morning but it did it on the east coast I saw this on the west coast I mean as far west as you can go point raise is off the map look it up this thing was blue I’ve seen Starlink a million times it looks like a star and then after a long time you see another
one and then another one and these were exactly the same thing I saw last year I don’t know I don’t know what it is I just find it really strange I was I was actually out filming the moon that’s what I was doing trying to see if anything’s wacky because I’m getting all sorts of other channels putting out reports that the moon is doing weird things it looks like it’s got a portal opening inside it this that and the other so I’m gonna put the pedal to the metal and find out one way or the other you know what I’m saying but I really think that everything that’s going on the CEO shooting this the huff daddy everything that’s going on Ellen DeGeneres leaving the country Jay Z Mr.
Beast on YouTube all the big youtubers all of a sudden getting caught messing around with children I was noticing it and then all of a sudden it was happening on YouTube to all the largest creators I’m talking 300 million subscribers they’re trying to distract us distract us distract us and it’s working but they’re going to pull out UFOs because Canada just said they shot down a UFO do you know what that is there it is it’s out it’s out you couldn’t have shot it down if they don’t exist you know what I mean and they’ve got everybody staring at the
sky everybody’s focusing on the sky right now and not paying attention to things like this so because this video is already gonna be long and I’m uploading it out in the middle of the desert now because I just got here round Saturn’s I just showed a ceremony that the Pope did and it’s basically saying the New World Order is here here we are and then on Christmas Eve the Pope is gonna open up the doorway right next to Lucifer’s tomb that’s in the Vatican and it’s amazing to me how many people think they know what’s going on they don’t
even realize that Lucifer’s tomb is inside the Vatican watch this stuff this is just crazy man look at look at the look at the big blue eye right there the big blue eye in the center he’s wearing his fish hat and he’s gonna hit this door watch this this is the Vatican one two three wait and then it shows waves reverberating up the building here let let him say it of course it’s very Babylonian in terms of the Babylonian religion and the symbolism going back to Babylon and the Sun God with Nimrod and then he does he goes up again and hits the door three times and you see the the waves the golden waves coming from his banging on the door up over the top of the Cathedral and it’s just like a lot of golden age symbolism so well all this is going on remember September 24th directly in the middle middle of Saturnalia they’re
gonna open the tomb next to Lucifer’s tomb in the Vatican you know what he like so I got a funny feeling Saturnalia is gonna be a bad one and this actually bolsters my opinion of this because a lot of people are glossing right over this yeah Israel so not only has Damascus fallen that’s biblical but Israel has taken hold of Mount Herman Mount Herman where the 200 angels led by some Yaza came down and made a pact with each other on top of that mountain because that mountains known locally as the mountain of the oath they came down and made a pact we’re all gonna do this we’re all gonna take wives we’re all gonna take women human women marry them which is important legally speaking with God because the first the first compact that we had God had between humans and himself was marriage do
you remember me repenting over that because I did not know well here’s the funny thing Israel has taken over Mount Herman and did you know that at the base of Mount Herman remember Jesus said the gates of hell will never stand against my church that Gateway is at the bottom of Mount Herman the literal portal portal that Jesus went through to go into hell and say the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church is at Mount Herman they’re doing this this is absolutely happening on every single level possible and for them telling us about UFOs and everything else here’s the deal myself Timothy Alvarino several other youtubers or people that look into this stuff are all under the same impression that in the book of Enoch it says the powers and principalities traveled revolving around hold on let me pull it
up okay currently I can’t find it but in the book of Enoch the first book of Enoch it explains that the powers or principalities revolve through the air in basically it said a UFO and I read that in the book confusion in Christianity and I called the author and I said dude did you see this one of you guys can find it exactly I’m in the desert I’m out I mean look at it I’m outside I’m in the back of my truck I wish I had written it down but here’s the deal I think the Watchers came in technology because when they came down here and made deals with the with the women they wanted to marry with their fathers they traded them technology to take their daughter’s hands in marriage they had to give them a dowry do you see what I’m saying and they gave them technology in exchange all sorts of technology the making of the making
of spells astronomy makeup you know the stuff women that claim their Christians put all over their faces I came from the fallen angels all of this happening right now I got a funny feeling that when he does that little invocation at the tomb in the Vatican on Christmas Eve all hell is gonna break loose and these things are gonna show up and they’re gonna look like UFOs because they’re gonna come in advanced technology and like I said I saw it in the book of Enoch I just can’t pull it up right this second expand on this more but I wanted to put this video out right now get yourselves in order get your spiritual house in order right now do not be afraid God did not give us a spirit of fear remember that because everyone’s going to be freaking out and they are slowly but kind of quickly you know there is drones we don’t
know what they are nothing we can do about it blah blah blah that doesn’t make any sense that’s all nonsensical you’ve got people thinking Donald Trump and Elon Musk are the new saviors and by the way the second person has publicly got the neural link put in them as of today so last week one now to how did they test the first person it took it it only took a look you’re good you’ll be all sad everything’s good to go because they’ve been testing it forever but Canada coming out and saying that they literally shut down a UFO using one of America’s jets that’s disclosure right there okay do okay do not forget do not forget if you stand in Jesus Christ’s name for real for real you have nothing to fear and speaking of that I’m gonna leave a link below to a video that a girl had she died and was dead for seven and a
half minutes technically and she met Jesus and she asked him about the mark of the beast and you’re gonna want to listen to this I don’t know who this girl is but she’s real I don’t know if she got the COVID vaccine but listen to what she has to say I can’t put it all in this video I’ll do another video but one of the drones has fallen out of the sky in Jersey the military is going there to pick it up because it’s a military drone it’s pretty easy but why I’m wondering like they just did disclosure if Canada this country of Canada said we shot down a UFO
there it is UFOs are real soft disclosure they’re looking to see how people are gonna react etc but I have a funny feeling the reason they’re doing that is because we’re gonna see UFOs everywhere and they’re exactly what we thought they were they’re exactly exactly what we thought they were at any rate Richard from Boston I’ll leave links below