Get Ready For The Great Debt Transfer…


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➡ The speaker is talking about a big problem called rolling debt transfer. He says many people don’t really understand what debt is.

➡ He mentions a YouTube channel that teaches about money for free. He suggests that people with a lot of money and those who owe money should watch it.

➡ The speaker is really worried about how debt is passed down from parents to children, especially with the older baby boomer generation.

➡ He talks about different kinds of debt like credit cards, student loans, and house loans. He says many Americans owe a lot of money.

➡ The speaker thinks a lot of people will get rid of their debt in 2024. He really wants his listeners to try to pay off their debts.

➡ Even though he used debt to make money himself, he tells his listeners to pay off all their debts. He shares that paying off his own debts helped him a lot.


Hello, everybody. What I’m about to talk about is called a rolling debt transfer and it’s very serious. I’m going to use a news story that’s out of Yahoo. To explain why it’s serious and how you can avoid this. You see, right now, millions and millions of Americans are so under a delusion of what wealth is, what debt is, how economics works. They’ve been lied to. There is a revolution coming in 2024 and there’s also a continued decay in our economy and I want you to absolutely crush it.

Use this time. Be like the smart people during the Great Depression that became millionaires. There were so many millionaires made during the Great Depression because they thought differently. And that’s what I want for you in 2024. Now, before I start this video, I’m going to ask you humbly to do me a favor and I’m going to choose someone to pin this comment, hashtag, this will make you rich.

All one word. And then right underneath it, hashtag, this will make you rich channel. There is a revolution coming in 2024, and I can guarantee you this. There’s something new on YouTube and it is going to absolutely boggle people’s minds because it is going to transform people’s minds. It is starting out, it’s brand new. It’s only got about four videos out there. It is going to start very simple with the basics and it is going to get very high level, very high level in education.

When it comes to financial education, consider it a free financial course on YouTube. There’ll be nothing like it. I guarantee you this. Do me a favor. If you are in debt right now and you need help, you need to figure out a way out. Go and follow them. You’re going to see what I mean. If you are a millionaire right now, go do me a favor. Go there, follow that channel, watch some of the videos, comment your wisdom, put your wisdom there, because we are going to change millions of people’s lives in 2024 all around the world.

And they are going to become successful. They’re going to become wealthy because of us, you, me, all of us. When we’re going to teach people our lessons, we’re going to also show them our achievements so that they may learn, they may pick up this mantle. Because right now, Yahoo is going to tell you that you’re going to take this burden from the baby boomers. And I don’t accept this at all.

It actually enrages me. So do me a favor in the comment section, you can do it in the live stream, too. Share. Hashtag this will make you rich. And right underneath it, hashtag this will make you rich channel. And watch what happens in 30 days over there. All right, here we go. This story is out of Yahoo. It’s very serious. It’s entitled a rolling debt transfer is coming.

Debt does not miraculously disappear. And that is absolutely correct. In 2008, we saw many banks, many companies go completely bust, and people thought, well, that’s it. That’s where it ends. But it’s not. You see, at a certain level, everybody knows in finance that debt does not disappear. It might not be paid back by the original people, but it comes out of someone’s behind. It either comes out in lower stock returns throughout the year, lower dividends, or it hurts the bottom line of your pension.

Okay? And there is a massive wave of debt that is already starting to default. And in 2024, there are going to be more and more defaults. And the sad thing is that because the banks have fooled you to think that they are the ones that know everything and it’s better to let them manage your money. They’re robbing you of so much return. And that’s what’s going to be changed on that other channel on YouTube.

It’s going to blow up. It will be the fastest growing channel on YouTube in 2024, mark my words. And it’s not because of the people running it. I think you know where I’m going with this. Here we go. As baby boomers age, an inheritance wave dubbed the great wealth transfer is underway. What’s also ahead? A great debt transfer that will have to be managed by younger generations of Americans.

Also, do me a favor. Down below in the comments section, hashtag debt transfer. All one word. More than 46% of Americans expect to transfer debt on death to their loved ones. You don’t know that. Just know that when your loved ones die, unless you’re married, I’m telling you, my grandmother died in her sleep. She was an amazing woman, but she died with a lot of debt. My grandfather was running around looking for hidden credit cards that she hid from him.

My father went in there and said, hey, you know, you don’t know that there’s a way, but all this money that he didn’t know. Don’t be fooled. I want to break you of there are scales in our ears and our eyes because we have been deceived through decades and decades of deception when it comes to money and the real value of money and what real money is, we’re going to break that in 2024.

All right? There are going to be more multimillionaires coming out of these channels, not because of the words that I say, because of how you accept the truth and consider the truth and then go act on the truth. I hope you understand. That says right here, according to a survey by policy Genius, the average american household owes $10,000 in credit card debt, $58,000 in student loan debt, and 241,000 in mortgage debt.

In 2024, this is your year to become debt free. I am not kidding. I honestly believe that in 2024 this year, you are going to miraculously make the decision to go, I’m getting out of debt, and it’s going to happen. Once you make the decision, watch what happens in your life. It’s happened. As a matter of fact, I’m going to ask everyone, because this is going to be a different style of video, and I’m pretty fired up, and I’m going to ask you to please share this video out because I really feel that there’s some important things that are going to come out.

There have been so many people that started watching this channel in its infancy and have become completely debt free. I have met hundreds of people around the nation that I have met personally that said, I watched your videos and instantly I got it. It just happened. Well, I’m going to tell you what. It’s not me, it’s Jesus Christ. And even if you don’t believe in Jesus Christ, it’s okay.

You’re going to be affected and you’re going to all of a sudden go boom. Put it down below. If you’re one of those people that saw one of the videos, and it’s not because of me, and you just said, enough’s enough. I’m getting out of debt. Something broke free in my life. I told you the story about when I paid off my house. Even though I had the money to pay off my house, I’ve had it for, like, I don’t know, ten years in the bank, something happened.

My wife held me accountable, and she said, you know what? If you keep telling people to pay off debt and you still have this mortgage, you got to pay off debt. And I said, but, you know, I got the money in the bank and I’m all 3% interest. All that stupid excuse. She goes, you got to do it. Be true to them. Them. And I went and did it, and I’m not joking.

A weight lifted off of my shoulders and something freed up in my mind, and my visions got a lot bigger. And I’m telling you right now, I’m not here to preach to you guys, but I’m going to tell you right now, I just went up and I looked up to God and I went, God what? And it was because of bondage. Now, I use debt to make money.

There’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s a special way to do it. I teach that throughout so many videos you’ve seen before. But put down in the comment section if you’re one of those people that have paid off debt since you’ve been watching this channel, it’s not because of me. I don’t get the glory for that. But watch what happens on this next on this, some guys are starting this YouTube channel over there and it’s blowing up.

And you watch what happens in 2024. That will be the fastest growing channel in YouTube, in finance, and millions of people are going to become debt free. I’m not joking. Watch this. Bet against it. I know you’re not. So Americans have massive amounts of debt right now. Think about that. 10,000 in credit card debt, 58,000 in student loan debt, and 241,000 in household debt or mortgage debt. That’s the average american household debt load according to policy.

Genius. Debt does not miraculously disappear when someone passes away. And any outstanding debt is paid out of assets like property, retirement accounts, bank accounts. They’re referring to things like, look at Leanne. Thank you for the super chat, but look, I’m debt free. Make me rich. Ninja. It’s not going to be me. It may be the words that come out of my mouth, but they’re not for me. I’m not joking.

Think about this. They’re talking about probate. When you die with debt and you don’t have the proper entity set up, probate’s going to rob your children of their inheritance. Do you want that, or do you want to leave your children debt? Or do you want to leave your children an inheritance? Just throwing this out there in the Bible, it says, and it doesn’t have to be in the Bible.

It’s an amazing word. A good man saves money for his children’s children, which means a good man, a wise man considers more than what’s in front of him, even if he doesn’t have grandchildren, he thinks down the road, do you want to be a good man or woman? Or do you want to be a selfish man or woman? Think about, these are really serious times right now that we’re in.

How many of you agree with me? This is very serious, right? And I want to leave something positive on this world for my children, my children’s children, but other families, other people, right? And I know that you want that too. And that’s why I believe even if you’re out of debt, you’re going to go over to that other channel and check out what they’re doing. You’re going to encourage people and it’s going to become your mission to comment down in those videos and say, hey, he said this.

This is how I did it. Check it out. This is how it worked. And you’re going to send it. Know there’s someone watching right now. I talk about him every once in a while. Carlos I met him in a grocery store. He’s a successful businessman, a restaurant tour. He owned a restaurant, a very famous restaurant. As a matter of fact, it was the first restaurant I got to go to eat when I moved into this town when I was in 6th grade.

And his life’s changed ever since we got to know each other. He says financially, because he’s starting to see these cycles. He was in the past affected. Let them know. Back me up, Carlos. He was affected by these economic cycles. Now he’s excited about the next cycle downturn because he’s going to go crush it. And you have to understand that. That’s why this story, the debt transfer is such a big deal.

We are not going to accept what Yahoo says. We’re not going to accept what all these mainstream media people say. You say we’re going to transfer debt? No, we’re going to transfer wealth. And to the people right now watching and just be honest, put your hand up and say, yeah, you’re talking about me. You’ve got debt and it’s on your mind and it’s stressing you out. Some people to the point that they might hurt themselves.

That’s not going to happen. Today’s your day to be completely set free from debt slavery, debt bondage. This is your time to shine. This is going to be your year in the middle of an economic crash that has been planned. You are going to succeed. As a matter of fact, you know what? You’re going to watch the views from this video explode because this is all about Jesus.

This is about being set free in your mind and being released out into the world not only to be a success, but to be a support system for others. Today you find yourself stressed out because of money. Tomorrow you’re going to be helping someone else and you’re going to go, how the heck did I just. But all you got to do is say, I’m that guy and I don’t want it anymore.

Just say it out loud. Just say, I am that guy, or I’m that lady, and I’m sick and tired of it. And today, you’re going to make a choice. You’re going to make a choice over a Starbucks late or a silver dime. You’re going to make the choice out of adding, I’m not joking. It’s as simple as this. Adding avocado to that subway sandwich or taking that dollar 50 or $2 and throw it down on your credit card debt and say, I did something today.

And tomorrow I’m going to do more. And then I’m going to do more. I’m going to break free of that Netflix subscription. I’m going to stop doing. I’m going to stop spending the way I do. I’m going to stop hanging out with some certain friends, and I’m going to save money. Money. And before you know it, they’re all going to look at you and go, what’s wrong with you? Something’s changed.

And you’re going to say it with a smile. So I’m breaking free from slavery right now. They want you to think the only kind of slavery there is is when we force human being things to work for us. Now, there’s so many people in it right now, and they’re being set free from it right now. As you sit there and you say, and it’s good that people are coming in saying, hey, I’m 100% debt free.

Because the people that are getting out of debt need to be able to see it’s possible. So if you’re debt free, you put it in there. All right? So like it says, debt does not miraculously disappear when someone passes away and any outstanding debt is paid out of assets like property, retirement accounts, and bank accounts. This is from Rosalind Glenn, a financial planner for Prudential told Yahoo Finance, if you have assets, your debt can be transferred at death.

And if you don’t have a plan for managing your debt, you leave your family at risk. Start looking into living trust. Start looking into things. Go get the proper entity set up. Get your will set up. As a fireman, I’ve seen way too many people lose their lives and they leave a child behind and they didn’t have anything set up. It’s the most tragic thing ever. Start to care right now.

Care. Caring is thinking about the future. As many make New Year’s resolutions about their health, it is a good time to check the state of your wealth, especially life insurance coverage. Don’t over insure yourself. That’s all I’ll say. But it’s good to have life insurance. At a certain point your wealth gets so much, you outlive your insurance amount. Just so you know, you go, why am I wasting the money? I’m wealthy enough, I’ve self insured.

Okay, look forward to that. I’m not being cocky, like, look forward to that. Start to dream big. So instead of transferring debt to loved ones, your legacy is one of financial stewardship and wealth building. I know what that’s like from my life with my grandparents. My grandparents were amazing grandparents. They were horrible with money, but they took care of me, they loved me, they housed me. At one point in my life, they taught me a lot of things, but they also, excuse me, they taught me things of how to be, they taught me things how not to be.

All of us have family members that we look back, I’m not going to do that. I love them, but I’m not going to be like that. Right? Unfortunately, this financial advisor goes on to say there have been cases where families were displaced because of the loss of income and the inability of the surviving spouse to maintain the mortgage in a single know. Let’s stop talking about what Yahoo cares about because that’s crap.

This is the real stuff, the debt transfer. It’s not just your personal debt transfer and death from life to death. It’s what happens as debt implodes and people default on their debt, companies default on their debt, banks default, just like we saw during the great financial crisis of 2008. What happens is, yeah, a company might claim bankruptcy and they owe a bunch of creditors and now they no longer have to pay those creditors through bankruptcy protections.

Well, those creditors loaned that company money, but they loaned your money to them. I want you to understand, that’s how your pension works. Your pension. You put money tax free so you get the dangling carrot, the tax break, but it’s dangling out there in the wind. And those pension fund managers, I’ve worked with them, I’ve sold them big properties. Matter of fact, the most expensive property I sold that went to a pension fund was 33 and a half million dollars.

My brokerage did it. I owned a brokerage for a little while and it was a small brokerage, but all I did was cater to the big money because I knew how to talk to them. I talked at a different level. I’d already dealt with boards, ceos, publicly traded companies, private companies. I knew how to do this. So I sold farms to them and then I showed the family how to run the farm.

And get paid for the rest of their life. Families just. Farms just loved it. But here’s the thing. Let’s say one of those businesses go under. Yeah, the pension gets a return on its money. But then when the return stops, that’s less that they get to give to their beneficiaries. It comes also in the form of bond defaults, even municipalities municipal bonds. There are points when municipalities cannot pay their bond holders.

It’s happened in the past. It’s very rare because the Fed always pops in. But what’s happened in the last three years, four years? The debt expansion is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. It’s bigger than the run up to the Great Depression. We’re already seeing certain things like m two, money supply collapse, worse, as bad as the Great Depression. And it’s all happening before you see the stock market turn down because people are trying to pull money out of their banks and chase yields through bonds or through stocks.

But as soon as that turns, it will seem like overnight. And what I want for you to do is become the most successful person in the country. And this is how you do it. It’s very simple. And you stayed to the end. And this is where it’s very important. You only have to keep your credit score solid, get your debt as low as possible or paid off, have a little bit of savings and keep an income of some kind.

Those four things, you don’t need a million bucks in the bank to succeed this. Those four things, you’re going to be going to foreclosure auctions and probably running into me and buying homes for way less than they are now. You’re going to be buying bank inventory from businesses. You’ll be buying business inventory as it closed down. I did this in 2009, 2010. You’re going to do that. You’re going to turn around and you’re going to be buying the toys that all these people, these rich people bought that you thought were rich, that really weren’t.

They were just in debt up to their eyeballs. The razors, the Lambos, even just Toyota pickup trucks. Buying all those super cheap. And then lastly, what you’re going to be doing is you’re going to secure your financial future for your family and friends. Look, there’s no such thing as luck. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. End of story. You are going to feel a sense of pride that you have never felt before.

Do me a favor to the first person that I see that in the comment section, not in the live chat, will hashtag, this will make you rich. And then right underneath it, hashtag, this will make you rich channel. I’m going to pin that comment in this video so that everyone can go and see that and then go and search that on YouTube and watch what’s about to happen.

Somebody started a channel. It’s going to revolutionize the way Americans and actually the world, this is for the world thinks about money. We’re starting out very low, and we’re going to take people to an education level higher than a Harvard graduate because there are certain things they don’t even teach you at Harvard Econ classes. And the reason why they say that’s for on the job training. You’ll figure it out later because they don’t want everyone having the piece of the puzzle that’s missing.

Watch what happens in the next few months over on that channel. Do me a favor. Watch a few videos. Hit the thumbs up and comment. Even if you’re already success now and you don’t need these debt videos, watch what happens in the next few months. I hope you guys got something out of this. I thank you so much. This video is going to go out to all the right people in the world, and it’s going to change your lives.

I’m not joking. It’s not because of me. I dedicate this video to Jesus Christ. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’m successful. End a story. The economic ninja is out. .


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