Ep 3258b – [DS] Prepares Their Second Coup Against Trump The People Right On Schedule Game On


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➡ Hi there! Welcome to Dave’s x22 report from January 15, 2024. This episode covers topics like the misuse of power in our country, a second plot against Trump, and health news involving a supplement named NMN.
➡ The government seems to misuse its power by enforcing unfair laws and collecting taxes ruthlessly, instead of safeguarding our borders. This feels like a betrayal and a sign of foreign interference.
➡The episode mentions a plan by the FDA to change the nature of NMN, a supplement that helps with weight loss and cholesterol, into a regulated drug. This move would allow big pharmaceutical companies to control it, making it less accessible for ordinary people.
➡ The talk then moves to politics. It appears that dishonest politicians, the media, and the tech giants are losing public trust while Trump attracts more supporters. It seems that Trump has come up with a new political party called MAGA, and it’s gaining popularity.
➡ There’s the fear of another conspiracy against Trump planned by secretive, powerful people. It looks like these individuals toppled the government in 2020 and used a health crisis to manipulate the elections. There’s apprehension that they’ll use another disease, “disease x”, to exploit future elections.
➡ Trump and his followers are seen as the people in control, trying to direct things towards the next election in 2024. The hope is that this election will give the people the power to reclaim their country.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave. This episode 3258 Bn. Today’s date is January 15, 2024. And the title of the episode is deep state prepares their second coup against Trump and the people. Right on schedule. Game on. Talk about our health. We’re entering a new realm of tyranny. Our three letter aid. If your government does not use deadly force on people raiding into your country, they don’t defend those borders, but they’ll use deadly force to collect taxes, to enforce unconstitutional laws.

Then traders have taken over your country and taken control of your government and is now tyranny. Now, let me tell you about NMN. This isn’t just any supplement. It’s a game changer. A recent Harvard study showed that MN can help reduce weight, cholesterol and even blood pressure in overweight adults. This thing has been dubbed the limitless pill and could take ten to 20 years off you. It’s like the fountain of youth in a bottle.

But the FDA, they’re trying to keep it away from us. Why? Because a healthy, strong population is harder to control. The FDA is attempting to change the status of NMN supplements to be classified as a drug which would allow pharmaceutical companies to control it. This move is not based on the efficacy of safety of NMN, but is aimed at cornering the market and taking the supplement away from you.

This stuff isn’t cheap, so get 25% off using code x 22. Black Forest supplements is ready to fight for this. They want to ensure that people have access to NMN. But who knows? There might come a day when agents are at Black Forest door trying to stop them from selling this life changing supplement. Go to blackforestsupplements. com x 22 or click the link in the description. Let’s get into the economic collapse.

Political and geopolitical news. Now the deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters, they have now come to the realization that they are losing the people of this country. They’re coming to the realization that Trump has the people of this country. Actually, Trump actually started a new party. It’s called MAGA. And if you’re not part of MAGA, well, you’re not part of taking back the country, because what has he done? He’s brought everyone into MAGA.

And what’s left? You have the DS and you have the rhinos. That is it. And you can see that the deep state players, they have lost their grip. How do you know this? How do you know that they are now panicking? How do you know that they don’t have the upper hand? How do you know that Trump of the patriots are in control of everything? Well, the deep state wouldn’t be planning another coup.

Remember, they planned a coup in 2020. They overthrew the United States government. They overthrew the duly elected president. And they cheated in the election to do it. They unleashed a virus to expand their cheating system. Remember, they always had a cheating system. Remember, their election system is theirs. The election system is not we the people. So they had a system that cheated, but they just needed to expand it a lot more because they realized, holy crap, our internal polls are showing that Trump has anywhere between 70, 80 million people.

And, yeah, the system that we have in place right now will not be able to do it. So we’re going to have to create something completely different to actually cheat, to beat him. And the only thing we can do is create a virus, unleash it onto the people, and have people so afraid that we’ll be able to send the mail in ballots to them, and then they can drop it off in the boxes and we can add in all our preprinted ballots and pause the elections count how many votes we need or ballots we need, because that’s really what they did.

And then we can use that and then we can beat Trump. Now, this time around, they’re going to be doing the same thing, at least they want to. And this is why they’re bringing up disease x, this unknown disease, which is a lot deadlier, even though it’s unknown, and they’re already working on vaccines for it. I mean, think about this for a second. So they’re going to try to cheat again, but this time, it’s not 70 to 80 million people.

You’re going to be looking at anywhere between 150 and 190,000,000. And this is going to be very, very difficult because I don’t believe the people of this country are going to fall for it this time. Yes, you’re going to have those people in the blue states say, oh, my God, look at this. We have another pandemic. I mean, they won’t even give it two thoughts. Wait, we just had a pandemic.

Now we have another pandemic. And it just happened at the election time. I mean, really think about this for a sec. So, yes, you’re going to have those people, they’re going to be very, very afraid, but it won’t be enough of them, because what’s happening is, as Trump continually shows to people who the deep state is, as people see the open borders, as we’re approaching war, as the economy is breaking down, as they keep pushing Dei and planes are going to start to crash, which we’ll be talking about in just a sec.

The people, they’re going to go, holy crap, we can’t vote for these people. These people are crazy. They’re bringing us to war. The economy is failing and planes are falling out of the sky because of their Dei program. So the people, they’re leaving their party, they’re leaving the rhinos, and they’re moving over to MAga. And this is going to be a huge problem for them. And this is why NBC News has been putting out different posts, articles letting everyone know that they are now planning to do something.

This is how, you know they’re not in control. They don’t have to plan something to stop Trump if they’re in control. If they’re in control, that means they’re controlling everything that’s going on and they don’t have to stop them because they’re in control. The only reason you would need to create a plan to stop Trump is because you’re not in control and you’re trying to get the control.

That’s what they did in 2020. They were not in control, so they had to create a plan to take back control. Trump let them take back control. Why? Because he wanted the people to wake up. Remember, this is all about the 2024 election. The 2024 election will decide once and for all if the people take back the country. And the only way for the people to take back the country is for the people to reach a place of doom, darkness, where they have no alternative but to say, holy crap, I see them now.

I see the deep state, and I can’t vote for the people that are part of the deep state. And the only way to bring people to this point is not to tell them, not to explain it, not to show them pictures, but to have them actually experience all of it. And that’s why we are going through this. And you can see the deep state as they prepare their second coup against Trump.

And the people, they are right on schedule. Actually, I do believe Trump wants them to go down this path. I mean, really think about it. Think about what’s happening out in Iowa right now. There is a snowstorm and the temperature is negative 17, but it feels like negative 40. But the people, they’re not sitting in their homes, they will trek outside to go vote for Trump. Really think about this for a second.

If they’re willing to do this in negative 40, because that’s what it feels like. And snow. Do you think the people would go to vote for Trump if the country was attacked by a attack and the military was guarding the election and they knew that if they didn’t vote, we would end up in war, do you think the people would go out and vote for Trump to have peace? I do believe so.

I do believe they would do exactly that. And I do believe this is the first example of how the people, they don’t care what the weather is, they don’t care what the situation is, because they know if they don’t do this, it’s over. So Trump and the patriots, they are bringing the deep state exactly where they want them. And yes, I do believe Obama will be coming into focus.

Yes, I do believe that Trump is going to use all of this against them in the end. Because remember, Trump will need a way to remove their cheating system and he needs to give the power back to the people where they have their voice, where their vote will count. And the only way to do this is probably to use paper and to have people show up in person, because most of these illegals will not show up in person because they’ll be afraid that they’ll be found out and they’ll be sent out of this country.

So most of these people will hide. This is why we have the deep state players trying to give them working papers. This is why they want a fast path to citizenship, because they want them voting in the election. So they’re going to try to push that. They’re going to try to do whatever they possibly can. You can see the Senate’s already doing it. You’re going to see the DS and the rhinos are already working together trying to get these people to become citizens.

But when this fails, and they don’t have the ability to do this and disease x is not working, what happens then? Well, they have to move to their second plan. And I do believe that’s canceling the election. I do believe that’s causing riots. Now, remember, when the attack happens and when we’re told we’re going to paper ballots, do you think the deep state players are going to go, okay, paper ballots, that sounds great, or do you think they’re going to have the riots to scare the people from going to the election centers? I do believe they’re going to pull out all the stops.

Now, we might see riots before this. We might see certain things happen, which I do believe are going to happen because they need to build this up. They need to build all of it. Up as we approach the elections, because if their cheating mechanism doesn’t work, they’re going to have to use this other plan, which I do believe they’re already beginning to tell us this is exactly what they’re doing.

Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but first, let’s talk about the airlines, because it seems that the Federal Aviation Administration, the FAA, is working to hire people with psychiatric problems and other concerning issues in order to be more diverse and inclusive. On the FAA’s diversity and inclusion webpage, the agency claimed diversity is an integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.

Adding diversity is critical. Under its people with Disabilities tab, the FAA laid out its people with disabilities program that offers those individuals equal job opportunities. The FAA meets the goals of the PWD program through a variety of practices targeting disabilities, targeting disabilities, and those disabilities that the federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring. They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and dwarfism.

So think about this for a second, and this is for the airlines. This is people that they’re going to hire. Elon Musk put this out and said, just had a conversation with some smart people, could not believe this is happening, because what you’re reading here is people that have psychiatric problems, people with problems, they’re going to be running the airlines. Adrian Ditman responded to Elon and said, imagine this in a medical setting.

People could die due to DEi. That’s interesting, isn’t it? Elon responded to this and said, yes. And we can see that United Airlines is actually pushing all this, and they’re trying to meet the requirements of DEi. And we know that people will die. And you can see why this person’s all for it, actually. Libs a TikTok put this out and said, this is Scott Kirby, the CEO of United.

He likes to dress up in drag. United hired a drag queen to be their CEO, and now United has turned their focus to incorporating drag into their business and sponsoring drag shows. I think that tells you everything you need to know. And we could see that now things are going to go terribly wrong with the airlines, and people are going to be watching the airlines very, very closely.

And as this affects people’s lives, well, what do you think people do? They push back. In the very beginning, if you look, people say, okay, drag shows, okay, this DeI put it into a corporation at a desk job. Nobody’s hurt. Nothing happens. Yes, people don’t like it. But now when you start to introduce these types of individuals into businesses where you can have life or death, this is a different situation.

And you’re going to see people wake up like you’ve never seen before, just like they’re waking up with Hunter Biden and the two tier justice system. I think people could see this very, very clearly right now where, hey, look, all of Trump’s kids, they went in, they had their subpoenas. They went in and they testified. They didn’t run out. They didn’t make a whole big deal out of it.

They didn’t scream and yell, stamp their feet, have a press conference in front, not show up. No, they went ahead and they went ahead and they testified like they were supposed to. Now we have the House Republicans, they’re going to issue a second round of depositions to Hunter Biden after he blew off the first round, because now his attorney said, listen, okay, let’s do this again. Can you give us another deposition? Can we do this again? Can we have a redo? Well, this is exactly what they’re doing.

Jim Jordan put this out and said House Republicans to issue second round of subpoenas to Hunter Biden. Why? He didn’t know what the first subpoenas were. No. Once again, you can see the two tier justice system. They’re trying to create what they want. They’re trying to dictate the policies to the house. And let’s see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting, because in the end, what are people actually really seeing? They’re seeing the criminals.

They’re seeing that, hey, we don’t want to testify. We want to tell you what to do, because this was never supposed to happen. We were supposed to be protected by the criminal syndicate. And now we’re being investigated, and we don’t like it because once we’re investigated, you could see the crimes that we committed. And if you see the crimes that were committed, everyone knows we’re criminals, and this is something we don’t want people to see.

And again, they’re going to keep pushing back and yes, what do you think is going to happen? You think, oh, wait, they’re going to round up people and put them all in jail? No, you’re still watching the criminal syndicate. We are in the show phase. And since we’re in the show phase, what are people seeing? They’re seeing the criminal syndicate. They’re seeing the entire system. They’re seeing the two tier justice system.

Work. They see it all. And we’re not done yet because we need to bring in Obama. We need to see the person who’s been conducting all of this. And I do believe that’s what Trump’s mission is here. That’s his agenda, to bring them into focus, to show the world, look at this individual. He didn’t have a scandal free administration. He was the scandal. He was the treasonous person.

He’s the one who covered it all up. He is part of the criminal syndicate, and he is the one who has been doing this to our country. He started when he came into office. He put the plan in motion. Biden has been trying to follow along in this. Remember, it was never supposed to be Biden. It was supposed to be Hillary Clinton. They never wanted Trump in there.

Trump came in, messed them all up, put them way behind schedule, reversed all their policies, and they had to reverse them back, which showed the people quite a bit, showed them exactly what they’re trying to do here. And that’s how you wake people up. And I do believe Obama is on deck right now, and the people are going to see who the treasonous individual who is conducting all this, who he really is, he’s not who he says he is, and he’s the actual manchurian candidate.

Yes, Biden is. But wait until you see what Obama is all about. It’s going to blow people’s minds. And this is why the World Economic Forum, they don’t want people to have free speech. They don’t want people telling the truth. They don’t want people pointing the finger and saying, look, here are the facts. They don’t want any of that. Because if people start to understand this, the people start to realize who these people really are, and they can’t push their narrative.

And this is why they have the installed leaders in all different countries pushing their draconian laws. Look at Ireland, for example. The irish government wants to pass a law that could see people jail for possession of memes. So if you possess a meme, you could go to jail. Wait, didn’t we go through this before? All right, that was back in the day when we had the revolution, I mean, before the constitution.

Isn’t this what those kings and queens and the rest have done? If you go up against their narrative, well, you’re screwed. Absolutely. And this is what they’re trying to implement. This is their biggest fear. People knowing the truth, people having the ability to speak freely. This is why they hate the constitution so much. Now, if all this fails, which it will, what are they going to do? Well, we can see it already happening now.

If you go back to last year, no one really believed it. I don’t see war. Where the hell’s war now? If you look today, look how things have changed already. Now we’re battling with the hooties. Iran is involved. Now North Korea is firing ballistic missiles. Now we have all of this happening. Now we have an election in Taiwan, and China is about to invade Taiwan. Wow, look how far this has come.

Now. Look how we went from seeing absolutely nothing to war building in all different places. And what’s very interesting is that Joe Biden, he failed to congratulate Taiwan’s president elect, and he said, we don’t support independence. I mean, think about this for a second. So what is going to happen when China has had enough and they decide to go into Taiwan? Will the US or the deep state players be involved in protecting Taiwan? Will the deep state players be out in the Red Sea battling the hooties? Will they be here in this country battling the terrorists that are coming over the border? I do believe we’re starting to see quite a bit happening right now, and I do believe we’re going to see a lot more as time goes on.

And you can see there are many, many countries now that are joining in. We had India that sent ten warships to the Red Sea. Now we have Germany. They’re going to be taking part in the EU Red Sea naval mission. Now, again, their parliament must approve any foreign deployment of Germany’s armed forces, but they’re all ready and willing to move forward in protecting certain things in certain areas where they really don’t need to be.

But why are they going? Because they need to build the war narrative. That is what they’re doing. And since the United States, and I’m talking about the deep state players, since they decided to attack the hooties, well, the hooties, they decided to fire an anti ship cruise missile towards the USS Laboon. Laboon. And this is a guided missile destroyer. And this ship was operating in the southern Red Sea.

So here we have the Houthi saying, okay, you attack us, now we’re attacking you. Do you think this is going to escalate? Absolutely. Now, the other thing that’s really strange is that there’s a story out there saying that there are U. S. Navy sailors, two of them, actually, they’re missing off the coast of Somalia, and it seems a little sketchy. And the conservative treehouse put this out and said, look at the contrast between the US central command.

What they put out versus the first AP report on the same incident. So if you look at the statement from USNCOM, it says two us navy sailors missing off the coast of Somalia. On the evening of January 11, two US Navy sailors were reported missing at sea while conducting operations off the coast of Somalia. Search and rescue operations are currently ongoing to locate the two sailors for operational security purposes.

We will not release additional information until the personnel recovery operation is complete. That’s interesting in itself. So if you look at the AP first notice, it says two US Navy SeaLs are missing after conducting a nighttime boarding mission off the coast of Somalia. The seals were on an interdiction mission, climbing up a vessel when one got knocked off by high waves. Under their protocol, when one seal is overtaken, the next jumps in after them.

Both seals are still missing, a search and rescue mission is underway, and the waters in the Gulf of Aidan are warm, two of the US officials said. So we’re supposed to believe that two Navy Seals, special force operators, naval seals doing a ship to ship transfer, full kitted, fell into the water, suddenly disappeared, and could not be located in the two days between the CentcoM announcement January 11 and the AP report on January 13.

Seems a little strange, don’t you think? And then we have National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. He said the following. The mission was not related to Operation Prosperity Garden, the ongoing us and international mission to provide protection to commercial vessels in the Red Sea, or the retaliatory strikes that the United States and the United Kingdom have conducted in Yemen over the past two days. Sorry, but when you spend so much time telling me what it is not, I suspect it is exactly what you say it isn’t.

Now, the reports are coming out that there was a swell that actually dragged these Seals off. But once again, they’re fully outfitted, they’re kitted, they have an enormous amount of training, so something seems a little od. And most likely what really happened is that the two Navy Seals. Well, they were killed in action directly as a result of us operations in and around Yemen, and had been turned into a two innocuous Navy SeaL mias because their death would be politically problematic for the administration.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if later on we have information that shows that, yeah, this entire story is completely fake. And it shows that, yeah, they were killed in action. Think about all the propaganda that they put out. Think about all the stories that were backtracked later on. Think about the Nordstream pipeline. Think about COVID Think about the bioweapon. Think about all of this, I think the people are starting to realize that the government, they’ve been lying to the people for a very, very long time.

And now as more and more people wake up, they’re starting to notice this very, very quickly, and they’re not believing what the government tells them. Actually, the government is losing all credibility and all the agencies are losing credibility. And you can see the people are no longer just going along with it. And this is about waking the people up, because when you have people awake, the people are able to think, the people are able to question, and the people are to say, you know, I just don’t believe it.

I need more information. I need a lot more information to really make a decision on this. And this is what’s happening with COVID right now. As more and more time passes, people are seeing more and more information. The facts are coming out. Timing is amazing thing, because as time passes, people have the ability to study, people have the ability to repeat that study. Things that they told us would never happen, well, all of a sudden, those things start to pop up.

And for them to control it is completely impossible. We’ll be talking a little bit more about that a little bit later. But first, you can see the World Health Organization. They’ve issued an appeal from its Geneva, Switzerland headquarters for upwards of 1. 5 billion in additional funding to respond to health crisis it sees evolving around the world. And they said, we aim to reach some 87 million people with life saving humanitarian assistance this year.

To do this, we need support totaling 1. 5 billion. We need this funding to arrive as early as possible and with as much flexibility as possible. A reactive approach is not enough. So basically they need the money to push the next disease, is that what they’re saying? It’s starting to seem that way. And the other thing that’s very interesting, since we’re talking about united in the very beginning here, about their drag, shows how the FAA now is bringing people in with mental problems.

Well, United Airlines, they mocked and shamed vaccine mandate holdouts, and the CEO accused of floating a scarlet letter on ID badges, and they forced people that didn’t want to take the vaccine. Now, there is a lawsuit where the employees are suing the corporation, the company, and a legal brief that it was filed earlier Saturday in part of a larger lawsuit against the airline. And it contains internal communications obtained in discovery, which shows management’s effort to coerce religious employees to take the bioweapon at every turn.

The effort was so blatant that one union president, Greg Simmons, expressed to Scott Kirby and others that the united was over the line and attempting to institute a purge of religious orthodoxy. Well, that’s exactly what they were trying to do. Remember, they don’t want those people there. They want the DEI people in their airlines. And now we have employees suing them. Do you think they’re going to win? Absolutely.

Because we could see the precedent is being set all over the place. But the people of this country, they realize that the bioweapon is not good, because right now we’re seeing poll after poll after poll showing that people are waking up. Raspussen reports put this out and said a majority of Americans now say there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of Covid-19 vaccines. So the people, now they’re seeing it.

Here’s another poll. A majority of Americans now say that is likely that the vaccines are causing a significant number of unexplained deaths. So the people, they know there’s problems with the vaccine. People know that they’re causing these unexplained deaths, and the people aren’t taking them the way they were in the very, very beginning, which tells you everything you need to know. And what we’ve come to find out is that they knew that the vaccine, the bioweapon, caused myocarditis.

Now, again, they didn’t tell the people. They hid it from the people they didn’t want anyone to know. And now it’s coming out. Steve Kirch put this out and said the following. We are just finding out about this. Now. They knew there was a safety signal triggered by myocarditis for Pfizer after dose one on May 13, 2021. It was 1. 9 times elevator risk with 30 events. The public should have been alerted because it was 99.

9% certain this was real, but the CDC said nothing. And how do they know this? Because there’s an email. That’s how they know this. So basically, the Veterans affairs, the US Department of Veterans affairs, they knew about this. And this is a portion of the email. May 13, 2021. Hi, Tom. I wanted to give you an update on our RCA data today, which looks at AESI data through 59 2021.

We have a signal for myocarditis, pericarditis with Pfizer vaccine following the first dose. So they knew about it. And I do believe Pfizer knew all along. But they kept saying, it’s safe and effective. It’s safe and effective. You got to do your duty. You got to save grandma. You’ll be safe. Don’t worry about it. They all lied to the people, they knowingly lied to the people. The people didn’t have the information to actually make an educated guess.

In what world do you drive up and take a new drug without knowing your medical background? See, this is what fear does. It makes people stop thinking. It makes them so afraid that they will do whatever they’re being told, which is not good. And we could see now as people start to realize what happened, the people are very upset, people are pissed off, people are saying, I should have never taken this, I was tricked into taking this, I was scared.

And this is why people are wearing masks. This is why people stayed 6ft apart, because they used fear to control the people. There was nothing based in science. Wearing the mask does not stop a virus. All you got to do is look at the openings in a mask. Normally they are like 80 microns. Even if the virus was on water vapor, that is 60 microns that can go through the masks.

A normal virus is around three microns. That gets through the openings of the mask, it doesn’t stop the virus. This is why Fauci never wanted to debate anyone. This is why they never could prove it, because they don’t have proof of it. This is why when a federal judge says, hey listen, people don’t have to wear masks on plane and the Biden administration said, well we’re going to bring this up to the Supreme Court.

What happened to the case? Well remember, you’re going to have to prove that the mask stops the virus, that it actually was working. They can’t do that. They don’t have science, they use propaganda. That’s why it was never reversed. That tells you everything you need to know, especially when you go to the CDC website and they say, hey, you know the forest fires that were happening out in Canada? Well the CDC, they put out a warning saying hey listen, you know those masks that you use for Covid, you can’t use them for the smoke that is produced by the fires because it will not block it.

Well do you know the smoke particles are bigger than the virus? So if the mass can’t stop the smoke particle, how in the hell are they going to stop the virus particle? Really think about this, that’s real science and they tricked the people. But I think the people, over time, with this information coming out, I don’t think they’re going to buy anything that these agencies are trying to sell them because they have lost all credibility.

Now the other thing that’s very interesting is you could see that the deep state players, they want to know every single detail about who you are. And now the US government. They’re demanding details on your fertility and bathing habits. So a top flight legal team is protesting schemes by the US Census Bureau to demand from millions of Americans details about their fertility, about their work commute, about their utility costs and cognitive disabilities, mental disabilities, and their marital history.

Why do you think they want this information? Because they want to use it against you. That’s why. They want to know who we are dealing with, how many people are on medication. Are people really thinking logically or are people having nervous breakdowns? This is what they want to know. And again, this goes against every single person’s privacy and this should not be allowed whatsoever. And you can see the deep state players.

What they do is they spread propaganda and they play a game. You could see it very, very clearly in this country when they push a mass shooting. Talk about our health. Those who set their new year’s resolutions around health and buter are helping collagen supplements grow in popularity. This supplement has trended recently as people look for ways to improve their skin, nail, hair and joint health. For example, if you press a baby’s cheeks, it bounces back because of the collagen that’s present.

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They’re hoping that most of the people go along with what they’re doing here. They’re hoping people get scared and say, okay, I’m going to turn in my weapon. Okay, I’m going to register my weapon. Oh, I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that. That’s how their game works. I mean, look out in Canada. So they needed churches destroyed. I mean, just like in this country and many other countries, they need statues destroyed because they’re trying to remove history, trying to remove the christian religion, the jewish religion.

So you need some type of propaganda to push people into doing certain things. And that’s exactly what they did out in Canada. Lives of TikTok put this out on x and said for two years, activists in the media spread the lie that hundreds of indigenous kids were buried under churches in Canada. No human remains have yet to be found. Nearly 100 churches have been burned down or damaged as a result of this lie.

None of them have apologized. This was done on purpose. They spread propaganda and people get pissed off and angry and they go ahead and they start burning down churches. This is how you have the crazies fulfill what you need to be done. And this has been happening quite often. And the people now, they see it, they understand what’s happening, and they’re starting to realize, yeah, we’re being lied to every step of the way.

And they use propaganda to try to convince us of something that’s not really true. And this is why people, when you hear a story, you need to take a pause and say, you know what? Can I see all the proof first? Yeah. I’m not going to be afraid right now. Fear is not going to work on me. I need to see the proof. I mean, you’re telling me there’s disease x.

It’s unknown, but it’s going to be 20 times deadlier. We’re working on a vaccine, but it’s unknown. We have no idea what it is, but we have everything ready for it. I mean, it just sounds ridiculous when you start to really think about it. The same thing with COVID everything that they put into place when you look back in time, it looks absolutely ridiculous. Actually, if you go into the future, people are going to look back at this period of time and they’re going to be laughing hysterically.

How did the people ever fall for this? It’s almost like when we look back in time and we look at back in the days where they said, okay, we’re going to get rid of that virus, okay, what we’re going to do is going to drain your blood and the virus is going to flow out of you and you will be healed. When you look back in time, what do you do? You go, that’s ridiculous.

That’s not based in science. Where did they get that from? Well, they just made it up and they used it and they convinced the people that’s how you cure someone. Well, the same thing happened with COVID People are going to look back and go, holy crap, you fell for this. I mean, think about it. The science was right there. Nobody looked at it, nobody questioned it. What the hell? But you can see this is what the deep state does.

They prey on people. They prey on people being afraid. And that’s why people need to stop and think logically. Put emotion aside. Emotion does not help you. Emotion stops you from thinking logically. And they know this and they’ll keep using it. When will they stop? When they realize that no one’s falling for it anymore. Now you can see the deep state players. They are definitely building up to blame the MAGA crowd because again, you could see that Trump is in the lead in Iowa.

Most likely he’s going to win. Mean, just look at the percentages. I think it’s a given, yes. Will they try to stop him? Of course they will. But you could see that they’re going to do whatever they possibly can to stop him afterwards. And I do believe in the end, when they have no choice, they will start to build riots. They will start to blame MAga. They will start to do whatever they possibly can to shift everything onto we, the people.

This is why Biden has been out there calling us extremists. They’re building this up. This is why you see the Patriot Front group, then the neo Nazis marching around, same people. This is why you see all of it. And what’s very interesting is we’re seeing a lot of people being swatted. Now, the White House was swatted. A fake caller claimed the White House was on fire. Now, they traced the phone, but they couldn’t track it because it was a fake number and it turned out to be a false alarm.

So are they trying to distract? Are they building something up? I do believe so. And this is how they build the narrative. I mean, think about what happened at the White House when you had all those people going up against Biden. Because I do believe Obama was saying, okay, we need to force this guy out of here. He’s not listening. He doesn’t have the poll numbers, and we’re going to have to remove him.

Now, of course, Biden is in the driver’s seat. He’s the resident. Obama is not. So I do believe Obama is going to push very, very hard to remove Biden. But you can see the people at the White House. They were shaking the fences. And the police there, the secret service, they did absolutely nothing. They didn’t beat people with batons, no smoke grenades, nothing. Did they report it on the fake news that the people were being evacuated.

No. What did they call it? They used a different word. Well, Julie Gunlock put this out and said White House staff are relocated as pro Palestine protesters threaten to breach security. So they were relocated and in the Capitol they were evacuated. Or why’d they use different. Ah, everyone’s starting to see it now. See the difference? Absolutely. Trump, he put this out on truth. He said, so interesting to watch anti Israel protesters violently demonstrating at the White House, getting close to tearing down the fences that protect the president.

And nothing is even mentioned about it in the lamestream media, which is merely a subsidiary of the democratic party. No arrest, no nothing. Free the January 6 hostages now. So these people were doing the same exact thing, actually worse. Because remember, the people that were knocking down the fences, those were the confidential human sources. And the people that took the tour in the Capitol, they did nothing wrong and they should be released because what did they do to these people? Absolutely nothing.

Why didn’t the fake news want to broadcast this? Because people would start to think, wait a minute, these people are doing this. Why aren’t they arrested? Why aren’t they in jail? Why isn’t this an insurrection? That’s interesting. And the other thing that’s very interesting is since Fannie Willis has been called out, Trump has been calling out Fannie Willis because she had an improper relationship with a special attorney where he can’t even be probably a prosecutor.

He was spending money. Well, it looks like she’s playing the racism card. And this is what they always do. But this has nothing to do with racism. And you think the people are going to believe this? Absolutely not. Now, Trump, he did say something that’s very interesting since all these cases are being brought up. And remember, they started it after he announced that he was going to be running.

And the cases all are running between the Iowa caucus and Super Tuesday. And he has all the court hearings and everything within this specified period of time. And what’s very interesting is since Trump is out in Iowa, he was telling everyone that he wanted to take a day off and he asked Judge and Goron, can I have the day off so I can go to my mother in law’s funeral? And the judge said, absolutely not.

And Trump said he’s going to be going to the funeral no matter what. And he doesn’t care what the judge does. Take a listen. My wife’s mother, who is an incredible woman, a great beauty, inside and out, incredible woman. She just died. And my wife is very devastated by that. And I have a trial going on, a fake trial, a totally fake trial. And we asked the judge if I could take a day off for a funeral of my mother in law, who was very close to me also.

And he said, no, these are animals. Can you imagine that, Nigel? That wouldn’t even happen in your country, right? He said, no, we can’t have a day off. These are bad people. These are radical left lunatics that want to hurt me because they think it’s going to hurt me at the Polls so that Biden can win an election. I don’t think the people are going to fall for it.

But think of that. Can I have a day off? I’d like to go to the. So my wife is going to be standing at the funeral of her mother, who was a very special woman. It’s not like this was a very special, incredible woman. And so she’s supposed to stand there alone, and I’ll be there. One way or the other, I’ll be there. But what a disgrace that a judge would not say, yes, we can take a day off.

There’s no rush. All of these indictments, they could have done them three years ago. They saved them all for the election. Every one of them. I got one during Iowa. I got one during New Hampshire. The day before New Hampshire. I got every one of these. I have one the same. Shutkin, Judge Shutkin in Washington the day before Super Tuesday. She wants a trial to start the day before.

Then she says, oh, no, it has nothing to do with politics. Every one of them is the day before Iowa, the day before New Hampshire, the day before Super Tuesday. No, these are rigged indictments. This is a rigged department of justice where we have radical left, bad people, lunatics, and we can’t let it happen. We can’t let it happen. So I’m going to that funeral, and this judge, whatever the hell he wants to do, let him do it.

But we’re going to that funeral. The disgrace can’t take one day off. They could have had these trials. They could have had that trial six months ago. So is Trump trying to let us know that he’s going to be going to the funeral no matter what, and the judge might put him in jail? It seems. That’s exactly what he’s saying. But we’ll have to see how this all plays out.

This will be very, very interesting. The other thing that’s very interesting is what’s happening out in Iowa. We know that, Vivek. We have Nikki Haley, desynctimonious. They’re all out there and they’re campaigning out in Iowa. Now, out in Iowa, it’s negative 17 degrees. It feels like negative 40. There’s snow all over the place. But the people, I do believe they’re going to still come out and vote for Trump no matter what.

And we could see that these other people, they are struggling. They’re putting up fake poll numbers, I mean, poll numbers that are old for Nikki Haley. They’re trying to prop her up. And we could see that these people, they don’t stand a chance. Now, I still believe that desectimonious and Vivek, they were put in there to actually bring the people away from Chris, crispy and birdbrain. I do believe those other rhinos and these other two, they were put there to actually get the vote and get them away from these people.

Plus, I do believe desanctimonious, he was put in a place to trap the establishment where Trump needs them to be. And I think in the end, we might see how this all plays out, because we know who’s going to win the Iowa caucus. And as time goes on, as we go through the caucus process, I do believe we’re going to see certain things happen. Now, what’s very interesting is Trump, he decided to call attention to Vivek and he put out another truth.

And he said a vote for Vivek is a wasted vote. I like Vivek, but he played it too cute with us caucus tonight, vote for Donald J. Trump. Build up the numbers in November. We must take our very troubled nation, a nation in decline, back from crooked Joe Biden and the radical left Democrats and thugs who are destroying it. MAGA. And then he put this out on truth.

Nikki Haley can never win in the general election because she doesn’t have MAga and never will. Ron Desanctimonious, at least is MAGA light. Remember, I think Maga is almost all of the republican party. The days of the rhinos and non american first candidates are over. Nikki is a globalist rhino backed by Americans for chinese growth. The Charles Koch Khan job, it’s not going to happen for her or desanctimonious.

Vivek votes are wasted, should come to Trump, make America great again. So that’s very interesting that he pointed all this out, that Nikki is a rhino, a globalist, and desynctimonious is magalight. And Vivek’s votes, they should go to Trump. So think about what Vivek has been doing. He’s been telling the story about January 6, playing up Trump and continually waking up the Republican Party. Now, when Chris Crispy decided to drop out, who did he endorse? Nobody, which I find very interesting.

So what happens when desanctimonious loses? Who is he going to endorse? Well, it’s already reported that he’s going to endorse Trump. Who’s Nikki Haley going to endorse? Do you think she’s going to endorse Trump? Most likely not. I wouldn’t expect that. If she does, that would be interesting. I do believe that descentimonious will. Who do you think Vivek will endorse? I do believe he’s going to endorse Trump.

And this should be very, very interesting because I do believe this will show us who these people really are in the end, won’t it? Because Trump is letting us know that his votes should come to him. So will desanctimonious give Trump his votes? Because when you endorse someone, it’s telling their followers, this is the person that you should vote for. Vivek, if he endorses Trump, he’s telling the people, hey, I know you’re with me, but again, you should vote for Trump.

Let’s see how this plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward. But we can see the deep state players. They are really, really panicking right now because they understand that they couldn’t stop Trump. Remember, they never wanted him to be the nominee. Now we’re in Iowa, they thought they would have this all said and done way before this, and they’re realizing that everything that they did did not work.

And will they continue with trying to stop him? Absolutely. Will they change their tactics? Absolutely. And we can see that. Yuval no. HARAHARI well, he’s out there and he’s saying that Trump, he’s going to be president again in 2024. He is very, very nervous and afraid. And they already realize that what is happening in this country and around the world, they cannot stop. They’ve been saying it quite often that nationalism is now winning.

People are waking up. Green lives Matter responded to this and said all the right satanists are worried about Trump’s final term. They are not worried about Vivek, DeSantis or Haley. Only one man has been over the target this entire time and he’s going to finish what God called him to do. Absolutely. And we can see that ABC News, they tried to convince Trump supporters that, listen, the elections were on the up and up.

There was no fraud whatsoever. Biden won fair and square. And it seems like this completely backfired on them. So patriots, our control put this out. And when they asked the Trump supporter the know, do you think there was fraud? Do you think that Trump actually won? Well, the Trump supporter responded, said, there’s no way a guy who worked in his basement during COVID and during the election, who had no following, had 81 million votes.

So the people, they understand that, yes, there was fraud in the elections, the elections were rigged. So if the people know this, and we know that 62% believe the elections were rigged, and we know going into 2024, the people see the election interference. So if the people all see this, will it make it easier for people to go down to the voting centers? When the country is attacked with a cyberattack and the military is guarding the elections, will it make it easier for them to say, you know something? Yes, we want to do paper.

We don’t want the elections rigged and we want it completely transparent. I think it will make it very, very easy for the people to do this. And I think the people, they’re going to be going to the election centers in person, and this is going to destroy what the deep state had planned. Now, I do believe they’re going to try to cheat. They’re going to try everything they possibly can.

And when they realize they don’t have the ability to do it, I do believe they will then move to the cancel phase, where they’re going to try to cancel the election. Now, during the Iowa caucus, we know that they’re going to try to use some tricks. And actually, Trump has put this out on truth. He said, be on the lookout for dirty tricks. The Iowa caucus is 100% on for Monday night, January 15.

It will not be canceled or postponed under any circumstances. Don’t listen to any dishonest rhinos or globalists that say otherwise. So, yes, it is on at 630, you should show up. Caucus starts at 07:00 p. m. , so, yes, it’s snowing, it’s cold. Get out there and vote. Vote like your life depends on it. But the other thing that’s very interesting is that Trump now has the support of the majority of congressional Republicans.

No other GOP candidate has anywhere near the same level of support among elected members of Congress. Trump hit a major milestone just a day ahead of the Iowa caucuses, winning the support of more than half of all congressional Republicans in his bid to reclaim the White House. Trump now has the backing of 111 out of 220 Republicans in the House and 24 out of 49 Republicans in the Senate.

Trump achieved the milestone after he won the backing of Senator Marco Rubio and Representative Julia Letlow. So Trump, he has the republican party and he has the people. And once again, the deep state players, the fake news, they cannot believe how much he is winning by. But of course, we know the fake news. They will try to play this down because they don’t want people knowing how much he won by how incredible this is.

Eric Trump, he put this out on x. He said, watch the media in action tonight. They are so predictable. If we win by 15%, the media will say it should have been 25%. If we win by 30%, they will say it should have been 40%. They will leave out the largest primary victory in Iowa history is 12%. They so desperately want this to be a horse race. And we could see this is what the fake news does.

But I think the people, they’re looking at information in all different places. They’re not just following the fake news. They can see their numbers are dropping, the rating numbers are dropping. People now are thinking logically. The people are looking all over the place for real information. And when they hear something, they actually go fact check what the fake news is saying now. They just don’t believe like they used to believe.

And you can see the deep state players. Well, they’re panicking right now, and they are telling us exactly what they’re planning to do. NBC News put this out and said a network of public interest groups and lawmakers nervous about former President Trump’s potential return to power is quietly devising plans to foil any effort on his part to pressure the US military to carry out his political agenda. So they’re worried about Trump using the military.

They’re panicking right now, and they’re coming up with a plan. Mike Benz responded to this and said they’re planning mass destabilizing riots of such a scale that only the National Guard can contain them. A pre planning, a way to block Trump from activating the National Guard. Did he say National Guard? Well, let’s go back to post 22. This is November 1, 2017. Who controls the National Guard? The resident.

Why was the National Guard recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the National Guard work in coordination with the Marines? Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize what former president used the military to say? The republic. And what occurred exactly? Lincoln. Biggest drop to ever be provided on the poll. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war, no civil unrest.

Clean and swift. So is Trump going to be calling out the National Guard? Absolutely not. I do believe Biden is going to be calling out the National Guard or maybe Kamala, whoever is in control at this point. But they will be calling out the National Guard because I do believe they’re going to be calling them out for what is happening around the country. They will put everything into place.

Remember, optics are very, very important, but amuse put this out and, said the woman behind the coup planning, reported on NBC, is Mary B. McCord, who served as the acting assistant attorney general for the national security from October 2016 to May 2017. You may recall that she reviewed and approved FISA warrants to surveil Carter Page, a former Trump campaign aide. The FISA court, which approved these warrants in 2016 and 2017, later criticized government officials for providing false and misleading information about Page and the infamous Steele dossier.

McCord is mentioned in the Justice Department inspector general report, which identified significant errors and omissions in the FBI’s applications for warrants to surveil page. McCord approved the fraudulent FISA application against Page. Later, McCord was appointed to advise the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court, Fisk as an amicus cure. Her role involves providing advice and expertise on matters related to foreign intelligence collection. Today, she’s organizing the effort to strip Trump of his power as commander in chief.

So they’re openly admitting they’re planning what? A military coup. Greg Price put this out and said, openly admitting that they are planning a military coup if Americans re elect Donald Trump. All to protect democracy, of course. So let’s see. They’re saying that Trump is going to be planning a military coup, which means they are the ones who are going to be planning a military coup, which means they’re going to be putting the military in select.

Hmm. Does this work in favor of Trump and the patriots? Absolutely. Because what happens when the United States is tacked? What happens? Can the Marines then help the National Guard monitor and protect the elections? Yes. Do certain things happen when we are attacked? Remember, the election system is part of the national infrastructure, which means that the country was attacked. Can the military then be on us soil? Absolutely.

So what does this mean? It means that Biden, I do believe the Biden administration, is going to be doing all of this. The optics will be on him, not Trump. Trump is not going to be pushing the military out there. He’s not going to be telling the military to guard the elections. Remember, for all intents and purposes, Trump is not the commander in chief. The military is not under his control.

So it must look like the president is doing this this way. The optics looks incredible. Trump didn’t call the military out, didn’t place the National Guard in certain locations, didn’t tell the military to guard the elections because I do believe once this happens, they have backup operations already in the place. They have a backup poll book. And people who are coming in to vote, they will have to show id.

Now think about the illegals. Do the illegals need a very fast path to citizenship if we’re using mail ins, if we’re using dropboxes? No, they don’t, because they can use the preprinted ballots to cheat just like they did in 2020. They really don’t need the illegals. But if we have an election that is done by paper ballots and you have to show up in person, do these people need to be citizens? Do they have to have the ability to vote? Do they need an id? Yes.

So do you think they’re actually preparing for that scenario? Do you think Trump of the patriots know the playbook? Absolutely. Do you think this will be used against them? Because what happens when the legislature in Congress, the Senate, the House, what happens if this doesn’t get passed, which I don’t believe it’s going to, and what happens if they don’t have a path to citizenship? What happens when there’s a attack? What happens then? Well, just the people of this country will then vote.

These people will most likely not show up because they’ll be afraid that they’ll be deported, they’ll be found out. I do believe this is what they’re preparing for. And at the last moment, they will not have what they need. And Trump, with all the optics that are happening right now because they’re all off of him, the people will not be able to blame Trump for cheating. So, yes, they’re going to try to cancel it with a attack.

But as everything plays out, they, and I’m talking about the DC players, they will not be able to stop the countermeasure that has been put into place, and they will have to accept the paper ballots. And I do believe the people will be willing to go down to the election center. They’ll be willing to vote because they know that without doing this, we cannot take this country back, and the country is doomed.

And they want someone competent in office to stop the war. So, yeah, do I think this is going to work? I do believe it will. Now, the deep state, on the other hand, what are they going to do? Holy crap, we can’t allow this to happen. Begin the riots. Stop what? Stop these people from voting after Trump won, they’re going to say that we don’t agree with the results there had to be cheating.

The elections were rigged. So let’s continue with the riots and let’s continue on and let’s start this war already. And I do believe this is what they’re going to try to do. But remember, Trump has the most powerful weapon. That is the people. Yes, once the people say, we want you, Trump has the other weapon, which is peace. And this will shut everything down. And Trump, he put something out on truth, social, which pretty much says that everything that we’re witnessing, everything that’s happening right now, it revolves around the 2024 election.

Take a listen. Obama, who corrupts the Justice Department. It is Hillary Clinton who routinely breaks the law and gets away with it. And now we have Joe Biden, who’s learned, he’s learned from Obama. That doesn’t matter what you do, if you’re a liberal Democrat, you will not be prosecuted. He learned from Hillary that a person in high public office can get millions and millions of dollars. And they learn from watching Donald Trump that a true outsider willing to take on the entire system could destroy their entire machine.

So what you’re seeing across the country is a desperate, last ditch effort by a corrupt machine to destroy their most dangerous opponent. What you’re witnessing is a continuation of the single greatest witch hunt of all time. These are ridiculous indictments, and all they’re doing is hoping for massive election interference. Our enemies want to stop me because I am the only one who’s going to be able to stop them.

They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. We have one chance to save it, and that chance is called 2024. So I do believe that everything is right on schedule. The deep state players are doing exactly what Trump and the Patriots want. And we could see that they’re heading down this path and they’re right on schedule.

Basically, it’s game on. And I do believe in the end, Trump is going to show the deep state throughout the entire caucus and everything else that he has the people. And when he comes to the election, he’s going to show them, look, the people are with me and look how much I beat you by. You have nothing at this point. And the deep state, they’re going to be in a deep, deep panic, which means they’re going to pull out all the stops.

And with the entire country awake and watching, it’s not going to work because all Trump has to do is usher in peace. And everything that they’re trying to do comes to a screeching halt, and they’re completely exposed. The patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot. .


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