DARPA Funds REAL TESLA Project to Beam Power Wirelessly



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➡ Raytheon has received a $10 million contract from DARPA to create a wireless energy web called POWER (Persistent Optical Wireless Energy Relay). This system could potentially maintain government power even if the regular grid is down and is aimed at reducing the military’s dependence on fuel.


This is a raytheon contract with DARPA. And this contract is to actually build a wireless energy web. It’s like, oh, I’ve seen this before. This is what I said at the beginning of the program. This is the real Tesla technology. As in Nikolai Tesla, Raytheon has been given the go ahead to flesh shout. This energy web for DARPA, they have an acronym for it. They call it a persistent optical, wireless energy relay.

Guess what that spells? Power. Power, yeah. So if these people take down the grid and a false flag, or if some other enemy takes down the grid, well, your government will still have power. Isn’t that nice? Isn’t that reassuring to know that they can take everything down? Isn’t reassuring to know that since they demand that we put everything, whether you’re talking about they now want to arrest people in the state of Washington if they’re using gasoline, leaf blowers and things like that, or lawnmower, well, that needs to be a crime that we can arrest you for.

They want everything electric, heating, your cooking, your transportation. Everything must be electric. It must be on their grid, even as these people are destroying the grid. But if they were to pull it down, suddenly, they’re going to be fine. They’re going to have their own energy web, and they can beam this in different places. Now, this is a DARPA contract for $10 million. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot of money in the overall scheme of the Pentagon, but it’s interesting to me that that’s exactly the same amount of money that DARPA.

And it’s coming from DARPA, the Defense advanced Research Projects Agency. So the mad scientists of DARPA giving them $10 million to develop their wireless energy grid. And the DARPA people already gave a $10 million contract to election guard. Election guard, the people going to guard the integrity of our election. And so I find that to be very interesting that these two contracts are about the same size. Yeah.

And both election guard, they had one contract, and that was with DARPA for $10 million. That’s what got them started. And, of course, both of these, both election guard and Newsguard are under Microsoft and for the same purpose, to lie, cheat and steal. To lie to you about what is news and to cheat and steal with the elections. And so now this power thing that they’ve got, the persistent optical wireless energy relay program, it’s going to be an airborne wireless Internet for energy.

For energy. The system will be designed to deliver energy to us military assets in war zones and in other contested environments. Wait a minute. You got contested environments other than war zones. What would that mean? Is that, like, domestic, when they turn off the power, a contested environment. Anyway, it’s Raytheon, which, of course, is where Lloyd Austin hung out for quite a period of time, hung out there so long that they had to waive the rules and regulations for him to come back into the government and to be made secretary of defense.

And so Raytheon, that company, will develop the airborne relay designed to create webs. These webs will be capable of harvesting, transmitting and redirecting optical beams to transmit energy from ground sources to high altitudes. This will allow for precision and long range operation of unmanned systems, sensors and effectors. Harvesting energy in this way will ultimately reduce the military’s dependence on fuel and the need for its delivery and storage.

And so they still have to have something to power it somewhere. Are they going to set up coal power plants to do this? Nuclear power plants? What are they going to do to do this? But again, it’s more about centralized control of power, because if you want political power, political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, but it also comes out of a barrel of oil, too.

So this is a real Tesla technology. If you remember the story of Nikolai Tesla, one of the reasons that we have AC instead of DC is because he understood that AC was going to have less losses in its transmission. So you have these transformers. The basic relationship in Electricity is that your power loss is the amount of current that flows through. It’s dependent on the voltage and the resistance and that type of thing.

So you got given resistance of these wires by stepping up the voltage really high. You can transmit ac over these power lines. And there’s a big war between. And there’s a movie even made about it, the war between Tesla and Edison’s company. And Edison had gE, and Tesla had aligned himself with the money of Westinghouse, I think it was. Is that right, travis? I’m going by memory now.

It’s been a while since I saw the. Anyway, you know, there’s a big war between them. And Edison played all kinds of games about how dangerous AC was compared to DC. He was scaring everybody, saying, you’re going to get electrocuted with alternating current. You’re not going to be able to let go. It’s going to make you. And there is some truth in that. But he did things like electrocuting an elephant and things like that to scare people about AC.

But the reality is that’s one of the reasons why we can transmit electricity over long reaches is because they do it with AC and use transformers to step the voltage up to really high level to minimize the current, to minimize the power losses on the line. Now, Tesla didn’t stop with that. Tesla built what you may remember, it’s the wardencliffe towers on Long island. He did it back in 1901.

So 122 years ago, he did exactly. Now what Raytheon wants to do, or at least he was trying to accomplish it. It. In theory, he had it worked out. In practice, he didn’t quite achieve it. What he was planning to do was to beam energy, electricity, across the Atlantic Ocean from Long island to England. So he set up this big tower on Long Island. JP Morgan was his financial backer and shut him down.

He got into a spat with Morgan as well. So he was fighting Edison, he’s fighting J. P. Morgan. Morgan shut him down. They eventually sold off the tower and took it down for scrap in 1917, so it’s not there. In recent years, people tried to rebuild it as a historical thing. And I don’t know how far they got along with that, but I suspect that it wasn’t so much about this as it was about the fact that Tesla wanted to try to get free energy out of the atmosphere.

Now, they’re not saying that that is a part of this particular thing, but we do know that when Tesla died, you had the military go in and grab all of his paperwork, comb through it. So maybe they’ve now found something that they could get to work. And as this is also happening is they’re going to have this wireless energy grid, if you will, a web, they call it, so that they can take down the energy grid, that they’re putting us all on their centrally controlled, wired electric grid, even as they’re shutting down all the power generation stations and they’re putting us on renewables, which are not reliable.

They’re intermittent. They’re going to make sure they’ve got a reliable power source and they want to make sure they’ve got a power source that is independent of the one that they’re forcing us onto. I’m delighted to present something born from my love for music and the Christmas season. Christmas Night is a perfect accompaniment for anything from family gatherings to moments of peaceful reflection. You my hope is to provide a fresh take to the soundtrack of Christmas.

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Merry christmas to all and to all a good Christmas night. .


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