BREAKING NEWS: ATF Reinstituting The Pistol Brace Ban?!



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➡ The ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has stated that they will still consider pistol-braced firearms as short-barreled rifles, despite a court ruling against this. This means that owners of such firearms should register them as short-barreled rifles. The Gun Owners of America (GOA) is concerned about this and is seeking clarification from the ATF. However, the ATF has not responded to their queries, leading to further tension.


Guys, get some disturbing breaking news here related to the ATF. The ATF has the stones to put in writing to gun owners of America or a member of GOA that they don’t care about the pistol brace injunction. They don’t care that the pistol brace rule was vacated, and they’re still gonna consider it a violation of law, that all your pistol-braced firearms should be registered as short-barreled rifles. This is big news, and I’m gonna help GOA get the word out here, because how did this happen? They have a GOA member sent an email to ATF, FIPB, it’s the Firearms Industry Programs Branch, and asked them, I’m gonna paraphrase the email that he sent, he said, hey, I have a Scorpion Mini Plus, and I want to put a pistol brace on this pistol.

I can’t find any legit information, I don’t know, I must not watch my channel, but can you tell me if it has to be registered as an SBR or not? Never ask, never ask the shark if you can swim in the bloody water, because you’ll always get bit. But, you know, FIPB responded, and I’ll paraphrase their response. Yes, it is an SBR, and you should register it as such, and if it’s under 16 inches in barrel, we don’t care, here’s the best part, we don’t care what you use for a stock, we don’t care if it’s a pistol brace or a stock, it needs to be registered as an SBR.

And then they also say, yeah, we know that, you know, a judge has found that the rule is kind of a problem, and a couple judges have put in junctions, and there’s a stay on it, and we know it’s been vacated. But tough, we’re gonna continue marching on, that’s a short-barreled rifle, because we have the power, the ability, as the Gestapo of the government, to enforce the Gun Control Act, and of course the NFA, the National Firearms Act. So that’s, the ATF have a written response saying, we don’t care about the courts, it’s still a short-barreled rifle.

As you can imagine, gun owners of America, who is suing the ATF over this, in fact, GOA scored an injunction for all GOA members in the Southern District of Texas, of course, they’re concerned. So Eric Pratt wrote to the acting chief of the FIPB and said, whoa, whoa, whoa, bucko, you need to check on this. Tell us that you made a mistake. Well, you know how they responded? Crickets. They ignored Eric Pratt’s email. He gave them until January 8th to respond. They didn’t. They were like, you know what, we’re gonna sidestep the courts.

We’re gonna try to run with this and see how far we can get with this before the administration change, or maybe we get this so it’s entrenched with the people, the boots on the ground, and maybe they just do this until Trump figures out it’s happening. So Eric Pratt then said, you know what, I’m gonna go above you and send an appointed email to their bosses high up in the food chain and said, hey, we’re demanding answers here. Among a bunch of things, Eric Pratt was concerned in this email saying, not only are you saying you don’t care about what the courts have said and that how you have been, you know, enjoined from an enforciness nationwide, you’re actually going a step further than the rule itself.

You’re saying that it doesn’t matter what a person has on their pistol that has a barrel under 16 inches that you’re considering in a short-barreled rifle. They’re using that gray area, if we remember back in the day when this rule came out, we jumped on this on the channel. They used the area suitable for shouldering, and we weren’t sure, like was it going to be, does it mean a buffer tube is a stock and it’s an SBR? Does it mean if you put a tennis ball on the back of a buffer tube, is that now a stock? Is that a short-barreled rifle? And I told you back in the day, back when this was going on, I actually was in a live online training that they were giving to, the ATF was giving to people and they didn’t realize I was in this meeting.

They probably know now, but there were questions asked about this and ATF would not give a straight answer. They would not give a straight answer on this, which told me that this was something to be aware of, but we got the injunctions, we got it stayed, we got it vacated. I was like, you know what, Bob’s your uncle, we’re good to go until the next step, which is going to be the final nail in their coffin, and you know what? Eric has given them until Tuesday to respond, but here’s what he’s demanding in this email.

Remember, they have a case against ATF on this, and if ATF doesn’t think this is going to be used as ammo against them, with a judge who’s already against them for overstepping their constitutional bounds and violating people’s rights, they got another thing coming. I’m not going to read the entire letter, just this key point, a couple key points here. He says, Eric says, this is Eric Pratt’s letter, it says, a final point bears emphasis. It is difficult to imagine FIPB’s novel interpretation of the NFA, an unprecedented attempt to circumvent the orders of several federal district courts, surviving the imminent turnover in presidential administrations, and forthcoming confirmation of a new ATF director.

To the contrary, lawless actions like these stand out like a sore thumb for those, like GOA, who seek to stamp out government weaponization and corruption wherever it exists. GOA previously submitted its concerns via an email sent to Acting Chief Matthew Shear and Chief William Ryan this Monday, January 6, 2025, outlining GOA’s concerns with FIPB’s interpretation. We requested an answer by close of business yesterday, Wednesday, January 8th, 25. No response was received, and thus it appears that both Chief Ryan and Acting Chief Shear stand behind the unlawful position in the December 12, 2025 email to our member.

Thus, we are now elevating our concerns to you. Accordingly, we demand your immediate clarification that the FIPB email sent to our member does not, in fact, represent ATF’s official position on this issue, but rather it was issued in error. To the contrary, we demand your strong assurances that it is your understanding that the mere fact that a pistol is equipped with a stabilizing brace does not dispositively render it a short barreled rifle. Finally, we demand your guarantee that ATF intends to comply with the district court orders in joining enforcement of the rule. This compliance includes refraining from enforcement of the rules, flawed and repudiated theories repackaged in an injunction sidestepping statutory theory, or any other theory which purports to comply with the injunctions, but nevertheless exposes GOA members to criminal liability.

Finally, rather it is our understanding that pending resolution of existing litigation, ATF is, or should be, awaiting further guidance and not taking any definitive positions or issuing classifications with respect to the status of pistols equipped with stabilizing braces. Please let us know if this understanding is not correct. Please send your response to us in writing within three business days of the date of this letter or by the close of business on January 14, 2025. We remind you the FIPB email to our member was signed FIPB, a branch you direct under the Office of Enforcement Programs and Services.

Thus, if we do not receive your response within three business days, we will safely assume that the flawed position articulated in the December 12th email to our member are properly attributed to you. And in that case, we will proceed accordingly. We suggest you consider this letter carefully, and we look forward to your prompt reply. Sincerely, yours, Eric Pratt. Another thing that was pointed out here and needs to be said is that the rule was vacated. And I said this in a couple of videos I’ve done on this. So the rule, if you remember, struck down all of the letters of approval that ATF gave for all of the braces that they had approved, you know, some SB tactical ones and stuff like that.

Well, when they vacate that rule that did that, they were then never rescinded. So all those rules, all those letters are still active. So it’s another bad thing for ATF that they didn’t realize. You know, they’re for a bunch of attorneys over there. They’re really not that bright. Good on GOA, guys and gals. Believe me when I tell you, they’re on top of it. They’re going to kick the ATF right where they need to be kicked. It is my hope that we get a solid ATF director from the Trump administration. I’ve already told you who it’s kind of pointing towards right now.

I’ll pin that video again above. No, it’s not Brandon or her. Unfortunately, I wish it was, but they will never stop at anything, anything. But remember, you have the courts on your side right now. The rule’s been vacated. And to my knowledge, I haven’t heard one single case of a citizen getting in a jam because ATF has gone forward and enforced this FIPB interpretation. So I’m still going to carry on like I’m carrying on. I’m covered under several injunctions and the rule was vacated. So that’s how that cookie crumbles. You want to support GOA? Links down below.

I get nothing out of it. They just give you a discount when you join up because you’re a guns and gadgets viewer. They’re crushing it. They’re on top of it. And I’m glad they are. Eric, whatever I can do to help your brother, you already know. Just call me. You got my number. And I will gladly, gladly help you destroy what little bit of the crooked administration’s left there at the ATF. Appreciate y’all. Just wanted to get you this information. Do me a favor. You need to like it because ATF. Yeah, basically, ATF of YouTube.

YouTube’s not going to let this get out. Like the video, please. Share it. Check your subscription. Everybody needs to understand what ATF’s trying to do here. They’re trying to ignore the courts. They’re trying to reinstitute the pistol race ban. Take care, y’all. [tr:trw].

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