Bo Polny- Behold The Storm Of The Lord..The Hunters Become The Hunted!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The host of Nino’s Corner TV discusses current events, including conflicts in the Middle East and rumors of missiles in the U.S. He also talks about the importance of investing in gold due to economic instability and promotes Noble Gold Investments. The host emphasizes the importance of being prepared for financial changes and discusses biblical prophecies related to current events. He ends by discussing allegations against celebrities and the potential consequences they may face.
➡ The text discusses a prophecy from Kim Clement about tumultuous events, which the author believes are coming true. The author also mentions a biblical calculation that suggests something significant will happen between September 16 and October 31, 2024. The appearance of the “Star of Jacob” in the sky on September 27, 2024, is seen as a fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. The author suggests that these events could lead to a major change in the world, possibly related to conflict or war.
➡ The text discusses the current state of the world, comparing it to historical events and biblical stories. It suggests that the world is in chaos, similar to the time of the Red Sea in the Bible. The text also mentions prophecies about President Trump and his role in these events, suggesting that he needs to publicly acknowledge Yeshua (Jesus) for a positive change to occur. The text ends with a hopeful note, predicting victory and restoration in the future.
➡ The text discusses a belief that significant events are about to occur, based on interpretations of biblical passages. These events include people returning to their homelands, a time of panic and terror, and a great reversal where those who have been oppressed will rise up. The speaker believes these events are imminent and are signs of a great revival and wealth transfer.
➡ The text discusses a prophecy that predicts a sudden end to war and turmoil, suggesting that these events are not random but part of a divine plan. It also mentions a belief that President Trump’s time in office and certain events align with biblical prophecies. The text ends with a prediction of natural disasters as a wake-up call for humanity, leading to a miraculous event that will bring peace and glory.
➡ In November, a significant change is expected, bringing a series of victories due to divine intervention. This moment is compared to needing a miracle like the parting of the Red Sea, to avoid repeating the outcomes of 2020. The speaker encourages audience interaction and following a person named Bo.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. This is, I’m back with Bo Pony, a lot has happened. I can’t believe what’s happening. We always knew October would be red October. It’s red October every month. But this now Tel Aviv is being bombed by Iran. There’s also rumors of surface to air missiles being smuggled into the United States. All kinds of stuff. I’m hearing. It’s really heating up. Also the p. Diddy stuff. Our takedown is going to start happening. It looks like they are, both sides are going in and it looks very, very scary for a lot of people.

But have no fear, Bo is here. Right, Bo? Hey, I do bring the good news because what is the Bible? It’s the good news. All the Bible, not just some of it. But before we get into that, folks, you’re going to want to listen to this because he’s got some stellar information for you on how all this is going to pan out. It’s really, it’s awesome stuff. But first, folks, get your noble gold. You’re going to need your gold. I promise you, you’re going to need your gold. Are you worried about the future of the us economy? With so much uncertainty in the air, it’s natural to fret about the security of your retirement savings.

I also heard that bank of America right now is freezing accounts. I don’t know. I put up the post on x right now. It’s crazy with everything going on. But there’s one asset that stands a test of time, and that’s gold. For centuries, gold has been a hedge against market volatility and economic instability. With a gold IRA from noble gold investments, you can harness the power of precious metals to help protect your financial future. Folks, by rolling over your existing IRA or 401K into a self directed gold IRA, you can enjoy the potential for long term growth and stability.

Diversify your portfolio with a tangible asset that has real value and stood the test of time. Setting up your gold IRA has never been easier. With Noble gold investment, streamlined process and expert guidance this election year, don’t let election volatility and uncertainty keep you up at night. Vote for the time of safety of gold and silver. In 2024, Noble gold investments will give you up to ten 1oz silver Trump coins or ten or a ten ounce silver american flag bar if you open up a qualified account. So go to right now, folks, folks, we all know October is going to be crazy.

It’s, we’ve been talking about this specifically this October we’ve been talking about for the last 40 years on my channel. So you better have already been prepared. If you’re not, you better get on it right now. And I can promise you, you’re going to need gold and silver coming out on the other end of this. Right, Bo, when the financial scales flip, that’s the cool thing. God does nothing before revealing his secrets to his servants. What I’m trying to have people understand is the crash of 1929 was the greatest financial event in human history. There was.

There was winners and there was losers. Most everybody lost. But yet the ones that knew it was coming sat on the correct side of history. Listen closely. The ones that knew it was coming, they were sitting on the correct side of history. And when the event happened to them, it wasn’t the Great Depression. It was the greatest time point in human history. The Bible talks specifically. We’ve talked about the best of times and the worst of times. It says scripturally the great and terrible day of the Lord in the same sentence. Why is it great and terrible in the same sentence? Because it depends on what side of fence you’re sitting on, right? Those made a lot of millionaires.

I. Look, everything that I’m seeing right now, Bo, with, you know, we knew that Iran would strike at some point. They just did. And they’re actually hitting their targets, is what I’m hearing. It’s been chaotic. And. And not to mention, we have an eclipse today. So I know you’re going to go into all of this, so I’ll let you have the floor. Right. So most important is, regardless of events, we want to look. I look at the tiny windows of things, as you know. And then, secondly, I’m going to go over scriptures to tie in, incredibly scriptures that are tying into present day events.

Because, again, what have we stated? We don’t live in political times, even though everything, Nino, everything feels political. Right. But superseding all of it is God’s plan. And so if you understand that God’s got a plan, then everything is actually falling into perfect place. If God’s got a plan, and we know he wrote the end from the beginning, everything we’re seeing in our visuals, on tv, on the news, the media, all of these crazy things are actually happening because it’s by design. And we just get to be here to watch it manifest. So we can either be in fear or know that God’s in control, and we watch the events manifest.

And I’m going to show you through scripture right now. In this podcast and also through mathematical timing, how all of this is actually not random, but it’s actually in perfect timing. And so why I want to say that is because we’ve shown this before and I’ve referenced it again. We have talked specifically about the revelation twelve sign. Okay, Virgo. Virgo giving birth. Okay, this happened in the heavenlies. I’m going to go back to this because this is critically important, because what we’re waiting for is the birth of God’s kingdom, but specifically the birth of the church, because the Christ was already born 2000 years ago and something happened in the heavenlies.

What star appeared? The star of Bethlehem appeared to Mark, because there shall be, Matthew states, signs in the sun and the moon and the stars. Okay, so when a star manifests, it’s technically when a star is born or appears, it’s the birth. And we’re about to then witness miracles. What was a miracle 2000 years ago? Jesus. Okay. And so we know that was a miracle. Now we have revelation twelve. This was actually written in Daniel on Patmos, by Patmos Island 2000 years ago by having John, right. And he wrote this, and they hadn’t even known about this constellation.

No one knew about this, but yet those constellation manifested. Now that we have telescopes, we can actually see this. And so what was written, Washington, what’s called woman and the dragon. So woman, the woman’s going to give birth. And so right before she gives birth, right, we’ve talked about this, Matthew 24, you’ll hear wars and rumors of wars, but see through that you’re not alarmed, because the end is not yet, okay? These are the beginnings of birth pains. So what the heck is going on? So right before a woman gives birth, right, it’s pandemonium in the delivery room, right? And so if you’re like, you know, you’ve consistently now gone on, and what are they? What are they? What’s the mainstream media preaching? You know, you go on any channel, it’s World War three, you’ll hear wars, right? So we’re seeing all of this manifesting, but now let’s look at timing, and you’ll see all of it is manifesting in perfect timing.

People who have not heard this podcast, please go back to our prior podcast, because I’m gonna go into some new stuff. But the prior podcast went into more detail about this. But I want you to understand, the revelation twelve sign occurred on September 23, 2017, two cycles of Daniel, which is seven years. Seven years is critical because that’s in scripture. Seven years, two cycles, biblical cycles. Man’s cycle was September 23. And incredibly, if you look from January 1, full term for delivery is 38 weeks. Incredibly, that lands on exactly September 23, 2024. But the biblical, this is important, the biblical calculation, not man’s calculation.

The biblical calculation was September 16, 2024. So what you’re looking at is a key date, September 16, 2024. Just like when Ginsburg died, I said, something’s going to happen on September 18, 2020. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew something was going to happen. Just like we did a podcast in, I think, in August and September. We said, something’s going to happen on September 16, 2024, give or take 24 hours. Nino, what happened? P. Diddy? I’m going to pause there because you need to understand, people, the magnitude of P. Diddy and now what’s coming out.

I saw you did a podcast yesterday or a ten minute clip. You did, you know, and you literally talked about these attorneys and everybody coming in. Basically, all these whistleblowers are all coming in. It’s like 100 something people this attorney’s already got. And so what are they doing? They’re basically exposing all three more accusers, or 100, and it’s either 122 to 100 or 124 accusers. So you know what this tells me? All these celebrities are going to be losing their sponsors, their endorsements, even if they’re just named. Even if they’re just named. And then many of them are going to be going away for a long time.

This is about to get crazy. And what was the prophecy of Kim Clement? They fall and fall. That prophecy also talked about tumultuous summer. I’d say an attempted assassination. And what happened through summer was right on target for tumultuous. So that was nailed. And now we’re talking. Now we’re stepping into fall, which we officially started just a few days ago last week. But technically, on the julian calendar, we’re still even in September. And so I don’t care. What I’m trying to show is something’s about to go down. And the biblical calculation, which is the critical part of this, ties in with September 16 and October 31 to complete the complete calculation of Daniel from the revelation twelve sign.

So the entire full on completion, you can’t take it a day more, finishes on Halloween, October 31, 2024. That’s the final calculation, which means that something biblical supposed to go down between September 16 and October 31. There’s a 45 day window. And so that takes us to some really important revelation. We’ve just got here. So what just happened? And we can go back 2000 years. 2000 years on Rosh Hashanah. We’ve talked about this in prior podcasts, but there is a star of Bethlehem marking the arrival of a savior, and it was the birth of Jesus. So I didn’t even know this.

Janey got a word. Janey Saguin got a word from the father just a few days ago. He said, my Jacob, my star of Jacob is here. I’m like, what? So I googled it. Holy mackerel. So this ties into prophecy, which is mind blowing. The revelations that led from this is crazy. So the star of Jacob appeared in our heavens last Friday, September 27, 2024. So this appeared in the heavens to fulfill and then the scriptures. The last time this was here was when this was a. It’s a burst that occurred 2000 years ago and the lights hitting us now.

So this is literally. What about this? The word on this, the second moon that has appeared, that has come into the sky. Have you heard about this as well? I’ve seen some video. I’m not focusing. Yeah, I’ve seen some relation. I don’t know. It could, because there’s a lot of pieces. We’re all putting pieces together. So it could. I can’t say yes or no to it. I don’t know much about it. But I do know that I’ll give you scriptures that are mind blowing as to what was about to happen in our world right now. So when we start studying the star of Bethlehem, there is a prophecy.

It’s called the Balaam prophecy, which was written in the Book of Numbers. This is thousands of years old. And it talked about. Listen, what? And then. And Matthew even talks about the book. He talks specifically. I’ve got the links on it. But Matthew even references the prophecy of Balaam as the star of Bethlehem confirms this prophecy. And what is the prophecy? I’m going to pull this up. You’re going to listen, listen, listen. What the prophecy is saying and says, but far, but in the far distant future. So the prophecy saying, in the far distant future. Now, this is written in.

Guess where this is written in numbers 20, 417, numbers 24. What year is this? 2024. In the far distant future, a star will rise from Jacob, a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will crush the head of Moab. So who were the Moabs? Well, if you go back and study who the Moab people are, this goes back specifically to Sodom and Gomorrah. So you had. So when you go back and study Sodom and Gomorrah, the angels appeared. They destroyed. Sodom and Gomorrah. Because of all the craziness going on there, Lot flees with his wife, wife turns around, turns a pillar of assault.

The two daughters go with Lot. Next thing you know, they get lot drunk. Thanks. So this is the bloodline we’re dealing with. The daughters get lot drunk, sleep with the father. Okay. And then bring on the bloodline of the Moabs, the oldest. So the Moab are the bloodline of lot and the oldest daughter. This is the bloodline. And then when you study it further, who are the Moabs in present day? They’re the Arabs. So the Moabs interlaced through generations and ultimately became tied into. And now it’s all the Arabs are the Moab people. So what does a prophecy say? I will crush the head of the Moab people.

So who’s coming up against Israel? The United States. You see what I’m saying? So all of this is prophecy unfolding right in front of us and at the same time, right. To fulfill the prophecy, we literally last Friday on the 27 September, the star of Jacob appeared. That was written in numbers 27 thousands of years ago. So this prophecy is now because, because Jesus Christ is the head, but we need the birth of what? The body of Christ. So now we’re about. And what do we say? We’re stepping into a birth. Virgo. Revelation twelve sign is giving birth.

The star of Jacob shows up to confirm it. The star of Jacob shows up to confirm it. And now this now means it begins. It’s all going to begin from here, right? It all begins from here. And this is the wild part, because to do with anything, Bo, I’m sure it ties in every ties. It’s, you know, because there shall be sign of the sun and moon and stars. But honestly, it’s not my focus. I haven’t focused on it because to me this, the star of Jacob is mind blowing relative. What I’m about to show you in a second here, when I relate that to prophecy.

Okay, so, and yes, I get it is interesting that we have this eclipse happening right now. Okay. But I guess I haven’t studied it, so I don’t want to expand upon it. Well, it’s happening just like last year. And last year is when the whole war kicked off with Israel right after the eclipse. Right. So now here comes the next eclipse in October. So I would imagine it’s going to go full fledged, full steam ahead from here. Absolutely. I mean, coincidence, I don’t think so. No, no, there aren’t any coincidences. There aren’t any coincidences. And so again, I don’t know the exact details on the eclipse, and again, it’s just one piece of a large puzzle.

But what I want you to see here, and remember we did this podcast last year and what do we say as tabernacles ends? Remember this podcast at the start of October. Don’t be surprised if a war breaks out as tabernacles is ending. And boom, that night the war broke out. 50 years, Leviticus to the exact mark, the war breaks out. Now this time around, that Leviticus time point, the 50 or the last day of Tabernacles is the 23 October. So members, the hebrew calendar, when you overlay it on man’s calendar or the roman calendar, it always changes every month.

So normally, always all feasts, godly feasts, like you have Rosh Hashanah, you’ll have all of these, the majority of the time, manifest in the month of September. This time around it’s in October. So you know, talk about a, you know, a red October, talk about a month where you’ve got. If God’s going to do something, here’s the point. If God’s going to do something, he’s going to do it on his feasts. Look at the calendar I’ve laid out in front of you. If God’s going to do something, it’s going to happen on his calendar. Okay? If God’s going to do something, if God’s not going to do something, then basically evil is going to push ahead with their agenda and all hell breaks loose on the world and you’re going to have not a great result in November.

But that’s not going to happen because we literally are in biblical times, as we talked about, it’s seven years, which is crucial with regard to biblical timing. So now let’s get into some further scriptures which ties in directly with a star of Jacob. So let me ask you something real quick. So do these people believe that there is a time for peace and a time of war and they follow these celestial events in order to fulfill whatever agenda they need to fulfill. So they feel like the eclipse, the star of Jacobs in the sky. So now it’s time for there’s seasons of peace, seasons of war.

So now this is a season of war to these people. I mean, it seems to me like that’s what they follow here. You know, like the Bible says there’ll be signs in the heavens above. And it seems to me all of this is adding up, but it seems to me like they’re following this specifically to create times of war and purging and things of that nature. Am I right in saying that? Yeah. They’re speeding along and they want what is their only agenda, Nina. Okay, so let me repeat this. Their only agenda is to bring on a one system, period.

That’s all they want to do. And if the president, administration moves forward, okay, then look what happened in four years. Like, literally, we’re stepping almost, and you were stepping almost into this. And we’ve got wars. Like, all hell’s breaking loose on the world right now. Okay? But it’s. Imagine four more years. We’ve always said things are going to look very dire for them. Their last chess move is chaos. And that’s what we’re seeing right now. Scorched earth. This is it. They know that come November, they can’t get in there. They’ve exhausted all their plays. The final play is war and chaos.

Am I right in saying that? Bo, we’re here. And ecclesiastes that which has been will be again. So, Nino, where have we seen this time point in history? Okay, so let’s go to this. You have, we’ve talked about United States. We talked to Mayflower. 400 years since the Mayflower. We’ve talked about Israel being in bondage to Pharaoh. The world thousands of years ago. At the time of pharaoh was Israel. And Pharaoh, that was the world. That was the world. Okay? Since then, we’ve got billions of people. Now we’re a global society. But at that time, that was the world.

That was it. Okay? And so where do we see a world war three event in those times? Red Sea. What happened? Like we said, right? When. When evil gets pinned into a corner, he brings everything he’s got. So what happened at the Red Sea? All Israel had nowhere to go. They were pinned up against the Red Sea. We said mountains left and right of them. This is all scriptural. And all that’s coming in front of them is Pharaoh with everything he’s got. Okay, so now let’s compare that to today. If they came with everything they got, what would they bring? You know, what’s the word? Nukes.

Right, right. Sorry, I’m muting it because there’s distractions in the background. But I’m with you. Right. So if they brought everything they got, they would bring the word nukes. If you hear the word nukes, that immediate thing you would. Would comprehend on that equation would be ww three, period. Because we put those two together. If there is ever going to be a nuclear war, it is ww three. And so when they bring everything they got because they’re pinned into a corner, that’s what happened at the Red Sea. So what happened at the Red Sea? This is so important to understand because there was specifically two things that had to happen.

The nation of Israel, they were praying because they were toast, okay? They were finished, and Moses had to pray. But Moses had another task. He had to raise the staff. And then what happened was a miracle. This is important because the only way we’ve said it before, remember in last podcast, we saw what they did in 2020. And that’s all I’m saying. We saw what they did at nighttime, okay? And you woke up to whatever in the morning with the results, okay? So saying that, what’s stopping them from doing the same? Not a zilch, zero. Okay? So they’re not gonna stop because why? They want to bring on their plans, so they’re rushing in to bring their plans.

But yet God’s allotted time and a season for all of this. Like you said, there’s time to dance, a time to sing, a time to more time for war, time for peace. So there’s a time for all of this. This is not, and I’m going to show you the scriptures in a sec. This is not the time for war. We’ve said it before, there will be sign. There’ll be Matthew 24. Well, sure seems that way. Yes, because, because at the Red Sea, it seemed that way too, didn’t it? Right. So that’s what I want the viewers to kind of think in their head.

Imagine being that, that moment in time, you’d be, you’d be freaked out. You think you’re finished and you’re. And you honestly believe you’re going to die. And I gotta say this for my viewers, Moses, Moses, what have you done? Why have you brought us here to die? That’s what Israel said you wanted to know. I was just gonna say to look no further than even the Trump assassination attempt. I mean, just, what are they calling it, the God tilt, when you just, just, I mean, you can’t explain this. There’s no way to explain any of this that’s happening right now.

So, yes, I believe bigger things are coming. I really do. I’m not going to say I don’t, because I do. Yeah. And then, see, here’s the thing is, and then almost says God will do nothing before first revealing his secrets to his servants, the prophets. So back to the turning his head thing, right? That was prophesied by him turning his head and it would hit his right ear, he’d go to the ground. Brandon Biggs. My point is, and then furthermore, he would come up, he would rise up a praying president. Kim Clement. Kim Clement said he will rise up a praying president.

So he comes into office, but then his second term in the office, he’s a praying president. All that’s missing, and I hope Trump hears this, all that’s missing is Trump must call out, this is a prophecy of Kim Clement. Trump must call out the name of Yeshua publicly. He has to call it out and God will raise him up and he will fill this house with glory. That’s what must yet happen. So we’re this close to that event happening. But Trump must call out publicly, Yeshua. Yeshua, yes. I’ve heard of, I’ve heard him speak on Jesus.

But you’re right, I don’t think he’s spoken with it with authority yet. That’s not yet. Not without authority. At least I haven’t seen it. But I’ve noticed he’s passively said his name here and there, but not with authority. And so that takes it to the presidents. Right? So weve got Reagan and weve got Trump. So thats, again, you know, the Kim clement prophecy was he will, he will fulfill the footsteps of Reagan. So what did Reagan do? Well, Reagan specifically caused the walls to come down. Communism fell on his, on Reagan’s watch in Reagan second term, who was who on a failed attempted assassination.

You see the similarities. Both anointed presidents. When you’re anointed, biblical things go down, meaning fall of nations, USSR. USSR. But I grew up when you grew up, when we were kids, it fell on the watch of Reagan, anointed. And many people say, Juan’s, one of them says, that was world war three. That was really world war three. What we’re coming into now is world War four, whatever you want to call it. But it definitely, it’s going to end up being neither because this is not the time or the season as you stated earlier. Okay. And so specifically, and then Trump failed assassination in his second term.

Watch and see. He will be there the second term again, and he will be there by the hand of God. God will get the glory, not Trump. Because what I’m saying is if God doesn’t intervene, like I said, at nighttime, everything’s going to change like it did in 2020 and the result will be the same as 2020. So we must have a biblical intervention in order for a different result. And the different result is basically what’s going to fulfill a prophecy of November is going to be victory. Upon victory. Upon victory. Upon victory. But in order for that to happen, it’s because something biblical happened.

Well, when could something biblical happen on God’s feasts? October. Now what happens? So think about the magnitude of things that have happened. So let’s talk about Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah, specifically, if you referenced four years. Okay, so what God revealed to me something very interesting. How many seasons are in a year? Very simple answer. Four seasons. One year. Correct. Now reverse that. Four years and God’s time makes one season. Four years makes one season. What did Kim Clement say? That Trump will have two terms, but during the terms, he would be removed from office temporarily. So we’ve seen that happen.

So the prophecy is fulfilling itself. So now we’re waiting for a second term. Now I want to go back to the star of Jacob because this is really important. And you’re going to love this, Nino, because how it’s tying into things that you personally have heard. So let’s get into the star of Jacob, which is manifest, and it basically, it marks the birth of a king or a kingdom. The birth of a king. When a star appears, it’s the birth of a king or a kingdom. Well, when Jesus came onto the earth, it was the kingdom of Jesus, the king.

Okay, so now let’s read. Where do we see the word Jacob in scriptures? It’s actually in Jeremiah 30. Jeremiah 30 specifically refers to Jacob’s trouble. And so it refers. And it’s specifically talking about the restoration of Israel and Judah. What comes from the bloodline of Judah? Jesus. Right. So the United States is that bloodline, and Trump is in that bloodline. So now let’s go through scriptures of what it says here, and I think this will be really fascinating. So Jeremiah 36, I will restore the fortunes of Zion. Kim Clement said, I will restore the fortunes of Zion.

That was a Kim Clement prophecy, and I will then, furthermore, it says, I will bring them back to the land. So God’s going to cause what’s about to happen is all people will return back to their lands. Where do you see that Jubilee? That’s a Leviticus. Thou shall consecrate the 50th year, proclaim liberty throughout the land, and to all of its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you. And if you continue reading a Leviticus, it talks about people returning to their homeland, to their land. And then here it is right now. You are talking about the war.

Well, look what’s about to happen. Cry of panic, of terror and no peace there. It’s Jeremiah 35. What you just referenced. So what you spoke of right there, Nino, was specifically with regard to the wars it’s in. Jeremiah 35. Let’s continue. And now ask now and see. So when does this all start to happen? Well, first off, when you see panic, terror and no peace, well, we’re about to see that right here in October with, I think that’s happening right now. Right now. What else, what else does it say? When is this going to happen? Ask now and see.

Can a man bear a child? Why do I see every man with his hands on his stomach like a woman giving birth? It says this in scriptures. Oh, boy. How many people are going to have to get triggered on you? Laughing so if Jeremiah 36 is telling you what you’re, what we’re seeing in media right now. So when you see this, this is about to happen. Geez, this is wild. Now let’s continue. So what are the events? So I went through all this. So actually we want to, we push this video forward 1 hour because the Nino was busy and I actually wanted to finish this.

So this allowed me to finish it. So I literally, this is right off the press. I literally got this from God about a few hours ago. And so this is so cool. So what are the events that are going to manifest Nino? You’re going to freak when you hear this stuff. Okay, so number verse seven, it says, alas, that day is so great that there shall be none like it. So it will be a single day. What do we talk about what happened at the Red Sea in a single day. Israel was bait. We, the people are bait.

And the pharaohs of this world are walking into the greatest trap in human history. It’s actually written, this terrible day is called the distress of Jacob. The Jacob’s trouble. It’s in Jeremiah 37, verse seven. And let’s continue. I will break the yoke from your neck. So, meaning we’re in bondage. And I will burst your bonds. Israel was in bondage. We, everything about the United States is in bondage. Credit cards, mortgages, student loans, anywhere you look, it’s all bondage upon bondage upon bondage. So God’s going to break the bondage. Verse eight. Let’s go to nine. But they shall serve the Lord their God.

Here it is David, their king, who I will raise up for them. He says in the scriptures, he’s about to raise up David. Who’s David? Go listen to Kim Clement’s prophecies. I’m going to say Mister T. Mister T, baby. Mister T. So we’re, we’re watching. We’re about to see fulfillment of verse nine. Then let’s go to 16. You’re going to love this one, you know. All who have devoured you shall be devoured. So all that. All who have devoured a shall be devoured. Where do you see that, Nino? The hunters become the hunted. And that’s how the tide is just turned.

And we’re seeing it right now with Diddy. He’s going to bring down a cascade of people and it’s going to. You know, it’s going to keep going. It’s just all. And I just love that you brought up Diddy because it happened on September marker of time. And we’re in the 45 day window. The 45 day window is in the fall time that we’re in right now. And we’re about to. The hunters become the hunted. And all your. And all your foes, every one of them shall go into captivity. Those who plunder you shall be plundered. This is.

This is ex. This is the flipping of the financial scales. And all who prey on you, I will make them your prey, Nino. How awesome is this scripture describing what would happen if the tables flipped, which is. I’m with you, Bo. I believe it’s happening now. Let’s go to verse 19. Out of them shall come songs of thanksgiving. Wait a second here. Songs of thanksgiving. When would you hear sing songs of thanksgiving? At thanksgiving, which is after October 31 and specifically what we talked about. It be the 400th end of the 400 years. So this is the first thanksgiving since the Mayflower.

Because the Mayflower. The first thanksgiving was 1623. So you add time and next thing you know, this lead. This would be the first thanksgiving or what? The great harvest. And this is. I will multiply them. So you’re going to multiply us. There’s your great wealth transfer. And you sh. And let’s go to verse 22. And you shall be my people and I will be your God. There is the great revival. So what have we talked about? The great revival. Bob Jones prophecy. Chiefs win the Super bowl. You’re like, ah, come on. Right? And boom. Chiefs win the Super bowl.

Trifecta. Holy trinity. And now we’re about to see the fulfillment of the Bob Jones prophecy. And it’s actually stated in verse 22 of Jeremiah 30. Let’s go to Jeremiah. Let’s go to verse 23. Behold, you’re going to love this one. Behold the storm of the Lord. I’m going to repeat that. Behold the storm of the Lord. Actually, that’s a great topic. Great title. There it is. You know. Behold the storm of the. There it is. That’s it. There it is. When did we hear that? Seven years ago. Nino. October 6, 2017. Trump in the Oval Office.

What did he say? The calm before the storm. Seven years ago. October. There it is. October. I knew we’d get it. Yeah, it came to us. Finally. They’re good. Good one, Bo. October 5, 2017, you add seven years. Bada boom, bada bing. 2024. Numbers. 2024. Numbers 24, verse 23. It says, behold the storm. What do you think Trump was speaking of? He was speaking of directly. Jeremiah 30, verse 23. And it finishes on verse 24. What a coincidence. And what does verse 24 say? In the latter days, you will understand this. In the latter days, you will weigh.

Will understand. Jeremiah 30. I just explained it to the world. No, I love this. This is great, Bo, man, you put it together beautifully. Here we are. I mean, it’s gonna. But it’s gonna get a lot scarier. It’s gonna get a lot scarier. People are gonna be gnashing their teeth, biting their nails. I mean, it’s gonna get a lot scarier until. Absolutely. And check. Just a couple more little bullet points. Right? So we talked about. Remember this? Remember this right here? This would happen on Yom Kippur. Again, see, all of these things are biblical timing. When was.

When was Ruth Bader. When did she die? She died on Rosh Hashanah four years ago. Okay, so wait a second. Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies on Rosh Hashanah, which would technically be tomorrow, because tomorrow is the start of Rosh Hashanah, which would be October 3. This would be the equivalent day that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Why that’s important, because. What did I say? A season. Our season. One year has four seasons. One year has four seasons. But God’s four years make up one season. Right? And so tomorrow, the 23rd starts a new year. Rosh Hashanah is the start of a new.

Then you got Yom Kippur, you got Trump getting a glock 45. 45 gets a glock 45. What a coincidence. You have all these biblical events. You got. The greatest market event in human history began on October 24, 1929. That’s the. This led to the greatest financial collapse in human history. Your whole computer screen. Say that again. It’s showing your whole computer screen. Boom. I want to try to get me. Zoom in here. Okay, so there we go. So what we’re looking at right here, if you’re looking at this. So we got. We got Trump right here.

45 gets at 45 on Yom Kippur. Hebrew feast last year. Interesting. You’ve got also in this year, 2024. If you go back to 1920, 919, 29 was the greatest stock market crash start start in history, which led to the Great Depression. Well, when did it start? On October 24. What a coincidence. The last day of tabernacles is the 23rd into the evening of. And the start of the 24th. What this is all showing it, everything is lining up for a biblical event. And again, when we go back and we read scripture, what does it say? It says, I find this very interesting.

It says, I will crush the head of the Moab people. Oh, that’s interesting because Kent Christmas had a prophecy about a mortal wound. The mortal. Mortal means death blow. It’s a death blow to the tribe of the Moabs. That’s what’s coming. So all of these people who have come against God, there’s going to be a sudden end to all of this. The cool part is there’s probably Kim Clement actually prophesied that the war will come to a sudden, sudden end. Actually, let me play that video because this is cool, how all of this is just not random.

It’s the farthest thing from random. Listen to this prophecy of Kim Clement speaking of how the war will come to a sudden, sudden end. Let me pull this video up here. It’s so amazing how great God is to. To coordinate all the pieces, and we all watch it in our lifetime happening. So here, let me pull this up. Share screen. Okay, watch this. Here we go. That’s what the enemy want, to cripple your economy and to cripple your children. That the spirit of God says they will breathe in the air that is pure. For I will take the air of this nation, and I will purify it, says the spirit of the Lord.

Your enemies are within, says the Lord, and I will wipe them out one at a time. But before I do, I shall go over to the land where you are having war, and I will strike down the enemy quicker than you imagine, says the Lord. I will cause a spirit of betrayal to arise, and the people will be afraid. Great fear shall come upon them. Great fear shall come upon them, says the Lord. Not because of the strength of America, and not because of the strength of the religious, because the Lord said, I determined this day that I will do what I’m going to do, and I shall do it, says the Lord.

For the sake of your children and your children’s children, therefore, rejoice, for the battle has begun, but it shall end swiftly with a great shout of victory, says the Lord. What did he say? The war will come to a sudden end in a single day. We just read that in where? Jeremiah 30. It was right in there. You see, all of these pieces fit perfectly into place, and yet we watch the world, and we’re like, what the heck’s going on in our world? It’s crazy. But the craziness is actually all perfectly by design. It’s not random.

Everything’s as you stated, it’s all godly design. But yet when you look at it, you feel like it’s random until you start doing the math and you’re like, wait a second. Trump’s first day in office, he was 70 years, seven months and seven days. Robert F. Kennedy endorses Trump to endorse him from Robert’s birth. Right? That blew me away, by the way, as well. Seven days, right. How does this stuff happen? You know? And then you got the prophecy of Jeremiah, basically further stating that, um, that Cyrus, King Cyrus, would free Israel from bondage. In what year? The 70th year.

Hmm. When did Trump come to office? In the 70th year. Trump’s going to have two terms in the 70th. So the 70th year is fulfilled, and then in the second term, all he’s going to do is free us from bondage that we’ve been in. And when does this all go down? It all goes down in the fall time. Because what did you. We read in the Jeremiah prophecy just now? It said what? It said, David. God made reference to David. And listen to this very closely. Jeremiah stated about David. And this prophecy talks specifically says, in the fall, you will know who my David is.

Have a listen, and you’ll understand them. Put the pieces together, JeRemiah. Put this piece together, and then we’re finished. But fall, you are rebelling. Or is it that possibly the spirit of God will cause many to fall in fall? But remember, when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen, summer says, I will take it so that the fall can do its work in America. And during the fall, there shall be many that shall fall and many that shall rise from the dust. Hypnotic November. And, oh, Christmas, where winter shall say, and me, I will make them happy.

For God says, I have chosen each season to manifest something. My will shall be done, and it shall come to pass that I shall bring sign after sign. And in the fall, that which comes down is that which was Able to be shaken. And I will build and release the resources, and in the fall will show you whom I have chosen to pray for and guide this nation. You shall rejoice for it is my man. It is my chosen. David says the Lord. That picture is going to be the most famous picture in history. I’m telling you now.

I get chills looking at that. I just get chills looking at that. I just get chills reading and putting all the pieces, all of that together. Incredible. Behold the storm. Yeah, it’s going to be insane. It’s here. The storm is here. This is what this is specifically. Everybody wanted to know what Trump was saying when he said that come before the storm. This was a prophecy. He was fulfilling prophecy. He referenced it specifically seven years ago, the 5 October, which is specifically this Saturday. I don’t know what that means. I’m just telling you, seven years is bada boom, bada bing.

This is the feast upon feast. This is the hunters become the hunted. And actually, and you can even further go back and look, you’ll see in the celestials. This is the Orion celestials. And the Orion is the hunter. Orion’s the hunter who’s right now in the celestials who hunts the hunt. The hunter becomes, the hunters become the hunted. That how. That is exactly how this is all about to go down. And bottom line is, as Daniel stated, as Jeremiah stated, verse Jeremiah 30, verse 23, I’ll finish on this. Behold the storm. It is here. Here we go.

All right, folks, give me your leave a comment down below and let me know what your thoughts is on this one. I’m excited. I know it’s all coming to a head right now. The climax is here. Here we go. Both. Thank you for joining me. Where can people find you? Our website is gold 2020 or you can put my name in on YouTube and I’ll be there also with all my newer videos. Bottom line is fear not. This is going to be a moment in time which equivalent to the Red Sea. Okay. This will be the Red Sea miracle in a single day.

But until that moment in time, it’s going to be looking extremely scary. We read the scriptures. This is literally going to be a fear, fear, fear mode. Everything’s going to go dark. This is the moment in pause. I think you’ve talked about Nino as well, too. And then suddenly, and then suddenly, and then suddenly because God brings the miracle when there’s no way out. We need a miracle at the Red Sea. We need. They needed a miracle and it showed up. Also, I want to finish on this. The miracle this time around is going to relate to a worldwide shaking the prophecy is this last word.

I’ll say here is a chain of worldwide volcanic eruptions, a chain of worldwide volcanic, yellowstone, like what you talked about last time, Yellowstone. I believe this ties in with specific. What happened was going to go down in also Italy, Vesuvius. And I believe we’re going to have the volcanoes go off here. I feel on the east coast just kind of where seven years ago where the eclipse came in near Portland, whatever those volcanoes are over there in Portland, maybe an earthquake in California. I mean, who knows? But yeah. So this, this is the shaking, but this is not the shake, okay? This is, this is God’s gonna shake us awake.

That’s the awakening. Okay, so the shaking is for the awakening because people, boy, are the world asleep and God’s got a shake, shake, shake the earth. But the people that are already awake, why do we need to suffer? You know what I mean? It’s like because we need to, because the billion soul harvest Nino will never happen because unless the glory of God comes onto the earth, so a miracle happens. Because when a miracle happens, we step into a time of glory, glory like we can’t even imagine. Like as you’re, like you’re saying think about birth pains.

Let’s finish on, like finish on this again. But a woman giving birth, she’s freaking out. So that’s the Red Sea moment. Everybody’s freaking out, right? But then after they went to the Red Sea, childbirth on the other side of the Red Sea, it closed. The sea closed on the other side of the Red Sea. They’re sitting on the other side of Red Sea and they pretty much like, it’s like there’s no more pain. Pharaoh’s dead. All the ones that could attack them are gone. It’s finished. The word is it is finished. And then on the other side of the Red Sea, it’s just a moment of peace.

So it goes from no peace to peace in a matter of 24 hours. And that’s why in matter of 24 hours, we’re going to wake up and we’re going to go from no peace, horrible, horrible, into a time point somewhere here in November. It’ll be victory upon victory upon victory because God intervened and it all ties down to this day. Daya, 24 hours window. So compared to the Red Sea, this is a moment in time where we do need a miracle because without a miracle, we’re going to get the same result as 2020, period. Thank you, Bo.

All right, folks, leave a comment down below, like, and share this video and go follow Bo. Thanks, bonnite.

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