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What should be happening in the Biden administration right now that isn’t going on? Yeah, there are two main things that they should be doing in the days that they have left. The first is to get testing out there. I feel like we should have learned our lesson from COVID that just because we aren’t testing, it doesn’t mean that the virus isn’t there. It just means that we aren’t looking for it. We should be having rapid tests, home tests available to all farm workers, to their families, for the clinicians taking care of them so that we aren’t waiting for public labs and CDC labs to tell us what’s bird flu or not.
And the second very important thing is this is not like the beginning of COVID where we were dealing with a new virus, we didn’t have a vaccine. There actually is a vaccine developed already against H5N1. The Biden administration has contracted with manufacturers to make almost 5 million doses of the vaccine. However, they have not asked the FDA to authorize the vaccine. There’s research done on it, they could get this authorized now and also get the vaccine out and to farm workers and to vulnerable people. I think that’s the right approach because we don’t know what the Trump administration is going to be doing around bird flu.
If they have people come in with anti-vaccine stances, could they hold up vaccine authorization? If they don’t want to know how much bird flu is out there, could they withhold testing? I mean that’s a possibility and I think the Biden administration in the remaining days should get testing and vaccines widely available so that at least it empowers state and local health officials and clinicians to do the right thing for their patients. Well, gang, as much as we try to keep this channel optimistic and hopeful for the new golden age before us, I hate to break it to you walls, I’m sure most of you guessed, but the globalists are up to globalist schemes yet again.
Now they’re sounding the alarm as you heard about a bird flu epidemic, yes, just in time for the inauguration. We’re hearing rumblings of yet, if you could believe it, yet another shutdown. Now I know, I know a lot of you may be thinking that we’ve got better leaders this time and that is true, but like we say on this channel a lot, there’s a tremendous amount of work to do for the incoming maggot administration and it does seem that the Biden administration is hell bent on going scorched earth in the waning days of their power and let me show you exactly where the hooks are.
Look at this table here. This table outlines just how much money some very big names in government have received from big pharma companies over the years. I don’t think that the five million dollars mentioned in the opening clip is just clean money without strings attached. So what can courageous patriots do? How can we rise up against the antics of such a corrupt political class? Well joining me today is Peter Gillily, CEO of my absolutely favorite non-conformist brand The Wellness Company, who by the way have been fighting back against the elite medical establishment since their very inception and gang don’t forget if you click the link in the description below or scan the QR code you can get their contagion kit plus free shipping right now if you use promo code Turley.
So Peter, great to see you my friend. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me on Dr. Steve. It’s an honor having you. So I mean yeah we were kind of chatting a little bit before the interview. What do you think is actually going on with this bird flu I guess semi hysteria that’s happening? We know Biden previously got he gave Moderna 176 million for a bird flu vaccine to be developed back in July then I saw someone post about a bird flu summit that took place in DC and just a couple of months back in early October.
So I mean forgive me for being cynical here but this all seems rather orchestrated. What’s your what’s your medical team saying in all of this? Well I think it’s important to put the narrative in context Dr. Steve and I think the full story many people will find quite shocking. So bird flu has been researched far earlier than COVID H5N1 specifically and that happened at the University of Wisconsin-Madison as well as in USDA research facilities in Athens Georgia funded by the USDA and guess who the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is all very well documented in the public sphere.
Then fast forward here to January of last year all the globalists had their little powwow in Davos and there was a disease x forum sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies where they talked about the hypothetical but probable scenario that a zootropic or an animal born illness like bird flu would emerge as a serious threat to the public health in the near future. Fast forward another six months as you mentioned the Biden administration finds it fitting to give hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to guess who Moderna and Pfizer and the usual the usual suspects to develop an mRNA vaccine and which by the way they also funded five million shots of ordinary H5N1 flu vaccines which are already an inventory in the US so that’s sitting there ready to go at at a moment’s notice here and then we have a bird flu summit in October all the while though and this is an important fact we’ve been culling our livestock and this is another story that’s kind of in parallel to bird flu that people aren’t talking about but this year we’ve culled millions of chickens and over the past five years we’ve culled I think over 80 million chickens and just in time for a Trump election here I think we’re gonna see a lot more stories about how much the price of your plate of breakfast has gone up because we’ve been killing all our livestock and the saddest part about that story or that angle of the story Dr.
Steve is that the way that the USDA has architected these programs is that if you have livestock that are testing positive for bird flu they will pay the farms per head of culled livestock so if the livestock dies of bird flu they don’t get paid anything so there’s the farmers sitting there huh I might live 25% of my flock or I can just kill everyone and get paid out by the USDA what option do you think they’re gonna take they’re gonna take right so here we are in January and we saw Dr.
Birx back on TV back on CNN advocating for the Biden administration to release those five million H5N1 shots to the public we’ve seen very sporadic infections by humans of bird flu we had one elderly gentleman in Louisiana die who had multiple comorbidities I’m not trying to say that bird flu isn’t a problem it’s it’s a flu certainly people will get sick just like people got sick from swine flu and COVID and every other right disease we’ve experienced over the last 20 years Dr. Steve but panic is not the correct response right right I love that I love the way you contextualize that that was that was uh that was brilliant you know you’re on the front obviously you’re on the front lines of this um and and your and your advice is is is is clear and cogent but should should we be concerned because we’re not ruled by the most clear and cogent clash shall we say I mean I’m here we’re hearing a lot you know the hysteria on social media about you know the possibility of releasing some kind of contagion before inauguration gain-of-function derived bioweapons I’ve heard I mean you know what’s your take
again what do you yeah how concerned yeah evil so so I’ve been thinking dangle bit maybe you know you and the bioweapon I can’t say with absolute certainty yes or no that this is a gain-of-function engineered virus however the research has been published that these two centers that I referenced a few moments ago have been performing gain-of-function research and as we know it’s very hard to contain viruses in a lab for an extended period of time so is there a probability or a chance that this virus that is now circulating widely around the world is one that’s been modified via gain-of-function yes absolutely right we can’t we can’t deny that that possibility certainly can’t rule it out right so the question then becomes okay how afraid should we be right according to CNN and dr.
Burks and you know others we should be terrified right lockdowns mass social distancing the whole nine yards right but I think if we look at the greater the greater message from COVID back in 2021 or 2022 I’m sure someone can fact-check me online at the WEF they were talking about COVID and they framed it not as you know the most tragic or the most deadly
or the most alarming event but the most profitable event in human history and at the end of the day dr. Steve that’s kind of what this is about right so there are different ways that they can use these manufactured emergencies and emergency measures to line the pockets of their allies whether it’s from manipulating public opinion via you know the prices in the grocery store whether it’s restricting critical life-saving medications like happened during COVID right COVID was not a big deal it became a big deal when we enforced all of these public health measures that might have been counterproductive and then add it on top of that layers of not being able to access the effective and safe medications and we’re turning people away from the hospitals and saying you know what come back when you need to be put on a ventilator so we were we were essentially incentivizing the pharmaceutical companies to develop things like Pax Loved and these vaccines where the real solutions were right in front of us but if we acknowledge that the real solutions worked the safe and effective
ones that we all should have access to if we acknowledge that those things were safe and effective there would be no legal justification for operation warp speed and all these other programs that the federal government and you know frankly the global governments around the world in first force during COVID which made you know Moderna Pfizer and you know God knows how many insurance company billions and billions of dollars very very rich yeah yeah profits off profits before patients as I’ve heard it put I mean that does raise the questions what what can we do to prepare you know I’ve talked about the wellness companies variety of incredible emergency medical kits over the last several months and I mean I think this
is just it’s something that in the end if we are ruled at least for the time being by those who do put profits over people over patients as a war how can we empower ourselves to be able to maintain liberty and freedom in the midst of that very unfortunate situation we’re in yeah doctor see we’ve we’ve thought about this a lot at the Wells Company and in the day like as you know I voted for Trump was the third time I’ve done it right but at the end of the day I don’t expect the federal government to come and save me it doesn’t matter who is in is in the White House right my health is my own personal responsibility my family’s health is my own personal responsibility I think that’s the attitude that we as Patriots need to take at the end
of the day that we’re all responsible for our own decisions our own lives that’s where the Wells Company comes in we try to give people a wide variety of solutions to empower them to take their health into their own hands so we talked about the medical emergency kits we have a contagion kit which is specifically geared towards respiratory viruses it has things like hydroxychloroquine you know the hero of Covid Tamiflu it has a beudecinide and nebulizer in there so you can actually breathe it in z-pack Ivermectin has the whole nine yards is there for respiratory viruses and you compare having that on hand with you know the possibility of having to go to urgent care and emergency room especially in a pandemic situation where services might not be available it’s scary and moreover I think you as a doctor can appreciate this we need to practice preventative care and if you do get sick the best time to treat illness is immediately early intervention early intervention
is key to staying healthy most people nowadays you get sick and say I’m just gonna go lie in bed for a few days that’s the worst thing you want to do right that’s how the disease lingers it festers and it spreads you want to be hitting it immediately as soon as you’re experiencing symptoms and having one of these medical emergency kits in your home allows you to have the tools on hand so you can attack it day one you don’t have to go away and schedule a call with a doctor and I think a combination of readiness as well as preventative care supplementation sleep exercise the usual lifestyle things that keep you healthy and well those two things combined together those are gonna last you know the test of time here yeah I
mean I’ve often taught oh and full disclosure I’m a PhD I’m a worthless doctor I’m not I’m not a I’m not a useful one like you are right I’m the doctor somebody falls down in a crowded place I can’t help them I think they call PhDs piled higher and deeper I know but I just being you know fully full disclosure there but I it’s so interesting the way you’re describing it because we’ve talked often on this channel about you know again we’re like the first generation that doesn’t prepare we don’t prep our grandparents had you know they had closets full of canned goods and so forth I mean they were the they were the depression generation they just prepping was just part you always it was an insurance policy and for the basic you know what’s at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs it’s just a bit you need your food you need your water you need your air and we prep food and to the extent that we do prep we prep food we prep water but a lot of us don’t prep meds and that seems to me insane if you think about it because it seems that meds are just as valuable in certain circumstances as food and
and water would be yeah I think somewhere along the way maybe is in the 90s when we were kind of settling into the golden age of American prosperity prepping kind of fell out of vogue and that’s that is a potential risk fat for many families I mean we say all the time you know food animal gold water yeah medications these are all things that you should have a guy of right because you just don’t know what’s happening and I’m not trying to catastrophize but you know how many Americans are affected by natural disasters even every single year look at you know the hurricane or in California right now yeah the fire is in California right like it doesn’t have to be a global pandemic that could cause you to dip into your your stockpiles but you’re probably gonna use it’s not really if it’s when and you’ll be happy when you have it yeah oh that’s for sure again that’s the beauty of insurance it gives you that that sense of assuaging of fear so you mentioned the contagion kit which is so cool I love it I’ve got one and it’s the best choice for something like a bird flu type scenario how can our listeners get
one because these are so cool yeah you can follow the link below you can go to the website you could quickly check out you can order the contagion kit after you finish check out you’ll see a little pop-up you’ll fill out a two-minute intake questionnaire kind of like you were to go to doctor’s office but a little quicker you submit that it goes off to our medical team we have a 50-state telemedicine practice that reviews each one of them and writes you a script we know this isn’t ordering you know questionable medications off the internet we have a legitimate pharmacy that dispenses each one of these medications you know it’s real if you either refill or replenishment because you had to use them we offer that service as well yeah I mean I’ve interviewed a number of your your your colleagues your faculty and so you’ve got board members from Yale medical school and the like I grew up outside of New Haven so that that was cool so I mean yeah you guys are so legit I love telehealth a lot to me telehealth in many ways is like it’s kind of like the way in the internet news eco or what should a
telesphere is is bypassing the old legacy media kind of like the way email and texting bypass the post office you know I think just telehealth is really doing the same thing I mean I’m you know definitely you want to have your local doctor and all that just like we still use the post office but I mean the the resources we have literally at our fingertips for our health right now are astonishing I mean we’ve never been in a time like this and you guys are on the front lines of that it really is and you know you know prior to starting the Wallace Company you know I kind of was watching the healthcare space from afar and kind of wondering okay when’s when’s it gonna get fixed right I mean you know it was a core platform even of you know Obama right Obamacare right we’re gonna fix healthcare didn’t do it didn’t do a thing to help the situation right actually made it more expensive so made it work where they got to the point where I was like okay instead of fixing this let’s just let’s forget about fixing let’s just build a new one right so and I think that’s kind of what the future holds here it’s gonna be
companies like TWC they’re gonna kind of pave the way as an alternative path to receiving health care and health services and I think honestly taking a more holistic look at it is the future and that’s maybe a silver lining from Covid is that people woke up and said huh you know the allopathic medicine has a very valid group but there’s all these other forms of medicine naturopathic and lifestyle medicines that we can we can take and and and participate in every day that are gonna pay dividends but you know you might not hear about that from your your old doctor right exactly it’s it’s all part of techno-populism as they call it it’s wonderful stuff yeah this is so important to maintaining freedom and liberty you got your food prep you got your water prep but do you have your meds prepped well that’s now just a click away click the link in the description below you could use the QR code on the screen use code Turley plus you’re gonna get free shipping right now if you order right now so don’t wait responsible preparedness does not wait click on that link below right now and protect
yourself and your loved ones Peter thank you so much for being with us let’s have you back real soon appreciate it Steve thank you