1.31.24: LT w/ Wooz News superstar Rafael and J6 defendant Eric Clark! Exposing Evil one video at a time. Pray! And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The And We Know channel text talks about a person who is reviewing footage from an event that happened on January 6. They believe they are uncovering lies and are trying to share the truth about what really happened. They also discuss a man named Eric who is in trouble with the government for being at the event. Lastly, they talk about a medical kit that can help people during a crisis.
➡ This is about a person who makes videos and how much work they put into it. They talk about how they plan the scenes, choose the music, and even make their own special effects. They also mention how they sometimes have to work for years on a video, and how they wish they had a team to help them. They also talk about how they need support to keep making their videos.
➡ A man named Eric felt called by God to attend a big event in Washington DC. He watched a speech by Trump and then went to the Capitol building. He didn’t do anything wrong but got charged with four minor crimes, which could mean a year in jail. One morning, the FBI came to his house, scared his family, and took him away for a few hours. He’s now waiting for his trial. He’s also been collecting videos from that day to help prove what really happened.
➡ The person in this story is talking about something called a “crisis actor.” These are people who pretend to be part of big events like shootings to trick others. The person also talks about their love for detective work and making movies. They have a project called “wooz news” where they use their skills to share information they think is important.
➡ This is a conversation between two people who are upset that some news channels aren’t sharing certain information. They also talk about how much work goes into making videos and how they think these videos are better than some movies. One of them, Eric, shares his personal story about overcoming drug addiction with the help of faith and rebuilding his relationship with his father.
➡ This text is about a man named Eric who believes in God and feels confident about winning a trial because he has truth on his side. The speaker admires Eric and encourages listeners to be proactive like him. They also talk about a false event and ask people to look at the evidence they provide. Lastly, they invite everyone to join them on a cruise to Alaska in 2024.


You. This episode, we’re going to journey through the January 6 timeline of events in 889 angles and identify all props, characters, mistakes, and bad acting. I’ve been contacted by several J Sixers and of course I’m looking through the footage and I’m like, no, this is a crisis. Actor press everyone that’s trying to get in touch with me and I go based off of my gut instincts and of course, the footage I’m seeing and I haven’t been wrong yet, and I’m happy to be wrong, trust me.

It just means we’re moving closer to the truth. Because this isn’t about being right or wrong. It’s about showing people that you’re being lied to by so many people. Because I’m going to go in here and I’m going to tell the truth the way I saw it because God put me there for a reason. I don’t think he’s going to let me down now. I’ve made him my counselor, I’ve made him my attorney.

And I go in there and I’m just going to speak what he tells me to speak what I know about the truth. And what I witnessed were smoke grenades that were passed off as gas. What I witnessed was people that were, I was damseled and distressed by a girl that turned out to have an onion and a towel. I witnessed people in the building trying to put words in my mouth, right, and insisting that I had just said that a girl got shot ten minutes after a girl did get shot in a whole different part of the building.

And it’s not what I said at this amazing interview will display the heart of Raphael and founder of Woo’s news and his tireless efforts to not only get the truth out about all of the false flags and the evil, but also show his dedication to support those in trouble with the government, like Eric Clark, who’s also part of the video. Today, Eric gives an amazing testimony about the government going after him for simply being in DC for the J six event.

His story is heartbreaking but also encouraging. Hang in there. This is going to be an amazing one, folks. With almost 90% of pharmaceuticals in the United States being produced outside of the US, will you have what your family needs when the next crisis hits like we have with COVID Countries clamp down on exports and they stockpile during crisis. Well, we can get through this with the wellness company’s medical emergency kit.

The wellness company is home to Dr. Peter McCauliffe, Dr. Drew Pinsky, truth telling doctors who are rooted in their commitment to building a parallel healthcare system in a time when over 40% of Americans say they would avoid a doctor or hospital unless absolutely necessary, the wellness company’s medical emergency kit provides a solution. This kit includes eight potentially life saving medications, including a moxicillin and a ZPac for you to keep on hand, along with guidebook for safe use.

Go to TWC Health Lt and grab your medical emergency kit right now. That’s TWC health and use code Lt, and it saves you 10% at checkout. Well, folks, finally, we’ve got Eric Clark here and Rafa with Ruse news. It’s been a while. I have really wanted to have this conversation for a long time. We’ve talked for a few minutes before going on board with this, and I had a lot of questions, and they were able to answer them.

So I’m excited about this. My big take on all of the editing that’s going on with Woo’s news, that’s my big one. I’m a big fan of you, Rafa. All the stuff that you’re showing. Your videos are absolutely brilliant. My background in video, as most folks know, is running american forces network in the Marine Corps. And I just took a lot of classes on after effects and premiere pro.

And folks think my intros are all this. But, man, when I look at your production and the way that you’re able to put these videos together, I’m floored to me. When I see the way that you put these together, it had to take hours, months, even a year for some of these, and I’m just amazed. And so that’s why I kept showing your videos. I felt people needed to know about January 6, because you did such a phenomenal job on your videos.

And I really just wanted to touch on that. And then we’ll get with Eric Clark, who’s actually facing a trial for participating, supposedly, in J six and trying to defend our country, and yet they’re going to use him. And it’s a sad story there. But anyway, just wanted to make sure we jump into that. But first of all, I wanted to ask Rafa, how in the world did you get into video editing in the first place? Number two, get into this J six, and wanting to put all the hours of effort into putting together.

Well, I moved out to Los Angeles, Hollywood, California, about 17 and a half years ago. I got my degree in acting and directing, and everybody knows that you have to have an actor’s reel. And I moved here with not very much money, and so I had to learn how to edit. How to edit my own acting reel, which I did, and it just grew from there as far as January 6 go.

I started wooz news about four years ago in response to, well, I had been breaking down false flag events for myself for several years and was too scared to take to a platform. And then once I started thinking about doing a platform, I wanted a specific person in mind to be the host of that show. And it didn’t work out. And years later, Covid starting. And I just had this overwhelming sense of this urgency to do something and speak my piece and say something before it was too late, because Hollywood was closed down and we had tanks and military in the streets.

And I was like, it’s now or never. So I started wiz news. And when January 6, a few weeks before January 6 occurred, having been through several false flags, there were certain clues that were unearthed to me, certain things that stood out to me. And I just kept saying in my head, something’s going to happen on this day. And I was in the keys with my family for the holiday.

And they think I’m crazy conspiracy theorist. And I lost a lot of credibility years prior because of my fear for this brown dwarf star named Planet X. And I used to be one of those kind of doom drip kind of guys, like, just listening to Alex Jones and basically all the fear mongering, fear programs related to conspiracies, government operations, false flags with no solution at all in place.

So my family thought it was a little out there. And I told them, I said, something’s going to happen. Something’s going to go down. I’m getting such a strong feeling, such a strong sense. And that day I left, I was on a plane to come back home. And when I went, touched down in my connecting flight, my phone was just buzzing from my family, like, you were right.

Tell us more. And I’m like, well, I don’t actually know the details. So I went inside the airport, and of course on the news they’re playing that a teenage girl was shot. And of course, I’m like. And just raced to get home so I could look at the footage. And of course, the moment I sat down, it looked just like the Boston bombing to me. Of course, that was what was being passed around was Taylor Hansen’s footage on Twitter.

4 million views by the time I sat down to watch the shooting of Ashley Babbitt and basically was waiting for someone to pick this apart, because normally with these false flags, there’s somebody there ready to go. But all I heard was crickets. And I waited, and I couldn’t believe it. I was so confused now. I’m not confused now. I perfectly understood and understand why none of these alternative truth platforms came to rip that false flag apart.

Not a single one. And still to this date, not a single one has. So act one came out and was banned in its third day on YouTube, and it went viral the moment I sent it out to the universe. And I had 700 subscribers for a long time, and overnight, it went up to 15. And this is on YouTube. This is the one that they actually took off.

It seems like it’s not on. We were talking earlier. It’s not a rumble anymore, but it’s on, bitch. Yeah, rumble. Banned it twice, and YouTube banned it once. I wasn’t about to put it up on there. Right. Come to realize, I didn’t realize this until today. That rumble has banned a couple of my other videos. I’m going to have to, I don’t know, maybe get a public statement about why that is.

Because they’ve released no information. They simply took the videos down where they stood and they stood there for days. Yeah. Interesting, because that was where I actually found you. When I saw act one, somebody actually shared it with me, said, you’ve got to check this out. When it first came out. And I just remember clicking, thinking it’s just another video to watch. The way that you’re able to pull people in from the very get go, the choice of music, the way that you switch the camera angles, the way that you’re able to zoom in on something, highlight it real quick, and then you add in your humor behind it.

To me, when I look at your production value, I’m thinking, this had to take. Am I right in saying it had to take hours and hours and not months, day in and day out, trying to put something like this together. Am I right, or are you just a natural and you can just do it overnight? No, it comes naturally to me. No, act two took two and a half years.

Let’s show a clip from act two right now just to help our viewers out in case they haven’t seen it yet. So let’s begin our journey by setting up the stage on December 21, 2020. Aria Kovler, a political consultant with a background in government relations, tweets. On January 6, armed trumpist militias will be rallying in DC at Trump’s borders. It’s highly likely that they’ll try to store the Capitol after it certifies Joe Biden’s wit.

I don’t think that this is sunken yet. Which brings us to a town hall meeting held two days prior to the riots on January 4, with Mayor Muriel Bowser. Whoops. And Chief Conti, who, side note, replaced chief Peter Newsham just two days earlier. You know, the same chief Newsham whose first assignment back in 2016 was to investigate Edgar Madison Welch for firing shots at James Alphonse’s comet ping pong pizzeria.

Act one didn’t take so long because, one, the video is only 21 minutes long. Two, the sequence is only six minutes. When you stretch out the sequence, it’s just the shooting of Ashley Babbitt that took place in the vestibule of the speaker’s lobby. Act two, we’re all over the place. But if, you know, I started my, I guess, detective work, crime scene work, when I was a teenager and just felt so strongly that Kurt Cobain was murdered, and there’s just so much evidence to suggest that he was murdered.

There’s actually no evidence to support the claim that Kurt Cobain killed. Uh, which is interesting, because that ties in nicely with the investigation that I’m working on in the background, which I started before Woo’s news, and that was the murder of the Crowley family. And we can talk about that later. But as far know, you want to talk to them like they’re children. You want to break the scene down as if they’re children and go into it slowly.

We’re going to come right back to that room in act three with all sorts of new footage and information. But generally, I can get a sense of what the scene will look like. And I don’t just mean, like, which camera angle down to what song is playing or which kind of effect, because I have a million effects, or I’ll have to build it. But if I see it in my head and I don’t have it, I’ll have to build it.

Most of the time, I have to build it myself because it’s very hard for me to deviate or delineate from what I see in here, if that makes any sense. Yeah. So when I look at this one right here that I keep showing the audience, we’ve shown it so many times, different clips. I’m just looking at the thumbnail alone. Did you do this, or do you have a team? No, I wish.

Dear God, I wish I made the thumbnail. Yeah. You didn’t use AI? No. In fact, you can go and look at the director’s cut. The director’s cut of act two, which is 2 hours long. It’s the same idea. It just doesn’t have Jacob Chancellor in it. Which, by the way, is two pictures of Jacob Chancellor as one. Okay. All right. So it was supposed to look a little bit more provocative.

I was going to extend the picture down and make it seem like chancellor didn’t have any pants on. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha. So again, what? This is about kids? Yeah. And so again, the reason I really hone in on the amount of time that it took you to make this film, I want to make sure that we show this. This gives. All this stuff is going to be in the description box below, folks.

When you see a lot of work and you appreciate the work that’s going on with Rafa and what he’s trying to do to expose all these folks, the amount of time, day in and day out that it takes. I get it. When we first started Ambino, I was up six in the morning till 10:00 at night. Eleven, running another business. And then you wake up three or 4 hours later, and all you’re thinking about is, I’ve got to get that next thing put together, especially with me, when doing the big introductions.

I mean, those take three, 4 hours sometimes just to find it, plan it, make sure it’s done right, and then get it up that next day for you to put that production together and all the efforts. I want to make sure that folks know you can support Rafa and his work so he can continue to do these investigations, especially living in Los Angeles, that must be crazy cost of living there.

But remember, you can support him. And it’s great for us to have a part of all this, be a part of Rafa’s work and enjoy it. And every time he puts something out, realize, you know what? I’ve helped him develop these productions in my support for him and folks, he needs it. And I just want to make sure we hone in on that. And I really appreciate all your efforts, and I want to make sure that everyone knows to pray for you and also support you monetarily.

Yes, I’ll definitely take your prayers and your donations. I don’t know if I would have done all of this, all these years if I knew it was going to take three and a half years in the end, right now it’s three years. It’ll be over three and a half years by the time act three comes out. And I lived off my savings for about four months. I’m thinking, like, this is going to get me through this.

And I was so wrong. Yeah, it’s important. My catch on all of this is if you’re spending all these hours working to produce something for the public, then, in my opinion, folks need to step in, especially if they love your work and just send some support, folks. And I think it’s real important, especially for our community. So I appreciate you. I love the work that you do. I look forward to every video that you put out.

And I just know the production I’ve only started out of, I guess, desperation put out a platform because I didn’t put anything out for act one. I didn’t make one red penny from act one. I was terrified that somebody would somehow find me and kill me. And I’ve since let go of that fear. And I’m like, we’re going to put this out because this is my full time job, is sitting in this chair finishing act three.

And then I have another investigation to do. There won’t be a break. I’m going to be jumping right into that because I’m trying to get this case. Yeah, that will require some money. As know, I want to buy a billboard in Apple Valley, Minnesota. And I’m trying to stir the pot with this particular investigation because it’s a little different. Trying to get a case reopened is a little different than collecting footage for years and making a coherent story out of it.

Right? I mean, two and a half years to put this video together. An hour and 18 minutes. Well, there’s the director’s cut. Oh, the director’s cut. We’ll have to go check that out. I haven’t seen that one. Oh, God, no. Oh, man. Well, you’re prepared to have your mind blown even more. I hear people prefer the director’s cut. I think, if you’re in it, sure. But I think for your average person that’s just starting to learn this information, I think this version is the way to go.

That’s the director’s cut right there. As if you could go down 1 bar right there. Yep, that’s it. So this is director’s cut. Okay. Yeah, the director’s cut. Oh, wow. Yeah. Amazing. Well, since we have Eric Clark here, he was actually there at j six. I wanted to just ask you how you got involved in all of this, Eric, how you’re connected to Rafa and more and what’s going on with you personally.

Absolutely. So I’m on trial this week for my role in January 6, if you will. I felt like called to DC by God, I love President Trump. Great president. I had a lot of reasons to support him, but I’m just not a political activist. Right. That’s not me. I’m typically a pretty private person. But I had been sober for about three years, and my path to sobriety was in a huge role due to God.

Right? And through that process, I sort of learned how he communicates with me personally. And he kind of just writes it on your heart. And, you know. And so I saw a post that said, descend on DC. And God wrote, in that moment, he wrote it on my heart that I had to be there. I watched Trump’s entire speech. I walked down to the Capitol building afterwards, like he asked us to.

And God had wrote it on my heart again to kind of stay towards the front. And as a result of just hearing God and doing what he says, I actually witnessed a lot of what Rafa points to in act two, especially. So when I saw his work, when I saw his work, I was like, oh, my goodness, somebody is seeing what really happened. Somebody is seeing what I witnessed with my own two eyeballs, because I couldn’t get nobody to listen, right? Even my family probably thought I was crazy when I just went through my own eyewitness testimony.

So I hit him up in his comments section. I believe on bitchute, and he returned an email address. I emailed him. We exchanged phone numbers, and we’ve been talking every couple of months since. I’ve gathered up probably about close to 4000 videos, like publicly sourced January 6 related videos, be it CCTV, body worn camera, or public footage. I’ve been gone through a lot of it. So I felt like maybe there were some things that I could help Rapa with in act three in regards to my own story and just other things that I had seen trying to prepare a case, right? Because I’m charged with four misdemeanors.

And I know that doesn’t seem like much, but it’s a year in prison, and I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t assault any officers. I didn’t vandalize anything. I was pretty much pushed in through open doors, even tried to immediately leave, but realized the police was high fiving people and it was fine to be there, according to them. And they were even waving people deeper into the building.

So here I sat, three years later, finally on trial, right? Because your right to a speedy trial within 70 days of indictment is nonexistent in this country. Your right to represent yourself, trust me, is pretty much nonexistent. They throw every roadblock and try to manipulate and control your case in every way they can, especially when it’s such a high profile case. Right? They don’t want any acquittals where January 6 is involved, because the more of them that there are, the more that it shows that their narrative is false.

Right. If somebody’s acquitted because they were, in fact, peaceful and led into the building, that says that people there were peaceful and led into the building. Yeah. So I’m curious, Eric, how in the world did they reach out to you? You went out to the j six event. You’re trying to support our country. You’re actually exercising your rights there. You go home, and somebody just knocks on your door, like, what happened to you? About 07:30 a.

m. . A battering ramp came through my front door, even though it was unlocked, because it was May of 2021. Right? The first week of May. And I knew they were coming eventually because I’ve seen other people were arrested. I knew I was in the building. I knew I’d been all over social media telling people that the media is lying to you. This was just a big play act or government put on.

It’s called political theater. They’ve been doing it for a long time. If you’ve been paying attention, you should know this. And this was just more political theater. And so I figured they were coming through my door. Eventually, I left it unlocked. They introduced themselves, about 30 of them deep, with the battering ram and rifles drawn. My one year old granddaughter daughter’s introduction to the FBI was him pointing a rifle at her.

Oh, my goodness. And I’ll just be honest, I didn’t know if I was going to say this, but I’m going to say it. When I first saw the j six stuff play out, and I told you guys before we hit record, I just had a theory that maybe all of this was make believe. They’re just trying to scare Americans. They’re not really going to arrest anybody. They’re just putting on a show.

And the politicians are going to that local jail in DC, and they’re pretending that folks are in there. So it’s good to meet you, Eric. And I’m starting to communicate with some others that are actually involved in going to trial, and their lives could be completely changed. And I just needed to know that that’s actually happening to hear it. And it’s not just that they’re reaching out, because my assumption is they sent you a letter and you have to show up to court.

I didn’t know that. They knocked into your house, and then you have your grandchild there with a rifle. Correct? My son, his wife, and my granddaughter were staying with me. They only held me for about 4 hours in a rural county jail. They took me outside the city of Louisville, where I live, to hold them county to a rural county. I guess that’s where the special agent offices was at for the FBI.

They arrested me, and the people in the jail were extremely friendly to me. They gave me a phone call every 15 minutes, and as soon as I got a ride home, they let me leave. Within 30 minutes of being in there, they had me before a local federal judge. That gave me some pretty standard conditions of release. I don’t feel like it was right over four misdemeanors to restrict my right to bear arms for three years.

Granted, had it just been a normal court case, and I’m going to trial within 70 days, I fully understand if someone’s charged with a crime, that sort of. You might be careful in the consideration of public interest. It might be a good idea for someone to not be in possession of a firearm until they go to court, but that’s for a 70 day right. You have a constitutional right to speedy trial within 70 days, not for an extended three year period.

Over four misdemeanors, no violent action. Right. It seems ridiculous, and there are quite a few of us caught up in this dragnet. I think that there are a lot of what people call crisis actors, confidential human sources. And it’s just my life experience. I spent 25 years as an addict. Like I said earlier, six years sober now. And my experience with law enforcement and in addiction is that most crisis actors, confidential human sources, whatever you want to call them, their payment is leniency for a past crime.

And you’re typically arrested by the end of your role, the role that you play for law enforcement. You’re typically arrested, and you serve time. It’s just a lesser sentence than what you would have got for the charge that you were initially picked up. So. So your connection with Rafa, then Rafa gets involved, provides a lot of footage for you so that when you go to trial, you can use some of that.

Is that what gathering? Well, no, I actually had gathered every minute of footage that I can gather online. And in that process, I came across Rafa’s video, and I wanted to help him more. I wanted him to have more of the footage I have and to see some of the similar type things he was showing that I had experienced myself and witnessed in the footage. But that’s not to say, like, I’ve entered every video I have.

I built a Dropbox with it all, and I entered every bit of it as exhibits in my court case. And his footage is in it. It got okay. And so, Rafa, then, that drives you then day in and day out and putting these productions together. Am I right on that? It was one thing. Truth is a great impetus to get me to do a lot of things, and so is love.

And when act two came out, and that’s when I started to develop relationship with Eric, when I posted act one, that’s when I was contacted by Alan Hossetter. I’ve been contacted by several J Sixers. And of course, I’m looking through the Footage and I’m like, no, this is a crisis actor. And there haven’t been many. In fact, Alan and Eric and maybe a few others turned out to be legit, what I call genuine Trump supporters or people who were there to see Trump.

And I’ve said it, many, any. I don’t support a single politician out there, right? I support the people. So I think that the people are the change. But sure, when Eric contacted me, I’m like, who is it? Oh, gosh, another one. But I can learn how to read body language. I can learn how to read just, I did a phone interview with him, and I’m waiting for something to, I pressed him.

I press everyone that’s trying to get in touch with me, and I go based off of my gut instinct. And of course, the footage I’m seeing, and I haven’t been wrong yet, and I’m happy to be wrong, trust me. It just means we’re moving closer to the truth. That’s right. Because this isn’t about being right or wrong. It’s about showing people that you’re being lied to by so many people.

And about the dumbest, too. It’s all meant to control you, program you, to get in your feelings and to react. So when folks hear the word just for those that might be listening in, I can hear some of my family members, hey, what’s a crisis actor? Can you explain that? Yeah, I mean, if people are familiar with Boston bombing, that’s a great way to analyze a classic crisis actor.

Just pick any of the shootings that we’ve seen and listen to the people speaking in the aftermath of a shooting of these false flags. It’s a crisis actor. If you’ve been in the community for a while, you would know some of the favorites, like David Hogg, like Gene Rosen, like Robbie Parker. These are some of your classic crisis actors. And now we have the graduating class, or a new class because we have the January 6.

But we know that the gentleman standing next to Ashley Babbitt when she shot is calling her a crisis actress. So don’t take it from me. Take it from the guy standing next to Ashley when she shot. His name is Taylor Toronto. He was placed in solitary confinement a week after he made this. I don’t know. Is it an accusation? Is it an opinion? What do you call it? It’s somebody’s truthful testimony of an event that they witnessed.

So do we call them a witness? At what point? You know what I mean, right? Yeah. So that then leads me to then wonder again, just backtracking a little bit. Did you go to film school to learn how to do all the stuff you’re doing? Not film school, but I went to school for acting and directing, but it wasn’t the predominant film school. I taught myself how to write a script.

I taught myself how to edit. I taught myself how to do Photoshop. That’s the best when you learn on your own. The reason I’m asking is you had this dream of doing something someday with all of that and you just stumbled across this crisis actor stuff and started putting those productions together. What drove you? What made you say, wait a minute, I’m going to use my gifts here to let everybody know.

I’ve always been involved secretly with detective work. I have a limited series that is a detective series. It’s a true story, it’s a biopic. But I’ve created different productions that I have yet to sell. Like I said, I put everything in my life on hold to do wooze news. So I already have like a detective background. I don’t have a degree in it, but the interest was there and my ability to kind of see things for what they are.

And I love research. I was researching again last night on David Crowley investigation and oh my gosh, I found some footage I was looking for for the last five years and I found it two nights ago. Or was it yesterday? I was so happy. But I came here to be an actor and to make movies, and that’s what I was doing. And then I started to drift into, then I was in a band, and then I have a background in painting and making sculptures, interior design.

So I’m very art savvy and that’s what I did for a couple of years. And then I adopted my nephew for a couple of years and so was a dad for a couple of years. And along the way, when I moved here, you need to learn how to take photos. You need to learn how to Photoshop. Because I’m taking my own headshots, I’m touching up my own pictures, and you need to build a website, and you need to have an actor’s reel.

So all these things of production, and I’ve worked as a production assistant. Who hasn’t in this town? All these elements. I’ve written scripts, I’ve made my own tv show through crowdfunding. So I’ve worn all the hats. And when it came time to do wooz news, it was just a contribution I wanted to inject into the world because I really feared something was going to happen to all of us and I wouldn’t get that chance.

I kept thinking, like, this sense of regret being on a train, like I was headed to Auschwitz. That’s the kind of train, the box car train I’m thinking about, because that’s what we grew up with in school, heading to a concentration camp. And it’s cold. And I’m just plagued with this sense of regret that I didn’t do something when I could have. And I had kindly been kind of been living my life as a.

How do I want to say this? Not as an NPC, but I was letting life happen to me rather than happening to life. And so now that I started Woo’s news, that was one thing. But then when I said, you know, let’s. Let’s put it all together. Let’s make our first video where we actually break down a false. That’s. That was act one. And once it started, it started.

So that’s why with the David Crowley investigation, it was always going to be just making a documentary about David Crowley and the murder of his family, try to absolve David, because David was. The mainstream media was, and still is, promoting the idea that David killed his five year old daughter and his wife and then turned the gun on himself. And having studied the crime scene for five years, it’s totally bogus.

But rather than just creating a documentary about David Crowley and the evidence to support this idea, I really wanted to kick it up a notch and see what, if I can get this case reopened and then make the documentary about David Crowley. So I still have plenty of time, but until I need to make a decision. And so right now, I’m just calling know attorneys, lawyers, remote viewers, psychics, wise criminologists, people, medical examiners, you name it, anybody that can get me closer to opening this case up and get me closer to justice and get justice for this family.

But I have a passion for detective work and making movies and I have a passion for a lot of things. And it just happens to be that wooz news is detective work and it’s acting because I get to use my voice and I get to edit. And I don’t have a manager or a boss or anything. Whatever song I want. Where did you come up with? I’ve always been curious.

The dog and the name Wooze. I’ll show you. All right, here we go. Well, long time ago when I got wooze. This is wooze. He’s italian greyhound. Jack Russell Terrier. And when I rescued him from the pound or whatever, there was this running joke at the restaurant I was working at. And it’s kind of a long story, but the woman wanted happy hour in the dining area. But you could only have happy hour if you sat at the bar.

And so the waiter, Chris, told the lady that she happened to be asian, and she’s like, okay, I understand. Wooza. Wooze. And so that just became a running joke at this job that I had. But when they picked wooze up at the pound and he made this face that he’s making right now, I’m like, oh, it’s like he’s woozy. Oh, it’s like, woozo. Wooze. Oh, it’s wooze. That’s cool.

I’d wanted to do wooze news for years, but with a human, and I was going to be the guy behind the camera. And back then it was called Tilly 2. 0. But then after years, it never went anywhere. Yeah, that’s so catchy. We’ll make wooze the host and we’ll call it, oh, my God. Wooze news. It’s perfect. You get your news from dogs anyway, people. Yeah, I was just sharing the other day, somebody, I forgot her name and it escapes me.

It’s sad. But she was one of those mainstream media. She works at the Washington compost and she filmed, I don’t know if you saw, it was a little clip where she says, all of these folks are losing their jobs at the LA Times and Washington Post. And she just went down this list. And I’m just excited as she continues the list. And I’m like, yeah, folks aren’t watching you anymore.

Your numbers are dropping. Magazines are going, why? And she’s wondering why? Because they’re watching you. They’re watching channels that are trying the best they can to put out information that nobody’s going to hear from these guys, the Washington compost and more. And so, anyway, that was exciting for me just to see some positive news on that end that folks are tuning in and they’re paying attention. And again, it’s just a reminder of why I feel like it’s important to get your support through Givesendgo.

com and hopefully in the future, even more so you can grow. And I’d love to see you have just a full onslaught of videos constantly reminding everyone out there what’s going on and how they’re lying to us. Absolutely. And I applaud you for sharing act one and act two. There’s not quite channels of your caliber that are willing to put act two or even act one on the line.

And I think this is what I’m now seeing within this community of truth, or people wanting and desiring the truth. They’re shaking their heads and wondering, why are these alternative news channels not promoting or not even talking about it? And we know several of these platforms have received act one and act two, and they still won’t touch it. I’m getting messages every day now. People are just confused.

And I’m like, well, now you’re starting to see who’s a part of this and who’s not, who’s working for team light and who’s working for team dark. Got you. I already had a feeling how that worked before I released act two. To be honest with you, I was shocked when I saw your videos come out and you only had, like, I think, 700, 800 subscribers at the time when we were trying to highlight almost every video.

I’m like, guys, j six got to show you this wooz news. You got to go watch it. And nobody’s putting together something like this. And I know it sounds like I’m harping on it pretty strong, but, yeah, sitting behind your desk for hours, I would explain it. You’re cramping up. You’re not getting exercise. Your stress levels are going through the roof. A lot of folks don’t see all of that.

They just watch the video and go, okay, I’m entertained. And that was great. Yeah. When’s that three coming out? Yeah. For me, that’s what I want folks to understand is the production value that you put into that, to me, is better. It was actually better than going to a theater, sitting down, getting your popcorn, and spending $50 to $75 to go in there and pay these folks to produce these movies that are boring.

A lot of times in the past two years, I’ll let you know. Just for me personally, I’ve walked into theaters, sat down with my wife, and I look at her, ten minutes, 15 minutes in, I’m like, why are we here? This is terrible. And then we sit there through the entire movie feeling like idiots. And then we walk out going, we just wasted 2 hours of our life.

And yet I can come back and watch woo’s news. I can watch your productions and go, I’m going to watch that again. I’m going to go back and I’m going to get respun up again on what’s going on. Because the thing is, again, it’s not just that you’re putting out great content, it’s that the way you actually have your voice in, you zoom in, then you show the capital and you have all these zooms and left and right with all the graphics.

And then, well, let’s go look at so and so now. And you zoom back into where they’re at. Well, let’s see who’s going to hit who while they’re standing around and they’re doing nothing. They’re waiting for their queue. And here’s the queue. And then the way you do that, I’m thinking, how in the world did he script this? How did he gather all this information, sit down on his keyboard and say, I’m going to make this production where it’s not just half done.

You baked a full load. You gave us the steak, the potatoes, the broccoli, then you gave the dessert. You gave us. Everything is packed into these videos. And that’s why I get super excited showing them. And I just want folks to know, look, with this work that you’re doing, I really feel like you need to be elevated a lot higher and your views need to go up and folks need to know who you are because I think every production you do is going to have such value because you’re not just whipping it together, you’re doing your research.

You’re deep into what’s going on and you have folks like Eric Clark with us. So you’re showing us the folks that you’re talking to and what they’re going through. And it’s real life situations. I mean, Eric’s life is on the. Yep, his grandbabies, I would say plural. I’m assuming you have more than one, are going to miss you if you go away for what taking care of your was even I was told when I went pro se by the judge right at the Faretta hearing, he says, I just want to remind you, Mr.

Clark, that if you choose to go pro se when you’re sentenced, I can choose to run your time consecutively instead of concurrently. Because in the federal system, they can do that. Unlike some states, like the state of Kentucky, they can’t do that. It’s all concurrent. And what I mean by that is I have four misdemeanor charges. Two of them each carry a year, two of them each carry six months.

What he can do is stack the sentences to where I serve three years instead of just serving one and covering all of them. So I’m looking at up to three years in prison. And for somebody that’s been sober for six years prior to that, with 25 years of meth addiction, you could imagine I had quite a few arrests, none violent, none felonies. Right, right. But I had quite a few arrests.

And so that’s going to determine the sentencing. The points, it’s not going to determine the sentencing because I’m going to go in here and I’m going to tell the truth the way I saw it, because God put me there for a reason. I don’t think he’s going to let me down now. I’ve made him my counselor, I’ve made him my attorney. And I go in there and I’m just going to speak what he tells me to speak, what I know about the truth.

And what I witnessed were smoke grenades that were passed off as gas. What I witnessed was people that were, I was dambled and distressed by a girl that turned out to have an onion and a towel. I witnessed people in the building trying to put words in my mouth, insisting that I had just said that a girl got shot ten minutes after a girl did get shot in a whole different part of the building.

And it’s not what I said at all. Right? And what I’ve seen, looking back to the footage, I mean, it just more and more confirms what I saw in act two. And it’s why I reached out to Rapa, and it’s why there have been a great number of us that have. And I’d imagine he’s had to deal with, as I have to become part of a community, a lot of the background noise, we’ll just say, right, the distractions from, and he’s really good at pointing them out, saying, eric, be careful of this person.

Be careful of that person. This is why. This is what I’ve seen that you haven’t. Same and vice versa. Because like I said, I’ve watched probably over 1000 hours of footage from the day I have a Dropbox I’ll give out publicly that I’ve used as my exhibits in court with more than 2500 January 6 videos and just the exhibits that I gave to the court. So, Eric, if you don’t mind, can I ask you, it seems like you’re talking about how the Lord’s involved in your life and more.

Am I assuming that your drug addiction was taken away because of your faith or what happened with that? Can I ask you real quick? Absolutely. So, yes, my drug addiction was taken away because of. I found faith because I reached out to the hand of a God that was always there, begging me to reach out for it. And I’m very grateful for that. Along the path of making amends for my past life, I had an aunt I’d owed a bunch of money to, and she invited me to come to church with her.

She said, eric, you write off the five grand that you owe me from your time and that madness that you lived in for so long from that life of sin, and you start coming to church with me, and that’s your payment. So that’s what I did. And I’m sitting in the pew one day, and this is relevant because it’s how I know how God communicates with me. I’m sitting in that pew one day, and in my 25 years of addiction, I destroyed.

Destroyed my relationship with my father, right, with my stepdad, who’s raised me as his own since I was three. Destroyed that relationship. Figured that that was done, right. I’ll never have the bond my brothers have with this man or my sisters. And I craved that, right, because my dad’s a very good man. And I’m sitting in that church pew, and the preacher does a Bible study on the parable of the prodigal son, and God wrote it on my heart at the end of that parable, I’m going to do this for you, too.

And I knew he was telling the truth, and I just started bawling. And within two weeks, my dad’s calling me, inviting me for coffee. And within a few months, that bond is fully rebuilt. And I have a close relationship with a man who. I made the root of all my problems when I was the root of my problems. And I was very grateful for that. And I learned from it as well, that when God writes something on your heart, he tells you he’s going to do something, he does it.

He doesn’t leave you waiting or wondering. He does it. And I’m fully convinced I’m going to go in here and I’m going to win this trial because I have the truth on my side. Amen. I appreciate that, Eric, for sharing that. That was heavy. That was beautiful, Eric. God bless you. If you haven’t noticed, Eric’s a hero of mine. Yeah. As is. Know, this. This particular event, while it’s.

It’s. And it’s just a room full of k fabing going on. This is one of those false flags. Know there were no buildings that came down, there weren’t any people trapped or any children that died. This is an event that really doesn’t pull at your heartstrings like some of the other false flags out there that they have put us through. And so that’s why to me, this one is so important, because if you could get the viewer to relax and take a moment to look at the evidence that I’m supplying through over the course of 2 hours, or depending on which version, which rabbit hole you go down, then we can really start to get out of this mess.

Once people realize they’re being lied to by the people that said they would never lie to, right? Yeah. So take this opportunity now to be proactive like Eric is. Like I am, like so many other people that, again, that you’ll never hear about because you weren’t told to hear about them. You weren’t told to care about them. So again, guys, just want to remind you, you can go to forward slash Wooznews.

For those that are listening in. You can go in the description box below, have all their links, Rumble X, Instagram, bitchute, which actually has all of your, you know, remember, you can actually support the efforts of Rafa and others that are involved in all of this. And I just feel heavily that this was put together at a perfect time and we have a strange year ahead of us.

I feel like they’re going to throw a lot more of these at us and we’re going to have to stay on top of these. And definitely Rafa need your help for all that. And so again, just want to encourage everybody to support Rafa. Pray for Rafa and also lift up all of the things that you’re doing. I want to pray for you before we go. Yes, please. Yeah.

Heavenly father, thank you so much for Eric Clark, for Rafa Woo’s news. We lift up the gifts that you’ve given them that they would be continued use in this truth movement. We ask that they would be blessed beyond the means that they’ve ever seen. We hear in your scriptures that you’ll fill up just like a cup, pressed down, shaken together and rolling over. And that’s what we are hoping for.

So that these productions of truth and information that comes out to us, especially in such an entertaining way, would continue to be used in our daily lives. Lift up Eric to you. As he continues with these trials, these things that he’s going to face that you would just put before him. Mighty angels and show him through your Holy Spirit how you’ve continued to guide him and direct him, just like you did with Paul and all of his trials.

May he have just this overwhelming sense of guidance and direction, love and grace in his life. May he continue to touch others, especially with his testimony. We ask for continued protection over all of us and our families and more. We ask all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen and amen. Amen. Thank you guys once again for joining in. Looking forward to your next update and definitely want to talk to you a lot.

Please. Yes, please have us back on Lt. Yeah, thank you Eric for tuning in. Appreciate your testimony. Thank you for having me. Lt. Longtime fan all right, thank you folks. I invite you to join me and the and we know family on a cruise to a majestic place called Alaska, August 11 through 18th, 2024. We will chart our adventure aboard the luxurious Holland America’s Westernham, cruising us to historic alaskan ports like Juneau and Ketchcom, destinations renowned for their scenery, teeming with forest and wildlife, the freshest caught salmon and other delicious cuisine, and known for the locals friendly charm.

The Isaacs are coming too, and we can’t wait to sing worship and patriotic songs by this renowned southern gospel group. We’ll also enjoy powerful biblical messages and share life stories with my family and me. Listen in on a live podcast recording, and have question and answer time and interviews with special guests. So visit inspirationtravel. com lta today. It’s in the description box below this video. That’s inspirationtravel. com lta.

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Get on Bo. .

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Capitol building incident charges against Eric choosing music for videos creating special effects crisis medical kit Eric's call to attend Washington DC event Eric's government trouble January 6 event review need for team in video production scene planning for videos support for video creators Trump speech impact uncovering truth about January 6 video making process

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