Is Q Real? – February 2, 2021 Update

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Daily Update #42 – Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Great day Patriot,

And Happy Groundhog Day.

We’re going on about 330 days on this 15 days to slow the spread.

But hopefully if you’re reading these words, you aren’t succumbing to these orders and the lockdowns.

Patriots realized this was a plannedemic a long time ago.

The way to end the orders and lockdowns is with nonviolent civil disobedience.

When we don’t wear masks and we have valid reasons, we win.

You probably already know that, but I wanted to share it again since today is Groundhog’s Day and that meme was quite relevant.

Now onto what people really want to know…

Is Q real?

I will share my perspective in today’s main topic…


“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

Is Q Real?

By Jared James

Ever since Biden was inaugurated on January 20, the division with the Patriots has seemed to increase as well.

One side says,

“Q isn’t real! You were waiting for a plan that never happened. Now we’re all screwed!”

The other side says,

“This IS part of the plan! Trump isn’t finished yet!” 

And various other opinions in between those two.

So here’s my take on it.

First, I’m kind of late to the party.

I did not start paying attention to Q posts until around March 2020, when the shutdowns started.

I began reading the Q posts.

Then I found some people on Twitter talking about it, so I listened to what they were saying.

As I began to see more and more information, I continued to research further. I watched several videos and read dozens of different articles.

I then began seeing some really interesting “Q proofs”.

Without going into all the details, there are quite a few.

You can research them if you want.

But the point is, after months of research and critical thinking, my conclusion is…

I believe Q IS real! However, I act like it isn’t.

Here’s what I mean…

Let’s say Q is real and Trump and the military are in the middle of a mission to defeat the Deep State and return power to the people.

If that were true, just think about this one question…

“Would President Trump and Q want you to just sit back and do nothing to save this country?”

Let’s play a game.

Imagine you are in a room with Donald J. Trump.

In your mind, ask him this question first…

“Mr. President is there an active operation happening right now to defeat the Deep State?”

Pay attention to the answer you get.

Notice what sensation you become aware of an answer you get.

Now here is the more important question.

Ask Trump, “Do you want me to sit and home and do nothing to help save our country?”

Even as I type it, the answer is very clear to me.

I can’t imagine why President Trump or any Patriot would say things like, “stay home” or “do nothing”.

In my opinion, a Patriot who tells you not to do anything and just back and wait does not understand the definition of the word Patriot. 

We got into this mess by doing nothing.

So, the solution is we restore Liberty in this country by doing it locally, county by county.

We do it with We The People.

I believe We The People ARE part of “The Plan”.

To me, “Trust The Plan” doesn’t mean sit back and do nothing.

It means “We ARE The Plan”!

Yes, Trump might be doing some incredible things with the military to defeat the Deep State around the world behind the scenes.

That may be true.

But that does not mean it’s alright for us Patriots to just sit back and watch them fight.

America needs our help!!

If we are going to take this country back from the corrupt people that have taken it over, it is up to We The People!

And THAT is why exists.

It is a platform we are building to help unite Patriots locally, so they can take action in their local areas and also work with their county sheriff to help ensure their rights are protected.

We will also be showing you more about how local government works and bring in experts to explain a variety of beneficial info for Patriots.

If Q was a PsyOp, then it added tremendous value to humanity by uniting millions of Patriots and helping them think more critically, do their own research and begin thinking for themselves.

We The People have grown up enough to learn how to walk on our own.

It is time for We The People to let our local governments know that WE have the power.

It is time to take action, Patriot.

We are working on many things behind the scenes for you and we will have some great updates very soon.

For now, please make sure you’re a member of MyPatriotsNetwork here.

Connect and share with other Patriots in there.

And please share this message with others. 

It is up to each and every one of us to make a difference in our communities.

Thank you for being part of this mission with us.

God Bless

P.S. Be sure to follow our Telegram channel here! 

P.P.S. Make sure you watch Jimmie’s new video update about MPN here! 

In Other News

Arizona Senate Needs to Perform a Comprehensive Review of 2020 Election Ballots of Maricopa County — Here’s a List of State Senators to Contact!

Todays Tip

Tip of the day: Use pen and paper and write a list of things you could do in your local area. You don’t have to do anything on this list right now. This is just for you to begin thinking about ways you would want to change your local area.

You may find that just writing down ideas and solutions may inspire further ideas or actions.

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is q real qanon what is q

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