MK-ULTRA Survivor Speaks Out About DID, PTSD, Military Experiments & More!

Posted in: Patriots



Ally Carter, survivor of MK-ULTRA and child sex trafficking has just put out a new video about the life of a survivor, as well as military programming and how child sex trafficking links to MK-ULTRA, DID (dissociative identity disorder) and much more. 


This video is a foundation for everyone to wrap their head around the MK ULTRA problem and how it affects each one of us. 


Not just Ally. 


According to Ally and Shelly,


“There are hours and hours of footage sitting, still needing to be edited for future segments. Covering everything from meeting the kids, the black illuminati bloodlines, the military involvement with faking deaths, and doing MK Ultra programming, Luciferan Brotherhood authority, to how a poor black kid in the care of CPS ended up on the stealth bomber, being trafficked off of military bases to elite locations out of the country. 


It’s hard to compress so much evil in such a way that it can be easily presented, and then to locate the mountain of documents and evidence to match the topic. Ally use to have to edit her own child porn videos under duress. So, Ally editing this segment was triggering and messed with her programming.”


This video is a must watch for any survivor or advocate for survivors…as well as everyone else! 


When people realize the horrors that go on BEFORE child sex trafficking starts, they wouldn’t continue to support the “artists”, athletes, “influencers” and “talking heads” that they do.


Then, things will continue to change for the better.  


Thank You For Watching, Learning The TRUTH & Sharing This Content To Help Others See What Is REALLY Happening With These Children! 



Dissociative identity disorder diagnosis human trafficking survivor DID multiple personality disorder survivor trafficking abuse survivor did trauma based DID

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