INTERVIEW: How To Create Mass Mind Control & Keep People Docile

Posted in: Patriots


Insiders Reveal How Governments & Private Groups Use Entrainment & Subliminal Programming To Control The Masses

Audio Chapters

1. Introduction – 0:00

2. Theme – 4:56 – The Global Reset Button has been pushed; my goal for tonight is to help you understand that entrainment and subliminal programming is real; it is used to influence people; we all need to be discerning …

3. Money & Markets – 7:07 – Equity markets continue to get hammered; new predictions of global recession; behind the scenes – impact on the economy of ongoing disasters — drought and floods, gulf, Fukishima and well as the ongoing use of the financial system aka “debt crisis” to centralize sovereignty out of governments; Dow closed at 10,990 and gold at 1823. (11,577 and 1405); DOW down 5% for the year and gold up 30% – beginning of the year 8.2 ounces to buy the DOW; today 6 ounces to buy the DOW. Europe decides to make matters worse – centralization; Ron Paullots of news about Rick Perry, does not look like he is running for president, rather he is running to block Paul in the media – for which the Republican party will no doubt be grateful; Solari launched our first Iphone app Silver Gold Calculator Available at iTunes! Are You Ready for “JUST DO IT” Currency? …

4. Solari Hero: Dennis Kucinich – 5:28 – Gave a great speech on Social Security – its up on the blog…don’t know how he does it, but I am glad he does

5. Ask Catherine – 11:15 – Debt crisis is a system – not a problem…it is an intentional reengineering; a political problem, not economic or financial problem. Debt crisis is not a crisis – it is an intentional reengineering. What’s needed:

  1. Transparency – black budget, suppressed technology

  2. Respect of Individual Rights – by everyone – most people I know think it is ok to make money by harming someone else – GMO farmers; use of entrainment and invasive surveillance

  3. New investment model – equity based which optimizes both place and corporations

  4. Integrate available health and energy technology

  5. Sound currency

Questions on Pension fund – Special Solari Report about litigation brought on just this issue.

6. Interview: Adam Trombly – 20:13 …

7. Up Next – 58:34 – Dr. Sam Milham …

You can see the post on Catherine Austin Fitts’ website here.

And yes, this interview was from 2011! 

10 years ago. WOW! 

Imagine how much MORE advanced their technology has become in the last 10 years.

If you think the information in this interview is mind blowing, we haven’t seen anything yet!

I am continuing to look more into this.

Are there connections between 5G, subliminal messages and entrainment?

Are our cell phones manipulating our thoughts and beliefs?

I am researching this more and will be sharing more soon!

But as one example, you can also watch this video from Cyrus Parsa who runs 

He explains how our cell phones manipulate our brains and our bodies. 

And yes there are solutions! 

Many, actually.

The MOST important thing we can do to defend against this is to simply BE AWARE OF IT!

When we are aware that they are using mind control frequencies on nearly all television shows, radio broadcasts and through our cell phones and smart devices, we begin to break out of the trance! 

But that is just the first step.

You can listen to the above media and research it for yourself to discover more.

We will also be sharing more here as we find more information about it.

Please share a comment below to let us know what you think about this! 

And please share this to help get the word out.

Thank you! 

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brain entrainment catherine austin fitts is there a connection between 5g and subliminal programming mass mind control mind control experiments subliminal programming

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