Update #876 – Tuesday April 16, 2024

Posted in: Daily Updates, News, Patriots



Stay Informed: Today’s Essential News Round-Up for Patriots



Hey there, Patriots! 🇺🇸 We’ve got a lot happening in the world today, and staying informed is more crucial than ever. Whether it’s global politics, national security, or financial markets, understanding the latest news helps us stay prepared and proactive. That’s why we’ve compiled today’s top headlines for you, delivering the insights you need right to your fingertips. Remember, knowledge is power, and in our community, we share that power with each other!



Ready to dive into the news and stay ahead of the curve? Click on the headlines below to get the full scoop on each story. We’ve curated a selection of news articles that are significant, surprising, and relevant to you, our Patriot community. Whether you’re concerned about market fluctuations, geopolitical tensions, or local issues, we’ve got you covered. So, don’t wait! Get clicking and start reading the latest news that matters most to you.



🔒Ep 3330b – [DS] Cyber Attack Narrative: 200 Million People Are Behind Trump. People Are The Cure! 🌎


🚨WARNING TO AMERICA! Iran Threatens America As Borders Remain WIDE OPEN. America The Target?🎯




📈Fani Willis Week Is RUINED as Trump SURGES in SWING STATES!!!💥


❗WHAT!? House Republicans Dropping Biden Impeachment?!🔍


🐛Boycott Tyson Foods Over Bugs In Meat.🚫


👤Small US Businesses to be Forced to Serve as NSA Spies.🔎


💥Col Douglas Macgregor Does Netanyahu plan to go Nuclear on Iran?🚨


💔Advocating for Victims of Illegal Alien Crimes with Don Rosenberg.🛡️




💰Jim Willie: Golds The Safe Haven When There’s No Escaping The Debt Default.🏦


🔍Truth vs. NEW$ Inc Part 2 (15 April 2024) with Don Grahn and Brian Davidson.🎙️




🌊Waterfall Music @ 432Hz: Relax Sleep Meditate.🎵


💔9-Year-Old Girl Taken Out In Crazy Chicago Gang War: 10 People Hit, Family Mourns, Police Stunned.🚨


🏭Is Tesla Going Out of Business?🔌


🙏Christian Men’s Conference: Fight Over Male Stripper Pole Dancing.💃


🤷‍♂️Bill Maher: Abortion Kind of IS MURDER. I’m OK with That.☠️


🚫EPA MUST BE DESTROYED. Now WEF Tool to Stop Meat/Dairy.🌾


🎧Brian Stelter Admits What His Life Has Become on Podcast No One Listens To.🔇



Thanks for tuning in to today’s headlines roundup. We hope you found the news enlightening and engaging. Remember, as Patriots, it’s our duty to stay informed and make decisions based on knowledge and wisdom. Let’s keep the conversation going. Share your thoughts on today’s news with your fellow Patriots, and let’s continue to support each other as we navigate these ever-changing times. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and, most importantly, stay united. Together, we can face whatever comes our way. See you in the next news roundup, Patriots! 🌟



God bless America!



Patriots Jimmie, Jack, and the MPN Team



Support Our Patriotic Sponsors and Discover

🪙 Why Dollars Are Turning to Precious Metals

🛡️ How to Protect Yourself Against 5G Weapons

🌿 Grow Your Own Medicine in Your Backyard

🤝 Join the Posse and Support Constitutional Sheriffs



🌟 Today’s Patriotic Quote & Tip for our MPN family 🇺🇸:



🗨️ Patriotic Quote: “In the heart of every American lies a spark of freedom, kindled by the sacrifices of our forebears and fanned into flame with each generation’s pursuit of liberty and justice. Let us honor their legacy by cherishing our freedoms and upholding the virtues that make our nation great.”



Patriotic Tip: In the spirit of embodying American patriotism, consider displaying your pride through acts of volunteerism within your community. Dedicate a day to supporting local veterans, participating in a neighborhood clean-up, or contributing to a community food drive. These actions not only enrich your local area but also pay homage to the foundational American values of service, unity, and communal well-being. Engaging in volunteer work not only strengthens your ties to fellow citizens but also serves as a tangible reflection of your patriotic spirit, showcasing love and commitment to the betterment of our nation. 🇺🇸



⬇️ Don’t miss our Essential Video Digest ⬇️

💸 Their Money, Their World

🌐 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event

📉 Market Crash, Bank Bust Coming

🤔 545 vs 300 Million

🏛️ The End of America, Inc. is Happening! Explained

🛕 Klaus Schwab and the Bloodlines of the Illuminati

🔬 Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed and Un-Vaxxed

🗳️ Trump Prepared for Election Interference

Don’t Let the Big Banks Control You!



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Stay vigilant and informed.


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432hz waterfall music relaxation benefits bill maher abortion opinion controversy boycott tyson foods bugs in meat issue brian stelter podcast engagement issues chicago gang violence child victim tragedy christian conference controversy pole dancing ds cyber attack support for trump epa destruction climate policy criticism gold investment debt default safety house republicans biden impeachment decision illegal alien crime victim advocacy iran threatens america border security israel military supplier shocking statistics israel stops iran attacks but not hamas market risk meltdown without intervention netanyahu iran nuclear strategy speculation small businesses nsa spy mandate tesla business sustainability questions trump support swing states election truth vs news media analysis

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