Brian Stelter Admits What His Life Has Become on Podcast No One Listens To | Mark Dice

Posted in: Mark Dice, News, Patriots



➡ Mark Dice talks about the current state of media, focusing on political issues like Trump’s trial, Middle East conflicts, and protests in the US. It also discusses the success of the author’s book compared to another, and criticizes the focus on diversity and inclusion in the military. The author expresses frustration with the perceived lack of action against protestors and the changes in the military, and promotes his merchandise at the end.


We ventured a very turbulent time where the top stories of the mainstream media are no longer fun. Like the times we had mocking the Democrats and the liberal media for obsessing over Russiagate and Trumps tweets and the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol on January 6. Now the top stories are always about whats going on in the Middle east. And now trumps trial has started. But thankfully, in these tough times, Bryan Stalter is still doing interviews with podcasts that nobody knows of and nobody cares of to talk about his book about Fox News that nobody read.

It’s not just about the characters earned and it’s about the villains that the cinematic universe creates. I like to think that I’m a big character in that universe. I once had a potato mailed to me. It came in a FedEx box, like an actual potato. It’s because within the Fox universe, I used to be called Humpty Dumpty. And from there it became brines and potatoes. A potato head.

A gender neutral potato head, to be clear. And so when I get random tweets from people calling me Spud, I know that people call him a tater. He can’t even get the story straight. They’re in that in group because it’s their way of communicating to each other that they’re in on the. I guess in this case it’s a joke, but it’s also an insult, you know? Well, you’re on the right track, little Brian, because you are a joke.

And may I remind you that when his book came out in November, network of lies, the epic saga of Fox News, Donald Trump, and the battle for American Democracy, it was hyped up by the entire liberal media ecosystem, including him getting invited in studio on CNN despite the network having fired him for obviously being a laughing stock. And it still didn’t even break into the Amazon top 100 bestseller list.

It did make it up to number 133. Watch this very closely. While, of course, yours truly did make it to number four, my book was released right around the same time. Of course, it would have been nice to make it to number one, but I am just a guy in my kitchen on a laptop going up against some heavy hitters, like Britney Spears had her memoir come out and Barbra Streisand.

But it was number four, which I still consider to be a tremendous success. All the other news going on is rather depressing, which is why I posted an old man on the street episode yesterday. Technically, it was a new episode. I hadn’t posted it before, but it was something I shot a long time ago. I just never got around to editing because Donald Trump’s criminal trial started over the payments to sloppy Daniels, which is expected to take six to eight weeks.

Over the weekend, he heard Iran tried to attack Israel. So now Ben Shapiro and friends, the fellow neocons are all just salivating for Israel to respond. Lindsey Graham hit Iran, now hit them hard. Senator John Corbyn, target Tehran. Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what your country can do for Israel. And while the liberal media will be obsessing 24/7 over Donald Trump’s trial, yesterday there was the rumblings of the marxist insurrection with pro palestinian activists blocking the Golden Gate Bridge, blocking the Brooklyn Bridge, and blocking the entrance to Chicago’s O’Hare airport.

Every single one of these people should be sentenced to at least ten years in prison. Think of all the damage that they’re doing. Stopping people from going to work, from getting to job interviews, from catching flights, people missing funerals for loved ones. There are emergency workers that just can’t get through now because of the blockage, can’t bring people to the hospital, can’t get fire trucks through. Pro palestinian demonstrators shut down airport highways and key bridges in major us cities.

A coordinated effort. So where is the Department of Homeland Security? Where is the Justice Department in launching an investigation into them, into tracking down their social media posts, into indicting them for committing the conspiracy to obstruct interstate commerce and countless other felonies that they committed? Harmi Dillon made a very interesting revelation yesterday. She’s a high profile lawyer who’s been involved with a bunch of different cases. And here she is talking about her case when she represented Andy Ngo, who is the investigative journalist best known for detailing and uncovering antifa’s activities.

And after he was attacked, they sued a bunch of antifa members in civil court. And this is what she said just yesterday about what she learned during the case of that suit. I sued Antifa over attacking our client. Andy know. Some of the characters who were involved in the mob that attacked him showed up fomenting antifa riots in other parts of the country. They were clearly well funded, not ragtag, not from the heart.

This is a underground militia attacking Americans all over the country. But don’t worry, my fellow Americans, because the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Q. Brown Junior, is on a mission for diversity, equity and inclusion. One of the goals here is actually how do we get more African Americans in position of leadership, in positions of aviation? And that’s one of the challenges that’s one of the top challenges that the US military is facing these days.

There aren’t enough black pilots. Also, there are still too many straight people, normal people, in the US military, despite President Obama repealing don’t ask, don’t tell and then recruiting the rainbow people. And so for those who are still in the military now, they’re getting lectured by people like this in order to try to make it more diverse and inclusive. All too often, I hear leaders talk about providing everyone with dignity and respect like it’s an aspirational goal.

This is not a Saturday Night Live skit. This is a real high ranking air force officer. That’s not good enough. Dignity and respect is the bare minimum. You will respect this person’s preferred pronouns. It’s the floor of where we can be. We must set our sights higher and focus on intentional inclusivity because there are still far too many people out there, not just LGBTQ individuals, that feel marginalized, shut out, or discriminated against.

So for all of you out there, I ask you to set out your symbols of pride, share your pronouns in your email, particularly if you’re a person who doesn’t think they need to. Are they trying to get us to side with Russia and China in World War III? I’m not gonna do that. I will always side with America because these people are not America. If you sign up to join the US military these days, these are the kinds of people who you’re gonna be assigned to live with in the barracks or maybe even as your bunk mate or in your unit or your squad or whatever they call it, and there’s nothing that you’ll be able to do about it.

You make fun of them, you get in trouble. You crack open the Bible and read certain scripture in their presence, and you will get court martialed. And notice it’s mostly Republicans who bent over for this because after Obama repealed don’t ask, don’t tell, every single Republican in Congress went completely silent about the issue, but they still fought against abortion for 50 years, never accepting Roe versus Wade. But the LGBTQ people in the military, they went right along with that because they’re cowards.

The kinds of supposed christians that God spits out of his mouth because they’re lukewarm. Which reminds me, the Christ is king shirt, which you can get from markdice. com, is now available in a t shirt, long sleeve, and a hoodie and a woman’s tee as well, and a whole bunch of different colors. So head on over to markdyce. com or click the link in the description below and check it out.


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author's book success comparison changes in military structure current state of media analysis diversity and inclusion in military criticism lack of action against protestors media perspective on Trump's trial media's role in Middle East conflicts Middle East conflict news political issues in media promoting merchandise in blog posts Trump's trial coverage US protest news analysis US protests media coverage

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