Art of the Deal: Zelensky’s Plea for Trump’s Secret Ukraine Peace Plan

Posted in: Andy Oxide, MPN News, News, Trump, Updates


Ukrainian President Zelensky implores former U.S. President to share elusive strategy to swiftly resolve the Ukraine conflict, as Trump remains tight-lipped.

Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has issued a rather strange appeal to former U.S. President Donald Trump, urging him to reveal the enigmatic details of his much-discussed plan to bring a rapid end to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Trump, who stands as a frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, has consistently asserted during interviews and campaign events that, if reelected, he would personally spearhead peace negotiations between Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin, vowing to bring the war to a close within a mere day.

Yet, the former U.S. Commander-in-Chief has remained steadfastly tight-lipped about the specifics of the approach he would employ to terminate the almost 19-month-long war.

Zelensky’s passionate plea was made public during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, where he implored, “He can publicly share his idea now, not squander time, not sacrifice lives, and simply state, ‘My formula is to halt this war, end this tragedy, and put a stop to Russian aggression.'”

Zelensky urged Trump to articulate his vision for achieving this goal and to outline a compelling strategy for compelling Russia to relinquish Ukrainian territory.

He stressed that without these details, Trump’s vision for peace remained incomplete.

The 45-year-old Ukrainian leader made it abundantly clear that any peace agreement involving Ukraine ceding territory to Russia would be an absolute non-starter.

During an interview with Right Side Broadcasting Network on February 2, Trump declared with his trademark confidence, “This could be negotiated within 24 hours.

It has to be orchestrated from the President’s office, with both leaders in the same room.

There are strategies to address each of them — strategies that I won’t disclose at this time — but they guarantee an immediate end to this war. Action is needed.”

In March, the former President echoed similar sentiments during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, asserting that negotiations involving himself, Zelensky, and Putin would be a straightforward affair.

However, he steadfastly refused to provide any insights into his negotiation strategy, remarking, “It’s a simple negotiation, but I can’t divulge it, or I won’t be able to use it.”

When questioned on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about whether his proposed deal would allow Putin to retain the territory he had seized in Ukraine, Trump responded unequivocally:

“No, no. I’d negotiate a fair deal for everyone. It would be equitable.”

Zelensky’s impassioned plea to Trump came on the heels of his powerful address at the United Nations in Manhattan, where he called upon world leaders to unite in the face of aggression.

His speech followed President Biden’s impassioned appeal for ‘global solidarity against Russia’s offensive’ during his address to the UN General Assembly.

Zelensky’s visit to Washington is scheduled for Thursday, where he will hold meetings with President Biden at the White House.

Additionally, he will confer with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other congressional leaders on Capitol Hill.

This visit unfolds against a backdrop of mounting Republican skepticism regarding providing further ‘financial aid’ to Ukraine.

Read the original story here:

The New York Post



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