2023-09-12 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Jim Fetzer.



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➡ Dr James Fetzer on Globalfreedomtv.com discusses the 9/11 attacks, asserting that the government’s narrative of the event is scientifically impossible, suggesting that the actual incidents were fabricated. The discussion goes in depth into discrepancies found in crash sites, flight records and anomalies in video evidence which point towards a different story that involves Israeli involvement and benefit.
➡ The text doubts the official narrative of the Pentagon hit on 9/11, suggesting no plane crashed into the building, based on conflicting eyewitness accounts, absence of plane debris, and conflicting preplanned simulations. It also questions the suspected execution of treason within the government, and theorizes a diversion of attention from a budget scandal involving missing trillions. It further discusses the NY tower hits, doubts the high-speed flight data, and challenges the plane’s seamless entrance into the buildings as unrealistic.
➡ The block of text includes content discussing various conspiracy theories questioning the events of 9/11, with ideas ranging from the use of antiquated plane engines for deception to the use of computer-generated images or video compositing, to even potential use of holograms to show a fake plane. The various narratives scrutinize both the physical impossibilities presented by the airplane/flight behavior and the lacking evidence of a plane in some witness videos. The possibility of a covert holographic projection technology, possibly even from military arsenal, creating the false perception of a plane is discussed. Also, the idea of a simultaneous explosion from three sides of the building is detailed, with footage analysis suggesting the explosion was rather an internally coordinated demolition instead of being caused by the impact of a plane.
➡ The text discusses several conspiracy theories regarding the 9/11 attacks, focusing on analysis of video footage that supposedly shows inconsistencies, such as changing fireballs and shifting structures, hinting towards manipulation. The commentators insist on the necessity of transparency and justice to restore American global standing and reconciliate with the world.


You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. This is greatawakenings on Globalfreedomtv. com. I’m Scott Bennet, your host. And tonight we are joined by the great Dr. James Fetzer to examine some of the key elements regarding the 911 attacks. We’ve been doing a program analyzing every scientific piece of evidence, every vantage point, every video and we are of course refreshing people with the very clear understanding that the government’s narrative for the 911 events is physically scientifically impossible.

And that means that something else happened and something that is probably the greatest crime in the history of humanity. It is certainly the greatest crime against the American people and we must always remind ourselves of just exactly what happened and who did it in order to prepare for what may need to happen with regards to bringing all those responsible parties to full account. Dr. Fetzer, it is great to have you with us.

I know you have a wonderful presentation of slides and evidence so I’m going to hand it to you and let us jump right into it. Go ahead dr. Fetzer oh, thanks very much Scott. I thought tonight we’d talk about the four crash sites and the evidence that all four of them were fabricated or faked and in fact none of the 911 aircraft crashed on 911. We begin with the official account.

It’s interesting that ICTs was a security team at all of the airports from which the flights allegedly departed. That’s an Israeli security firm and we know actually 911 was brought to us complement to the CIA, the neocons of the department of defense and the Mossad. It was the inspiration of BB Netanyahu and ehood Umar, two prime ministers of Israel to concoct a plan that would justify the United States sending military forces to the middle east to take out the modern Arab states that served as a counterbalance Israel’s domination of the entire region.

I did a special on 911 that will cover aspects I’m not covering here tonight which you can find on my BitChute channel jim, thatser just do a search at the top for 911 special in memoriam for Robert David Steele. So we know we have the four crash sites. It turns out that Edward Henry, who’s quite a brilliant guy, had the good sense to capture bureau of transportation statistics records showing that no American airline flight eleven was scheduled to depart Boston Logan on 911.

Now that of course is supposed to have been a plane that hit the north tower. Well it did not. It wasn’t even in the air. He also captured bureau of transportation at a cytic Shard showing no American airline flight 77 was scheduled to depart Washington Dulles on 911. 77 of course is alleged to have hit the Pentagon but it was not even in the air. Indeed it turns out that with Jeremy Gunn I investigated the reasons and rationale for 911 and how the motivation was as I described to benefit Israel.

That one is out of place, alas. Here’s a photograph from the crash site, supposedly in Shanksville, which appears to have been photoshopped. Notice the smoke, which turns out to have been over a pond, resembles that of an explosive, not that of a plane crash. On the right here’s the actual hole in the ground. It’s about 10ft deep and 17ft wide. The plane had 125 foot wingspang, a tail that stood 140ft above the ground.

The first reporters on the ground, this is one Chris Konicki said the eerie aspect of the crash site was there was no indication that any plane had crashed there. And that’s because no plane, in fact, had crashed there. Here we have a simulation of what many seek to apologize, to explain away the absence of plast debris that it crashed into. This is an area that had been subject to mining and that the blind had disappeared into an abandoned mine shaft.

Well, that’s ludicrous on its face. But guess what? We know what to do with miners who are trapped in mine shafts. We break out the lights and heavy equipment and dig 24/7 in the hope that someone, by a miracle, might have survived. We did not undercate that task even to recover the bodies of the 45 souls that were supposed to have been aboard the plane, because, of course, they weren’t there.

Turns out that Flight 93 was still airborne after the crash. Pilot for 911 truth tracked and discovered Flight 93 was over Champagne Urbana, Illinois, after it had officially crashed in Shanksville in the Pentagon. Here we have four of the five frames that the Pentagon released, seemingly the only video evidence they had of what happened on 911. Notice. In the upper left, you have what’s labeled to be a plane.

It’s labeled to be a plane with a white plume coming out of it. I asked Jack White, who was a colleague from JFK Research, if he could impose the image of 757 and scale it to the tail, where it turns out to be more than twice as large. In other words, this plane cannot possibly be a 757. Moreover, the white plume, both pilots and aeronautical engineers explained to me, cannot be the exhaust of a jet, but could be the white plume of a missile being fired into the building.

Well, Tom FitOn of Judicial Watch has just confirmed by obtaining here you can see the white plume. I’m talking about the outline of what looks like it might be a plane. Well, Tom Fit has just discovered, well, what was supposed to be the video. She just found it available. And you can actually see the missile fired. Here it is. You can see the missile fired into the building.

Notice you’ll see a car come through. They had a whole lot more footage than they released to the public. Even though the Pentagon is the most heavily surveyed building in the world, this is the only footage they would release. Now look in this area here. It’ll happen very fast. And you’ll see how the plane, which had been identified as an unmanned aerial vehicle, a Global Hawk, fires a missile into the building.

It happened very fast. Meanwhile, two lime green civilian fire trucks that happened to be in the vicinity showed up to extinguish the very modest fires that remain. Notice in particular, the clear, unblammaged Pentagon lawn. Notice that verdict, the complete absence of any debris from an aircraft. Here you have another photograph showing the lawn in front of the building. There is no aircraft debris there. And that’s even after this section of the building had collapsed, which only occurred 45 minutes after the hit, this one piece of debris shows up later, over 45 minutes later.

We’re going to discuss it in some detail. He had some parties. Are they picking up or are they laying down debris? Very strange. They came out with a blue tarp, but wasn’t clear exactly what was being covered by the blue tarp. Again, very strange. Now here’s a hit point. You can see some cable fence. There are two automobiles, two big spools that were off fire. But notice while there’s some unbroken windows here, there’s no massive pile of aluminum debris from 100 ton airliner.

You don’t see any bodies, no seats, no luggage, no wings, no tail. Here you see that area that collapsed after it was excavated. Notice I even suspect the fireball images may have been fake, because you don’t see any evidence here of a fire. Notice here you even have what appears to be a wooden stand for an Oxford Unabridged Dictionary. No signs of fire. Here is the official trajectory approach where it’s supposed to take it out.

A series of lampposts, count them 123456 lampposts interrupt hitting the first floor of the Pentagon. Well, this required a fantastic maneuver that pilots said they couldn’t imagine executing themselves. And they thought it was fantastic that this Hanny hand Jor, who couldn’t even fly a Cessna, could possibly have made it happen. Now it turns out that a 911 investigative team discovered there are witnesses at a SITCO station. This is a station who reported seeing a plane approach a Pentagon, but it was on the opposite side of the building.

The green is a trajectory the government claims the plane came in. The golden lines, however, are what were reported by the witnesses at the SITCO station. Now it turns out Norman Minetta reported to the 911 commission that he was in an underground bunker with Dick Cheney when an aid come up and said to him, sir, it’s 50 miles up. Sir, it’s 40 miles out. Sir, it’s 30 miles out.

Does the order still stand? And Cheney whipped around and said, of course the order still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary? What Minetta didn’t understand is that a plane was being allowed to fly toward the Pentagon. Now, when they’re being used as weapons. The obvious thing to do is to take out the plane. You lose a plane in the passengers but you do not lose the property or personnel at the target.

This is a plane they saw with the gold lines approach the Pentagon. Now dear friend of mine Roy Schaefer from JFK Research had a friend who was a trucker in front of the Pentagon and he described to Roy watching the plane approach a building and then swerved to fly over it. So the plane that Cheney was allowing to approach the Pentagon was one that was designed to fly over the building and create a false impression of having hit the building.

Now here’s Jamie McIntyre. He was easily the best correspondent for CNN on the ground at the time. He was asked by the anchor about the plane that hit the building and he said, well you might think that but from my close up inspection there’s no sign of a plane having hit anywhere near the Pentagon. There’s some small pieces of something you could pick up in your hand but there’s no debris, no wings, no tail, no nothing.

And it’s because what it was picking up was when the Global Hawk made a synthetic material that crashed into the building after firing a missile into it. This is Major General Albert Stubblebee. He was in charge of all U. S. Signals intelligence, including photographic giving an interview in Germany about he knew that no plane had hit the Pentagon. The facade of the Pentagon is limestone, relatively soft. He observed there was no imprint of the plane on the building about which he’s 100% correct.

While Condoleeza Rice and others said they had no idea a plane could be used to attack the Pentagon, here’s part of a simulation that was conducted months before contradicting her claim. Poor Condoleesa Rice even called Willie Brown who was the head of the California Assembly the most powerful politician in California and warned him in advance not to fly on 911. Here’s that piece of fuselage. Now it is from a 757 but notice it doesn’t appear to have been involved in a violent collision.

It would be all crumpled. It doesn’t appear to have been exposed to intense fire. It showed no signs of fire damage. And entwined in the piece of wreckage is a vine not indigenous to the Arlington, Virginia area. A retired attorney in Columbus, Ohio by the name of James Hansen tracked this piece of fuselage back to the crash of a Boeing 757 near Cali, columbia, 1995 where the plane lost wet.

It crashed into the side of a mountain after traveling through a jungle where these vines are found in abundance. Later in the afternoon black’s Foot was seen coming up from the Pentagon which was very, very strange I couldn’t understand because the lime green fire trucks had put out the very modest fires. It turned out this fire, this smoke was coming from a series of enormous dumpsters in front of the Pentagon that were designed to intimidate members of Capitol when they put out a warning that the Capitol was next.

And they came out on the steps to look across through the Pentagon and saw all this billowing black smoke. Donald Rumsfeld the day before had announced 23 trillion was missing from the budget, as though he knew something were going to intervene to wipe from consciousness so he could waltz into the capital and ask for hundreds of billions in additional spending the following day. Scott, you want to jim, let me just launch in.

The thing that was most remarkable about the Pentagon hit was the no plane divot into the grass. There was no trail or into the know the auditors that were in the part of the building that was struck the Grumsfeld’s proclamation the day before with Roger Zach. Heim the comptroller roger Zacheim, of course, project for a New American Century notorious. And a lot of this covered up. The Pentagon was the greatest crime, I think because the military officers who were sworn to uphold the Constitution committed treason that day.

By their silence, they knew full well that no plane hit the Pentagon. They knew full well they should have come out and immediately organized an arrest of everyone at the White House and everyone in Congress that was playing a role in this. The military should have stood up and said, no, something else is happening. There is not a plane. All of this is a fraud. But instead, the military played along.

The military is, in this sense, the greatest enemy of the people of the United States because they were entrusted to stand up at this particular moment and they refused. They sold their soul for 30 pieces of silver medals on their chest and retirement. So there’s no one I despise more than members of the military that didn’t come out and who were in the Pentagon at the time and did not proclaim.

This is a complete fraud, and this country has to have an immediate martial law until all parties who are involved with this within the United States government are executed for treason. The absence of that has led us down this juggernaut path of self destruction ever since. Jim, I’ll hand it back to you. Yeah, Scott. The whole thing was massively fraudulent. And you’re completely right about the absence of debris on the Pentagon lawn.

If it had hit those stationary lampposts at over 400 miles an hour it would have had the same effect as if the plane had been stationary and hit by lampposts at over 400 miles an hour. They would have ripped open the wings where the gases stored, mixed with air, burst on fire and just spread debris all over the Pentagon lot. So the fact that the Pentagon lawn is beraft of wreckage for 45 minutes indicates that it did not happen, that the whole story is a fantasy.

And then the debris starts showing up, and it includes such things. A piece of a fuselage that was from a crash in Cali, columbia, 1995. And then they have fake fires in a dumpster. I was living in Duluth at the time, and I had a member of scholars for 911 Truth, which I had found. It come by to show me 40 more frames of the dumpster fire from a different angle, and you could see light between the Pentagon building and the dumpsters.

I mean, how bad is that? That’s a us. Military. They had to include an attack on the Pentagon. Scott, in order to claim this was an act of war, because otherwise it would just have been an act of terrorism. And let me say, the fact that Rumsfeld had directed the team to track down the missing 2. 3 trillion in the west wing, he was setting them up to be killed by the missile.

He said, go there with all the records of the missing money, set it up so they would be killed, and then he could waltz into the halls of congress as for hundreds of billions more in defense spending, outrageous. So our highest elected officials of vice president, the secretary of defense were deceiving and betraying the American people once again. Scott absolutely. Now we’re going to turn to New York and what happened there.

And as I’ve already explained, flight eleven was not even in the air. So question becomes, what happened? There was a French film team calling themselves the Naude brothers were purportedly there to follow up on NY fire department activities where the cameraman just happened to swing up his camera and catch the hit. Now, by the time the sound had reached him, the plane would have been far beyond. So this had to be prepositioned.

In fact, there’s a Scotsman named Leslie Ravael who said that for the Naude team to be where they were at the time and capture the footage required satisfying over a thousand improbable circumstances. Over a thousand. Here’s the first hit. It doesn’t really look a lot like a plane. Rosalie Grable, known as a web fairy, said when she sequenced what they captured, it looked to her like a flying pig at one point.

Initially it looked like a z impact, then later a V, and they actually extended the V. Now, when a plane travels through dust or smoke, it sets up turbulence like this. But we had no such turbulence at the north tower, indicating no plane was present. Here we have now flipping to the south tower. Flight 175 approaching the building now. We have a host of videos about it and multiple expert sources have declared that was flying around, I think, as much as 580 miles an hour, far in excess of what that plane, if it were actually a Moeing 767, could do at that altitude.

Here we have the speed analyze. Pilots have analyzed data provided by the NTSB in which they conclude, okay, 510 knots for 175, 430 for eleven at the North Tower. But this far exceeded the benchmark set by the crash in 1999 of Egypt Air 990, which exceeded its maximum operating limits and caused structural failure. It would have come apart in the air here, you see, by the way, had this been a real plane actually hitting the building, it would have shattered into pieces.

But instead, what do we get? It effortlessly passes into the building. Some have called it the butter plane or the ghost plane. The butter plane idea being that this has 110 story cube of butter. Since it so effortlessly disappears, there are no collision effects. Yet it’s intersecting eight different floors. Each floor is a steel truss connected at one end with a Massey 47 core columns at the other to the 230 steel, very formidable steel support columns.

There’s no possible way that plane could have entered that building. Yet we have people falling from the Trade Center, and we have other efforts here’s. Most telling, this is Evan Fairback’s Bank shooting a film directly upward. We’ve actually counted the frames. We find the plane disappears its entire length into the building in the same number of frames. It passes its entire length through air, which is a physical impossibility unless a massive 500,000 ton steel and concrete building provides no more resistance to the trajectory of an airplane in flight than air.

And notice in the bottom left Scott, the nose out phenomenon. Just to prove this was not a real plane. The nose of the plane poked through. When this happened on air live, they went fade to black. They disappeared the image because the game had been given away by the nose out. An engine was even planted at church in Murray jack white brebres for pickup or delivery. It was under a steel scaffolding under a canopy, just sitting on the sidewalk.

Now, if something that massive had hit at a high velocity, it would have dug up the sidewalk. Jack found from Fox News footage a white man in the vicinity with, like, five men in FBI vests. Even six were unloading something heavy. They were unloading the engine, which turned out to be an antiquated engine, no longer in service. So now we have to figure out how did they fake it? There are a series of different alternative hypotheses.

Rosalie Grable thought it was done doing computer generated images. We have Ace Baker suggesting it was done with video compositing. There’s a delay between the time video is taken and the time it’s broadcast, during which you could add images. The third theory is it was done using holograms. The question then becomes, how do we distinguish between them? Well, Richard D. Hall of the UK performed what he called his Flight 175 3D radar study.

He examined all of the videos to see which were sufficiently precise to plot the location of Blaine at a time as it approached the building and he found 27 that work, he plotted it, he discovered NTSB had a similar plot, they claimed to be based on radar. Well, he took a look at the radar and found it didn’t look legitimate to him. But he discovered there was other radar and it showed a plane path 1200ft to the side 1200ft to the side of the plotted images.

So how do you then explain the impossible impact, the impossible speed? That military radar did not detect a plane in the observed position, but rather 1200ft to the side by virtue of a holographic projection. So plane was actually flying faster than a 767 could fly at that altitude. It entered the building with mo collision effect because that was a real physical object and it thus effortly passed into the building.

The nose out occurred because of a hand eye coordination problem. They didn’t coordinate to get rid of it fast enough and that all by itself blows the whole scheme. I was sent this page from an Australian military manual for an airborne holographic projector. The holographic projector displays a three dimensional visual image in a desired location removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operation and strategic perception management.

It’s also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging in an unsophisticated adversary. Now we mentioned before there was this absence of the wind turbulence at the north tower. Here we have further confirmation about flight 175 that was over Harrisburg in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania after it had officially hit the South Tower. I would have more for you my friend, but I think that will have to do.

Let us switch back. Scott, I wanted to add about the Nade brothers. Yes, just understand how phony this is. They were filming on Dwayne Street and if you take the letters of Dwayne St and rearrange them, you get Nade Brothers. This was totally fraudulent from beginning to end. Now it’s interesting, as we discussed briefly before the show, that there’s new footage showing no plane hitting the south tower.

And I want to suggest, since it was a hologram, that it was taken from perspective where the hologram was simply not visible. If you can, I would be delighted for you to play to share those videos. Yeah, let me bring this up right now. We’ve got some videos here, let me load them up. All right, let’s see. There we go. So here is one of the videos that shows the explosion, but no plane hitting the building.

You it. So let’s play that again and just identify the piece the parts for people to watch. Now pay attention here, right here is the point of impact. But you do not see any plane along this trajectory speeding into the building. There’s no plane flying into the building, yet the three sides of the building explode simultaneously. Watch the explosion from the right, from the front and from the back.

All emerge at the same time, which would not have happened. This side would not have exploded at the same time as the front and the side here. This would have been left alone, if anything. But watch the simultaneous explosion. And no plane from this direction had it been a real plane. It. Oh, my God. We’ll see it one more time because I think this is the most important video of the entire yeah.

Thank you. If that was a plane, it would have smashed and shattered and been all over, and it wouldn’t have been a combustion with that level. That was an explosive. And we’ll go through it real slow. Watch in real slow motion. Now, see that? It comes out the front first, then it comes out the side on the right. Now you see that? Maybe that’s a bird. This is very good, Scott.

So it just no plane. And then suddenly the explosion from inside coming out and to the side. Now, there’s quite a shadow from that explosion. Jim, do you see that on the right? Yeah, I do. Very interesting, Scott. So there’s two kind of shadows here, and then one on the right side is a big shadow. That’s very strange. It’s like something protruding. That must have been, too, the nose that they said came out from the plane.

I think so, Scott. It wasn’t the nose. It was something else. And those are solid pieces of structure. Look how far that explosion extends to the right, touching the side of the other building. Almost. Yes. I want to add that arbitrating among the three theories of CGI computer generated images, video compositing and holograms, I’ve been affected by the number of reports of parties who reported seeing what they took to be a real plane in real time approaching the building.

Over 500. I went through them with Andrew Johnson, who’s an associate at Judy Wood, and they’re describing very different large, small military commercial. But the fact is, if you have reports that are authentic of a plane approaching the building, then it cannot have been CGI or video compositing because those would only show up when the footage is broadcast. So that affected me strongly in my conclusion that it had been the use of a hologram.

Good. Here’s another. Yeah, I think you’re right, Jim. I think a hologram is a key issue. Let’s see. Just watch again right here. See how this explodes? There’s no plane that you can see anywhere. There’s no plane coming this direction either. And you know what? Watch that real slow. Watch this explode. It seems to rip around the side of the building. See that? It starts, but then it comes around like it’s a series of detonations against the wall, right? Yes.

And then there’s a bigger one on the bottom. Well, you know, we had the Gelatin group. These Israeli art students were in the both the north and the south tower. Who could have prepared these explosions to simulate planes hitting the buildings. Yeah. See how it just kind of wraps around? And there’s an explosion on the floors at the bottom, too. See, there’s a floor. Very strange pattern. We’ll watch it one more time, but no planes.

No planes anywhere. That apparently does look like it is in the other building at this point. Back off. It they’re telling us to back off. They’re telling us to back off. That’s what the reporter just said. They’re telling us to back off. I wonder why. Wonder why. One more time. Explosion on the front side that wraps around the back, but nothing really comes out. Nothing to be seen except sparks that apparently does the other building at this point.

And let’s play another one that we’ve got here. I’m not sure that’s the Twin Towers. What? Go ahead. Yeah, there’s some Pentagon ones, too. Let’s see what this one is. High on the rooftop of a rod. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Now, this one’s a little suspect because he goes out on the garage and he immediately focuses and gets a close up of the building just as it explodes.

Watch. Very good. Very good. Steps outside right here. Right? He steps outside, but then watch his camera do a sudden close up. Right? He fades and goes to a new picture, a new image, and does a big close up just as it blows up. Let’s go back and watch him. So there’s something funny about this guy. And listen to his theatrical, dramatic. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

There’s something weird about yeah, close up. Keep close enough. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Lloyd Clifton. Lloyd, do you know about the World Trade Center? The second tower just exploded. No. I went to go vote this morning, and I went to park my car, and I’m on the roof of this garage, and as a matter of fact, it just caught the second explosion on videotape.

So there’s something funny about that guy. God, I agree with you 100%. I love your discerning eye, my friend. Here’s the other pentagon one. Now, if it had been CGI or video compositing, then the witnesses would all have to be wrong. Yeah. Here’s one more. Go for that. This is a pentagon. Yeah. Get this out. Start from the beginning. This is the pentagon. Now watch. This is the missile.

It’s not a plane. If it was a plane, it would be very big, and it would have crashed. First of all, this can’t fly this way. It can’t fly straight. It would have been hitting all the big light posts. And those light posts are steel and concrete. You don’t knock those down. They’re huge. And this allegedly goes right through them. It’s not a plane. It looks like missile that just slams right in here.

Let’s play. It goes slow back and forth, slow motion. Now, there’s no fire bomb there, Jim, as you. Kind of commented earlier there was an absence of fire in the wreckage. And this certainly kind of shows that. Watch. There’s no fire in this video. Excellent point, Scott. Excellent. I believe they added the fireball in those images. I mean, there’s a concussion, there’s an explosion. But weapons missiles aren’t designed to create fireballs.

They’re designed for concussion effects, to destroy bunkers and cause a massive damage, not to go into a pyrotechnic special effect. Now let’s go to the other video, the final video. Yeah. It’s also Pentagon, I believe. Yep, here it is. Now notice the fireball that comes. This is the video I actually played before that Tom Fitton obtained from the Pentagon under Freedom of Information. But go ahead and play it, Scott.

You got a better version of it? Yeah, it goes on for two minutes. Well, this is where I’m suggesting the fireball may have been added to the video. Yeah, let’s watch it closely. So we got one without a fireball and another with a fireball. I think we’re forced to conclude the fireball was added. And notice that appears to be a fallen part of the building, which didn’t actually happen for 45 more minutes.

Scott. So that’s disturbing, too. I think they mucked this up. Look at that. That looks like it’s already fallen. Here it comes right here. Now look at the height of this. A plane would have been massive. It wouldn’t have been that close off the ground. But watch the shape and size of the fireball there’s, the direct impact. But watch how it evolves into a bubble there. It does not look right.

Looks like two different fireballs in a sense, Jim. Very good, Scott. Yes. There’s the sudden boom, explosion. And you is there’s something different there, Jim? Because look right here. You see this structure? I don’t know what this is, but see this structure? This is like a wall or something. But watch, that is not present in the frame before. See that’s? Very good. They have messed with this little video.

See, the structure here is right about the middle of the cone. But then the structure here moves over about a half an inch from the cone. You see that? Yeah. So right here is the structure of something. I don’t know what, but it’s very hard to see. But it’s right here at the tip of this cone. But now watch what happens. And now we have a new structure that is now, the center of that structure is not over the tip of the cone.

The center is over here to the side of the cone. That’s an immovable structure, allegedly. So I think this fireball there’s no fireball here. Then suddenly, boom. But then the fireball kind of changes shape into a big blob circular. Excellent. Great work, Scott. I love it. Great work. This is not the Tom Pitt video which had the car in it. This is a segment perhaps from it, but not the original.

So this is very good, Scott. I really like this. Let’s just go fast forward. See? Notice how clean the lawn is, Scott? Even after this, notice the lawn is pristine. Yeah. And there’s a car that goes by. Yeah, there is another car at the end. Yeah. And there’s a big bright shock. I don’t know what that is. It’s almost like overexposure now. See, that, Jim too, right here.

Watch this. Do you see that? The devil. The appearance of the devil. The image of a face. There, Scott. Right here. Let me go back. Right here. What is this? This looks like some kind of I don’t know, over here on the left. Yeah, right here. I was looking at the face, the cloud shaped face. Well, right here. It’s a good question. I don’t know what this is.

Let’s go back and watch it real slow. The explosion happens. But then look right above. Right there. Yeah, let’s play it real. Why is that showing up? There’s two different films there, Jim. There’s that, and then there’s the explode right there, that explosion. But you see, this structure changes. This structure moves over, which means before the angle was different, they’ve shifted the angle of this camera right there.

You see this structure here? And now it moves over here to the left. Now you see why they didn’t want to release this, Scott? They did a sloppy they did a sloppy job. Yeah, sloppy job. Right here. Then it moves, you see. I’m going to leave my cursor there. Watch this, right here. My cursor is on the middle. Now it’s moved over to the left. Did you see that? Yeah, very good.

Very good. Very good. The camera is stationary. It should not move at all. Scott, excellent work, my friend. Excellent. So, Jim, I’ll let you close us out. We’re obviously seeing more and more. The bottom line is, it’s the greatest crime that ever happened to America. It was the death of America, the death of our Constitution, the death of our country. America died that day. We turned into a Hyde.

You know Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde or the wolf man. We’ve turned into the Wolf Man, this monster that has devoured and destroyed the world. And now the world is destroying the monster, turning away from the monster, rejecting America. And it all started in 911, which doesn’t mean it can’t be rectified, doesn’t mean we can’t have a fix, doesn’t mean we can reconcile and heal. We can. But there has to be almost a French Revolution reckoning, a bloody reckoning, and an absolute fearless reckoning in the military and in the Congress.

Everything that was associated and everyone associated with that day needs to be brought to justice. And this full exposure needs to occur. Otherwise this country will not survive. Because that, I think, God has judged us for the most horrific crime ever. And I will never let that go. And we’re some of the few people, Jim, that could remember that day vividly. We were alive on that day. And so many young people have no idea.

They weren’t even born then. But yet I think it is the greatest crime in the history of the United States that has to be answered for. Jim, I’ll hand it to you to get your thoughts. Go ahead. Oh, Scott, I think you’ve done a wonderful addition to the analysis here with these two new well, actually four or five new videos. I really was very impressed by everything you said about those with the no planes and what we had at the Pentagon and the fact that we had the first Pentagon video there’s no explosion at all.

And then the second, it appears the implosion, the fireball was imposed on the video and they did a sloppy job, which I believe explains why they’ve been reluctant to have it released. And Tom FitOn succeeded under Freedom of Information Act in prying it into the public view. And now we can see why. Amen. Dr. Fetzer. Always an honor. Thank you so much for joining us. We will continue this exposure and we will continue to bring the truth to our audience and to the American people and to the world.

Thank you very much for joining us. God bless you. And thank you, our audience, for joining us on Great Awakenings. Thank you. Tong, our producer, and we will see you tomorrow. God bless you. Good night. .


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