The Next Pandemic

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ This article discusses predictions for the next pandemic, with the author suggesting it could be bird flu. The author believes that the government might use this as an excuse to control food supplies and increase prices. They also suggest that the next pandemic might be timed to coincide with flu season and after major elections, to ensure new governments are in place. The author criticizes the hypocrisy of the elite and their control over resources, and encourages people to speak out against these issues.
➡ The text discusses the politics around COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, suggesting that the left was more accepting of the vaccine once Biden was in office. It also talks about the push for faster vaccine production and the potential dangers of misinformation. The author predicts that the next pandemic will be used to push certain agendas, like climate change, and that vaccines will be produced even faster to prevent public skepticism.
➡ The text talks about the use of lockdowns and vaccine mandates to control the spread of pandemics. It also mentions the spread of misinformation and the protection of certain groups or interests. The text suggests that future pandemics might involve different groups and strategies. It ends by emphasizing the importance of individual worth and the need to resist manipulation and deception.


Bird flu, censorship and 100 day vaccines. Kit knightley@offguardian. org gives us predictions, seven predictions for the next pandemic. He says earlier this month, the White House published its new, quote, pandemic preparedness, unquote, targets. Oh, they’re working really hard. You know, they’re planning on how they’re going to put CBDC on us, how they’re going to do pandemics on us and all the rest of this stuff. Again, the only place that we’ve got where we can really fight this is at the local level.

But we also need to speak out as much as we can, even though they’re going to shut us down. Speak out. Some of this stuff is getting through. And I think that’s the key thing. They’re going to keep escalating that, though. Sky News, for example, headline next pandemic is around the corner. Expert warns, but would lockdown ever happen again? That’s the headline they like large headlines. Financial Times, April 3.

The next pandemic is coming. Will we be ready? And he says, less than an hour ago, the daily mail invited us inside, quote, the world’s large deadliest cave that could cause the next pandemic. Oh, a bat cave, I imagine. Where else? If it’s a cave, it’s got to be bats, right? So we get to go into the Batcave and then Batman finds out the robins got bird flu.

Oh, no. Holy pandemic. Just two days ago, a professional pandemic spreader wrote for CNN, the next pandemic threat demands action. Now he says, so what is the next pandemic going to be? Everybody talks about disease x and everything. He said, well, theyve talked about monkeypox now. Then they changed it to M pox and all the rest of it. Of course, by pandemic, he said, we really mean Psyop because nothing about the next pandemic will be any more real than the last pandemic.

Exactly right. I said from the very beginning of this, I said the only science in any of this stuff is behavioral science. And it’s the kind of behavioral science that BF Skinner did. You know his book beyond freedom and dignity? Think about that. Beyond freedom and dignity. And that that title ought to give you chills and look at what Trump did to us in 2020. Beyond freedom. Well, that was a lockdown.

Beyond dignity. That was the mask. No dignity in that. Total humiliation, like wearing a cone of shame. Should be ashamed for being that stupid. But yeah, it is. That truly was beyond freedom and dignity. He said, when the time comes it’ll almost certainly be another respiratory disease because they’re easy to fake. You can use pre existing endemic diseases and their uniform symptoms and say it’s not regular flu.

Flu has disappeared. Remember, they played that absurd game. It’s just amazing to me how absurd the lies were and how a lot of people went along with it were supposedly. Yeah, that, that may just be the propaganda machine out there. It is hard to believe that people could be that stupid. Although I did see a lot of people riding around in their cars, husband and wife, with masks on and the windows up.

The prime candidate, he says, is bird slew flu, which has been slow boiling in the news for two years now. Actually, it goes back to 2002. Bird flu goes back to when they started talking about sars and things like that. So that’s another indication that this might be the thing they’re going to use. The UN reports that pandemic experts, quote unquote, are concerned over avian influenza spread to humans.

Just yesterday, Jeremy Farrar, the World Health Organization, warned that the threat of bird flu spreading to humans is a great concern, prompting gleefully sensationalist headlines like this from the Daily Star. New pandemic expected as human to human bird flu. Of great concern. To the who, bird flu is a convenient pick, he says, because it enables them to push their health tyranny and their food transition at the same time.

That’s it. You know, they can claim that dairy, beef, chicken and eggs have become dangerous as an excuse to ration them and to create forced scarcity to drive the prices up. And I think that’s what this is about. They’ve been doing this game now for a couple of years, mass murder of livestock. This is a pattern, you know, when we look at airplanes and things like that. I was just talking to my son, Whistler, who was saying he’s got a friend who says, I don’t fly anymore, and it’s because it’s become such a hassle.

And then, you know, you got all the parts falling off of the planes as well. I think it’s why they call it boing. That’s the sound the parts make when the, when they hit the ground. Boing. But no, they’ve done everything they can to turn travel into a nightmare. Parts are falling off. You got toilets overflowing. And when they’re not maintaining anything. And the flight attendants, with a few exceptions, there was a listener to this program who was a flight attendant, talking about just how bad other flight attendants were getting in terms of this little power trip that they got so between the flight attendants being now the representatives of the health tyranny and the TSA and the planes that are not being maintained, that are falling apart, they want to make sure that bit by bit, you don’t fly.

And then at some point, they just stop it. You know, you got. And this is all laid out in their c forties, their cities plan, London and New York City. Bloomberg started it. Now they’ve got about 100 cities there, and they talk about the fact that they don’t want you traveling. They don’t want you eating meat or dairy. Zero meat, zero dairy. That’s the goal as far as travel goes.

You take one trip every three years of 900 miles. Now, think about Taylor Swift. It just came out. The guy who follows her and her. Her jet, I think something like 178,000, I have the article in front of me, I think, is 178,000 miles that she traveled in the last year with her private jet. Now, apart from the fact that it’s a private jet, an entire jet just for one person and her entourage, apart from that, if they’re going to limit all of us to 900 miles in three years, that’s 300 miles a year.

How many millennia do we have to go before we could fly as much as Taylor Swift in one year? Tens of thousands of years or whatever? I mean, it’s ridiculous, the hypocrisy that’s there, but they want to. Just as they’re doing with airplanes, they gradually make things more expensive doing it with cars, with safety regulations, emissions regulations, they make them more expensive. People can’t afford to get new cars now, for the most part, get to the point where you can’t afford the gas for them and everything.

Then finally they just ban them. And people are like, well, yeah, I haven’t been able to afford a car for a while, so, you know, but it’s going to be done from the inside. Chaos from the inside, and done iteratively, as Fauci said, that’s the way they do it with everything, not just the vaccine. So the downside of the bird flu is that it’s hard to work the climate change angle into the narratives, so maybe they’ll go with something else.

He says, well, he just said that it’s, you know, it is the narrative. It’s the climate change thing. A big part of that is taking away our food supply, because the purpose of the climate change is to. Narrative is to make sure that we are impoverished and enslaved, is to take everything away from us, to burn down society. Taking your food supply, that’s the key part of it.

You know, food and energy, that’s a key part of it. So he says, when will it happen? And this is the thing that I think is interesting about the article, his timing, and I agree with him. He says probably not until the winter. They need it to be flu season so they can co op normal seasonal deaths into their pandemic narrative and the symptoms as well, people getting sick.

So he says, I think that they’ll want to wait until after the big election year is over so there’s fresh governments in place. And I think he’s exactly right about that. He says, when you go back and you look at what’s going on in the UK where he is, he says, based on article from Sky News, it asks, would lockdown ever happen again? And an expert answers with this thing, so called expert who said if another lockdown was needed, the current Tory government would either have to minimize scandals over their own rule breaking, you know, people like Matt Hancock that I talked about earlier or change hands completely to keep the public on board.

If we had a new government, people would be far more likely to have faith in them because they would be less likely to say, it’s the same bunch as before. Why should we do it again? See, that’s it. That’s the left, right, left, right. Trump, Biden, Biden, Trump. That’s what they did to us all, liberals. You, you wouldn’t take that vaccine, would you? That’s Donald Trump’s vaccine. And then immediately, as soon as Biden has announced the winner, oh, they want it now.

Now it’s been sanctified by Joe Biden. It was all about politics. And so he was able, they were able to move this thing along for the people who were going to be most gullible for it, the left, they would have been skeptical of Donald Trump and they didn’t get the kind of mileage that they wanted from the conservatives. They didn’t get the conservatives for the most part accepting it for Trump.

They just said, no, Trump doesn’t have anything to do with it. Yeah, this is phony, but Trump doesn’t have anything to do with it. And he had everything to do with it. But the left would take it hook, line and sinker if it was offered to them by their guy. And so that’s why they had to shift it. He says this would also explain the raft of sudden political resignations that we’ve seen around the world with COVID stars like Angela Merkel and Jab Senda Arden and New Zealand.

They were aware then, and are still aware now that their players were spent and they needed a fresh roster before coming back for a second leg. And I think this may be the best shot that Trump has got of winning. You know, they got to keep doing the left right, left right thing, he said. You can bet the farm that in the four years since they have been working, they’ve had working groups and researchers pouring over the pandemic data to figure out what went wrong and how they can fix it the next time.

Now there seems to be three recurring themes. Number one, vaccines and not lockdowns. There’ll be a focus on securing vaccines rather than lockdowns. Indeed, part of the whole process, he said, will be the offshucks, lockdowns or damaging. Who would have thunk it? He said, that’s about setting up a dynamic that the next time we need to do anything we can to avoid lockdowns. So lockdowns will still be there as a threat, but they won’t put them out.

We have to take, we have to mandate vaccines because the economy can’t afford another lockdown. They’ll say, or take the vaccine. You don’t want to have another lockdown, do you? By the way, this is what I saw with Mike Adams and that first few months of this nonsense. Mike Adams is out there selling masks and all the rest of stuff, telling people, wear the mask, you don’t want to get that vaccine, wear the mask.

They didn’t coordinate exactly right, because Alex was telling everybody, the vaccine is not a problem. It’s the Trump vaccine. It’s just like sugar water, you can take it. But Mike Adams is saying, don’t, you don’t want the vaccine, you want the mask. So get the mask from me. And of course, the problem was, as Mike Adams knew very well, they had already always, whether it was MMR shots or the flu shots or whatever, your vaccine doesn’t protect you, other people’s vaccines protect you.

Absolute nonsense. Totally illogical, irrational. But that was what they’d always sold, and that’s what they were selling with this stuff. So, you know, wear the mask because you don’t want the vaccine. Now they’re going to tell you this time around, get the vaccine because you don’t want the lockdown. We’ll have to do a lockdown if you don’t take the vaccine. Second thing. Speed, speed, speed, he said. The main failing of the COVID narrative was that it ran out of steam.

By the time the vaccines rolled out in early 2021, the pandemic fatigue was already setting in. And by the time the third boosters and fourth waves were in the headlines, nobody really cared. The propaganda blitzkrieg of early 2020, when Trump was president, was arguably the greatest and most wide reaching misinformation campaign of all time. Why? Well, because we got this guy there, this Trump celebrity. Yeah, next time.

They know they need to be faster. Bill Gates said as much in the 2022 Munich security conference. Hence the 100 day vaccine plan that you see them talking about everywhere. As the ever reliably hysterical Devi Schreidar writes for the Guardian, most governments are working toward the 100 day challenge, that is, how to contain a virus spreading while a scientific response, such as a vaccine, can be approved, manufactured, and delivered to the public.

The 100 day mission is the brainchild of CePI. Cepi, the gates, and who backed Ngo. Its main aim is to make possible to produce new vaccines for previously unknown pathogens in just 100 days. In the US, they’re pretty close to that. The Biden administration has as a target 130 days. From pathogen discovery to nationwide vaccine coverage. It should go without saying that real, reliable, safe, and effective vaccines or any medicines cannot be produced in 100 days.

Whatever it is that they make, sell, and force you to inject at that time, it will not be a vaccine. Well, it will not be safe. It will not be effective. It’ll not be medicine. It’ll be a poison. And then, number three, so we’ve had vax. You don’t want to lock down, so get your vaccine. Number two, speed, speed, feed. Okay? Number three, free speech is dangerous. We have seen perpetual messaging about the dangers of misinformation and disinformation ever since the 2020 thing, including prominently at the most recent Davos summit earlier this year, where it was labeled one of the three greatest dangers facing the planet.

Guess what? The other two were right. The favorite Macguffins. Those who attack free speech, as I said before, have got a criminal agenda. Just take a look at big pharmaceutical companies. Take a look at the CIA. Look at anybody, anybody who attacks free speech is not doing it to stop bullying or for any other reason. They’re not doing it because we just need all get along. They’re doing it because they’re criminals.

Criminals. So he said, and here’s my wild card prediction, the multipolar angle. And I think this is really important for people to hear this. He said, next time, not everybody’s going to be on the same page. And the reason he says that, he says you’ll have, like, India and China and Russia probably come up with a different approach. The reason he said that was he said, here’s his quote.

They’ll likely avoid the monolithic messaging of 2020, where total global conformity to the message was one of the real telltale signs of deception. How many times have I said that? How many times I said, you know, they had the same thing from Trump to Trudeau, from Biden to Macron, they’re always like, well, you know, we’re doing this now. We told you we’re going to do that. And now in two months, because this is an emergency, we’re going to wait another two or three months for the next step.

And it’s exactly the same thing. It’s going to be done in every one of these countries, and they’re going to wait another two to three months to do it. That staged, iterative thing and the fact that they were all doing the same thing, I’ve said over and over again, look at it, every country, it doesn’t matter who the president was, it doesn’t matter what their political party was.

It doesn’t matter what their stated philosophy was. They could be socialists, they could be hardcore nationalists, they could be libertarian like Gladys Bergiculin. They were the liberal party in New South Wales, as opposed to, you know, quite classical liberal, I guess. But it didn’t matter what party conservatives, Boris Johnson in the UK, you know, Republicans or Democrats, it didn’t make any difference whatsoever. They were all doing the same thing.

Trump was in lockstep with everybody. Biden was in lockstep with everybody. When he got in, it was a dance. It was the biggest telltale sign. It was as if you look at what the executives were doing with their executive orders worldwide, in every country, it was as phony as the nurses and their tick tock dances. Highly choreographed and presented by professional media. Just like they had drone shots of the dancing nurses and how they had dolly shots and all the rest of the stuff.

They were all fit. They were professional dancers. It was so hokey. And what you saw all of these executives in every one of these countries do was exactly the same thing. He says. So to sum it up, what am I predicting for the next pandemic officially? And he says, and bookmark this and hold me to it, he says, you can come back here and check my predictions. Number one, it won’t be launched until after the major elections this year because they want new political faces untarnished by the COVID frauds and lies.

Number two, it’ll likely be bird flu or some other respiratory disease launched in the winter to hijack the real flu season. Again. Number three, the chosen disease will fit into one or more pre existing agendas to impact food or to something about climate change or, you know, all of that, and they’re already putting that together for bird flu. They will move faster. They’ll produce vaccines in 100 days to stop people getting wise.

They will try to, number five, try to avoid lockdowns, but use them as a threat to enforce the vaccine mandates more rigorously. Number six, they’ll clamp down harder on mis and disinformation before they launch the new narrative. And of course, you’ve got GOP traders like Johnson and others that are now moving. We got to do it in the name of protecting Israel. But what they’re going to do is they’re, they’re laying the foundation for this so that when they’re ready to roll out the next pandemic, oh, well, you know, we’ve already got this stuff.

We put it in there to protect Israel. Now we got it there to protect big pharmaceutical companies, but it always protects what they want to do. Number seven, the next pandemic will have a multi polarity angle to establish a fake binary. So in other words, it’s not going to be all monolithic like it was this last time. It’ll be probably two different competing groups. The common man. They created common core to dumbed down our children.

They created common past to track and control us. Their commons project to make sure the commoners own nothing and the communist future. They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, ordinary. But each of us has worth and dignity created in the image of God. That is what we have in common. That is what they want to take away. Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, intimidation. They desire to know everything about us while they hide everything from us.

It’s time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. Please share the information and links you’ll find@thedavidknightshow. com. Dot thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. If you can’t support us financially, please keep us in your prayers. Thedavidknightshow. com dot. .

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bird flu potential pandemic elite control over resources faster vaccine production dangers future pandemic strategies government control over food supplies lockdowns and vaccine mandates misinformation impact on pandemics misinformation spread during pandemics next pandemic predictions pandemic agendas and climate change pandemic timing and elections politics of COVID-19 vaccines speaking out against resource control vaccine acceptance under Biden

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