4.29.24: Worldwide submission They will not win Correspondent dinner mess B2 Barr back Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ This text talks about a shift in American politics towards prioritizing America first. It discusses the exposure of criminals worldwide and the awakening of many to the destructive plans that were set for America. It also mentions the return of Bill Barr for Trump and the punishment of immoral activities. Lastly, it talks about a cruise event where people can meet and discuss various topics, including the latest on the election.
➡ The writer expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of the Democratic party, suggesting it has become too radical and corrupt. They mention concerns about President Biden’s policies, particularly his foreign policy and stance on gender issues. The writer also discusses the perceived push of LGBTQ+ agendas in various sectors, including media and law enforcement, and expresses concern about the feminization of men. Finally, they express admiration for figures like Clarence Thomas and Donald Trump, who they view as strong leaders.
➡ This text talks about various political events and figures, focusing on President Trump’s actions and interactions with different countries. It mentions Trump’s visits to Japan, North Korea, China, Vietnam, India, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, and Germany, and his interactions with NATO, the Pope, and Queen Elizabeth II. The text also discusses Trump’s controversial actions and the media’s reactions, as well as comments on Joe Biden’s presidency and his speech at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Lastly, it includes a conversation with former Attorney General Bill Barr about his endorsement of Trump and his views on the Biden administration.
➡ The article discusses various political issues, focusing on the perceived threats to democracy. It suggests that these threats come from the left, with examples such as parents losing control over their children’s education and people losing jobs for speaking their minds. The article also criticizes President Biden, arguing that he’s not in control of what school boards are doing and that major changes are being made without the democratic process. It ends with various anecdotes and opinions about different political figures and events.
➡ This text talks about concerns over the COVID-19 vaccine and its potential side effects, including a condition called myocarditis. It shares a story of a 17-year-old girl who got sick and eventually died after getting vaccinated. The text also discusses the idea that the vaccines are more like gene therapy shots and mentions some controversies around the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Lastly, it criticizes some people in positions of power for feeling entitled and above the law.
➡ The cost of buying a house has increased by 146% under President Biden, making it harder for people to afford homes. This could lead to a drop in real estate prices and lower corporate profits. The article also discusses theories about weather manipulation, suggesting that energy pulses could be strengthening storms. Some believe this could be part of a plan to declare a national climate emergency, which would give the president more power.
➡ The article discusses the possibility of weather control through the use of trillion-watt lasers, which can create rain and lightning. It also mentions allegations of governments, including the U.S. and China, using this technology in the past. The article then shifts to political issues, suggesting that if President Biden loses his immunity, he could be charged with various crimes. The author encourages readers to stay strong, fight for what’s right, and not live in fear, ending with a prayer for guidance and protection.


Does a bird swoop down to a trap on the ground when no bait is there? Does a trap spring up from the ground if it has not caught anything built? Here? Today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first.

America first. Well, the criminals worldwide are more exposed than ever before. We are watching thousands turn away from the uniparty in America and waking up to the destruction that was set for all of us. Remember, they had a 16 year plan to destroy America first. It started with Obama, then it was heading over to old killer herself. Didn’t work out. States are fighting back. Now immoral activity is starting to be punished.

Bill Barr is back for Trump. A masterful move. And so much more in comms on that one. We will look at this. And Nebraska controlled weather. Why is that happening? What are they up to? And more, they being the enemy and just a lot more to cover than we’ve seen. It is amazing. Here we go. Well, folks, don’t forget that August 11 through 18th of this year, we have a cruise on the Holland American line western.

And we’re going to be going to Alaska. Wonderful. We’re going to experience America’s last frontier. Glacial lakes, towering snow capped mountains, rainforests and rich vegetation. We’re going to see glaciers, incredible wildlife, beautiful scenery. And even better than that is we get to hang out with other, and we know fans, hundreds of them, just hanging out together, talking about the time that we woke up, some things that have happened to us in our lives and finding out where everybody lives and making new friends.

I mean, that’s going to be absolutely brilliant. You also get a chance to meet me and my family, meet several others that are going to be on board and listen to the music from Isaacs and so much more. We’re going to discuss the latest on the election. We’re going to have Q and a time and so much wonderful beauty just to be part of for seven days. It’s going to go by quick.

We’re going to have a blast. Hope you guys are going to be there. Hope we see you. Now we’re going to start out with this. It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country because you’d be in jail. Secretary Clinton, I think you locked up the election with that moment, but you didn’t follow through on that yet.

They are trying to put you in jail. No, my question is, you were asked about that. You said, look, these are good people. I don’t want to hurt them. And I kind of thought that was a very honorable thing to say. What happens if you become president again regarding them and the rest? Well, let me tell you, I didn’t want to. I thought it would be a terrible thing.

And there were opportunities, obviously, and good, strong control. Everything was good. But I did not want to and I thought it would be a terrible thing for our country. They don’t care. These people are radical lunatics. They don’t care. And they have to be very careful with what they’re doing because it comes back to bite. And you’re right about it. I had plenty. I had putting her, that would have been a horrible thing to do, I thought, but they don’t mind doing it.

And you’re talking president, not, you know, the, well, look, the wife of Bill Clinton would not have been, would not have been a nice thing to do. But I felt that way. I really did. I felt that way. And she was quite nasty. And by the way, to this day, she talks about the election, the election. Nobody goes after her. They go after conservative Republicans. They go after christians.

I mean, it’s going to be a lot different out there. And I tell the Republicans, and I think I’m having an impact, a big impact. I tell them, you better start fighting because you know, you’re not going to have anything left if you don’t. And we have, we have some great people. You know them, they’re on your show a lot. We have some great Republicans, but they’re realizing they’re going to have to get tougher.

And they will. It’s happening because they are going to go after every single president. They’ll start with Obama, Fast and Furious, right, where he gives 2000 weapons to cartel members. And then they’ll go to Obama where he weaponized the IR’s against conservatives. They’ll probably go after Joe Biden for having cocaine in the White House. They’ll go after Biden then for raiding his opponent’s home. They’ll probably go after him after that for literally two weeks before the 2022 primaries, literally depleting the petroleum national reserves so he could lower gas prices by four cents and hopefully help him actually in the polls.

I mean, where do you want to stop? Are they going to go after George Bush for lying about, you know, weapons of mass destruction? You know, where does this stop? Maria, the only people that are going to win are going to be the lawyers in Washington DC. The floodgates are going to open, and I guarantee you Joe Biden will not have 1ft outside of the White House doors before they start going after him legally, ruthlessly.

Presidents need immunity in this country. If they don’t, their entire tenure as president is literally going to be filled in depositions and subpoenas like they’ve tried to do to my father for the last eight years. We can’t have this legal law fair in this country. We need a president to actually be able to function and run the United States of America. You guys getting it yet? Absolutely brilliant.

Bring him in, challenges immunity. And then you go on to the talking shows and start letting them know what crimes. The other presidents, they actually, the real criminals, the ones that were selected, not elected, placed in what they actually did. And then all of a sudden, the Supreme Court has to look into all of that, and then it turns around, the boomerang. Before you know it, we start seeing the truth come out.

Their destruction of our country and how they were used to try to create a worldwide new world order system. Blueprint said, oh, gee anons. Remember the emphasis Q continuously put on optics and why patriots couldn’t just ride in and storm the barn like we wanted them to. Why we had to painstakingly follow the letter of the US constitutional, federal law and judicial precedents that the wheels of justice turned slow.

But then when they turn, they are powerful. Watching this brazen criminal enterprise operate with zero regard for the aforementioned. Seeing this ignite the public in ways we never thought possible, watching their unfettered corruption cannibalize them in real time and cues emphasis makes so much more sense now. We could not have achieved the exploding, awakening and unity blazing through the hearts and minds of our countrymen. Without it. We’re well.

We’re well beyond the point of no return now. Staggering precedents have been set. And when DJT returns to power, the people will in fact be ready for what must be done. Nothing can stop what’s coming in November and beyond. We will have our country back. Patriots. And I mentioned this again. Way to go, blueprint. That the reality for all of us was, we wanted the moment that he was inaugurated as president, 2017, that January day, we wanted to see immediate arrests.

I wanted to see him turn around, have that military that was behind him come on up and take everybody away. But was the world ready for that? No, because most people believe that there was good people sitting behind them, that these presidents could have done no wrong, that there is no involvement in destruction of our country? No way. But now folks are starting to wake up. As a matter of fact, when you head out to x world, you start finding things like Minerva.

I’m a lifelong Republican and Jew but have never voted for Trump or for either of his opponents. I despise the man. Grew up despising him, hated him after more than hated even more after one 6 January 6 nothing about Israel proper is likely to move my vote in one direction or the other. Just not an enormous issue for me. All that said, this time I will vote for Trump without a large smile on my face.

With a large smile on my face. Excuse me. It isn’t anything about what is happening 6000 miles away, but about turning a blind eye to the utter depravity happening on the streets of cities all over the country and even giving aid and comfort to the barbarians. There’s a wake up. Ruben Katz, you’re spot on. I started to see it in 2014 when Hamas reared its head and Obama went all both sides on us, and the ensuing mass riots of pro Hamas protesters flared right away or flight flared right after.

London was unbearable even then. Paris quelled the riots fast, but the US was complacent and wretched. They watched his campus after campus rallies went uncontested. Our parents Democrat party, the one I voted for my whole life, washed away with a thin red line in Syria under Obama, where Biden learned how to play both sides with Iran sending billions in cash then and now propping them up. It’s too corrupt.

It’s too blatant. The Democrat party ceased to exist and it’s now the democratic socialist party. Anyone who goes against the narrative risks the woke mobile totalitarianism. Shame. What else do we got? Oh. Abby Brody this is the conversation between me and all of my jewish friends. Even my feminist friends say they are considering voting for Trump. I normally would go nuts on them, but having a harder time defending the democratic party? How about that karma, then you are.

The worst thing that happened to you when Trump was president was that you got a tax cut. That guy Biden has caved to the left. Jews are unsafe. His foreign policy is a disaster. The budget is growing sadly and paradoxically, perhaps it is. He is risking the nation with his policies. I can’t believe I’m saying this either. I voted for him. Huh? All this movement. Interactive polls shows which party will control the US Senate after the 2024 election.

Republicans 71%. Democrats 29%. That’s plus 42. The numbers just keep moving up. Democrats. They actually said it’s physically impossible to go door to door and deport 20, 20 million illegal aliens. Also, Democrats. We’re going door to door to confiscate 400 million guns from 150 million law abiding citizens. Oh, they’re so dumb. Let’s hear this. And there I say something that might, will probably be termed the most uncomfortable thing that I’ve ever had to articulate out of my mouth from a political perspective.

But I got to tell you something. As much as people may have been abhorred by Donald Trump’s statement weeks ago, talking about how black folks, he’s hearing that black folks find him relatable because what he’s going through is similar to what black Americans have gone through. He wasn’t lying. Oh, boy. Stephen Smith calling out Democrats, too. Yeah, some other things just call out by. I’m gonna get more to back on that in a minute, but you got to check this out how some of the states, like Oklahoma, I believe, is fighting back.

I’ll be really clear. President Biden deciding to rewrite title IX is one of the most radical and illegal moves we’ve ever seen from the federal government. It’s an attack on our states, it’s an attack on our families, and it’s an attack on our young women and girls. We will not stand for this in Oklahoma, we are pursuing all actions to oppose this illegal and unconstitutional move by the Biden administration.

We have already instructed our districts to not comply with this illegal rule change from President Biden. We will not allow boys in the girls restrooms. We will not put boys in girls sports. As a coach and as a parent, I’ve watched young girls work to learn the lessons that come along with playing sports. They have been able to show leadership. They have been able to dedicate so much of their life to learning those lessons that come from hard work, that come from teamwork, that come from competition.

And to see the federal government try to erase girls sports is disgusting. We have already heard back from a lot of districts that are very pleased that we stood in front of them, and this dictate from the federal government. We’re very proud of our districts that are holding the line, and we will never allow Joe Biden to control our schools and indoctrinate our kids. Our young girls deserve these experiences, and they shouldn’t have them ripped away.

From some activists in Washington, DC, who want to use the power of the federal government to impose radical gender theory on our state. I will continue to keep you all updated as we continue to move swiftly and aggressively against this overreach. So we got that going on. Paris Olympics will feature a pride house to celebrate homosexual and gender confused athletes. We have another one here. An official Chicago police public Schools training forum reveals that parents are not allowed to opt their children out of any LGBTQ lessons or topics discussed in class.

Public schools. Chicago. When they say they’re coming for your kids, believe them. What else? Oh yeah, here we go. Since seems that claiming to be LGBTQ will fast track you into the forest, the police force in UK. We got a screenshot of that for you. National lgbt police network. And then check out what happens when this guy has a police car pull up next to him. Look at this.

A transgender cop car. Look at that transgender cop car. Then there’s a large gay black man wearing a blonde wig and civilian clothing as he pulls up to this cop car. Are you guys cops or you just identify as cops? That’s none of your business. And I’m hands free. So that’s Toronto. Just showing you some things that are going on there and the agenda that’s just being pushed on all of us.

Nolte LGBTQ fans are hoping Disney’s Bluey subtly introduce gay characters. The LGBT supercalifragilistic XP allidocious crowd is declaring victory with the claim that the Disney grooming syndicate has introduced a gay character into Bluey, a popular children’s show. Disney plus animated preschool show Bluey has joined the likes of Peppa Pig and Paul Patro as a kid. Show that includes all of this. These characters with the LGBTQ numbers, letters, whatever you want to call them, and so much more.

The relentless attack on our God given values to promote the feminization of men. This is a problem we can’t ignore. Why might they be doing this, you might ask? Well, transgenders make up just 1% of the US population, so they are definitely not doing this for the votes. The truth is that they promote the feminization of men because weak and feminized men are more easily controlled, making society vulnerable to manipulation and tyranny.

Swine one speaks out against it is quickly labeled as homophobe, sexist or misogynist. And they’re shut down, folks. They’re hitting us even in our plastics or junk food and more. The mainstream media demonizes normal, heterosexual, masculine men, calling them toxic. Testosterone levels have been declining for decades. Sperm count strength in men are also decreasing exponentially. But there’s hope. Black Forest to Castirone with Tonga limited edition supplement has been dubbed the feminization killer since it combines two of the most potent natural testosterone boosters in the market.

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The best part is you could try black forest takestrom with tonga Awl with an amazing buy two get one free offer. Already applied to the website in the description box below. Go to blackforrestsupplements. com lt and get yours today. In light of all this, then we have those that actually have testosterone. Check this out. If they’re gonna kill me, they’re gonna kill me. What’s Clarence Thomas gonna do? Perhaps you’re gonna withdraw.

If they’re gonna kill me, they’re gonna kill me. Rather die than withdraw. It’s Clarence Thomas. I’d rather die than withdraw from the process. What a fighter. There’s Biden, murpas of serving on the Supreme Court, but for the purpose of not being driven out of this process, I would not be scared. I don’t like bullies. I’ve never run from bullies. I never cry uncle. And I’m not gonna cry uncle today whether I want to be on the Supreme Court or not.

They tried to take him out. Biden was one of them that tried to get him to basically walk away from the process of affirming him and going over everything. This is american patriotism that shows you a strong guy right there. Pledge 17. Holy smokes. Trump just reposted the worldwide submittal tour. So here’s more. Showing strong leadership. I’m going to play some of this and then I’m going to scroll through and just show you what President Trump did.

One of our favorites, Saudi Arabia, submitted. And you could see President Trump when he went to visit them after he became president. He made this worldwide tour, almost like putting all of these new world order freaks on notice. What else do we have as he’s sitting there with all of them? Let’s see. Israel submitted. Yeah, remember that we’ve got a lot going on there on the Israel side.

What’s the next one that we have showing in this video that President Trump actually retrouthed? I think it was the second time he’s retroofed this one. The Vatican submitted. So if he retruth this he wants us to know. Obviously, it’s not make believe. Yeah. Where else did he go? Oh, the EU submitted. Remember that? He was making his worldwide tour, and each one of these folks had to basically realize that.

I’ve got you. NATO submitted. Who else had to fall and show all the evidence that something was wrong? Remember this with the big smile. President Trump. And then you’ve got somebody on the far right, the pope, frowning pretty bad, and we’ve got a lot of evidence on him and some other things going on on that side. And you guys are pretty much aware of it now, I don’t have to go into detail.

Interesting. That seemed to be some strange calms with Melania’s dress. Japan. Submitted. One of my favorites was President Trump got to go into the sumo sacred ring, right? Is what I call it. How many folks are allowed to just casually walk in and hand the trophy to the winner of a sumo match? And the Japanese went crazy when he was able to do that. They loved it. Let’s see.

What else did he did? Oh, do. He actually walked over to North Korea, stepped over with Kim Jong un, took 17 steps, and paused and turned back around. Not 18 steps, not 20 steps, not 16 steps. 17, which happens to be the letter Q. Interesting. Let’s see. Anybody else? Oh, China. Submitted. Yeah, he got to go. One of the first times we’ve ever seen the forbidden city visited by United States president.

Vietnam submitted. He went there. Mm hmm. Who else? India. Submitted. You guys remember that? Oh, yeah. Brazil submitted. Anybody had any plans whatsoever to try to. Argentina submitted. To try to continue their new world order push forward? They were done. Canada submitted. You know, they’re up to no good. Still there. A lot of folks waking up. Germany submitted. The queen submitted. The queen. Prince Charles submitted. Remember that? We got President Trump in the front looking at the troops.

Many came out showing the proper way that this is supposed to be done by the rightful king, and it just made everybody wonder, why is he looking at the troops in such a way as if he’s the king? Strange. And then Putin gave Trump the football. Remember? Russia submitted. Remember, many the mainstream media freaked out because he received a gift, and he took that gift on the airplane, and the media just went crazy over that gift.

The swamp submitted. As they received their envelopes during that Bush senior funeral, the funeral that we went over in detail over and over again, it’s been played by many, showing the just one calm after another. The shock of Jeb when he saw whatever was in the hand of Laura Bush as she simply showed it to him quickly. He took a glance and dropped his hand and looked like he had seen basically a demon.

Almost had to be a picture. I still believe it was a photo. Some say, no, it’s a picture of this sign thing from Bush. Well, how did he have time to read it that quickly? I don’t know. The people’s president, the best is yet to come. And that’s what President Trump Retruth for all to see. Why would he retruth something like this unless something was going on and he was sending a message to all of us who’ve been working so hard behind the scenes to try to wake people up and include you.

Where we go one, we go all. Interesting, huh? Why? Retroofta. So, of course, him being the leader that he is, of course they have to have the White House correspondence dinner. And ABC hosted this fraudulent president says v. Darkness falls. Then we remembered ABC is owned by the pedophile Phil Disney and covered up the Epstein story during the 2016 election because Hillary Clinton was running against Trump. Didn’t want the world to know that Bill Clinton is a pedophile and Hillary traffic’s children.

Amazing that Joe Biden is allowed to joke about the political hit job of sham charges he’s performing against Trump. I want to thank you for the warm welcome. Please, not so loud. Donald was listening. Sleepy Don. I kind of like that. I may use that again. Of course, the 2024 election is in full swing. And yes, age is an issue. I’m a grown man running against a six year old.

Speaking of history, did you hear what Donald just said about the major civil war battle? Gettysburg? Wow. Trump’s speech was so embarrassing. The statue of Robert E. Lee surrendered again. I had a great stretch since the state of the Union. O’Donnell has had a few tough days lately. You might call it stormy weather. What the hell? Interesting, huh? All those attacks, attacking the with the information that actually should be geared towards him.

Of course we got the fake news. The mainstream media. Donald Trump is used to the finer things in life. At the courthouse, he’s miserable. Well, it’s not true, because at the courthouse, he’s been greeted by union workers and many people shouting, USA, USA. They want President Trump back. And so they will allow their correspondence dinner to happen. And you have things like this from continuing from Biden. Defeated former president has made no secret of his attack on our democracy.

He said he wants to be a dictator on day one and so much more. He tells supporters he is their revenge and retribution. When in God’s name have you ever heard another president say something like that and he promised a bloodbath when he loses again. We have to take this seriously. Eight years ago, you could have written off it as just Trump talk. But no longer. Not after January 6.

I’m sincerely not asking of you to take sides, but asking to rise up to the seriousness of the moment, move past the horse race numbers and the gotcha moments and the distractions. The sideshows have come to dominate, sensationalize our politics, and focus on what’s actually at stake. I think in your hearts, you know what it was at stake. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Every single one of us has roles to play, a serious role to play.

Making sure democracy endures. American democracy. I my role. But in all due respect, so do you. What’s your role? I admire my role. Your role is to continue the lies, continue the protection of the evil ones. Right? All of you guys at the dinner. Almost all of you, huh? In the age of disinformation, credible information that people can trust is more important than ever. And that makes you, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, makes you more important than ever.

So tonight, I’d like to make a toast to a free press, to an informed citizenry. So he’s still bringing up the facade, and this is believe from ultra peppy lives matter. He’s bringing up the facade that toast the free press, the media that shills for him on a daily basis. It’s a good thing that anons like you and me have been exposing these people on a daily basis.

The true free press is the movement of the free thinkers that reject these people wholesale. And that movement continues to spread. Also, Biden looks ancient. He’s got that fake attached earlobe on the right side, and that mask just looks terrible. As we continue heading into all of the strange things going on, I wanted to show you this Bill Barr clip where he says, basically he’s shown a message from President Trump, basically putting Barr down after Barr endorsed him to you, saying you’d vote for the republican ticket.

Wow. Former AG Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating voter fraud in our country, has just endorsed me for president, despite the fact that I called him weak, slow moving, lethargic, gutless and lazy. Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted endorsement, I am removing the word lethargic from my statement. Thank you, Bill. Yeah, classic Trump. What’s the question? What’s your response? Classic Trump.

My response, well, I mean, obviously what I said was that I’m very disappointed that this country is stuck with this choice between two people who I don’t think either of them should be president of the United States. But given that binary choice, I feel I have to choose Trump. But he’s mocking you, so it’s not about me. I think that I’ve said this all along. If faced with a choice between two people, neither of which I think should be president, I feel it’s my duty to pick the person who I think would do the least damage to the country.

And I think Trump would do less damage than Biden. And I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy, I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration. The Biden administration or President Biden himself. Biden’s. Biden’s support for the progressive agenda. I think a lot of people hear that and the case that we just talked about that went before the Supreme Court, essentially, and say, how can you see that? And say that Biden is a greater threat to democracy.

Well, where are we losing our freedoms? How are our freedoms being constrained? They’re being constrained by the progressive government and democracy, especially from the anglosphere, democracies, the five Eyes, and so forth. The threat’s never been for autocratic government on the right. But how specifically is Biden threatening democracy? The threat to freedom in democracy has always been on the left. It’s the collectivist socialist agenda. And that is where we’re losing our freedom.

Parents are losing the freedom to control their children’s education. And, you know, people can’t speak their mind without losing their jobs and things like that. This is worse than the McCarthy era. Where is that coming from? It’s not coming from the right. Those two things for those listening in, he happens to be on the communist news network, CNN. You just noted there, you believe are worse than a president of the United States trying to subvert the will of the people by overturning the results of the election.

No, I think a country, all the things together, like, we’re not enforcing our borders. We have open borders. We have lawlessness in our cities. We have regulations coming fast and fierce. So telling people what kind of stoves they can use and what kinds of cars they have to drive and eliminating cars and so forth. Yeah, those are the threats to democracy. But President Biden is not in control of what some school boards across the country are doing.

Major changes are being made in our country without, without the democratic process, and they’re being made by bureaucrats in these agencies. Okay, pause. You can speaker one. How about that, huh? So he goes on communist news network. They were probably thinking there would be a different answer based off of the remarks from President Trump. They said, yes, we can get him to go against Trump because Trump said something bad against him.

Well, he uses that platform on communist news network to wake more people up on what’s going on. Burning bright. Ron DeSantis fought the man, President Trump and endorsed him. Vivek fought the man, President Trump and endorsed him. Barr worked for the man, fought the man, and then endorsed President Trump. For those of you who’ve been unable to accept the possibility that many of the loudest players on the game board, the ones that the mainstream media leap at the chance to use against Trump, ostensibly from within his own movement, are playing roles, and this is storytelling 101.

There’s a reason kay fave and false feuds are some of the most simple and effective narrative deployments in the Infowar bad guys use Kayfabe to help codify the controlled opposition dynamic, putting pitting right against left, Republican against Democrat, man against woman, black against white, because it appeals to human binary tribal thinking. Good guys use k f a because the narrative setters on the opposing side are cut off from their former power structure and they’re spinning in a void of indecision.

Bicameral thinking fails as well when you know the way broadly. How about that? You guys can head over to and we know. com truth, hope, faith and freedom. You can find everything you need on our website for sure. You can also see our social media sites where we have Awk updates, Instagram on AWK 828. It’s all in the description box below. Also if you need to go quickly to that.

Also, we have our gear. We have a Mother’s Day sale. Take 15% off of all women’s wear and get a free gift box. Use code Mother’s Day 15 order by May 3 for delivery by Mother’s Day. Buy now. That’s pretty cool. You guys can get more of our gear. We’ve got so many folks sending pictures and we need some more. If you go to our website, you can submit those and sign up for our newsletter, too.

But when you wear our gear, sweatshirts, hoodies, accessories, hats, tees and tanks and more, you will be amazed at the folks that will run into you and say, I listened to that show also and you’ve got a new friend. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. Why aren’t people going to prison for what they did to the president on the other side? You know, throw Bill Barr in prison and these things take time.

Yep. Oh, he’s back. FISA brings down the house. Lisa May posted this. These things take time and they do. It’s so cool because she posted even some reminders of us from the intel board. 336 71 when does the b two drop? Remember a Bill Barr b two two b’s drop the first bomb. Bill Barr fit into eight spaces. Reconfigure graphic knowledge is power. When did POTUS circumvent the director of National Intelligence coats normal protocol for D class and give authority directly to Attorney General Barr? Remember we went through all this and we thought Barr must be the bad guy.

Barr is the good guy. Some people said no. Got to stick around and see what’s going on. Some strange stuff. Does Durham want to hold freeze public D class due to criminal nature of the probes? When did the investigation begin? D class coc PoTUs to bar, bar to Durham. And then we saw this from Fletch 17. Bill Barr calls out, Trump says 2020 wasn’t stolen. Trump calls out, Bill Barr says 2020 was stolen.

Bill Barr now backs Trump. Trump only recanted one word from previous statement. Bill Barr chuckles when asked about Trump’s statement. Dan Scavino posts b two b the b two bomber. Bar Grassley posts about Bar. Elon responds to post about Bar people thought Bebe Bill Barr was bad and confided in him. Me sitting back enjoying and joining the show. Sir Oliver Pollak shows us FTR recall having the this debate with some nons researchers where my stance was BB.

Bill Barr is operating on strict orders and they will, they all said he was a traitor. I believe my theory will age well mainly because of one reason. Durham very good. Good stuff. Also good stuff, I think was the Marion or the correspondence dinner they had to have. BREENA ComedIaN in just accidentally exposed how miserable this the mat friend, I guess is what he’s called. This comedian, the mat friend wanted to expose how miserable and terrified our journalist class is at the White House correspondents dinner while they simultaneously apply applaud themselves for having a sense of humor.

Notice when he plays the role of President Trump and he switches to some others. Just see just pretty quiet in the place. They seemingly realize and get a little nervous. You can kind of feel the tension in the air, wondering what he’s going to say. Check this out. What was Donald Trump thinking? Would he recover from this tonight? Your answer? Well, I will, I will tell you, it is really a tremendous opportunity to be at the most failed dinner anybody’s ever seen.

Great to see you losers. A lot of people say that. Hello, everybody. Why is it so quiet? What’s happening? It’s quieter than sleepy Joe. Hello, Joe. How are you? Great to see you. We’re going to debate, right? That’s what they’re saying. There’s a lot of stars here. There’s a lot of great people. There’s Scarlett Johannesburg. Scarlett is here from black widow. I love the blacks. I really love the blacks.

It’s true. You have a lot of people that could potentially be a vice president. You have Lara Trump, who’s a lot better than Ronna McDonald, who doesn’t love Ronna MacDonald, right? I’m loving it. You like a happy meal, right? You like that. But I will tell you, this dinner is so tight, it’s so uptight, right? This dinner is sadder than Taylor Swift’s new album, the tortured president’s department.

Right? He’s. Look at him, the white tuxedo. He doesn’t like me too much, right? But I will tell you, the chinese apps are being banned. It’s horrible. We have to post. That’s what they’re saying. Let’s face it, folks, I’m on fire right now. Like the guy outside the courthouse, right? Not soon enough. Not soon enough. But I will tell you, I am killing this dinner harder than Christy nome kills the puppies.

Moving on, please. Even Bernie has something to say. Mister Trump, you have no idea what the ordinary experiences everyday Americans are. I am concerned with battling the ruthless dictators like Vladimir Putin. Can we all agree on that? Can we all agree? Even Mitch would agree with that right now. Mitch? Well, let me begin by stating what a privilege it is to be at this dinner celebrating ordinary Americans and African Americans.

Scooby, do you do. Let me tell shit to Barack to close it out, everybody. DC, you’ve been a lot of fun. And I have to close it out by saying, when I was on the campaign trail in 2008, I let a chant with the crowd and I would say, you’re fired up. The crowd would say, I’m ready to go. So you have a long show. Are you fired up? You’re fired up.

I’m ready to go. Good night, guys. Back to Kelly. Thank you so much. Good night. Thank you. Thank you, mister President. Talk about making an impression. Hmm? Did you guys feel the tension? I don’t know. I did just a little bit. They seem to be a little nervous. Also. Somebody should be nervous would be Michigan Governor Gretcham Whitner. Whitmer was booed at the NFL draft announcing the Detroit Lions draft to announce the Detroit Lions selection, please welcome Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, also known as Big Gretch.

All right. All right, Detroit, let’s hear it. It has been a historic week here in the great city of Detroit. We have shown the world what the motor city is all about. It’s enough to make you go crazy and make you sick to your stomach. Speaking of sick, a lot more I wanted to cover here in a moment. I wanted to show you that myocarditis in children is now being pushed next level programming.

How many have even heard of the medical term myocarditis prior to the experimental mRNA injections, the jab that they pushed on all of us? Answer not many. Now commercials are warning about kids contracting, contracting this heart scarring affliction. And it’s being aired on tv. I’ve been into fashion since I can remember. But one day I had a stomachache so bad I didn’t want to do anything. The team at New York Presbyterian said it was actually my heart.

It was severely swollen, something called myocarditis. But doctors gave me medicines and used machines to control my heartbeat. They saved me. So now I can become the next great fashion designer. New York Presbyterian, it’s got Columbia. Well, Cornell medicine. Yeah, all this stuff being pushed. And remember the ancient greek sorcery, pharmakia, witchcraft and drug administration, fostered by worshiping idols. Pharmacology, drug administration, fostered by worshipping modern technology. Remember that? Then you’ve got this pharmaceutical symbol.

Interesting, because it happens to be the satanic baphomet symbol. Remember on the baphomet? Much better. When you wake up, the World Health Organization happens to have it too. You’ll ever think about why Walgreens has a cauldron as a logo. Pop quiz. Where does the word pharmacy originate from? Revelation on drugs. For your merchants were the great men of the earth. For by your sorcery, all the nations were deceived.

Revelation, 1823. Merchants are wholesalers or traders. For your wholesaler were the great men. Great men are powerful men of the earth. For by your sorcery, by your. The greek word pharmacia, by your pharmacy, literal means to drug or to poison. All the nations you sell yourself to me took your peace, your pain, your pleasure in a lesson. You got the ems, the who. Why do all of our symbols for medicine contain serpent? Satan is the serpent and master deceiver in the word of God.

For by the sorceries were all nations deceived by their pharmacia. The greek word for sorceries pharmacia. We know all of that. And we’ve been showing this over and over again from revelation 1823. And that’s why I get into this more and more to make sure you guys understand. We had another somebody write in saying my daughter was on social media. My daughter was 17 years old. She was picked for a school trip from July 9 to 22.

July 22. That last year it was mandatory that she be vaxxed. She was the only one vaxxed in our household. Although we begged her not to do it. She received vaxes on June 7 and June 28, 2022. She left for her trip on July 9 and fell sick. So June 7, June 28, and then July 9, she fell sick. And on July 18, she texted me when she was sick.

We drove to mission from Michigan to New York, picked her up at the border of Niagara Falls in Toronto. We drove home on July 19. On July 20, I took her to urgent care, where we sat in the waiting room for hours, for 4 hours. She then sat up and asked, did they call me back yet? Before collapsing and going into cardiac arrest, they worked on her, airlifted her to children’s hospital.

She was put on an ECMO machine. Ecmo machine. And treated with remdesivir. Wow. Another deadly poison. She was in jeopardy of having all her limbs amputated due to the lack of blood flow or limbs turned black. We couldn’t amputate due to the blood thinners. We had to shut down the machine. August 6, my daughter passed away. She spent 17 days suffering. What happened to her? Why didn’t the vaccine help boost her already perfect immune system? Why does a 17 year old girl go into cardiac arrest three times? Yes, three.

One in the waiting room, two more in the flight. Stop the shot. My life has been torn apart. More and more of this has been playing out for us to see. It’s been heartbreaking. The top ten COVID events of the year from Laura Boley that you won’t hear about. Mainstream media FDA and CDC find more COVID vaccine adverse events vaccines cannot effectively control COVID gold standard review finds evidence of masking uncertain repeated vaccination weakens the immune system.

Researchers found the mRNA COVID-19 vaxes contained DNA fragments. Remember, they’re not vaxes. They are gene therapy shots. Guys, remember that? Gene therapy manipulation. So in April, the US government compensated people injured by the COVID-19 jabs. FDA explicitly recognized the doctors do not have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID. The CDC admitted the latest boosters ability to prevent severe COVID hospitalization and death from COVID As of November 2023, all of the FDA’s documents in relation to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaxes for ages 16 and up have been released.

While the COVID-19 mRNA vaxes on the market were advertised as messenger rna, meaning naturally occurring rna in the body. Documents from Pfizer and studies on moderna vaxes show that the actual mRNA used modified rna or mod r n a. Well, we’ve been here before and I bet you they didn’t think we’d notice. The US government has collaborated with chinese scientists again on a project aimed at making certain strains of avian flu more infectious and more deadly.

And eyes are on the University of Wisconsin while they run gain of function research on this bird flu strain. Sound familiar? So what do you think happens next? Well, how long do you think till going to force masks, force lockdowns, forced vaccinations? Is this all to usher in the who’s pandemic treaty? We could speculate all day, but we do know that there’s medical tyrants out there. They’re not done with this.

So do you have ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? What about Tamiflu or nebulizer? Most doctors won’t even consider prescribing these, but we’ve got you covered. Keep listening. Americans waking up and understanding that now more than ever, we need these life saving medications on hand. So you can actually get an emergency kit by clicking in that description box below. TWC health forward slash lt. Grab your contagion emergency kit right now.

Use code lt for 10% off today. And folks, for those that think didn’t see all these professors, I was talking about it before, about them getting arrested in Georgia. Here’s the clip from one of them. For those listening in, she’s resisting arrest. She says she’s a professor, so she can’t be touched, right? She thinks she’s God. And then people are getting her yelling and upset because their professor is getting, basically is denied, is fighting back to hear that.

Listen to this right here. I am a professor. I’m a professor. They think they’re so entitled. Who else thinks they’re entitled? Oh, the New York district attorney, Sandra Dorley, runs from the police after an officer tried pulling her over. She says she should get special treatment because she is the DA. It’s what you call corrupt. Karen. These folks, they think that they can’t be touched because they’re professors or their das.

Let’s see a little bit from that. Didn’t stop at all. Did you not hear my lights or sirens or anything? Actually, I was on the phone. Okay, well, you’re not supposed to be on the phone while you’re driving, either. Yes, I am. With the hands free? Absolutely. Okay. Why are you so upset at me? I’m doing my job. You. You just admitted to me that you were going 55 and a 35.

I’m Philip’s road. Officer Christophouli. Can you stay over here, ma’am? This is. This is a legal traffic stop. Do you have your id? No, it’s in my purse. Here. You have your purse right there. No, this is my lunch. Would you talk to Dennis? I’m the one who prosecutes it, okay? Just go ahead and do it. Go ahead. You know what I’ve been dealing with all day? Three murders in the city, and do you think I really care if I was going 20 miles over the speed limit? I’m just doing my job.

If you pulled over when you saw my lights, which obviously you did, I thought you were going somewhere else, because I thought no one would ever pull a black suv if you ran my plates. I didn’t run your plate. I just called your plate out, and then I’m following you because you’re not stopping. All right. All right, bye bye. Hi. Okay, how about that? You guys had enough of that? Yeah, they’re entitled.

All she to do is pull over and say, officer, has it gone? You’re going over 20 over k. Give me a ticket. That’s it. Instead, everybody knows professors think that they’re untouchable. They’re like, God, these other folks think they can just break the law, go as fast as they want. And these are the folks that probably think that they’ve got the whole world in their hands. They could do whatever they want.

They don’t have to worry about all the things that are happening to us. Normies. Normies that have to. Are basically getting destroyed. The middle class. Right? January of 2021, folks, you were paying $1,349 on a mortgage payment for 3% for a 30 year fixed loan. Now it’s $2,148 at 7% loan, 30 year fixed. That’s a 59% increase. These banks are crazy. The mortgage rates are crazy. We talked about this from Trump to Biden, prosperity to poverty yesterday.

If you guys didn’t see this with Doctor Kirk Elliot, the interview, you’ve got to check it out. Foundations can be set in silver and gold. And we went through, and you can see on your screen with doctor Kirk Elliott. Each one of these things we talked about, the gas prices are up 46%. We talked about what else? Real wages have gone down under Biden. That’s right. What other things? Mortgage rates going up.

We just shared all of that. He talked about these things and I’m telling you it was brilliant. And we know. com gold is where you can go and you can actually click on that link, reach out to him and have these conversations with their team and they will help you out. Check this out. So under Biden it’s up 146% the cost to buy a house. So what are the implications of that? Implications are when people have to finance a house and it’s now double, more than double what it was when he started.

It’s like people are going to be able to afford a lesser house. That’s right. So what does that mean? Real estate’s going to tank. People have less money at the end of every month to spend and when they don’t spend, corporate revenues come down and corporate revenues come down, profits come down and therefore stock prices. Yep. And so it just bleeds all the way over. And speaking of homes, I don’t know if you guys saw this out of Nebraska, many people probably have seen it, but just wanted to show you a few of these.

And then I’m. While we’re watching this, I want to talk to you about how a lot of this looks like it was planned and shown. I’m going to show you videos and some information and some evidence that there’s some type of frequencies and some type of direct energy weapons that are being shot and they’re being caught on these radars. Now we’re starting to catch them almost as if they’re making all of this happen on purpose.

Now remember, this is just us grabbing some information from some pros out there who are unveiling all of this. And I’ll show you that here in a second. But I want you to see these terrible tornadoes and what the information I gather is nobody died in these. Just a lot of destruction of property. Thank God. And so here’s into thin air. Nebraska Tornado fixed video below not 24 hours after.

24 hours after the atmosphere was lit up with concerning energy pulses. We’re seeing some serious weather. So I’m going to show you this now. If you look at your screen you can see this by the southeast and the great Lakes. These things are going absolutely haywire ahead of this severe weather system that we are expecting now on any other given time. These radar are just doing their normal thing.

They are not activated like this. You are not seeing this on the mosaic chart as you are seeing it now. These are activated because they are charging the sky and altering the atmosphere to aid in these storms being stronger. And mark my words with that, because this is going to be a very bad situation for, for a few days. I mean, just think about it. Why do you think experts everywhere have been saying that they have never been able to forecast such a strong storm so far out from the actual dates of when it’s going to take place? I saw this all week that they were talking about how bad this storm system is going to be.

Well, now we know why. The more you watch it, the more you see it. So if you’re looking at your screen, you can see, see those lines, folks? If you’re looking. Let me see if I can zoom in a little more. Okay, I’ll zoom in right here. Look at the lines going across your screen. The straight lines. Okay. Those look like lasers that are being directed to charge these particular storms.

Now let me see if I can pull over some more information that I had earlier right here from into thin air. And you can see that radar frequency can be seen everywhere. It’s happening again, everybody. Welcome back. It is April 28, 2024, and it has been an insane weekend for weather. And we are not done yet. I gotta show you a few things that are gonna be a little weird as we are watching the tail end of this large low pressure system pulling up from the Gulf, that warm, moist air.

We’re gonna see some severe weather. But guess what? Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, eastern Texas, and southeastern Oklahoma need to be on high alert right now for another blow up of the system with potential tornado output. Now, for those of you that follow me, you know what I’m about to show you. And some people are not going to like this, but here we go. Watch these three. I like that.

He says that some people aren’t going to like this, but here we go. Areas right here, three of which are tornado warning areas. One might be on the ground frame here at 257, you could see a clear beam being shot right in. See the beam? See that green beam, the straight line beam into the storm cell. This was before. These were then later marked as serving up producing storms.

Let’s move forward. You’re gonna see this happen multiple times. One got shot right there. Boom. This cell directly in the middle. The next cell, boom right there. And then we move forward. They start developing a little stronger and stronger, and before we know it, we have an all out tornado warning. With one on the ground, possibly in Texas. Now, to verify this, I’m gonna zoom out here, and I’m gonna show you an entire different radar.

Here we go. Watch this. You’re gonna see these do the same exact thing. We’re gonna go to the first frame. 250. 07:00 p. m. We already have that first beam right through the first cell. We’ll back it up a little bit and just hit play. Take a look at this. Watch these beams coming out going directly for these cells right before they are in the tornado warning zones.

It was right after these beams were seen on radar that these then were turned into tornado warnings. The red box instead of the green or yellow. This is clear as day, my friends. It’s right here, right in front of your face. And all I’m trying to do is bring awareness to why aren’t those beams going the other direction? That’s why I look at this and I go, okay, if he’s making all this up, why would they shoot these beams directly in? And then you see that large red storm right where the beam goes through.

Why aren’t they shooting other directions? Why this direction? Storm cell. It’s very wild, and it’s a lot of what we saw yesterday and the day before leading into the Oklahoma swarm yesterday, we know why. And now we’re able to come to these charts and actually see it happening. Please watch the clip that I attached in this post right next to this video. That will explain. Very interesting, right? I mean, I’ve never seen anything like this before.

And I’m glad that we’re finally seeing stuff being put out for all of us to basically this severe weather system that we are expecting. So charging the atmosphere and more. It’s just really interesting to me to see all this play out. And I wonder, well, why would they do this? Why would they want to cause so much damage? Well, here’s the theory from the evil ones, how they would want to play this out.

Check. This is the White House telling Fox business it’s now considering declaring a national climate emergency. But that’s a climate crisis to you, Mark. The AP, which sets the standards for newsrooms across the country, they’re urging Americans to use the term climate crisis to address the current situation. This is all troubling, but if the president declares a climate emergency, what impact does that have? Well, I mean, this is, this is the, this is the serious story of the today.

NBC News has reported that if Joe Biden declares a national climate emergency, he would have COVID like powers under that emergency. And they also compared the emergency powers to the 911 emergency powers. The center for Biological Diversity has estimated Joe Biden would get about 130 wartime like powers by which to bypass democracy and impose a Green New deal on America without a single vote of Congress. This is truly the, this is a Halloween story, not a story for Earth Day.

This is a truly frightening story, and he might just be desperate enough to do it. This is being widely reported in the media. The Biden White House is leaking this out. This might happen. And this is going to give Joe Biden these kind of, you want to say the word dictatorial powers. He doesn’t need no stinking democracy to impose the Green New deal if he does this. Yeah.

Makes you wonder, huh? All this playing out. Are they trying to declare an emergency? And then all of a sudden, he gets these powers where he can just do whatever he wants, even probably say there’s no election, huh? So these are community notes. Remember nine years ago on CB’s, this was aired in case you never saw this. Lasers, really? To change the weather? That’s right. Well, as Mark Twain once famously said, everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does that.

Anything about it. Well, instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds and actually bring down lightning bolts. Beanie, go ahead. Well, I. This is. Fascinates me in part because, too, I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics, that the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds. I mean, did those really work? We have some of these capabilities now inconclusive.

Even in the sixties, the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam war to wash out the Viet Cong. Governments have been pitching alleged to. Alleged to. Right. Yeah. Now, we realize that for decades now, these governments have been alleged to have experimented with weather control, but nothing conclusive. This time, we’re bringing in the laws of physics rather than simply while waving our hands and uttering mumbo jumbo.

We’re actually using trillion watt lasers now and in the laboratory. Sure enough, they precipitate rain out of water vapor. Sure enough, you can actually bring down electricity down the beam. Firing trillion watt lasers. You rip apart the electrons, creating what are called ions. And these ions act like seeds, like dust particles, bringing down rain and even lightning. There you go. Just in case you’re wondering and need a reminder how they can control the weather.

And it’s really sad. We’re in a psychological warfare. We’re doing information war and fourth psyop group posted this one again. Do you believe, says Cywar. You’ve got to get a hold of yourself, Cywar. And so if you look back on this actual watch, Cywar watch, what do you notice on that clock? And then the one on the right from the intel board, many of you probably screaming, I know that that’s the clock.

See, looks just like the one from the Mickey Mouse one. We’ve been trying to figure out many for a long time, what all that plays out to mean. And of course, we had this from Grasshopper looking into all of the comms that we received lately. President Trump, of course, posted Stephen Miller video. He posted it and said, Steve Miller said, if they say there’s no immunity for official acts, the moment Joe Biden leaves office, every single red city and red state district attorney in the country can charge him for financial crimes related to illegal student loan bailouts, can charge him for war crimes related to deaths of service members overseas, can charge him for human trafficking, human smuggling, and by the way, more election interference than you can even count.

You see, immunity is released. President Trump goes into office. All of a sudden, the immunity is gone for Biden and all the others. And the truth starts coming out as they are charged with all types of crimes. And finally, the Satan worshipers are starting to be put away. And that’s what we are hoping to see. So the comms given to us from these particular timestamps precedent sent Trump opens the door of all doors.

No presidential immunity equals Joe can be charged with human trafficking, election interference and more. Everything you’re witnessing, past and present future centrally revolves around the presidential election of 2020. Everything play loud, be proud. Fight for what is right, fight for freedom they will not win divide they try fail they will, together they will, fill fail they will and together where we go one, where we go all just like we saw in that video, a lot going on.

Many of these things, folks, in today’s video we’re seeing play out day after day. It’s great to have this platform to be able to share with you even more. We got it. Stay in prayer as we’re fighting a battle, spiritual war. I saw this from common sense IQ test and wanted to read it to you as we close thy kingdom come. I’m no longer numb. Believe in the word word of God drops reference many times truth in this is the weapon concealed are the crimes drops would be the I believe the intel drops we get from the 17th letter board.

Truth is a weapon concealed are the crimes aiding and abetting fifth column used to protect always play the victim. These criminals project. They always want to play the victim. Projecting is perversive distractions for their script. That’s what they do. Occam’s razor suggests this is how they’re equipped. The simplest of answers this theory supports. It’s always the complexity which twists and contorts. No need to look further. It’s under our nose, right in the open to see and expose scratching the facade marred surface you’ll see all is interconnected.

This I guarantee by hook or by crook. They cast nets and lines, shooting fish in a barrel, traps and confines like circling wagons corralling their sheep. The Lord is my shepherd. I’ve taken the leap to escape from their heroes or from their herd. Excuse me. Thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven. I’m no longer numb. Electrified by grace illuminates faith’s redemption. Shining like a beacon is seen without mention.

Your soul will radiate to others still trapped, longing for your freedom, their energies sapped. Fear must be shown, mind protected and shielded, armored and dressed. Salvation’s powers are wielded, but nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for guiding and directing our lives every single moment of every day.

We wouldn’t be here without you. We wouldn’t have this platform without you. And I ask and continue to beg you that the words and the things that come through these waves onto the ears of many people would come out showing all your plans, that you are fully in control. We know that you already know what’s going to happen at the end. We know that you win in the end.

And we also know that many things are playing out around us. And we just ask that you continue to bring us peace beyond understanding, use our voices and constantly show us that we do not need to live in fear and that many others would see us and realize, I want what they’ve got. We do lift up those that are on the front lines again for their protection. We know that you can provide the ultimate protection as you open the eyes of those in scripture to show them.

Mighty angels on horses and chariots, surrounding those who had no idea that they were being protected by you, a mighty army from God. And so we just lift up our own families for protection of all of us as we move day by day through this territory that we’re unavailing to everyone. We ask all this in the name of yeshua, our savior, Christ your son. Amen and amen, folks.

Thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for all of your support, your prayers and more. Please hit that follow button if you will, and share and subscribe. We are just moving along and just want to remind you about the cruise in case you’re thinking about it. Jump on board before those rims are gone. And we’re looking forward to seeing you then.

For now, this lt saying semper fi with them we know signing out. .

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