2023-09-06 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

In this thought-provoking blog post, host Scott Bennet and guest Dr. Stephen Pigeon delve into a range of political concerns, from alleged unconstitutional cases against Trump to warnings of impending tyranny. They discuss President Biden’s ability to govern, funding to Ukraine, bioweapons labs, and alleged election fraud. The post also explores the potential for a communist takeover in

The EU Is At War With Russia But They Are Still Purchasing Gas From Them Reconcile

The Green New Deal’s reliance on electric vehicles and windmills, along with a digital currency, is facing resistance as people realize its impracticality. The plan, originally hidden during the pandemic, is now transparent. The collapsing electric vehicle industry demands more subsidies, while hazardous batteries and reliance on foreign resources threaten jobs. Economic hardships and dissatisfaction with the Biden administration are growing,

The Road to Mass Enslavement: How Manufactured Crises Drive Public Dependency

The Road To Mass Enslavement

Unravel the intricate web of how governments may be leveraging crises—from climate change to pandemics—to engineer a dependent populace. This blog post delves deep into the unsettling emergence of a global agenda and its implications for individual freedoms. Will you awaken to reclaim your power? 🌐 Read more now.

Sheriff Mack Warns Americans of Upcoming Digital Currency (CBDC)

  Sheriff Mack Warns Americans of Upcoming Digital Currency (CBDC) – Find out what is really planned for Americans. Get prepared and stocked up now on supplies! Our country is about to drastically change.

How To Turn Your Savings Into Gold!

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