Stephanie Sledge, Dr. James Fetzer, and Former Army Officer Scott Bennett Discuss Maui Findings




Stephanie Sledge, Dr. James Fetzer, and Former Army Officer Scott Bennett Discuss Maui Findings

Stephanie Sledge, an investigative journalist, joins Dr. James Fetzer and former US Army Officer Scott Bennett to discuss her discoveries from Maui and all of the new information that has become available since her last interview.

Americans are questioning and demanding answers for the devastating, suspicious fires in Lahaina that have claimed hundreds of lives, destroyed homes, and left many homeless. Schools are reporting over 2000 missing children. Uncover the truth and act now!




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5 thoughts on “Stephanie Sledge, Dr. James Fetzer, and Former Army Officer Scott Bennett Discuss Maui Findings

  1. Jane Pope says:

    Check the tunnels, don’t trust Oprah. Maui has 3 tunnels I believe. How easily she got in there immediately is sus. It’s not the first time tunnels have been used for child trafficking. Even subs ask Gislaine.

  2. Garth Michaels says:

    This amazing presentation was the most comprehensive, in-depth detailing of the Maui calamity that I have seen. This event will prove to be as impactful as 9/11. From the DEW-fueled event itself to the massive ongoing cover-up, the cabal overplayed their hand like never before. This will certainly lead to their exposure. #JusticeIsComing

  3. Lucy Cwiklinski says:

    Well done in honor of the people in Lahaina❣️The Hawaiian gov’t obviously is NOT for the people!! Hawaiians need to rise up!!!🇺🇸

  4. April V says:

    🔵 things that didn’t catch 🔥

    I heard a scientific explanation that had something to do with the laser directive energy beam.
    Something to do with refracting the light of the Lazer beam. Do more scientific analysis in that direction.

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