Patriots are ENDING Abortion!!!
Hey gang, there are so many important issues to discuss in today’s political, cultural, and economic climate, and I can’t discuss them all here. In fact, YouTube and Big Tech won’t let me talk about it all here. And that’s why I have exclusive, uncensored live streams on Monday nights to cover everything on Monday nights, I share all my thoughts and answer your questions in an in depth, casual format that prepares you for this upcoming election with the truth.
Today, I want to show you a quick clip from a recent stream that I hope will help you think clearly about these important issues as well as encourage you to join our movement. Join an upcoming exclusive livestream and I’ll answer your questions by clicking the link in the description below and joining our community of courageous patriots, building a parallel economy. I look forward to seeing you over there.
Well, Gregory Peterson says, Dr. Steve, has Disney lost enough that Iger would get fired or bought out? Yeah, we’ll have to see. I don’t know what their pain threshold is, but they have lost. What I think the last stat I looked at is they lost something like 50% of their market value in the last five or ten years. It’s just they’ve been hemorrhaging money left and right. Disney plus isn’t working.
Nothing that they’re doing is working right now. Yeah, I think Iger came out of retirement to fix this problem, and so nothing’s changed. So we’ll see. He might have to step down well again. Yeah. And you had a lot of these DeI based things. They were in the works over the last few months, so he’s kind of inheriting a lot of this stuff. So we’ll have to see.
I mean, they tried to change the leadership at CNN. It didn’t work. It didn’t do any good. A lot of these brands may be hurt beyond repair, like Bud Light or something akin to that. Well, Snow White, it seems like they’re fixing their act, so maybe they’ll figure they put an end to that. That’s for sure. Matt has an interesting question. He says, why don’t Republicans just call their opponents baby killerS? Are they afraid of the female vote? While we know constitutional carry is sweeping the nation, millions of Americans and even you courageous patriots out there, you turly talkers, you’re still stuck in blue or weak red states restricting your constitutional right to bear arms.
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I mean, this is where Trump, I think has been pretty good in a lot of his speeches. Do you remember when he did the State of the Union speech, when he called out the New York radical pro abortion law and how he know that it gives women the right now to kill a nine pound baby in mean, he gave some pretty powerful imagery. The, that’s the speech that Nancy Pelosi ripped up the pages mean.
I hear you. It’s an issue of persuasion and rhetoric. And if a baby killer could be obviously a very accurate and powerful, rightfully condemning term. But it may not be persuasive. And I just don’t know. I haven’t studied the issue to be able to give you a learned analysis of that. But I have a feeling it’s going to be a question of persuasion that’s very strong, especially for those who have had abortions.
It’s very strong. And there’s other ways of being able to be a bit more empathetic and sympathetic with women who’vE made that choice in a very confused time. Keep in mind what’s her name, Norma Covey Corve, who was the Roe of Roe v. Wade. She repented and became a very devout Christian and spent her remaining years as a pro life activist. But it wasn’t by being confronted as a baby killer, it was being ministered to and counseled patiently over time to realizing the sin that she had committed.
My understanding of this, just as my two cent as a person in their 20s, my generation does not see abortion as pro death. And I think that’s something really important that Republicans need to understand. It’s not that the left, for the most part, sadly, there are people in the Democratic Party that are this way. They are not looking at the issue of abortion as wanting to kill. They simply see it because they’ve been brainwashed.
To believe brainwashed part of their body as pro woman, which we would agree with them on. We are pro women as well. Their facts, though, are just off. Right. It is not you, it is a baby. So it’s not that they are wanting to kill because they don’t see it that way. They’re wanting to stand up for themselves. And so it’s a very complicated issue because they are wrong when the truth comes out, but they don’t see it that way.
And everything in the world is telling them that it’s just a clump of cells. And so I think to Steve, your point, calling them a baby killer, that’s really not helpful because that’s not getting to the root of the issue. Yeah, it’s unintelligible if you’ve been brainwashed to think it’s just a clump of cells, number one. And number two, it’s an issue of bodily autonomy. To say, I’m murdering anyone just makes you look unhinged when in point, in fact, they’re the unhinged ones.
They’re unhinged from reality. And so it requires that we break through that gap between their understanding of what they’re doing and what they’re actually doing. I think it’s so easy to villainize people on the left, and rightfully so. Sometimes they should be villainized. But there are so many people out there that have simply been brainwashed and are confused and are buying into the propaganda that’s out there. So sometimes meeting them where they’re at, you’re really good at this, Steve, about saying, what is it you always say? Relationship before being right.
Being right. Yeah. Oftentimes you have a choice of do you want to be right or do you want a relationship? And we all know this with family, people who are on the hard left in our families. And I think one of the most tragic things you can do is break your relationship with them because they’re wrong and you’re right. Bringing them over to understanding the right perspective on things, the true, the good and the beautiful, is a long term process.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint. So if they don’t come right away after one conversation, don’t send them into exile. Make sure you maintain the relationship and empathy, and that itself will be a powerful witness to truth. I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday Night Insiders Club livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below and joining the Coalition of Patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom.
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