Dr. Steves Guide to the Republican Party
Hey gang, there are so many important issues to discuss in today’s political, cultural and economic climate, and I can’t discuss them all here. In fact, YouTube and Big Tech won’t let me talk about it all here, and that’s why I have exclusive, uncensored live streams on Monday nights to cover everything on Monday nights, I share all my thoughts and answer your questions in an in depth, casual format that prepares you for this upcoming election with the truth.
Today, I want to show you a quick clip from a recent stream that I hope will help you think clearly about these important issues, as well as encourage you to join our movement. Join an upcoming exclusive livestream and I’ll answer your questions by clicking the link in the description below and joining our community of courageous patriots building a parallel economy. I look forward to seeing you over there.
Ahmed wants to know if you could further explain the main divisions within the Republican Party and how can they get more? I mean, there’s different ways of schematizing the Republican Party, but I think there’s basically three right now. So the dominant wing of the Republican Party right now is MAGA. It’s America First. These are what we call nationalist, populist traditionalists. Generally speaking, some are MAGA because of one reason over and against another.
But generally speaking, MAGA wants to affirm border security and national sovereignty. We want return to energy independence and bring manufacturing and industrial jobs back so that we become a manufacturing powerhouse to the world. And we want to celebrate and revere our traditions, our custom, our culture, rather than denigrate it as racist and bigoted and all kinds of phobic and the like. So that’s the MAGA movement. It’s the most coherent, I think, sustainable political paradigm available today.
It’s exactly what we’re seeing happening right now in Spain. Very same nationalist populace and traditionalist frames of reference. What if I told you there was a small group of investors who wildly outperformed the market? Well, there is. And you know exactly who they are. Corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and establishment senators have been using their security clearances and exclusive knowledge to their advantage in the market for decades now.
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Click on that link and learn how to gain an insider advantage for yourself. Over on the other side, you’ve got the rhinos. The rhinos are your globalist neocons. So these are the ones who want open borders because they believe that brings about economic prosperity for all. That’s the actual belief. They want to farm out our manufacturing and our industry to third world nations so as to maximize the margins for corporate owners here.
That they believe provides more jobs and they could care less about our nation’s culture, customs and traditions. Liz Cheney is as socially liberal as Nancy Pelosi. She cares nothing about our borders. She cares nothing about, all she cares about is maximizing the margins for their corporate donors on the one hand, and basically ruling the world through military might on the other. So these are the Lindsey Graham’s and the like.
So that’s your neocon. Neocons used to be very pro life. They used to be very pro traditional social conservatism. But like I explained, globalism and social conservatism, it’s a square circle. They’re mutually exclusive. Globalism, by its nature, opens up the borders, the boundaries of the United States, to include the whole world, in effect. And open borders always means open values. Open borders always means open values. If you want closed values, very tightly protected values, then you’re always going to have very closed and tightly protected borders.
Just think of entering into like a heretic Jewish community or an Amish community or anything that has very tight borders are there to protect their very well defined values. But you open up those borders, anybody can come in your values, it’ll go down the toilet, as it were. So you’ve got mag on one side, you’ve got the neocons on the other, and then in between you have sort of the Ted Cruz’s, the Rand Paul’s.
And these are your ideological conservatives. They see themselves as sort the hangover, the Reaganite era. They tend to be a bit more libertarian in their view of government. They want very small government. They want very low taxes, but they have no problem with sealing up that border. Definitely. They want to protect social conservatism. These are Mike Lee’s, but they’re not MAgA. They’re not running around talking about nationalism and populism and traditionalism.
They’re not MagA, but they’re certainly not neocons either. They can work with either one to try to limit government spending and the like. In terms of where you could get more information on that. Oh, I don’t know what would be a good, let me one, one site that I like to go to that gives me interesting insight into that is American greatness. They’re very good. They often have very good articles spelling out the differences of the different wings of the Republican Party.
American thinker, that’s another one. I’ve got a nice little database here that’s got some of the ones that I look at. Those are two that are very good. National Review used to be pretty good, but they’re going to be almost completely neocon and sort of that libertarian conservative. They’re very disdainful towards Trump and the MAGA movement. Nationalist populism. But American greatness and American thinker would be very good for you to check out.
Very good. Well, anything you want to mention before we close out for the think? You may have all seen a new poll that just came out that showed that where the election held today, Trump would win over 290 electoral votes, almost 300 to Biden’s. I forget what it was like, 100 and 3140 or so. And make no mistake, the media is freaking out over that because it was a two week poll survey done all across the country.
I think there were 15,000 respondents. And then they were able to even break down the battleground states. They were able to break down the respondent answers at the county by county level. And we are finding that Trump is running away with it in Arizona, in Georgia, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania. I mean, he is absolutely in Nevada. He’s absolutely this, I think this poll gave Nevada to Biden just barely by one or two points.
But if it’s the same kind of plus Republican, plus one, plus two Republican voting turnout on Election Day, he’ll run away with it in Nevada. So they’re getting very nervous. I’ll share this with you as well, Hannah. You’ll get a kick out of this. So I got picked up when we got back from Waco, I got picked up at the Philly Airport by a driver who brought me back to my house.
Limo driver. And he was a young black fellow. Great guy. Terrific guy. His name’s June. I can still remember his name. We had a lovely conversation. We had terrific conversation because I told him I was in Texas and he’s definitely, I want to go down south. It’s too cold up here. I love Texas, Florida and Arizona. I was noticing he was talking about all these red states. And then halfway through the conversation, just basically talking about living in the north versus South and all said, just to kind of change subjects, do you get into politics? This is hilarious.
I didn’t know where he wanted to go, so I said, yeah, I dabble. A, he’s like, he’s like, you know, Democrats did pretty well, it seems, in that off year election last week, he said, but Trump is absolutely crushing it. It looks like he can win. And so, well, you know, it’s interesting you say that. I actually got to meet Trump a couple of weeks ago and I told him about the Mar a Lago visit.
He was fascinated by it. And all he wanted to know is, what’s he like? What’s he like? And I said, he’s the real deal. He’s amazing and so forth. This guy, I kid you not, this guy was like, he is the greatest. I love Trump. Now we’re seeing it in all the polls. Black men may possibly vote majority Trump for the first time, like ever. They have not voted majority Republicans since the, since blacks and mass switched over from Republican Party to Democratic Party.
Primarily, if I recall, in the 1960s. He was all over it. And I said, there I was, I was seeing what these polls are showing. Trump is consistently polling 22% overall among the black vote. But it’s looked like he might even creep up to 50% among black men. Remember, it’s black women who are the stalwart supporter of the Democratic Party. So black men appear to be doing a breakout there.
And he is consistently polling in all of these polls in the high 40s, among Latinos, ten to 15 point more than he got in 2020. This is a game changer. Remember, the Trump voter is not a Republican voter. They are unique to Trump. This is a game changer. Something amazing is happening here. And everyone now, everyone is admitting that. The New York Times, Washington Post, at MSNBC, they’re admitting that the election were held today.
Trump would crush Biden in a landslide. They can’t do the antics they were able to do in 2020, certainly not in Wisconsin, certainly not in Georgia, and doesn’t look like in Arizona either. And if Biden loses Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, it’s over. It’s over. So that’s why now, you know why they have they and, but what are the indictments doing? Because we talked about delegitimation right at the very beginning.
What are the indictments doing? Only driving his polls higher because nobody trusts the legal system anymore. So there’s something amazing really happening here. Again, we’re going to be very sober in assessing it, but it’s looking incredible right now. I hope you enjoyed that clip of my Monday night Insiders Club livestream. Join us live next week by clicking on the link in the description below and joining the Coalition of Patriots worldwide, building a parallel economy to return to our roots of faith, family and freedom.
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