Not Illegals or Newcomers Squatters is THE Best Term | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show talks about an illegal immigrant that has gained popularity on TikTok, increasing his followers from 300,000 to 500,000. He’s been using his platform to teach others how to exploit the system, including using squatter’s rights to seize uninhabited homes. The article suggests that his actions and attitude towards work and the American system are problematic, and he’s been dubbed a ‘squatter’ and a ‘grifter’. Despite this, he continues to gain attention and followers.


Um, you’ve seen all over the place now, this guy that we showed yesterday, the, the illegal immigrant who is now brain, but we’re getting more information about him, and everybody’s finding out more about him. His number of followers have gone from 300,000 to 500,000. And just look at the hate. Listen to the. What are you saying in terms of just using this system? I’m not even going to mention this creep’s name.

It just disgusts me. But as I looked at this guy, and as I looked at what was happening yesterday at the border in El Paso, I think we’ve got a new term. Everybody wants to fight about this. Illegal aliens is the term that is in the law. It means that somebody here illegally, foreign citizen. We don’t want to call them foreign citizens here illegally. We call them illegal aliens for whatever reason.

Terminology. They don’t like that. Nobody is illegal. They said, well, you’re here illegally. So they want to call them undocumented immigrants or undocumented migrants or whatever. And now the Biden administration has floated that term, newcomers. I suggest that we come up with a new name. I think it fits them better to call them squatters. Squatters. It’s exactly what this guy is saying he wants to do. Because what they’re doing in general, coming across the border, occupying it, they stay long enough, they get to stay forever.

It’s exactly what squatters do, isn’t it? I think squatter is the appropriate term. Somebody who is using a bad law, the squatting laws in New York City. Not every state has this kind of stuff, by the way, either. I’m still trying to get. There’s a lot of confusion about it. I was trying to look up to see what happens in Tennessee. Best I can work out, somebody’s got to live in a place for seven years unmolested before they get any squatter legal status.

Certainly that’s not the case for the people coming across the border. They’re very much like these squatters, so we should call them squatters. He is now TikTok’s top migrant influencer, says New York Post. Again, his followers rapidly went up from 300,000 to 500,000. So I don’t mention his name just in case you waste your time on TikTok and the New York Post. The very first sentence in their article says, as if we needed more proof that TikTok is a pernicious force.

No, the government is a pernicious force. These policies are pernicious. TikTok is just showing you what is happening. It’s showing you the worst aspects of our society and culture and government. So be thankful that we have this guy who’s now a poster child for squatters. All the squatters that are coming here by the millions on his channel, he talks about, according to the New York Post, and again, it’s in Spanish, so I have not listened to it.

I don’t know if they’re being honest, but I think from the translation of that particular post there, that sounds about like what his channel would be. I imagine the virtues of leeching off of government resources. No, the virtues of leeching off of us taxpayers. New York Post. Let’s make it clear. Government doesn’t have any resources. Government doesn’t produce anything. It steals and it redistributes the money. And it’s redistributing the money from us to them.

Not to mention panhandling, scamming businesses, most recently seizing homes, using squatters rights, and then, of course, mocking people that he is ripping off, grifting off of. You know what this guy really needs to do? He really needs to run for Congress. He’d be perfect. That’s what they do all the time, isn’t it? He’d be perfectly at home in either party. He should run for Congress. So they call him the guru of grifting.

See, Congress, that’s where he belongs. Another one of these people, like AOC, he’s building a lifestyle brand that teaches fellow migrants how to fellow squatters, how to get one over on the system. What a great country, says New York Post. America, where you can become the Tony Robbins of layabouts. He arrived in the US in September and now lives in Ohio. He screams, he rants. He bears his teeth like a snarling predator.

This guy could be the poster child for the GOP election. He may serve a useful purpose after all. You want more people like this squatter here he is the ultimate squatter. So much so that even the New York Post says so. Was he put up to this by the GOP? I mean, you couldn’t have a better poster child for this, could you? He regularly posts pictures with his anchor baby daughter.

Again, the anchor baby policy, another product of a misguided policy that flies in the face of the clear meaning of the Constitution. The 14th amendment does not create anchor babies. The 14th amendment, they use it always in exactly the opposite way that it was set up in the constitution. The 14th amendment was to give citizenship to people who had lived here all their lives, but as slaves. Now that they’re free, let’s make it clear that they’re full citizens.

They were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, even to the extent that when it talks about people who are here legally, foreign ambassadors and people of that sort who are here legally but not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, in other words, they’re a foreign citizen. But here legally, those people’s children are not american citizens. How much less would somebody who is not here legally a foreign citizen who is here illegally, how much less would their child be become an american citizen? It’s a complete perversion of the text and its meaning, as we see most of the time here.

Anyway, he talks on his channel about panhandling money on the highway. He uses his baby as a prop. He adorns her with a sign to ask for cash. Yeah, he’s snarling and yelling. He hates Americans. Until he wants to get your money. Right? Oh, my little baby here. Right? He talks about WIC scams and how to get a free phone from the government. We just walk across the border, basically.

And then he says this. I don’t like to work. Work is for slaves, kids. Don’t humiliate yourself. He says in one video, I don’t like to work. You work. I don’t. But in the end, neither of us have money. I’m living off of taxes that you pay monthly. There you go. Well, in his video, he tells people how they can do the squatting. We talked about that yesterday.

And he told people to, quote, invade american homes so they cannot be removed. This is why I say the squatters are a local one on one home invasion, taking it over, stealing it, and using the government to assist them in that theft. That’s why I say squatter is the perfect term for these people because that’s exactly what they’re doing on a national level, using the government to help them steal.

He says, I found out there’s a law that says if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it. He says his african friends have already taken about seven homes. He’s going to make this his new business. We talked about that yesterday. New York Post says he certainly is skilled at getting our attention and getting under our skin. Since last month, he urged his fellow countrymen to unite behind a 15 year old venezuelan migrant who allegedly fired at cops and blasted a Times Square tourist in the leg.

And now his TikTok has swallowed by more than 200,000 followers after he got the publicity about this squatter thing. He is a bad ombre. Straight out of central casting, they said, that’s why? I think you’re going to see a lot more of him. He’s going to get really big. He’s going to wind up with several million followers. And that’s why the New York Post says so. He’s a bad ombre right out of central casting.

Is this just organic? You couldn’t have the GOP invent somebody better than this. As a matter of fact, if they did a commercial and they had an actor doing this, can you imagine all of the hand wringing charges of racism and hatred and all the rest of this stuff? The left has pretty much been silent about this guy so far. I don’t think they know how to respond.

Is he a conservative plant designed to expose the idiocy and the impact of Biden’s disastrous border policies? Or is he a charmless Ali G performing grand satire by seizing on a fraught political moment? Either way, he’s a world class opportunistic clown. They said he finds whatever will outrage people. And we got a lot of people like this, don’t we? In media, a lot of people have used the same tactic to become massive influencers, to get massive followings.

Thinking about people like he uses, he finds whatever will outrage people. He’s created the perfect character to be hated. He steals. He teaches people how to become dependent on the government or dependent upon Trump in her case. Right? We got a lot of people like this in conservative alternative media. You do outrageous stuff, clickbait stuff. You’re going to get huge. Going to get huge. So whatever the case, they said there’s no doubt that the joke is on all of us and on our tax policies.

And the rest of the world is laughing. Yeah, there’s million more, millions more like this guy. Squatters that are willing to fight. Squatters that are willing to kill, as a matter of fact. And so yesterday you had a video that’s produced, Elon Musk got a lot of attention. He retweeted it and he said, this is actually happening. And it’s a very good summary. This video is a very good summary.

But what is happening with his border plan right now? The Democrat open borders plan to entrench single party rule explained in under two minutes. One, flood the country with untold millions of illegals by land, sea and air from all over the world, enough to eclipse the populations of 36 individual US states so far. Two, prioritize the needs of these millions of noncitizens over the needs of the american citizen with free flights, buses, hotels, meals and phones ensuring their loyalty to the political party.

That imported them. Three, keep them in the country at all costs, even when they commit violent crime like murder and rape. Attack the language used to describe the criminals, as opposed to the criminals themselves, slander critics as racist. Four, ensure their privileges are made irrevocable with city and state sanctuary laws that act as population magnets, codify permanent status, and ensure noncooperation with ICE. Five, count the noncitizens in the census that will determine congressional apportionment in the House of Representatives.

As of now, that would equal 13 extra congressional districts, a tremendous amount of electoral power. Six, wage a massive, heavily funded lawfare campaign to change state voting laws that legalize mass mail in ballots, no signature verification, and no proof of citizenship requirements, making it nearly impossible to prove voter fraud. Seven, lock in the permanent voting majority with campaign promises of lavish benefits and permanent privileges, enshrining generational fealty to the Democrat party.

Eight, win elections. Nine, entrenched single party rule has been achieved. The best part, your tax dollars are paying for it. All right, that’s western Lindsman, and he’s absolutely right about that. Think about that. Enough people have been brought in by Biden to eclipse the population of 36 states. And if they’re not going to have extra seats in the sense that we’re not going to have more congressmen, what they’ll do is they’ll redistribute this and it’ll be 13 extra seats for the Democrats.

But when you talk about the vote by mail and relaxing the rules, all that kind of stuff, it was Trump who did that. Now, they’re going to continue that. But let’s just understand who did what, and let’s not get our hopes up about some fake presidential election. Biden and the Democrats have a plan. Guess what? Trump and the GOP have no plan. They plan on standing on the side and whining about it so they can get reelected and do nothing, as they’ve been doing for decades.

I’ve watched this my entire life and just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. And they continue to do nothing but whine about it. Nothing. So you look at this guy again, Mr. Squatter, the TikTok squatter. The only thing that he brings to this country are the cultural values from a failed society that he fled. And what he wants to do is to bring those cultural values that impoverished that country, that turned it into a crime hellhole.

He wants to bring that here. And folks, the barbarians are pushing through the gate. Let’s take a look at this at El Paso yesterday, as a Texas National Guard, they’ve got razor wire they put up. Well, they just moved all that stuff out of the way. Shove the four or five soldiers that are there out of the way and just run up to them. Now there’s another more permanent wall at this spot.

Why are these people coming in here? Because this is where the soldiers are and this is where the wall is. What are they doing here? There’s so many places. You’ve only got a wall about four or 500 miles of a 2000 miles border. Why don’t they just come through somewhere else? I don’t know. They’re not even smart criminals, I guess. Or maybe the whole thing is a set up as well.

Here’s another view of that same incident from behind the more permanent wall that is there. But again, this is finally a third one a little bit further back still. And looking at it from the illegal immigrant side, I think at this point these squatters are seen pulling the barrier open as four National Guardsmen try to keep them from crossing the border, steamrolling the National Guard. That’s what we’re seeing everywhere, isn’t it? And so the governor Abbott in Texas has called up the National Guard.

And I said, it’s just display. It’s pure theater. As you can see, it didn’t do anything. And not even the Texas border has a barrier over most of it. There’s nothing there. But as I’ve said before, a barrier isn’t really the solution. The problem is we have a welfare magnet, and that’s what that squatter was illustrating the point I’ve been making. I don’t know if the guy’s got a criminal record or not.

I don’t know if he’s just a grifter, panhandler, welfare queen. I don’t know if he’s anything other than that. But the bottom line is you’re going to bring in people exactly like him because that’s what we’re incentivizing. The welfare magnet brings in people like him. What he needs to do is he needs to say, you want to come in? Come on in. We’ve got an open air prison for you.

Put them in that prison and put a live video camera feed up on the Internet so that people all over the world, whether you’re talking about Central or South America or Africa or China or any of these other places, that the UN and these NGOs are shipping people in to take advantage of our welfare state and destroy this country with a cloud and pivot strategy, put them in an open air prison, a concentration camp, if you will, and put cameras on it and say, you want to come? This is what we’re going to do to you.

You want this? That’s the only way. You stop the squatters, you stop the welfare thing and you educate them and say, now America’s under new management. Yes, we don’t have anybody in Washington that’s going to fix that. Certainly not Biden. And Trump’s not going to fix it either. Trump didn’t fix it. The only time he got serious about the border was when he was playing his pandemic games.

So Trump’s not going to fix this. They need to fix it. And say, you come here, that’s what you’re going to get. We’ll leave you there. We don’t know how long. I mean, we’ll have to figure out who you are. You could be there for quite some while and it gets really hot in Texas. You really don’t want to be in an open air prison. The David Knight show is a critical thinking super spreader.

If you’ve been exposed to logic by listening to the David Knight show, please do your part and try not to spread it. Financial support or simply telling others about the show causes this dangerous information to spread favour. People have to trust me. I mean, trust the science. Wear your mask, take your vaccine, don’t ask questions. Using free speech to free minds. It’s the David Knight show. .

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controversial TikTok influencer dubbed squatter and grifter gaining attention despite controversy grifter on social media illegal immigrant TikTok popularity increasing TikTok followers problematic attitude towards American system seizing uninhabited homes squatter's rights exploitation teaching system exploitation on TikTok

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