22Mar24 Biden Bullies Bans Using EPA; Squatters Rush Border; GOP Goes Along | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight show discussed a new $1.2 trillion spending bill that was released late at night and needs to be passed quickly to avoid a government shutdown. The host criticized the rushed process and lack of scrutiny, comparing it to how Obamacare was passed. He also mentioned a debate over what to call illegal immigrants, and hinted at a discussion about border issues in the next segment.
➡ The article discusses a controversial figure who has gained popularity on TikTok by teaching migrants how to exploit the system in the U.S. This person, who the author suggests should be called a “squatter,” has rapidly increased his followers from 300,000 to 500,000. The author criticizes this figure for promoting illegal activities and taking advantage of government resources, and suggests that his actions reflect poorly on the current administration’s border policies. The author also questions whether this figure is a deliberate plant to highlight the flaws in these policies.
➡ Two sisters, Betsy and Corey, were sent to a women’s concentration camp during the war where they faced harsh conditions and cruelty. Despite their suffering, they chose to forgive and pray for their oppressors, including the man who betrayed them. As Betsy’s health declined, she spoke of their future plans to help survivors after the war. The text also discusses a variety of other topics, including self-repossessing cars, gun rights, and concerns about the safety of vaccines.
➡ The article discusses the author’s belief that both Trump and Biden are indifferent to the well-being of Americans, supporting vaccines and abortion despite potential risks. The author also criticizes the lack of action taken by authorities after receiving death threats, suggesting a bias against him due to his Italian heritage. The article ends with a discussion about the author’s appearance on a podcast and his views on the current political climate.
➡ The speaker is expressing frustration about perceived double standards in society, particularly in politics and law enforcement. They criticize the military-industrial complex, the lack of action against threats they’ve received, and the influence of private equity groups. They also discuss the potential banking crisis due to high office vacancy rates in New York City and the migration of people out of the city. The speaker also criticizes both Trump and Biden for their actions and attitudes.
➡ A guy named Everett Stern was hired to monitor HSBC bank to ensure they weren’t funding illegal activities. He found that the bank was using tricks to avoid detection, but despite reporting this, nothing changed. Meanwhile, private equity companies are buying up a lot of single-family homes, potentially making them too expensive for regular people. This could force people to live in “smart cities” that these companies are designing. Lastly, there’s a lot of controversy around political figures and their connections to big businesses and banks.
➡ The article discusses the current state of commercial real estate, with occupancy rates in major cities around 50% and prices dropping by 35%. This is causing financial issues for banks, especially smaller ones, as they’re the ones absorbing the loss when property owners can’t pay. The article also mentions the rising price of gold and the potential for a global economic crash due to escalating conflicts and rising oil prices. Lastly, it talks about the potential for war and the impact on economies, with NATO member states preparing to shift their economies to a “military track”.
➡ The text discusses concerns about border control, the rise of squatters, and the decline of happiness in America. It also touches on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and people’s lives, and the shift towards digital currencies like Bitcoin. The author suggests that the current state of America is attracting a different type of immigrant, one seeking welfare rather than freedom. The text ends with a discussion on the potential for a digital future and the implications of this shift.

➡ The text talks about the importance of vaccines, using examples like polio and cancer. It also mentions a show called the David Knight show, which you can listen to or watch. All the links to this show can be found on thedavidnightshow.com.


Using free speech to free minds. You’re listening to the David Knight show. It’s Friday the 22 March year of our Lord 2024. Well, today we have more border information. We’re going to talk about that. Actually, I think we’ve got a new and a better term for these people who are foreign citizens coming here illegally and staying. I’ll tell you when we get to it, everybody’s saying she’ll call them illegal aliens.

That’s too harsh. Let’s call them something like undocumented migrants or newcomers. Newcomers. Now, we got something better than that. But we’re going to begin with the news because Congress released a budget last night at about 02:00 a. m. And it’s over 1000 pages. They got to pass it by tomorrow, and the Senate’s got to pass it or the government shuts down. What a clown show this has become.

And of course, we know why they do these games. Why are they still allowing these games to be played? It’s just amazing to me. We’ll be right back. Close know. This is the kind of stuff that Nancy Pelosi began because she wanted to get Obamacare pushed through without any scrutiny. And when they questioned her on it, she said, well, we just got to pass it so we can find out what’s in it.

I’m not going to bother to read that thing. It’s a thousand pages long. I wouldn’t understand it anyway. Right? And she was actually telling the truth because the devil is in the details. And the details will be worked out by the bureaucracy. They’ll be the ones. Their rules have far more to do with the way everything runs than anything that Congress does. Congress has skipped past all this stuff, abdicated their power, their role to the bureaucracy long, long ago.

And so what they do is they fund a bureaucracy or they create a bureaucracy with money, and then they let it work out all the different rules as they go along. Well, we have a $1. 2 trillion spending bill dropped in the wee hours of the morning, and they got to get it done today. So are they going to shut the government down or they’re just going to rubber stamp whatever the bureaucracy wanted to stuff in there at the last minute, figuring that people would not see it over 1000 pages.

$1. 2 trillion, because, you know, we’re adding about a trillion dollars every three months to the deficit. Frustrated Congressman Thomas Massey said after the meeting the conservatives had secured nothing. Johnson, what a total disappointment he is. Why did they go through all this stuff about changing Kevin McCarthy and everything else? When they get somebody in who is as bad or worse. But he’s supposed to be a christian conservative or something outright.

Anyway, he goes to the conservative caucus and they weren’t buying what he was having to say. If Congress does not pass the spending bill, a partial government shutdown will commence Saturday morning after midnight, although the effects of a shutdown will not truly be seen until Monday because the government doesn’t really do anything that we need. And I don’t know what would we do if we didn’t have the FBI going around harassing and spying on people and committing crimes, or the CIA.

Do we need to fund those people? Could we get a week away from these people? They’ll get their know, just tell them to leave us alone for a week. They’ll get their back pay when it all kicks in, the compromises increases detention beds, for example, for border patrol. Except they don’t use all the ones they’ve got now. They just catch and release people. Right. That’s the government for you.

And we’ll get to that in a moment. What is happening there? Even with the bill’s text finalized, lawmakers are up against the clock to prevent a shutdown. Even with this, they’re not going to be able to do it. They got to rubber stamp this and Senate’s got a rubber stamp. Well, I guess if nobody reads it, I guess they could. But the House has a rule that requires a whole 72 hours to read these bills that are typically over 1000 pages long.

The Senate can also take a few days to process a House passed bill if they actually take a look at it. This means that unless Johnson waives the 72 hours rule or the Senate speeds up the process, there could be a small administrative shutdown over the weekend, which would have little to no impact on the federal agencies included in this bill. Yeah, and everybody’s going to get their money one way or the other.

And again, do we really need them doing what they’re doing? Mike Lee is warning people not to vote for the bill. It’s a trap, said Admiral Akbar. Yeah, it truly is a trap. He says we’ve had no chance to review it, pass it and find out what’s in it. Yeah, let’s do it. It’s total lack of backbone, said Chip Roy. A total lack of leadership and a total failure by republican leadership.

He’s talking about Mike Johnson specifically, the guy who has done nothing but turn himself into a rubber stamp for the establishment. And I mean nothing. He’s even worse than Kevin McCarthy in terms of rubber stamping. All the money for foreign wars and doing nothing about America, doing nothing to reduce anything, the size of anything in the government. He just rubber stamps it. At 02:32 a. m. When Americans were sleeping, the swamp released its second half of the omnibus 1012 pages that spend $1.

2 trillion of taxpayer dollars on disastrous policies, wrote Andrew Clyde, Republican from Georgia. The House is still expected to vote on this monstrosity tomorrow morning. Washington is beyond broken, he said. Rand Paul says, remind me why. Even though the GOP has a majority in the House and a filibuster proof minority in the Senate, the power of the purse sits idly by unused and the debt continues to pile higher and higher.

Well, exactly. They make sure they get the people in there that they, you know, Mike Johnson just all of a sudden comes out of nowhere, total obscurity, and is plucked out and put in place. They took a look at all the people who had been number two, number three, these types of things. No, we don’t want him. Don’t want him. All of a sudden a guy you’ve never heard of.

All right, we’re just tired of this stuff. Put him in. That’s what we’re going to get for president as know it’s already in the cards. You can already see what’s happening here. And so yesterday I mentioned the fact that Julian Assange might be able to work out a deal with US and UK prosecutors to avoid extradition to the United States, to avoid a 175 year prison sentence because the Trump administration came after him.

Bill Barr, Mr. CIA that Trump put in there, came after him and trumped up all these ridiculous political charges. Yeah, it was a political persecution, wasn’t it? Just like what they’re doing to Trump. Isn’t that interesting? Yeah, what goes around comes around, doesn’t it, Donnie boy? Well, I said yesterday. So is this something that is coming back because the US doesn’t want it? Bad optics in election year? Maybe the UK doesn’t want it either because they’ve had a lot of bad optics lately.

The conservative party that’s in charge there, Rishi Sunak and them. So maybe it’s both of them. But reason magazine thinks that it’s on the US side. US prosecutors are looking to wriggle out of an espionage trial for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Yeah, just think about got, we got all these trials against Trump and really it shows the corruption of the Biden administration, Biden administration being able to skip all of these rightful charges of corruption, especially if it’s going to apply to Trump.

We had the situation where on the same day Peter Navarro goes to jail because he refused to show up and talk to the house. He subpoenaed him. He ignored the subpoena. So they’re sending him to jail for a few months to think about it. But on the same day that they sent him to jail, Hunter Biden, who also had a subpoena to show up before the house just blew it off, you think anything’s going to happen to him? And so with all of this corruption, this open, in your face corruption that is there, do you think that they want to then give themselves more of a black eye to come after Julian Assange? Oh, they’re coming after the press.

They’re coming after the first amendment, make no mistake about that. And the Supreme Court’s going to let them do it. But do they really want to add even more to it? I don’t think they do. And I think the UK doesn’t want it either. So they’re looking for some way to get out. That’s good news. I think that it’s very bad for freedom of the press for them to lock up Julian Assange, as I said all along.

Well, we’re going to take a quick break. I know this is a short segment, and when we come back, we’re going to talk about the border. And so we will be right back. APS radio delivers multiple channels of music right to your mobile device. Get the APS radio app today and listen wherever you go. Making sense. Common again. You’re listening to the David Knight show. Well, you’ve seen all over the place.

Now, this guy that we showed yesterday, the illegal immigrant who is now brain, but we’re getting more information about him, and everybody’s finding out more about him. His number of followers have gone from 300,000 to 500,000. And just look at the hate. Listen to the. What are you saying in terms of just using this system? I’m not even going to mention this creep’s name. It just disgusts me.

But as I looked at this guy, and as I looked at what was happening yesterday at the border in El Paso, I think we’ve got a new term. Everybody wants to fight about this. Illegal aliens is the term that is in the law. It means that somebody here illegally, foreign citizen. We don’t want to call them foreign citizens here illegally. We call them illegal aliens for whatever reason.

Terminology, they don’t like that. Nobody is illegal. They said, well, you’re here illegally, so they want to call them undocumented immigrants. Or undocumented migrants or whatever. And now the Biden administration has floated that term, newcomers. I suggest that we come up with a new name. I think it fits them better to call them squatters. Squatters. It’s exactly what this guy is saying he wants to do, because what they’re doing in general, coming across the border, occupying it, they stay long enough, they get to stay forever.

It’s exactly what squatters do, isn’t it? I think squatter is the appropriate term. Somebody who is using a bad law, the squatting laws in New York City. Not every state has this kind of stuff, by the way, either. I’m still trying to get. There’s a lot of confusion about it. I was trying to look up to see what happens in Tennessee. Best I can work out, somebody’s got to live in a place for seven years unmolested before they get any squatter legal status.

Certainly that’s not the case for the people coming across the border. They’re very much like these squatters, so we should call them squatters. He is now TikTok’s top migrant influencer, says New York Post. Again, his followers rapidly went up from 300,000 to 500,000. So I don’t mention his name, just in case you waste your time on TikTok. And the New York Post, the very first sentence in their article says, as if we needed more proof that TikTok is a pernicious force.

No, the government is a pernicious force. These policies are pernicious. TikTok is just showing you what is happening. It’s showing you the worst aspects of our society and culture and government. So be thankful that we have this guy who’s now a poster child for squatters. All the squatters that are coming here by the millions on his channel, he talks about, according to the New York Post. And again, it’s in Spanish, so I have not listened to it.

I don’t know if they’re being honest, but I think from the translation of that particular post there, that sounds about like what his channel would be. I imagine the virtues of leeching off of government resources. No, the virtues of leeching off of us taxpayers. New York Post. Let’s make it clear. Government doesn’t have any resources. Government doesn’t produce anything. It steals and it redistributes the money, and it’s redistributing the money from us to them.

Not to mention panhandling, scamming businesses, most recently seizing homes, using squatters rights, and then, of course, mocking people that he is ripping off, grifting off of. You know what this guy really needs to do? He really needs to run for Congress. He’d be perfect. That’s what they do all the time, isn’t it? He’d be perfectly at home in either party. He should run for Congress. So they call him the guru of grifting.

See, Congress, that’s where he belongs. AOC. He’s building a lifestyle brand that teaches fellow migrants how to fellow squatters, how to get one over on the system. What a great country, says New York Post America, where you can become the Tony Robbins of layabouts. He arrived in the US in September and now lives in Ohio. He screams, he rants. He bears his teeth like a snarling predator. This guy could be the poster child for the GOP election.

He may serve a useful purpose after all. You want more people like this squatter here. He is the ultimate squatter. So much so that even the New York Post says so. Was he put up to this by the GOP? I mean, you couldn’t have a better poster child for this, could you? He regularly posts pictures with his anchor baby daughter. Again, the anchor baby policy, another product of a misguided policy that flies in the face of the clear meaning of the Constitution.

The 14th amendment does not create anchor babies. The 14th amendment, they use it always in exactly the opposite way that it was set up in the constitution. The 14th amendment was to give citizenship to people who had lived here all their lives but as slaves. Now that they’re free, let’s make it clear that they’re full citizens. They were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, even to the extent that when it talks about people who are here legally, foreign ambassadors and people of that sort who are here legally but not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

In other words, they’re a foreign citizen, but here legally, those people’s children are not american citizens. How much less would somebody who is not here legally a foreign citizen who is here illegally, how much less would their child be common american citizen? It’s a complete perversion of the text and its meaning, as we see most of the time here anyway. He talks on his channel about panhandling money on the highway.

He uses his baby as a prop. He adorns her with a sign to ask for cash. Yeah, he’s snarling and yelling. He hates Americans until he wants to get your money, right? Oh, my little baby here, right? He talks about Wic scams and how to get a free phone from the government. We just walk across the border, basically. And then he says this. I don’t like to work.

Work is for slaves, kids. Don’t humiliate yourself. He says in one video, I don’t like to work. You work. I don’t. But in the end, neither of us have money. I’m living off of taxes that you pay monthly. There you go. Well, in his video, he tells people how they can do the squatting. We talked about that yesterday. And he told people to, quote, invade american homes so they cannot be removed.

This is why I say the squatters are a local one on one home invasion, taking it over, stealing it, and using the government to assist them in that theft. That’s why I say squatter is the perfect term for these people because that’s exactly what they’re doing on a national level, using the government to help them steal. He says, I found out there’s a law that says if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it.

He says his african friends have already taken about seven homes. He’s going to make this his new business. We talked about that yesterday. New York Post says he certainly is skilled at getting our attention and getting under our skin since last month, he urged his fellow countrymen to unite behind a 15 year old venezuelan migrant who allegedly fired at cops and blasted a Times Square tourist in the leg.

And now his TikTok has swallowed by more than 200,000 followers after he got the publicity about this squatter thing. He is a bad ombre straight out of central casting, they said, that’s why I think you’re going to see a lot more of him. He’s going to get really big. He’s going to wind up with several million followers. And that’s why the New York Post has. So he’s a bad ombre right out of central casting.

Is this just organic? You couldn’t have the GOP invent somebody better than this. As a matter of fact, if they did a commercial and they had an actor doing this, can you imagine all of the hand wringing charges of racism and hatred and all the rest of this stuff? The left has pretty much been silent about this guy so far. I don’t think they know how to respond.

Is he a conservative plant designed to expose the idiocy and the impact of Biden’s disastrous border policies? Or is he a charmless ali G performing grand satire by seizing on a fraught political moment? Either way, he’s a world class opportunistic clown. They said. He finds whatever will outrage people. And we got a lot of people like this, don’t we? In media, a lot of people have used the same tactic to become massive influencers, to get massive followings.

Thinking about people like Laura Looney, he finds whatever will outrage people. He’s created the perfect character to be hated. He steals. He teaches people how to become dependent on the government, or dependent upon Trump, in her case. Right? We got a lot of people like this in conservative alternative know you do outrageous stuff, clickbait stuff, you’re going to get huge. Going to get huge. So whatever the case, they said, there’s no doubt that the joke is on all of us and on our tax policies.

And the rest of the world is laughing. Yeah, there’s millions more like this guy. Squatters that are willing to fight, squatters that are willing to kill, as a matter of fact. And so yesterday you had a video that’s produced. Elon Musk got a lot of attention. He retweeted it. He said, this is actually happening. And it’s a very good summary. This video is a very good summary. But what is happening with his border plan right now? The Democrat open borders plan to entrench single party rule explained in under two minutes.

One, flood the country with untold millions of illegals by land, sea and air from all over the world, enough to eclipse the populations of 36 individual US states so far. Two, prioritize the needs of these millions of noncitizens over the needs of the american citizen, with free flights, buses, hotels, meals and phones ensuring their loyalty to the political party that imported them. Three, keep them in the country at all costs, even when they commit violent crime like murder and rape.

Attack the language used to describe the criminals, as opposed to the criminals themselves, slander critics as racist. Four, ensure their privileges are made irrevocable with city and state sanctuary laws that act as population magnets, codify permanent status, and ensure noncooperation with ICE. Five, count the noncitizens in the census that will determine congressional apportionment in the House of Representatives. As of now, that would equal 13 extra congressional districts, a tremendous amount of electoral power.

Six, wage a massive, heavily funded lawfare campaign to change state voting laws that legalize mass mail in ballots, no signature verification and no proof of citizenship requirements, making it nearly impossible to prove voter fraud. Seven, lock in the permanent voting majority with campaign promises of lavish benefits and permanent privileges, enshrining generational fealty to the Democrat party. Eight, win elections. Nine, entrenched single party rule has been achieved. The best part? Your tax dollars are paying for it.

All right, that’s western linsman. And he’s absolutely right about that. Think about that. Enough people have been brought in by Biden to eclipse the population of 36 states. And if they, you know, they’re not going to have extra seats in the sense that we’re not going to have more congressmen, what they’ll do is they’ll redistribute this and it’ll be 13 extra seats for the Democrats. But when you talk about the vote by mail and relaxing the rules, all that kind of stuff, it was Trump who did that.

Now they’re going to continue that. But let’s just understand who did what and let’s not get our hopes up about some fake presidential election. Biden and the Democrats have a plan. Guess what? Trump and the GOP have no plan. They plan on standing on the side and whining about it so they can get reelected and do nothing as they’ve been doing for decades. I’ve watched this my entire life.

It just keeps getting worse and worse and worse. And they continue to do nothing but whine about nothing. Nothing. So you look at this guy again, Mr. Squatter, the TikTok squatter. The only thing that he brings to this country are the cultural values from a failed society that he fled. And what he wants to do is to bring those cultural values that impoverished that country, that turned it into a crime hellhole.

He wants to bring that here. And folks, the barbarians are pushing through the gate. Let’s take a look at this. At El Paso yesterday, that was a Texas National Guard. They’ve got razor wire they put up. Well, they just moved all that stuff out of the way. Shove the four or five soldiers that are there out of the way and just run up to them. Now there’s another more permanent wall at this spot.

Why are these people coming in here? Because this is where the soldiers are and this is where the wall is. What are they doing here? There’s so many places. You’ve only got a wall about 400, 500 miles of a 2000 miles border. Why don’t they just come through somewhere else? I don’t know. They’re not even smart criminals, I guess. Or maybe the whole thing is a set up as well.

Here’s another view of that same incident from behind the more permanent wall that is there. But again, this is finally a third one a little bit further back still. And looking at it from the illegal immigrant side, I think at this point these squatters are seen pulling the barrier open as four national guardsmen try to keep them from crossing the border steamrolling the National Guard. That’s what we’re seeing everywhere, isn’t it? And so the governor Abbott in Texas has called up the National Guard.

And I said, it’s just a display. It’s pure theater. As you can see, it didn’t do anything. And not even the Texas border has a barrier over most of it. There’s nothing there. But as I’ve said before, a barrier isn’t really the solution. The problem is we have a welfare magnet. And that’s what that squatter was illustrating the point I’ve been making. I don’t know if the guy’s got a criminal record or not.

I don’t know if he’s just a grifter, panhandler, welfare queen. I don’t know if he’s anything other than that. But the bottom line is you’re going to bring in people exactly like him because that’s what we’re incentivizing. The welfare magnet brings in people like him. Now, yesterday I didn’t play the clip, but I described it where you had CNN go in and talk to a guy who’s been here 20 or 30 years, hardworking.

He didn’t even stop working while he’s doing the interview, working on an engine. And those people are coming here to work hard. But then you got other people coming here for the welfare magnet. Now, how do we stop the people who are coming here for the welfare magnet? How do we stop the squatters? Well, you don’t feed them, right? You don’t give them the welfare. I mean, he’s out there telling everybody how he’s grifting the system.

We’ll change the system so he can’t grift it. It’s just that simple. You don’t need a wall. You want people like the other guy who came here to work, who’s thinking of a future for his kids. He said, yeah, I hate Trump. And he told CNN what they want to hear. He’s racist. That’s one of the things, you know, I don’t like Trump. I don’t really think he’s racist.

That’s just a tired accusation they always use. He’s a lot of things that are just as bad, maybe even worse. He’s a mass murderer. He’s killed people all over the world. I don’t know if being a racist is worse than that. People will kill other people because they’re racist. But when you look at crimes of men against men, you murder tens of millions of people, and you do it for power.

I don’t think it gets any worse than that. But he calls him a racist. He said, I don’t like him, I wouldn’t vote. I don’t like him, but I would vote for him if I could vote. He said, I would vote for him if I could vote. Why? Because of the economy. He’s somebody who’s focused on that. He’s focused on working hard. And we need people who are going to be focused on working hard because we got a lot of Americans who don’t want to work hard.

And I’m not saying Americans have lost it in Americans welfare queens. Again, we built this country, we can keep this country going. And the biggest problem for Americans, when they talk about, oh, Americans don’t want to take the job, why would they? If you’re going to pay them not to work, why would they take a job like that? Again, it’s the welfare state that’s the problem. The welfare state is ruining Americans and it’s ruining America because it’s bringing in people who were grifters and thieves, like that squatter there.

So that’s the solution. You’re not going to stop them by force. Even if you had a lot more military there, even if you had more walls, they’ll go over the walls, under the walls, they’ll sneak in and they can come in in a lot of different ways. They can come by land, air and sea, physical intervention, there is some value to that, but that’s not going to be the full solution.

The full solution is that you stop the welfare magnet. So Abbot has called up the state’s national guard to assist in erecting barriers. But again, he immediately stops as soon as they tell him, no supreme court, can I do this, mother, may I type of thing. What he needs to do is he needs to say, you want to come in? Come on in. We’ve got an open air prison for you.

Put them in that prison and put a live video camera feed up on the Internet so that people all over the world, whether you’re talking about Central or South America or Africa or China or any of these other places, that the UN and these NGOs are shipping people in to take advantage of our welfare state and destroy this country with a cloud and pivot strategy, put them in an open air prison, a concentration camp, if you will, and put cameras on it and say, you want to come? This is what we’re going to do to you.

You want this? That’s the only way. You stop the squatters, you stop the welfare thing and you educate them and say now America’s under new management. Yes. We don’t have anybody in Washington that’s going to fix that, certainly not Biden. And Trump’s not going to fix it either. Trump didn’t fix it. The only time he got serious about the border was when he was playing his pandemic games.

So Trump’s not going to fix this. They need to fix it. And say, you come here, that’s what you’re going to get. We’ll leave you there. We don’t know how long. I mean, we’ll have to figure out who you are. You could be there for quite some while. And it gets really hot in Texas. You really don’t want to be in an open air prison. So that’s the solution, folks.

That’s the solution. Texas Congressman Wesley Hunt, a Republican, reposted this video saying, these are not scenes from World War Z. This is your southern border. Thanks to Joe Biden and thanks to Greg Abbott and thanks to this Republican, Wesley Hunt, who do nothing but whine about it. Do something. Do something. You don’t have to be a genius to figure this out. You do something to show them that you’re know, we had, when Trump got elected because of his big mouth, he was talking about all the things that he was going to do before he got elected.

And for about the first three or four months, immigration just dropped off because people were paying attention to what he said. Then they figured out he was nothing but a boaster and a paper tiger. And then it shot up and we started having caravans and got worse than ever because they realized he was all talk no action. And these Republicans are all talking no action, whether you’re talking about Wesley Hunt, Greg Abbott or any of the rest of them.

Another Texas congressman, Troy Neals, said, we are being invaded and Joe Biden is doing nothing to stop it. This is like folks, Trump whining and saying, well, I want Mexico to build the wall. I want Congress to build a wall. They won’t do it, so I can’t build a wall. They can always point to somebody else and say, that’s the guy that needs to do it. And they do absolutely nothing.

These republican congressmen, the republican governor, the republican president, they don’t do anything about it. The Democrats are getting exactly what they want. Why can’t we get somebody who will do what we want? Right? Because they’re playing for the same team. Do you understand? Do you understand? They’re both on the side of the globalists. Think about how good it would be for their career if they actually delivered on some of this stuff, can you imagine if you actually had a republican governor, a president or congressman who actually delivered on this stuff, can you imagine how popular they would be? Why don’t they do that? Well, because they know that they are not beholden to voters.

They have their place in office because of the unseen government that we have here. Now, drone video has shown. Let’s see. Did I put that in here? Drone video. Drone video. Yeah. Squatter city here. That’s what I called it. I should have called it drone video. Too clever for my own good here, I guess. Drone video shows a massive New York City migrant tent city that’s been kept under wraps by Democrats and media.

Now, it’s not secret because there have been some articles about it, and I have talked about it. Floyd Bennett Field. The metro area of New York has been flooded with up to 175,000 illegals. They set this up, and people are very concerned because the migrants are not necessarily confined to that city. They can come around and panhandle in the nearby neighborhoods. In the nearby neighborhoods are republican neighborhoods.

Perhaps that’s why they chose that court. There’s been about five or six newspaper articles about this, and I’ve talked about some of them. So the local meetings were getting very angry. People were upset about that. A judge has dismissed a lawsuit to the surprise of elected officials. The people in that area so angry that they came up with a lawsuit, but the judges just throw that out. And so this has been going on for quite a while.

Just a few articles. That’s why I say it’s mostly been hidden by them. Not that it’s a secret. People know what it is. And so an ex user, Henry Facey, did that drone video that I just showed you there, sped it up quite a know. Drones don’t go nearly that fast, just to give you an idea of how big that is. But again, these people are not confined to it.

They can mess with the local neighbors. Okay, we’re going to take a quick break, folks, and we’ll be right back. Hang on a second. APS radio delivers multiple channels of music right to your mobile device. Get the aps radio app today and listen wherever you go. Liberty, it’s your move. And now the David Knight show. Well, I should give you an update as to what is happening, actually with a squatter case in New York.

There was more developments yesterday. Babylon B had fun with it. Trump sneaks back into the White House and invokes squatters rights. Joe Biden. I’m here. You can’t evict me, right? But the actual house there in New York City, and again, this is a million dollar house. I mean, real estate prices in New York, just amazing. It was not a giant house there, but the DA’s office was there.

They said it’s not really clear as to why they showed up. But the plot thickens because it’s not just that somebody moved in there and said, I’m going to live here. They moved in there and then they sublet it, sublet it, sublet something that they don’t have any right to be in in the first place. But somebody went in there and then this vacant house, and then they got a bunch of people to pay them to live there.

And so when the press is showing up and neighbors are angry with them because there’s a lot of publicity that has happened there, the investigators from the Queen’s district attorney’s office. Queen’s district. This is not the UK. This is New York City. Anyway, they’re turned away at a million dollar flushing home taken over by squatters Thursday as another tenant claimed that he was duped into renting this. These people go in, they steal it from the owner, and then they get these other people to pay rent.

He says, I’m not a squatter. I’m renting. I paid rent. I’m not a squatter. Everybody in there right now is paying rent to the same landlord. And so he gets this house, which is not real big, it’s just in New York, so it’s very expensive. And they got a bunch of people that are renting it and they’re all paying rent to this thief. So this guy comes out of the house 20 minutes her.

The district attorneys kept knocking on it and then they gave up and left. But the press remained. And at that point, the New York Post was able to talk to these people again. They said on the day before, they’d talked to another person who said he was a sub letter. He said he was scammed out of paying $1,500 to squatter that he identified as J with a supposed realtor who got $1,000 fee for allegedly brokering the deal.

They claimed that they were scammed and living in the house, but they didn’t clarify and have not returned repeated calls since. Well, now they know that they don’t have any legal basis to be there, but they’re remaining. They paid their money to somebody who claimed to have the ability to rent to them. The bizarre standoff came when the woman, Adele and Delaro, whose parents lived in the house until they died.

She began preparing the house for sale when she discovered that there were swatters who had taken up residence. She showed up with a local TV crew, changed the lockspos, put in handcuffed by handcuffs by the government, issued a summons for unlawful eviction because the occupants, although unwanted, they’re unwanted, they’re illegal occupants. Can we say that they have no legal basis to live in that house? Had established squatters rights under New York City law, anyone who occupies a property in New York for at least 30 days can claim squatters rights.

And as I said, when I looked it up, looked to me like it’s a minimum of seven years in is it makes a difference. State and local politics make a difference, folks. There’s different rules in different places here. Andaloro, who has not responded to phone calls from the post, said she has hired a lawyer and is working through the process. It is unclear why the queen’s district attorney’s office attempted to get into the house on Thursday.

They don’t know. They showed up and they were knocking. Now, another similar case, you got a couple of squatters that they have not found yet who killed a woman. Yeah, illegal squatters. She walked in on them. They were living in her mother’s New York City apartment. The victim, Nadia Vitell, a 52 year old woman from Spain, came to the US to prepare her mother’s Manhattan apartment for a family friend.

Sources said the apartment had been vacant for the last few months after her mother died. When she went inside, she found a man and a woman living there. A struggle erupted and it appeared that she was thrown into a sheetrock wall, sources said. The two suspects then allegedly stole her Lexus and drove to New Jersey, then to Pennsylvania, where they crashed near Harrisburg. But they still not apprehended them.

On March 14, her worried son, who had not heard from his mother for two days, went to the apartment with the superintendent and other relatives and found his mom’s body. Her body was in a duffel bag in a closet. Her foot was sticking out of the bag. She died from blunt force trauma to the head and her death was ruled a homicide, said officials. But these squatters remain at large.

Now, as bad as the individual squatter cases are, it’s even worse because of all the people that Biden is openly inviting to squat in our country and paying to do so. But there’s also something else that’s beyond squatters, and that’s what we see with Wall street becoming buying up all the houses, and it’s far worse than you realize. This is a post by Wall Street. Apes said private homeownership is an extreme risk in America.

New reports show that economists have been lying to all of us about the rate. Financial firms have been buying up single family homes. They’d been saying that 18% to 23% of the homes are being purchased. And by 2030, they said that they would own 60%. So they said it’s a big problem. It’s not here yet, but by 2030, 60% of the homes are going to be bought up by Wall street people.

What are they going to do with it? Are they just going to knock them down and build apartment buildings or something? So we don’t have any single family homes and we have to go live in the smart cities? That’s one possibility. They could make sure the government gave incentives for that. They’d be more than willing to do that, but that was a lie. In 2023, private equity firms purchased 44% of all single family homes in America.

Death for the middle class. Forget about the dream of home ownership. You’ve got Wall street buying up all these homes and banks, things like Blackrock. So they were telling everybody, the economists, the media were saying, yeah, it looks like it’s about 18% to 23%. No, it’s 44%. They said, it looks like by 2030 it’s going to be 60%. No, it’ll be a lot more than that. So estimates for 20 to 24 private equity firms are again predicted to purchase another 44% of single family homes.

All the money that the Federal Reserve has been flooding the country with, who do they flood it? Who do they give this to? They give it to banks and Wall street. It goes into the stocks, it goes into these financial firms on Wall street. They’re the ones that are getting the direct injection of all this quantitative easing. They’re the ones who’ve been making money off of the low interest rates and the booming stock market.

They’re flush with cash, unlike the middle class, and they’re buying our homes. Now kind know this quote that’s attributed to Thomas Jefferson. I don’t know if he said it, but people question whether or not it was said by Jefferson, but no truer words have ever been spoken. If we have a central bank, we will wind up becoming slaves on the continent that our forefathers conquered. Conquered. And that is now coming true very quickly.

Now, America has a lot of problems, but this should be a unifying problem that every single person who’s not a part of one of those private equity firms cares about, including current homeowners it’s not just a generational thing they’re saying. One person said, for our generation, we will not be homeowners. Well, if they can’t be homeowners, who do the people who are currently homeowners have to sell to? Because the private equity firms are.

They may be buying right now, but once they get control of the market, they’re going to be in control of the price that they pay as well, aren’t they? So again, they’ve been buying up all the single family homes. So up until recently, we didn’t actually have the numbers to say just how many homes they’ve been buying up. And you notice how many different things are set up to take away the single family home, which was during the middle of the 20th century.

They wanted common Americans, middle class Americans, to have a stake in the society. Now they don’t. They always meet. And they have these meetings, these globalist meetings at Bilderberg or Davos or whatever. What do they call these people? Call them stakeholders. You are not a stakeholder. And their vision of the world. The stakeholders are people in government and the corporations who fund them and work with them. And this globalist, fascist marxist system of totalitarianism.

They are the stakeholders. They don’t want you to have a stake in the society. They want you holding anything. They want you having nothing. And so as the policies even of our own government were there to help people have a home, they absolutely hate that. They call it urban sprawl. They want to lock you up in the cities. And I’ve seen this from the guy who’s the CEO of Lyft, for example.

He was somebody who by his education and experience, was an urban planner before he became CEO of Lyft. And he said in an essay where he was talking about what he wanted to do, he wanted to eliminate car ownership. He hated cars. He said cars are the worst invention of mankind. He said, cities are the best thing we ever invented. Well, that flies in the face of history and of historical opinion.

For millennia. For millennia, people did not like cities. Jefferson said they’re a threat to the health, the wealth and the liberty of man. And he was right. And so he wants to say that it’s wonderful. That’s why you hear them talking about urban sprawl. Yeah. You people out there in the suburbs, you’re really part of our little fiefdom here. And we’re going to bring you back in. We got to concentrate this.

We don’t want it spread out. Well, that’s what everybody wanted. They wanted to get out of the city. They want to have a little bit of a space to move around single family homes and that type of thing. They want to end all of that. And even if it isn’t bought up by private equity firms who have had cash showered on them by Trump’s tax programs and Biden and the Federal Reserve and all the rest of stuff, what we’re talking about, David Stockman, he said, Trump’s war on capitalism, it’s also Trump’s war on the american dream, because now what has happened is he gave so much money to these multinational corporations, these private equity firms, and then the Federal Reserve was just pouring cash on them all the time.

As all that stuff is happening, they’re bringing in people from all over the world and telling you, you got to pay for their kids education. We have to pay that grifting squatter on TikTok with currently only a half a million. He’s going to have several million people following him. But that guy using his daughter, his daughter is the key to being retired and doing nothing. And we have to pay to educate his child and to give him food for his child.

We pay all that kind of stuff. But the education alone, we saw this living in Austin, they continue to build schools one after the other, and the schools are very wasteful. And how are the schools paid for? With property taxes. Tremendously high. Property taxes in Texas truly is amazing. So even if you don’t have a single family detached home, even if you were living in an apartment, you’re still paying those taxes regardless of where you live.

And as we see the taxes exploding, we see the size of the house or the apartment imploding. That’s the result of these policies. And now you add the new factor here of the fact that Wall street wants to buy all the homes and make sure that we own nothing. They don’t care if we’re happy or not. On rumble. I don’t see a name there, but thank you for the tip.

It says, my monthly contribution to the only man in media I know of who has integrity. Well, that’s really kind. And has been willing to get into the wheelbarrow. Well, thank you. That is the thing. If we trust God, that is the key issue. On rock fan Michael A. Thank you for the tip. He says the ATF murdered the Little Rock, Arkansas airport executive. I’ve not talked about that, but, yeah, I thought that was interesting, that it was right there.

There was a guy working with the. Is this Mina stuff? Is that still going on there in Little Rock? I’m sure it is. Clinton foundation is still in business. I’m sure they got the stuff running through Little Rock, and it was a government raid. They shot him in the head. His brother was talking about it. He died yesterday. Rockfin Octo spook your tax dollars are being spent on you, to enslave you, to steal your property, to steal your country, to bring you uncountable friends in the form of criminal invaders.

I’m afraid you’re right. Tell Alexa to add the APS radio skill and have access to the best channels anywhere from country to blues classic hits to news. APS Radio curates incredibly diverse playlists for you to enjoy. Get details@apsradio. com unlike most revolutions, where the people rise against a real economic oppression, in our case here in Boston, we are fighting for purely an abstract principle. It is, however, not nearly so abstract as the young gentleman supposed.

The issue involved here is one of monopoly. Today, the british government will monopolize the sale of tea in our country. Tomorrow, it will be something else. Liberty, it’s your move. You’re listening to the David Knight show, right? And let’s talk a little bit about one of the ways that they’re taking everything from us, of course, monopolistic pressures and using the climate. MacGuffin Biden administration is preparing the toughest ever auto emission standards.

What is Congress doing to stop that? Are they going to stop funding the EPA, which is running all this show for know all of the Alphabet agencies, all of the swamp or the deep state or whatever the Trumpsters want to call this? That was all underneath the president when Trump was president. What do you do to stop this? And it’s not enough. When Trump was president, the high spot, I think, of his administration was Scott Pruitt, who had been a state attorney general and had fought the EPA on a lot of these climate issues.

And he was there for a couple of years. And I think that was the best thing about the Trump administration. But he didn’t stay because the town got on him. The press and the national press and the Washington press and everything got on him. They were coming after him for every little minor thing. And I think he could see the handwriting on the wall. He eventually resigned. He was not going to have any support or loyalty from Trump or anybody else in that administration to stand by him.

He had not committed any crimes, but he was pushing back against their MacGuffin. But the problem is that even if you get somebody that’s good in there, like Scott Pruitt, if you don’t remove the foundational things, and that means the EPA, if you don’t clip their wings, or better yet, get rid of them, we don’t have any constitutional authority for there to be an EPA. That was something from Nixon.

It wasn’t until the 1970s that we had an EPA. How did we survive as a country without an EPA? And we need to go back to the constitutional blueprint, but at least clip their wings. But that didn’t even happen. They just put somebody else temporarily in the driver’s seat there. And so it is the EPA, but it’s the structure that we have, and it is also the Paris climate accord.

Trump did a massive headfake and did absolutely nothing and left the Paris climate accord in, well, I’ll get rid of it eventually after the election in 2020. And he said that he got rid of it in 2020, but it was a treaty. He could have called for ratification. He could have called BS on it. It’s pure Bolshevik, in other words. But he didn’t do it. Mitch McConnell didn’t do it, and none of the other senators did it.

Rand Paul used to always talk about the Reigns act, and now he’s not really talking about that anymore. Thomas Massey is. Thomas Massey is talking about how the bureaucracies are out of control. And I got a clip from Massey, but Rand Paul’s not talking about that anymore. And he didn’t do anything to stop the Paris climate accord. All you needed to have was one senator Mike Lee. Rand Paul could have said, that’s not valid.

That’s a treaty. We never voted on that. Let’s have a vote anyway. Biden is preparing these toughest ever emissions restrictions for cars, according to Bloomberg. And of course, for the first time, they put emission restrictions on power plants to shut them down, at the same time requiring EVs to constitute about two thirds of new cars and light trucks by 2032, a sharp increase from less than 10% last year.

So less than 10% of the new cars and trucks being sold are EVs. And that’s a big problem for the car companies. And so they’re all moving away from this. But Biden and the bureaucracy are doubling down. And so even though currently the market is less than 10%, they want it to be 67%. Now, you’ve seen the articles, and I reported the article. Biden is moving back. Yeah.

Well, what he did was he said, we want to have 50% by 2030. Now, what he’s done is he said, all right, we’ll take the deadline. Our goal, we’ll move it out to 2032, but we’re going to go up from 50% to 67%. So instead of 50% by 2030, we want 67% by 2032. This is actually worse. And he touts this as a step towards meeting the US’s Paris agreement goal.

The Paris agreement must be, must die, must be destroyed. It’s like the guy Cato, I forget, if it’s the elder, the younger, who would end every speech in the roman senate. And one more thing. Carthage must be destroyed. And one more thing. Paris climate accord must be destroyed, or it will destroy us again. It was a sleight of hand. It was a headfake from Trump about the Paris climate accord.

That is the motivating factor. Well, we got to do it because the Paris climate agreement said so. It’s not a treaty. Even if it were a treaty, you don’t have the authority to do this stuff. And so they said, as they’re pushing this, the guy who’s head of the natural resources Defense Action Fund, so this would be some kind of an NGO that is making money off of this.

Listen to this. Okay, so we’re going to run these numbers here. Cars and light trucks on their own are roughly 20% of the carbon footprint. The carbon footprint. So 20% of this, 20% of what? Well, we know that the atmosphere is only 0. 4% CO2. And of that, all of that, 0. 4%, that massive amount, only 3% of that, 3. 2% of that is man made. So we take 3.

2% of 0. 4%, and then we say of that. So here’s all the carbon, 0. 4%, and all of it that’s man made. Another 3% and 20% of what’s man made is cars and trucks transportation. So what does that mean? Well, that means that the actual amount of carbon dioxide being contributed by the cars and trucks is 2. 56 times ten to the minus six. Or to put it another way, it’s 2.

56, 10,000 of a percent, two and a half, 10,000 of a percent, in order to destroy all of our transportation, all of our private transportation. They can’t make a case for this. And yet what they’ll say is, well, you know, if we could do this, I project that we could get rid of six or seven tons of carbon over a decade. Absolute nonsense. Absolute nonsense. It’s 2. 510 thousand of a percent.

Common sense would tell you, though, that it’s infinitesimal. Right? We all know that anyway. But just crank out their own numbers a senior analyst with a union of concerned scientists. Oh, they’re very concerned. Just clutching their pearls and wringing their hands. Said the rule doesn’t meet the moment, but it still creates some guarantees around movement toward zero emission vehicles nationwide. Well, it’s really about phasing out gas cars.

That’s the headline from the Daily Mail. And they got it right. The regulations, these stricter regulations will roll out more slowly than originally proposed. As I said, originally Biden dictated. He’s a dictator. Does he design anything? Of course not. He doesn’t know anything. He can’t make anything. But we’re going to buy, by 2030, 50% reduction in the number of angels on the head of a pen. And so now he’s changed it to 67%.

By 2032, you know what he’s really polluting the country with? Executive orders, with bureaucratic dictates. That’s where the real pollution is coming from. The EPA has issued these new auto rules to boost electric vehicles, not so much hybrids. The EPA is out of control. It is a law unto itself. As I’ve said many times, all of these bureaucracies were getting regulation without representation. Did Congress vote for this? No, this came from Trump and the bureaucracy.

Trump, Biden, and the bureaucracy. This is regulation without representation, and it is also a tax. It is also taxation without representation, and it is also prohibition without representation. Prohibition without a constitutional amendment. As I’ve said over and over again, you can’t prohibit anything without a constitutional amendment. They needed a constitutional amendment to prohibit alcohol. The 18th amendment, they brought it back with the 21st amendment. They had no constitutional amendment to prohibit marijuana, and the states used that to defy the government’s drug rules.

But guess what? They’ve got no constitutional amendment to prohibit cars either. And we should fight that for the same reason. Now, it is not as easy to do that. It’s not as easy to build cars as it is to grow marijuana, of course. So weed. However, if you want to have cottage industries, where you’re going to allow in your state people to continue to repair cars, even allow people to build cars, and guess what? You could just start the automobile industry all over again in your state.

Because if you throw away the EPA rules, and if you throw away the Department of Transportation rules and all the rest of the stuff, go back to a free market in cars. A lot of people would rather have a model a than to have one of these electric vehicles, and they certainly would be a lot more affordable. So anyway, all the deep state swamp is on the president, but they have no constitutional authority for what they’re doing.

The EPA said that under its final rule, final rule. They’re always changing the rules. It’s just like, well, Roe v. Wade is the law of the land until it isn’t, until the Supreme Court changes its mind. Well, this is the final rule until our rulers at the EPA decide that they want to change it to something else, because they just changed it again. Final rule. That’s my final offer right there.

Yeah. No, it’s capricious. It’s arbitrary. It is the constant state of flux that we see coming out of these bureaucracies. Regulation without representation. Taxation without representation. Prohibition without representation. The new standards will avoid more than 7 billion tons. That’s why I said 7 billion tons of planet warming. Carbon emissions. No, it’s going to stop. 2. 510 thousand of a percent. That’s what it’s going to stop. And according to their numbers, which are probably inflated, the benefits the EPA said are lower health care cost, fewer deaths, and more than 60 billion in reduced annual costs for fuel maintenance and repairs.

Well, none of that is true. And since 2012, this is when the scam was being run by the EPA there in research Triangle park, where I was, and one of the guys I was working with there discovered that they were looking for people who had respiratory and heart issues, participate in a test there at the EPA, and they hooked them up to diesel exhaust. They took out the carbon monoxide that would kill them, but they fed them the rest of the diesel exhaust that has fine particulate matter of 2.

5 microns. And they had some people that had to go to the hospital. And that’s what got Steve Malloy recognized that. He goes, so what do they had people go to the hospital from a test there at the EPA. What are they doing out there? And then he found out that they were looking for people who already had problems. And then he found out that they were exposing them to 72 times the level that the EPA said was the maximum safe amount.

Now, as that was happening, at exactly the same time that was happening, Obama’s EPA director, Lisa Jackson, was there in Congress, Congressman Markey, who’s now a senator, and the two of them had worked out a little dog and pony show and a dialogue. He stepped on some of her lines is how we know that they’d worked this whole thing out, obviously. And their narrative was, Lisa Jackson was telling everybody, I’m not talking about people getting sick, Congressman Markey.

I’m talking about more people dying than die from cancer and heart attacks. Does that sound familiar? And yet, at the same time, her agency was exposing people to 72 times the level without informed consent of what they were doing. So, yeah, they write the rule. They treat it as if it were law, but then they say, well, because this is a bureaucratic thing here, not created by your elected representatives, we’re going to say this is rule instead of a law.

And so you don’t have any due process, you don’t have a right to trial, you don’t have protection against excessive fines. And so Thomas Massey had this to say about this whole scam coming from the massive bureaucracy. The subcommittee will come to order without objection. The chair is authorized to declare recess at any time. We welcome, everyone, to today’s hearing on agency adjudication and other agency action. I will now recognize myself for an opening statement.

In today’s hearing, we will address how some federal agencies bring enforcement actions against defendants before the agency’s own in house courts. This practice, when federal enforcers sue defendants but bring the case before the agency’s own judges instead of before an article three court, raises a number of concerns. In addition to considering these concerns, we will have the opportunity today to explore ideas for reform. Stepping back the administrative state is made up of numerous federal agencies.

A number of these federal agencies have the power to sue defendants to enforce the law. And the agencies can choose where to sue in house or before an article three judge. There are significant differences between facing an agency in an article three court and facing the agency’s own in house adjudicator. For example, a number of federal agencies make their own rules of procedure and evidence. These rules can differ from agency to agency, and they differ from the rules used in article three courts, sometimes in ways that work in the agency’s favor.

Often, administrative law judges preside over these cases. And unlike article three judges, administrative law judges are hired and paid by the same agencies that bring the cases before them. Today, we can examine whether these judges are truly independent of the agencies that employ them. Also, unlike in article three courts, when an agency sues a defendant in an in house court, the defendant lacks access to a jury, a right the 7th Amendment protects.

Think about that. If the agency wants to opt for a jury trial, it can, but the defendant whose rights are at stake, cannot. These and other concerns create a risk of perceived institutional bias that the deck is stacked against the defendants. The risk of perceived bias is made worse by the extraordinarily high number of cases won before their own courts. Because the agencies play by their own rules, it is easier for them to get preferred outcomes finally, there’s arguably a lack of fairness and due process in some of these cases.

Defendants are often unable to seek interlocutory appeals on evidentiary and other procedural rulings. The effect is that defendants with limited resources face long ods of success and prolonged and costly challenges from agencies. This imbalance allows agencies to force settlements through exhaustion and can be a way for agencies to avoid judicial oversight from a truly independent adjudicator. To add insult to injury, when defendants settle, some agencies use gag orders to prohibit defendants from discussing their matter critically.

There’s a serious lack of transparency in administrative adjudication. It undermines confidence in the legitimacy of the proceedings and ultimately in the justice system. Today’s witnesses are leading scholars and practitioners with significant knowledge of this subject matter. I look forward to hearing from our panel of expert witnesses and discussing these important items. Yeah, well, let’s just sum this up, okay, and simplify this. This type of thing started with the IRS.

People say it’s a law unto itself. Yes, the tax code would be written to some degree by the congress, but they would come in and put the details in there, and then they would interpret it, and they would have their agents go out and arrest you. They would bring you to their tax court. These people are a law unto themselves. But even more than that, they are a government unto themselves, a fiefdom.

And this is happening to all of these bureaucracies. Now. They write the rules. They pretend that since they wrote the rules, you don’t have anything that applies in the Bill of rights, because that would only apply to laws. They play that kind of game. That’s why they call it civil asset forfeiture. When they steal your property without you being found guilty, without even charging you with a crime.

And that’s part of the drug war. That type of thing had been done by the IRS, where you have no presumption of innocence and you have no trial by jury. They can limit it. And in the ways that you just heard him say there, I say it’s a government unto itself. Think about it. They effectively write the law. They then apply the law as they see fit. They’ve got an enforcement arm that goes out and arrests people.

They have a judicial arm that they bring you before where you have no rights as a defendant, and then they come up with a judgment against you that is not limited by the 8th amendment and excessive fines, all of this. But they are the ones who are trying to. And if we don’t stop them, if we don’t call them out on this, they are the ones who will ban cars.

It’s truly amazing. And yet this is something that Rand Paul used to carry this, and he used to do this on an annual basis. He’d talk about his reigns act, how we need to rein in the bureaucracy. He hasn’t done that for quite some time, but Thomas Massey is doing it usually only one or two people in all of Washington. That’s why I say the solution is not going to come from them.

We need to understand what the problem is. We need to think globally and act locally. We need to think federally and act locally. We need to understand. And when I say think, we need to understand what their schemes, their plots and their methods are, and we need to block those at the local level. And so Biden’s own EPA is warning that the amount of time it takes to charge EVs is going to waste billions of dollars.

They put a dollar figure on the amount of time that people are sitting around waiting for their cars to charge as part of a journey. And of course, that’s a reasonable thing to do. And when they calculated this, they even said, well, most of the time charging is going to take place overnight or while somebody is working. But when you are in the middle of a journey just with that, you’re going to see a couple of billion dollars of time wasted.

Time is money. And of course, there’s something even more precious about time when it’s being wasted. You’re wasting your life, not just money. The EPA is expecting Americans will have wasted approximately $1. 7 billion worth of time charging their EVs. Many refueling events take place during the workday or overnight. However, some charging events will undoubtedly require drivers to take extra time. These mid trip charging events are the focus of this analysis.

So the EPA says their new mission rule, as they’ve got out there, this is what’s going to basically ban all internal combustion engines if we don’t get some people in government with a backbone. And I don’t care if they’re in Congress or if they’re at the state level, we got to get somebody somewhere. It’s just trying to get anything done in Washington is like trying to push on a rope, really.

And I was surprised to see reason taking exception to this, but in a very, very mild way. Listen to what they have to say. How the EPA’s new emissions rule is likely to backfire while drafted with good intentions. Are you kidding me? What? No, it doesn’t have any good intentions. It’s built on top of a lie. And the intention is to destroy our country to destroy our freedom, to destroy our mobility, to eliminate private vehicles completely, not even just internal combustion engines.

They’re going to get rid of electric vehicles as well, because the same agency is destroying the power plants now, and they don’t have anything to replace it with. Do the libertarians at reason now embrace this irrational fantasy about global warming, by the way? Reason? Okay, we’re talking about using their own figures. 20% of 3% of 0. 4%. We’re talking about two and a half, 10,000 of 1%. That’s what we’re talking about here for a reason.

I have another question. Since when is dictating what people can and cannot buy? When is that a good intention? Under what system? Is that what you now support as libertarians? It’s good intentions to tell people what they can and cannot buy. Yeah, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, isn’t it? The pace of EV adoption will have to quadruple in order to meet the goal that the state of Illinois wants.

Of course, Pritzer, the Hyatt family, that’s there. They’re throwing lots of money at EV stuff in their state. But it doesn’t matter how many tens of millions they throw at it. If people don’t want it or can’t afford it, it isn’t going to happen. It’ll take a mighty big change of fortune for the electric vehicle industry to meet Illinois’s goal of a million EVs on the road by 2030.

Always 2030. That’s when they want their new dystopian society out there by 2030 isn’t amazing, but we’re called conspiracy theorists. This is the biggest conspiracy the world has ever seen. It’s right there in the open. They’ve got time frame goals for all of these things, and it keeps coming back to when they want their new society at the very end of the fourth turning, and we’re supposed to pretend that we don’t know what that is.

So Pritzka released the target last week. To reach the target of a million by 2030, however, the number of EV vehicles that they have would have to increase by about 34,000 per quarter, a four fold increase. In other words, people have to buy them at rate four times that they’re currently buying them. And actually, it’s going the opposite way, because you see every day another automobile company saying, we said that we’re only going to make electric vehicles.

Well, we just changed our mind. First Ford, then GM, Mercedes, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, Porsche. Bentley was the latest one to say that if they want to remain in business, they’re going to give up their goal of being 100% ev. And the interesting thing is that’s even the luxury brands, where price is not a factor here. But lifesight news point out that if Trudeau gets his way in Canada, if they were able to get people to buy the EVs, then the grid would collapse.

Even ignoring the fact that they’re trying to collapse the grid because EPA in the US is now coming after the power plants. Be careful what you wish for. Well, actually, no. What they’re wishing for is a collapse of energy. Allowing electric only sales is an unrealistic fantasy, says Livesight. That would cause massive chaos by threatening to collapse the nation’s power grids. No, that’s what it’s designed to do.

And they’re going to radically increase demand. Everything must be electrified. At the same time, they’re shutting down all of the reliable power plants. So they want a collapse. You need to get your head around that. You need to understand that our greatest enemy, as Pogo said, we has met the enemy and they is us. As in United States or your own government. Wherever you live, your greatest enemy is your own government.

Whether it’s Canada or Europe or the United States. These people are at war with us. They want to destroy our society. They want to destroy our wealth. They want to take our homes. They want to shut down our energy. Canadians need to know just how much additional electricity is going to be required in order to meet Ottawa’s electric vehicle mandate because its impact on the provinces and taxpayers and ratepayers will be significant.

This is from the Frasier Institute. Remember them? Travis Frasier Institute out of Canada. It’s a free market institute. My sons competed in it when they were in high school. They did really well. They have a competition, the US and Canada, and both of them won it one year. They won first and second place in the Frasier Institute thing anyway. Just had to brag about that as a dad.

Travis’s was on Lysander Spooner. So anyway. And the post office, they said to go up 15% in only eleven years as a monumental task. This would mean building. Listen to what they’d have to build. This would mean building no less than ten new mega hydro dams nationwide, or at least 13 new large natural gas plants. For those pushing so called green power, that would mean that they’d have to have 5000 new wind turbines.

And those wind turbines always have to be backed up by natural gas. Peaker plants, they call it. So you’re running these power plants, as I’ve shown, that did that thing back in 2008, 2009 when they were coming out with the first renewable mandates in Colorado. These things don’t blow all the time, so you’re bringing the power plants up and down. It’s like driving a car through the city.

Guess what? Your fuel goes up, your emissions go up, all the rest of this stuff. The real world situation is not as easy as merely replacing current internal combustion engines with electric vehicles. There are many obstacles to overcome, and one of them is having the power on the grid so you can charge the cars. They don’t want you to have a car. And if you got electric car, they don’t want you driving it.

They’ll have you hooking this thing up and using it as a battery for the grid. That’s what they’re going to do. Electric cars cost thousands more to make and to buy. They’re not suited for Canada’s cold climate. Boy, that’s surely true. They have poor range, long charging times, especially in cold weather, if you can get them to charge at all, because they’ve got to get up to a certain temperature before they’ll even start charging.

They have batteries that take tremendous resources to make, batteries that are hard to recycle, and batteries that easily catch fire and can’t be put out so easily. Just over a week ago, Livesight News reported that a 2022 study found that electric vehicles pollute at a rate far higher than their gasoline or diesel powered counterparts. Meaning things because the extra weight, the brake dust, the tires, and all the rest of this stuff, that’s another form of emissions that they’re not taking a look at.

A grid operator in New England is warning that if they got a plan, that they have to rely on solar and wind and the battery know the battery energy storage sites. Bess. That’s what they want to do around here with the Tennessee Valley Authority. They want to go to wind and solar, and then they want to have these billion dollar battery centers that are just a fire hazard waiting to happen.

Besides an incredible waste of money, the batteries pushed by states in the region of New England to prepare the grid for increased solar and wind generation, may have significant trouble recharging in the cold temperatures of New England as well. You think you can’t charge your car, you’re going to be able to charge these. The same batteries, lithium batteries are just bigger. As I said, the problems just keep getting bigger, from Samsung phones that caught fire and were a hazard on planes to laptops, to these electric scooters that are burning down apartment buildings and killing people left and right in New York, then to the cars, then to the buses that have burned down massive bus stations in Europe, Canada, elsewhere, where they’ve said, all right, we’re going to get rid of these things.

Then up to semi trucks, and then the ultimate, the battery energy storage site, a massive, massive bunch of these things, all has to happen is one of them has to go. And they got a chain reaction fire in these battery energy storage sites. Just a disaster waiting to happen. So they said they could wind up spending a billion dollars each year on transmission. See, this is to make energy expensive, to make it rare.

All this allows them to have more control because as they impoverish us, as they turn us into a third world country that has unaffordable energy, that is not readily available, that increases their control over us, this is why they want to take it down. They have figured this out in all the western societies. They figured out that their path to power is to make us poor. And everything is focused on that modeling in the future.

Grid reliability study found that under some scenarios, in a potential 2040 power system, the battery fleet may be depleted quickly and then struggle to recharge during the winter months. They had to do a study to figure that out. It just amazes me. These people make a lot of money doing these studies, don’t they? This is a time of year when batteries may be needed most to fulfill supply gaps during periods of high demand due to cold weather, of course, and then that won’t be there when you need it.

So it’s already disappearing rapidly. In 2022, natural gas provided about 45% New England’s electricity. But now they said they’re going to take it down to 12%. In 2040. The solar and wind that’ll have to have a battery backup is going to go from 11% to 56%. This is a prescription for disaster. Just ask the Hertz CEO. When they saw the bottom line, it hurts so bad. They just ripped this guy right out of the car.

You’ve seen the commercials back in the. Was pretty amazing how they did it. They didn’t have computer generated special effects or that kind of stuff. Somehow they lowered the guy into the car. Well, they just ripped this guy right out. He was somebody. It’s interesting, his background. He was at Goldman Sachs for 30 years. And then he went to Hertz and he had this massive purchase of EVs from Tesla.

And it gave them, has now given them so far a hit to the bottom line of $245,000,000. It’s somewhere between Hertz and Boeing, the airline company. Right. So that’s that famous line we laugh about all the time from white Christmas. How much this costs? Well, somewhere between Ouch and Boeing. Well, this is somewhere between Hertz and Boeing anyway. So who did they bring in? They brought in a guy who used to be head of GM’s cruise unit, which is also failing.

I don’t know if you got any Hertz stock. You might want to short that stuff. I’m kind of the Jim Kramer of investments, but even I can see what is going on with this. Part of the problem for Hertz was that even people who might want to buy an EV wouldn’t necessarily want to rent one while they’re on the road. Remember what I just told you about the EPA that know the worst case scenario for the EVs is having to charge them mid journey? Well, what are people buying these things for, right when they’re renting it? I should say not buying it, but when they’renting it.

Hertz struggled also with collision and damage repairs on the EVs, running about twice that associated with comparable combustion engine vehicles. I’m surprised it’s only a factor of two, because if you have a fender bender, for the most part, they say, well, all the batteries got to be replaced. We don’t know if one of them has been damaged. So what is it going to look like? You know, trump this week, everybody kicking this stuff back and forth on bloodbaths.

You want to know what a bloodbath looks like? It looks like an EV graveyard. And they’ve got those in China. From Hertz to Hang Zhao, where they have documented a massive EV graveyard. A chinese person filmed aerial footage of thousands of electric cars and empty lots around Hangzhou. Similar clusters of abandoned EVs have sprouted up in at least a dozen cities across China. That’s your bloodbath there, folks.

And that bloodbath, when you have a centrally planned economy, it always winds up with a bloodbath. And that’s what’s happening in China as well. One field had more than 200 cars. Another, nearby on a river, had about 1000 EVs gathering dust. These were all 2017 or newer. Wow. So none of them more than seven years old. They’ve been producing about 6 million cars a year, which is twice the number of all the electric vehicles we have throughout America.

This is why when Biden says we’re going to electrify everything, guess what? They’re going to swap us. Trump was right when he said it was going to be a bloodbath it absolutely will be be one of the worst things we could do for our economy. Again, they’re producing these things at the rate that is twice all of the electric vehicles in the United States. They’re overproducing. Why? Because it’s centrally planned.

And so we got a central planner here, Biden, who wants to show us the failures of central planning. It reminds me of google kicking me off when I said 2020, the year the world became China. They’re the beta test site for all this stuff. The globalists want this stuff and they run it through these people. Well, we’re going to take a quick break and when we come back, I want to read a couple of letters from people that have sent us things.

I didn’t get to all of them. I didn’t want to read all them in one day. It gets to be kind of long. So we’re going to take a quick break and we’ll be right back. APS radio delivers multiple channels of music right to your mobile device. Get the aps radio app today and listen wherever you go. And you can walk 500 steps but not a single star.

Have more until the curfew activates and robot cops bent at your door. Yeah, that’s what’s coming for us, isn’t it? I wanted to read some of the letters that came to us. This is from Mary. I won’t mention the last name. She said how fast the time has gone, and yet you stay. Always giving of your time and accurate analysis. Well, thank you. That’s really kind. You have spread your wings covering all the events and cautioning all about the deception that abounds.

Thank you for all you do. Well, thank you. I could not do it without your support. And Mary has been a very long term supporter of ours. This is from James. He said, I anticipate your show content every day. It’s been a blessing to know there’s folks still out there with a character that Christ would instruct them to have. I will continue to pray for you all and this ministry you’ve been led to.

You’re making a difference, my friend. Whether you realize it or not. Please remember this on the days when the yoke feels heavy. Well, thank you. It does sometimes. It really does. And I wanted to read this one too. This is from a listener. He says, I’ve been listening since you were with Alex and left. He said, listen on d live while I work. I’m a house painter, semi retired.

I’ll be 70 in May. Love the Lord. Thank you for your love for him. And your honesty in reporting the news. We also homeschooled our five children. Well, good for you. And I’m sure that’s been a blessing for him as well. The process is a blessing, and the result is a blessing. Yes. It’s no guarantee that you’re going to get good results. I mean, occasionally it does. We’ve known homeschoolers who have not turned out as the parents had hoped, that’s for sure.

That happens at any time. We never know. Probably the worst case scenario that was Rachel de Liesel. She was homeschooled in a christian family, the woman who pretended that she was black. This is before transgender stuff even became a thing. So she was transracial. But I also wanted to read this because I had another listener who had sent me a question and said, you mentioned repentance. I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

And I wanted to write them back, and I have not done it yet, so I don’t know if they’re listening or not, so I’ll make sure that I do write them, but just in case they’re listening. He sent me the top part of this letter that was not handwritten. He sent this to me, and he talks about that, and it is important to talk about that again. I didn’t do it yet because I wanted to take the time, do it right.

And sometimes perfection is the enemy of done, and so I had not done that yet. So I appreciate him sending this. And let me just read a little bit of this to you. He says it’s believing that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures. He quotes John One. He says, to all who received him, to Jesus, those who believed in his name.

He gave the right to become children of God. He says, now, this sounds easy to do, and it is, but it has to come from a broken spirit. This is why we’re talking about the repentance thing, knowing that you’re burdened down with a weight of sin that you can’t handle. And he says, repentance is the major part of being forgiven, admitting that you have sinned against the Holy God.

We must want the life that Christ will give us, eternal life with him in glory. So cry out to him today. He will save you. He knows you. He wants you to know him. And I would just add that repentance doesn’t mean that you’re going to never have any failings, that you’ll have a perfect life as I kind of said before, one way to think of it is sin is there, present with all of us.

But the difference is, are you playing with your sin or are you fighting your sin? And that’s the difference. It’s a mindset. And repentance really is a changing of your mind. That’s really what the original word meant. We have these different things, people, repentance, salvation. They talk about eschatology and post millennial premillennialennial, and all these different things. And people are like, what is that? So there’s this internal language, just like, if you’re talking about technology or something, I understand that can be difficult jumping into that, because you got all these different terms that are thrown at you all at once.

That’s the way that engineering used to work. It’s one acronym and term after the other, and you just keep looking up these definitions. Then eventually it starts to make sense as you piece these things together. And I’m sure that’s the way it is with people who have not grown up listening to these things. Sometimes you grow up listening to them, and you’ve got the wrong idea, the wrong definition.

Maybe you need to go back and look at the original Greek and what that really meant. Because they pick a word, sometimes it doesn’t convey the full meaning. But while we’re on this topic, let me just quickly know. I was looking through some stuff, and I saw maybe I think most of you, if you’re a Christian, certainly you’ve heard the story of Corey Tim Boom and her family, how they were in Holland when the Nazis invaded.

They had a family watch shop, and they were very think about the way things were in the middle of the 20th century. We didn’t have the big chains like we have now, actually had a lot of different retailers. You go around grocery shopping, even in the mid 20th century, you would go from the butcher shop to the dairy to the this shop, all these different places, even to buy groceries.

You might go to the green grocer, the butcher shop, somebody that specialized in dairy, all these different stores that had specialties, and they were all run by the people who owned them, and they were part of the community. I remember in Tampa when I was growing up, the mayor of the city, Lloyd Copeland, had a big green grocer place that was there, just the nicest guy you could meet.

And he actually didn’t run for mayor. He had been city council for a very long time. When the mayor got out, for whatever reason or died, I don’t remember what it was, but he was the one that all the city council people agreed to put in because he’s such a nice guy. He just has just a grocer at a big grocery store. But it wasn’t a grocery store in the sense that we talk about it.

They sell everything from soup to nuts and these mega stores. But so they had this small watch shop in Holland. And when the Nazis came in as Christians, they began to be kind of a hub for underground operations, helping people to get documents, helping people to escape, and other things like that. They were eventually caught, and the entire family was sent to a concentration camp as well. And so we all know the story of Corey Tim boom.

She survived. She was the one family member who survived. And she had tours where she talked about her life and what it was like in the prison camp and her growing up and her christian values and lessons that she learned in this difficult time and ways that she saw God work when she was in the prison camp and she lived to a very old age. There were books, there was movies about her life and all the rest of this stuff.

But she had a sister and a father who did not survive. Her older sister Betsy, not as well known as her sister. The book, by the way, and movie was called the hiding place. Corey traveled the world, but Betsy. Betsy was the one who really, Betsy and her father as know, had a lot of things, but she went through the prison camp experience with her older sister. The father died right away.

He was older. And the person who put this here, this has got my attention, said since 2020. It seems that the news keeps darkening as we try to navigate how to live in a world that so often celebrates evil. We can find encouragement in remembering that many Christians before us have persevered through dark days. And so if we look at their example and what sustained them, that can be something that can help us as well.

She said one day there was air raid sirens, and she said sometimes that wouldn’t even wake her up. But she heard her sister Betsy in the kitchen banging stuff around. And so she got up to go see what was going on in there when the air raid was over, and she went back to her room. Right there on the pillow where her head was was a ten inch piece of metal shrapnel that had pierced the pillow.

She went back to her sister and she said, Betsy, if I hadn’t heard you in the kitchen. And Betsy said, she said, don’t say it. She said, there’s no ifs. There’s no ifs in God’s world. There’s no place that is safer than any other place. The center of his will is our only know. You go back and you look at the lives of the battles, lives. The people who fought the civil war.

Somebody like Stonewall Jackson, that was his thing. He never flinched. He didn’t duck bullets. He said, if there’s a bullet mining, if God’s going to allow that to happen, then there’s nothing I can do about it, so I’m not going to worry about it. Even in a concentration camp deep in the heart of Germany, there were no ifs. Betsy reminded Corey that even the fleas and their barracks were under God’s sovereignty.

If the sisters later learned the fleas were keeping the wardens at a distance, so they had greater freedom to hold Bible studies with other prisoners. And that is a whole nother story we’ll go into as how she was able to smuggle a Bible into the prison. They were taking those from people as well. On February 28, 1944, they were arrested. And it was really, I guess, because they were arrested toward the end of the war.

The war that ended, what was it, in April 45 in Europe. I’m foggy on that anyway. But any of them have survived as it was? Only Corey survived. Her father was 84 years old. He only survived ten days. He died alone in a hospital hallway. But Betsy and Corey would eventually go together to a women’s concentration camp, Ravensbrook. They had miserable conditions, of course. Long hours standing at attention, the daily agony of cruel injustice.

Once, a guard beat Betsy during a work detail. Cory’s anger flashed, but Betsy urged her not to retaliate, even as the blood was oozing from her wounds. Said, don’t look at it, Cory. Look at Jesus only. And then, months into their captivity, they learned the identity of the dutch man who had colluded with the Nazis and betrayed them. She said, I brimmed with hatred for that man who had brought such suffering to our doorstep.

Their father was dead because of him. And it was because of this traitor that Betsy was slowly dying. At last. Corey could no longer keep her anger brolled in, and she turned to Betsy one night and said, doesn’t it bother you? She said, yes, it does, cory. Terribly. I’ve felt for him ever since I knew. And I pray for him whenever his name comes to mind. There’s another story where the two of them were there and some woman was being beaten.

And Corey Timbum, the younger sister, said, how horrible. And her sister said, yes, pray for her. And she was talking about the woman who was doing the beating. Why would she look at it that way? Why would she pity the person who’s doing the beating more than the person who’s receiving it? Because she knows how they’re storing up wrath, right? She knows that if they’re doing something like have, they’re not following God and they’re storing up wrath with what they’re doing.

As Betsy grew weaker, she kept insisting that she and Corey had to work, had a lot of work to do after the war. Said, we’re going to build some rehabilitation homes. We’ll paint them a special color for the people who survived the concentration camps. And so she said as she died, the last words to her was that at the age of 59, she said, there is so much to do.

We have to tell people that there is no pit so deep that he is not deeper still. She said, they will listen to us because we have been here. We’re going to take a quick break and we will be right back. You’re listening to the David Knight show. Hear news now@apsradionews. com. Or get the APS radio app. And never miss another story on Rockman Jason Barker. Good to see you there.

Jason says, look at the patent that Ford just filed for self repossessing cars. Saw that this morning. I didn’t talk about it, but they can shut themselves down. They can lock you out, and they can even have it drive itself away. Of course, you could probably walk over and take a cone and put it on a little stop. That was the GM cruise cars, right? Yeah. The future doesn’t need you.

Your car doesn’t need you. They don’t want you having that thing on. Rock fan Octo Spook said, I was born in 1952. Can you even imagine how shocking America now looks to me? Yes, I can, because I’m about your age. I remember the 4 July in Copperopolis. A woman there owned a cannon. She would fire to celebrate. Weapons were everywhere. Now she would be in a fed prison.

We all would be. Copperopolis, California. California, as he emphasizes. Yeah, I know. We used to. Where we lived in North Carolina, we had a neighbor who would call the police on us whenever we would practice target shooting. And we had a great place. We had six and a quarter acres, and we had ravines that were really deep. And we would get down the ravines and we would shoot into backdrop of ground.

It wasn’t a threat to anybody. It wasn’t going to go through any forest or anything. And she knew that. She just didn’t like us having guns. She was actually a literal witch. I’m serious. She would celebrate the witch’s sabbaths and things like that, but that’s another story for another day. But she would always call the police. And it was my sons who are out there practicing most of the time, and he’d come out there.

I know you’re not doing anything wrong, but please stop doing this. She keep calling me out here. But one day, she only asked that we stop using tannerite. Okay. I was going to say, okay. He only stopped about the tannerite thing. Yeah, because they did a tree one day with tannerite, and she really had a fit with that. Because that does sound like made me think about it.

When you’re talking about the lady who shot off the cannon in Copperopoulos, California. Well, they blew up a tree with tannerite. She didn’t like it. It was an old dead tree, if anyone is worried. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. No living trees were harmed. And it would have just released carbon dioxide in the environment anyway if they hadn’t blown it. We put it in the fire and make sure that it releases all that carbon dioxide to warm us up.

Well, Peter McCullough has spoken out both on people dying and on the amazingly willfully blind politicians who really don’t care. Here’s what he had to say about pregnant women who are dying. How, how could the entire FDA, the National Institutes of Health, the CDC, and they said, you know what they said? Vaccinate the women anytime during pregnancy, anytime. Doesn’t matter. We now have, in a paper by Hoyerton, colleagues from the National center of Health Statistics record maternal mortality starting in 2021.

It’s going up. It’s erased four decades of progress in obstetrics. Pregnant women are dying with the baby in the womb. And the US National center for Health Statistics considers a maternal death during the nine months of pregnancy and up to 42 days afterwards. And in that manuscript, there’s no mention of COVID and there’s no mention of the vaccines. They’re simply reporting this bad news that pregnant american mothers are now dying at alarming rates.

This isn’t a U. S. Federal government publication. I think everybody listening to this should be alarmed. He said that at a hearing last Friday at the Arizona state Capitol. He said the deaths attributable to the Trump shots, he calls them the COVID shots. I don’t believe that there was COVID. I think they misrepresented this. I think they took flu. Yes. I’ve had a lot of people that I know said, oh, this is different from flus.

I’ve had. I agree. I got sick in 2009, and they were saying, I forget what they called it that year, but some years you have really bad flus, and it’s kind of hung around with me for quite some time. Whenever I get sick now, it always goes to my chest. But that was one of the worst bouts of the flu that I ever had. But I think that what it was was the hospital death protocols, the negligence.

We’ve never done that before. And I think it was a different strain of flu. I don’t think that it was bioengineered, but nevertheless, the bioweapon was the shot. And the person who created and brags about creating it is Trump. So it is the Trump shots. The Trump shots are, quote, grossly underreported, probably 30 to one. The deaths attributable to that, with the actual death toll, he said, likely as high as 550,000 in the United states.

Now, other people have come up with much, much higher numbers. I think that’s very conservative. But he also called out both Trump and Biden for being willfully blind in terms of what these shots were doing to people. I’m not going to listen or wait for the government to tell me what to do, and I’m certainly not going to wait at home and wait to be hospitalized. Everybody must take action now.

Be ready. Be ready to critically evaluate what’s going on, question what you’re being told, and use your common sense. Take care of yourself, take care of your family member, and take care of your country. You better message every single person you plan on voting for, and you better tell them about this, including the people at the top, because they need to be woken up. If they’re still asleep, if they’re actually in on this, it’s even worse.

I can’t believe that our two major presidential candidates don’t know about the safety problems with the vaccines. I don’t believe it either. I can’t believe that they would not understand that approximately 550,000 Americans have died after the vaccine, that roughly 1. 2 million people died with COVID of which maybe 10% really would be adjudicated as COVID. These are large losses of life. This is greater than the civil war.

This is greater than our World War II losses. And yet they’re talking about other things. The media is talking about other things. Only you can wake people up. Only you can speak out. It’s pretty clear we’re not going to be saved by the next presidential candidate. We’re not going to be saved by another senator or congressman, we’ve got to save ourselves. I’m Dr. Peter McCullough. Thank you. Thank you, Dr.

McCullough. Yeah. He said, our two major presidential candidates are the same on this issue. They’re completely, willfully blind to what happened to Americans focused on other issues, focused on themselves. Frankly. Despite mountains of evidence for years, both Trump and Biden are staunch supporters of the vaccine. He’s a good man. He’s new to politics. Took him a while to realize just how corrupt this stuff was. He’s a cardiologist.

He wasn’t focused on the vaccination lies that have been going on for a long time. He didn’t know about the CIA’s germ games and everything. He knows now. He knows now, now that puberty blockers have been banned. The daily skeptic in the UK, that’s where they banned them there. It’s time to ban COVID vaccines for children, too. Well, we haven’t banned our puberty blockers here in the United States have.

You know, we don’t really care about pregnant women. We don’t care about killing them. We don’t care about killing, know, that’s what the whole abortion thing is about, shows we don’t care about pregnant women and we don’t have any qualms about killing babies. And Trump and Biden are both fine with that. Why wouldn’t we think that they would be fine killing Americans? If you’re not pro life, what does any of this stuff mean? 15 weeks, 16 weeks, 15 years, 60 years, we don’t care.

We can kill you if you’re inconvenient, if you’re in the way, if we decide that we don’t think your quality of life is good, and we’ll make that determination, just like we’ll make determination as to whether or not what you’re saying is to be allowed. We’ll make the determination as to whether or not you are allowed to live. After an independent review of services for children under 18 and a sharp rise in referrals to, in the UK, the gender identity development service run by Tavistock and the Portman NHS foundation, they’re closing that abomination there, they said, so why can’t we stop giving jabs to kids? Even to that.

You would think that maybe they would care about that, but that’s one of the reasons why they’ve pushed abortion so hard. The people that you would think would have the most empathy for, they have pushed it that hard. Japanese researchers warning about the risks of blood transfusions from COVID vaccinated people. Yeah, transfusions and shedding and other things like that. You know, it was in Japan where they threw away a couple million doses of the pfizer stuff after they noticed black stuff starting to form in it because it wasn’t refrigerated properly.

And yet we still have situations like this. Here’s this young athlete, 17 years old. He’s playing soccer, what they call football in. I know, I apologize to anybody who’s listening in a foreign country. That’s typical american arrogance. Yeah, it’s soccer, but they call it football. It’s their football. Anyway, here he is. Eaton College people, 17, dies after collapsing on the pitch during a field game just yards away from his father.

What is that about? Well, we know exactly what that’s about. That’s about myocarditis. That’s there just silently waiting to kill somebody when they, this is all new, and yet they want to ignore it. So again, pregnant women, they don’t care. They’re killing them by droves with a vaccine. Babies, they don’t care about that either. Young teens, they don’t care about healthy athletes. They don’t care about adults, elderly people, they don’t care about anybody.

Trump and Biden don’t care. Why do you care about presidential politics? You don’t even have a say in it. You’ve got as much, we were talking about Eaton in the UK. You’ve got as much say as to who the president’s going to be as you do whether or not King Charles is going to stay in office. He’ll be there till God takes him out. But you don’t elect the king and queen, and you don’t even know who’s running this government.

This government is being run by our warmongering coup masters called the CIA. Well, we’re going to take a quick break, and when we come back, Gerald Slinty is going to be joining us. So stay with us. We’ll be right back. If you like the Eagles on a dark desert highway, the cars and Huey Lewis in the news. They say the hotter rocker rolls. You’ll love the classic hits channel at APS radio.

Download our app or listen now@apsradio. com. They created Common Core to dumb down our children. They created common past to track and control us. Their commons project to make sure the commoners own nothing and the communist future. They see the common man as simple, unsophisticated, ordinary. But each of us has worth and dignity created in the image of God. That is what we have in common. That is what they want to take away.

Their most powerful weapons are isolation, deception, intimidation. They desire to know everything about us while they hide everything from us. It’s time to turn that around and expose what they want to hide. Please share the information and links you’ll find@thedavidnightshow. com. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing. If you can’t support us financially, please keep us in your prayers. Thedavidnightshow combat. And joining us now is gerald celente, trends journal.

You can find it@trendsjournal. com and of course, we’ve been talking all through this week about how Gerald called it with commercial real estate, how he called it with the collapse of medium and full banks. And now they’re talking about that themselves. And you got powell, head of the fed just blows it off, says, oh, yeah, the big banks are fine. That’s all we really care about. But there’s something else that is breaking at trends journal.

And I’ll let Gerald tell you about it. It truly is amazing what is happening. But I guess, unfortunately, as amazing as it is, it’s not surprising, is it? Gerald, thank you for joining us. Tell us what’s going on on their trends journal, on what the COVID is about. Well, the COVID says, I’ll kill you, Goyam Italian on and on about because I’m for peace. And I was doing a show on actually infowars on Monday.

I host an hour and I read that the polish prime minister, this guy Tusk, said that basically the era of peace is over. And, quote, we’re in a pre war era. And I said, who’s this little clown to say we’re in a pre war era? And by the way, the Polish is building their military bigger than everybody else in Europe. Oh, yeah. So I get this guy, after I got off the air, he called my office ten times, cursing, screaming, he’s going to kill me.

I can’t read the language, but I’ll give you just a, you keep talking sh, about polish, I’m going to skin you alive and wear your face. Tranny italian tea girl, f’d by black guys. Wow. I will kill you. Wow. And it goes on and Goya medallion tea girl, I’ll destroy you or any going on. And of course, I’m not women. But anyway, wow. So my lawyer said, call the FBI.

Actually, Judge Andrew Napolitano said the same thing. I do a podcast with him every Wednesday. You could see it on the Gerald Salenti or trends Journal channel. And I called the FBI and they basically blew me off. And they reported it to the state police. Now, this happened a week ago Monday. The state police calls me up Tuesday night and said, we’ll come here on Friday. I said, Friday.

I said, I get these death threats. Sending him the emails. Well, I’m off. The guy said, I’ll be back Friday. I’ll be there at 07:00 at night. All right, 07:00 at night. Friday never shows up. Comes on Saturday night. It was like. It was like a Keystone cop. A little boy with the hat on, like, know it was a joke. Oh, by the way, I know the guy that ran for.

He was the assistant DA of Ulster County. I contacted him. He ran for office. I gave him money. When he ran for office, he lost. I said, listen, when you contact the DA on this, he said, oh, this is terrible. Contact him right away. Email back and forth four times. He said, I keep calling. Call them. Yeah, they’re going to be DA. Never got back to me because they hate me.

I wrote back. I said, and I said this to the cop, too. I said, okay, what are you going to do? He said, we’re going to put the report in and then we’re going to send it to Da. I said, the DA is not getting back to me. I said, how long is it going to take? He said, well, it may take a few weeks to a month.

I said, I could be dead in two days. I could be dead tomorrow. Somebody tried to kill me. Wow. I said, if my name was Celentowitz and this guy called me a jewish and used this language, and rather than calling me an italian and call me jewish, you guys would be on in a second. But I’m just a little guinea. I’m a whop from the Bronx. I don’t count.

Yeah, it’d be a national story, too. Yeah, I’m a national figure. Yeah. I’m not know. Screw you, Solenki. We hate you. You know why we hate you? Because of what you were saying before about all our money going to the military industrial complex. I launched occupied peace. I fight for peace. I’m a warrior for the prince of peace. You lousy piece of crap. You little giddy bastard. You have no right fighting for peace.

You’re an antisemite. You don’t support genocide. You’re a piece of scum. We’ll kill you. Yeah, wow. Yeah, wow. They asked me how I’m feeling. That’s how I’m feeling. And I would love for this guy to come in here. I’ll blow his brains out. Wow. I’ll rip him to. I’ll blow him to pieces. Come on, come on. Yeah. Just to make it clear. And as you well know, I had my own school.

I taught close combat for a lot of years, and I’m armed. So come on. Come on. Yeah. You can never tell what these people are going to do. Nothing, by the way. Well, I mean, the other guy that’s sending you the threats, you never can tell what these. Sometimes it’s just a bunch of talk and everything, but that sounds very unbalanced. And you never know what these people are going to do.

This guy’s whacked out. Yeah, some of the stuff. Yeah. Goyam, italian tea girl. I’ll destroy your whole polish. Dic up your italian tea girl. A skin, you aware your face. He goes on and on. Wow. So we tracked the guy down. By the way, he happens to be jewish and he lives in Florida, and they won’t do anything. So I got my private guys out there on the scene.

But the FBI f you, Celenti. Well, of course. If you went to Florida and you said anything to him, that would be a hate speech. If you were to say to him. That’s what we wrote in the trends journal, by the way. Really? Yeah. But if I did this as an italian to a Jew, it would be terrible. Yeah, same thing. Calling a goyam. We got to have a term for you.

I guess that’s an anti caucasian term, right? Yeah. Instead of anti semitic term. It is, but this is a hallmark. This is what our government has become. You look at the double standard for everything. They will send somebody to jail for years for jaywalking. But somebody else does. Murder, threats, they won’t do anything at all. They won’t even look at it. We see that happening with the pro life centers and the crisis pregnancy centers.

Arson. Not just graffiti, but arson. And the FBI doesn’t even want to look at it. Right again. The guy goes, italian, tranny and kill you. You weak. Yeah, I’ll kill you three times. He says, I’ll kill you in three emails. Calls up ten times. Screw you, Celenti. We hate you. You’re a warrior for the prince of peace. We hate you. Wow, look what’s going on over there with the slaughter of the Palestinians in front of everybody’s eyes.

Look at this. What’s going on? Where’s the outrage? And you got that little slime ball piece of crap bringing Netanyahu over here. That’s little Mike Johnson. A little boy of Johnson. Mickey Mouse. Yeah, and like you said, look at they call this a democracy? Well, we got a choice between Trump and Biden and the hundreds of millions and billions of dollars being put into their campaign by the private equity groups and all the rich people.

What? America? Democracy. Grow up. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. His lawyer, Lena Hobbit, just said that Trump’s open to, he’ll accept cash from foreign sources. He needs to get himself a new lawyer if he’s really serious about any of this stuff. But she’s out there saying, oh, yeah, he’ll take money from foreign sources. He’ll take it from anybody. Anybody want to give him some money, he’ll take it. But that’s the way they all are.

And they don’t even care. Know, they don’t even care. Biden doesn’t try to hide his crimes. Trump doesn’t try to hide his crimes. They’re proud of killing people with the jab. They’re proud of killing people in other countries with their wars. They’re absolutely shameless in what they do. Shameless. Yeah. Look at Trump is just a little narcissistic boy. Little daddy’s boy. I had lunch with his brother, Robert Trump, back in 2017, and he has a place not far from here, a restaurant.

Anyway, funding. He died anyway. And he had all these pictures of the family all over the place. Trump got like, what, about half a billion dollars from his father when he died of worth of real estate and stuff. He’s a little daddy’s boy. We’re the same age. We’re the same age. So the greatest threat, I wrote about it in my book when Zizzy gave Honey Boy, which my favorite book of everything I’ve written.

Zizzy is a Neapolitan dialect for auntie. When I was a little kid up in the Bronx, and they couldn’t control us. And the thing was, your little sob, we had enough of your stuff, me and my brothers, with sending you to military school, that was the greatest threat. We’re going to go to military, mother. You know, cooking this fine, know, we’ll be good. We’ll be good. Trump was so arrogant, this rich kid, they sent him to military school, Cornwall, new York.

It’s about an hour south of Kingston, over here in the middle of nowhere. So here you are as a teenager. What are you thinking about? You’re thinking about girls, cars, sports. Here he is. They sent him away because he’s such an arrogant, narcissistic boy dressed in his military drag in the middle of nowhere and eating crap food every day and saluting. So that shows you what a narcissistic cat clown this guy is.

Maybe now we understand why he put so many generals all around him. Because he wanted them saluting him for a change. Right. Good evening. And by the way, did you see what his son in law, Jared Kushner said about. Oh, yeah, yeah, oceanfront property. Let’s clear them out of there as quick as possible. Right? Yeah. And Netanyahu used to stay at the, you know, he’s got a couple of billion dollars.

I’m surprised that Jared’s not out of that saudi deal. Right. I’m surprised he’s not helping his father in law with this New York situation. He’s flush with know, like George Collins said, it’s one big club and you ain’t in it. That’s right. It’s all it is. The private equity groups own everything in this country. I wrote in my book Trends 2000, this was an international bestseller. It came out in 96.

And I wrote about how the private equity group thing began. And it began with RJR Nabisco and this arrogant guy. That was the beginning of it. And then the guy, they put him in the head of IBM and he closed down all the IBM up here in Kingston. The city went down for a big long time. Didn’t start coming back until middle of 2014. Around there, 15. By the way, over 80,000 people have left New York City so far this year.

And they’re moving up here like crazy. I never saw so many kids, young people with little kids and strollers all over the place. It’s getting out of New York City is a hellhole. Yeah. And what nobody’s talking about, you brought it up, is the banking crisis that’s about to happen. Your office vacancy rate, meaning nobody in the buildings in New York City that is filled with homeless and migrants, is 23%.

23% of the office buildings in New York City are empty. Empty. Your office occupancy rate is around 49%, meaning people going back to work. It used to be like almost 100%. Now all the businesses that depended on commuters, they’re going out of business is going to be again. It’s in your trends journal this week. The latest data is showing 282 banks. 282 banks are facing commercial real estate stress.

Wow. It’s barely being reported and it’s probably more than. I heard somebody when they were talking about this back and forth. I don’t know who threw the number out, but somebody, I don’t remember, I covered it earlier in the week. Somebody said 500. 500 banks. And Powell is just saying, well, it’s not the big banks. It’s manageable, I guess, is what we would say. Manageable. Yeah, we don’t really care as long as it’s not our dirty half dozen that we work with all the time.

And by the way, people, if they want to get good information, of course, the trends Journal. But on the banking situation, Wall street on parade, ever gone there? Russ and Pam Martins, Wall street on parade has the best banking information than anybody that I’ve seen. And they call it out straight, what a crime syndicate it is. And again, a crime syndicate. What is Morgan Chase convicted. Convicted of? Five felonies.

Five felonies. And they’re not the only know HSBC. I remember when Matt Taybi, back when he was working with Rolling Stone, he did an article about HSBC and how they were working with a Sinaloa cartel. They gave them their own cash window because they were coming with wheelbarrows full of cash. I mean, this is not the Weimar Republic, but they still had wheelbears of cash at that point in time, and how they worked with them and how they kept.

And I remember a guy that I talked to that was a whistleblower, and he was the second wave. They caught him, they put him on probation, like animal house, double secret probation, whatever, gave him a small fine. And then they hired a bunch of people. His name was Everett Stern, if I remember correctly. And he was that wave of people. They hired a bunch of people who had absolutely no background in this to monitor what HSBC was doing, to make sure they weren’t sending money to drug cartels and terrorists.

And what he discovered, he took his job seriously. He said, they paid us a tremendous amount of money. Most of the people just came in. They were content to do nothing, but he took it seriously. So he’s like a junior G man type of thing. He starts looking through the files, and he finds that they’ve got these files that have certain keywords about places and groups and individuals, but they would do things like put a period after it or a space somewhere in the middle of it or something like that, so that they wouldn’t find a match.

And he reported that they got fined again, and he became a whistleblower, but nothing ever happened. I mean, this is the banks doing this kind of stuff all the time. No, it’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace. And again, it’s a crime syndicate. Yeah, that’s all it is. That people call it government. We talked a lot about commercial real estate earlier today, and you mentioned private equity companies earlier today.

I was talking about the fact that they just did a study. The media has been telling us, well, yeah, we know that there’s a lot of these private equity companies are buying single family detached homes at a big rate. Let’s say about 18% to 23% was what they were saying. They said, well, we looked at it and it’s actually 44%. And they were saying that they were going to get it up to, before long, it would be up to 60%, but it’s already more than double what they were saying it was.

This is also a very dire consequence that’s about to break onto our heads. The fact that these companies will grab these single family homes. Who knows what they’re going to do with it? Make it so expensive we can’t live in them or pump and dump them and build part of these. Make people go live in the. Not develop again, but make people have to go and live in these smart cities that they’re designing.

Who knows what they’re going to do with it. Again, this happened. All this began with the panic of eight. Yes. And Blackstone is the biggest one over there. They’re buying up everything, screwing the people. And that guy, minutian, what did that bankity used to run over there that foreclosed on people? And it was allegedly a crime. What, he was treasury secretary. That was Trump’s treasury secretary. Yeah. The whole time.

Yeah. That picture that they show him and his wife where they’re printing the big sheets of money. And he hired. He probably did hire, but he married a woman who’s a real fashion model or an actress or something. He’s sitting there holding this sheet of dollar bills and Steve Mnuchin there. As a matter of fact, somebody was talking about the fact that he was the one who proposed Banning TikTok, and now he’s trying to put together a group to buy it, I guess.

Matter of fact, there’s an article in this week’s Trends journal about the banning of TikTok. And you know who’s behind it? Who’s that? Not coming from me, from the times of Israel, the jewish APAC, and all the other jewish groups in America, because TikTok is spreading anti Semitism. Oh, you mean anti Semitism is opposing genocide. You’re an anti Semite if you oppose genocide. So again, it’s right, not from.

So you can’t call me an anti Semite. It’s coming from the Times of Israel. We did a big article on it. That’s who’s pushing the banning of TikTok. Nothing to do with. Yeah, yeah. Well, of course they pushed the hate speech laws that would put people in jail in Florida. DeSantis went to Israel to sign it. Now, we just had Christine Ohm do the same thing. It’s like, do they not even care that people are going to associate them with the most rabid censorship, the most vile repudiation of the First Amendment, making it a crime to say certain things? Yeah.

The appropriate response to hate speech is more speech. As somebody said, it may be awful, but it’s lawful unless you don’t have a First amendment right. They don’t care. Yeah, they don’t. That little clown’s deSantis. I mean, look at a jerk. Again, all they want is the. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. Florida has a heavy jewish population who wants their votes. End a story here. Trump condemns Jews backing Democrats.

Did you see that one? No, I didn’t see goes. He said, any jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. A few hours later, his campaign repeated the charge, declaring that, quote, Trump is right and that is a democratic party has turned into a full blown anti Israel, anti Semitic, pro terrorist. Kabul, this is the Trump that got $100 million from Sheldon Adelson. This is the Trump that moved the american embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

This is the Trump that said to Israel, hey, you know that land you stole in the golden Heights from Syria? It’s yours. That’s the Trump. Oh, and again, Jared Kushner. Yeah. His son in law. Get him out of. Yep. And of course, he pardoned Kushner’s dad, but also some of the biggest white collar criminals out there while he led a lot of people who were real political prisoners.

Everybody talking about Donald Trump and how he’s being persecuted by Biden. And of course he is. They are using weaponized persecution against him. But he allowed that to happen to a lot of people and did absolutely nothing. Not just the high profile cases of Julian Assange, but a lot of people who were american patriots that he let rot in jail while he’s putting out the biggest white collar criminals because they’re pals and buddies of his corrupt son in law.

Yep. Just amazing. Just amazing. When I look at this stuff that’s between Biden and Trump, and it’s when I, of course, whenever I talk about know, people send me hate mail, I don’t get the kind of stuff yet that you’ve gotten, but I get hate mail about that as well. No, I do, too. Every time I come out against know. And again, I believed him at first. I didn’t know he’d lie that like that here.

Well, I kind of suspect that he would, based on his history of wives. I mean, it’s one thing to have divorce today. That’s become a common thing, but it’s not a common thing to mock them, to drag them through the mud publicly like he did. But of course he did that with everybody in his cabinet as president. But when I saw, I knew that history of his. We were just talking about the other day with my wife, back when we had video stores, I think it was in the 90s, they had the first wives club, and it was because of the way that he trashed his first wife.

They even had her in a guest appearance kind of thing on it. But, yeah, it was truly astounding to see somebody. It’s one thing to leave your wife or whatever, but then to publicly be proud of it that way and to attack them, that it just, it spoke about the lowest character you could imagine. So I kind of figured that he was going to do that. But of course, we didn’t know, and we knew who Hillary was.

As Julian Assange said, we know she’s a criminal and a warmonger. We’ll have to see what Trump is. Well, now we know he is, too. So it’s. They’re all part of that club. As she I, when he ran for the, I owned the trademark presidential reality show. Yeah, that’s all it is. That’s what it is. And that’s what he played. He played it as a reality show. That’s all his life is.

By the way, here’s an article from. I was mentioning Wall street on parade. This came out yesterday. More failed banks and office building demolitions, likely before real estate problems, and warned two federal agencies. You know, when they warned this, it just came out last June. Wow. Yeah. The health of the commercial real estate office sector is not only measured by the amount of space leased and rent paid today, but also by how much space will be required in the future.

This is the way they write. In addition to space available for sublease, we can estimate the amount of space currently occupied by employees by measuring card swipes using the castle back to work barometer. Unfortunately, future demand for office space appears weak. And that’s the language they use, appears weak. You have the ten biggest cities in New York, the average vacancy rate is 20%. You go to places like San Francisco, you’re looking 30, 40%.

Wow. And again, your office occupancy rate of the ten biggest cities is only around 50%. So they’re just reporting this now, and it’s going to become a lot worse. Here we go. This is also important. Do you know how much the prices of commercial real estate offices have fallen this year? How much? 35%. Wow. 35%. Now, these are revolving loans that they have. They pay on their interest only.

And now you have interest rates high, you have less tenants, you don’t have the money coming in to pay this thing. There’s going to be a banking crisis the likes of which we’ve never seen in modern history. And they’re not reporting this at all. They’re not reporting on the office building bust. Barely. Could you find anything about it? If it comes and goes like that again, we go through all the media every day, the team, and barely.

Barely. Is there a word mentioned? And when it is, it’s like on page B, 16 or something. There’s not even 16 pages. I’m exaggerating to a newspaper anymore. They’re so thin now. Yeah, well, we talk about dropping 35%. People think about this. I don’t know what the average or the median family house is. Let’s say 300,000 is probably in that neighborhood. So imagine if you got a $300,000 home, and all of a sudden now it’s worth $200,000 and you need a place to live.

But these people who are commercial real estate, they just walk away from it. The person who’s going to take the loss is going to be the bank. And they’re the ones who took that loss. And that’s what’s going to cause all these banks to start rapidly failing everywhere. And you had mentioned the arrogant, oh, by the way, you know what Powell’s last job was before he became fedhead? What was that you said? Private equity group.

The Carlisle group. Oh, of course. Yeah. That’s just running the country, the private equity groups. Anyway, here’s the quote that you were talking about. You said, quote, there will be bank failures, but as you said. But this is not the big banks, so we don’t care. Right. If you look at the very big banks, this is not a first order issue for any of the very large banks.

It’s more smaller and medium sized banks that have these issues. So basically, screw them. We’re only interested in the Goldman Sachs gang, the mob, you know, that’s all we’re concerned. Know the Morgan Chase felony group well, the people who are going to work with them in order to put in CBDC or know the dirty half dozen who know whenever these small banks die, they’ll be the ones to come in and pick the bones and take what they like and throw the rest of the stuff away.

So it’s going to be great for them. For the very large banks, it’s going to be a windfall profit. Yes, it’s like we saw before. No, this is serious and nobody’s reporting it. And it goes back again. One of the top trends, number of them. But two of the top trends for this year is banking bust and a golden year for gold. Gold is up now $161 from when we said it would go up.

It was up to more than that. Just a couple of days ago. It had broke over, what, $2,200. And now it’s come back down a bit. But goes back to this, the people that understand what’s going on with the Israel war, with the Ukraine war, with the banks going bust, they see the future and they’re buying gold. And China, by the way, is becoming one of the biggest gold buyers.

Now here’s the deal. It’s very simple. They’re going to be lowering interest rates. The Fed, in the run up to the presidential reality show because they want Janet Yellen, the former Fed head that’s now our treasury secretary, to keep running this show. It shows you the Federal Reserve right in front of our eyes, being that who the treasury secretary is, is running the country’s finances. Yeah, they’re going to lower interest rates to boost the economy.

That line that they used to say back in 1992 when Clinton was running behind the scenes, quote, it’s the economy, stupid. That’s all the people care about. That’s right. They’re going to do everything they can to pump up the economy. That means they’re going to lower interest rates. The lower interest rates go, the deeper the dollar falls. The deeper the dollar falls, the higher gold prices go. Yeah.

And that’s what we see happening this year and going back to world War three again. We’ve been writing about this two years that we said right before the war started, before Russia invaded Ukraine, there’s no way in the world that Ukraine is going to beat Russia. If Napoleon left with, what, 420,000 troops out of Poland to attack Moscow and only came back with 10,000. That’s right. Hitler launched Operation Barbarosa, killed over 25 million Russians, and they were the first to defeat the Germans, what makes you think Ukraine is going to beat them? So he said, what’s going to happen is as they keep losing, they’re going to ramp up escalation against Russia.

They’re going to do things as we said blow up nuclear power plants, oil depots. We said this going back week after week, month after month, year after year, and now they’re blowing up russian oil depots. The Israelis blew up three of them in Iran, big ones, going back to gold. They’re going to drive the price of oil up. You saw oil almost hit $90 a barrel this week.

It came back down. It’s around $86 a barrel now for Brent crude. This escalates, you’re going to see Brent crude go to around $130 a barrel, and that’s going to crash the global economy and the equity markets. But don’t worry about it. When all else fails, they take you to war. Yeah. And if you listen to what they’re saying, and again, he’s coming. Not from me, from their words.

They’re saying that the, here we go. The NATO member states are preparing to put their economies, quote, on a military track. Latvian Foreign Minister Hornes told Deutschwell. Yeah, it’s one after another, one after another. They’re all ramping up, going to war. And as I said, I got EU looks to sidestep ban on buying arms. And even the german prime minister is lecturing Macron saying, we’re not at war with Russia.

It’s like I keep telling yourself that, but Macron is really pushing it hard in France, isn’t? Yeah. Yeah. French army ready for war. Top general. It’s right here. They haven’t done too well in their wars. No. Here’s another one. Oh, my good. They’re our ally in this one. And we’re up against Russia, but we got France on our side. There we go. That’s some, yes. Western troops in Ukraine, an open secret.

This is from polish Prime Minister Sikorsky. He said there are already some troops from big countries in Ukraine. Yeah, that’s right. They got troops, they’re saying in Taiwan as well. I mean, they’re just doing this everywhere. But let me go back to something you said earlier. You were talking about attacks on critical infrastructure. And I’ve seen several things in the news this week that were featured by mainstream media saying, well, we’ve had some attacks on our water infrastructure.

It’s like, really, it’s the first I’ve seen of this. And if you read the details of it, I talked about this yesterday or the day before, they’re, you know, there were these attacks and they came from Iran. Not only that, but we know it came from this group inside of Iran, the Revolutionary Guard or whatever. It’s like you don’t know any of that stuff? You think we were born yesterday? We know about vault seven, and we know that you created this so that you could look like anybody that you wanted to look like.

You could look like the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, whoever. But now that’s also out in the wild. And so every government can look like anyone that they wish, and even private hackers can look like that. So you want to tell us that you know precisely who this is? That’s total nonsense. That’s their narrative. But then they go on to say this happened at a time when local water places were in a fight with the federal government over some control.

So I thought, well, we never heard anything about that. There was never any disruption. But they’re laying the groundwork for this kind of stuff. And if they’re going after the infrastructure of Russia, I could imagine that they may do something here as well, for people to be on the lookout for and to prepare in advance water and things like that. But they may pull something like that here and say, well, yeah, it’s the Russians who did it, because there’s this back and forth on infrastructure.

You’re right again, as I said, german aid to boost Keeves artillery stocks. This is financial times. And this little gotson, Macron, what’s his name, the guy, the mansion. Joe Manchin from West Virginia. You ready? We can’t let Ukraine go through this. If it comes through the spring and we haven’t helped Ukraine, God help us. What God you talking about? He goes on to say, that will be the worst atrocity in history that your children and grandchildren be reading about.

That we have done. Wow. Of course he’s not going to do anything about the border in history. What are you talking about? These little war mongering freaks. Yeah, it truly is amazing. And they won’t do a thing about the border. I mean, it just keeps getting worse and worse. It’s just disgusting. Yeah. And we get this guy now who he had 300,000 followers before he did this thing, telling people how to be a squatter.

Now he’s got 500,000. I said, that’s the perfect metaphor for what’s going on, isn’t it? Squatters. We need to not argue about whether they’re going to be called illegals or migrants. We need to just call them squatters, because that’s really what this is. Now he goes from 300,000 to 500,000. He’s bragging about how he makes a living using his anchor baby to get on welfare and all the rest of the stuff now he says, now we got a new game.

We can be squatters. And yet these people are so focused on their foreign wars as the barbarians are coming through the gates literally in El Paso yesterday. So truly is amazing, isn’t it? It’s just disgusting. Yeah. Now check this out, right? America haven’t won a war since world War II. Are you going to fight the Russians and the Chinese and you can’t stop people from come over your border.

Yeah. Who are you kidding? And by the way, as you well know, because you spoke at my rallies, the number one point of Occupy peace that I launched over a decade ago is close all the bases overseas and bring home the troops to secure the homeland. That’s right. Simple as that. That’s right. Simple as that. Go to hell. Salenti, what are you talking about? We got to be over there in Sudan.

What’s wrong with you? We got to get ISIS. Yeah, I was saying that in 2017. I said Trump says he’s going to end the war in Afghanistan, bring the troops home, all the rest of stuff. Do it, put them on the border as a deterrent. You got two of your campaign promises done there. But I said he’s not going to do it. And so people didn’t like that when I said give him a break.

He’s fighting the deep state. He doesn’t know how to do it. And all the rest would he bring in as the defense secretary? Madman Mattis. Yeah, mad dog Mattis. Yeah, mad dog Mattis. Yeah. An arrogant, murderous little a plan. He says, you go into a room, you get a plan to kill everybody in the room. That’s why they called him Mad Dog. And who did he bring in is the CIA head? That woman.

Oh, yeah. The same one that run the torture. Gina Haskell. Yeah, yeah. What they call her. They had a name for her. I had a name for her but I didn’t say it on there. But she was the one who ran the torture program. She was the one who covered up the torture program. And of course she gets promoted to the head of the CIA, John Kiriaku, who blew the whistle on it.

He goes to, they had, they had a funny name for her about because of how she loved torture so much. But that’s Trump. Anyway, they just came out with this study again. When we were young people, people from all over the world wanted to come to America because of what the country was. Now the latest ranking, we’re number 23 in happiness. Yeah, 23. It’s misery out there. This last week I talked to a guy who’s a Navy SeaL, he grew up in Poland, and he would listen secretly under the pillow to radio for Europe.

And I always wanted to come to America. And he came to America, and then after 911, he wanted to do something, he thought, for the country. So he signs up for the military. And even though he’s like in his late 30s, he became a seal. And he did that for a few years and they became a SeAl instructor. But you see people like that as you’re talking about who love America and the liberty and the freedom and always wanted to come to America, start his own business, would fight, would die for it, versus these people like this squatter coming across who just wants to grift off of us.

It’s just such a contrast to see that and it’s such a disguise. His name is. But you know, he wrote a book, my pledge to America, and he’s a real patriot and he’s a real idealist, but that’s not what’s happening in America now. That’s a very different type of immigrant that we’ve had, that we’ve got now than we used to have. They’re coming for the free stuff, not for the freedom.

Yeah, and again, they’re people losing the bigger picture. Why these people flooding out of their countries. Yeah, how about the COVID war? How about the destruction? Again, no one’s talking about why we’re having the banking crisis. Because they locked down everything, forced people to work at home. And people are saying, I was getting up at 05:00 in the morning to travel an hour and a half each way.

I can’t believe I was destroying my life like this. So I’m not going to do it anymore. And I’m the guy that has ten stories in a building. And I’m saying, I never see these people who are rolling cubicles. What the hell do I care if they work at home? I don’t need all the space. I’ll save myself money. But now let’s go back. They destroyed the damage of the COVID war, destroyed the lives and livelihoods of billions of people across the planet.

The damage is incalculable. Economically, physically, spiritually, psychologically. The damage is beyond. Again, there was no thing like thefts going on now. And the things like you were talking about before, there wasn’t happening before this. That’s right. So what they’re not talking about is why are all these people fleeing? Because lack of basic living standards, government corruption, crime and violence. Would you want to leave? Would you do everything you can to get the hell out of there.

Yeah. And then we got a massive welfare magnet and money is no object. We got the modern monetary theory. It’s now normalized that we’re going to spend another trillion dollars that we don’t have about every 100 days. Yeah. So it’s not a problem. Hey, come on in. The money is free flowing. Roaring 20s is what we’re looking at here. Let me ask you about this. We were talking, you mentioned earlier about the private equity companies and some of the other things.

What do you think about the fact that we’ve got all this tokenization happening, that Blackrock is jumping into this, poured a bunch of money into it, the ETF, even for here. What do you need an ETF for? Bitcoin for? I mean, you can buy it in any denomination. I don’t like derivatives. I think they’re risky. But when you look at something like gold, it might cost you a lot, depending on who you deal with.

Maybe you couldn’t get a small amount, but to get an ETF with that, it seemed to me like, just like to get your take on it. Why are they doing that with cryptocurrencies, bitcoin? Because they’re trying to make money off it. That’s all. Well, true. And the ETFs aren’t working because the price of bitcoin is falling quite substantially. So the ETF thing, it didn’t play out yet. And again, if there was no bitcoin, gold prices would be double what they are or more.

So you were mentioning, people can’t afford to buy gold. So Argentina, Turkey, we have these ridiculously high inflation rates. People are watching their currency being devalued in front of their eyes, trying to buy a little bit of bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency. But the other thing is, we’re going to be going digital. You mentioned about, what is it, a trillion dollars every 100 days, increasing the debt level.

They’re going to make up something like the Russians hacked our banking system and all the money is gone. But don’t worry about it. We came out with a new coin. And the young people, this is their lives. They don’t care about. They don’t care about going digital. They live it. Yes, yes. And so it is preparing them for know. You look at this and it’s a preparation process that’s there.

And of know, like I said about gold, I just put a little plug here for Tony. Tony Ardern at Wise Wolf Gold, you don’t have to worry about it. You can get it in a small amount as well. But most people can’t. And when you look at what is happening, I don’t know if you saw this this last week or not, Gerald, but Tom Emmer, who is allied with the crypto industry against CBDC, at least that’s the way it’s lined up.

So he’s opposing these people who are trying to push CBDC through because they’re talking about banning crypto. But he showed how, as Powell was talking to the Senate and no, no, we got no plans to do CBDC. He said the federal reserve staff dropped off to Congress a thing showing seven key duties. And number six and seven were fed now their wholesale version of the cryptocurrency. And the 7th one was CBDC.

They even wrote it down that way. And so, I mean, they’re working on this. They’re going to impose it. They’re getting people accustomed to using, working with digital payments and that type of thing. Visa is out there pushing biometric stuff. They’re working with grocery stores, they’re working with all the major sporting events so that you got to get a face scan to get into a baseball game or a football game.

The NFL is going to be doing it in a lot of different venues this next year. So they’re getting everybody accustomed to biometric scans. They’re getting people accustomed to soldiers on the subway, digital money. All the rest of the stuff that we know they’ve been working on for a very long time, they’re rolling it out in the same way that Trump rolled out the stimulus checks to get people accustomed to Ubi.

Truly, it’s amazing. These people have their plans long in advance, and they do it very. I mean, could you imagine? I remember, grew up in the Bronx, Yankee fan. We used to go to the games when I was like a teenager. And we’d get dressed. Everybody was dressed. We’d be dressed up with little suitcases and have seven ounce bottles of beer in there with ICE. We go in.

They didn’t frisky or any of that kind of stuff back then. Yeah, they didn’t frisky. When you go into an airport before 911, when you went into an office building, you didn’t have to show any proof. You just walk in. Yes, everything’s changed. And again, the guys with guns in the subway now with these. Are you kidding me? On the subway? How about a night in Calcutta? Yeah.

Look with these filthy, dirty pieces of crap. And you look at the train systems in Europe and Japan and China and the crap that we got in this country. This country is going down in front of our. Disgusting, disgusting. But, you know, we talked about a lot of important things, but we haven’t talked about Taylor Swift. I haven’t heard about that’s. Thankfully now the football season has ended.

We’ve had a little bit of a rest with that, but I think she’s got some tourism, something going on. Well, we could talk about the royal family, the health of the royal family. They’re royal, they don’t pee and they don’t poo. They’re royal. They’re better than you. What a bunch of crap. You mean the royal family again, all things connected that through the Rothschild gang, came up with the Balfour Declaration in 1917, that, quote, his Majesty’s government declares that the jewish people can settle in Palestine and we will use our best endeavors to achieve this objective.

Hey, you mean the murderous gang over there where the sun never sets on the british empire? Who are you to say what should be going on over there? Oh, we just conquered it. We’ll do whatever we want. The Rothschilds are paying us for this. That’s right, yeah. And it was Wilbur Ross who has gone back and looking at Trump’s casino bankruptcies when he went bankrupt the first time, because he borrowed like 685,000,000 in the interest rate.

And so he gets, Wilbur Ross comes in from the Rothschilds, who he later put in as commerce secretary, and Wilbur Ross looks at him, goes up there to check this guy, I guess, didn’t know who he was or whatever, but he sees all of these people around Trump’s limousine and he said later, he goes, I think we can do something with that. Just like you’re talking about reality TV show.

That’s what it is. And he was quick to spot it. And they’ve had their hooks into Trump from day one. Going back into the truly is amazing when you look at this stuff, these people think long term, don’t they? Truly is amazing. Yes and no. They’re only interested in themselves. And the long term is, how could I keep making more money stealing it from the people? Yeah, that’s right.

And that’s their only concern. We’re the billionaires. Not a penny for peace, not a word coming out of Musk’s mouth or anybody else’s. Not a penny for. Know, we’re struggling with occupied peace, trying to raise money to get this thing moving in a big direction, and we get such little support. Yes, people don’t care. But, hey, but don’t forget to donate to the Trump campaign. That’s right. Yeah.

Donate to his lawyers for legal expenses. When is your next Occupy piece? Yeah, we don’t know. We’re trying to put it together. And of course I’ll let you know because I love to have you here, but I wanted to show you how bad things are. There was an article, I was looking for it here about India. He said like 1% of the people own 43% of the wealth of the nation.

And it was like a big. Here it is. India tops 1%. Yeah. India’s top 1% holds 40% of country’s wealth. 1% own 40%. There’s a big story from Reuters. Right. Wait a minute. 1% own 54% of the US equity markets? Yeah, 1%. Yeah. I was thinking when you said that, what is our number? I thought it was higher than that. Yeah. And globally, the 1% own 43% of all the private equity markets.

1%. And they give nothing for peace. That’s right. Or anything to elevate humanity. Well, they thrive off of the chaos. That’s how they get their profits under control. They like the chaos. They don’t want peace, they want more chaos. Yes, absolutely true. So anyway, gold is to me the number one investment. I gamble with bitcoin silver. Number three, silver prices should be much higher, but for some reason they’re not going up.

Yeah, I bought silver back, I think like in the 80s or ninety s, I forget when, 2000s. But anyway, at $40 an ounce, and now it’s like $25 an ounce, 24 and change. But my first buy of gold was in the late 1970s at $187. 63 an ounce. Well, there you go. That was a home run. And gold prices have gone up 600% since the beginning of the millennium.

Wow. So to me it’s the number one safe haven asset. And again, in your trends journal, there are no advertisements. Nobody tells us what to do. So we don’t give financial advice. We say, this is what we see. This is our analysis and here’s where we see it going. So we’re not promoting anybody here. Yeah, it’s excellent. It’s an excellent publication. And folks, you can save 10% off if you use the code night.

But that’s the key thing. The other aspect of, because we’re talking about CBDC and it’s not just a hedge against inflation with gold, but you got to have something that is physical, like cash, that is outside of their system, so that it is anonymous and all the rest of stuff, because we are going to have to get outside of their digital system. That is a total trap that they’re laying for everybody.

So you got to have some way, some skills, some gold or silver or something like that that you’re going to have outside of their control system, or you really are in deep trouble if we don’t have that. But skills trends journal over four years ago. From dirty cash to digital trash. That’s right. They want to know every penny you spent, where you spent it, what you spent it on, so they get all the money they can in the name of taxes and have more control over you and stop it before you are able to spend money.

As you’re talking know, people look at this massive consolidation of wealth. We’ve got Elizabeth Warren, who always likes to masquerade, know, defender of the people, but she’s a representative of the big banks and she’s out there with her wealth tax. And we know how that’s going to go because we’ve seen how that went with the income tax. Oh, that’s just for the really Uber rich. Right. That’s going to be another way they get their hooks into people and they’ve got an army of IRS agents out there to go collect anything they know about.

That’s why, you know, if you got something that is outside of their system, that is the most important thing you could do at this point because of what they’re planning with their digital control system. The IRS head this week said they’re looking to put 100,000 people into the IRS. 100,000 people to steal our money. And you got this guy Mike Johnson as the bigs don’t pay any taxes at all.

That’s right. They got all the scams. They don’t pay anything. And you got this guy Mike Johnson, who’s supposed to be some conservative and he’s out know going to give them as much money as Biden wanted. I mean, not even to try to trim it a little bit like Kevin McCarthy did. It truly is amazing. Well, we’re out of time. It’s always great having you on, Gerald. Thank you so much.

Trends journal, again, the code night will save you 10%. And I want to thank Amos Poole. Thank you so much. That’s a very generous tip. I appreciate that. So the vaccine has always been the weapon. That’s right. Look at polio and cancer. And as Dr. McCullough said, they are willfully distracting you and they don’t care. None of them care. Thank you for joining us, Gerald. Have a good week.

Let me tell you, the David Knight show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me. That means you’re listening to the david knight show right now. Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else? You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show@thedavidnightshow. com. That’s a website.


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