Kim Jong Un Intensifies Missile Production as US-South Korea Drills Loom

Posted in: Andy Oxide, MPN, News, Updates


North Korea orders sharp increase in missile production, days before US-South Korea drills

Seoul, South Korea – In a move that raises tensions in the already volatile Korean Peninsula, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has reportedly ordered a significant escalation in the production of missiles and other weapons, according to state media sources.

This development comes just days before the United States and South Korea are set to commence major military drills aimed at enhancing their joint capabilities to counter North Korea’s evolving nuclear threats.

Kim’s directive to ramp up weapon production coincides with growing concerns among U.S. officials about Russia’s alleged discussions with North Korea regarding the sale of additional weaponry to aid in Russia’s conflict with Ukraine.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported that Kim conducted tours of major munitions factories, including those producing tactical missiles, mobile launch platforms, armored vehicles, and artillery shells, underscoring his emphasis on bolstering the country’s military arsenal.

While visiting a missile factory, Kim set a clear objective to substantially increase production capacity, with the aim of enabling mass production of missiles to meet the demands of front-line military units.

“The qualitative level of war preparations depends on the development of the munitions industry and the factory bears a very important responsibility in speeding up the war preparations of the (North) Korean People’s Army,” Kim stated during his visit, as reported by KCNA.

Additionally, Kim stressed the need for the construction of modern missile launch trucks and the urgent acceleration of production for large-caliber multiple rocket launcher shells.

He even personally tested a new utility combat armored vehicle during his inspection of various munitions facilities.

This drive for military expansion is seen as a response to the collapse of Kim’s high-stakes diplomacy with former U.S. President Donald Trump in 2019, prompting North Korea to focus on strengthening its nuclear and missile capabilities.

Since the beginning of 2022, Kim’s regime has conducted over 100 missile tests, frequently citing concerns over joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises as a rationale for these demonstrations of military strength.

Experts widely believe that Kim’s ultimate objective is to use his upgraded arsenal as leverage to extract concessions from the United States, such as sanctions relief, once diplomatic negotiations with Washington are resumed.

The forthcoming military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea, known as Ulchi Freedom Shield, will involve both computer-simulated command post exercises and large-scale field training events.

These maneuvers are designed to enhance the allies’ response capabilities and have been tailored to reflect North Korea’s advancing nuclear and missile capabilities, as well as other regional security scenarios.

South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesperson, Lee Sung Joon, emphasized that this year’s exercises are aimed at “further strengthening the allies’ response capabilities.”

Despite North Korea’s objections, both the U.S. and South Korea have repeatedly stated that their joint exercises are purely defensive in nature and are not intended as preparations for an invasion.

Col. Isaac L. Taylor, a spokesperson for the U.S. military, emphasized the realistic nature of the drills during a press conference, stating that they are designed to be “a tough and realistic exercise.”

In a separate development, recent revelations from the White House have indicated that U.S. intelligence agencies have detected communications between Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and North Korean officials, suggesting discussions about an increased exchange of munitions in support of Russia’s conflict in Ukraine.

North Korea has denied these claims but has vocally supported Russia in its war efforts and hinted at potential assistance in rebuilding Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine.

Amid mounting pressure from U.S.-led campaigns over its nuclear program and economic hardships stemming from the pandemic, North Korea has sought to strengthen ties with both China and Russia.

This shift in alliances reflects the regime’s strategy to navigate the challenges it faces on multiple fronts.

As if the military and geopolitical tensions were not enough, North Korea is also grappling with the aftermath of Tropical Storm Khanun, which caused flooding in the country’s eastern region.

Kim personally visited the affected areas, urging immediate measures to safeguard crops and criticizing local officials for failing to prevent the flooding of farmlands.

North Korea has a history of vulnerability to weather-related disasters such as floods and droughts, which have exacerbated the country’s ongoing food shortage.

Factors contributing to this crisis include stringent pandemic restrictions, unsuccessful attempts to distribute grain through state-run channels, and declining personal incomes.

With North Korea’s military posturing and actions continuing to reverberate across the international stage, the security situation in the Korean Peninsula remains a subject of grave concern.

As North Korea bolsters its arsenal and the U.S.-South Korea drills approach, regional stability hangs in the balance, prompting governments and observers alike to closely monitor the evolving situation.

Read the original story here:



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armored vehicles defense minister Kim Jong Un Korean Central News Agency missile production North Korea nuclear threats Russia South Korea state media tactical missiles U.S. military drills weapons

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