Its Over BRICS Just Broke The US Dollar

Posted in: Mark Moss, News, Patriots


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➡ The BRICS coalition (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and potential new members represent a shift in global power and challenge to the US dollar’s dominance. This could lead to new opportunities and challenges, encouraging more global trade in individual nations’ currencies, and signaling a growing trend in de-dollarization.
➡ Globalization has been affected by worldwide events, including wars, leading to changes in trade and the rise of nationalism. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), representing significant parts of world GDP and population, are seeking to move away from the US dollar, instigating a coordinated de-dollarization due to various drawbacks including their currencies crashing against the dollar. This shift could eventually lead to a major drop in the U.S. dollar’s strength, potentially creating large opportunities in the global currency markets.
➡ With currency wars occurring, it is argued that viewing charts measured in commodities rather than manipulated currencies like the U.S. dollar will provide more accurate data, the detailed methodology for which can be understood through interactive live discussions.


It’s over. The BRICS just broke the US. Dollar. Now, the BRICS nascents, they just met last week. It was a major signal in the direction of the world and the future of the dollar and the financial system as we know it.

Now, many people online were saying that it was sort of a big deal about nothing. And I think they’re missing what really happened because it was big if you know exactly what you are watching for and what to look for. So, of course, in this video, I’m going to break down what almost everyone is missing. I’m going to show what this massive shift in the world is that just happened, what this means for the dollar, for goods, for services, for inflation, what it means for you and your future.

I’m going to break down how big of an opportunity this is as it all unfolds and more so. Let’s go.

All right, welcome to the channel. If you’re new, my name is Mark Moss. I make these videos to change the way you think about money because almost everything you learned is wrong, and almost everything they teach you is wrong. And if you’re looking to the news headlines to understand what’s going on, well, that’s wrong too.

So while everybody’s talking about the brick summit, how big of a deal it was, some people are saying it was a big deal about nothing. And like I said, I think they’re wrong. So I’m going to break this down for you.

Now. I want to let you know that in times like this, when there’s massive global shifts happening, it’s dangerous. Fortunes are lost, fortunes are made, and there’s opportunity inside every one of these big problems that are presented.

I’m going to do one of my offline presentations where I’m going to break down all the charts of this. I want to show you exactly what happened, the last time it happened, how this worked. I want to show you the charts, the graphs, pull out all the data, and then we’ll do live Q A. So I can break this down to you, and I’ll show you what I’m doing. And I think what the real opportunities are as these currency wars escalate. It’s going to be pretty crazy. So if you want to join me, it’s free. Come hang out. I’ll show you all the charts. We’ll do a live Q and A. There’s a link down in the description below. There’s a QR code up on the screen as well, if you want to come hang out.

Okay, now, jumping into this brick summit, what the heck happened? Well, I’m not going to go deep into the bricks. If you don’t know by now, you don’t know. But it’s large coalition of countries brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. And now they’re recruiting more countries. As a matter of fact, 67 countries were invited to attend, 20 of them expressed interest in joining.

Now, there was six countries the big six countries that were invited to join. And these countries represent a massive global power shift. Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina. We’re going to break down that a little bit more in a minute. The important thing is that I think a lot of people were missing how important this meeting was because of the hype that had led into this.

So a lot of people thought that the BRICS were going to announce a new gold backed currency at this event, and that didn’t happen. Now, I wasn’t disappointed because they said before the event that they were not going to do that. So a lot of people thought they were. I had talked about in the past as well. They said they’re not going to do that. So that’s why people called it a nothing burger. But it is far from a nothing burger.

Some of the things that I think were really important before we get into the details of it is that the rhetoric that happened there, there was a lot of encouragement by the leadership of the BRICS for each of these nations to start doing trade in their own currencies, or in other words, moving away from the dollar. We’ve been hearing about this de dollarization trend for a long time, and this was an extension of that. They’re encouraging nations to trade in their own currencies.

We saw President Xi from China, arguably the most powerful member of the BRICS nations, encouraging people saying that they wanted to rival the G Seven. The G Seven is the big seven countries, the largest seven countries in the world. Of course, the United States being one of those, and they want to rival that.

However, there were some mixed wording in there and this is what leads people to think it’s a nothing burger. And some of that is that while Ji is saying, hey, we need to rival, we need to challenge the G Seven, other members were saying, well, we don’t want to displace the US. This is not against the US. This is just we want to have a voice. And so there was some dissent there.

Part of the reason why people think why it wasn’t a big deal is, one, because they don’t understand timeframes. Now, you hear me say this all the time. Whenever you hear two people explaining why they think bonds are good or bad, stocks are good or bad, bear market, bull market is always understand over what time frame. And so if you were looking at this event as a tradable event, what do I go buy right now? Well, then maybe it’s sort of a nothing burger because there isn’t really anything to do right now. And so because of the time frames, I think people are missing it, but I think they’re missing it and they’re wrong. I’ll explain in a minute.

The second reason why I think this is deemed to be not a big deal is because, like I said, the rhetoric coming out of it was like Xi saying, hey, let’s go challenge. Let’s rival the G, seven other nations, like, whoa, we don’t want to do that. How do you get all of these nations to agree? It’s a big problem. It’s a big problem that I don’t think there’s a good solution for. For example, Russia, arguably the second largest member of the BRICS nations, president Putin there, he wasn’t able to attend the event in South Africa because they said they would arrest him because of the war. So if the leader of arguably the second largest nation couldn’t even go to the country to attend, that shows that there’s not a lot of cooperation there. And so because of those things, it looks like it could not work.

Now, I will say that as an individualist, we are all individuals to pursue our own ideals. However, when our ideals align, we work together. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. And so while they may not agree on a lot of things, there are certain things they do agree on, like having their voice heard, having their economic power brought back, and not having the US. Dollar weaponized against them.

Now, let me explain why I think this is a really big deal. A couple things. One, as I said, it’s not a tradable event, but it shows the direction of the world that we’re going into. I’m going to break this down for you in a second. Two, because the BRICS Coalition, as they are today, as well as the six new states, they are a very formidable force. And also, it’s a big deal because where they want to go into competition instead of being cooperative so we’ve been in a period of global economic trade. It’s cooperative. We’ve all been working together to rise up and help each other out. But now going into competition, that’s a big deal. And then finally, May 4, this is a matter of controlling global energy. It’s a really big deal. I’m going to break that down. Let’s go ahead and let’s just jump in and let’s break each one of these down one by one.

All right, so digging into more about why this is a big deal, let’s start with directionality. All right, so as investors, using the way too often used cliche, skating to where the puck is going to be, that means that we want to understand where things are going and position ourselves accordingly. I mean, unless you want to be a day trader, which they all lose money, so don’t do that.

So we want to know what the directionality is. So what this is showing us that globalization not globalism, but globalization as in global trade, as in the entire world, trading back and forth, like the iPhone has parts from six continents, like most food from your grocery store comes from around the world. That type of global trade.

What we can see when we’re looking back through hundreds of years of data is that there’s been two big waves of globalization. What we can see from the chart that we have up on the screen is that we had about less than 10% of global participation in globalization trade up until about the 18 hundreds. At that point, technology had advanced it and opened it up. And we saw an explosion into the first wave of.

I’m sorry, I’m going to stop there.Globalization, which increased trade across the globe and provided more options, lower prices, and greater abundance for the world, was put to an end by World War I. Instead of cooperation and trade, nationalism rose, and nations focused on themselves rather than engaging in international trade. The decline in globalization during this time is evident from the chart displayed. However, after World War II, with the return of global peace, globalization started to grow again. It took 60 years to recover from the decline and reach previous levels, as shown in the chart. The emergence of the BRICS nations, which prioritize competitiveness over cooperation, could potentially mark the end of globalization as we know it today. This would result in higher prices and a decrease in goods and services worldwide, mirroring the past.

The significance of the BRICS nations is not just limited to being emerging markets or small, impoverished countries. In fact, they are major producers of essential goods such as commodities. This is evident when comparing the size of their economies, measured by GDP (gross domestic product), adjusted by PPP (purchasing power parity). In 1992, the BRICS nations constituted only 16.5% of GDP, while the G7 accounted for almost 46%. However, over the years, the BRICS share of GDP increased, reaching 30.7% in 2022, surpassing the G7’s 30% share. Predictions indicate that by 2028, the BRICS will account for over 50% of GDP, while the G7’s share will continue to decline to 28%.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the coordinated de-dollarization currently taking place. De-dollarization refers to the movement away from the dollar as the global standard. Russia initiated this process in 2013, while China officially joined in 2018. Although the dollar still represents 46% of all transactions according to Swift data (the system used to transfer money globally), the BRICS aim to circumvent this and conduct transactions outside of Swift. Therefore, the 46% figure is misleading since it doesn’t reflect the intended shift away from using Swift. Additionally, while oil has traditionally been priced in dollars due to the Petrodollar agreement of 1974, a significant portion of oil trade is now taking place in yuan, with China and India as the largest buyers.

The motivation behind the BRICS’ actions is to encourage trading outside of the dollar and reduce dependency on a currency that can result in sanctions and other adverse effects, as experienced by Russia. Leaders like Putin assert that this shift is irreversible once it occurs. Currently, the dollar represents approximately 58% of global reserves, down from 73% in 2001. However, it’s important to note that despite their desire for de-dollarization, the BRICS’ currencies are depreciating against the dollar. For example, in the past ten years, the Argentine peso has declined by 98%, emphasizing that holding dollars would have been more favorable than holding the peso.

Finally, understanding the significance of the BRICS as a coordinated trading block necessitates considering the long-term implications and power generated from this alliance. The European Union’s formation serves as a historical example of the impact achieved through a coordinated trading block. When the EU introduced the euro as its currency, the dollar experienced a 45% loss in value. Currently, the euro plays a major role in the dollar’s trade and reserve volumes. If the BRICS become a similarly coordinated trading block and potentially introduce their own currency, a similar outcome could be anticipated.

By analyzing these developments, it becomes clear why this issue is of significant importance, even if the effects may take some time to manifest fully. The challenge to the supremacy of the US dollar occurs on two fronts: as a reserve currency and as a reserve asset. Exploring these aspects further is proposed in a subsequent video, which will delve into the ramifications and potential outcomes over the next decade or more. To gauge interest in this topic, comments in favor of or against such a video are encouraged. The gradual nature of these transformations may mask the true magnitude of their effects until a sudden shift occurs, echoing the past experience with the Euro’s launch. However, it’s crucial to recognize that substantial challenges also present substantial opportunities. The ensuing currency war in the global currency markets paves the way for potential gain, and a free presentation is offered (with accompanying charts, graphs, and historical analysis) to explore these prospects further and provide a platform for live Q&A.You ways that you can take advantage of this massive move in these currency markets as this currency war takes off.

And finally, I want to let you know that because because we’re in currency wars, you have to learn to stop looking at everything as measured in currency. If you’re looking at and measured as the US dollars unit of account, knowing that the dollar is manipulated or Chinese, you want knowing that it’s manipulated, you don’t see the right picture.

So I’m starting to look at all my charts, but looking at them priced in commodities. And so I’m dividing my charts by commodities, the CRB index. I’m also looking at them in relation to the money supply m two, the money supply growth. And now we’re starting to see more unmanipulated data. I’ll break all that down if you want another video. Also come hang out with me live if you want to see how to get this done. I’ll show you how to do your charts this way. Answer all your questions and show you the opportunities that are there. There’s a link down below.

That’s what I got. As always, leave me comments and let me know what you think. Is this a big nothing burger like Media made it out to be? Or do you agree with me that this is a really big deal, just over a longer time period?

As always, give me a thumbs up if you like the video. If you that’s okay. You can give me a thumbs down, but at least leave me a comment and tell me why. Subscribe, if you’re not already subscribed.

And that’s what I got. To your success. I’m out.



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brazil BRICS coalition challenges China coordinated de-dollarization De-dollarization global power global trade globalization India individual nations' currencies new opportunities population rise of nationalism Russia South Africa trade US dollar's dominance world GDP worldwide events

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