BOTH Neo-Religions of Democrat Republican Tried to Push Jesus Out | The David Knight Show

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ The David Knight Show describes how a transgender person named Cameron David Storer was arrested for burning down a church in Portland. This happened on the Trans Day of Visibility, but it wasn’t classified as a hate crime. The article also discusses President Biden’s denial of declaring Easter Sunday as the Trans Day of Visibility. The author criticizes both Democrats and Republicans, accusing them of idolatry and false religion, and questions who is really in control of the country.


As part of the trans day of visibility, you had a transgender who has now been arrested and charged in Portland for burning down this one, one seven year old church. You had. Cameron David Storer was charged with two counts of first degree arson, one count of second degree arson, and two counts of second degree burn burglary. So how’s that for visibility? Torture a church? Well, I guess that works out, and it really is.

You know, they didn’t charge him with a hate crime, interestingly enough, when that happened. But Biden saying, I didn’t do that, even though his executive order was all over the Internet for two days, he finally, I guess, woke up. And so I didn’t do that. I have no idea how that happened. And as zero hedge points out, Democrats have spent the better part of the last six months trying to give us the idea that even though he seems goofy and doddering and senile and public all behind the scenes, he is a well oiled galaxy brain, as they put it, behind the scenes.

But evidently, as they said, he can’t keep up with his marxist handlers. They understand this is Marxism, and we should all understand this is Marxism. That’s what LGBT is. It is a maltechnique that is being done. Case in point, when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday the trans day of visibility, he flat out denied it. I didn’t do that, he said, when asked about the proclamation with real clear politics.

When asked about Speaker Johnson’s claim that he had, Biden replied, well, he’s thoroughly uninformed. Wow. So the question is, who’s running the show? One person in Miller said, it’s hard to figure out which possibility is funnier here, that he had no idea what’s being said under his name in proclamations and in public posts, or that he’s already forgotten what happened literally yesterday. Zerhaj says, well, is that funnier or scarier that he’s in that kind of a situation? But in reality, he’s very much like Fauci and Trump and the MAGA cult altogether.

They don’t remember what was done under Trump’s name. They all forget about that. Right? The emergency executive war. I didn’t do that. I didn’t do anything. He didn’t do any of that stuff. They don’t want to talk about Jesus, I said, you know, they don’t even want to use the term resurrection Sunday. Why? Because they don’t want to talk about Jesus. That’s the reality. And that’s the reality of Donald Trump junior as well as the Democrats.

You know, Jesus is the reason for the season, but Jesus is the reason for the resurrection as well, right? They don’t want to talk about that. And that includes the Republicans who are out there pushing this stuff. Oh, you guys are worshiping your marxist leaders, and you’re worshiping the LGBT. And yet, before all this stuff happened, before this proclamation for transgender Visibility Day happened, you had the Washington Times and the person who wrote this article, Tim Constantine.

The title of this article is the crucifixion of Donald Trump. Now, let me say to you that worshiping and making and setting up on a pedestal and worshiping transgenders on the same day that everybody else is talking about the resurrection of Christ to worship the transgenders on Sunday, is that worse than worshiping Trump and putting him up on a pedestal? And that’s exactly what this guy does. There is idolatry, false religion on both sides of this stuff.

And what he does, listen to the way that he equivocates Christ with Trump. In his time on earth, Christ spent his public days doing good works, and so did Trump as well. He says Christ drew big crowds wherever he went. So does Trump as well. But fear and the hunger for perpetual power led some to eliminate him. Oh, well, you know, that fear and hunger for perpetual power, that’s something that Trump shares with the people who arrested and crucified Christ, isn’t it? Uh oh, yeah.

He says, Donald Trump spent four years of his life as president of the United States. After he recounts what he thinks are good works of Jesus, he says Donald Trump, in his good works, during that time of four years, he enacted policies that built a solid economy. He secured America’s southern border. Did he really? How did it open up so quickly? And he appointed three well qualified justices to the Supreme Court.

He brought Arabs and Jews together in the Middle east. He paid them. He paid them to sign an agreement. He paid them with our money. He didn’t close the border except for the pandemic aspect of it. And when it comes to his building a solid economy, as David Stockman pointed out in Trump’s war against capitalism. I interviewed him before that. That book was released in January. I interviewed him back in December, I think.

But he said he’d already laid the seeds for disaster. And his tax policies and other things that he had done even before he went up to the $4 trillion, got people used to universal basic income crushed and stomped and ground into the dirt all the small mom and pops on Main street while he threw cash at the Wall street big box retailers. Just disgusting. Not to mention the fact that he killed 17 million people worldwide with his shots.

Destroyed lives, destroyed livelihoods, created trillions in debt, and then the Constitution shredded into confetti. But hey, let’s, let’s equate Donald Trump with Jesus on Easter. That’s what the conservatives do. The liberals worship the trannies, the conservatives worship the Trumps. Pilot knew better. Letitia James and Judge Arthur Ingeron know better. Fannie Willis knows better. Jack Smith knows, knows better. Yet, like Pilate, their desire to maintain a grasp on political power is greater than their respect for the law.

Perhaps the biggest remaining question is, regardless of how the courtroom crucifixion goes, whether Mister Trump will experience his own political resurrection this November. We need to put a stake through the heart of this Trump vampire culture, folks. Blasphemy. Pure B’s. Bolshevik. How dare me criticize the Trump worshipers. Right? The DC cardinal, Wilton Gregory, slammed Joe Biden. He called him a cafeteria Catholic. I like that term. That’s good.

We got a lot of cafeteria people out there. We got people who are cafeteria Christians, Catholics, evangelicals, whatever. And we have cafeteria people in terms of politics. Right? I’ll just forget about this thing over there. Whatever. Yeah, it’s just you pick what you want. And so we even have cafeteria atheists now who pick what they like out of Christianity. As I mentioned before. That’s Richard Dawkins. He’s really kind of a cafeteria atheist.

He likes the culture, he likes the music, he likes some of the rituals, even song and things like that. He likes the foundation of western civilization, things like innocent and who proving guilty and due process and free speech and the free exercise of religion. He likes those kinds of things. And he calls himself a cultural christian. He didn’t call himself a cafeteria atheist, but he calls himself a cultural christian.

Isn’t that interesting? The problem is, is that he loves the loaves and the fishes, but he doesn’t love Jesus. That’s a problem for Richard Dawkins. You know, it’s something that we see happening in a lot of different ways. I think of Ben Shapiro, he’s kind of a cafeteria jew. He likes the land that he says, you know, Moses took the people to the promised land, but he doesn’t want to believe that the Red Sea parted.

He doesn’t want to believe that the river Jordan parted either. He rejects the miracles and essentially calls Moses a liar. But he’ll take the land. I like that land, I’ll keep that land. But that Bible, miracle stuff, that’s just nonsense. You know, we’ll look at it as a bunch of do this and do that. We got some good moral rules and some good ethical rules, but, you know, these people are liars and lunatics that gave us these great moral and ethical rules that were the basis of western civilization.

And so that’s really kind of where Richard Dawkins is as well. Kind of like Ben Shapiro. They want the blessings of God, but they don’t want God. And so Richard Dawkins, he wrote the God delusion. I remember talking to my sons about this. You know, we use the example. I said, well, there’s a Dawkins delusion as well. You know, I hear that Dawkins has written a book, but I’ve never seen the Dawkins.

And so I can’t say there really is a Dawkins at all because I’ve never met him. And that’s essentially what atheists like Dawkins were doing. Well, supposedly there’s this book written by God, but I’ve never met God, so I think that’s delusional. Well, I think there’s a Dawkins delusion since I’ve never met him. But now the guy has become a christian nationalist. Now, this is not a weaponized term in the UK yet, so we’ll see what happens with that.

And we’ll also, we’ll have to call Rob Reiner and get his learned opinion as to whether or not Richard Dawkins should be canceled. And he had to be very careful about what he said, because in the context of these remarks, he was also talking about how afraid he was of Islam. Oh, but I don’t mean all the Muslims out there. You got to be very, very careful because you don’t want to get somebody trying to, somebody slashing your throat like they did Salman Rushdie when he criticized Islam, just to kind of prove the point of what he was saying about Islam.

He says, I do think this is Richard Dawkins talking now. I do think that we are a culturally christian country, and I call myself a cultural Christian. I’m not a believer. But there is a distinction between being a believing Christian and being a cultural Christian. Yes. Isn’t that true? I’ve noticed that many times I’ve come across many, many cultural christians and churches and other places like that. And a lot of people call themselves evangelical.

They never read the Bible. They never pray. They don’t have really any outward faith. They act and look and seem exactly like everybody who says that they’re not christian, a cultural christian. He says, I love hymns and Christmas carols. There you go. We all like Christmas carols, don’t we? Well, most of us do, I guess, sort of feel at home in the christian ethos. I feel that we are a christian country.

He noted that the number of christians is declining in the UK, which he said he’s very happy with. Oh, there you go. He not only wants a christian country without God, but he wants a christian country without christians. How does that work? Is this guy supposed to be a scientist or a philosopher or a thinker or whatever? How do you get a christian country without christians in it? But he said he would lament the loss of cathedrals and other cultural aspects of living in a christian country.

Well, that’s okay. They can just turn the cathedrals into discotheques and restaurants and things like that. Museums. That’s what the communists did when they took over countries. They turned the cathedrals into museums. Right. I think it would matter certainly if we substituted any other religion, he said that would be truly dreadful. When he was pressed on whether he saw the decline in church attendance and the increasing number of islamic mosques being built across Europe as a problem, he said, yes, I do.

He said he would have to choose his words very carefully. And as Breitbart points out, maybe he’s thinking about what happened to Salman Rushdie when he got his throat slit. But Dawkins said, if I had to choose between Christianity and Islam, I would choose Christianity every single time. It seems to be a fundamentally decent religion that I think Islam is not. He said, there is an active hostility in the Quran to women that’s promoted, I think, promoted by the holy books of Islam.

I’m not talking about individual Muslims who are quite different, but the doctrines of Islam, the hadith, the Quran, are fundamentally hostile to women, hostile to gays. And I find that I like to live in a culturally christian country, although I do not believe a single word of the christian faith. Well, again, to paraphrase what he’s. I think that Dawkins seems to be a fundamentally decent person. But I don’t believe a word of what he says about God.

I don’t even know if he exists. I don’t even know if Dawkins exists. But we’ll just assume for the sake of argument that he does. And a british writer writing for Unheard. com says, we need more cultural christians like Richard Dawkins. Really, we just don’t want the real thing. Right. We don’t want people who, you know, cultural christians, that’s. But we don’t want people who will lay down their lives for a principle.

Do we people who really believe it, people who will stand up to COVID dictates and mandates to shut down church? We don’t want those kind of people. They’re kind of crazy and straight, extreme. They’ve got oppositional defiant disorder. They won’t even take the vaccines. What’s the matter with those people? We need some cultural christians, he says. Dawkins, now 83, has once again stated that he regards himself as a cultural Christian.

This is not a new position for Dawkins, even the heyday of the new atheists. He alluded several times to his love of choral Evensong and country churchyards and gothic architecture, what you might call the form of English Christianity, rather than the substance. TS Eliot rebuked people like this in his choruses from the rock. TS Eliot said, do you need to be told that even such modest attainments as you can boast in the way of polite society will hardly survive the faith to which they owe their significance? He says.

The great cathedrals, the Christmas carols, the enduring liturgical poetry of the catholic mass, of the Book of Common Prayer, were not and could not have been created by half believers who found Christianity to be merely soothing and comforting, he said. All that said, I have a soft spot for cultural christians, and, you know, quite frankly, they seem to be more bold in some ways than people who are professing christians.

You know, they’ll come out and tackle these issues, whereas a lot of people who profess to be christians will just remain silent and try to avoid any conflict, he said. Those who can’t quite bring themselves to believe in fully, yet still find consolation and moral guidance in the faith are to be commended for their openness and encouraged to think about what it might mean if beauty and truth and joy are real things in the universe, rather than merely illusions created by a collision of atoms.

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It’s the David Knight show. .

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Cameron David Storer control of the country debate Democrats Republicans criticism false religion in politics hate crime classification idolatry accusations in politics Portland church arson President Biden Easter Sunday declaration Trans Day of Visibility controversy Trans Day of Visibility denial Transgender person arrested

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