Bitcoin Crypto Gains Are About To Blow Your Mind

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Economic Ninja



➡ The speaker believes that Bitcoin’s value will significantly increase soon due to Wall Street investments and increased awareness. He has been trading Bitcoin since 2017 and thinks it’s a great way to quickly build wealth if done correctly. He also mentions a course he’s offering with a professional crypto trader to teach others about Bitcoin trading. Lastly, he explains how Bitcoin works and why it’s valuable, emphasizing its scarcity and the fact that its transactions are verified by multiple computers worldwide.
➡ This text talks about the rise of cryptocurrencies and how governments might try to control them. It also discusses the risks and rewards of investing in cryptocurrencies, and the importance of understanding when to buy and sell. The author emphasizes the need for education and guidance in navigating the crypto market, warning that without proper knowledge, investors could lose a lot of money. The text also mentions a course that offers such guidance, and shares a personal story of success in the crypto market.
➡ The speaker invested in Bitcoin in 2017 and learned a lot from the ups and downs. They believe that digital currencies like Bitcoin will become more popular after the next financial crash, as people will see the benefits of using them. They don’t use their Bitcoin to buy everyday items because they want to make money from it. They also mention a sale on a product called Crypto Trader Pro, and suggest that people should prepare for the future of digital currencies.


None of this is trading advice, financial advice, I’m telling you. And I’m going out on a limb because I see an opportunity and I’m fully taking advantage of it. That is a massive move into crypto and bitcoin right after this happening. And to give you a little bit of insight before I go into this news story out of CNBC the other night, about three nights ago, I closed out all my trading positions because of what was going on with Israel.

And I knew that bitcoin would be hammered. I ended up, as it happened, I picked up bitcoin at 60,600. I sold it at 63,100. Not that big of a deal on a percentage basis, right? Called my buddy Joe. And I said, I expect Israel to retaliate, so I’m going to close out this current position. The few percent gain in 24 hours, period. And then they hit. And I expected it to go down a little bit more.

Didn’t put my buy orders in. I missed this move of like 5%. Four and a half. 5%. That’s okay. What’s coming in about what I believe to be 60 days is a verified explosion in the price of bitcoin. And this is why, to give you some round numbers, like in 2016, when the halving happened, we saw like 112 days before a breakout really occurred in the price of bitcoin.

The next halving, the most recent one we saw, it was like 80 something days. 86. 87 days until a confirmed breakout. Right on the charts. Technical breakout. I believe that you’re going to see that in a shorter period of time this time, because of all the Wall street money moving in and more threats against, you know, geopolitics and things like that, and more awareness happening. And so I’m trying to prepare this channel to watch what I’m going to do, because I’m going to do what I do, what I say I’m going to do.

And so I have an active, a couple of trading accounts, and I’ve been trading crypto since 2017. And I believe this is the greatest time to accumulate short term wealth. If you know what you’re doing and you have the wherewithal to be able to sell at a certain time and be able to cash out, that’s another thing that’s massive. Most people don’t understand that. And so I want to do this video because bitcoin is in the news, obviously, because we’re about to hit the happening and you’re going to see some fluctuation in price.

But we just announced that there’s less than 72 hours for our course. And when I say our course, I teamed up with a professional crypto trader that I’ve known for years, honestly, and he’s crushed it. I’ve watched him on x be right so many times, more than wrong. And I’ve made some amazing gains from his calls and an author of a book, the Bitcoin Business accelerator. And we put together a course that I believe is the greatest value right now in the entire crypto sphere.

Cdoc. Thank you for the super chat. You’re gonna make me blush. Everyone say hi to cdog with this is the most well rounded course I’ve ever seen. Honestly, between fundamentals, technical analysis, and even down to earth, like how to buy a bitcoin, how to secure it, how to even secure your exchange accounts, this isn’t being taught everywhere. You’re going to put it all into one package. So less than 70 charge.

If you want to see the link down below, this story is out of CNBC. Bitcoin briefly drops below 60,000 before rebounding ahead of the happening. I already took advantage of the drop right before that one. It says here bitcoin rose to about 64,000 at one point on Friday, rebounding from a drop below 60,000 mark as the cryptocurrency continues to experience volatility ahead of the upcoming happening event. Let me stop and say this is a good, good test right here.

Type one if you think bitcoin is a scam. Type two if you think it’s not. And I’m not going to embarrass anyone, but I’m going to teach you something that probably to all the people that hit one, you may, I might just completely change your paradigm here, okay? Because it is important to say the truth. Hey, I think it’s a scam. All right? I can prove to you in five minutes it’s not.

But that’s okay. Let’s. Let’s just go with it. So there’s a lot of people that are type of ones. A lot of people are type of twos. All right, here’s the deal. Tulip mania made some people very wealthy. You know who made money? People that sold tulips before it crashed. Okay? Who lost money? The people that held the tulips. Copy the alpaca craze of the early nineties or eighties.

Remind me, everyone, there was an alpaca craze where people thought alpacas were gonna go extinct and they were buying up alpacas. Or was it ostriches? No, it was ostriches emu maze. No, it was emus. Please remind me. I think it was emus. Anyway, whatever. In America, we saw this all throughout history. There’s these crazes, right? We’ve seen Beanie babies, we’ve seen all kinds of crazy stuff. You need to spot the trends.

But check this out. This. It’s so hard to, like, hey, make money from a scam. That’s, like, the most obvious thing, right? People like, oh, it’s a scam. Okay. Well, Wall Street’s now pushing it, and they’re selling it and they’re storing it. They’re actually, like, they don’t even want you to own it. They’re saying, buy our ETF’s, we’ll custody it. That should show you a lot, how big of a deal it is.

But let me explain this. This is the most basic thing. Do you know how bitcoin is? Absolutely. So incredible. It’s because the code is written in a way that every computer that runs the code, that maintains the network. When I say maintain, when anyone spends a bitcoin or a fraction of a bitcoin, it records it on the letter, right? Forever. And then, um, it has to be backed up by a minimum of, let’s say, three or four other computers before, uh, it is now on the network.

And then ultimately, every single computer around the world that’s running the bitcoin network and making money doing this, because it’s spitting out bitcoins. All these computers that are doing this, they have to have what’s called consensus. 100% of the computers have to ultimately agree. Right? And, uh, so what happens in that code? It also says there’s only a certain amount of bitcoin that will ever be made. Ever, ever, ever, ever.

That’s it, right? And there’s these events, like what’s happening right now, the havening. Meaning that after the havening later tonight, bitcoin rewards will be half of what they are today, ultimately leading to a day where there’s no more bitcoins being made. There’s never been ever a technology on earth holding back a human being from printing more of something, making more of something. Right. The tulip manias before were because the thought that tulips were going extinct and they were going to be very valuable.

That’s what made them valuable. Beanie babies, the same thing. Because their rarity, their scarcity, same thing with emus, it doesn’t matter, right? It’s the same thing. Bitcoin and some other crypto currencies that are out there. There’s never been a time where you can run the, the protocol on your computer, get paid to do so in bitcoin, and you’re upholding the network, and your computer is telling everyone else’s computers, like the ones at the Federal Reserve, the ones at all these rich people’s houses and things like that.

No, that’s not a real bitcoin. Oh, yeah, that’s real bitcoin. That’s. And it’s never happened before. And that’s why it’s such a foreign idea. A decentralized distributed ledger is so foreign, most people can’t wrap their minds around it. Let me ask you this. That’s a very simple, quick way of answering that question, or showing people type three, if that makes more sense. The way I explained it, I’m just curious if anyone went, okay, that makes sense.

Well, it’s funny. Even if, even if it was 100% scam, which is not, people are gonna lose their minds when it hits certain dollar amounts, and people will lose their mind. And it’s interesting, because someone like this gentleman, I’m not gonna call you out your name, but it’s okay. It says it’s not decentralized, though, because ETF’s made it centralized. No, what ETF’s did is create a massive amount of buying pressure, because those that don’t want to learn how to buy and store bitcoin, and those that are held by certain standards inside of their funds, their, their prospectus said they can’t buy certain things now that money can flow in and be custody by someone else.

Essentially, the government figured out a really neat way of controlling all the bitcoin. And when you understand and you’re going to see how high the price is going to go, you understand why originally, I believe it was a psyop to get people into buying off on a digital currency. Yeah. And when people lose their minds after $100,000 bitcoin, they’re going to be more likely to be able to jump into something else.

Okay. Because it’s going to be ultimately the price that forces the masses into cryptocurrency. And ultimately the goal is that you’re not allowed to, to buy own it, but the government will never outlaw it. You want to know why? Because the second they outlaw something, people revolt and then they go buy it, or they figure out a way of getting it. What they are going to do is they’re going to control it, and then most people will now buy off on the idea of a centralized digital currency.

I hope that makes sense. Type three if it does. But there’s a lot of money to be made. So what we did is we went out and we decided, okay, we’re going to show people how to make money from it. There’s risks involved with everything. So you’ve got to understand all your risks. You can lose all your money, but we’re going to teach you the fundamentals that keep you solid when things turn down.

We’re going to teach you the technical analysis when you can move in and out, when there’s a higher probability of a move going, whether it goes up or down. Right? That’s what professional traders do. And I’ve never shared any of this stuff, but I had to wait until there was a confirmed breakout in between the habiting and the ETF’s coming out. I know exactly how much human emotion and money is about to push into this sector.

And we’re not talking about just the United States, we’re talking about worldwide. And not only do you have the ETF’s coming out of Wall street, you now have Hong Kong pushing ETF’s, and now rest of Asia is going to start pushing out ETF’s in the next four to five months. Why? Because governments around the world know, oh, this is the way to control the crypto, and they’re going to make a lot of money from it, and a lot of people are going to feel rich, like people that own gold ETF’s.

I feel rich until you try and cash it out. So I want to teach you the difference between how to make money through the ETF’s, how to make money with physical bitcoin, how to do all that kind of stuff. And so we put the course out, and I’m going to be honest. And so what we did, there was one piece that was missing, and we filled that gap.

There’s less than 72 hours to the sale. You can go ahead and click that link. It’s like $189. After that goes back to $1,000. Here’s the thing. We have a sale that when you buy the course, Joe, my friend, that’s, this is what he does for a living. He does weekly Ama’s, and he does trade calls, takes your questions, and he’ll throw out markers. Trade markers as far as, like, when he’s pushing in, when he’s scaling out things like that.

It’s $69 a month. It’s a monthly subscription. You can, you can cancel whenever you want. But right now, it’s not 69. It’s going up to 99. Uh, after the 72 hours, because that’s one piece that a lot of people fail to. They need, but they don’t. They’re not given that level of instruction. And Joe is actually a well educated, not only statistician, but, uh, an instructor, a teacher.

So he knows how to teach people. So I wanted to fix that up quick. Now, here’s the other thing a lot of people don’t understand. If we take away the fundamentals of bitcoin and a decentralized ledger, if you look at what’s coming with all of these news headlines, like out of CNBC right now, you have to understand an emotional wave most people buy, whether it be real estate, cryptocurrency stocks, or like that, they don’t buy until the top one third of the price.

And that top one third of the price on this next cycle is going to be happening within the next six months. Okay? This is sort of a short term thing. And people, you need to be trained on that, because there’s gonna. It’s gonna pump to levels that’ll blow your mind, and it’s gonna drop. Right. And you need to learn when to buy and when to sell, and then take those profits and turn them into the next cycle, in my opinion, to be silver and then real estate.

Okay? In that order. Actually, even if silver goes to dollar 50, that will pale in comparison to the gains in crypto. Okay? Winners only win when they sell. Gains or losses are only realized when you sell, end of story. You make money two different times in a trade. The day you buy, the day you sell, end of story. Or you lose on either of those. And you need to know when to get in, when to get out.

Okay? So I filled that gap. You’re going to see, you know, more of these stories. And when bitcoin, right now you’ve got it. You know, this is CNBC. It rose above 64, you know, after it dropped to 59 tonight. Imagine what’s going to happen in the headlines when bitcoin’s at $100,000. Every about, probably nine out of ten people that own bitcoin that I know as friends or family.

If I ask them, was there a day when you thought it was a scam? Every single nine out of ten easily went, oh, yeah. There was like, one person goes, no, I heard it. And I go, that sort of makes sense. And he went and researched it. And so all you’re about to see is the masses go from, it’s a scam. It’s a scam to, oh, crap, why? Why didn’t I buy this earlier.

Most people don’t want to admit that, though. So it’s the same thing when you’re explaining, you know, purchasing gold or silver. Many people think it’s a scam because they’re just not used to it. They don’t know the intrinsic value. So I wanted to bring you that information if you want. It’s no big deal. It’s just there’s going to be a lot of people on the sidelines, and I don’t want you getting in when bitcoin hits 100 grand.

That’s because the move from 100 to 140 will probably happen pretty dang fast, and it will suck you in. It’s like akin to when I started buying silver at $18 an ounce, and I was buying rapidly after 35, $45 an ounce. And it topped, and then it came down. Well, I didn’t walk away and piss and moan. I knew the fundamentals, so I bought more and more and more.

And I did that every time. Crypto corrected. I’ve told you the story. I took ten grand. It turned into a million in a year in crypto in 2017, 2018. That is the truth. A lot of those projects now are worth nothing because they were crap projects, okay? The main chains are important. You’re about to see a push in AI AI coins and meme coins that will melt faces, and a lot of people will hold onto them for too long, not understand how to get out of them and make the money, and they will be net losers.

I mean, you see the Dogecoin millionaire video with that gentleman? I know him personally. I met him personally a couple times. We’ve had talks. You know, he had million dollars in dogecoin. Boom, it’s gone now. It’s worthless, right? Well, it’s still worth something. He’s pushing back to a million now. But my point being is that he went through that cycle and he held on. That’s not what you want to do in these things.

You want to get in and get out. You want to click buy, you want to click sell, you want to know your averages, your. You want to be diversified, and then you pull out and you put into cash. That was a real story that I went through. I took ten grand. It went up to 100 grand in four months. Five months in crypto, my first ever. It was the most amazing gains.

I pulled 40 grand out, and I put it into another asset class. And I said, whether it goes up or down, I don’t care. I am a winner. I turned ten grand to 40. Well, guess what? That 60 grand, that was left. That’s what went to a million during the Ico craze. Well, guess what? I learned a lot of lessons. This one. Much bigger opportunities. Much bigger. And so you’ve got to learn.

And the only thing that got me through that first ICO craze is I had two buddies that were actively trading crypto, and it was like they’re eat, breathing, sleeping it for a year. And we would talk like you wouldn’t believe, and we would talk each other off of cliffs, and that’s what you actually need. But when you’re not around a group that’s like that, and that’s why we provided it, you’re going to have a hard time.

So I’m warning you, get ready. It’s going to pump. People are going to make tons of money. If you don’t know how to get out, how to scale out, you’re going to end up being a bag holder. Okay. For another cycle on cryptos, there are going to be a lot of people that pay 100, 140 grand for some bitcoin. And I’m talking like, they’ll put like $1,000 in right when bitcoin’s at that price because you could buy a fraction of it, and then it’s going to tank and they’re going to be holding the bag for a while.

All right. Nothing wrong with that. I’ve been holding since 2017, but I’ve gotten a lot wiser, a lot smarter from the bruises and the scrapes, and I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. And now it will be. And that’s how this channel started, actually. It started because of my understanding of blockchain tech, and it blew up. And then I just went, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

I don’t. I didn’t want to go that direction. Now I’m like, all right, we have. We have got a pretty awesome Runway right now, and the Federal Reserve, the SEC, the government are all letting it fly for a reason, because we’re moving into this next crash, and you’re going to see that digital currency come out, and it’s going to be adopted a lot easier when people saw the gains or saw how you can spend crypto.

I don’t spend my crypto on coffee or pizza for a specific reason. I’m here to make money. End of story. All right. With that being said, I thank you so much for watching. There’s less than 72 hours on both those sales, if you want to look at it, crypto trader pro. After that, it goes $1,000 and then we’re going to drop this for about a month and a half and we’re going to revisit this exact topic and the price.

And the only question will be did you get ready ahead of time or are you sort of catching up and hopefully not losing your mind? Hope you got something out of this. The economic ninja is out. .

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Bitcoin investment experience Bitcoin scarcity value Bitcoin trading since 2017 Bitcoin value prediction building wealth with Bitcoin cryptocurrency investment education government control over cryptocurrencies increasing Bitcoin awareness personal success in crypto market professional crypto trading course rewards of cryptocurrency investing rise of cryptocurrencies risks of cryptocurrency investing understanding Bitcoin transactions understanding cryptocurrency market Wall Street Bitcoin investments

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