Biden Exposed DS Melting FBI DOJ Big Issues DJT Speaks. Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses diverse topics such as President Trump’s stance on corruption and his commitment to exposing it, increasing minority support for Trump, an anticipated incriminating tape about Joe Biden’s corruption, alongside a speculation of whether Barack Obama indirectly controls the Biden administration. It also includes social commentary on the 2020 election’s legitimacy and the potential consequences if Trump were to prosecute high-profile figures.
➡ The speaker discusses theories related to certain dates and their potential predictive meaning in Hollywood movies, particularly 911 and 923, which may suggest deep state action. They also mention their ongoing work with a member program and an interactive discord channel to answer questions, host exclusive events, and exchange information. They underscore the importance of staying motivated despite negative news and express belief in their winning causes. Lastly, they allude to future revelations regarding Joe Biden’s secret pseudonym emails and potential links to political corruption.
➡ The text discusses conspiracy theories, involving President Trump, suggesting his cryptic posts, such as a mugshot marked with the date August 24, 2023, and the intel drop date October 5, 2018, may determine significant future events. It also alludes to Trump’s attempts to keep Guantanamo Bay open for potentially underhanded purposes. The mention of ongoing legal judgement against criminals and a potential military coup led by Trump were also mentioned. Subsequently, it suggests Trump will establish a new gold-backed financial system trading with BRICS nations. Furthermore, it speaks of testing emergency broadcasting systems and expected exposure of the Biden family. Lastly, it discusses smart cities and financial instabilities in the context of the Evergrande crisis.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics including the controversial behavior and statements of Tucker Carlson and councilperson Ryan Webb, clashes over mandatory mask mandates, and former President Donald Trump’s potential legal issues and political positioning. It highlights conflicting opinions in American politics and society, from issues of identity and inclusivity to claims of governmental control and associated protests.
➡ This text discusses the importance of questioning the current state of politics, pushing for a more transparent system, and protecting future generations by advocating for change. It also highlights the role of individual contribution, love, and respect for each other, along with a religious perspective on surviving trials, strength, and hope.


Um, and let us not be weary and well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint, not ego.
You said in in 2016, you know, lock her up. And then when you became president, you said, we don’t do that in America. That’s just not the right thing to do. That’s what they’re doing. Do you regret not locking her up? And if you’re president again, will you lock people up? Well, I’ll give you an example. The answer is you have no choice, because they’re doing it to us. I always had such great respect for the office of the president. Safe.You had a good Monday and Tuesday. Monday’s video was very emotional. Felt we needed a good reminder of how difficult this has been for all of us. Yet after that video, we have been getting all kinds of comms and videos from President Trump. We’ve been getting comms from some of the lower media groups letting us know what’s going on with Biden. President Trump keeps going. He keeps talking, he keeps sharing, he keeps interviewing. Let’s see more wake up calls, shall we? More exposure, biden more quotes from the real president in this war that we are currently in.Survey revealed most Republicans believe the 2020 election was illegitimate. Yet despite their constitutional right to free speech, republicans, including our president, are now being ridiculed and prosecuted for stating their belief. Of course, corrupt Biden, crooked Hillary, and their radical friends would never call an election stolen. Or would they? Trump knows he’s an illegitimate president. He lost the election and he was put into office because of Russians interference. Bush versus Gore. A court took away a presidency. Val Gore won that election. They stole the last presidential I arranged to meet Senator Kerry. He told me he now thinks the election was stolen. If Stacey Abrams doesn’t win in Georgia, they stole it. Watch the entire shocking and hypocritical video by going to this QR code. Then ask yourself, why weren’t they prosecuted? I’m Donald J. Trump, and I approve.Oh, boy. That’s a tough, huh? I like the music. I like whoever put this together did a great job. And to have a QR code, just know place on the screen to take you to some information that you need to know. I mean, that’s even better. Instead of just watching it, you can pause your television, your DVRs, get up there, put that code in there, and off you go to more and more truth of why these folks weren’t prosecuted. Do you see it? Look at those pictures on your screen. Hillary, Biden’s, Georgia, Obama, Gore, Kamala, and so many more that are going to be exposed and they will eventually meet prosecution. You think so? Well, yeah. We’re going to show you another ad in a second, another video that’s going to show you it’s going to really rock your world. From President Trump and their messaging, basically showing who’s going to be taken away, and that’ll be coming up pretty soon.So I told you all types of statements were coming out from President Trump. One of those out of many was this one of the many things I have done as president and thereafter is to expose the massive corruption and fraud that takes place on a regular basis within the USA. Hard to believe, isn’t it? Look how corrupt the Department of Injustice has turned out to be. And the FBI, with Pfizer Twitter files, lies to Congress and everywhere else. The laptop from hell, facebook, the top agent in charge of the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax just being arrested, an insurance policy, and 51 intel agents. It’s a big scam. I exposed it all, and I will be the one to clean it up. Make America great again. Thank you.Exposed it all, and I’ll be the one to clean it up. And that takes me down to something I was going to show way later in this video. But you know what? Since he’s bringing that up, let’s talk about this for a second. Thank you. GH 17. Always showing these five year Deltas from August 29, 2023. President Trump, my poll numbers are up since the very boring, record setting, low ratings debate, leading by I’m leading by big numbers. I made the right decision and broke all records with the Tucker Carlson interview. Big numbers. And he capitalizes bi G. So if you go to the August 29, 2023 post, back up five years, and that’s called a five year Delta. Five years from August 2023 was August 29, 2018. Look on the intel board, and voila, you’ve got the big word. Big, big statement. What’s coming? How might this open the door to Wiener, Huma, and HRC? Why is President of the United States pushing the FBI DOJ on this issue? Discredit the FBI’s investigation? Why is the president pushing this? Wow. D Five. And I always thought the D Five, as it started playing out, we didn’t know in the beginning, but D Five starts to really make more sense that it could be Delta five years, and we’re watching all these five year Deltas playing out every single day. Is it a coincidence? I don’t think so. We continue to move forward with more exposure. Here we go. Mark Levin, let him have it again. And his numbers go up. Do you agree with me? New, greenish. The reason his numbers go up is because the American people are now onto this and they don’t like it. And they know what’s happening to their criminal justice system. It’s happening to them in many different ways. And whether they’re in love with President Trump or not, they’re going, I can’t just roll over and watch my country die like this. I think that’s right. I think that Trump is not a candidate. Trump is the leader of a movement. He’s the personification of an establishment that is totally corrupt, destroying anything that gets in its way interestingly. For example, his support among African American males has gone up dramatically. And the reason simple, they feel that the police have harassed them. They’re now watching the government harass Trump. They actually identify with what he’s going through. I think many people who may or may not like Trump’s personality, but they look at this and they think, let me go. Here are my choices. I’m going to side with a totally corrupt administration, or I’m going to side with a guy who has the guts to stand there and take the beating and keep mean. You know, Trump could easily have retired, and if he’d retired, none of these charges would ever have occurred. And instead he said, you know, the country’s worth going through this. And I think that’s given him support in places that normally wouldn’t have supported him. But they realized if your only two choices are to reinforce a totally sick, corrupt, authoritarian system or to be with the guy who’s taking it head on, I think that the country That Hollywood pushes quite a bit. And I always wonder, could we take that date? And we can’t select dates. We don’t want to go out there and say, guys, here’s the date for you. Oh, my goodness. This is what we think it is. No, I’m not trying to say that. I don’t want anybody running around saying that. Please.I’m just telling you, if the deep state planned and put together dates like they did 911, then 923 would be a date of significance for probably the deep state, since they put all this out in hollywood. So if you’re listening, you can listen. If you watch, you can watch are getting prepared for any type of disaster because that’s what’s happening in the month of september. So we’re getting you ready. Go ahead, tell yourself. It’s just a number. The future can be scary. 9 hours and 23 minutes. You’ll be mine. The miracle of deliverance. By 923, the water of life shall proceed forth from the throne of the lamb, the prince of darkness. Let the new prince be decided on Saturday. First south park, then the world signing off.

So everything that we’re looking at on the screen for those listening in, if you don’t notice, they put 923 in all types of hollywood movies. 239 is the reverse of that. On doors, on watches, in all types of movies that you’ve seen on hollywood, 239, 923, they always try to do that predictive programming to get into our mind, right. Constantly. So just a theory, because a lot of people like to throw dates out there, and it would be great if the enemy faced his own destruction on a particular date that they tried to use for theirs, thinking they were going to take over the world. That would be my hope in all of this, right. Just wanted to throw that out at you real quick.

And also wanted to let you know that you can find us on. And we know if you go to you’ll find us there, all types of great things. If you notice, there’s a fellowship member program. I don’t talk about it much, but we had a chance to do a recording with my son RT on that. I will show you that in a moment. Well, actually, I’ll show it to you now. Let’s show you this pretty cool discord, and we’re going to answer the top guys. It’s good to have my son here RT with us today. We’re going to go over discord, and we’re going to answer the top questions of the month, actually the past few months also. And as we go through this, I wanted to make sure that we introduce folks how to join the fellow member program. All you have to do is on your screen. You’re looking at it, it’s that simple. And we And then you’ll click on this, you’ll see OC fellowship program. That’s where everybody can join us. And you get pretty cool updates, letters from me, and you become a member of the fellowship program.

So you get invitations to special AUC online events. There’s actually invitations to events that are coming up soon where they get exclusive invitations for first come, first dibs on some things that are actually going to be shown off here soon. You get 10% off of all merch orders, 100 AUC TPL cards so you can spread the truth. You hand them out. They’re like little business cards with the QR code on it and more. And you get a fellowship members packet and a t shirt that says you’re a fellow member. So in that also you get to actually become part of our discord channel. This is where we reach everybody. We record the interview with RT. He asks me, my son, how different questions from folks that are out there and also make sure that we get some good exchange of information. And those on discord that are fellow members can actually talk to us almost directly throughout the year. So we don’t have set times for it every month, but we do have times where we get together throughout the year. So we’re beefing this bad boy up and looking forward to it.

So thank you for joining us and RT. Walk us through it. How are you doing today? I’m doing good. How are you doing? Outstanding. That was a long introduction for everyone. I know you’re getting a giggle because I don’t know how to stop talking, so I’ve got to make sure that you get the words in that you need to get in. But I am an old man and I do not understand discord, but there’s a lot of people that do. And you always tell me that this is the place where people can go in. Now discord is open to everyone right on. And we know but then there’s the fellow member program, right? Then there are the fellowship members that get access to these bottom three perks here. This says fellowship members. When you join, I think is the discord open to everyone? Discord is supposed to be open to everyone to chat with each other. But then the fellow program, it’s more of a exclusive membership only. Yes.

So as you’re seeing here, this is the and we know fellowship discord page. There is the chat page, the memes page, the pictures, videos. There is a how to get fellowship member here with the link to the fellowship member website. And then here there is a voice chat that you can currently see. Lt and I are both in right now where you can chat and talk about whatever you want. And then down here are the special perks that you get when you become a fellowship get. This is Octeam. And then this is the fellowship members chat. Pretty cool, right? So he created all this. He worked it all out. I don’t understand this world of discord. A lot of people do. But you can then get your own private room with the fellow members and communicate with each other and that’s where we will be able to reach out to you and have videos, if not monthly at least quarterly and you’ll have all those perks, so pretty cool.

I just wanted to show you that real quick for those that didn’t know what that fellow member program was. And also if you go to our website, all of our gear is there, folks. Our books are there. They are reduced in price free shipping and you can get signed books from me too. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. Lose thing. Okay? We know that winners don’t act the way that the deep state is acting right now. They’re trying to defeat us by taking away our motivation, by beating us down and making us depressed. Winners don’t act the way they act. They are trying to kill us with 1000 paper cuts. They are trying to get people frustrated and make people pull back away from the political system. Make people say, why should I vote? We are going to vote. We are going to vote even in this system. And we’re not going to give up. They want us defeated up here and this is where we have to be strong.

Okay? Don’t believe all the news you’re reading. Most of it is complete lies and garbage and it’s meant to get into your mind and psychologically bring you down. We are winning. They are not winning. Donald Trump is winning. The American people are winning. But itIf you’re listening in, remember when President Trump posted his mug shot? He posted it August 24, 2023. Okay, well, in the intel board it says important moment in time. The picture will be the signifier. What picture could it be? This picture. The mug shot. Because if you look at the mug shot from the time of this, it’s 1785 days or four years, ten months and 20 days. From what? From the important moment in time.

Picture october 5, 2018. Was that intel drop? October 5, 2018 to August 24, 2023. Remember, the intel drop was October 5, 2018. From the intel board. August 24, 2023. President Trump drops his picture. The mug shot. Four years, ten months and 20 days later. That’s 410 20. Those are Donald Trump’s initials. DJ t 410 20. The signifier will force the queue. The queue will be answered.

FEMA FCC planned nationwide emergency alert test for October 4. October 4, which is 30 days from eleven. 311. Three. I mean, it just keeps getting better.

And then remember this from President Trump this is what I was talking about earlier. Issued executive orders keeping open Guantanamo Bay. They wanted to close it. I want to keep it open and use it for the rest. Listen to that. What he said under his breath. Keep Guantanamo Bay open. And then he whispers quietly. You can hear him say and use it for her. Here we go. Issued executive orders keeping open Guantanamo Bay. They wanted to close it. I want to keep it open and use it for the rest. Trump planned to expand in Guantanamo Prison. Revealed in draft Executive Order 2917 building a second courtroom for war crimes in Guantanamo Bay. That was on the New York Times. Oh, yeah. Makes you wonder what’s really going on. Smaller case will be held in a new $4 million chamber. What if there were additional facilities? Unreported. You realize how truly special and rare this brief moment was.

Antheos now a clip that President Trump put out, referring to radical left scoundrels like Adam shifty schiff who are purposely destroying our country. Soon we won’t have a USA anymore. And then he retruths. John Rich’s hold them accountable. Clip from December 11, 2022 on the charges of crimes against humanity, the Tribunal finds you not guilty. But we find you guilty on counts one and two and thereby sentence you to imprisonment for life. Admiral Dillelm keitel. Guilty on all four counts. The Tribunal sentences you to death by hanging. Defendant Hans Frank. The Tribunal finds you guilty on counts three and four and sentences you to death by hanging. Julius Stryker. Guilty on count four. Crimes against humanity. Death by hanging. Defendant shocked. The Tribunal has come to the conclusion that the evidence against Halmar Shacht has not been established beyond a reasonable doubt and therefore finds that Shacht is not guilty on this indictment. Quiet, please. The defendant Karl Dunitz. Guilty on counts two and three. The Tribunal sentences you to ten years imprisonment. Foreign Minister von ribbon trot. Guilty on all four counts. The Tribunal sentences you to death by hanging. Anst kelton barina. Guilty on counts three and four. The Tribunal sentences you to death by hanging. Balder von Shirak. Guilty on count 420 years in prison. Alfred Yodo. On all four counts, guilty. Death by hanging.

Do you think they know what’s coming? Do you think that this was just an accidental post by President Trump? To put this particular video out. Can you imagine as the deep state is continually falling apart, throwing out all the fires they can, everything that they have at their disposal, to get everyone rounded up by the agenda 2030 and it seems like it’s falling apart. We need to hold them accountable.

Q, the Storm Rider official page put this out. United States Under Military Control this event has already happened, as I had stated several times the past year since 2021. Early on, these Operations and Continuity of Government Cog is the principle of establishing defined procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in case of a catastrophic event, such as nuclear war in the US. Cog is no longer limited to these emergencies. The Continuity of Operations plan was activated following the September 11 attacks. Moreover, these operations coincide with the Department of Defense military Laws of War that can be activated through presidential powers, executive orders that execute and addresses military occupation. Chapter Eleven three Laws of War covert and Overt Military Operations. It’s now becoming clear to many people and some major broadcasters as Valuetainments Patrick Bet, David PBD. That Trump, Musk, Tucker Carlson are working together behind the scenes. This PBD podcast reaches over 30 million people monthly. His podcast show is rebroadcast on thousands of other channels, websites and other browsers throughout the world.

A few months ago, I gave you drops that major internet podcasts would be activated to bring important information and these very different platforms would silently unite. I’d also given you drops two years ago that the disdain Rogan had for Trump was fake and they had already plans for 20,23,24 podcasts together. Now Rogan wants Trump and Rogan has been fighting hard against the deep state the past months with vaccine information and going after Gates who soros exposing Biden and confirming Hunter laptop and Russia collusion hoax. I’ve stated many times it was important inside military white hats, psychological operations to have many people who don’t like Trump or have disdain for him publicly, to create networks of other patriot communities and anons fighting against the deep.

State unknowingly middle neutral Americans and was super important to have RFK Jr take control 30% of the Democratic Party and expose the pandemic by elites, the vaccine’s agenda on biolabs and Ukraine, war exposure and military complex in BlackRock vanguard, et cetera. All these leaders with communities were planned to come together in covert millops to unite them slowly. Now the pace is picking up behind the scenes. BRICS will not fully collapse the US dollar, but safeguards are in place to keep the American dollar. What is really important is collapsing the fake Federal Reserve, the biggest Wall Street corruption firms and investment agencies, and bringing down IMF International Monetary Fund. So you are watching real military white Hats Alliance operations real time unfold. In due time, Trump will end global war, bring in a powerful United America’s financial goldbacked system and this. Will connect to trading with BRICS nations. It’s not funny anymore to the deep state DNC and mainstream media heads that the storm arrest wars are a joke anymore. Behind the scenes it’s becoming more evident to the liberal democratic elite politicians, elite societies that a national emergency is incoming and the wires these deep state sheep people are receiving. There are arrest wars coming but they think the storm is a Trump controlled military coup against them that is going to overthrow the government and Trump is going to install Nazi nationalist fascism racist regime laughing with tears they are being sold this idea and their bank accounts will be seized. The bank account seizes are correct as Trump EOS confirm this for major corporations, people and entities that were part of the stolen military deep state election coup of 2020. Major panic happening as the Rockefeller’s Federal Reserve IMF collapsing inme get back to that. And dispatch confirmed there are no reports of any injuries. Our reporter Maria Guzman is there with a live camera and we will continue to keep you updated.

Scott Plastics on fire. You can see that again, fires happening all over the place and more. We’ve got these guys are just going crazy.

Tucker Carlson said the Unsustainable united States is ran by dangerous and insane people enforcing boutique politics. United States is in a place right now where this is not sustainable. You can’t run a global empire based on the imposition of boutique sexual politics on countries that don’t want them.

The United States, I think, did a lot to liberate Hungary from the Soviets from the Russians, and I’m proud of that. My father was involved in it. That’s how I knew about Hungary, because my father visited Budapest 35 years ago when you were still under the yoke of the Soviets. And the purpose of American diplomacy in Eastern and Central Europe then was to help liberate the country so they could run themselves. And the idea was you didn’t want a foreign superpower telling you how to live, because that’s the opposite of democracy. It’s tyranny. And to wake up one morning 35 years later and see my own government engaged in exactly the same kind of tyranny. The Soviets told you you had to worship Lenin. The State Department tells you now you have to worship transvestites. It’s not so different. It’s a foreign power pushing its weird boutique religion on you. And it’s wrong. It is wrong.

And so we go over to those that could fight back against these folks that have lost their mind. A white man identifies as a lesbian woman of color, and people are upset about it. After hearing the complaints, councilman Ryan Webb responded, quote, you don’t get to question me. You don’t get to require proof of me. You are part of the movement that helped establish these rules, the rules that he can identify wherever he wants. And you can’t question me. I can do whatever I want.

Check this out. A white man is identifying as a lesbian woman of color, and people are upset about it. Councilperson Ryan Webb announced publicly on social media that he now identifies as a lesbian woman of color. If he were serious, I’d sing his praises, but instead, I know better. In none of my jobs in the last 21 years, and that is many, many jobs, would I have been permitted to mock and disrespect my customers. And if that were true, we would all be proud of you, and no one would be denying your right to do such things and to identify by your heritage. But your open mockery of these communities is insane. In order to demand for the resignation of Ryan Webb, the posts Mr. Webb made on April twelveTH were offensive on many web on many levels. After hearing these complaints, Ryan Webb responded, I’m being dead serious. You don’t get to question me. You do not get to require proof of me. You were part of the movement to help establish these rules and set the bar. Touche, Councilman. Touche, touche. Quote, is unfortunate that I cannot simply be given the same space and respect to explore my identity that so many of those targeting me demand for themselves. Delaware County Council.

Hmm. And then if you want to go out there and push masks and all types of things in Canada demanding these protesters demanding mandatory mask mandates return, well, they get upset when somebody shows up with their sign demanding freedom. So stay here with us. You’re not watching. And let’s continue to a easy, guys, easy. These mass pushers are upset with this guy because of his sign and they tackle him. I don’t know what the hell let him go, dude. Let him go. Let him go. Let him go. Why are you blocking my camera? Don’t want people to see what happens at these things. Yes, all about tolerance. Tolerate us, tolerate our behavior, tolerate how our stupidity, but we will not tolerate you. I was trying to figure out what his sign said and I was trying to scroll in, zoom in, and more, and I just couldn’t really get a good take on what it was that it was on that actual sign. Let me see if I can back up just a little bit here. Here it is. CDC is government controlled. CBC is government controlled media. I think that’s what it says. They weren’t happy.

Other things that played out would be trump asked by, let’s see right here, 1 second. Dean, the deep state we now all know by Glenn Beck. He’s asked if he will run a campaign from a jail cell. Dean the deep state we now all know what you saw was true and deeper than I think any of us knew. They’ve weaponized everything. They are serious about trying to put you in prison. Can I ask, will you and can you run a campaign from a jail cell? Well, I don’t think that’s ever happening. We have a great case. Every case is a scam. This is just like Russia. Russia, russia. Remember I was going to be guilty with Russia, Russia, russia. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, with 18 radical Democrats and Bob Mueller. The Mueller report said there was no collusion. Everyone had a heart attack. And then they started Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine. Then they started lying on Pfizer reports. These are bad people. These are sick people. And now we have the biggest lead I’ve ever had. The debate. I actually went up after the debate. As you know, we did your friend Tucker’s interview and he had 261,000,000 people, which is an all time record when you say like, I didn’t do a debate, I actually didn’t do a debate, but I had 261,000,000 people listening versus 11 million, which they had, which was one of the lowest rated debates. So I went up fairly substantially after that. And I think the fake indictment that they did in Georgia was very helpful. And then they insisted on a mug shot. And somehow it turned out to be very iconic. I have to tell you, this mug shot was very iconic. Oh, I don’t think that’s ever happening. That he will run a campaign from a jail cell. He is getting way too popular at this point. And the enemy just keeps losing on all fronts.

Then Trump says he’ll have no choice but to lock up the deep state. You said in 2016, lock her up. And then when you became president, you said, we don’t do that in America. That’s just not the right thing to do. That’s what they’re doing. Do you regret not locking her up? And if you’re president again, will you lock people up? Well, I’ll give you an example. The answer is you have no choice because they’re doing it to us. I always had such great respect for the office of the president, the presidency, but the office of the president and I never hit Biden as hard as I could have. And then I heard he was trying to indict me and it was him that was doing know. I don’t think he’s sharp enough to think about much, but he was there and he was probably the one given the order. But he would hard to believe that he even thinks about that because he’s gone. He’s gone. How can he think about that? If he’s gone, then we had this one. Thank you, GH The political and financial landscape is being looted by Trump and MAGA, taking advantage of the moment for their own narrative. Trump is seen as the epitome of anti-establishment, anti-media matrix, and anti-deep state in the public’s mind. It is questioned whether Trump could have arrested people before 2020 without revealing the potential consequences of a Biden-led regime. The possibility of civil war is discussed, as well as the belief that COVID-19 served as a wake-up call to a brainwashed populace. Trump’s role in bringing justice and revealing hidden truths is emphasized as important for future generations. Pepe Lives Matter and Peppy Deluxe are praised for their message, urging love and light in the face of opposition. The need to focus on the future, carry burdens with determination, and expose corruption is highlighted. The ongoing war for change is acknowledged, and a call to prepare is made. Gratitude is expressed for not being in more dire situations like breadlines or death camps. Prayers are offered for guidance, protection, and strength, as well as gratitude for Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. The audience is thanked for their support and urged to subscribe and share. The message concludes with a reminder to not grow weary in doing good and a reference to Trump’s statement about not locking up Hillary Clinton. The speaker expresses admiration for the office of the president.


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Consequences of prosecuting high-profile figures Conspiracy theories involving Trump's cryptic posts Deep state action Guantanamo Bay and potential ulterior motives Incriminating tape Joe Biden corruption Joe Biden secret pseudonym emails Legitimacy of 2020 election Minority support for Trump New gold-backed financial system and BRICS nations. Obama indirect control Biden administration Ongoing work with member program and interactive discord channel Political corruption links President Trump corruption stance Staying motivated despite negative news Theories related to dates in Hollywood movies

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