2024-03-13 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon | Global Freedom TV

Posted in: Global Freedom TV, News, Patriots



➡ The Global Freedom TV show discusses various issues, including the situation in Ukraine, the state of the U.S., and the actions of President Trump. The host and guest, Dr. Stephen Pigeon, express concern about the U.S. government’s actions, which they believe are harming the country and its people. They discuss controversial topics like directed energy weapons, weather control weapons, and chemtrails, suggesting these are being used against the American public. They also criticize the current administration, accusing it of corruption, money laundering, and crimes against humanity, particularly in relation to Ukraine.
➡ The text criticizes various political figures, including Trump, Biden, and others, for their roles in the Ukraine conflict. It argues that Trump’s decision to send weapons to Ukraine, instead of pursuing peace, sparked the current issues. The text also criticizes Biden’s administration for its failures in foreign policy, including in Afghanistan and Ukraine. It suggests that these issues are largely ignored by the media, and that this lack of coverage allows politicians to avoid accountability for their actions.
➡ The text criticizes Joe Biden for allegedly causing various global conflicts and economic shifts. It also accuses the media of being biased and not holding Biden accountable for these issues. The author suggests that the media should be investigated for potential ties to intelligence agencies. The text also discusses various conspiracy theories, such as the idea of a “scamdemic” and the use of weather manipulation tools.
➡ The text discusses various allegations of corruption and misuse of power, including claims of bribery, forced compliance, and violations of human rights. It also accuses certain individuals of profiting from mandatory vaccines. The text further alleges that the federal government is at war with its own citizens, citing examples such as unauthorized surveillance and the use of directed energy weapons. Lastly, it calls for those involved in these alleged activities to be tried for crimes against humanity.
➡ This text talks about concerns over privacy and personal rights due to the use of technology, especially smartphones, to monitor people’s activities and personal information. It also discusses the role of the military and the government in these issues, and the potential for conflict and war. The text suggests that these actions are a violation of constitutional rights and questions when and how this will be addressed by future leaders.
➡ The text discusses the potential backlash and hatred that could arise due to political decisions linked to Israel and its Zionist regime. It suggests that these decisions could lead to collective punishment and long-lasting hatred, similar to what is happening in Gaza. The text also criticizes various political figures and their actions, suggesting that they are contributing to global instability and potential conflict. It ends by discussing the need for international law and respect among nations to prevent further escalation.
➡ The text discusses concerns about Canada becoming a communist dictatorship under Justin Trudeau, suggesting that the U.S. should cut off all commerce with Canada and encourage Canadian provinces to join the U.S. It also criticizes the U.S. government, accusing it of corruption and rigged elections, particularly in states like California and Washington. The author suggests that these issues are threatening the U.S.’s republican form of government and calls for action against these perceived threats.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the integrity of elections, suggesting they have been manipulated and unfair. It suggests that the solution is for the President to intervene, potentially removing statehood from those involved in the alleged cheating. The text also discusses various political figures and their potential roles or actions, including speculation about assassinations and replacements. Finally, it suggests that America may face a period of hardship and change, possibly leading to a reconfiguration of the country into separate republics.
➡ The text discusses the potential for areas in the U.S. to form their own independent states due to a lack of unity and a failing economy. It suggests that a new currency, separate from the Federal Reserve, could help restore economic health. The text also emphasizes the importance of understanding international law and having a single governing theology for these new states. Lastly, it expresses hope for a future leader who will guide the nation back to righteousness.


Let me get the background up. Hold on 1 second. Hold on 1 second. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. I’m Scott Ben, your host. We are joined by the great Dr. Stephen Pigeon and going to be discussing Ukraine, the president’s state of the union speech, and what President Trump may need to be doing upon his entry into the presidency. If he survives. Of course, we want to keep him in our prayers.

We want to, of course, support any Republican is better than the best Democrat. There’s a lot of things on the table that need to be ironed out if this country is to survive, let alone prosper and flourish. And I think survival is a question. It’s a precarious situation the United States finds itself in. So we’re going to explore all this with the great Dr. Stephen Pigeon. Steve, it’s great to have you with us.

So much to talk about. I’ve got some interesting videos. But before that, I want to hand it to you. Give us your opening salvo on what you think of the most pressing issue that we’re facing right now. Go ahead, Stephen Pigeon. Well, I think the most pressing issue is the systemic destruction of the United States at the hands of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States.

And they have done more damage to the country than any attacking army could ever. Well, while we’re speaking of attacking armies, the federal government itself is attacking the american people and the american public. This has been disclosed by Joe Biden himself, talking about directed energy weapons and how to best protect yourself by putting a blue roof on your house. Essentially an acknowledgement that it was a directed energy weapon that destroyed Lahaina in Maui.

It was a directed energy weapon that caused the fire in Texas that was retaliatory for Texas standing up to the federal government on the border issue. And it’s been directed energy weapons that have been used in California and some of the great fires, including the Angel Creek fire and the Sonoma county fire and other fires around the country. And so directed energy weapons are a tool, together with harp, which has now been blamed for the recent flooding in New Hampshire.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with HARp, but it’s a high antenna array system that one, or many, I should say a few, are stationed up here in Alaska. And these high antenna array systems are designed to do things like boil water, cause seismic events along fault lines, and so on and so forth. Because they beam an array at 100,000 watts, they bounce it off the ionosphere, and then they can focus it directly on a target, and it can be used as a microwave, or it can be used as a sonic device.

A lot of people don’t know that. One of the techniques that was used in the 1950s and 1960s was built by Altech Lansing using a 100 watt device, putting out a sound wave at 5, causing every nail in a wooden building to wedge itself right out of the building because of the frequency that was being used, and collapsing buildings. With a 100 watt device, you can imagine what a 100,000 watt device can do.

And in particular, if you take a 100,000 watt device and you marry it with a second one, and one is projecting a 7 Hz wavelength at a particular foundation, and the other one is projecting a 6 Hz sound wave, the frequencies between the two are enough to cause a massive seismic disturbance. These devices were developed to detect submarines at the bottom of the ocean. They’re now being used as weapons, weather control weapons.

Primarily. They’re responsible for the droughts being caused off the coast of California, and they’re also responsible for the continuous flooding that takes place as the ocean is heated to create specific kinds of weather environments that they are certain will come ashore. So in addition to that, the federal government is also deploying chemtrails. These are chemicals that are used, that are deployed through aircraft, typically unmarked aircraft, white aircraft that are flying.

And they use this chemical dispersant to place things like barium and arsenic and so forth in the air floating down over a given city. And there’s a huge distinguishment between a contrail, which is really harmless, and even sometimes contrails, depending on the weather conditions, and the kind of JP five that’s in the jet, can create something that looks like a chemtrail, but it’s not. It’s only a comptrail.

But when you see a pattern that looks like a checkerboard in your sky, and it’s all gray, that’s a chemtrail. That’s not a contrail, that’s a chemtrail. And it’s been used repeatedly. In fact, I had somebody, a high placed officer in Pacom, admit to the fact that they were using chemtrails, and they were being deployed by the US Air force and contractors to the US Air Force, to somehow create this kind of barium stream over these cities.

Now, a couple of things you might think that this would be effective. One thing, it works to kill rats in a given city. You cover a city like New York, or Seattle, or San Francisco with this kind of barium. It will work to abate the rat traffic inside the city. But what kills a rat also kills a human being. And you also have to keep in mind that these were also deployed to create an environment to allow cell phones to function better in a given environment.

In other words, they create a bouncing umbrella for short wavelength broadband instruments in an environment. And so in this respect, the United States federal government is directly at war with the american people on orders of certain generals in the air force, certain generals at the Pentagon, ordering contractors to engage in behavior that includes the use of directed energy weapons, chemtrails, the use of harp and weather control instruments, as well as allowing for or providing acts of terrorism on american soil, such as shootings in theaters, schools, downtown areas, malls, wherever.

These kinds of events are being orchestrated by and done by the United States federal government in conjunction with intelligence agencies operating out of the UK and their contractors. So these are very important points to keep in mind about what’s happening in the United States. We have enemies of the state, in the state, inside the state. Now, currently, we currently have a top criminal cabal member, namely Joe Biden, who runs a cabal of interested and corrupted Democrats who also hold positions of power inside the US federal government, who have been engaged in systemic money laundering and money laundering of american tax dollars.

They’ve been engaged in violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices act. They’ve been engaged in the deployment of bioweapons and bioweapon research facilities offshore in contravention of not only national law, but international law. And they’ve been engaged in the perpetration of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including someone like Victoria Newland, who engaged in war crimes and crimes against humanity with the Maidan coup in 2014, who, as a result of her criminal activity in violation of american law, has now caused the death of some 700,000 Ukrainians.

And the Ukraine, Scott, quite frankly, is now a complete disaster, as Zuranovsky predicted. Zuranovsky predicted many years ago that ten years ago, in fact, that Ukraine would be completely destroyed by the west because the west doesn’t care one iota about Ukraine. The west is interested and has been interested since 1717 in destroying Russia. And there have been many attempts. Napoleon was one, Adolf Hitler was another, all attempting to destroy Russia.

And the Russians are quite well aware of it. And they recognize that the prize in Ukraine is not Ukraine. The prize in Ukraine is Crimea. Because if the British can capture Crimea, if the French can capture Crimea, then they can deprive Russia of any access to the Black Sea and then establish a base on the southern underbelly of Russia. To allow them to then move with greater alacrity into the nation of Russia for its ultimate destruction.

The Russians are well aware of this. They’re not going to tolerate it. But we do see, with the complete decimation of Ukraine and the impending coup, which is on its way now, the fact that Zelensky has lost his monetary support from the US just admitted by Joe Biden. Joe Biden has just admitted that Ukraine was a big mistake. Well, you know what, Joe, you ignorant, demented blowhard, if you had listened to people who knew better, besides people who were scratching their crotch looking forward to the money they were going to make in the military industrial complex, you would have known better than to engage in that fiasco and that farce in Ukraine.

You thought that you could go in there with NATO military and use a proxy army of slavic people to take on Russia. This was the dumbest move you ever possibly could have made. You guys forced Russia into combat in 2021. You forced them. You gave them no choice. They were jumping up and down, screaming and yelling, please let us solve this diplomatically. You forced them with your bellicose ignorance and your arrogant pomposity that was going out of the mouth of Lloyd Austin and Jen Stoltenberg and everybody else that was involved with this NATO arrogance.

Now Ukraine is a graveyard for NATO tanks. Yeah. And I might add, Trump contributed to that disgusting stupidity by glorying in the fact that he was no longer sending pillows and blankets to Ukraine. He was sending weapons. And how is that going to end? How has that ended, Mr. Trump? Because you were the one who started this domino to fall. Yes, it was a coup. DA tone 2014.

Yes, it was. Victoria Newland, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Brennan, all of the usual suspects, which he got a full memo about in 2017, among other times. But he was the one that lit this fire. He could have completely dispersed and spread and brushed away all that gunpowder. He could have said, no, we do not want to go this way. Let’s exercise some intelligence and humility.

Let’s get on track. But instead, I think he was a coward because he was afraid of the Russia hoax, the Russia gate issue, rather than coming out like a man and ferociously tearing the guts and breaking the back of every Democrat and every fool and every foolish argument about that, he didn’t do it. He played defense real stupid and then know doesn’t really do anything about Zelensky and Barisma and all of the connections to Biden and the sun.

He kind of, you know, we’d like to know what’s going on over there. Send us what you have. Send us the computers or we want to know. He asked these silly questions and then they impeached him right after that. He didn’t press it. And the whole conflict came as a result of Trump’s playing along or allowing himself to be played by these bullying Neocon fools. Victoria Newland. I’m sorry, not Victoria.

She is, too, but Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, who incidentally got pranked by the pranksters in Russia, who I met, they sent me a picture of Pompeo getting pranked, thinking he’s talking to Zelensky. He’s not. That’s yet to come out, which I laughed about. But all of these things that started, you could say Trump’s responsible for in part, and I’m not going to sugarcoat it and I’m not going to give him a pass because, God damn it, we have caused 500,000 Ukrainians to be dead and we have completely alienated Russia, which should have been our best friend against China and any other adversary.

Russia should have been on a 20 year trajectory to be closer to us than Britain was. I’ve said that for many years. And instead, Trump blew it all up. And he said the same thing about the Nordstream pipeline. He’s bitching and moaning about Europe and european oil. It’s their oil. It’s their choice. Russia is not a threat to Germany or any of the european countries. It’s not the Soviet Union.

It’s not looking to spread communism, Mr. Trump. But yet in an amazing display of idiocy or lack of education or lack of any sort of mental maturity about what’s really happening there, he just goes along with it. And I’m not trying to beat him up, but I am saying you really screwed this whole thing up. And if you think you’re going to go in there and fix it in a day, you’re even more of a fool than the liberal Democrats call you, because the Russians aren’t going to trust you.

1 second or one move, they’re going to say, you need to do the following, this, this, and that, and then we’ll talk. They’re not afraid of Trump. And if he thinks that, he’s going to muscle them. Now you’re playing with someone who’s ready to fight. They’re ready to fight. They’re trained to fight. Their military is better than the United States military because they’ve been fighting in Syria and now they’ve been fighting in Ukraine, and they’ve been fighting based on love and truth.

Not on lies and greed, which is what has animated and motivated all of the american wars since 911. Lies and greed. And that’s why all these soldiers kill themselves. That’s why a lot of these mercenaries who went to Ukraine are also killing themselves, whereas the Russians are fighting for their motherland, their family. That’s a different foundation. One foundation, the American foundation, lies and greed is a tarpit, a quicksand, and a cancer that destroys the people, destroys the soldiers, destroys the nation.

The other, based on love of country, love of family, and defense. We didn’t start this, but we’re going to end it. It’s an entirely different psychology, and no one in Europe seems to understand it. Instead, I think it’s comical. They’ve blown up all of their tanks, all of their armor, personnel carriers, all of their high Mars, all of their missiles. They have nothing but a bunch of transgender and woke slogans that aren’t going to influence the Russians in any way, shape, or form.

I can tell you that every time I’ve been back there, I’ve come back with the absolute confirmation these are the strongest people on earth. The United States used to be, in a sense, but not anymore. We are a diseased, schizophrenic, Mr. Hyde. Not all of us. I mean, the conservatives are the salt and light of the country, but for the most part, I would probably venture to say at least 65% of this country are just worthless retards.

But maybe I’m wrong. But I think I’m right. Steven. Well, you know, Scott, when we look at this, when we look at this issue of Ukraine, I think the issue we’re going to be dealing with now is what is Trump going to do about this? Yeah, because Biden, of course, has turned his administration into a humiliating disaster with one gigantic failure after another. Afghanistan was a huge failure.

His foreign policy in other nations, like Sudan, recently, he evacuated, know, helicopters out of Haiti, of all places. Humiliated in Haiti, humiliated in, you know, all over the world, in Iraq, in Venezuela. Venezuela, you’re going to try and overthrow Maduro with a little queer Guaido. How did that work out? The whole thing blew up in his face. And as is the Brazil coup d’eta that installed Lulu de Silva, that was also a coup, an illegal coup that was again orchestrated by the intelligence state.

Regime change, Karen, going in and using our friend’s hammer and scorecard to again adjust an election to deprive the will of the governed from being expressed in their own government. And anybody who thinks they can keep doing this because they’re Jason Bourne. They can go out there and shoot and kill anybody they want, overthrow this regime, assassinate that guy. There’s not going to be any repercussions to that whatsoever.

Well, as Vladimir Putin said and laughed when he said it to Tucker Carlson, you’re killing your own. Know, when you weaponize the dollar, you kill the dollar. When you weaponize the Justice Department, you kill the Justice Department. When you weaponize the FBI, you kill the FBI. And these people are not smart enough to know it because they can only see the instant gain. And the reason they can only see the instant gain is because they’re criminals.

Yes. These are people who are taking offshore bribes. These are people who are engaged in money laundering. Those are just the upfront crimes. Those are the crimes that are easily provable. We’re not talking about crimes in sex trafficking, organ trafficking, child trafficking, women trafficking, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, none of those things which are all going on in Ukraine. We’re not talking about any of that. We’re just talking about the obvious stuff, the money laundering, the kickback schedule that’s been going on to this crime cabal, this criminal cabal, which is really not headed up by Joe Biden at all, but rather is headed up by Nancy Pelosi.

She’s the head of this criminal cabal, not these other guys. She comes from a longstanding family of mafia criminal types. That’s her family. And so all she thinks is she has this criminal mindset. Well, okay, so when we deal with this issue now, Ukraine is now going know before the election, Biden is going to try to distance himself as far as he can from Ukraine. Never happened. Didn’t happen on our watch.

We tried to do what we could do, but that thing didn’t work out because the Ukrainians failed on their counter offensive. So we’re done, wash our hands. And then all of the propaganda organs stopped talking about it, just like they stopped talking about the $94 billion worth of gear we left in Afghanistan and the stupid withdrawal that instead of taking place at a bagram, took place out of Kabul.

I mean, it was just absolute insanity and pure nonsense orchestrated by our friend, the great trader Mark Milley, who betrayed the entire United States during the entire Trump administration. And so, here we go. So you see this guy? Nobody talks about Afghanistan. So Joe Biden doesn’t have to worry about the humiliation of losing Afghanistan because there’s nobody to remind Americans of it. And he’s not going to have to.

If he gets done with Ukraine, like right now in March, then nobody is going to be taught. None of these media, none of these media dangling, dried pieces of feces that call themselves journalists, that work for this legacy media, that are all mouthpieces for the deep state intelligence community, none of them are going to say one word about the fact that Joe Biden caused the death of 700,000 Ukrainians.

That Joe Biden caused all of NATO’s armament to be completely destroyed on the battlefield in Ukraine, that Joe Biden caused Russia to become the fourth largest, strongest economy in the world. That Joe Biden caused their military to regroup and refocus and restrategize and retrain. That Joe Biden caused Russia to get into a total war footing. That Joe Biden caused China to go to a total war footing. That Joe Biden caused North Korea to go to a total war footing.

Nobody’s going to blame. Put that on Joe Biden. Oh, no, we’ll just zip the lip. And then the instant Trump comes in, blame it all on Trump. You know, to look what Trump did with Russia, and they’re going to try to pull this same stupid stuff. And of course, what needs to happen is all of that media, they need to be investigated for their ties to the intelligence agencies.

And when they’re discovered with a non disclosed conflict of interest, working for the deep state, they need to be criminally prosecuted for being agents of a foreign power, namely Israel, operating in order to overthrow the government of the United States. So who do you think it is that’s orchestrating a depopulation regimen in the United States? Who was it that orchestrated the scamdemic in the United States? Who are their CEOs, and to whom are they allegiant? Who has orchestrated the coup that allows the deep state to overthrow the elected officials of the United States? Who did that, and who are these people, and who are they working for? And to whom is their loyalty? So the question is a Eugene McCarthy question.

Are you or have you ever been loyal to some other power other than the United States? And if you have, why haven’t you disclosed it? Why haven’t you registered as a foreign agent? That’s a question. That’s a criminal act. If you’re operating on behalf of Israel, have you registered as a foreign agent in this country? And if you haven’t, how about going to jail? How about that? And this goes for the same thing for all of these intelligence operatives that are sitting in.

I got to hand it to Trump. He did coin a good term that I think is working really well. Zucker, schmuck. For Mark Zuckerberg. He called him Zucker schmuck on Twitter. Okay, all jewish. That’s a good yiddish phraseology. Zucker schmuck. But anyway, but let’s delve into the jewish connection there because see, Stephen, my instincts are. Trump is walking a minefield and his delusional pride and ego and his self narcissistic falling in love with himself and his humor and his repetitive sloganeering and stuff.

In one sense, I look at him as a very shallow man, as they all are shallow. I mean, yes, I’m a little bit prejudiced because I hang out with smart people and I speak with smart is, you know, an 8th grader in a sense. And Joe Biden isn’t even in kindergarten. And most of the people in Congress aren’t that smart. Yeah, they’re traitors. And let me just do a quick rabbit trail.

Not a single person in Congress has ever, that I know of, stood up on the House floor and talked about what you talked at the beginning of the show. Ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress, we are under attack. There are chemtrails that are poisoning and sickening our society, and they need to stop. Yesterday, we need a bill to stop any and all chemtrails and expose and bring to the full attention of the Congress what is happening.

I’ve never heard anybody say anything like that. I’ve never heard anybody say anything about 911, the 911 event, the complete fraud behind that. Based on the science, you don’t have to get into who did what, but the science disproves everything. We have never had anyone in Congress, not Marjorie Taylor Green or any of these yahoos that claim to be some sort of heavy hitting conservative. They’ve never hit where it really matters.

They’ve never talked about and exposed and said on record in the United States Congress these evils that have been done, for example, in Texas, where in the name of God has anybody in Texas ever been? They should be standing up in Congress saying directed energy weapons have been used against the great state of Texas. We are our own republic. We are accusing Washington or national agencies or military agencies of doing this.

If not, prove it. If not, come and examine what’s happened. Where are the people in political power standing up and giving any sort of a declaration? They don’t have to be right on everything, but they have to declare that if you believe directed energy weapons have, get the smartest people in your state and gather all the evidence you can and make a legal argument. Say we’ve been attacked by directed energy weapons.

That’s never ever happened. And they won’t talk about harp either. They don’t talk. Know. So here’s the thing. Whether you’re talking Marjorie Taylor Green or you’re talking any other member of Congress or any other member, either party, they all give lip service to global warming. Climate change is a real issue for us. Oh, really? Climate change is an issue for you? How dare you talk about climate change when you are using weather manipulation tools like harp every single day of the year, when you’re poisoning the skies with chemtrails and you’re trying to say that somehow my driving an SUV is causing the climate to warm or to cool.

Hey, how about you stop manipulating the weather for a single day and then we can talk about climate change? They’re never going to do that because they don’t see any cause and effect about the fact that they’re open. Look, they’re causing droughts, they’re causing floods, they’re causing hurricanes. They’re causing hurricanes to be stronger and more powerful. They’re causing heat waves, they’re causing all of these things that are being done and earthquakes that are being caused by the use of harp.

And with all of these uses, then they come back and say, we’re worried about climate change. You are not worried about climate change. That is a bald faced lie. If you are, with one hand, paying inappropriation to keep harp manipulating the weather, and then you’re talking climate change out of the other side of your mouth, you’re a flat out bald faced liar. You’re not concerned at all about climate change.

What you’re concerned about is hitting people with a load of BS so you can tax the daylights out of them in order to put up failed systems of wind power which are massively pollutive, destructive to the environment, including killing off birds like you wouldn’t believe. Each one of those turbines uses 160,000 gallons of crude oil a year, each one of them, and they try to claim that they’re neutral.

We haven’t talked about the manufacturing costs and what kind of environmental ecosystem devastation is done from just the creation of those blades. Not to mention this idea of, oh, let’s everybody switch over to an electric vehicle. Really? Why don’t you show us the lithium mines? Why don’t you show us the lithium mines? And if you think an electric vehicle is a good idea, then what do you do when your state government comes to you and say, oh, look, the power grid’s about to fail, nobody can charge their cell phone? Then how are you going to charge your ev? How do you do that? Right.

And these people can’t see this stuff. These people are that. But the most important thing, Scott, and this is the most important aspect of it. The federal government is at war with the american people. Yes. And under Trump, they initiated one of the greatest genocides ever seen in the history of mankind, which was the scamdemic. And they came on with this scamdemic that they’re now admitting was nothing more than a variant of the flu.

They’re now admitting this was nothing more than the variant of the flu. We said in the very beginning. But that’s not keeping them from reintroducing the mask mandate. That’s not keeping certain airports from introducing nasal swab tests when you get off the plane. That’s not stopping that. That’s not stopping the governors starting to talk about social distancing, lockdowns, contact tracing, mask mandates. Again, that’s not stopping them at all, even though we all know all that stuff is absolute boobalum.

Steercoos. Okay, right on the box for the mask, it says, ineffective to prevent the transmission of a virus. It says that right on the box of the masks. Right on the box. It says that a mask is as effective at stopping a virus as a chain link fences and keeping out mosquitoes. Okay? It’s totally ineffective. Completely 100% ineffective. Social distancing, to be effective, has to be 32ft, not 6ft.

You want to mandate 32 foot social distancing? Fauci. You lion dog. You criminal. That took american tax money to engage in crimes against humanity, including gain of function research that you did in the United States until you got kicked out, then did it in China, then did it in Ukraine. You criminal. You’re a criminal. Engaged in crimes against humanity. And then the conspiracy that took place in order to drive up pharma profits.

Oh, we can make a buck on this, right? Let’s get everybody to take this. We’ll make a buck on this. Yeah, you made a buck on it after Trump gave $15 billion. Gave it to him. No, there wasn’t any congressional authorization. The budget didn’t originate in the House of Representatives. Go to a bipartisan bill between the Senate and the House, and then be voted on as a law.

He did it on his own. Here’s 15 billion. There you go. And they promptly used it to bribe every government official in the world to force their country into compliance. And those bribes are still being paid and they’re still being taken, and there’s still elements of force going on worldwide. Look, and don’t try to tell me if the guys in Vietnam. Just take one look at Jacinda Arderin in New Zealand.

Yes. She went from having a net worth of $800,000 to being worth 25,850,000 the next year as she imposed mandatory vaccines on New Zealand, which is a crime against humanity under the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights and the 1947 Nuremberg code. Yes. These people, they want to talk about, oh, we’re going to just go back to masks. You are committing an international crime when you do that.

Oh, we want you to just take a PCR test. That’s an international crime. Well, it’s not mandatory, but you’re not going to be able to keep your job if you don’t. That’s a crime. No prejudice to me. If I say no, no prejudice to me. That’s the international law. Yeah, well, you’re going to try to kill grandma. I’m going to try to kill grandma with the common flu.

Really? As compared to what you’re going to do with Mendazzlein as compared to what you’re going to do with a vacuum cleaner flipped on backwards and shoved down our throat as compared to that? Is that what you’re saying? So here you go. So we start with the premise that the federal government is at war with the United States. So, Trump, if you’re going to come into office and you’re going to try to lead this country on a consensual basis, stop making war on the american people.

Make war on the enemies of America, not America. Stop making war on America. And anybody who’s been involved in the depopulation of the United States, anybody who’s been involved in promoting the scamdemic, anybody who’s been involved in gain of function ever, anybody who’s been involved with the heart program, anybody who’s been involved in giving orders to chemtrail cities, anybody who’s been involved in that directed energy weapon program, including that 747 that’s got the small nuclear reactor in the tail, that was photographed shooting green laser beams into Texas, anybody who’s involved doing that, including the pilot, needs to be tried for crimes against humanity.

How about you go to jail? How about you don’t want to reject that order? Oh, I’ll do that. I’ll just go up there and burn down half of California and kill a bunch of people. I don’t have a problem with that. Oh, you don’t? Well, then how about prison? How about Leavenworth for you, since you didn’t reject that unlawful order? But if he doesn’t do that, then it doesn’t make any difference.

He can say, I’m going to clean out the deep state, which, of course, this is the protocol that he’s going to do. He just showed what he did with the Republican National Committee, but let’s see what he’s going to do because he didn’t do it last time. Bill Clinton didn’t have any problem firing the entire Justice Department and reappointing. Barack Obama didn’t have any problem with firing the Justice Department and relieving the whole chain of command at the Pentagon to replace them with his people.

That you didn’t get rid of Mr. Trump, and look what they did to you because you didn’t get rid of them. Look what they did to you. We told you completely clean out the Justice Department. We told you completely fire everybody on the 6th floor at the state Department. We told you to eliminate these positions. You would be better off with an ignorant, ill educated, 8th grade dropout janitor running the CIA than what you have doing it right.

You know, it’s amazing, too. One thing that occurred was at the State of the union. Of course, we know Joe Biden was giving rounds and talking to people on his way in and on his way out. And I recorded as he was leaving his conversation with a forestry official. And I put it up on the Facebook page and I played it before, and I know you saw it.

And it’s where Joe Biden goes up and he says, you know, houses, if you fly over in a helicopter, meaning at Maui, if you fly over in a helicopter, the homes with special roofs or blue colored roofs or discolored roofs didn’t burn. And the forestry guy says, yeah, if they’re made of the right materials, as if fire comes from the roof down. But that, to me, when he said that, instantly struck at a legal opportunity to say, Joe Biden has admitted that directorate energy weapons have been used upon the United States in this statement.

And he is fully aware and fully knows, and in fact, may have even played a part of knowingly or unknowingly. But it warrants a lawsuit, an investigation, some sort of illegal action, because it’s an admission of treason. It’s an admission of a conspiracy. It’s an admission that director to energy weapons affected homes without blue roofs. And here’s the recording. Here’s the testimony. This occurred at the state of the union.

It’s undeniable. It came right out of his mouth. And it’s something that legally needs to be hooked. He needs to have this harpoon thrust in his ass like Moby Dick. He is about this specific statement because it’s either director denergy or it wasn’t. It’s either true or it’s not. Which is it? But I think that’s significant that we have to hit at every opportunity that we have. But what are the legal dimensions of that? Well, the legal dimensions are that we have operations inside the United States.

The federal government cannot be deployed against american citizens. Pasicomatatas and pasicomatatas. In order to avoid pasicomatatus, you have to apply the 18 four insurrection act. In other words, you have to identify insurrection. So what was the insurrection in Maui? Lahaina? Oh, they refused to sell the Oprah. Oh, okay, burn them down. What was the insurrection in Texas? That they were protecting the border. That, by the way, the Supreme Court upheld their right to protect the border, and it was carefully articulated from the US Constitution that allowed Texas to do that and the 25 other states that joined it.

And so where’s this insurrection? And when did you go to Congress and get approval that this was an insurrection that would allow you to violate posse comitatas to deploy anything against citizens of the United States? Are chemtrails a weapon against the United States? Is the harp? If harp is being used to heat water off the coast of California to cause massive storm flooding, or to heat up the ground in California to force rain to not enter the state for months and months, until all the dams are completely empty, all the aquifer is completely dried up, and there’s nothing left, which we saw going on at the hoover dam and in Lake Mead, is that the use of a weapon? If you’re using a weather controlled device to do damage to a particular state, to manipulate events, is that a weapon? Well, of course it’s a weapon.

So when you talk about heart being used as a weapon against the United States, directed energy weapons being used against specific targets in the United States, chemtrails being used against the United States. And in addition to that, how about all this unauthorized surveillance? We haven’t talked about that yet. Barack Obama is the one who introduced unauthorized surveillance. Okay. Before 2008, you had a lot of social networks coming up, and those social networks were interested in search engine optimization.

So of course they would use posting in order to determine your likes and so on and so forth. But Barack Obama in 2009 introduced on fedcom. Gov, or whatever the name of the website is, contracts for any organization to come in and give backdoors onto all of these social media networks and including all of these Microsoft and Apple applications that would give keystroke backdoors, all these other backdoors that allow the federal government to download 100% of your digital communications without a warrant, without probable cause, and without notice.

To you, all of this stuff is a massive, massive violation of the Fourth Amendment and the Fifth Amendment. That your personal effects shall be private, that you have a right to these. And who in Congress has raised this issue? This one. This congressman right there. And so what they did is, when you talk about the fourth and Fifth Amendment in this respect, as Stalin once said, to kill a person is murder.

To kill a million is a statistic. To violate somebody’s rights by caving in their front door and going in and rifling all their personal effects without probable cause and without a warrant, well, that is an offense against the constitution. Clearly articulable. But to do it to 340,000,000 people through their smartphone, oh, well, we don’t know anything. And how about that software protocol that was invented by an Israeli that allows the Mossad to use that software, that allows the police department, once they have your phone number, put their phone number in their cell phone, and your phone becomes their phone, they can read all your text messages, all your emails, all your apps, see what you’re doing real time, all the time using that software protocol out of Israel, developed by Israel, for the use in your smartphone.

Where’s the probable cause to search my email? Where’s the probable cause to download my text messages? Where’s the probable cause to invade my keyboard to use a keystroke decipherer? Where’s the probable cause for you to mask this data in some NSA cloud somewhere? Where’s the probable cause that allowed you to totally abort the Fourth and Fifth Amendment? Barack Obama, he did it. He did it with federal money, and no one objected, no one recognized it, and no one overturned it.

So now we all live in a world with an expectation that our smartphone is spying on us. 100% of the time. Your smartphone knows your GPS location. Your smartphone is listening to you right now. Your smartphone listens to you when you’re going to sleep. That’s when you accidentally say something. The next thing you know, you got a Google Ad for it. The next time you open up your smartphone.

How’d that happen? Because it’s listening to you 100% of the time and watching your location. And now they know that these applications, they’re monitoring your. For instance, the earbuds, right? Monitoring your blood pressure, your heartbeat, your respiration, all that stuff that goes into, like, for instance, you can get some of these apps on, like of the phones, right? These digital phones, you put them on, they’ll monitor your sleep.

They’ll tell you how many hours of REM cycle you had, what your respiration was, what’s your heartbeat. That stuff is going on full time, full time with these devices. They’re monitoring everything about you. Where did they get permission to do that? When was there a national consensus for that to happen? When did the consent of the government say, what we really want to be is monitored 100% of the time by your digital fascism? The promise of the digital world to be something new and beautiful and to give us a whole new world of a lot more luxury and a lot more leisure time.

That there was going to be a work saving device and an intelligence saving device that was going to provide us with tons of information has become a techno fascist nightmare where they’re threatening us with social credit system scores, with central bank digital currency, with smart this, smart that, smart. The other thing that’s going to make the decision for you, what you can eat, when you can wash clothes, how warm your house can be, how cold your house can be, how much you can have in your fridge, how many calories you can eat, how many times you can fill your gas tank, whether or not you get to fly, whether or not you get to be on a bus, whether or not you get to take the train, whether or not you get to rent, whether or not you can access your bank account at all.

All of this is going to be controlled by this digital fascism launched upon us by the United States federal government in an act of war against the american public. So my question for any presidential candidate is, when do you stop warring against us as a people? Are you going to do that? And when are you going to do that otherwise? Hey, you can see right now nobody’s joining the military.

No. Why aren’t they joining the military? Because I’m not going to go kill other Americans, which is what the military is doing. And the military has been blamed for all of the fiascos and the failures of America for the past 20 years. The military people are arriving at the decision whether it’s accurate or not, and I think it is accurate. They’re blaming the military because it’s generals and high level officers and soldiers that follow these orders.

And yeah, you could say some of them are as dumb as a bag of rocks, but you still followed orders and went to Afghanistan, went to Iraq, went to Syria, went to Libya and went to Ukraine, and you’ve destroyed the reputation of the United States in the eyes of the world. People are looking at their own farmers and their own cattle ranchers and their own natural people superior to what they held the military in.

Military used to be the institution people always trusted. I don’t think anymore. I don’t think they trust the military. I don’t think they like the military. And as I said on the RT interview, all of the american wars are based on lies. That creates a cancer in the soldiers that fight them. That’s why they’re on all sorts of drugs. That’s why they commit suicide. Not so in Russia.

Not so with fighting for your homeland and your family. That’s a war based on love and truth, but not in the United States. We’ve never had a war based on love and truth other than World War II. And even that’s a stretch that could have and should have been avoidable in some ways. But the other big thing that is going to destroy the military even more. I mean, I could see the military.

Look at the guy who turned himself on fire. That’s a microcosm or a snapshot of what people are going to do to other military members, military recruiting stations. I honestly think you are going to see a backlash as the United States gets roped in. And if Trump goes along with it, he’s a damn fool because the Israelis are going to wage full and total war against the Palestinians.

They’re going to go into Rafa, they’re going to continue to commit genocide and starve these people. And if Trump says, finish the job, as Jim Fetzer had reported the other day, Trump says, finish the job, what’s the difference between that and Nikki Haley’s? Finish them. I couldn’t believe how stupid he was to use that same language. Finish the job. Finish them. Okay, you just got one word different.

Is this what you’re about is on the side of the genocidal maniacs of the Israelis because your daughter is married to a Jew, Jared Kushner, or a bunch of habad Lubovich, give you a bunch of plaques to put in your New York office, and you feel loved by Satan himself is what these people represent. This whole israeli thing, if they go into Lebanon and the US, if they’re all stupid enough to go into this fight, and I think they want as many wars as America can get involved with because that gives them the COVID to exercise martial law in the United States.

That’s why they want to fight with Russia. That’s why they want to fight with Iran. That’s why they want to fight with China so that they could declare an absolute national security emergency in the United States. And it’s COVID-19 all over again. But even worse, then there’s civil war, then there’s revolutionary war, then there’s people going, no way. And if it’s the american people and the american farmers against their government and their military, well, welcome to brave new world.

Welcome to the Hunger Games. Welcome to a position that nobody wants but people aren’t going to back down from. They’re being pushed into a climactic war, and this Israel thing is the catalyst. Go ahead, Steve. Yeah, I agree with that. Now, here’s the thing. When you talk about finish the job, you’re talking mean, of course, what’s going on right now is that the effectiveness of no water, no food, and no medical treatment is now paying off because the Palestinians are now starving to death in the tens of thousands.

They’re dropping dead. And these are children that are dropping dead with no food. They’re skeletonic now, and they’ve been starved to death. And it’s a lot like Auschwitz in that respect, in the way they’ve converted this camp into Auschwitz. The only difference is the Germans never bombed Auschwitz with people in it. But this is what they’re doing now. I can tell you that should they succeed in finishing the job and eliminating every palestinian out of Israel in order to create this nation state, the Red Sea will never be transmissible again by a ship, ever.

There will never be a time when a ship can go up the Red Sea. The Persian Gulf will be closed. There will be no shipping traffic that is going to be allowed to get into Israel. There’s going to be stuff shot down from Turkey, stuff shot down from Egypt, stuff sunk by the hooties, stuff sunk by the Iranians. Any israeli asset is going to be blown up anywhere in the world at all times.

Should they succeed against the Gazins, should they succeed. Now, this is one of the most. Let me just say, I think every consulate, every ambassador, every embassy is targeted, and every jewish person or israeli Zionist with an israeli passport. This creates a hatred for every jewish person because they’re instantly linked to Israel, they’re instantly linked to the political decisions. I don’t give a shit how many times you go out there and say, will you stand with the know? After this is all said and done, people are going to be, no, no, we’re done with you just by nature of your connection.

Just because you’re jewish, israeli. No. And I know there are some, like Norm Finkelstein and others who are adamantly opposed to the israeli zionist regime. And that’s fine. But I’m just saying, in general, this is going to create a backlash and hatred for everything. It will initiate the same kind of collective punishment that Israel is using on the Ghassans. They’re engaged in collective punishment for the crimes of an agency they created, Hamas.

And the kind of hatred that is going to be instilled is going to be a hatred that will last several centuries. Yes, they’re going to get kicked out of every country like they were in Spain in the dark ages. They’re going to get kicked out as they should. It’s going to be an absolute horrendous event for Israel, because no matter where they are, no matter when, oh, these guys were suddenly killed.

How’d that happen? Remember Gaza? Remember Gaza? And that’ll be it. Well, how come these guys, 22 years from now, there was a whole team of olympic athletes that were suddenly murdered. A guy just blew him up, or a guy just run them over with a truck, or a guy just set him on fire, a Molotov cocktail came to the door. Whatever it was, why’d that happen? Remember Gaza? Remember Gaza.

Remember Gaza. So Benjamin Netanyahu, he thinks he is the Ben David, right? He was anointed by that great Satanist, racial supremacist, Manakam Schneerson, who was one of the great racial dogs that ever lived in the last century, and who is now boiling in a vat of his own semen in the 7th level of hell. This fellow anointed Netanyahu. Oh, you’re the great Ben David. You are Mashiach ben David.

And you must do this and do that. Let me tell you who Netanyahu is. He is the king Manasseh, who is wicked beyond all pale. He is wicked beyond all pale. And he’s doing wickedness at such high places that the curse that came on Yahud is going to come on the modern nation of Israel. A curse of complete and total destruction, where the people in that nation will be hauled out and spread all over the world in slavery with leaven leashes around their neck and hauled stark naked into other countries whose language they do not know.

This curse is going to come on that nation as a result of their king, Menasha, that they’re exalting right now, and their seven headed God of lust, Hashem, died, that they worship. All of this is coming. All of this is coming so they can look at this and say, oh, we’re going to blow up Hezbollah, we’re going to blow up this, we’re going to blow up that. The hooties aren’t going to go away.

The Iranians aren’t going to go away. The shiite and sunni Muslims in Iraq aren’t going away. The muslim forces in Turkey are not going away. The muslim forces in Syria are not going away. The Hezbollah agreement in Lebanon is not going to go. Know, at one time they had a christian community in Lebanon that was controlled by the French. But the Israelis wanted to meddle in that because Netanyahu wants to expand Israel’s borders to the Euphrates and from the sea to the river, and we’re going to recreate Israel from the sea to the river.

Well, I hate to break the news to Netanyahu, his self aggrandizing narcissism, which is all being done behind criminal acts and to cover up criminal acts. Even the people in Israel can see through it. Millions of them are on the streets in Tel Aviv saying, get out. We don’t want you here. We don’t want you doing what you’re doing. And nonetheless, I mean to give you an example, Scott, here in the middle of this starvation and deprivation that’s going on in Gaza, India succeeded in actually airlifting food and supplies into the central part of Gaza.

They airdropped it in, they dropped it in, and an hour later, the Israelis put a 500 pound bomb on the same spot. Wow. This is the kind of thing. So finish the job. Finish the job expresses a total ignorance. Once again, is trump aware of international law at all? The Russians come to the table spouting international law right and left. I honestly don’t think he is, Steven. I think he’s deluded and drunk in his own narcissistic reflection of we’re the exceptional nation.

He’s got that. There’s no humility in the man. Dustin Nemos has a whole ensemble of how he’s the Antichrist. I’m reserving judgment, but I’m not close to anything. He may be, but he’s delusional in this. We’re the american exceptional nation. We’re the leader of the world. We’re the leader of Europe. Bullshit. Especially now, given our track record for the last five years during his term, everything was getting screwed up.

Yeah, he did some good things, but you know what? He did a lot of dumb things. And then Biden comes in. He allows himself to be overthrown. You and I were back there. You and I were back in Washington, DC. You and I presented the executive order that you wrote that identified the Nuremberg code, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the constitution of the United States, all prohibiting forced vaccines, and how the president needs to write an executive order protecting Americans, and he didn’t do it.

You and I were back there when all sorts of mayhem was happening, and Byrne and Flynn and Sidney Powell and all these people. We were warning against the domestic insurrectionists that were coming from the AFL CIO senior executive service that were doing Zoom calls. I’m sorry. I have to plug my ear to that, Scott. I’m sorry. We had no advanced warning of January 6 except 200 Zoom meetings, which there was an ear witness providing the live testimony telling you who was there, what the plans were, and who was it.

I’m sorry. We heard nothing. We heard nothing. Well, I’ll tell you that whole scenario. I mean, I don’t want to go back and revisit that, but I can tell you this. And the whole business about Trump being the Antichrist, well, that’s a whole different issue that I won’t get into at this point. But what I will say is this. The international law requires us to be a partner in the partner of nations, and that if the world is going to get along and not destroy itself in a nuclear conflagration, which we’re on the precipice of right now, we have to recognize and respect one another and live within our boundaries.

Good fences make good neighbors, and we would be well advised to do this and to completely abandon the idea that we have any commitment left to Europe and its NATO facade, its NATO Golem? We don’t want to do the NATO Golem anymore at all, particularly with Emmanuel Macron reinitiating the dead necromancy body of Napoleon Bonaparte. Oh, let’s put French. The french parliament just approved french troops in Ukraine, right? Did you know that? Now the french parliament.

Is the french parliament really so stupid as to think that the Russians can’t put a nuclear missile in Paris? Are they really so stupid as to think that. That they can’t put nuclear missiles over all of their recruiting, their training forts, and all of the places where they produce their armament? They really think that? They think, oh, we’re just immune. No russian missile can hit here. Really? That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

So the fact that Europe cannot let go of its racial hatred, we got to kill those slobs. We got to kill those orthodox, because they’re enemies to what? Western Catholicism? We have to kill those orthodox by any means. Let’s go kill them. They’re initiating the same hatred initiated in 1717, still coming forward. So we should have nothing to do with that. The United States should say, you know what? You guys want to hate on Russia, and you want to go invade, you can do it on your own.

You’re not doing on our dime. You’re not doing it with our munitions. You’re not doing it with our intelligence. You’re not doing it with our communication. Here’s, by the way, and speaking of that, while you’re talking about ignoramises, let’s talk about that patently vacant airhead, AOC, who is trying to figure out some way to force Elon Musk to divest of X. Well, if she forces Elon Musk to divest of X, what do you think Elon Musk is going to do with Starlink? What do you think he’s going to do with know he is providing all kinds of intelligence services to the United States government under Starlink, and you’re going to force him to divest of X? Why? So you can force him to work at the old restaurant where you used to work as a waitress? AOC, you patently blatant, ignorant idiot.

She is stupid beyond belief. Look, you got somebody who’s coming into Congress with a room temperature IQ, right? I mean, that’s it. Anyway. But enough of that discussion. Let’s go back to this discussion of where the United States needs to be. One of the things that is not talked about here, that should be talked about is that Canada is collapsing into a communist dictatorship, an atheist communist dictatorship under the tutelage of Fidel Castro’s son, Justin Castro, who thinks in the same way.

He’s got the same genetic disposition. He’s got epigenetic problems, he’s got the generational curse of his father on him, and he is taking Canada right into an atheist communist nation, criminalizing the Bible as hate speech, and anybody quoting or printing the Bible in Canada as being engaged in the promotion of hate speech in Canada. So you can count on Canada banning bibles, banning churches, closing them down, arresting pastors, putting them in prison for preaching Romans one, something along these lines.

He’s going to put them right in prison for doing that because he’s an atheist communist dictator. Now, America needs to look very closely at Canada and say, okay, look, we’ve got this. We’ve got, you know, Fidel Castro now, he’s not no longer south of Florida. He’s north of York. Okay? This is the concept we need to have in our minds. Fidel Castro is no longer in Havana he’s in Toronto.

He’s in Ottawa. Okay? And this guy intends to create a communist dictatorship. So what are we going to do as a nation? Well, one of the things we should do is we should terminate all commerce with Canada entirely. No commerce with Canada whatsoever, ban all canadian goods from crossing the border, and do not allow any american goods to cross the border into Canada. Period. End all affiliation with them in any strategic alliance, including NATO or anywhere else.

We’re no longer an ally. Withdraw all of our forces that are in Canada protecting their northern border from Russia. We should withdraw all of our radar apparatus, we should withdraw all of our infrastructure should be completely withdrawn from Canada, brought back over the border, and we should seal that border with a wall. The canadian border with a wall. Now, after we did that, we need to bombard Canada with Radio Free America, broadcasting over the canadian border and talking to the individual provinces like Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, into leaving Canada and joining the United States and leaving that dictatorship and leave him basically with the city of Montreal.

Everything else should be taken away from Justin Castro. And of know, we in Alaska are very interested in the Yukon territory joining into the alaskan fabric. The Yukon territory is interested in doing that. We would more than readily accept it because look, the people who live in the Yukon, people who live in Alaska, we live the same lives. So if you want to join, know we would just as soon expand the alaskan territory out to the Mackenzie river in Canada, which is to the east of the Yukon territory.

And we’re not trying to grab up any canadian territory, but the people who are Yukoners are treated like they’re secondhand citizens in Canada anyway. They’re not granted provincial status. It’s a territory like the Northwest Territories. Yes. And so Canada needs. We need to start focusing on the idea of dividing Canada as a nation, separating those people who love freedom and that who love the american way more than they love this communist atheist.

Liberate them, liberate them, encourage them, motivate them, inspire them to assert their God given rights to overthrow Justin Trudeau, to overthrow their Nazi police with their black and white hat strips as they beat people up and steal their money and shut down their bank accounts when they protest the COVID-19 lockdowns like the trucker thing did. This is war. This is ideological war, political war, diplomatic war, whatever you want to call it, economic war.

But this is exactly what the american spirit and the american people are supposed to be about, is about absolute freedom and liberty and enjoying the fruits of your labor and not going this route of serfdom of the communist Castro. Trudeau’s agenda. You can’t live at peace with this wickedness. You have to make war against it. And that’s the big question. Is Trump a man of war, or is he? Can we all get.

Let’s, let’s. And want to be liked by everybody. I want to go in and be liked by no one except the righteous. I want to be hated by the unrighteous for God’s pleasing my God. God’s angry with the wicked every day. And we should be angry with the wicked. And we should be proclaiming truth in a way that makes them furious. Then we know we’re on the right side of God in history, but we’ll see if we have leaders that’ll do that.

Yeah. Well, now, here’s another issue that I want to bring up today, Scott, and this is an important issue. The article four, section four of the constitution requires every state to provide a republican form of government. Yes. Now, you have to keep in mind that the twelve colonies that initially signed the Constitution and Rhode island joined later that those colonies were already in the union. But every other state after that had to sign an active session to become a member of the union.

The active session required a pledge on the part of the state joining to provide a republican form of government. And the worry was that one of the states that would join, say, California, for instance, would create a tyrannical dictatorship and that dictatorship would grow and ultimately threaten the United States. Yes. So this was the thinking behind of this mandate that you have to guarantee a republican form of government.

Now, we know that on the West coast we have agents of corruption. That, for instance, I would describe the government in California as an apartheid regime. Yes, it is a minority of really whacked out, woke communists who control the ballot box through rigged elections in a state that is more than the majority is conservative people who want to live american lives. And so you have a minority group that is controlling the majority and refusing to give expression to the consent of the governed because they will not allow a free and fair election.

So when you look at the rhetoric behind article four, section four, the rhetoric in the federalist papers and the foundation for all of this, it was laid out in such a way that the government must be representative of the people it governs. This is the most critical factor. The government must be representative. And furthermore, it must maintain the echelons of a representative government, which at its source, at its very genesis, at its very base, at its very foundation, is a free and fair election, not a rigged election and a rigged election, which has been going on in California, going on in Oregon, going on in Washington, going on in Colorado, going on in Michigan, going on in Arizona, going on in New Mexico.

Rigged elections. When those elections are rigged, that government, which is now, by the way, the government in Washington is so holy and Scots. There is no cognitive dissonance. There is no alternative source of anything. It is the woke versus the woke, the far left woke versus the far, far left woke. That’s who’s running for office in Washington. Because the state is completely transformed into a left wing communist dictatorship where the governor completely exceeded his constitutional authority to impose a pandemic, shut down the legislature for over a year, refused to let them meet because they would break his social distancing rules in his contact trace, imposed mandatory mask wearing environment, and then proceeded to act as a dictator, making all the decisions for the state, including delineating which businesses were essential and nonessential, which ones had to have closed down, which ones needed to experience massive and excessive fines in violation of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution, in order to run his tyrannical fantasy land while he pilfered tax dollars and federal agency relief funds and put them in his own pocket through blanketing NGOs.

Now, when you look at this, you say, well, what can we do? Oh, we need to vote him out. You can’t vote him out because the elections are so rigged. He didn’t even bother to campaign in 2020. He didn’t need to. He didn’t need to put up a single sign because he knew he was already going to get elected. He didn’t need to worry about it. Okay, so the elections, and not only were they rigged, but they were completely illegal.

He counted the election on his own servers instead of the secretary of state service, which were provided for by the act of Washington’s legislature to be the computers that would be used to count it. So he was in violation of Hava, he was in violation of state law, in violation of the state constitution, but most importantly, he has destroyed the republican form of government. Now, it’s not just him.

The illegal elections in Washington have been ongoing since 2004. They’ve been rigged elections, allowing illegals to vote, allowing the dead to vote, allowing people to get multiple ballots, allowing people who are no longer Washington citizens to vote. On and on and on the list goes. Each one of those diminishes everybody else’s vote by some percentage, in violation of Reynolds versus Sims. So what is the cure to this? The cure to this is for Trump to intervene under Article four, section four of the US Constitution to intervene and say these states have deprived their citizens of a republican form of government and they’re in violation of their active session, where they agreed to, as their constitutional entry into this republic, to provide for a republican form of government.

And by cheating in elections and by creating apartheid regimes and tyrannical dictatorships in the hands of the executive, they have violated and are in breach of their active session. Therefore, I’m declaring them to be in breach of their active session and I’m withdrawing their statehood. They’re now territories of the United States, no longer a state, but a territory. And their senators are going to be kicked out of Congress, their representatives are going to be kicked out of the House, and they will be advantaged by a bureaucracy that’s in the White House right here.

I will appoint their governor and I will appoint their leaders, as I do in Puerto Rico, as I do in Samoa. And there isn’t going to be any more elections. And that’s going to be consistent until the state grows up and realizes that when you sign a contract, you have to live up to it. If you agree to provide a republican form of government. Stop cheating. Stop cheating.

And this trying to tell a Democrat to stop cheating is like trying to tell a junkie to stop have. I think that is a very good prescription that Trump needs to follow and needs to do. And that’s the real test. I want a successful replacement of Biden, whether it’s Trump or someone else. Personally, I like Douglas McGregor. Colonel Doug McGregor. I think he’s far more intelligent, but I don’t think he has the political will.

Trump would be wise to make him as vice president if he didn’t. Do you know, I’m skeptical on Kerry Lake. Just know, a woman being vice president, I just don’t like that. Or a woman being president. Vice president, I just don’t like that whole idea. I mean, Kamala Harris is a basket case, but she doesn’t even count. I do think, and I’ll say it again, and I’ll say it often, I believe they’re going to assassinate Kamala Harris and then put Gavin Newsom into Kamala Harris’s position and then assassinate Joe Biden and then move Gavin Newsom up that way into the presidency and declare martial law and suspend the elections in the summer of 2024 or probably August, September.

Well, let’s talk about that dynamic for a second, Scott, because as I mentioned to you earlier, the head of the cabal is not Joe Biden. The head of the cabal is Nancy Pelosi. Now, if you recall, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean are the ones who signed off on Barack Obama, an M. I six agent with a british passport to become the president of the United States under an alias, with a fake marriage, with fake kids, with a fake Social Security number, with a fake draft registration.

On and on it goes. She signed off and said he’s eligible. Now, the only reason Biden has not been assassinated to date is because Nancy Pelosi has not given the order. But here you see a clear conflict when you’re talking about raising her nephew, Gavin Newsom into the post, right? She may look at this and say, okay, well, I’m not going to do this because there’s other people in the Biden family that have got other things besides just Hunter’s laptop.

They have all the emails from know the rat pack kids, right? And you know who they, right, they’ve got all those emails. And so the Bidens are probably telling Pelosi, look, you try to move anything like that, we’ve got our own people that are going to come forward with all the emails of your son, of Chuck Schumer’s kid, Mitt Romney’s kid, John Kerry’s kid, and all of their works in developing bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

All that stuff is going to come forward. So this is holding her hand. So if you’re asking yourself the question, why isn’t this going forward? I think that’s the reason. I think she has decided that she cannot do this right now because of the potential of what could be exposed for Paul Pelosi and others. And so you see something really kind of a harbinger of weighing this elephant in the room of really nothing but filth and the crimes of this whole cabal.

Because this is a mafia. These are oligarchs that are running the country. They’re mafia oligarchs that are engaged in international crimes. And by the way, the whole world knows it. See, we’re the only ones that don’t know it. Americans don’t know it. Everybody else in the world knows it. This stuff has long been published in Poland and the Lithuania and in the european press. Everybody knows what’s going on.

We’re the only ones that don’t know it. So this is why I think when you talk about Kamala Harris and this whole, look, if Trump really wants a good vice president, he needs to find somebody who know, born in India, who’s operating under a fake name, like Nikki Haley, who can’t possibly be a natural born citizen, but who’s a woman. That’s what you want to, you know, and get a woman of color if you’re going to do it.

You know, this whole thing, I mean, this is just like Rwanda, right? Nikki Haley, what’s her last know? And like, no, I’m sorry, I’m not voting you under your alias, Nikki. I’m not going to vote for you under your alias. And even though the press will not tell us your true name, they won’t tell us your true name. Right. Well, what a bunch of bologna. Once again, we’re getting misled by a bunch of propagandists.

So where Trump is concerned, I’m not sure what he’s going to do. And it’s not a given that he’s going to get elected. And the reason I say that is even though he’s got, I think, the majority of the american opinion, the blue states have the capability of rigging their elections, orchestrating victories in 25 states, and they’re joining together. One difference between the communist left and the american right is that the communist left operates in unity.

Yes. The american right punches each other in the face. So the communist left will get together and say, you know, what we need to do is we need to do what I’ve already said the Republicans can do, which is to withdraw our electoral votes. We’re not going to allow Trump to take office at any cost. We’re withdrawing our electoral votes so that he cannot be elected and 25 states just refuse to vote.

Now, what’s the condition at that point of the country come November 5, come November 10, Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln, isn’t it all over again? That’s what it looks like to me. That’s what it looks like to me. Except the difference is Abraham Lincoln was supported by the crown. There’s nobody supporting either one of these guys. We’re the last game in town. And when this game falls apart, then it falls apart for the whole.

Yeah, yeah, I think that is the scenario, Steven. I think it is going to fall apart. The handwriting’s on the wall. We have come up wanting, found in the balance and come up wanting the evil, the wickedness, the sin, the vile, homosexuality, abortion, every form of perversion, killing our kids, castrating our kids, all of that has a cost. All of that sin is going to be what a man sows.

That which he surely shall reap, we’re going to reap. And America is not going to be resurrected on a foundation of sin and wickedness and pride. America and all that bullshit. It’s only going to be resurrected on a foundation of repentance with a nineveh like humility. Absent that, the country will be dissolved. And I think we will go the way of the italian Florence states. Right? The city states or the Florence republics.

Back in the 15 hundreds or so I see Alaska, suddenly it’s its own country, its own republic. Texas, same thing other states. Well, we were a republic before America fell apart, and we’re going to continue to be a republic after America falls apart. And you will see, like you said, walled cities and a totally new dynamic. But maybe that’s God’s way of giving us 70 years in the wilderness, maybe 70 years in captivity of Babylon, maybe like El Cid in Spain when the moors and the Muslims came in.

It took a while for El Cid and the Spaniards to route them and push them out, and it took a period of time of suffering. I think we’re about to enter that period of suffering. I think so as well. And I think when you talk about that Russia went through a 70 year famine of the word atheist communists, okay? And anybody who forms a city state, for instance, the Bay Area or the Seattle area or the Chicago area, New York area, they form a city state that is going to be adherent to the woke communist left.

Atheist left. Well, they’re going to experience a 70 year famine of everything. It’s going to be a very severe drought for them, a very draconian famine that’s going to be horrific for them. I would expect cannibalism to be replete on the streets in a very short period of time. Other parts of the nation that break away and form themselves as separate entities, not because they want to, but because they have to, because there is no unified state left.

The state has dissolved. The dollar has crashed to zero. There’s nothing remaining. Trump’s already talking about issuing a new currency, right? Okay, a smart move. It reintroduced the Reichs mark, like Adolf Hitler did, right? He introduced the Reichs mark. But I can tell you the Reichs mark was what caused the german economy to boom, to allow them to build their war machine. Same thing here. If you introduce a new dollar that is completely independent of the Fed, the Fed is totally shut down.

Fed doesn’t exist anymore. It’s completely closed. It’s gone. There is no central bank anymore. There is only a government issued currency, and that currency has no interest rate associated with it. It’s a completely neutral dollar. Once you get it out of the hands of the roadshield family, and you have an independent dollar that belongs to your country, like JFK, wanted to do, you can immediately create economic health.

And for any state that is going to break away to become its own republic is going to have to deal with the issue of currency. And the issue of currency is it has to be absolutely neutral to be credible. And another tip, for any nation that’s going to any state that’s going to break into its own state, including Texas, Florida, other places may do this. That when you do mean you are going to be responsible for your partnership as a member of the international community of nations, which means you need to be up to speed on international law and all that it entails about how you deal with your neighbor in every respect.

So if you don’t have teams that are constantly studying the international law, you’re going to make grievous errors that could result in you being invaded or otherwise destroyed. So get up to speed on the international law so that you can stand up for yourself and tell what’s left of America that is Washington DC, and New York, if it’s not a nuclear ruin, which it will be, or la, that’s its own state that says, we’re going to do it this way.

Well, I’m sorry, we in Texas do it this way, and we’re a sovereign nation. And to understand the full aspects of sovereignty, full aspects of humanity, the fundamental platform of human rights, the governing by the consensus of the people, and reasonableness in that consensus in the foundation of the common law, all of these things have to be present in your nation if you’re going to succeed. If you don’t have these things, then you’re going to be gone.

And finally, a reverent nation that is based upon a specific theology, not a diverse theology. We’re not letting every theology in here, there’s a single theology that comes in. That is the theology which governs, and that is the theology that needs to be required. If you do not confess that faith, you don’t hold office, period. Do you think for a minute that the Mossad, atheist, Talmudists, you think they don’t require an oath to their faith before they let you rise? You think they don’t? They require an oath to their faith before they let you rise in politics in America? Don’t think they don’t.

That’s a theology. But it’s not disclosed, is it? It’s not. And are we going to become that kind of a nation? No, we’re not. That nation, our nation, is based upon the blood of Messiah and his resurrection. That’s what our nation is based upon. That’s who we are. That’s who we are. We are the children of the new Covenant. We are not the children of the old covenant.

We are the children of the new Covenant. The Brit Hadesha, the blood of Mashiach. We are these people. And this has to be our ideology, our foundation. And this has to be the course of our government. It has to be enshrined in the government. And if you don’t, well, then guess what? You will be muslim in short order. Amen. A lot to ponder. Stephen Pigeon, always a pleasure.

Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you for your wisdom and we pray, we pray for your health. We pray for our country. We pray for our future. We pray that the president that God raises up is raised up to be a man of righteousness and leads our nation back to being a righteous nation under God. But whatever he brings, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Stephen Pigeon, we will have you on again next week.

Thank you so much again for joining us. God bless you. And thank you for joining us on globalfreedomtv. com on great awakenings. Email us@globalfreedomtv. com we will see you next time. God bless. Good night. Thank you, Scott. .

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chemtrails in America corruption in current administration crimes against humanity in Ukraine directed energy weapons controversy Dr. Stephen Pigeon on U.S. government actions money laundering accusations against government political figures role in Ukraine conflict talk show discussion on Ukraine situation Trump's decision on Ukraine weapons U.S. state under President Trump weather control weapons debate

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