2024-01-17 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Dr. Stephen Pidgeon.

Posted in: Global Freedom TV, News, Patriots



➡ Scott Bennett and Dr. Stephen Pigeon talk about big world issues, like the sad story of Gonzalo Lira, an American-Chilean journalist. Gonzalo criticized the leaders of Ukraine and the USA, got arrested in Ukraine, and didn’t get much help from the American embassy. He sadly died in jail. Bennett thinks the US government didn’t help on purpose because of politics. He says this bad treatment could make Americans question their government.

➡ There’s a big theory about some famous politicians, like Victoria Newland, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton. They are accused of causing trouble in Ukraine, including money problems and secret labs funded by Democrats. This theory says these people make money from war and other bad things in Ukraine. It also says this corruption is everywhere in the US government.

➡ The text talks about bad things happening in the US government. It says people who aren’t qualified are making decisions that hurt others. People are worried about President Joe Biden’s ability to do his job well. The text also accuses the US and UK governments of doing really bad things and says they have a secret plan to make fewer people live in the US. It criticizes how the US treats other countries, especially Israel.

➡ Government workers should help American people, not hurt them. The text says that things like lockdowns and forcing people to get vaccines are wrong and break important rules about human rights. If a country fights in wars and sells weapons to countries in trouble, that’s considered a war crime.

➡ The text says that some countries like Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa should stand up to the US. They should not let certain American people come into their countries. It also suggests these countries could send help to Gaza by sea. The text thinks the US government is not doing things the right way and that it’s turning into a government that watches and controls people too much. It says people might have to stand up for their rights against the government.

➡ Maria Zakarova from Russia doesn’t listen to advice from France’s leader, Macron. She wants Russia to make its own choices. People are worried about problems in the US, especially in Washington D.C., and how it affects the whole country. There’s also talk about troubles with Israel and Egypt, and how the world might stop working with Israel.

➡ The text talks about what might happen if some countries are found guilty of really bad crimes. They could lose their power to vote in the United Nations and be called war criminals. They might have to pay for the harm they caused. Finally, the text talks about how the US might fall because of its own political and economic problems.

➡ The text covers many things like election results, problems in Ukraine, and claims that the government is doing bad things. It worries about what Trump might do and criticizes the Democrat party. It ends with a warning about secret tunnels linked to bad stuff. The speaker wants strong and peaceful solutions to problems, and is against anyone messing with elections.

➡ The text criticizes a Jewish group called Chabad Lubovich and talks about laws that were recognized under past US Presidents. It mentions underground tunnels in New York linked to these ideas but says there’s no proof. It warns President Trump to think of American people first.

➡ The text says Democrats like Michelle Obama and Nancy Pelosi are causing problems in society. It worries that Trump might not be able to fix these issues. It talks about possible big changes in politics and doubts about groups like the European Union and NATO.


Blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight. This is great awakenings on globalfreedomtv. com. Scott Bennet, your host. We’re joined once again by the great Dr. Stephen Pigeon. And we’re going to be exploring a variety of subjects and topics tonight from Gaza to Israel to Ukraine. And also I want to meditate a little bit on the death of Gonzala Lira and what this really means and can be translated into for all Americans on a constitutional citizenship basis.

So, Stephen, it’s great to have you. Great to be joining you one more time. This is getting hotter, it seems by the moment, there’s so much going on. But we’ll get into the Red Sea and the brewing war and conflict in Israel and the International Court of Justice and Ukraine momentarily. But first, I wanted to explore with you what I’ve been doing some shows on, and that is the death of Gonzalo Lira, an american chilean journalist being killed in Ukraine, how that can be applied and used by the american people to secure their rights.

And what I mean by that is, as I see it, as I understand the situation, and I won’t belabor it here, but essentially Gonzala Lira, an american chilean journalist went to Ukraine. He had two children in Ukraine. He was critical of the ukrainian Zelensky government. The Biden government essentially said they’re going to lose this war with Russia. This is back in 2022. And he was a blogosphere guy.

He was known by the Duran and RT and I think Tucker and others, Julian Assange sort of guy, but a very mild dude. So he’s like 54, 55, and he’s over in Ukraine because of his two children. Well, the Ukraine security services kicked open his door and arrested him for breaching the peace. Based on his blog, his reports on how suicidal and stupid Zelensky was being, as we’ve all done, as everyone with a brain has done, because we understand and are not biased or prejudiced by political scripts.

We call it as we see it, we want to be a scale of equal justice, of truth. And they threw him in jail and they charged him with a crime and they said, you are going to be facing a charge. You’re released on bail. Well, he went, as I understand it, he went to the embassy. He went to the US embassy to consulate. He tried to get the State Department to assist him.

They did nothing. And this is confirmed by his father. They did nothing. So it also was said that Victoria Newland had a hatred for him because he was critical of their whole agenda. And he then, seeing that he was not getting any help from the state Department, nothing was being done. And mind you, the State Department. Joe Biden, of course, had very close ties with the government. Hell, he fired the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma.

And we were financing the entire government of Ukraine, the United States and the american taxpayer. So the american taxpayer are essentially a siamese twin of Gonzalera. What they do to one citizen, they do to all of us. By what the government does to one citizen, they’re setting a precedent to do to all of us. Unless you challenge it and say, no, it’s unconstitutional, I’m challenging it in court.

You’re not going to do that executive order. You’re not going to make that decision. You’re not going to deny someone consular services out of an agenda to hurt that person. You wanted to kill him. You wanted him to suffer. You wanted him to be in jail for political reasons, not out of anything else. You did not give him the basic minimum service that an american pays taxes for.

The government to do. The government is to perform and to do duties for the citizenry and the people that animate the State Department. Victoria Newland Anthony Blinking taking orders from Joe Biden because the buck stops of the president, they intentionally, maliciously, willfully denied him all services and as a result, he jumped on his motorbike and tried to get to Hungary. They arrested him at the border and threw him in jail.

And he was in jail up until he died, which was like eight months or so. And it’s come to me from intelligence sources that he was beaten with hammers in an agonizing way. So Gonzalo Lira was arrested at the border a second time. The embassy did nothing. Despite his calls and pleadings, the jail refused to give him any sort of assistance. He gave a letter to his lawyer that got it out to his sister.

And in that handwritten note to his sister, he said, I’ve got double pneumonia, collapsed lungs and edema, and no one’s helping me. And he died a few days or. Yeah, I think it was a few days later. It was January 4. So he’s died. And my thing is, Steven, as a result of the government intentionally, purposefully, willfully choosing not to act, that choice, that act of omission, resulted in his death.

And they planned his death. They wanted him to die, as far as I’m concerned, premeditated murder one. I think there’s a case to be made for that. But the clear, easy, low fruit is the record. Will show that they intentionally wanted him dead. Like Victoria Newland had said, f the EU, we’re going to put people into the government after 2014. The whole record is full of evidence of their corruption.

But in the lira case, I think there’s evidence that they intentionally did what they did, leave him in there and he died. Now, if they wanted him to die and they expected him to die, and they wrote emails and made phone calls to that effect, then that’s even more evidence that you premeditatively murdered him. My point is this, Stephen. The constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence says, when a government becomes tyrannical and destructive of your rights, it is the right and the duty of the people to overthrow such government and reconstitute one which seems fitting unto them.

They deprived him of his call. Civil rights violation, yes. Deprivation of rights under color of law. Yes. Wrongful death. Yes. Murder. His father has a million, I’m sure, million dollar lawsuit waiting to be filed. But more importantly, my theory is the american people can submit an affidavit to their congressman, to their county, to their mayor, to their sheriff, to their senator saying, this action by the executive branch breaks all ties.

It violates the constitution, it violates the declaration, and more, it satisfies the declaration of independence requirement that says, when the government becomes tyrannical. I argue that the government has become tyrannical because they intentionally murdered this person, not the congress, not the Supreme Court, but the executive branch. And as a result, the executive branch has no more authority, jurisdiction, or lawful claims of power over the citizens because they have murdered a citizen.

And thereby, besides being impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, they are a tyrant. Someone that wants to murder you is not a government or a friend. It’s a tyrant. It’s an enemy. And by law, natural law, you are required to break any binds or bans with a tyrant. It’s very similar to what the British did in the murder, the killing the shooting of the colonialists in Boston, the shot heard around the world when the british redcoats shot and killed a mob.

That was, if I’m not mistaken, what ignited the revolution going to the next level, which was, you committed murder. You shed blood. We’re dissolving all bans and recognition. You have no more authority. Red coats. We are an independent colony, independent people. That is what my sense is coming to me, is what happened and conquered in the dissolving of the allegiance to the British as a result of people being murdered.

I think the same template could be applied to Gonzalo lira. And as a result, the same dissolution of political recognition can be exercised between the people and the State Department and the executive branch and impeaching and all sorts of other things. But, Steve, I’ll hand it to you. Am I out in left field? Is there anything truthful on this? What is your thought on this death of Gonzalera and trying to translate it into a positive that people can use to divorce themselves or really expose and bring charges and prosecution against those who have done this action against him? What they did to him, they did to all of us.

Stephen, I’ll hand it to you. Well, Ukraine is really. Let’s start with what it isn’t. It isn’t the 51st state, it’s not a member of the EU, it’s not an official ally of the United States. It has never declared its borders to the UN. So it’s not an official nation. So what is it exactly? Well, what it is is a laundromat. That’s what it is. It’s a laundromat.

And it’s a cesspool of corruption that allows state department being led primarily by Victoria Newland, who is the one who orchestrated the most blatant overthrow of a democracy in the history, in modern history with the overthrow of the duly elected government in Ukraine in 2014. In the Maidan revolution, where she paid her and her husband paid mercenaries to kill civilians with using active sniper fire in order to destabilize the nation and to upset the nation to overthrow its lawfully elected government, to install a group of puppets that would work at her command, not at the command of Hillary Clinton, not at the command of Barack Obama, but at the command of Victoria Newland and her supervisors.

Activated in the Mossad, in Israel, which is whom she’s truly working for. She’s not working for the United States interest now. She is a bloodthirsty warmonger compared to the people around her who are crooks profiting off of the warmongering mentality, including Lloyd Austin, who is probably deceased now. I believe he died in Ukraine on January 3 with a missile strike during a meeting he was having with General Zeluzny talking about how they were going to launder the latest batch of cash that came into Ukraine.

Zelensky has never been an allegiant to Ukraine. His allegiance is to the Soros foundation, primarily. And his sole function as president of the Ukraine is to launder us money to make sure that the money comes in and is redistributed through back channels back to particularized Democrats, including those Democrats that were running the bioweapons labs in Ukraine. And you know who they are. Chuck Schumer’s son, John Kerry’s son, Mitt Romney’s son, Hunter Biden and others who had established some 46 bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

And they did so in order to launder money that was coming through the Defense department. And so this is a money laundering operation that has been complete. Oh, Nancy Pelosi, I forgot that I left her son out. This is a money laundering operation that is designed to take american tax dollars and to dump them indiscriminately into the most corrupted nation, really on earth, but certainly the most corrupt in Europe that Zelensky would then shepherd and make sure that these funds were going here, here, and here while his administration is overseeing the genocidal slaughter of ukrainian nationals wholesale by putting them into a meat chopper called the Donbass.

An award that he started while he’s governing and supervising child sex trafficking, child organ harvesting. Organ harvesting from these dead young people who were died on the front lines. And this kind know organ trafficking that’s going on out of Odessa, child trafficking, woman trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking. And they know that a huge percentage no one’s ever audited the number of weapons we put over there to determine whose hands they ultimately landed.

And many of those weapons have been sold on the black market, including to drug cartels in northern Mexico whose personnel have come over the border with our weapons that are now being trained at us, including arming Hamas in Gaza with those weapons, and other terrorist groups that, by the way, are now located in Germany and France and Spain and Britain and Ireland and so on and so forth.

And so this has happened because we have nothing but crooks at the top in the executive branch. They’re all criminals. And they’re criminals that have been engaged in treason. They’ve been engaged in money laundering. They’ve been engaged in bribe taking and bribe giving and graft. They’ve been in violation of Foreign Corrupt Practices act. They’ve been doing quid pro quo. As you mentioned earlier, Biden fired a prosecutor and withheld a billion dollars in funding to Ukraine until they fired the prosecutor that was looking into his son’s business dealings.

That’s quid pro quo to the maximum degree. And, of course, no one. And the problem is that you see no one in the executive branch doing anything about any of these crimes. It’s like this is a completely privileged class that gets to commit crimes at a wholesale level. That is now so criminal that the rest of the world cries out. America should be crying out, but the rest of the world is crying out at the criminality of the american government.

Congress had a responsibility to do something about this, but apparently Congress spent too much time at Epstein island because they appear to be completely and totally compromised by the blackmail regimen that was created at Epstein island, that they’re afraid to vote anything. And we also see the same problem in the judiciary that has been unwilling, for instance, to make a determination whether or not Barack Obama was an american citizen.

When Barack Obama committed the crime of proffering a forged birth certificate on the White House website that should have landed him in prison, or if it was a high crime deserving of 18 years for the felony of providing a false birth certificate to obtain a federal position, you could have been easily impeached for that crime. There’s not a peep. There’s not a sound. There’s nothing. So what’s going on at the federal level right now is a level we have arrived at, a completely corrupted government.

There is no element of non corruption existing. Whether you’re talking about the Pentagon, whether you’re talking about our intelligence agencies, whether you’re talking about our law enforcement, whether you’re talking about our foreign policy, whether you’re talking about the DoD, there is no level that is not completely corrupted. It’s just, you know, it’s so rotten now that the bottom of the barrel is caved through from the rot that’s inside the barrel.

And so now this is what we’re beginning to see now, this Gonzalo Lirav situation. First of all, there is no ukrainian state. They have no gdp whatsoever anymore. They’re completely 100% reliant on american money. And somehow, and I don’t know how this happened, but somehow you and I have to work our fingers to the bone in order to pay for the retirement and pension program for ukrainian bureaucrats.

When did that happen again? I don’t recall that treaty. I don’t recall that understanding. I don’t recall the agreement that was made. What did we get in exchange for this? What did we get in exchange for this? Lindsey Graham. Well, we got to kill Russians. Well, listen, bloodthirsty Lindsay, capital bloodlust Lindsay. When you talk about killing Ukrainians or Russians, was it a good spend to drop $223,000,000,000 to kill some 50,000 russian soldiers? Really? Or are you bragging about the 15,000 civilians that were killed in the Donbass and in Lukansky? And Dongietsk, are those the people that it was a good investment to put 223,000,000,000 to kill them? Children, women, families that were at daycare centers.

Is that the investment that’s paying off for you, Lindsay? Yeah, I mean, it’s just inquiring. Minds want to know. But in the meantime, 223,000,000,000 that could have gone into the cleanup at Palestine, Ohio, the repairing of roads and infrastructure in the United States, rebuilding of bridges, dealing with the homeless problem, for instance. How about spending a little bit of time on legislation that prohibits corporations from owning residential property? How about that? And no investment in residential property like other places who’ve had this problem have finally cured it? No, we don’t do that.

Instead, we have homeless littering the streets of every american city because of the impotence and the incompetence of the american congress, which can do nothing. When you have absolute, pardon my french on this, but you have a large blob of fecal remnant in the middle of the toilet called Mitch McConnell that is really dead feces blocking up all of the plumbing in Congress. And that big hunk of dead feces is also beholding to everybody else that will not allow anything to be done in terms of justice to be had for the nation and in terms of the country actually functioning in meeting its responsibility.

So when you talk about a state like Ukraine that has no underlying foundation, it has no gdp, it has no tax base, you have half the countries fled and has no intention of coming back. And the other part of the country is doing everything they can to hide to keep from having Zelensky kill them by putting them in a trench out in eastern Ukraine unarmed with no commanders and nothing else, and you move.

And if you don’t sit here in this trench and die on behalf of the country, my guy’s going to shoot you in the back of the head, right? So you have a half a million dead at the hands of Zelensky, who’s not a leader of Ukraine. He is a money laundering agent for the Soros foundation, period. That’s all he is. He’s not a leader. And to have this money launderer sit this former comedian who runs around in his little red know, you saw the video.

To have that bozo sit there at the helm and say, I’m going to direct the military traffic. You guys charge up the middle into Bakmoot. You guys charge up the middle into avdievka. You guys charge up the middle into Marinka. Just go. Everybody get in there. And then just wait there until I show up. Well, I’m not going to show up. Just wait there until you’re dead. Because after all, if you knew the kind of money we’re making on your organs, we’d think about giving a percentage of that to your kids.

But no, that isn’t what happens. And we’re not giving any of it back to America either. All the money we make on trafficking american arms, trafficking your organs. Thanks for fighting in the ditch. Now we’re going to traffick your organs, trafficking your children. All the money that we make doing that, well, that goes into our pockets. Look, we’ve got expensive villas we have to pay for. We’ve got gold plated Mercedesbenz.

We’ve got ferraris that we have to take care of. We’ve got yachts. My mom’s got a $10 million house. I got to take care of all that. I mean, why would I give any of that money back to you? Are you kidding? So the fact that it’s a completely failed state that has none of its own capability, this means that all the actions of Ukraine, all of its actions, any decision that it makes at any level, government level, military level, any decision it makes is actually a decision of the State department? Yes.

And the DoD. It is not a decision of Zelensky. It’s not a decision of Zelujini or of Khaliba or of anybody else in that country. All the decision making is being done in the State department and at the SEC death office. Now, you said that this ultimately lands on the desk of Joe Biden. No, it doesn’t. The only thing that lands on Joe Biden’s desk know where’s the bathroom? Where’s the ice has.

I don’t believe he even knew that there was a bombing, a missile strike on Yemen. I don’t think he even knew that. It was like, what? Why did you order the strike on Yemen? Can you fill me in? What happened? He had no idea. Because he’s not cognizant. He’s not capable. He is, as a matter of political law, incompetent to hold the office of the presidency and should have been removed on the 25th article.

The first time he shook hands with nobody, right? That’s when he should have been removed. He’s completely incompetent. And the fact that he isn’t removed tells you that the people that are below him are making any decision they want. And Lloyd Austin, I believe, came to the conclusion, I can do whatever I feel like doing, and if I want, to go siphon 100 million off that particular grant here, maybe a billion out of here.

Well, I’m going to do it. There isn’t anybody to stop me. I’m the decision maker. I’m going to do whatever I want. And you have the same thing happening with Anthony Blinken. Now, Blinken, I think, has got a little more integrity than Lloyd Austin, but Blinken is also an incompetent. And so he runs around. He went into Israel and began to preach the language of genocide and democide when this false flag called October 7 happened at the northern end of Gaza.

When that false flag happened, Blinken was right there. Oh, yeah, let’s pound him. Let’s kill him. Let’s do this. Now he’s in a situation where he’s got to backpedal. Backpedal because the whole world knows. I mean, look, Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be convicted of war crimes and crimes against him. That’s right. That’s what’s going to happen to him. I mean, it’s an absolute certainty. And he pulled off this stupid stunt in order to hold on to office, because if he doesn’t hold on to office, he’s going to prison for taking bribes in Israel.

And he knows that. So he’s doing everything he desperately can do to try to hold on to office. And that includes genocide and demoicide and starting this false flag, which has now turned into the prelude to World War II. Yes. And these morons, these idiots that are running around that are. There’s no decision making coming out of the White House, Scott. It’s not coming out of the White House.

It’s coming out of the bureaucrats themselves. Now, if Austin was killed on January 3 in Russia, in Kiev, rather, excuse me, in Kiev. If he was killed on January 3, who ordered the missile strike in Yemen? Now, I don’t think it was the assistant deputy secretary. I don’t think so. No. It was somebody else, and I think I know who it was. The same one that ordered the assassinations in Kiev.

Same person, the same warmonger. It wasn’t somebody. It wasn’t Lindsey Graham out of Congress. It was somebody else who said, we’re going because they don’t perceive Israel as distinct from the United States. Israel’s interests are the United States interest. The United States interest may not be Israel interest. Israel doesn’t give a rip about the US, as one person put it. Name ten good things that Israel has done for America.

What have they done? Let’s name it. They came in and helped us in Iraq. No, they came in and helped us after 911. No, they name them. You can’t. What you can name is their assault on the USS Liberty. What you can name is their involvement in the destruction of the World Trade center. You can name these kinds of things. You can name their involvement in the pandemic that we just went through.

You can point directly to that. But what are you going to say that they did on behalf of the United States? But in the meantime, it’s one way street, billions and billions of dollars to the israeli state so that they can give us the finger and then go out and start wars and force us to fight them. Like the gal who claimed and told George W. Bush, oh, there’s weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

You guys need to go in there and get know. And as soon as we made that huge mistake, which was a huge vacuous mistake on the part, the, the challenge, the mentally challenged George W. Bush, no sooner do we get in there than Netanyahu starts with this bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Language. Now, Netanyahu kept shooting his mouth off about bomb, bomb Iran. Well, guess what, Benji? Now Iran is showing its capabilities with its hypersonics and its other deadly accurate missiles, and you’re seeing what bomb, bomb Iran would have looked like because it’s going to look a lot like bomb, bomb Israel.

And so here we have the decision made by somebody not directly in the chain of command. Now, we know there’s a couple of people that aren’t directly in the chain of command that have more or less seized the wheel of authority in the White House. Victoria Newland and Mark Milley, neither of them have the authority to do what they’re doing, but they’re doing it anyway. Did anyone evaluate and has anyone reported to Congress like they were supposed to report to Congress before they launched 100 cruise missiles into Yemen? You know, at least Barack Obama put up a NATO flag before he dropped 110 cruise missiles into Libya.

These guys didn’t even do that. They went down to open fire. Oh, wait a minute. Has it occurred to you to negotiate? Have you tried a diplomatic settlement? Have you tried to exhaust any other remedy besides bombing? Oh, we don’t have to do that. We’re the mighty and the powerful U. S. We’ll just punch them right in the face, kick them right in the groin, and then tell them, either do it or we’re going to waterboard your wife and kids.

Right? That’s the attitude that’s going on in these warmongers heads in DC. So is this a tyranny well, it’s beyond a tyranny. And like I say, the actions of Ukraine are the actions of the State Department and the Department of Defense. There is no Ukraine. So any crime committed by Ukraine is a crime committed by the secretary of defense, by the secretary of state, and by the head of the DoD.

Anytime that there is a Highmar that’s targeted a civilian structure is a war crime committed by the Pentagon. Yes, anytime that there is a particular civilian bombed in Gaza, that’s a war crime committed by the Pentagon. The decision to use a 2000 pound bomb on a hospital is a war crime committed by the Pentagon. Now, the first group on earth to understand this very clearly are the south african lawyers, one of whom is von Rensberg, who is now moving forward with an inclusion in the suit of naming the UK and the US for war crimes committed in.

I mean, that’s. Again, that’s just the beginning of the opening of the barrel. The fact of the matter is that when you start committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. Now, let’s go back and talk about these, Scott, because you mentioned it before, when your government turns against you with the intent of killing you, that government is a tyranny. Okay, now let’s go back and talk about the pandemic.

Yes. Planned in detail in the back rooms of agencies belonging to the US federal government since 2017. Patents reaching all the way back into the 1990s, gain of function being sought since 2014 by Anthony Fauci on us federal payroll and with the goal of greatly reducing the population of the United States. Well, reducing the population might be a nice fuzzy term that Bill Gates can use, but in reality, under international law, it’s acts of genocide and is.

Yeah, you’re right. That’s a very good distinction. It’s something entirely different when Bill Gates talks about it because he’s a private citizen. He’s just like. Stephen King could say the same thing. But when a government employee who is employed by the taxpayer, who is the puppet of the taxpayer, essentially they are to do nothing. When in office, when working, when part of the government apparatus, their sole performance is to do the will of the american taxpayer.

And by harming the taxpayer, killing the taxpayer, planning, conspiring to kill the taxpayer in pursuit of a depopulation agenda, you are a tyrant, you’re a murderer, and you’re doing something that is not protected under the COVID of the constitution of the United States or the government. Immunity. You have no immunity. You’re doing murder against citizens. Well, I’m just part of the government. No, you’re doing it because you’re a psychopath and you will be charged because there’s no government immunity for you.

And just name your pick of all the government. That’s right, Fauci. No, when it comes to immunity, you have to be working inside the scope of your job. That’s right. So, for instance, let’s say you’re a prosecutor and you’ve got prosecutorial immunity. Does that mean that you can go and as a prosecutor, start making a bunch of deals to do a bunch of real estate, laundering money for the drug mafia, and claim that you’re immune? No, you’re not, because there is nothing about laundering drug money that’s within the scope of a prosecutor’s duty or job.

And so this is a long standing law on immunity. In order for you to claim immunity, you have to be working within the auspices of your job. Now, arguably, as Trump said, anything that he did as president is in. Within the auspices of the presidency. I agree with that. That’s right. But when you’re talking about a lower level bureaucrat like Fauci, when you start doing things like paying for gain to function offshore, when you know it’s prohibited by the US law that you have no immunity whatsoever, you’ve got no immunity.

Now, let’s talk about the crimes against humanity. Okay? Lockdown. That’s a crime against humanity. It’s a violation of universal declaration of bioethics. And in the same vein, lockdowns, mandatory testing, contact tracing, social distancing, mask wearing, all of those things are crimes against humanity. They all violate the universal declaration of bioethics. Mandating a vaccine, whether you’re talking about within the US military, or as part of an employment protocol, or as part of being able to go visit your parents in an adult care facility, all of that.

Anybody who mandated that, engaged in a crime against humanity. That’s what they did. It was a criminal act. It’s crime against humanity. It’s a violation of the 1947 Nuremberg code. In addition to violating the Universal Declaration of bioethics and Human Rights. And if you prejudiced anybody because they said no, like denying them health care at a healthcare facility, refusing to treat their cancer, refusing to treat their broken bones, refusing to do this, that, or the other thing, firing them from their job.

Yeah, any of that. Any of that. If you did any of that, you have engaged in a crime against humanity. And to the extent that the federal government has done that, it has been engaged in one crime against humanity after another, after another, after another, after another. The FDA, in failing to recognize the DNA components inside the jab that has been pointed out by the surgeon general in Florida, engaged in crimes against humanity.

In addition to negligence, non feasance, atheasance, malfeasance, and misfeasance, they’ve also engaged in crimes against humanity. The CDC, the same way they’ve engaged in crimes against humanity. So as a consequence, you’re talking about enterprises now that are going to be recognized by the whole world. Yes. As a completely illegal enterprise. And it is an enterprise that is engaged in nonstop crimes against humanity. Under what tenet of international law do you drop bombs on a country that has done absolutely nothing to you, like Trump did in Syria and like Biden has just done in Yemen? How do you do that again? And I want to talk about how you figure that you have the right to dump munitions and weapons and armor into a country that is engaged in a conflict like Ukraine, putting armament into a country that’s engaged in a civil war, which is what the situation is in Ukraine.

It is ukrainian speaking people versus russian speaking Ukrainians. Yes, that’s what it is. And you start dumping arms into that country, how is that not a violation of international law? That is absolutely a war crime, and it’s a crime against humanity. And every country, including the Czech Republic, including the UK, including Britain, including Spain, including France, including Sweden, including Poland, including Lithuania and Latvia, all of those countries that have put arms into that country are guilty of war crimes.

Yes. But the United States is the most guilty because we facilitated it all. We bought the equipment for them to put into the country. Yes. So any war crime that’s committed by Ukraine is committed by the United States. Any war crime that is committed by Israel, which did not have the vast array of 1500 pound bombs or 2000 pound bombs or cluster munitions or phosphorus bombs that were dropped on civilians in Gaza, these are all crimes of the State Department.

They can all go right back to Anthony Blinken. Every one of those crimes, every single person who was a civilian who died in Gaza has a war claim crime, a war crime claim against Anthony Blinken. Every single one of them. And he made the mistake of allowing genocidal language to come out of his mouth. Now, you know that the south african press, the south african lawyers, published 500 statements that were pro genocide statements made by Netanyahu, made by the israeli defense minister, made by the head of the Knesset, made by other members of the Knesset, explicit genocidal statements.

We’re going to kill every last Gazin. We’re going to force every last Gazin out of Israel. We’re going to take all of their property. We’re going to be the supervising authority over the Gaza Strip. There will be no gazins left in Israel. We’re going to kill all of them. They’re only animals. They’re not even human beings. They need to be killed. And that includes killing their babies, killing their women, killing their children, killing everybody.

And then Netanyahu himself ordered the death of the wife and the children of the leader of Hamas. The very first act of war he did. Now, this is being likened to the actions of the Nazis during World War II by everybody. The world court is looking at it from that point of view, the international criminal court is looking at it from that point of view, that these are crimes that have not been seen since the excesses of the nazi party in 1943, 44 and 45.

They have not seen this kind of criminal bloodlust before in the world, except going back to that. So you can see that these kinds of things are going to have an explicit equation. So how does this reflect on Gonzalo lira? Well, Gonzalo Lira, you have somebody who was critical of Ukraine, critical of Zelensky, critical of Victoria Newland. And Victoria Newland was like, hang him out to dry and cut off his testicles.

Well, that kind of action is the kind of action that is worthy for Victoria Newland to be prosecuted for what she did. And there is a woman that deserves prosecution. She deserves prosecution for the war crime of overthrowing the regime in Kiev in 2014. She really needs to be prosecuted for that. Because of her actions. We’re $223,000,000,000 in the hole because of her actions. There’s 500,000 young Ukrainians lying in a grave in Ukraine because of her actions.

Because of her actions, Europe is going into a great depression because of her actions. Germany is deindustrializing because of her actions. The Brits are playing three times as much for natural gas because of her actions. The Red Sea is exploding into a volatile mess that’s going to lead us into world war three because nobody told her no, you don’t get to do that. You’re an employee. You do what you’re told, and you abide by the US constitution, not by your hidden agenda and your allegiance to the Israeli Mossad.

As a segue, there’s an interesting opportunity that seems to be developing, and that is, as you’re saying, all of these war crimes are floating to the surface. All of these revelations are becoming more and more clear about Israel and the United States and all of the crimes and bloodlust and theft, crimes against humanity, inventing weapons out of ukrainian labs. All of this comes right back to the United States and Israel.

But what seems to be emerging is the vacuum of leadership, of truth, of honor. The vacuum that’s being created is going to be filled by bricks. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Malaysia and other countries as they’re added. In particular, Gonzalo Lira’s, Chile and probably other south american countries. It’s only going to quicken these actions by the west. The killing of Gonzala lira should quicken a lot of these conversations.

But what would be interesting is if the BRICS nations really collectivized more and said if we are in favor of sovereignty and independence and all of these good things, free trade and prosperity and non military interventionism for, against color revolutions and basically saying, hey, leave everybody’s government and culture to them, not to the world police. If we really stand for that, then we have to not only swear out international arrest warrants and bounties for Victoria Newland, but we must say she is not welcome in any BRICS country.

The US embassies are not welcome in any BRICS country. But I mean, maybe you could start out with saying, victoria Newland, Persona non grada. You are not allowed to step into Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Other nations that are part of Brics ostracize and forbid these people from coming into your country. Economic sanctions and other things. And the other thing that seems to be manifesting. And I said, this is how you solve Gaza.

Gaza is being turned into a powder concrete ruins with everything’s destroyed. There needs to be a ship convoy similar to the convoy that rescued the soldiers from Dunkirk. I remember my relatives telling me all the time, dunkirk, a massive, massive convoy armada of rowboats, tugboats, fishing boats and military boats and ships all coming across the English Channel to rescue the british soldiers from annihilation upon the beach. And the same occurrence needs to happen where Russia, Turkey, China.

Three ships lead the convoy behind them. Iran, Saudi Arabia, if they don’t have a naval weapons ship, have one of the princes pleasure yachts. But every nation that is part of BrICS should have a naval convoy and guys in sea dos and little sailboats too, all descending to land upon the Gaza beach and provide water, food, medicine and secure that beach. Head as the BRICS territory for its embassy.

Sign a document with the palestinian ruling Authority. This area of the beach belongs to the Brics nations for a year or until it is rescinded. But BRICS owns the territory that it lands its ships upon to provide triage. And then you expand outward by building public markets, economic development. You take the territory back and you forbid Israel, what are you going to blow up? A russian ship, a chinese ship, a turkish ship that are leading this convoy, and behind them you have all these other BRICS nations.

I think that would be very successful. It would catapult Russia into the global leadership position because no one else could do it besides Russia. The Chinese don’t know how to do it. No one would follow. You know, there’s too much religious disagreement. But Russia could be the leader of that. And I think a convoy landing in Gaza is the only way these people are going to survive. Otherwise they’re going to be extinct.

They’re going to be wiped out. So I just wanted to add that in there and then also to finish on Gonzala lira. The one thing I want to explore is how can people materialize their recognition of this government, the State Department being a criminal tyrant that is now null and void and has no constitutional authority anymore? Make the case. They have no authority. And until it’s proven otherwise, yeah, it can go through the courts, it can go through the impeachment, it can go through other systems.

But as a result of this action, this action breaks all contracts, all claims of authority that the Biden administration and the State Department have. There has to be a consequence to their action. That is not. Well, this is just negligence. No, this is intentional. This was murder. And because it was murder, it’s the same thing as the Boston Marathon bombing. The people of the United States are not recognizing this executive branch as having any authority anymore based on this specific incident.

I know it’s never been done since 1776, but I think it needs to happen now. Now, I put it to you. What would you do, Steven? Or is this something that you would say? Something else has to be done in the alternative to what you’re describing? Go ahead. Well, I think personally, I believe the US federal government no longer has a legitimate claim to govern, period. At all.

There hasn’t been a bona fide election since 2018, a true election that is lawful under both federal and state law. So there’s really no elected government holding office. There’s just a bunch of power grabbers who spend all their time at a satanic ceremony in order for them to claim power. And they don’t care one iota about the constitution or anything else. They’re just power grabbers. So what you have is you have a completely failed government.

That’s what we have in the United States federal government. It’s a totally failed government that is full of nothing but corrupted individuals acting like they hold a political office pursuant to the constitution. The constitution is DOA. It’s completely dead. There is nothing left of the constitution. Because if you don’t respect the constitution, how do you hold an office under the constitution? If there is no constitution? There is no second amendment.

There is no first amendment, there’s no fifth amendment, there’s no 6th amendment. I mean, look, the fourth amendment, search and seizure, right? Everything you say and you write and you do is searched and seized on your smartphone or on your laptop or on your desktop 100% of the time. And there is no warrant, there is no probable cause, there’s no showing of anything. You just have a massive intelligence network that just seizes everything.

And they are preparing to impose a techno fascist dictatorship of the highest order of tyranny ever seen by anyone, ever. This is all. And by the time we get to January 1, 2025, you’re going to see a system of central bank digital currencies, a social credit score that is predicated on the three integers of environment, social, and governmental scores as to how you interact with those. And you’re going to be denied all freedoms altogether.

And your permissions, your privileges are only going to be allowed predicated upon your social credit score. This killing of Gonzala lira is going to look like the good old days when somebody actually had some free speech. You don’t have a government anymore. You have no legitimate right to govern at all. None. What they have is they have money that allows them to control the coercive power of the state.

That’s what they have. And they don’t have anything other than that. They have money which allows them to control the coercive power of the state. They have no claim to that coercive power. They have no contractual right to it. They have no bloodline right to it. They have no genealogical line to it. They have no scriptural authority to it. They have nothing. There is no reason for them to be in control at all, other than the fact that they happen to be sitting there controlling people who have guns.

And Joe Biden made it very clear. You want to argue with me, I’ll send an f 15 out to blow up your house. That’s what he said. You better have some 15s if you want to argue with me, because I’m holding the government by force. And he openly threatened the american people, openly threatened the US military, and he has been engaged in a nonstop war against the american people trying to deprive us of food, trying to deprive us of commerce, trying to wreck our military establishment and trying to get us involved in World War II, facilitating an invasion and facilitating an.

He’s, he, look, it’s very clear when Texas has to come down to the boardwalk and say, you feds have to get out because you’re tearing down our barbed wire. Yes, you have to get out because the feds are openly told by Biden to open that gate as wide as possible, to bring in as many military age young men as he can possibly get in the country with the intent that they will kill us and be our replacements, to live in our houses and to be voting on behalf of us because we will be replaced because he hates Americans.

He hates America just like all the other leadership that’s in DC. So this is not a representative form of government. It’s not a democracy. It has nothing to do with that. This is a country that has been overthrown by communist thugs illegally and everyone else in the world knows it. And they’re engaged in non stop war crimes worldwide. Yes. So the situation is we can sit here and say, gee, you guys are illegitimate.

Gee, you guys should be replaced. Gee, we should just ignore you. It’s not going to happen. What is going to happen, Scott, is that the whole world is going to rise up and blow the living daylights out of these criminals. Yes. What’s going to happen? That’s the only thing they understand. And that’s what they will understand. They’ll understand the mushroom cloud over New York City. They’ll understand that one.

They’ll understand a mushroom cloud over Washington DC, they’ll understand that one. And who cares if they understand it? That point, it’s like Macron came out and made this statement about know, oh, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. We’re going to go ahead and fund it. We want the Ukrainians to do this, that and the other thing until the Russians understand that they have to capitulate. And Maria Zakarova came out and said, first of all, we don’t listen to Macron for any advice in any respect.

Secondly, you don’t tell us what to do. We make our own decisions. You’ve already tried to tell us what to do. You brought in all your troops. You brought in all your ammo. You brought in those stupid Renault so called tanks that were all blown up in the first 15 minutes. You saw those things, man, those six wheeled supposed armored carriers. Those things works good against unarmed Muslims.

Maybe in Marseille they’re not going to work at all in Ukraine. So here they are. And so this foolishness that’s going on is absolutely ridiculous. And so because Joe Biden can’t figure out what’s going on and because you’ve got crooks that are sitting there in DC, that all they can think about is my house isn’t big enough, I’m not driving a fast enough or beautiful enough car. My mistress isn’t wearing enough diamonds.

Right? While Zelensky flies his wife over here to spend a million bucks of american taxpayers money on her jewelry collection and has the clerk fired because she wasn’t attentive enough to her know. Really baloney. So the fact of the matter is that unless the United States says, and there’s a hundred million people right now, I mean, look, we haven’t talked about the Trump victory in Iowa. Yeah. And feel free to jump into that anytime, okay? I mean, but get on the bulldozer, fire up the diesel and drop the blade.

The momentum that’s coming out of Iowa now is an absolutely unstoppable force. And any of these communist mouthpieces that are sitting there in New York, let me tell you, New York is going to be abandoned as a matter of. It’s like you guys are not even part of America anymore. Why don’t you sit there and talk amongst yourselves? We’re going to put up a fence around you and then send in Kurt Russell with an eye patch to govern the.

I mean, that’s what’s coming. Or we’re going to send in another Giuliani, but reminiscent of more of who’s the second in command of Putin? Medvedev. We’re going to get a Giuliani, but make him like a Medvedev character, Charles Bronson, to go in there and just say, you’re all dead. You have 30 days to get out or else you’re going to be dead or incarcerated. But, yeah, it’s such a tragedy because New York had such character.

It was the Empire State. It was the oldest state, I think it was, where they first set up the seat of the american government under Hamilton under George Washington. The first seat of government was New York City under George Washington. And he took his oath of office in front of St. Paul’s church in. And you know, the thing is, though, Scott, is that I want to say this.

First of all, Israel has just opened up another front with Egypt. We’re going to come down there and take control of the border. And Egypt is like, no, you’re not going to take control of our side of the border. You can get your butt on the other side of the fence. You’re not coming over here on this side of fence. Get your butt on the other side of the fence and we’ll shoot you to prove that you’re not coming over here to this side.

Now, Israel, of course, being unable to count and thinking that it has the right to bomb anybody it feels like, doesn’t recognize that Egypt is a country of 80 million people that can put a very large army to bear against Israel and is in the process of doing so. And if the Egyptians want to let 20,000 hooties in the back door of Gaza, well, that’s what’s going to happen.

Maybe that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t used a genocide language. Maybe that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t brought your Apache helicopters down and shot a bunch of partygoers and then blamed it on Hamas. Maybe that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t formed Hamas in order to counter the political aspects of the Palestinian Authority. Maybe that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t ran your tanks into that kibbutz at the gazan border and started blowing up buildings with israeli citizens in it.

Maybe that wouldn’t, maybe none of that. Maybe it wouldn’t happen if you hadn’t told the lie about 40 babies being burned to beheaded and had the same witch that lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq tell that story. Maybe that wouldn’t happen. Maybe that wouldn’t happen. But you guys let all that genocide language come out complaining that you were the big bad victim of your own Hannibal doctrine.

You’re the big bad victim. And, oh, poor us. Poor us. That gives us the license to go bomb and kill women. And know, Scott, I pointed this to other Americans who are supporting this stuff, okay, suppose there’s a drug dealer, right? And the drug dealer has a shootout with some cops, and then he goes into the biggest mall in the city. Did the police have the right to go over there and drop a thousand pound bomb on that? Because he’s a criminal in there.

Who would allow that? Who would allow that to happen? Nobody would. But it wasn’t 1000 pound bomb. It was more munitions than were dropped on Hiroshima were dropped on Gaza. Right? And even the pope recognizes it as genocide. So now you’ve ticked off the hooties, now you’ve ticked off the Jordanians, now you’ve ticked off the Lebanese, and guess what? Iran is no longer saying, ok, we’re going to sit back and do nothing? No.

Iran just moved its tactical advisors and new munitions into Yemen. New even better missiles than the ones they had before. Iran also just fired missiles in Idlib and another area in Syria to kill Mossad bases that were up in Idlib. And another place, Iran also fired missiles at a pakistani terrorist group, Jaish al Dadl or something like that. But Iran has begun firing missiles at terrorists and groups that it defines as terrorists.

And I did an interview with them and I had know this is something to be careful of because part of me says this smells like a divide and conquer technique. Because the pakistani government withdrew its ambassador from Iran and forbid the iranian ambassador from returning to Pakistan. And I said, this smells of a divide and conquer situation that the west may have be part of. Be careful, because this is not a time to sow division between islamic countries like Pakistan and Iran.

This is a time to focus on what the real enemy is, which is Israel’s genocide of women and children. That’s the first stage. Don’t lose the war because you wanted to win a battle. The war is about saving women and children from genocide and stopping this israeli onslaught that will spread to other muslim countries. If you don’t kill this, you know, we’ll see how it goes. It’s going to go well.

Because the key thing you got to keep in mind is that Iran has shown several things. One, we’re not beyond hitting your spy outlets. You’ve been doing it to us nonstop here for the last 15 years. It’s time for us to start hitting you. We’re going to start retaliating for the moves you made against our people, particularly for the strike in Kirman. We’re going to start retaliating for that.

We’re going to start killing your people where they live. And you didn’t think we were going to do anything. But in Yemen, you come in and you launch in 120 cruise missiles. And now we’re going to put more advanced weapons in there, more technical weapons with greater and greater range. With more. You’re going to lose a ship or all of your ships. Yeah, you’re going to lose ships now because we’re going to put in advanced hypersonics that are going to take down your big boys.

It’s not going to be hitting a cargo ship with a handmade drone anymore. It’s going to be serious weaponry that’s going to be coming out. And Iran fired on two israeli ships off the iranian coast. I thought it was 2000 km, but it may have been 1200. But they struck them with precision weapons. From a great distance. China Costco, chinese overseas shipping company has shut down all traffic to Israel.

So Israel is killing itself. It’s got about an 80% reduction in its gdp because the whole world has stopped doing business with that. Absolutely. And nobody’s going to allow freight to come through. The Red Sea is closed, the Suez Canal is closed, nobody is transiting through there. Nobody is going to transit through there. And you put in five aircraft carriers and try to do a blockade and their missiles are still going to get through and sink ships.

Let’s play out the international court of justice scenario. There’s two possibilities. Either one, they rule that Israel is committing genocide and they will issue an order to cease and desist, or they will issue a rule that Israel is not committing genocide and dismiss the case. I don’t believe the latter will happen. But if it did, none of these islamic arabic countries would recognize or respect the court and they certainly wouldn’t stop their activities against Israel.

I think it would dissolve the court. But if they’d pronounce a genocide, then what will that do? What domino falling effect will that cause? Because if they’re guilty of genocide, then it’s okay. How do you enforce that? United Nations Security Council or like the US? Oh, well, the United nations declared, know we’re going to use that to bomb and invade Iraq. So how do you see? Let’s just say for the sake of argument, the court says they’re committing genocide and they’re deceased and desist.

What does that cause to fall? I’ll give it to you to export. Stephen, go ahead. Well, there’s some very interesting things that are going to come immediately out of that. And some of it goes back to your plan that you mentioned earlier. One thing that has happened now that von Rensberg has added the US and the UK to crimes against humanity in a similar, basically it’s in the same conflict.

You have the possibility that the ICJ could come out and say, okay, we’re finding crimes against humanity by the US and the UK embalming Yemen and by Israel embalming Gaza. And by so doing they’re prohibited because of their conflict, from voting in anything in the United nations cease and desist order and they can no longer vote on any action that the United nations might take concerning what is to happen in this protocol.

Now, of course the US would say, well, we have veto power and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but the UN may turn around and say, no, you don’t, because you’ve been assigned a guilty party as a war criminal. We can vote on top of you and you have got nothing to say about it. Now, at that point, what I suspect happens is going to be one of two things.

One is going to be a reiteration of s 181 at the UN level, which is going to declare a two state solution. And it’s going to say this is a matter of international law. And we put together an international coalition of, now get this, India, China, Russia, North Korea, South Africa, Brazil and Egypt to enforce the coalition. To enforce S 181. Yes. And so they go up and they build very similar border walls to what Israel built, cordoning off the west to cordon off jewish areas.

So 40 foot walls with guard towers that are around the original land grants of S 181, which means that there will be no more Jews in Jerusalem at all. They’ll be completely forced out of that city. There’ll be huge walls blocking them off from being able to reach it. There will be walls cutting off the Galilee from the, you know, the samaritan part of the West bank will reach all the way to Lebanon and there’ll be huge walls cutting off Jews who are living in the Galilee from Jews who are living in Haifa.

Huge walls. Gaza will be expanded. And then you’re going to see things like, you’re going to see things. All of the crimes that Israel has been doing against the palestinian people under apartheid are going to be returned to them. All of a sudden, the gazan state, which will become enormously wealthy given its gas and oil reserves, right off the coast, and the Gazans may turn around and, you know, by the way, the field that’s off the coast of Cyprus, the Leviathan field, that Leviathan field belongs to us, not Israel.

We’re claiming it. And they can cut off Israel shipping and then begin to blockade israeli ports like Yafo and Haifa and nobody comes into those ports unless we approve of them coming in. And then all of a sudden you’re going to see the israeli state become extremely impoverished and you’re going to see the palestinian state become extremely. Is what, that would be a scenario that’s going to be absolutely punishing to the israeli state all because of the bloodlust of Benjamin Netanyahu and his.

Well, it’s a hitlerian model, isn’t mean absolutely. Say it’s exactly Hitler, Germany repeating itself. Hitler comes in and we’re not getting into the treaty of Versailles and all the motivations behind that, but just for practical purposes. Hitler comes in, the Nazis come in, they create the Kristalnacht, right when they. They are the fire that was started and they said it was the communists. So now we have to have draconian, authoritarian powers.

And that started Germany’s long downfall. Hitler came in, and they did know a claim of the fire, and it was done by the Nazis. It was a false flag, and they set in motion their own destruction. Israel has done exactly that, a false flag on October 7, blamed it on others, and began this genocide to, well, we’re just going to remove everybody, kill everybody, and take the real estate, and then we’ll build beach houses and claim all the gas, and we don’t care what anybody says without any calculation of what will the world do in response to your action.

The world is an emotional group of human beings that are, as McGregor said, they’re outraged. They’re not just angry. They’re not just upset. They’re not just debating this over coffee. They’re furious. They’re werewolves. The hair is coming, the teeth are coming out, the claws are out, and they’re waiting to leap forward and start shredding and devouring these demonic, evil psychopaths. Sadists. Sadists, whatever you want to call the Israelis who started this, started it back in 1948, but this is the climactic culmination of all of their evil coming to bear, and it’s just reminiscent of a hitlerian thing.

And I agree with you. The scenario you’re laying out is the like, water. Where is water going to go? Where’s the most likely path the water is going to follow? What you’re laying out, Steven, is the most likely path for the waters of truth, common sense, and natural human behaviors and instincts and decision making. That’s all going to incline this way. All of the nations are ready to get behind this parade.

China, Iran, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Malaysia, Philippines, every muslim country, every african country. And I would say, yeah, well, the French and the Germans and the British, they’re all lobotomized metrosexual hamiphrodites. But the rest of the world, they’re being forced to lead a renaissance of the world through the chemotherapy radiation of shrinking and destroying this cancer called Israel. Yeah. And we haven’t added a critical term to reparations.

Yes, yes, good point. Okay, now, you blew all of northern Gaza into rubble. Now we’re going to rebuild it, and you’re going to pay for it. That’s right. Come out of your economy. And of course, the key is that nobody will be willing to do this as long as the United States is standing around with a carrier battle group ready to park it off your coast. And then have snipers come in and kill all your leadership for disobeying whatever.

But aren’t they going to say as a defensive mechanism against the United States doing that? No BRICS country or no country with a conscience is going to have anything to do with the dollar or a US consulate embassy. That’s what’s happening right now. See, that’s why a lot of these events are in motion right now. The dollar is being abandoned as we speak. The BRICS are continuing to thrive and grow because they get free of some belligerent, bellicose bully like Biden hitting them in the face with sanctions because, oh, you breathe the wrong way.

Oh, you didn’t adopt enough of the LGBTQ agenda. We’re going to have to sanction you and sanction you. Where’s your abortion numbers? We have to sanction you. This is the kinds of thing they’re looking at ever since Obama. If you don’t adopt abortion platform and an LGBTQ platform and allow us to traffic in children and traffic in organs and so on and so forth, well, then we’re going to sanction you.

Sanction, sanction, sanction. And the rest of the country is like, what can we do? They’re crying for relief and then relief comes in the forms of bricks and they’re leaving and they’re not going to come back. So now you see a permanent destabilization and debilitatization of the United States. It’s crumbling as we speak. It’s in the process of crumbling. And so probably what I predict is going to happen is this.

You’re going to see the 100 million people that had their vote stolen in 2020. This criminal regime of crooks, including Mark Millie at the Pentagon and including Nancy Pelosi and her crowd and all of the members of the DNC and the US postal workers and the leaders of the AFLCIO. You think we don’t know who were engaged in this overthrow? And the lawyers working the American Bar association and their commiserate fellows working at some of the big law firms.

We know which law firms you’re in. When the Trump administration comes in, you’re going to have 100 million people that are going to, you know, that Biden is already actively cheating, trying to kick, impeaching Trump two times, criminally indicting him over stuff that he did in spades, that he should have been impeached and imprisoned for and that he’s trying to claim Trump did, and then kicking him off the ballots.

You know that there’s 27 states right now Scott, that are ready to kick Joe Biden off the ballot. If the Supreme Court rules that Colorado can kick Trump off the ballot, Biden is going to be removed from 27 states just like that. Crimes and misdemeanors and obvious crimes with his government corruption, all the things you labeled earlier with Barisma and all of that stuff, which is all self admitted.

Yeah. So, boom, off he goes. Now what? Now what do you have? Do you have an election? No, you don’t have an election. And if you don’t have an election, you know what you have? You’re holding the office by force. Let’s see if you can keep it. Yeah, let’s see if you can keep it. Do you know who you’re about to fight? The american conservative patriots, veterans, Trump supporters.

Not because Trump, but because they love the idea of a Reagan esque Teddy Roosevelt. Trump. American independence. And Trump better be careful and not step on a landmine by saying, well, we’re going to be strong. We’re going to send military to Ukraine and Israel and finish all that. Would, that would be a suicide action by Trump. He needs to articulate diplomacy. Diplomacy. Diplomacy, yeah. We’re going to fix Ukraine through strength and diplomacy.

We’re going to fix Middle east and all this stuff with strength. Ukraine is a piece of cake. You recognize the Donbass as being russian turf, like they voted for. That’s right. You tell this idiot, Zelensky. You don’t tell Zelensky anything. You just say, okay? We’re going to fund a real ukrainian government, and you guys can arrest Zelensky and try him for the war crimes he’s committed and Zelushni and Khaliv and all the rest of these geeks, just arrest them all.

But we’re going to put in our own junta. That’s going to be a law abiding junta. And you’re going to recognize the Donbass as being russian turf. And then we’re going to come to a settlement. That’s going to be it. It’s russian territory. Russian speakers get to live there. End of story. Put up a borderline, declare the borders and call it a day. We’re done with the fight.

We’re done. It’s over. Finished. And that’s why Trump says it can be wrapped up in 24 hours. You just have to shut up the crooks. But the problem is in the United States, and this is what the real problem is. If we get into a point where the Democrats think they’re going to do what they did in the last election, which is to use the mules to stuff paper ballots.

And they’re going the put the service offshore in the Chinese ISPs where they can run hammer and scorecard and all that kind of stuff to jockey the election. Again, let me tell you what’s going to happen. First of all, the american public knows, and Iowa just proved it. Yes, the american public intends for Trump to hold office. Yes, they do. There’s no swami in the mix that’s not in the mix.

There’s no globalist WEF members, there’s no wef plants, there’s no non natural born citizens in the mix that’s not going to be there. The american public expects Trump to be in the office. And if Democrats deny them the opportunity to do that, then they’re going to take the office and it’s going to be a bloodbath. And it’s not just going to be a bloodbath of, gee, we want to secure our offices that we rightfully held.

No, it’s going to be a revenge bloodbath. Yes. After we defeat you guys who stole the election from us in 2020. Now we’re going after everything, all the collateral stuff that belongs to you until it’s all burned to the ground. And then the word Democrat is going to be the filthiest word in the United States and will probably be banned as a matter of law. Just as the Communist Party was banned in Russia, the Democrat National Convention, a party that was completely compromised by that criminal crook Nancy Pelosi, who certified a guy who couldn’t establish his american citizenship as a proper candidate for president in 2008.

You think that conservatives aren’t going to remember this stuff? They’re going to remember this stuff and it’s going to come back. And if you try to steal the election by force in this upcoming election, that’s what you can expect. Your cities will burn to the freaking. It’s, it’s right out of the biblical story, too. I think it was Samuel the prophet who, when they had this major uprising and they cornered this king up a tree or something, and he came down and he said, isn’t the time of bitterness past? It’s like right out of Nancy Pelosi, isn’t the time of bitterness passed? Haven’t we forgotten? Yeah, haven’t we forgotten about all the things we did in the COVID and the wars and Joe Biden and overthrowing know? Isn’t it all passed? And what did Samuel do? He hacked to pieces that king with a sword.

That’s what you’re describing. I think what the american patriots are going to do, figuratively, if not perhaps physically, hack to pieces this abomination, this demonist presence called democrats who have pushed this agenda to castrate your children, eat bugs, worship the environment, force people to get electric cars, cut off the oil, screw with weather patterns, invade Gaza, Ukraine, make war with Russia, destroy the dollar, invade the country with immigrants with the expectation they’re going to just kill all the white people.

Oh, we’ll put them in the military and then they’ll wage war against the white patriots. I don’t think these brown Africans and all these people coming across the border would be that enthusiastic to go to war with the american patriots. I just want to be in the country to eat and stay warm and live. If there’s something I can do, pick up peanut shells at a ballpark I’m willing to do, there might be a compromise.

I don’t think they’re willing to go to war, but simple as speaking to them on the battlefield. Look, gentlemen, if you win, you’re going to live under a tyranny. That’s going to be just exactly what you just said. People that want to have your children’s genitals removed when they’re seven years old, people that expect you to be a compromised sexual pervert like they are. People who are going to be governing from a satanic place of drinking blood in a cup and engaging in organ harvesting and organ trafficking.

People who have no other agenda other than abortion, slaughter, genocide and murder so that they can profit on you. That’s who you’re fighting for. You’re going to fight for them, or are you going to come over here and join us? Who’s going to restore the America that you wanted to be in when you crossed the border? That’s fight for. That’s right. And it’s going to be that simple.

Do you want to fight for the America that you wanted to find when you crossed the border, or do you want to find that pile of human feces that the Democrats have lined up for you? Yeah, excellent point. Excellent point. That’s diplomacy. That’s truth. Yeah, and I think it’s going to work very well. And so this is why. Look, these guys are a crumbling power base of very psychotically sick people.

Yes, because they have been compromised over their careers and they have the people that help to compromise them. Governing the media. And all of this comes out of the same root of iniquity and evil. And Satan worshiping the synagogue of Satan is the housing for this mindset. And given that that’s the either you can sit back and say, gee, we should allow this to go on. The rest of the world is not going to allow it to go on.

Just as Adolf Hitler was absolutely destined to lose World War II, because the rest of the world was going to rise up in moral horror as to who he was, and they were going to kill him and his Nazis, no matter how long it took, no matter how far it had to go, that was what was going to happen. These guys have the same fate ahead of them, the whole world.

Just because you’re a dumb American who sits back going, I’ve got my head completely stuffed in the sand and all I can think about is my credit card and what kind of goodies I can get. I don’t care what you want to deny. The rest of the world knows it. Yes, they know what kind of perverts we have running our country, and they know how immoral and crooked they are, and they know how illegitimate they are.

So you can deny it all you want, the rest of the world is not going to deny it. And we either shrug off this perversion, this cabal of perversity, or the rest of the world’s going to blow it up. That’s right. So figure it out on your own. Yeah. Steven, I can’t let us go without bringing up the Chabad Lubovich. The Jews in New York where the secret tunnels were revealed, and it seems like the sexual exploitation of children was part of the application of those tunnels, if not raping and killing and other things.

What can you say about that Chabad Lubovich and the tunnels in New York and Brooklyn and stuff? Well, Chabad Lubovich is an extreme jewish supremacy organization. If it were white people doing the same thing that they would do, we would have every intelligence agency in the country going after they would be criminalized in every major newspaper. Their spiritual leader was a guy who died in the 90s named Rabbi Manacham Schneerson, who was an adroit, racist pig of the highest order.

He was the one that said, jews have two souls. Goyim only have one. The only reason the goyim are on earth at all is to serve the jew. They’re just animals in human form. All of these things. Of course, he said it in Hebrew so they can understand what he was saying. But all of these things he said, and Chabad Lubovich is his baby. And they are pushing, as quote unquote, the moral standard of the world, the Noahide laws.

The Noahide laws are a rabbinic construction made up by Maimonides in the 14th century. They do not exist in scripture. It’s rabbinical control. And the whole point of the Noahide laws is that the rabbis get to tell you what’s moral and what isn’t. The people who deny the mashiach get to tell you what’s moral and what isn’t. And Chabad Lubovich has gone around the world promoting these Noahide laws.

They were actually recognized in a us resolution under George H. W. Bush, who signed it. Donald Trump signed the same thing saying this was the moral code for the western world. Well, Boobalum Sterkus on that. It is not the moral code for anybody. It doesn’t exist. It’s rabbinical crap. The Noahide laws are rabbinical crap. If you want the true standard, it’s the ten Commandments. That’s what’s in scripture, not Noahide crap.

And this Chabad Lubovich has been completely untouchable. So here they are with tunnels, and they go into the tunnels and they find bloodstained mattresses and infant car seats, and they’ve got these hatches that open up on the sidewalks, that they snuggling out of manholes and coming out of lifting up bricks. And all these secret hideouts, they’re able to get children and bring them down through those very same slots into basements that nobody knows what’s going on.

Now, do we have any evidence other than the stained mattresses and the car seats found down there? I don’t know if we do or not, but I can tell you that the scandal of Chabad Lubovich is disgusting. It’s disgusting and it’s an indictment, and nobody wants to talk about it. But there is no country more racist on earth than Israel, and there is no racist like a jewish racist who sits there and tells you when they read the Talmud, we are the chosen, we are superior.

We are the ones that God put on this earth and everyone else is here to serve us. They’re just animals in human form. And in their own book it says the messiah is boiling in a fat of excrement in the bottom level of hell. Right, Chabad Lubovich. Okay, you guys want to do Chabad Lubovich? Grow out some yedlocks and away you go. Right, but I’m just telling you that it is a corruption that is dominated by racial supremacy.

That is its central focus. We’re racially superior to you, and you are goyim scum. Okay, so you want to talk about anti semitism? Let’s talk about antigoyism. Let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about all the rhetoric that comes out of your mouth that’s anti goyism, that needs to be prosecuted for your hate crimes against people other than you. Yes. And the danger of this, of course, is it comes back to Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has, if I’m not mistaken, plaques, pictures, little emblems of trees from Habad Lubovich, if I’m not mistaken. And that’s very dangerous. And I understand he can be deceived and manipulated and all that jazz. I understand his daughter is a jewish convert, and maybe Jared Kushner is part of it. But Donald Trump is on dangerous ground because, one, I hope for the best, but I also am always prepared for the worst.

And I would hope and pray that he restore, if he’s on the trajectory of being returned to the presidency, that he actually returns us to the course of honor and everything that people wanted before he was undermined and betrayed by all of these people in this cabinet that were bush flunkies and stuff. And hopefully he’s learned that. But he cannot be allowed to take us down this road of waging war against the arab and african world and Russia, or we will endure the fate of what you’re describing, which is complete annihilation.

We will be completely burned out and destroyed by the rest of the world. If Trump picks up the sword instead of the olive know, wrapped around a scepter, well, he’s going to be a sword that’s used in America. America is going into civil war. And what Trump needs to remember is Robus Pierre. Okay, yes, Robus Pierre initiated the terror, but Robus Pierre was the very last one to be beheaded by his own guillotine.

Yeah. And let me tell you something. Do not mistake this ego trip of saying, oh, gee, they’re all Trump people behind me. These are Americans who have selected you to lead for the time being. Yes. And I can tell you right now that that red tide that was expressed in Iowa is such a ferocious anger and momentum. It’s now, that’s. It’s a very important point you just made.

That is not a tide for Trump. That is a tide for the renaissance of America, the destruction and the burning out of this Biden madness that has taken over and ruined the country in one term. That’s what this tide was about. The american people, Democrats, Republicans, independents, everyone with a brain and common sense, blacks, whites, Mexicans, everything, rising up, saying, no, this has to end. This is destroying our future for our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.

We won’t even have grandchildren if we don’t rise up and stop this. So it’s a very important point you made, and I agree with you, Stephen. I want to emphatically emphasize this was not a wave for Trump. It wasn’t his people. It wasn’t for Trump in any way. He was chosen because he’s got, at least this is what he displays. This is what he wants. This is his character.

This is why he came into office. He wanted American, America. Great again. Everyone is rising up to say, fine, go, we’ll give you the vote. If you do it, we’ll give you the vote. We’ll put you back in the presidency not to be your own guy or do your own thing, but to do what the american people want done to get vengeance on these evildoers, to free us from all of the wickedness they’ve been doing.

You are the man that seems to be the one to do it. Not Nikki Haley, not Bill, not Chris Christie, not Vivek Washwami. You, Trump, we’re putting our faith that you will do this, but we’re not putting you in because of, out of any sort of fan based or idolatry or any of these silly people that think, oh, Trump is just so good. That is not what this is about.

This is about deadly serious people recognizing our country is in a civil war, and they’re putting him in to finish this civil war, extinguish it, put out all the flames and carry us to the next phase. And I’ll put it to you to get your thoughts. Steve? Yeah, that’s correct. I know we’re running late, but I want to give you the closing time to give us your final thoughts on everything.

Go ahead. Well, thank you, Scott. And I’ll just wrap it up quickly. Yeah, the civil war, that’s going to come because the Democrats will not relent because they don’t have any understanding. No, you’re not going to relent. So as a consequence, it is going to come to a violent confrontation. And when it does, the violence of the american patriots is going to be huge. And this violence is going to be such that Trump needs to recognize that he is sitting at the front of that only by their permission.

Yes. That flame will burn up him just as quickly as anyone else. And so as a consequence, yeah, he can put together, he can put an end to the ukrainian thing by just stopping financing. He can put an end to the border crisis by finishing up the border wall. He can put an end to this Gaza crisis by just withdrawing our ships and bringing them home and behaving ourselves.

And he’s going to have his hands full trying to put out a fire that’s going to burn at such heat. His biggest problem in his term is going to be putting the revolution to bed. Yes. Just like when you talk about, look what happened after the civil war. The civil war all the way up into the buildings of the railroads, the railroads were what finally put the civil war to bed.

And that was a 30 year process trying to put that war to bed. And the Democrats have started this fire. Okay? And so I don’t want to hear Michelle Obama talk about it. She started the fire. Barack Obama, he was in on that flame. Nancy Pelosi can’t put it out with her ice. Know, these guys have started this combustion. Now that they’ve started this combustion, Trump’s biggest problem is going to be putting out the combustion.

And if he thinks that he can convert over to Judaism in a country that expects to return to a protestant work ethic, he’s going to be sorely surprised how quickly he will be expunged from the machine. Yes. We spit out, like fuss out of a bad zit. Yes. So the fact is that he needs to recognize this now. And the idea of putting in deep state actors in his campaign, which he’s already done, he’s got deep state actors in his you are you BS.

And I can tell you the average conservative says we’re going to support Trump because we don’t have anybody else to support. That’s right. But if Trump thinks that this is going to be him leading as a tyrant, he’s completely wrong. This is a mass movement that is forming and it’s a mass movement that is barely in control. Yeah, he’s on thin ice. He’s on very thin ice. I think so.

That’s what I have to say. So I think it’s time for sober minds to start thinking ahead about what’s going to take place. And I’d give the Democrats warning, but it’s like spitting into the wind. They’re not going to hear a thing and they’re certainly not going to reform anything. They got a rainbow flag they got to put up this afternoon. Yeah. They are incapable, the wicked change not, they’re incapable of hearing.

They’ve had their conscience seared by a hot iron. They have been given over to strong delusion, to believe a lie. They’ve been vaccinated three or four times with Covid-19 their inevitable end is one of a mad dog dementia, Alzheimer’s. Self implosion. They are going to self immolate on their wokism, their narcissism, their arrogance, their whole being. I’ve always said this, their whole being is animated by selfishness, hatred of God, hatred of family, ingratitude and a desire to destroy.

What does the devil do? Comes to rob, to kill, to destroy the democrats, rob money from people, to destroy the culture, destroy the family, finance single mother homes, and rob, kill, destroy, and kill abortion, kill castrating children, transgenderism, kill through these wars that the sodomite himself, Lindsey Graham. Oh, it’s so good. We’re killing. Oh, we’re going to kill Iranians. You are going to see the whole world. And it doesn’t take a lot.

Got China, you got Iran, you got Russia. That’s the power base. That’s mackinder’s control of the heartland. Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey naturally falls in that orbit. India, despite having hindu nationalists in there fighting with Israeli, killing Gazans, killing Palestinians, even India, as disloyal and untrustworthy as they can be. We’re going to side with Russia, China, India, Turkey, South Africa, because we want to continue to profit. Yeah, that’s what they’re going to be doing in South Africa and all of Africa.

And the smart think. I think you’re going to have revolutions in the baltic states and elsewhere, too. European leaders. If I returned to Scotland, I’d rise up and say, oh, all this is changing. We’re going back. We’re best friends with Russia. The Klan system rises again, and we’re out from anything to do with the English. We’re our own multipolar world. Scotland is independent. Ireland is independent. We’re moving towards this different world.

We’re not going to be run by the United States or NATO or the European Union. All of that is dead because there hasn’t been a good idea or a good thing that has come out of the american culture or the European Union or NATO since in this century. Yeah, in this. You know, Scott, when you talk about the Baltics, look, Western Europe is going to go into a huge economic depression.

Russia is already the largest economy in Europe, and Russia is going to continue to thrive and prosper. And then Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are going to beg to rejoin the. Yeah, yeah. Well, you’re going to have new guys rising up in those countries saying, hey, Russia, we’re sorry for all these clowns that were in the government. Lithuania and Slovakia and all. They’re dead. We’ve killed them. They’re gone.

So we’re the new kids in town. And we want to be best friends. We want to be lovers. We want to marry your women and your women marry us. And we want to get back to what it used to be. Half our people speak Russian. That’s what needs to be ushered back in. How it got so derailed is a decades long process of delusion and Nazi German. Von der Lane on those European Union.

The European Union started out, I remember in the 80s, we thought, oh, it’s good because now you don’t need a passport to go into every country, right? A visa. So you’re british, you want to go into Italy and Spain and France and Germany and elsewhere, you can have visas and problems. But with EU, oh, no passport required, new visa required. That was the only thing that good that came out of it.

But then they started doing the whole economic consolidation and the euro was born. And we must all measure chocolate the same way. Oh, we must all work so many hours. Oh, we must all welcome gay marriage and homosexuality and the deformation, the degeneration, the decay started to come into Europe and it’s been decaying ever since. Yeah. And now, now it’s on the ropes. And like I said, you’re going to see nothing but change in Europe.

Nothing but the next two years are going to be very. Everything is going to change. Power shift is already underway in Germany. It’s already underway in France. It’s going to be dramatic changes. Spain has changed its mind and Ireland continues to lead the pack. Ireland is very outspoken about israeli crimes. I love that gal on the european unit, Claire Daly. Yeah. Yeah. You should all be ashamed of yourself.

Nine dunka hair frau genocide. Only an Irishman and an irish woman could say that. The Scots are a wee bit quiet. No, the Irish. Come out, you bastard. We’re here to call you out for genocide because you did the same thing to our country. And she said it well in the ending, the european people stand with Palestine and South Africa. Praise God. So, so will we. And so do we.

And so we will always. Stephen Pigeon, thank you so much for joining us tonight. God bless you. It is always so refreshing and so insightful. And we thank you for your wisdom. We thank you for God for blessing us with your presence and may he bless you and your family and continue to prosper you. And thank you for joining us on global freedom tv. Great awakenings. Thank you.

Tong, our producer. We will see you next week. God bless you nights. Thank you, Scott. It. .

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