2023-10-30 Global Great Awakenings – Scott Bennett, Mike Harris, Dr. Alan Sabrosky
The detailed analysis discusses the complicated history of the Israel-Palestine conflict, focusing on Britain’s central role in the establishment of the Jewish state, its manipulation of Jews and Arabs for geopolitical gain, and subsequent unwillingness to accept responsibility for the conflict. The text emphasizes the lasting impacts of British imperialistic strategies, particularly the Balfour Declaration, and how these politically driven decisions have led to long-lasting, seemingly intractable conflict and human suffering.
The text discusses views on Jewish influence in global governments and politics, highlighting a perceived challenge to sovereignty of nations due to potential dual loyalties of Jewish individuals with the Israeli state. It cites problems like war instigation, manipulation of finance, and societal upheaval as potential consequences. The debaters express concerns about political infiltration and the reach of Jewish influence, tying it to historical instances, blaming it for contemporary conflicts, and suspecting it as a catalyst for future disturbances. The Federal Reserve is presented as a tool used by Jewish power for unsustainable economic control.
The text contains a highly contentious and controversial discussion, showing explicit anti-Semitic sentiments and various conspiracy theories. The speakers criticize ‘kosher tax’, blaming Jewish influence for perceived American societal decay. They discuss the political and military situations in the Middle East, citing potential scenarios involving Israel and various other countries. Furthermore, they express opinions that the global influence wielded by Jews is disproportionate and potentially guided by unseen forces.
Israel’s Communication Minister has announced they are severing all ties with Elon Musk’s Starlink Agency after Elon Musk offered Gaza his company’s satellite to restore internet connections. The minister expressed concern over the possibility of Hamas misusing the satellite for harmful activities.
The text discusses the perceived overbearing influence and control of Jewish communities on media, government, and societies. It also outlines fears of Jewish attempts at global dominance and the potential resistance against this, largely focusing on methods of control such as the COVID-19 vaccine, influx of migrants, and the potential suspension of fair elections. There are warnings about potential conflicts emerging globally and within the U.S., asserting that 2024 will be a decisive year for the world.
Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to fight and my fingers to war. This is Great Awakenings on Globalfreedomtv. com and tonight we’re going to be joined by the great Mike Harris once more to give us his intelligence assessment and Dr. Alan Zabrowski, a writer, author and intelligence asset that really understands all of the 911 issues. We’re going to bring into comparison 911 and so many elements of that and how it is very similar to what we see going on in the Gaza Israeli conflict.
And we’re also going to play a couple of videos, one of which I wanted to start out with, which was the prediction that the US israeli forces would engineer a most likely false flag hostage rescue situation. And it seems like today they did exactly that. So the prediction came true. We won the Vegas number. We’ll see where it goes. Mike, it’s great to have you with us. And so it is for Dr.
Alan Sabroski too. Before we jump into the video and the analysis, let me hand it to you Mike and get your assessment of what’s been going on this week. Go ahead. Well lt thanks for having me on again and I want to thank the listeners who tune in and watch us and we really appreciate the time you spend because we make a good effort. We’re not right all the time but we sure try to be.
We want to thank you all. But really what I see is a shit mean there’s good news hidden in this though and domestically within our own country we see where people line up. Anyone who has this blind support for Israel hasn’t been awake for a long time. And in the case of politicians, any of them that have this blind support for Israel, you can count on one thing they’re on the Israeli payroll.
They’re getting paid, they’re taking money. Now whether this is from APAC as a political contribution, whether it’s some extortion where they’ve been compromised somehow, honey trapped in some way or another, whether it’s just strong armed but the people who are blindly supporting Israel when Israel is clearly the perpetrator for everything, all the ills against Palestine this is becoming obvious to us now. And Trump came out and said some things that really put me off about him.
This new speaker in the House is Mike Johnson, guys and he blindly supports Israel. He’s an evangelical. Well, these evangelicals got to wake up because they’re reading the Schofield Bible and they’re buying the bullshit. Go back to your King James Bible, go back to an original version and reread the same scriptures and it’s not nearly as flattering as the Schofield that they paid to have Schofield rewrite and publish to win the hearts and minds of the evangelicals to support Israel blindly.
This is a long term plan. It’s been going on for a long time, folks and a few of us are aware of it, but they hide it pretty darn well. In our news media 24/7. It’s Israel. Israel. Israel. Anybody who doesn’t support Israel is a crazy person. No, they’re not. They’re a human being who’s trying to balance and be discerning about who the real perpetrator is here. And anyway, that’s my opening here for the night, Scott, so we’ll talk about this in depth.
I want to get Alan introduced. And by the way, folks, Alan was both a Marine gunnery sergeant in fact, and then he went on, got a PhD and became a professor at the US Army War College. So you want to talk to a guy who’s knowledgeable about strategy, how to get things done. That’s why he’s here tonight. We want to thank him for joining us. Yeah, it’s good to have you with us, Alan.
And your expertise in the early days exposing 911 as an Israeli operation I think are very profound and people are catching up and learning that. And now we have this unfolding of the Gaza Hamas Israeli situation that many have predicted was a false flag as well because of various suspicious elements of this incursion. 7 hours waiting and such like that. What is your assessment, Alan, of the situation that we have currently unfolding in the Israeli Gaza situation? Well, first of all, I’d like to thank you and Mike for the PR introduction on it.
I’m going to have to increase my fees and maybe APAC will try and start to bribe me if this keeps going. Know, you never really know. One of the things that struck me about this, and I mentioned this a few days ago on another show back in the 1980s, late 1980s when I was at Georgetown, a visiting professor in Israeli who was a reserve colonel in the paratroopes.
And I got to talking, I was the only other veteran in the place. He had fought in the 67 and 73 war and I of course was in Vietnam for a couple of years and this was in the mid eighty s. And he mentioned very clearly that every Arab organization and every Arab government had been penetrated by Israeli intelligence, every single one. And they largely use the sephardim, sephardic Jews who were from those countries, spoke Arabic with the language of with the accent of Assyrian or an Iraqi or an Algerian, whatever it happened to be, and that there was nothing any of those organizations could do that the Israelis didn’t know about.
Now that occurred to me at the time that they had known about the attack on the Marine barracks in 1983, which killed almost 300 Marines and wounded a few hundred others, and they didn’t warn us whether this was a false flag or not. They definitely knew that Hamas was coming. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. If they had penetrated the organization, they obviously knew what was going to happen.
Now, what they didn’t do apparently now whether they chose not to do anything for internal reasons. Hamas would be a temporary setback. It could cause them some casualty, but it’s not going to threaten Israel as a state, but it could threaten Netanyahu as prime minister, who was in a very shaky coalition. And if bringing down Netanyahu was more important than a few hundred casualties, I could very easily see one of the three Israeli intelligence organizations that run these agents mossad, Shinbet 88, two, letting it happen.
I don’t think they expected the casualties. I don’t think they expected that many military casualties up front, but they could easily have let it happen. What is more intriguing to me now, a lot of us were mentioning when this started three weeks ago that Palestine was small potatoes. Whatever happened to the Palestinians was going to be horrible. But that wasn’t the issue. The issue for the Israelis was Iran.
And what we’ve seen over the last week in particular from the American military and from the State Department, to the extent that it’s separate from the Israeli government, which is not really true, is an increasing focus not on what’s happening in Gaza, but on Iran. And what we’re seeing now is a lead up, a march to war on Iran. And I’m only wondering if the Marine general and his staff that were sent over as advisors to a country that needs no advisors to crush Gaza City and just use it as an impact zone, understand that it would be to Israel’s advantage and to the advantage of the neocons in the United States.
And the neolibs who are the same know if something happened to them and that the false flag is going to be a terror attack, assassination on the Americans. There this American general and his staff that will make it seem as if it were Arabs doing it, when in fact, it’s Israelis. They’re throwaway cards. They’re just throwaway cards because it would take something like that, oh, US got a dead general and some dead Americans out there.
They’ve already said, we’re going after them, and we’ve already made it clear that Gaza Hamas are simply pawns or cat’s paws of Iran. This is the narrative that’s coming down. So sit back, watch, count the days until we go to war with Iran. That is the narrative. However, Hamas was formed and founded by Israeli. I know it was. And so what they did is they put in controlled opposition to displace the PLO, who had unanimous support of the Palestinian people.
They want to get rid of Yasa Arafat’s organization, so they created Hamas to give them some competition. And people need to realize these things, that this is all an inside deal. It’s an inside deal. But an awful lot of the people I know in that part of the world considered Yasser Arafat to be on their payroll too. That was no question at all. But it was an organization.
As an organization, the PLO or Palestinian Authority, whatever you want to call it, did have a great deal of legitimacy internationally and it had a great deal of support across a wide range of Palestinian factions. Hamas was created, as you said, in the 1980s, to do that, to be the controlled opposition. And the best phrase I heard was that it was to be enough of a threat to be credible, but not enough of a threat to be a danger to Israel.
Pardon? No, we just had a technical thing going on here. Okay, sorry. It was intended to be strong enough to be a credible threat, to be credible as a threat, to be a danger as a terrorist organization, whatever you want to call it, but never strong enough to actually replace the Palestinian Authority or to be a serious threat to Israel. And for all of the bruha hav that’s gone on in the last few weeks, the Israeli casualties are exceptional for them.
It’s certainly not exceptional in terms of what they’ve done to others and the number of people who have died because of them. Let me play let me play a video that gives that context and introduction, because few people really are educated in the whole true history of Israel, the settlement of Israel, moving the Jews over, know it’s so foggy and so twisted and distorted. But I thought there’s a very good explanation of this that came out today and I wanted to play this.
Let’s make sure we get our sound on. I thought this was a good summary of how this has all happened and the Nakba genocide that the Israelis have done against the Palestinians for over 70 years. Here it is. As the Middle East spirals towards wider conflict, there’s been a lot of ongoing debate about how the conflict between Israel and Palestine originally came about. Well, one thing that can’t be denied is the central role played by the British in the bloody and controversial establishment of the Jewish state.
And while Rishi Sunak pulls back on initial calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and Rose in full square behind Israel, his Scottish counterpart, on the other hand, has stepped up for Palestine. How many more children have to die before a ceasefire is called for? We’re calling for a ceasefire. I cannot understand Sakir Stahmer’s position. I cannot understand the Prime Minister’s position. And I ask them, how many more children have to die before you join us and join many across the world, including the United Nations, and call for that ceasefire.
The British Ala Carte attitude towards the conflict in Gaza was highlighted as recently as last May by the UN, when they pointed out that British historical responsibility in the region was essentially being ignored. With London failing to engage in the pursuit of a solution to a conflict that, as we’ll see, they were deeply complicit in creating. The responsibility on the UK is higher considering the historical legacy of the UK and the area.
The UK doesn’t seem to be active on this agenda, such as compliance with international law. It is about time there is a paradigm change towards the question of Palestine. The United Kingdom bears a moral and historical responsibility towards the Palestinian people. It must be a positive player in realizing the rights of the Palestinian people and finding a political solution that meets their aspirations. In order to understand the granular nature of British responsibility when it comes to today’s bloody war, we need to look back to another period of global instability.
The First World War, when British double dealing during their turf war with the Otoman Empire led to the now infamous Balfour Declaration, which basically committed Britain to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, a move which was to have a devastating consequence for the Palestinian people for decades to come. His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.
It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country and unsurprisingly. While making promises to the globally influential Zionists about the creation of their state on Arab lands, the British also strung the Arabs along, promising to also create a state for them, even assuring them that Jewish immigration would also be controlled, suggesting the Arabs would have ultimate control of how large any nation Jewish state would be.
The plan, of course, ultimately collapsed into violence and chaos. Jewish immigration during the next five years will be at a rate which, if economic absorptive capacity permits, will bring the Jewish population up to approximately one third of the total population of the country. After the period of five years, no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the Arabs of Palestine are prepared to acquiesce in it. Well, what began as a British plan to manipulate Jews and Arabs to their own geopolitical end had become a seemingly intractable conflict, whose architects finally accepted it as such in 1947 when they promptly dumped the entire problem into the lap of the United Nations to sort it out.
It is in these circumstances that we have decided that we are unable to accept the scheme put forward either by the Arabs or by the Jews, or to impose ourselves a solution of our own. We have therefore reached the conclusion that the only course now open to us is to submit the problem to the judgment of the United Nations. The resulting establishment of the Israeli state in 1948 led to the brutal displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, the destruction of hundreds of their villages, and the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children.
This event, known as the Nakba or catastrophe by the Palestinians, defined britain’s cynical failure in Israel Palestine, you with the DNA of the British Empire building deeply ingrained in the tragic conflict we see in Gaza today, it seems unlikely the British will be taking any responsibility for their historical role. As far as they’re concerned, Palestine’s troubled history began on the 7 October 2023. So there you have it.
Mike Harris I think that tells it quite well. I think that is a good summation of the Palestinian Israeli British Balfour migration of them. What are we missing in that that you want to add? Go ahead. I don’t have much to say about that. Scott that’s history, it’s how we got here. I have no comment. Alan I had to say that I was struck by the irony of a Hindu Prime Minister and a Muslim First Minister of Scotland taking the know, speaking for Great Britain, I would think that in both cases they’re sort of rubbing their hands and saying, how sweet it know, sort of a repay on Know.
It’s even worse than that film suggests. The British not only manipulated that situation with a Balfour Declaration, with some other things in the first war, they were doing it with territory they didn’t have and they didn’t control, and whose ability to carry out the promises they made, the contradictory promises they made, they couldn’t keep. Both of them. They’re logically impossible, they’re logically incompatible, required, first of all, victory in the war.
And if the German spring offensive in 1918 had gone just a little better, hadn’t been derailed by what the Germans called the dokstos, the stab in the back by a jewish bolshevik revolution in Germany and Germany had won. The war then the Otoman Empire would have been intact. Or the Turkish called Otoman or Turkish, whichever you wish. They would still have controlled that area and there would have been no promise to anyone.
And the British knew that. The British were promising to create something from what they did not control. So it was a promise, basically, if we win the war, that’s good. And of course that’s entirely machiavellian and it’s entirely natural for states at war. They wanted both the Jews and the Arabs within the Otoman Empire to cause as much trouble for the Otomans as possible, and thereby to facilitate the British.
Yeah, Britain’s not going to have any role in it. Know, I’ve never thought about it. Bevin. The UK Prime Minister is Jewish. Wasn’t he a lot of the Labor Party officials then in the post World War II British government? Yeah, I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t doubt I’m quite sure of that. And the same with France, because after World War II, from 1947 48 and through the 1967 war, we provided essentially no significant amount of military equipment to the Israelis.
The British and French provided almost all of it. The Israelis were using centurion tanks, they were using British and French motor torpedo boats. The Liberty was hit by British torpedo boats, motor torpedo boats. It was hit by French fighters. Mystery Mirage. They were the bankrolls of it within six years after the 67 war. By 73, we were the one providing most of the military equipment. We were doing it.
So that was the shift on it. So what the British and French did while they were talking supporting both sides, in point of fact, because of the internal influence of the Jewish community within communities within Britain and France, they were at that time, in the place that we’re in right now. They were driven by that policy to give a degree of unilateral support to Israel, which they did not give to any of the Arab states, and they certainly didn’t give to the Palestinians.
That was just a given. The Palestinians were hung out to dry and I don’t think anyone was surprised by it. I can’t imagine that anyone in either government, including or that the Palestinians and Israel’s himself were surprised by that. Is it a tragedy? Yes, tragedies happen. They do. It’s not nice, but they happen. What I find really surprising is that it was only two days ago that someone pointed out that FDR’s cabinet was not dissimilar from Bush’s cabinet or Obama’s cabinet or Trump’s cabinet or I hate to say Biden’s cabinet, because I’m not sure Biden is aware he has a cabinet other than perhaps something that he uses above the sink to pull open the door.
But about half of Franklin Roosevelt’s cabinet and key advisors were also Jewish, also Zionists, including Henry Morgenthal, secretary of the Know. You control the money, you control the policy. That’s basically you bring up a good point. This goes back to what Scott said earlier. He says every Arab government in the region has been infiltrated by the Jews. You just said that the French and the British had been infiltrated by the Jews.
Now you’re telling that our government has been infiltrated by the Jews. The world has a Jew. And that really is what it boils down to. It’s not just Palestine. We all have a problem because they misguide the direction and the actions that our governments take away from what is in the best interest of the people of whatever said country is, but towards what serves their larger Jewish agenda, which is world domination.
Well, you know, and then the intermediate step was, first of all, the creation, and second, the support of the state of Israel. I made a comment once in an article, it’s about 1112 years ago. I said there were different forms of approach to the Jewish question, and the Romans had a very direct one. They got finally got tired of revolting people, and I mean revolting in every sense of the term, who among other things, in an empire where basically religious freedom was guaranteed, which is about the only freedom that was guaranteed, they allowed any place to have any religion.
At Water, you don’t touch the priesthood. You leave that religion alone, you can deal with other things. And that didn’t happen with the Jews. And eventually the Romans eliminated them. What they didn’t do is that there were thriving Jewish communities in every major city and most small ones of the Roman Empire. These were peaceful. These were untouched. I’m surprised the Romans with their general approach to enemies like the Carthaginians.
Nothing was left of it. Absolutely nothing was left of them. Completely. Their history, their literature, their art, their people, completely erased. Why the Romans didn’t look around and say, just in case, and do it to the rest of them, do it to the Diaspora. Our lives would have been so much better. I’ve got some Jewish ancestry, and I say that. But that’s true. That’s really true. And I think that in a very practical sense, without a Jewish state, you can have decent Jewish citizens of almost any country.
They might be more efficient in terms of manipulation, of finance. Well, the Syrians were too for a long time. The Egyptians were for a long time. The Syrians were noted to be effective merchants and bankers. That’s not a problem. But with a Jewish state, with a Jewish state, the domestic Jewish population of any country is suspect, at least suspect in terms of its allegiance. And I say at least because in fact, its first loyalty from almost all is going to be to Israel, whether they’re formal dual citizens or not.
Well, what are the main injuries that you think they have done to this country? I know 911, you have quite an explanation for that, but let me just hand it back to you, Alan, and get your summary, your distilled view on what are the injuries, what are the damage actions that they have done to the United States of America? The American people need to know. About 30 years of wars, for one thing.
They came up, according to Wes Clark, with the idea of seven countries in five years. Regime changed. That was in 2001 after we had attacked Afghanistan. They didn’t get it, largely because of the Iraqi opposition. The Iraqi army was crushed in the open field. Couldn’t not be no air force. We had the air force into the army on the ground. But the Iraqi resistance was tougher, more formidable, inflicted more casualties than any of us could have expected, certainly than any of the neocons would have expected.
So that derailed the seven countries in five years. But they’ve got six of them. They’ve ruined six of them. And the 7th, Iran, is now coming under the plate. More importantly, every domestic organization destroying this country, every single one, is led, financed, or both by Jews. Every single one. And that includes the entire gender goulash movement, BLM, antifa, the teachers unions. Run your way through the list. Every single one is there.
And of course, the open borders. They’re the ones pushing the open borders. Secretary of Homeland security, which is a laughable title. Jewish Attorney General, jewish Secretary of State, jewish george Soros, who is probably he’s out now, his son I can’t remember his first name. The Soros’son who took control of his empire. Probably a front for a lot of other Jewish billionaires because there’s more money going through that organization than even Soros and his empire could create all of these.
It’s Jewish, and it’s the same thing in Europe, exactly the same thing in Europe with the Western European countries. The Eastern European countries, too. The only ones that have avoided this, but they haven’t completely avoided Jewish influence, but they’ve avoided the destructive aspect of it are largely the former Communist countries, and they’re the only ones which is really interesting. I’m not a Christian. I’m not a Muslim. I’m not a Jew.
I suspect if I’m anything, I’m probably a neopagan waiting for a Valkyrie to ride across the screen. And I think know caboting with Valkyries and Valhalla is not the worst of heavens that one could have. In fact, I think it’s really pretty neat. But most of the ones that in Eastern Europe that are resisting this, resisting the open borders let’s bring the migrants in of the west are either a very conservative Catholic as opposed to the more liberal Catholicism of the United States and France and Italy and Spain Orthodox, Russian Orthodox.
It’s a different approach. And so I think the combination of an Iron Curtain, which kept their people in but also kept other people out, and a more rigorous society, more rigid societies and more conservative societies have given them some strength. But I don’t think they can hold out long if Russia goes down, and I don’t think they can hold out long if we all go the other way.
So that’s what they’ve done. They have basically led the march to the destruction of Western civilization, western culture, and with the replacement of populations, the white race, to them. This isn’t wrong. Anyone, and particularly any Christian who reads the Talmud and reads the comments by the rabbis who wrote in the Talmud, this is not fringe people. These are not fringe people like the Branch Davidians or Jim Jones who are writing on this.
These are the great scholars, the learned rabbis of Jewish history and their views on Jesus and Mary and Christianity and Christians are carefully concealed from evangelical Protestants, because if even the evangelicals, whatever their propagation, if they read this, jesus is boiling an excrement for eternity. His mother Mary is an adulteress and a whore, they’d lose it. So I think that if anything is done, if anything wants we want to do anything, we could counter the Jewish question, because the Jews have the question.
But they’ve also posed their answer, and their answer is written in the Talmud, not the vow for declaration. It’s to get this message to Mike Harris. You know, we’ve talked about this extensively. I want to hand it to you, to the major injuries you think they’ve done to society, and then what Alan said, what is the solution? What are the ideas that you would suggest that America and our communities, our people, need to take in the political, social, economic realm to heal us of these injuries and prohibit them from happening again? The one that Alan left out, that’s a major injury to the people of the United States is the creation of the Federal Reserve and that consolidated the function of the treasury of the United States, which was supposedly controlled by, eventually, the Congress.
Congress reserves the right to threaten Coin. Money is defined in the Constitution. That is a congressional job that they outsourced to the Federal Reserve. And the fact that we have to pay interest to the Federal Reserve to use the currency that we have in this country is offensive. That is a huge one. That’s how they have the money to create so many Jewish billionaires, is because the Federal Reserve decides who’s going to get picked to receive funds and who’s not.
And they fund their own. They keep funding. And money makes money. So that’s one thing. We can do another thing. This is a little, small thing, but it is a tremendous source of income for our Jewish neighbors, and that is the Kosher tax. Too many people, anytime you go to a store, a grocery store, and you pick up a can of pick up a box of cereal, you pick up anything in there at all, there’s these little tiny little print things, little U in a circle, or a little K and a circle, these little symbols on there.
And like it or not, I don’t care if things are kosher or not. I’m not a Jew. It doesn’t matter to me if they’re kosher. I can care less. Why do I have to pay that tax? Why do the Jews have to leverage every food manufacturer into paying it? Because they’re what, 2% of the population maybe? Who cares? I don’t need their business. Fuck them. But we all end up paying it.
It’s a racket they set up, and it’s essentially an endless stream of annuity money that they’re going to get as long as people have to eat. So those are two really big things that are crimes against other Americans. I want to see these practices ended. I want to see the Federal Reserve disbanded and have those functions go back to gentiles within the Treasury Department. I won’t go transfer to Jews inside the government.
Want to transfer to gentiles in the government. One thing that we can do. One of the reasons the Otoman empire stood for so long and was so successful, they had a 1200 year run that was jews were not allowed in banking, they were not allowed in government, they were not allowed to teach. And you take away those three professions for them and keep them out of it. You can.
Have a pretty decent government that’s pretty stable with the way they’re in there. They’ll try to destroy you by any means possible. Well, I think that’s exactly right. If you look at the United States and let’s go to a macro view. Since 1950 until present, you’ve had the introduction of pornography, homosexuality fornication cohabitation, no fault divorce, then homosexual marriage. Homosexuality has taken off the psychological roster as a mental disease, and now it’s a lifestyle choice.
And this has progressed up through the infected popular culture. And now you see the fruits of this in the transgender transvestite movement and the militancy of aggressively going into schools and convincing children that they should pursue hormone blockers and castrate themselves and become some liberated new thing. Otherwise I’d call it Frankenstein. These are the fruits of domestic social decay, madness and death that I would attribute to the Jewish influence in the United States.
I haven’t seen this come out of the Russians or the Germans or the Japanese or the Muslims. I haven’t seen any of that. The Muslims are quite the opposite. They’re wholesome in their family values, like the Amish. The amish. Don’t push this. Neither does General Mainstream Christianity. But yet this social decay has taken over in the United States and has led to a progression of internal death. And that’s one of the most significant things of injurious nature that I see them doing.
And the other is, as Alan said, 30 years of war. Now, Alan, we’ve come to a point in 2023 where it looks like and McGregor and Ritter and all sorts of other people have said the same thing. Mike and I have been talking about it a little bit more passionately, but the United States is now morally, economically and militarily bankrupt. We’ve gone on since 911 on these endless wars.
Seven countries in five years. We’ve destroyed our reputation with the rest of the world. The rest of the world has acquired sufficient military technology and now is coalescing into the BRICS nations and these alternative United Nations economic development partnerships because we’ve sanctioned Russia, China and others. But now we see this conflict brewing, and it seems like Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, North Africa, Indonesia, Egypt, all of the Muslim and Arabic nations that were sort of simmering and looking the other way with the know Gaza situation, now all of their sites are fixed.
And now this becomes a call to jihad. It becomes a call to proclaim. Civilians who go to Gaza to rescue women and children will be blessed by God. These are the spiritual winds that move political sails. So I’ll hand it to you, Alan. How do you see this whole geopolitical military convergence climaxing? Go ahead. Well, I don’t really think it’s going to matter terribly much for two reasons.
One, actually three reasons. One, people may want to go to Gaza to rescue civilians there that are being caught on the Israeli bombing and showing there’s no indication the Israeli is going to let them in. They’ve got a solid cordon around Gaza, no food, no water, no electricity, no medical supplies, nothing goes in. And they’re certainly not going to let people in if they’re not going to let those things in and no one goes out except they push them out.
I don’t have any good information on the military operation, the ground operation that they’ve initiated. They’re apparently doing it very slowly and methodically. They understand that it isn’t wise for modern army to get caught in urban fighting. Very bad things can happen to it. You might still win, but you’ll lose more than you should. I can’t see this huge coalition of Arab and Muslim nations actually putting together a combined coherent military response to Israel.
I can’t conceive of it doing a combined economic response because if it did, if anything worked, you can guarantee, look at our governments. The United States and Western Europe would pile in and ruin themselves to save Israel. The Jews running these governments would ruin their countries to save Israel if they had to do it. And besides that, there’s a little thing called the Israeli nuclear capability. And if a dozen Arab and Muslim countries did somehow get together with a military force or look like they were getting it, and the Israelis dropped a few nukes on a few capitals, do you think that Russia or China would resist or would fight them, knowing that the United States is on the other side and under Jewish control? Really? It sounds good.
It sounds really good. But the time for the Arab countries to have done this, for the Muslim countries to have done this was since 1973 when Egypt and Syria jumped in and some other countries and actually were winning some battles, destroyed a third of the Israeli air force. That was the time for them to have done something and they didn’t. They simply didn’t. A lot of smoke and a lot of public relations, lot of noise, very little substance, unfortunately.
Mike, I’d ask you how you see this convergence evolving with regards to the surrounding neighborhood. Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Russia, China, all of these nations that seem to be on the Palestinian side. Not necessarily because they have just a love for the Palestinian, but these are how the teams are laying up. You’ve got the United States, Ukraine and Israel on one side with British NATO, you could say that.
But I don’t think Britain or NATO or Germany are going to fall in line. I think they’re going to stay out of this. They would see their own countries engulfed in revolution. And I think that’s the other wild card. Revolution is a very real button that can be pushed, that could overthrow these governments in a French Revolution mentality. And I see that coming. But I’ll put it to you Mike, how you see this evolving.
Go ahead. Well, what I see, Scott, is the israelis. If they’re successful in genociding the Palestinians, which I believe that is their intention, next, they’re going to genocide the Lebanese, and then they’re going to genocide the Syrians and the Iraqis and the Jordanians and just march their way all the way up to Iran, and they’re going to attempt to genocide the Iranians. I don’t think the Muslim nations have a choice but to fight Israel and resist, because if they fail to do so, they’re going to die anyway.
Do you want to die fighting or do you want to die on your knees? That’s really the question that the Arab countries have to ask themselves. It’s the same question we as Americans have to ask ourselves, because I don’t want our sons and daughters going over there and fighting honorable men, the Muslims. My experience has been they’re honorable men. I don’t want them fighting and dying to kill honorable men for a bad cause.
And what happens to Israel? I could care less what happens. Know this world would be a better place if we didn’t have Jews inhabiting and sharing the planet with us. For a very small portion of the population, they have enormous clout, enormous influence. You know what they pride themselves on? Being smart people, but they’re not that fucking smart. It’s my contention that there’s some hidden hand here that’s helping them somehow that I don’t see yet.
And I don’t know what the nature of it is, but I know that they couldn’t do this by themselves. It’s just how it is. I’ll let it rest there. Well, let me play the other video that we had. That kind of is a prediction of what may be happening with the rest of the nations around there and how Russia is going to respond, how China and these other countries.
Israel’s communication Minister says Tel Aviv is severing all ties with Elon Musk’s Starlink Agency. That’s after the billionaire offered Gaza his company’s satellite to restore Internet connections cut by Israel before it expanded ground offensive. Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight this. Hamas will use it for terrorist activities. There is no doubt about it. We know it and Musk knows it. Hamas is ISIS. Perhaps Musk would be willing to condition it with the release of our abducted babies, sons, daughters, elderly people, all of them.
By then, no office will cut any ties with Starlink. Now, let’s get some more insight into this and speak to former US officer Scott Bennett. Scott, thanks so much for joining us today at RT. First Officer, what do you make of Musk’s move? Is this motivated out of a altruistic desire to help others, or is he simply wants to stir things up and create mischief for others? Well, he’s being politically wise, I’ll say that for the least of him.
There’s an old saying, ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. And I think the Israelis are terrified that the truth is going to get out and the truth is going to be seen about the genocide that they have been engaging in. And it would arouse millions of Islamic people, Arabic people, Christian people from around the world to descend onto Gaza in a humanitarian mission of salvation that we’ve never seen before, we’ve never seen the likes of.
So I honestly think the Israelis are paranoid and absolutely terrified of the video footage coming out about what they’re doing to women and children and old people who are stranded in Gaza. I think they’re terrified about the American people also seeing the devastation and the murder that the Israelis are doing without any moral conscience or restraint. And the more that’s seen, the more nations will abandon any support of Israel.
They may even kick out the Israeli ambassadors, close their consulate and embassies and pull their own political staff out of Israel. You could see the end of Israel being done by its own political leaders. And Netanyahu is a master of suicide and self destruction and lies. He was the one who came to the United States and argued Americans to send their daughters and sons into Iraq in a foolish and genocidal mission.
And he’s now trying to do it again using the same language of axis of Evil and all sorts of nonsense and propaganda that they simply dusted off from the 911 war. So I think this is really going to be the end of Netanyahu’s regime and possibly of Israel based on their own actions. And other people are saying that, well, very tempered diplomatic, military persons have been reviewing this and they’re in agreement.
Israel is completely engaging in an act of political suicide by trying to exterminate Palestinian people. And it is not going to be well received by Europe or the Americans, or certainly not by any Arab or Muslim nation or people. And other Muslim political regimes are watching this very closely because their own political lives depend on how they react to this genocide. Look at, erdogan he has been very clear that the United States entry into this is a sign of mental illness.
And he’s exactly right. We’ve been saying the same thing. The United States is a degree of mental illness if it thinks that its own people is going to support this. So I would say this is a desperate attempt to shut off all communication, because the Israelis know the images of their murder and genocide going to be interpreted exactly as that, and that will isolate Israel further. I won’t play the whole thing, but later on, we also talk about the Hamas using the videos of dead children and all that to their advantage for recruitment and such.
But, Alan, I’ll hand it to you to fill in the blanks on that. I predict and I see the entire Muslim world unifying and accelerating like never before. This isn’t business as usual. And again, it’s not about Palestine and it’s not even about the Jews. To me, it seems like this is a lightning rod that has been struck and that is now glowing, and that has the capability of uniting Arabs and Muslims, sunnis and Shiites, like never before.
And there’s tremendous political opportunity and advantage to that. It seems like this has been a huge bucket of gasoline that the Israelis have thrown onto the fire that the Muslim nations will use to their advantage. And I think the Israelis will also set off false flags in the United States and Europe. I think the Biden administration are going to engage in a Gulf of Tonkins sink, perhaps their own ship, or the Israelis will, and they’ll use that too, as leverage to create a police state in America and shut down and claim their harmas operations in America.
So there’s lockdown, nobody leaves, everybody’s vaccinated and until further notice, and they may even assassinate Biden and put in Gavin Newsom. But I predict an incredible six to twelve months of incredible destruction and volatility. In fact, I don’t see this genie being put back in the bottle. I see this ending Western civilization. But I’ll put it to you to see what you think. Go ahead. Well, I suspect Western civilization is going to end anyway.
Couple of things. One, going back to something Mike said. Wouldn’t they rather die on their feet than die on their knees? Well, Americans had that choice domestically for the last several years. And for all the talking about the Second Amendment, basically the weaponry acquired under the Second Amendment have been used as stage props. And people have rung their hands and they’ve cried and they whined. But except for 117 year old kid in 2020, no one has done anything.
Doesn’t matter what that, doesn’t matter what has happened to their children, doesn’t matter what has happened to their cities, doesn’t matter what has happened to their country. They look at it well, but it’s time for another sports game, isn’t it? Something got to watch football, got to watch basketball, or it’s too wet or it’s too dry, or it’s too hot, or it’s too cold, but it’s too rain, or it’s not enough rain.
Whatever it is, they talk and they polish their guns and they go to the range and they fire and they go back and put their guns in their closet, and they sit there. And we are the most heavily armed population in the world. We have more guns than the entire Muslim world put together. We really do. And we’re in better conditions to fight, and we won’t do it, and I don’t think they will either.
Mike Harris for your comments, Scott. For the people in the west, and I can’t talk about the Muslim world because I’m not familiar with a lot of the internal politics of those countries, but for the people in the west, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and so forth to respond, there has to be two conditions. One, they have to see what’s happening there, what’s happening on the ground of Gaza.
And they’re not none of the networks. Jews own every network and every major newspaper in every one of these countries. And the US, Britain, France, Germany, keep going. And they own the governments. They own the governments, every one of them. All major British political parties, most of the French political parties. There are so many French political parties. I can’t say all of them because I don’t know all of them.
I know four or five, but not all. But running across Europe. Germany is the biggest supporter now. They own the government there. It doesn’t matter where you come down, except for AfD Alternative, which is largely whose strength is the former East Germany eastern part. Maybe Germany should be repartitioned so they can go back and join their eastern friends. But in the United States, we see it on social media.
I mean, I see it and occasionally you see it on some conservative media briefly, but nothing of the sort that conveys the message to the American people. I would bet you that 99% of the public do not know from what they see and hear and read what is actually happening on the ground in Gaza. And I’m going to part company with you two guys here on one thing.
I think the term genocide is overused. There were two people killed yesterday. Both were genocided. Sort of like not quite that way, but it’s close. I don’t see the Israelis bothering with that. It’s not needed. What they are going to do is ethically cleanse the area. Sort of like Nakba. Two going to be Gaza City, all of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and probably the Arab citizens of Israel, and get rid of them all, push them into Lebanon, push them across into Jordan, push them into the Sinai.
Doesn’t matter, but they’re going to remove them. It’ll be nakbatu. And that will be a great catastrophe. Now, will that get the world’s attention? I think there is so much control of the media and so much control of the government and so much control of the political parties, both Republicans, Democrats, that if reports surfaced, credible reports surfaced. And this is the hypothetical that Jewish settlers were boiling Palestinian babies for breakfast.
That you would see members of both House and Senate, Republicans and Democrats, stand up and say that Israel had a right to feed itself. Really. I mean, the control is that great. You guys know it. You guys know reality. The reality is horrific. I’m not questioning that. But that won’t reach the people here or Britain or France or the rest of it. A few will see it. A few see it, but not many.
That message doesn’t get and this is the big difference between what happened in the Weimar Republic in the 1920s and what has happened in the United States over the last 2030 years in Weimar, the Jews moved too fast and had to run for it. But they came back with the British army, the French army, the American army, the Russian army. They came back with the United States. They’ve taken their time.
They’ve moved more slowly, more gradually. For half a century, they’ve did. All the bases have been touched. The media, academia, the court system, the legal system, government, journalism, they’ve got it all. And unless you change that and again, go to the evangelical Christians. Show them what the Jews really believe about them and their savior and their religion, what they’ve written, but they don’t hide it. They don’t publicize it, but they don’t hide it.
They’re doing what the Talmud said, and we’ve got to make the Talmud make the Talmud famous. Make it public and famous. A saying a week by a rabbi. Get it out there. Let people know it. Yeah, good point. Mike Harris. What’s the question? That was really eloquently put by Alan here, but I’ll increase my fee, Scott. It’s now $25,000 a minute that our country has a problem. Every country has a problem.
This is a global problem. Mankind as a race has a Jew problem. It’s all of us. I don’t care if you’re black. I don’t care if you’re Asian. I don’t care if you’re white. I don’t care if you’re Arab. You’ve got the same problem, the same issue, the same people, and they want to control the world. This is what they’ve been trying to do. And we, as a free sentient people, have the right to say, no, you don’t.
But they’re hurting us into these pins as if we’re livestock and we don’t have a choice. And I for one, don’t like it. I’m not sure on how to fight back other than what I’m doing now. I could grab my AR and run down the street and do something stupid, but I’d rather save my bullets for something that’s going to be meaningful and not act knee jerk. So I don’t know how to fight this.
I’m trying to figure it out. Well, I think it’s about resisting and not doing or going in the way that they try and command or instruct. It’s about living your life on your terms as you define it, not as they define it. And fighting it is refusing vaccines and refusing to participate in all of the other debauchery that they try and advance and fighting to the death if they try and force it.
I mean, this is the resistance that has to happen, and I predict it will. The vaccinated, of course, I think are completely lobotomized. That’s the other wild card is, are the Israelis 90% vaccinated like they claim? And if they are vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine that I would expect the inevitable mental breakdown that’s going to strike. Is it the same vaccine that we receive or that our people receive? I’m not vaccinated.
I’ll never be vaccinated. But did they give them the same vaccine as they gave to the American or the European public? Yeah, that’s another question. Yeah, well, we will see. Gentlemen, I’ll give you final 1 minute to give us your closing thoughts. We’ll start with Alan. Go ahead, Alan, give us your final thoughts and closing arguments on what’s going to be happening and how people can react and prepare.
2024 is going to be the year of decision for the United States and probably for the rest of the world. Russia is bogged down in Ukraine and it’s like rare fox in the Tar baby. It’s stuck there. It can’t get out, there’s no way it can get out and it can’t get enough force together to push through everything that the west has been putting into it. What I find really fascinating is that the way almost everything else has disappeared from public discussion.
The Ukraine war has disappeared since the Israel Gaza conflict. Ukraine has disappeared. Discussion about the migrants coming across borders has gone down on tubes. Hunter Biden is not mentioned anymore. Biden himself is sort of ignored, but of course he’s worth ignoring anyway. That or being put in jail after a proper trial. 2024 is going to be very interesting because I don’t even know if an election is going to take place.
Of course an election doesn’t matter. If it does take place, it will be stolen. The only thing that through the vote and the rest of these people, including 2000 mules, which is really very good, it’s a very good presentation have done, is show the Democrats how to clean up their act. That’s what they’ve done. They probably did this in 2018, crudely. They did it better in 2020 once they knew that Trump wouldn’t do anything.
If he wouldn’t do anything against six months of rioting, he wouldn’t do anything against them. They did it in 2022 and they will do it in 2024. And they’ve got between ten and 20 million new voters, the migrants coming across the border, all of whom understand the patron concept, and they know the Democrats are why they’re here and they know that they’re expected to repay it by voting for and supporting the Democrats.
So 2024, we win or we lose so badly that we will make the collapse of the Western Europe and the Dark Ages seem like a nice trip. Yes, I predicted too. Mike Harris. Go ahead. Well, Alan said most what I was going to say border situation, because they’re going to use this border situation, as we said earlier, to implement martial law across the country. If a hot war starts in the Middle East, they’re going to say, we have Hamas cells here, we have to shut down turning your firearms, we’re going to have roadblocks, going to have checkpoints, going to have all this other shit, and they’re going to start rationing things to people.
And if you’re not on their good list, you’re not going to get much if you’re on their good list, you get whatever you want. And so our country is going to go through some really drastic changes. And many of us who have this viewpoint of the US. Being a sovereign nation or wanting it to be a sovereign nation free of Jewish influence, we might lose a lot of weight in the concentration camps are going to put us in because that’s what they do.
It’s called a gulag. And that’s where they’re going to put us. A lot to think about, a lot to expect, and a lot to prepare for and how we carve out our destiny and our freedoms and resist the slavery. Gentlemen, a very deep discussion, very much appreciate your insight. Alan Zabrowski and Mike Harris, thank you very much for joining us tonight. We will have you on again, very refreshing and very sobering.
So thank you again for supporting us on Globalfreedomtv. com. Tune in, go to our website, globalfreedomtv. com and email us and we are always very honored by your feedback. Gentlemen, we will see you on again. God bless you. Good night. Sam. Sam. .