Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Susan Lindauer
African migrants caused a highway blockade in Italy, demanding tolls from local drivers, while in Eastern Europe, Russia offers amnesty to surrendering Ukrainian soldiers, providing them food, medical treatment and safety from the war zone. On a different legislative front, there’s a controversial case against former President Trump about overvaluation of his properties, leading to higher tax and insurance payments, perceived by some as a political attack. A prediction is made regarding a potential breakup of the United States within the next five years due to increasingly divisive political climate.
Be the Lord, my strength, which teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight. I’m Scott Bennett. This is Global Great Awakenings on Globalfreedomtv. com and we are joined once again with a wonderful Susan Lindauer. We’re going to be jumping into a variety of videos and concepts and discussion points from international levels to domestic levels to what’s happening in Washington and all sorts of things. Susan, it is great to have you once again.
Before we jump in our videos, let me hand it to you to give us your opening remarks and what we’re going to be exploring tonight. Go ahead, Susan. Well, we are in a moment of national turmoil and potential real tragedy. Some really horrible things have happened this week and at the same time, we’re going to talk about one glimmer of hope, and that is in Ukraine. Of all the worst places on Earth to be at this moment, ukrainian soldiers in the eastern part of the country are now surrendering en masse.
This has just started. The Russians have set up a radio channel where the surrendering soldiers and can call in and deliver their coordinates and how many people are coming in, and then the Russians are going and picking them up, and they are delivering messages of how to do it, how to issue a surrender. What are the procedures? What are the words that they should say? And it’s actually one of the bright spots because these men are being forced, most of them now are Russian speakers.
People forget that there’s actually two languages in Ukraine, in the western part of the state where Kiev is, that’s Ukrainian. But the eastern part of Ukraine speaks Russian as they say. They Think In Russian they Speak In Russian they Dream In Russian and they have been overwhelmed by the western Ukrainians, who have tried to outlaw their language, their culture, who punish their children in school if they’re caught.
Speaking Russian and now the western Ukrainians, having invaded the east and trying to dominate, are going village to village, capturing any man or woman. They’re now conscripting the women as well, but they’re forcing these people to fight against their fellow Russians, their fellow Russians in the formal country. And this is now I’m only surprised it took so long, frankly, that I would have expected this to happen several months ago, but it is now happening en masse.
The Ukrainian soldiers are surrendering and they’re leaving their posts. And we have some video of this that I hope that we can play. Jump into it right now and play this. This is actually one of the bright spots of this week. This has been a horrendous. Very disturbing events are happening in this country at this moment. That’s the Polish ambassador. That’s the Polish ambassador from last week. The other one from 90%.
It’s the other video. It’s the other video that I sent you today. Put that in the chat. Put it in the chat. I’ll put it in the chat. It’s significant while you put that in and no one can help significant to remember that all of this has a repercussion on the American people. And let me play Josh Howley while we’re teeing up Susan’s other video. This was Josh Howley after a classified briefing in Congress given here it is, 35 minutes.
Here it is. So you can see this video. This is a momentous event because they’re saying that about 10,000 Ukrainians have now surrendered. And the Ukrainians, as we know, they have a four hour survival rate when they go into the battlefield. They are literally going the mob, the thugs, the brown shirts, ukrainian brown shirts are going door to door. The men are trying to dress up as women to hide.
They’re dressing up in women’s clothes, trying to escape the country, and they’re being hunted out. And they’re drafting pregnant female Ukrainians as well. They have no so here we, here we have it. We can show you this. Okay, now now hit that play to be killed. So you’re going to see like take a look at your screen here. So these are night vision scenes in Ukraine night vision, capturing many of the moments as Russian forces surround these targets.
There they are in the brush. You can see them coming out of the brush and they’re making announcements. Come out live or you will be killed. Thankfully, these men are coming out and they are surrendering. Just look at the screen. They’re waving the white anything you have white that you can wave in your hands right now, please do it, and we will make sure that you are safe, you are taken care of.
How many of you are there? Tell us how many of you there are. Don’t lie to us on your weapons and you will not be hurt. You will not be killed. Now, we have brought you reports that Russia has been dropping pamphlets to tell them exactly how to surrender so that they don’t get hurt. We also know that from NATO reports from leaked documents that if they surrender as a unit, they cannot be prosecuted for desertion.
So that’s why we see them coached with almost identical language. As they get in a room, they say, we are all together. They explain that we are command that has been left without weapons, without any training, and we’re stranded here and we surrender. There’s a formula to this, and we’ve seen it over and over again. You wouldn’t see it if you’re only watching CNN, but we’ve shown it to you.
Oh, no, the Western media is not going to show you this story. I guarantee you, you’re not going to see this story on the front pages of the BBC tomorrow, CNN, The New York Times, or other places. You’re not going to see reports of the thousands who have been laying down their weapons over the past few days. And here is Robertino and another surrender that’s happening. You can see them coming out of the brush.
Nighttime night vision goggles again. I mean, they literally could be mowed down at a second’s notice and they’re being given refuge. Drop your weapons. Lay down your western weapons. Lay down on your face. Make sure that you’re not having any grenades, and tell us where you’re coming from. Is there anyone else left in your troop? If there is call them out and we will check you to make sure that there’s no other explosives on you and then you will be given shelter you will be given food and you will be given medical attention.
But here are some of the five points that were published in Jacques Bode the NATO specialist book he says here are the ways that you surrender safely. This is what Russia is telling Ukraine. Abandon your position and leave the combat zone. Isolate, nationalist and Sbu. I guess snitches, for lack of a better word. Record a video message to your command. Say that you’ve been abandoned by your commanders.
And it says, be careful not to cross paths with nationalists whose task is to prevent you from surrendering or backing down by executing you. Well we’ve shown you videos here on the show and we’ve been demonetized for showing it but where you have the nationalists you have as off leaders basically shooting and executing Ukrainian soldiers who say that they don’t want to fight anymore so they’re being shot.
We’ve shown you those videos here and that’s absolutely what’s been happening and those who have managed to escape have told those stories about what has been happening. We showed you one horrible video where yes a commander or somebody ended up pulling a grenade and throwing it right into the room where these defectors were held up. So this afternoon, of course, here’s the report. We’ll just go through this article.
More detail here on exactly the numbers here saying, and this is the Gateway Pundit better call Volga. 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers surrendering as a result of this Volga radio frequency, 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to the Russians using a special 1. 49. 20 Volga radio frequency which been operating since midsummer. So this is a radio frequency. And you can see it here. Spray painted on walls all over the place, inside of buildings.
Surrender. Use this radio frequency only if you plan to surrender, let us know your position. And then you will be taken into custody. You will be provided with all necessary medical care, and you will be fed and given food. And of course, this is all coming right now as winter is setting in and getting very close to inclement weather arriving within the next 30 days. And so we know what’s coming.
These poor men who have been dragged into NATO’s war, sitting in trenches, freezing to death, with no food. I mean, we saw it last year, for crying out loud. Now, imagine a year later. We saw it in May of 2022 in Mariupol, when many units of the Ukrainian army just surrendered and refused to fight. So that did not get better, and so many of them were dragged against their will anyways.
But the will continues to mount as they realize this is a losing battle. I’m not going to die for this. So here’s a new video. Again. Again, I could show you 100 videos. I’m just choosing to show you a few here that came in this afternoon. And here is one from another group of soldiers who used the Volga frequency. They dialed in and said, okay, we’re done. We’re done.
We surrender. And then, of course, you can hear the Russian soldiers asking, how many of you are there? Where are you? Get down on the ground, and you will live here. Watch asking, what is your unit number? Who are you? Be honest. Tell us you are. So come out. Come out. Put your heads down. Hands up. Drop your weapons. Drop your western weapons, your US. Weapons. Lay down.
The amount of images we’ve seen over the past few days of all these weapons, these western weapons, is amazing. Yeah. Where are you from? What western weapons are being used in this? Think about it. Your American tax dollars. Piling up. Piling up. Here are just a few of the captured weapons over the past 24 hours. You can just see western weapons lined up there, ready to go after full stocks of ammo and everything else that won’t be used to kill people.
But it’s your American tax dollars hard at work right there. Captured. So you want to send more armored vehicles. You want to send more. These are the lucky ones. Russia has said you want to send more of these leopard tanks, abrams tanks. The moment they arrive, they will be destroyed. So american tax dollars, you want to send it? We’ll destroy it. These men can survive if they come out and lay down their weapons and end this craziness.
And let us not forget sorry and surrendering these forces, of course, providing vital details to the Russian army. By the way, this is good. So, as these men have been captured, they’ve been telling where their positions are. Here’s just one example. A Ukrainian officer who voluntarily surrendered yesterday gave Russian military secret information about spotters of the Ukraine armed forces and asked specifically where they are. He’s then given food because he hasn’t had food.
So here he is telling where they’ve been located. Sure of Fitzgerald capitan commandeer idea number, so called. The pavilion shows that house that I was doing officers commercial star wars lead some use on the pavilion of the officers and their positions. So it’s all the officers that are in the area and where their positions are very valuable. This is just peak intelligence. So if you’re listening to the audio version of this podcast, he’s looking at a folder with his units, positions, and the 10th army corps position containing all of its commanding officers positions and data on it that he provided upon his surrender.
All of the positions, the position, the type of activity they’re carrying out, guys. And what he said was, I voluntarily surrendered, and it took me two days to get. Yeah. And you can imagine what a terrifying two days that was. That is like the stuff of a Netflix movie right? And we’re pretending like it’s non real. Well do you remember a few weeks ago we showed it here on the show? We’ve got everything that Russia released from this but it’s important for everyone to remember that NATO is forcibly drafting these people and they are Russian speakers, they are Russian thinkers.
They are culturally part of Russia, not part of Ukraine and there’s been a big separatist movement in the Donbass and Crimea and the western Ukrainians are pretending that none of that matters. That the fact that these people really do not want to be part of western Ukraine that somehow they’re going to go out and fight and die for Kiev and it’s just not working that way. There’s no training they’re being put on the front lines with a lifespan of 4 hours if you go to the front at twelve noon you’re dead by 04:00 in the afternoon they have no chance of survival, no training, they’re not professionals and they’re also not committed to the cause that Ukraine is fighting for, which is unity.
They are trying to break away and so their positions have been overrun. Well, let’s examine this a little bit. There never has been a cause for Ukraine. I’ve known Ukrainians. They are some of the dumbest people on the Frickin’planet. They’re neanderthal, knuckle dragging retards. And that’s reinforced by some of these idiots when they surrender. They’re mumbling, they’re uneducated, they sound like ghetto type individuals. And I’ve known them when I was in DC.
And I was always disgusted by them. But there’s never been a cause for Ukraine. Ukraine fell apart. Ukraine was always neo Nazi fascist back in the Russia had all sorts of problems with it when it was the Soviet Union we just had a little blip of that in Canada with the old Nazi going up there and the queers of $3 bill Trudeau and his other fools celebrated cocaine.
Yeah, you’ve had Ukraine as a fascist wannabe, as a bunch of brainwashed troglodytes wanting to be Nazis, wanting to be German blonde hair, blue eyes you’re not you’re a bunch of toothless hillbillies that make the hill have eyes and deliverance look like a beauty pageant and you’re stupid. Wow. And that’s the history of Ukraine. And I follow this. I don’t say it prejudicially, but just as a matter of factly, they’re not smart.
And let’s just fast forward. In 2005. Six, seven, 8910, all the way to 14, the US CIA were doing MKUltra brainwashing political coup d’etas. They were planting seedlings in Ukraine for political takeover. That evolved. You had Obama and all sorts of minions investing biochemical labs into Ukraine the military industrial complex, the Pentagon, the state Department, the CIA, merck moderna pfizer johnson and Johnson the whole COVID-19 thing emanated out of Ukraine.
They were doing that from 2007 all the way up to 2016 even after that too. But then, ultimately, the grand coup d’ETA, the grand crime against humanity, occurred in 2014 when the West, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Biden, Victoria Newland, they went into Ukraine, they gave them tea laced with I think it was ecstasy and PCP and other things to hop them up on drugs and get them bouncing and jumping.
And then that translated into a militant, violent coup d’ETA. Overthrow of Yanukovych. Let’s also not forget that Yanukovych, the president of Ukraine before he was overthrown in 2014, said we are not going to go the way of the European Union. We’re going to have relations with Russia because we are a Christian orthodox country and we cannot allow the homosexual united nations UN EU. Requirements to come into our country.
We’re not going to recognize gay marriage we’re not going to let homosexuals adopt children. We’re not going to have transvestite sex surgery and things like that. We’re eastern Russian. Orthodox people. Well, that sent the Obama globalist and the homosexual Nazis crazy and they overthrew Yanukovych after he said that. In addition, he also said, get these biochemical labs out of my country. You’re experimenting on the Ukrainians and I don’t want them here.
So they got rid of Yanukovych because he was becoming a problem for the biochemical labs that they had invested there. They wanted to develop Slavic DNA weapon systems aerosols I did a documentary on RT called Death Factories people can look it up. This was the origin alexander Dugan when he came to Iran presented materials on these biochemical labs and said there’s going to be a war over this which he was right.
Two years later he said that in 2018, two years later, it all evolved. It all happened but they overthrew Yanukovych and they went in and that’s when Ukraine, the cause of Ukraine was a genocide extermination of everybody who was eastern Ukrainian who said we’re not recognizing this U. S. Imposed coup d’etat or the leadership. And they declared themselves independent. It would be like us, Susan, if Washington suddenly said, well, the Chinese are taking over Washington and Joe Biden is going to give the presidency even though he’s not the president, to some Chinese dictator and now you all have to follow that.
We would say screw you, f you in all sorts of colorful ways we’re not going that way in all sorts of colorful ways yes we’re independent very colorful ways. So what Ukraine did is what every American would do if a foreign imposed government was forced upon us and we in fact did this back in 1776 declaring independence. So that’s what the Eastern Ukraine and the way the Russians are looking at this.
Imagine if the United States breaks apart and Arizona and Nevada decide they’re going to go with California. And then ten years later, Arizona and Nevada say, you know, that was a really stupid thing we did. We have definitely changed our minds en masse. We want back in with the rest of the United States. We want to be with Georgia and Texas and whatever. Alabama, north Carolina and Florida.
And they changed their minds and they wanted to come back in. Of course, the remaining United States would immediately embrace them and bring them back in, which is what the Russians are doing. The Russians look at Crimea, they’re looking at Don Vass. They’re saying, these people have been part of our country since the 17 hundreds. People forget that Ukraine was part of Russia back in the days of Catherine the Great prior to the United States revolution.
This goes back to the early 17 hundreds. Peter the Great 17 hundreds before the United States even existed. Ukraine was part of Russia and Crimea was part of Russia, and this was something Catherine the, you know, all know, globalists trying and children, petty children trying to erase history, and they don’t even understand why this is just doomed to failure. Well, the other thing that makes this and I focus on the cause of Ukraine because when they overthrew Yanukovych, they then began the genocide against these independent republics.
You and I on your show had that Russell Bentley, who’s Texas army guy who’s got family in Russia in that area, and he’s over there in the donbass. And they have passports, they have Russian passports, they have Russian currency. The Russians provide them with medicine and food and heating. So that all through this period of time, since 2014, after the Maidan coup, the Russians have provided them with all the Internet and energy and heating and supplies that they would need.
People need to know the cause of Ukraine was genocide. Zelensky, when he took over from Poroshenko, right, Poroshenko, the original president who took over after Yanukovych. And you had some other Nazi fascist that was there in the beginning, too. But Poroshenko went over to Trump. Trump’s got a lot of blood on his hands over this as well. Sending him weapons. Oh, I’m not going to send him blankets.
I’m going to send him weapons. Well, that’s the stupidest thing you did, you dumb son of a bitch, because now you’re facilitating a genocide and Poroshenko takes your weapons. Mr. Trump, you could have settled this way back when you came in 2016. 2017. You didn’t start saying, we’re going to bomb them. We’re going to send their children into the basement while ours go to school. The eastern Ukrainians were not bombing or shooting or killing western Ukrainians.
The Russian speaking Ukrainians, the Russian speaking people in eastern Ukraine were not engaged in militant violence against the western Ukrainian government. That was planted by America the separatism came through elections, people forget they voted. They organized a referendum, the people went out, they had closed ballots so that they did not have to report their ballots to the authorities. They had a closed ballots, they had 80% turnout. And the people overwhelmingly and it wasn’t even close.
No, they all wanted to go back to Russia and Crimea was crimea held one Donbask and Lugansky Lugansk, and the reason was because they were being slaughtered, bombed their women raped their daughters, raped their children, their old people killed. They crucified wicked fanatics that were drugged up by American CIA, given weapons and told to engage in a genocide that was the cause of Ukraine. And you’re right, Susan, they voted.
They became independent Republicans. They chose their fate and try to in the west, they try to erase the history here. But Ukraine has been part of Russia since the early 17 hundreds. That’s 200, 300 years from 1720 until today. That’s like 300 years that they’ve been joined with Russia. They speak Russian, they think in Russian, they write in Russian, they live as Russian people who are being persecuted by Ukrainians who are voting.
They voted and they did not take up the guns as you just said, Scott, that’s correct. They did not pick up guns and bombs to get what they wanted. They went to the ballot box and they organized it. They had a chance. The people had the right to say they did not want to do it and that’s not the way it went. They solidly went to Russia and Russia is right on their border.
When Russia moved into Ukraine to defend them in 2021 well, let’s clarify that. Russia made a defense treaty, a defense pact with Donetsk and Lagonsky and Crimea when they became independent republics, russia then made a defense pact with them saying we will defend each other in the event of aggression. Then when that was signed, and remember this too, they had been bombing and doing genocide. Genocide is the cause of Ukraine.
They had the Minsk agreements when they said, oh, we’ll need a timeout, let’s try and settle this. And it was all a lie. It was all a ruse. It was all a strategic deception operation to get time to refurbish their armaments. And then they launched. When they got their second wind, the Ukrainians with the Western backed and the British backed and the Germans backed, went on their second attack.
And that’s when Putin and the Russian Duma not just Putin either, it was the whole Russian Duma. I mean, this is like 90%, 95% of all Russians said we need to step in and defend our people from being genocided and our language being annihilated. We’ve seen this before with Hitler and Napoleon. We’re not going to go through it again. And they went in and they defended this whole territory.
But they didn’t go to Ukraine. I mean, I’m sorry, they didn’t go to kiev. They didn’t go to these key areas. They simply went to defend these territories, these areas, and they’ve launched a defensive war. Ever since, I thought they were going to go on a blitzkrieg operation, decapitate the regime and take over the whole country. They never did. They were trying to have settlements and discussions, peace arrangements, which Zelensky and Boris Johnson and Joe Biden and Boris Schultz and Macron are violently opposed to.
And as a result, Susan, of their violent opposition to peaceful talks. 500,000 Ukrainian men are dead. What is it, 77,000 in the last seven months? No, I think it could be higher than that. I think we’re never going to go we’re never going to know how many died. I’ll end it by saying this and hand it to you. The Russians have shown extraordinary patience and kindness and gentleness and respect for these Ukrainians that did such horrific torture of Russians.
They deserve no mercy. The Russians, in a sense, could say, we are going to annihilate every single Ukrainian person because of what you’ve done to the Russian people in eastern Ukraine. They’re not doing okay, okay, but that’s the problem, is that everyone is presuming. There’s like a war over the identity of eastern Ukraine. So the eastern Ukrainians, on one hand, they don’t want to be invaded. On the other hand, they’re being invaded from both sides.
They just want to be left alone in their own communities, to be not bothered by anybody, and both sides are tearing them apart. And so I think you’re being a little bit too nice about Russia. This is a war. In war, they kill people. What I’m saying is dying. But Russia is NATO and the globalists yes, but listen, Russia is allowing them to surrender. My point oh, yes, this is a big deal.
We’re not going to allow you to surrender. We’re going to kill you and cut your throats because of the old women that you’ve killed and cut their throats in Donbass in Donetsk and Lagonsk. But they are letting children but the reason they’re letting we’re going to kill every single one of you. But Russia is not doing that. No, Russia is allowing but that’s because they are Russian people who are being, in a sense, rescued by Moscow.
That’s the problem, is that they are caught in between the western Kiev neo Nazis and the Putin forces, and they’re being squeezed on both sides, and they just want to be left alone in their well, I’ve said this six months ago. I said six months ago that they should immediately start dropping leaflets saying surrender, saying, we’re not here to kill you. This is now an information psychological warfare.
It’s funny, it takes six months for them to follow the prescriptions that I laid out originally, but finally, Russia seems to be doing it. But I’ll say this too, in my mind susan russia needs to completely encircle Ukraine and capture the entire country and say nothing comes in or out. You want to know, leave. But if you have Nazi tattoos and you’ve been part of the as off battalion and all these Nazi groups, you’re done.
But they need to take over the whole country and redefine the country as something totally different. Russia cannot allow any form of the previous Ukraine regime to exist and it can allow any Western NATO EU money or presence. They ought to say every European Union embassy is gone from Ukraine. Kick out the French, kick out the Germans, kick out the Americans, kick out the British. Say, no, we don’t need your embassy in what was once Ukraine because it’s going to be a new republic.
It’s going to be hopefully the center of a multipolar world united nations, new UN, new Security Council or court or something. The multipolar world needs to begin on the ruins of Ukraine to show that when Western NATO countries wage war that they don’t prevail and that instead in the place something new is created that’s better than the old colonial world. Susan, I am going to disagree with you on one point I do not believe.
I think that if the goal is for Russia to take the entirety of Ukraine, then we’re going to be in this fight forever and they’re going to be battling for an there’s no one left, they don’t have any battling for an inch of ground. But what instead should happen is West Ukraine should break apart from East Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine keep what exactly you just said there’s not going to be any European embassies there at all.
But Eastern Ukraine is Russian and that should go with Russia. Well, they should take they need to take every piece of valuable real estate and leave whatever’s left to some treat them like barren Indian tribe reservations. You want to live in Ukraine? Here’s the portion you can live on. But the best parts of Ukraine the ports, the fertile lands, the Kiev that’s back in eastern Russian hands. But that is the problem, you see, it is eastern Ukraine, which is Russian Orthodox to the core of their being and the Ukrainians in the west have tried to harley because I want to get your opinion on his thing.
I mean, the Republicans are just as stupid as these knuckle dragging, toothless hillbilly Ukrainians for even allowing this to go forward. Yes. Not to interrupt the conversation you were just having but did anything that you learned in there change your perspective on Ukraine aid? You feel pretty outspoken. No, it did not. Listen, what I heard in there let me just choose my words carefully, given that it was a classified briefing.
But I’ll just say this. If there’s some path to victory in Ukraine, I didn’t hear it today. And I also heard that there was going to be no end to the funding request. So I think this latest request for what is it? 24 billion. That is not the end. They made that very clear. It’s not close to the end. So I would just say what we’re basically told is buckle up and get out your checkbook.
Of course it’s not our checkbook. And can I just say by the way, I’m sick of hearing all of these people in that room for the administration applaud Congress for being so generous. This isn’t our money for heaven’s sake. We’re not being generous. It’s the American people’s money and they spent 115,000,000,000 of it and so far they have basically nothing to show for it and they’re going to ask for a heck of a lot more.
24 billion is not the end. Not even close. So what happens if Congress doesn’t help them with what they need? Well hopefully number one, our European allies will actually do something. And they just confirmed to us again that we have spent more than all of Europe combined. I mean last I looked Russia was in Europe. So we need our European allies to step up to the plate here and Germany in particular.
We can start with them and do more. But that’s not the message they’re sending. The message they’re sending is the American people are on the hook indefinitely. So let’s have no more applause for Congress spending other people’s money. They should go to the American people on this level of them and say we want 5000 billion more. Maybe more than that. Republicans, they’re saying that essentially withdrawing the assistance we’re giving to Ukraine would amount to worse than what happened when the Biden administration withdrew Afghanistan.
What’s your response? Here’s what I think you could do go through and listen to all these comments about what would happen if we didn’t keep spending the American people’s money. Take out Ukraine, insert Iraq or insert Afghanistan and you would get exactly what George W. Bush said for years and other people after him about why we have to stay indefinitely in those countries and keep spending money indefinitely with no oversight by the way.
And at the end of the day very little to show for it. It’s the same recycled arguments. I don’t know why we have to go through this again. Iraq seems a little bit different than Russia. Thank you Senator. The arguments aren’t any different. It’s the same argument over and over. Listen. I just listened to them say for our standing in the world we must keep spending this money literally for our standing in the world.
I mean that’s now what we’re spending money on. For our standing in the world. Mark Kelly mentioned at a Pen and Pad today that after the war is over there may be a need for a Marshall Plan spending to rebuild the country. What do you make of that? Oh yeah, that’ll be next. That’s what I mean. They want 24 billion now, many many more billions over the next year.
It just said that and then they’ll want on top of that, who knows how much? Now listen, here’s what I did today. I just stood out on the steps of the Capitol today with people from my state and around the country who are exposed to nuclear radiation by the federal government and they haven’t gotten a penny from their government, not a penny for 70 years. And you want me to go spend their money, 100 billion more dollars on Ukraine and they can’t even get basic health care because they’ve been poisoned by their government with military operations that furiates me.
Are you concerned at all that pulling out of Ukraine, pulling aid away from Ukraine? I like George Holly. Yes. I like him. A, you know, I’ll hand it to you, Susan, because he ended with a poignant part. He said substituting Iraq and Afghanistan into this Ukraine model. You get the same result. You were instrumental in the revelations after 911 of the fraud and the 911 attack being self inflicted and all the comprehensive peace framework that they deliberately ignored every possibility for nonviolent resolution of the conflict that included weapons inspections.
Six months prior to 911, the Iraqis invited the FBI to send a terrorism task force into Baghdad with authorization to conduct terrorism investigations. They offered comprehensive contracts to American corporations, preferential contracts in any post sanctions period in telecommunications. Telecommunications, oil pipeline, reconstruction. The United States would have had full rights to receive oil leasing and development. They offered to buy 1 million American manufactured automobiles every year for 20 years.
They offered to give preferential contracts for US healthcare, hospital equipment and pharmaceuticals. Peace is profits. Bing bling bling profits. Big ones. Big time. And we could have achieved so much. But the warmongers are determined that they are the only ones who will be considered. And the aid that we’re giving to Ukraine is tied to Lockheed Martin. It is tied to Northrop Grumman. So really we’re not giving Ukraine money.
We’re giving it to Lockheed Martin, who is paying its shareholders and is producing weapons that are probably subpar. In many cases, we are down on our munitions. We’ve used up our stockpiles, but our stockpiles had been hanging out for ten or 15 years, building up as we just because there’s no war does not mean that they stop producing weapons or lower the production rate. It used to be, during the Clinton years, bill Clinton’s presidency, they paid the military not to produce.
They paid them to maintain the factories and to keep the factories in good order. But they were not producing weapons, so they kept them idle. They gave Lockheed Martin money to keep the factories idle so that in the event that there was a war, they could turn around and ramp up production, military production, very quickly. But they were not producing weapons, which really surprises people. They don’t even know that during the Clinton years, those eight years, there was no weapons at all.
And then they had to ratchet up the fighting pretty quickly under George Bush which is why it took about two years before he could go to war in Know. But the same justifications, the vilification, the demonization it’s all finance, it’s all the profiteering for the war economy and we are bankrupt. We do not have if anything we should be sending our weapons to the southern border with Mexico we should be using our soldiers to defend our own territory from invasion, from Fentanyl, from drug cartels we’ve got Elon Musk going down which is fabulous I respect him a lot, I really do.
He’s doing what the president of the United States should be doing. And people are even bibi. Netanyahu said you’re sort of the alternative to the president because somebody has to do this. Somebody of power has to do this. And that’s why we are seeing more. The people who push peace are vilified and demonized. I the Pacifists goebbels said that voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
It’s very simple. You attack the pacifists for lacking patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country, every time. And boy, didn’t we see that when Bill O’Reilly attacked Jim Fetzer? And Hannity attacked Jim Fetzer? Here’s a Marine Corps officer and these loudmouth, blabbering idiots go on the attack claiming Fetzer is unpatriotic. You’re an enemy of America. O’Reilly says I was accused of being a traitor because I said that the Iraqi exiles were falsifying intelligence on non existent weapons of mass destruction and I told that to Colin Powell who lived right next door to my CIA handler and they came and they grabbed me up and said you’re a traitor.
I negotiated the return of the weapons inspectors to Iraq. Everything I did was so good. But I was way ahead of the curve and it is a dangerous place to so I have to tell you that what I think I want to disagree with you on one very important thing. I think that the solution has got to be that Ukraine should break in two parts. I feel very strongly about that.
Western Ukraine kiev does not wants to be part of NATO. It wants to be part of the European Union. The Eastern European part has the industry, the factories, the breadbasket, the Ukrainian wheat fields, the food production. Those people are they have the technological institutes. They had great universities, great engineering, all on the eastern side, which is close to Russia. And so those factors should go with Russia. There should be a division of the country know west and east and Kiev can go.
With the European Union? Well, that will depend. But it’s not just donbass. Well, that will depend on Russia’s ability to cleanse Ukraine. Of the neo Nazis that have been financed and trained and drugged by the United States. They will not allow one inch of Ukraine to exist where those sort of people, those neo Nazis with their US handlers, are going to be allowed to strategize and plot oh, yes, guerrilla war attack against Russian people.
They’re not. Going to allow it. They’re going to go in if they think that they can live in peace, yes, maybe they’ll have a split of Ukraine, but I guarantee you, Russia is you know, Russians. They’re going to say, we’re going to go all the way to the Polish border. And if there is anyone that we don’t like that is trying to overthrow Russia or be guerrilla warfare tactics and all that, we’re going to annihilate you.
We’ll populate. Ukraine with our people, and they’ll be I think Russia is now they’re not going to allow the neo Nazis ever again to come into the country. And the other point I wanted to make susan, hold on. Let me finish this. Zelensky has said that the Ukrainians in Europe are going to start acting badly if you cut off our money supply. If you cut off our funding.
What that is to me, and I’ll put it to you that to me is CIA language that they’re going to use. The ukrainians that are deployed in the diaspora in Europe, they’re going to use them to cause terrorist attacks against european governments and people, to make them more cowardly. And cow down and dependent on the United States I see that as language where they are going to release Ukrainian attacks in know because they’re bitter because they’re pissed off you abandon know slava Ukraine we’re going to blow up a cafe in France or see they did it with Al Qaeda and ISIS and all that stuff.
I could see them doing that again in Europe. But I’ll put it to you to see what do you see coming in the next few years as this kind of changes and shifts over. Well, see here is the problem that we’re talking about. What you’re saying is that the Russians do not want to give up western Ukraine and the western Ukrainians who hate the Russians, who hate the Russian speakers in their own country.
Now, I want to emphasize the western Ukrainians do not speak have a totally different language. And they tried to in the schools, they tried to outlaw the Russian language. They punished children who came to school and spoke the language that they have at been very they’ve been vicious and manipulative. But the western Ukrainians who want to join the European Union also want the breadbasket of the east. They want to control the technological corridor, the scientific institutes of eastern Ukraine which are right on the border with Russia.
So they don’t want to let go of anything. And there’s another weird twist to this. The European Union was demanding that eastern Ukraine would have to shut down its factories because the European Union controls production of each state of each member state. And Germany saw eastern Ukraine as a threat for its industrial base which is competitive with the German industries. So the German industries said, oh, we want Ukraine to join the European Union because we want to shut down the eastern factories which are competing with our jobs and they’re competing with us.
And so we’re going to shut them down. We will keep them in poverty, which is what the European Union does. Hold on, let’s flash forward, because all their plans have come to but that’s what’s holding this. No, no, it’s not. It’s done. Everything the US, everything that Germany, everything that NATO, everything that the EU planned is burned up and crumbling like a house of cards. Macron is kicked out of Africa.
Germany had their Nordstream, two pipeline blown up by their ally, the United States. All of the European governments are this close to revolution, and it’s coming. When they start to get coal, they start eating their own hamsters and all sorts of other stuff. All of Europe, all of the economy are going to be well. That was an RT advertisement they did last Christmas incidentally. No, they did this RT had a great commercial.
It said, A year from now, they showed the Christmas tree in Germany with a little German girl laughing, and they’re decorating the Christmas tree. Then they said, flash forward a year when you don’t have Russian gas, you don’t have Russian coal, you don’t have Russian energy, you don’t have anything. You saw the dead Christmas tree and the little hamsters gone and they’re eating a soup and they intimate that it was eating the hamster soup.
And I’m being kind of playful about it, but it’s also deadly serious, because Europe is going to go into a dark age if they try and continue being vassal slaves to this American policy. That is futile. You are never going to buckle or break Russia. You had a chance in the 90s, but miraculously, Russia was delivered. You will never break them now, because Russia and China and Iran are all on the same and all the big oil producing countries are on Russia’s side.
We have no one on our side. That’s right, we don’t. That means a damn. So I want to shift over. We have no one on our side. How is this all going to their their wishes and dreams and agenda is going to be burned up and gone, Susan, like a newspaper ignited on fire. What’s going to happen? I do agree with you. I think that France is showing the way.
Britain is being overwhelmed, overrun by migrants. The Arab wars in Syria and Iraq and Yemen and Libya have unleashed hell of migration waves, as we all know. As we all know. And the model of replenishment is not working. It’s not working at all. The replacement theory is not going the way they thought it was going to. And so the invaders have nothing. They have no education, they have no skills, no capability to contribute.
Same thing here in the United States. At the same time, we have this shift, this massive shift, unprecedented with BRICS and the new parallel banking system, which is going to shut off financing for the west. And people do not understand that yet. BRICS, it’s not going to be like a heartbeat going like this, back and forth with the money going back. It’s going to be this will be frozen out and atrophied.
There will be a wall, and then this will be going like this. And all the money will be here. All the money will be on the BRICS nations, and then the western Europeans will be starved for money. And then they’re going to have the trouble of all these migrants who come in who have no skills, no job capabilities, no education. They don’t speak Rome, Susan. And it’s not just that they are rabid dogs.
They are rabid, vicious, horny dogs that are coming in full of fleas and lice and diseases and distemper. That’s what these migrant immigrant, illegal populations are to Europe and the United States. The United States europe. The populations I know, you know, they’ve been like Purina, Westminster, well bred dogs. They know how to walk. They’re educated, they’re they’re I love that. I do, too. They’re all perfect show dogs and that’s a beautiful thing.
But you know what? These migrants from Africa and Central America, you know what they are? They’re a bunch of rabid hyenas, don’t have any hair that piss all over the place, that come in and hump the couch and any other little girl or boy that you have. These animals coming into Europe and America are going to cause the fall of Rome tribalism. You’re going to have tribes rise up in the far right, in Germany, in Britain, in America who are saying, no, we’re not going to tolerate it.
We’re going to kill everything that comes across that even looks and thinks about praying. Well, let me tell you, you’re being very generous about the migrants, I think in Italy this week, migrants from Africa set up a blockade of highways in Italy, trying to demand that they would have to pay tolls to the migrants. The Italian drivers on the highways were just going along, driving their own. They’re already pissed off that these people are there and now they’re blockading it and blockading the roads and demanding that the drivers, the Italian people, have to pay a tax in order to access.
Where are the Sicilian Mafia when you need them? Where are the Sicilian Mafia when you need them? Susan, we’re almost out of time. I’m going to hand it to you to get your closing thoughts. Go ahead. I think that the Russian government has made a strategic superior decision to offer amnesty to soldiers from Ukraine in the eastern part, who are they’re recognizing? Something something’s going off. Now they’re saying, you know what? These are Russian people and they’re being forced into this war.
And russia is doing a brave thing and a wise, brilliant move. And it’s probably one of the only bright spots in Ukraine right now, is that the Russians are accepting the amnesty for these mass surrenders. And tens of like, so far, they’re saying in excess of 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered. They’re being offered food, medical treatment, they’re not being prosecuted. They are being taken away from the war zone so that they’re safe.
The Western Ukrainians have been going door to door and they’re going into houses, and they’re doing house searches, trying to find bodies of people to go send to the front. And then when they’re caught, they’re like, well, they die in 4 hours. So they’re now taking women, they’re forcing women to go into this. And a lot of the women who are being forced into this conscription are being raped.
They’re being used as prostitutes, as camp prostitutes for the male soldiers. And they’re like, Look, I have a husband. What are you doing? Leave me alone. The women don’t like it at all. So the Western Ukrainians are treating the Eastern Ukrainians very badly, and the Russians are finally it’s like clicking off in their heads that they’re killing their own people when they need to be saying have a totally different message, which is, look, we’re here to liberate you.
Yes, we are a force of liberation, and if you want to be liberated, come surrender. And they’re telling them how to do it, and they’re saving. Why would you want to die for Kiev when Kiev has been trying to exterminate you know, this is just these are two separate countries, and I think it’s time for the rest of the world to realize they need to break apart. And that’s what’s going to happen in the United States, too.
I think we’re going to see a breakup of the United States in the next five years. I don’t even think it’s going to be that long. If we last another ten years, I’d be amazed. It’s going to happen before 2024, Susan. I think it’ll happen because of 24. Yes. I think what they’re doing with Trump is so evil. And I never thought that I’d see and I’ve been through some crazy stuff in my own right in my life, and I never thought we’d see them do something like this to President Trump where they know that he’s Trump.
Derangement Syndrome multiplied by the 10th power by delusional government fanatics that think because they’re in government, because they have a Lanyard, because they have a name badge, they have absolute authority to do whatever they want and simply clothe it in the policy. They’ve said that he should pay $450,000,000 in damages. I just cannot even grasp how apparently they’ve accused him of overstating the valuation of his properties, overvaluing his properties, which means that he’s paid too much taxes.
He’s paid higher taxes because of the overvaluations. He’s paid higher insurance premiums because of the quote overvaluations. And so all these years, he’s been paying more money than he needed to pay. And the judge wrote an opinion, apparently, that there is the law does not require the state to suffer damage from any of this fraud. It’s not necessary for any harm to have come from overvaluing the properties.
And certainly, if you’re paying more in taxes, if anybody’s been suffering harm, it’s Trump. It’s Trump who’s been paying the taxes. It’s Trump who’s been paying the higher insurance premiums. So if anybody got harmed by this, it was Trump. But it certainly was not Letitia James in the city of New York, which has been the beneficiary of the higher taxes. And the judge said, it doesn’t matter. And also, these valuations, property valuations, are highly fluid.
They change from one year to another year. I would disagree with that judge’s interpretation, because to have fraud, you have to have an injured party to agree that a fraud has occurred. Otherwise, the other party for a contract could say, no, this is within the bounds of our contract. This is the arrangement, and we have a right to contract. So it enters some nebulous legal theory. But again, these judges, Susan, are doing nothing according to law or the Constitution.
It is entirely motivated, well crafted, well calculated, well strategized, but 100% lies and deception. They are doing this for political assassination purposes. But I see them having a real bad awakening because what they’re going to try and do to Trump, their assassination of Trump is going to result, I think, in the assassination of they themselves, politically and physically, because people have had enough. And they’re at 1776 and they’re about to tar and feather and execute these tyrants who are trying to force they’re about to tar and feather them.
Yeah. Susan, we will continue on next week. Thank you so much for joining us. We look forward to having you on next week and talking about this part two. I think that’s a fascinating entry into what’s going to be happening in the United States. So thank you also for joining us on Global Freedom TV. God bless you. Good night. Very well done, my dear. Very well. Very well.
Good show. Great show. .