149 1:00:07 2023-08-07 Global Great Awakenings. Scott Bennett Mike Harris.

Posted in: Global Freedom TV, News, Patriots


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➡ Scott Benner and Mike Harris discuss their views on the current state of politics in the United States during an episode of Global Great Awakenings, touching on subjects such as President Trump’s recent advertisements, the 2020 election, the economic crisis, and the potential for reinventing industries. Harris believes America is on the brink of a super depression and requires proactive strategies to mitigate damage, some of which could involve futuristic reindustrialization. They also touch on international dynamics featuring a shift of global alliances away from the U.S.
➡ The text revolves around a detailed discussion on the socio-political situation in the United States, highlighting issues such as inflation, struggling families, open borders, racial tensions, and governmental failings. The conversation accentuates the self-destructive path of the country caused by internal issues like the failing education system, disorganized welfare, and income disparities exacerbated by inflation, all promoting civil unrest and possibly leading to a societal collapse.
➡ The text revolves around a heated conversation about racism, societal issues, political ideologies, and the speaker’s belief in white supremacy. They criticize social welfare policies, accuse certain groups of dehumanization, claim that white people are inherently racist, and debate negative stereotypes related to African-Americans. Also, the general discussion about separation and divorce references to the idea of racial segregation. The latter half of the text moves to criticising MAGA Republicans and their impact on American democracy. Additionally, there’s a speculation about political and economic collapse. The speaker sympathizes with white South Africans and brings up controversial ideas about repatriation. The tone of this passage is largely confrontational and lacks a cohesive message.
➡ The text comprises a dialogue between two individuals who hold critical views about various social issues including racial discrimination, homophobia, the transgender community, and the rise in violence. They express fear of potential domestic violence, feel there is an increase in mental instability, self-hatred, violence, and anger in the society, and question acceptance of transgender people. They also anticipate a possible collapse and reorganization of the states similar to the fall of Rome, focusing on failed male athletes competing as women.
➡ The text discusses the author’s discriminatory viewpoint towards different races and their perceived social and intellectual capacities. He also expresses his ideas about the survival of the fittest in case of economic crises, and criticizes the existing judicial system, expressing support for vigilantism in such scenarios.
➡ The speaker expresses a strong disdain for the current law enforcement and legal systems, accusing officials of siding with criminals. They champion harsher punishments for criminals, criticize the operations of the FBI and DEA, express xenophobia, and express a desire for a homogeneous society. They believe the current practices fail to address the root of problems and instead perpetuate a cycle of crime and injustice. They argue for a significant overhaul of these systems to establish more effective, ‘tough’ solutions.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Global Great Awakenings on Globalfreedomtv. com. I’m Scott Benner, your host, and blessed be the Lord, my strength, who teacheth my hands to war, my fingers to fight. Ye shall know the truth. The truth shall set you for you. We’re joined once again by the great Mike Harris, and we’re going to be jumping into a lot of the international events and national events that seem to be going on, assessing some of the intelligence features and and there’s certainly a lot going on.

Mike, I wanted to start with this video of President Trump to kind of set the mood, if I may. This is a real quick one, but I think this is important to see first. Here we go. I’m thrilled to be back in the beautiful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with thousands of proud, hardworking American patriots. For seven years, you and I have been fighting side by side to rescue our nation.

Now we’re approaching the most important battle of our lives. With your help, we are going to win the Pennsylvania primary very easily, actually, and we’re going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House. We’re going to take back our country, and we’re going to make America great again. So, Mike, what are your thoughts on Trump’s advertisements? What is the state of the nation with regards to all of this? In one sense, it’s a great, rambunctious, heroic sort of buildup.

Are we building up to a mighty arising and a mighty awakening and a mighty revolution in this country with people siding with him to overthrow these tyrants, or are we in for something else? Mike Harris well, the dice are still rolling. We don’t know what we don’t know yet. It is a very rousing, very patriotic sounding commercial for all intent and purposes. I like it. It is motivating.

I’m a Trump supporter. I have been a Trump supporter. And I really hate how our government and how our entire culture has devolved since 911. So we’ve really been on the downward track. And it reminds me, how did you go bankrupt? Well, slowly at first. Then all of a sudden and I think that all of a sudden part is that we’re right on the edge of that. We’re right at the edge of falling off the cliff.

And it’s not just Biden’s criminality because that is abject and everywhere that’s in your face, we’ve all known this. Anyone who watched the election returns in 2020 realized that the election was called for Biden before the results were in, and they backfilled the results as needed. Anybody who had an IQ of a room temperature can see this. So that’s that issue. But it’s more going on now with the COVID fraud that came in, the bioweapon that’s been introduced, the number of deaths that are going on as a result of the vaccine and the state of the economy.

I mean, when 911 happened, they kicked the can down the road then they pumped up the economy to make it look better than it was. And that ended up resulting in the mortgage crisis of 2006 seven and eight. And now they’ve poured more gasoline on that fire. And so whenever the can, it runs out of road to kick it down. We’re going to go into what I will call the Greater Depression.

We have a super depression coming in this country. Wow. Affect the entire world. But we’re going to lose dollar as reserve currency status. The numbers are out. Now, the BRICS countries are going to assign 8 grams of gold to a brick. That means one that’s what they’re going to call it, is the brick. So one brick is going to be worth just shy of $500 on today’s valuations.

This is going to rock the world. And all those dollars that are out there floating around the world are going to come home. So the price of everything domestically in the US is going to go through the roof, except your wages and except your Social Security check, your welfare benefits, your pension fund check, you get a month. That’s going to stay where it is. So everyone’s going to find their shoes getting very tight.

Now, can Trump change that? No, he can’t. But there are some proactive things he can do to mitigate the damage and the pain and the hardship that the American people are going to go through. And one thing we have to do. I keep going back to his inauguration speech when he acknowledged we have technologies out there that are going to revolutionize how humanity lives, whether it’s in energy, whether it’s in healthcare, whether it’s in material science, any number of things that we can do to reindustrialize our country and do it rapidly.

I’ll give you a little business school analogy here. If you look at At T, they were the big dog. They owned the copper wire telephone service. No one competed with them. They had it all. They had to be broken up because they had such a huge monopoly. But they were one of the last movers into the cell phone space because they didn’t want to compete with their own legacy business.

And so they got left behind, had to play catch up. But the US, since the Clinton and the first Bush administration deindustrialized the US. There’s no longer as many legacy industries to compete with. So we’ll be able to re industrialize without the competition. Special interest groups in no, no, don’t invest in free energy. We’re oil and gas. We’re coal. You’re going to kill our industry to kill our jobs.

So much of that is already gone. So we’re primed to reindustrialize in a very futuristic manner. But just how do we get there? How quick can we implement this if it takes 20 years? Hey, I’m off the chessboard. By then, I’m done. I’ll be too old to do anything unless they’ve got these bed technologies that really work and can really revitalize or rejuvenate the human body, that’d be great, but I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know if it’s real or not.

But we’ve got some challenges. I say this almost every week. We have a lot of problems. We have no problems we can’t fix. We just have to have the political will to want to fix them. And so far, I haven’t seen that out of the American people, and Trump is the closest I’ve come to as a guy who shows enough will to really try to fix the problems we have at Know.

Let me play one more video because it’s another good setting of the tone. You said some pretty provocative things that I want to address after this is the final battle with you at my side. We will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country.

We will route the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all. I like that one. I like them all, of course. But in throwing out the warmongers, throwing out the military industrial complex, having a radical reformation of our thinking with regards to our military, we’ve talked about before, and no one knows it better than you, we have turned in a paradigm shift away from a republic towards an empire.

On September 11, 2001, when they initiated this false flag attack, coordinated operated through Mossad, CIA, Saudi intelligence services had nothing to do with the Afghanistan people or Osama bin Laden. But this event was used to launch us into this brainwashing of global war on terror. If you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists. And the Patriot Act has to be passed and means everyone’s rights are suspended until further notice.

And we’ve launched off this cliff like Wiley Coyote, and we’re triumphantly running through the air with nothing underneath us. And we’ve gone to Afghanistan, we’ve gone to Iraq, we’ve gone to Syria, we’ve gone to Libya, we’ve gone to Yemen, we’ve gone to Ukraine. And now we see all of these countries and all of the world essentially abandoning the United States. Look at Africa. Look at Saudi Arabia and Iran having a reproach month, having Saudi Arabia, Iran, and these other countries, China and Africa, making overtures to Ukraine in direct confrontation with the NATO U.

S. War planning. Ukraine is a whole house of horrors. A basket of worms. Organ harvesting. Zacharova just put out an article today about Ukraine as the center for organ harvesting torture, filling these people with drugs as they filled them on the 2014 overthrow of Kiev, giving the CIA, giving them ecstasy, lace, tea, and other things to make them all like they’re in a rave. And in that maniac launching an overthrow of Yanukovych and then launching the civil war genociding the Ukrainians and of course, the Russians have terminated this.

But we’re seeing this, I think, a major shift away from all of that thinking. And the question becomes, are we in for major flashes internally or externally? I personally do not think Russia is going to be lured into a full confrontation with NATO. They may have to sniper them. They may have to take out their helicopters, their planes, their bombers, their ships from a distance, but they’ve got the technology to do that.

But I don’t see Russia being provoked or taking the bait to do a major operation against Britain or Germany or the United States. Instead, I see the United States in the great Super Depression you’re describing really going into a spasmatic chaos, a convulsion, an epileptic fit of all sorts of maladies that is going to really, I think, return us to a sense of forced isolationism because Europe is going through this right now.

It’s a good segue for some of the other videos and stuff we’ve seen. I did an interview with Dustin Nemos today talking about the black bloodlust against the whites, the, you know, seed of Satan, if you will. He goes into a very well done religious expose of the origins of the Luciferianism and their connection. But we’re seeing a major change in these populations that are bringing civil war and violence and strife.

And I’m wondering, how do you see America and our people reacting to all of this? Is it going to be a major collapse of everything in sort of a postman world where we have to rise up and cobble things back together and leave a lot of things in a lot of cities desolate and abandoned? I’ll hand it to you, mike Harris. Well, great question, actually, but where is it going to go? See, Russia and China don’t need to do anything.

The US. Is destroying itself internally. We’ve had these Zionist khazar Jews running our government, you and I. I’ll quote Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain. He said if voting mattered, it would be illegal. And so elections don’t have much validity these days in. So we’re being taken down the road to perdition here and we’re destroying ourselves. This open border by itself is enough. The inflation, the irresponsible printing of so much money is enough to destroy an economy.

They don’t have to do anything. All right, let’s say you’re black, you live in the inner city, and you’re a mom with four kids. We’re talking about a budget of $16 million, and we are having to file a federal lawsuit to get information about who yeah, we just said something real quick. Okay, so your mom with four kids. You’re getting $190 a month to feed the kids and yourself.

So you’re living on just under $1,000 950. And you go to the grocery store and a loaf of bread now costs $15, where before it was $4. So you have enough food there to feed one fifth of your family and you’re out of food, you’re out of money by the beginning of the second week of the month. What do you do? How do you do it? You’ve got teenage boys who are going to be angry and want to go take they don’t know how to blame anyone else, how to blame themselves or take responsibility, but to blame other people because they’re stuck in a system and we’re all stuck in the system.

If you’re on Social Security, your 1000 $802,000 a month Social Security check, it’s not going to last you as long. If you’re on a police or a teacher’s pension or something along those lines, military pension, the money just doesn’t go as far and that’s not going to increase to match the inflation rate. The real inflation rate is around 16% and it’s taken a momentary pause because Biden distributed the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to make the CPI, to keep the CPI down, to make it look like he was doing something good and he really wasn’t.

And now we can’t afford to refill the petroleum reserve. So there’s going to be a lot of unrest in this country. And Barack Obama really poured a lot of gasoline on the fire between whites and blacks. This whole wokism thing that everybody is in an oppressed group, whether you’re a queer, whether you’re black, whether you’re anything at all, white man has been oppressing you. Well I’m sorry, white people did not give you your genetics that you have.

God gave you those, your parents got together and gave you those genetics and you may be athletic, you may be dumb and life’s hard enough. It’s harder when you’re stupid. John Wayne said that by the way. And so it really, it doesn’t matter how you are it’s how you conduct yourself. What problem solving skills do you have? Are you one who confronts problems and tries to solve them? Are you one who ignores them and tries to sweep them under the rug? All of these things.

Most people these days try to find a convenient scapegoat and push their problems under the rug and don’t address them. They don’t look inward. They’re not self examining. They don’t say, hey what did I do to make this worse? How did I make my lot in life worse? They just blame other people. And this is all coming home to roost all at one time here. So I think we’re going to have some real problems.

And I sent you a video earlier today of yeah let me play that. Let me play that. These are black kids. These are teenage boys, 1315 years old. Where are they getting this caliber of armament that they’re carrying around? This is brutal. This is taken off of a ring doorbell. They’re trying to get people let it in their house, dress up. It looks like a project. Hold on I take the seat.

That’s brutal. If I see that outside my door. I’m shooting first, taking questions later. Yeah, you see that out your door and they’re not going to be alive. Yeah, I’ll drop them where they stand. Please stand on the plastic. Police said they are searching for several teens seen on video standing on the porch of a Universal City residence holding guns. Universal City Police said they were sent the video on Thursday and determined it was taken at a residence of the 700 block of Vernon.

Police said they received the video from anonymous source. The investigation is ongoing. Well, the video obviously came from the house, from the doorbell and the story that we have here. Let me bring this up because it’s pretty interesting, but that’s what’s going on in our black inner mean. This is this is atrocious. This is not to be tolerated. A disturbing pattern of out of control kids is being overserved in several US cities.

This might result from progressive leadership in city halls failing to enforce law and order while supporting disastrous defund the police efforts that have transformed city streets into war zones in a few short years. The latest example of this chaos comes from an inner ring suburb of the city of St. Louis in St. Louis County, Missouri. Let’s see. Local television station KML released a shocking video of kids pointing guns at smart door camera of a home.

The five kids were strapped with pistols and semiauto rifles. They were seen knocking on the door. Police said they received the video anonymous source. Blah, blah, blah. Democratic Mayor Tanisha Jones moved to defund the city’s police department by millions of dollars to put social justice and racial equity at the center of all public policy appears to overshadow the continuation of violent crime. Jones has supported strict gun control and called on Congress to ban weapons of war, claiming if these guns were banned it would result in a drop of violence.

The mayor has been in damage control mode for about a month after open records request revealed private text messages showing a chat with her father in March in which she said chicago has strict gun laws as well, but that doesn’t deter gun violence. Jones is correct. She understands gun control doesn’t work. However, public acknowledgement of this failed policy is considered taboo for Democrats. We must ask the tough questions why are these kids radicalized to violence? Is it because of violent video games, violent movies, or music that preaches violence? Or perhaps it could be due to fatherless homes and the lack of stable households.

That’s exactly what it is. And what about the failed education system and faltering welfare driven local economies that leave kids with limited room for success? Whatever the reason why these kids feel the need to run around town like it’s a scene from Grand Theft Auto isn’t because of guns, but instead a reflection of their environment that the Democrat party entirely controls. These kids feel limited, upside in their ability to achieve the American dream and automatically default to a life of crime with some not expecting to live past the age of 30.

This has to change. Democrats have spent too long ruining inner cities and keeping an entire class of people oppressed. Banning guns won’t solve the inner cities. Blah, blah, blah. Well, Mike, we’ve heard from people like the cartoonist of Dilbert. What’s his name? Adams. Yes. He said, I’m done with it. I’m done with blacks. I’m done with all of them. I don’t want to be around them. And I would say all white people should leave the cities.

And I’ll tell you why, too. There’s a very powerful video. Let me play this one, too. This is a black woman speaking to a white professional audience, telling them how bad they are, that you all are born into a life to not be human, and that’s what y’all are taught to do, to be demons. So in this particular way, white people are all racist. Yeah, that’s right. What happened to Scott? Hello? Are we done? What happened? It.

Hello, Mr. Harris. Look like Dr. Scott Burnett have a problem with Internet connection. Here we go. Yes, please continue. Yeah, I got bumped off. It seems they didn’t like what we’re talking about there for a SEC, Mike. Let me bring it back right back on there. This is a significant video that shows the vile hatred that you’re seeing and you’re talking about. So even when you’re on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being because I believe that white people are born into not being human like that actually instead of people of color and black folks being dehumanized that actually everyone is dehumanized off rip within white supremacy.

That you all are born into a life to not be human. And that’s what you all are taught to do, to be demons. So in this particular way, white people are all racist. No, you’re always going to be racist, actually. So even when you’re on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being because I believe that white people are born into not being human like that actually instead of people of color and black folks being dehumanized that actually everyone is dehumanized off rip within white supremacy that y’all are born into a life to not be human.

And that’s what y’all are taught to do, to be demons. So in this particular way, white people are all racist. No, you’re always going to be racist, actually. Well, Scott, she makes a good point. Maybe it’s time for a divorce. Maybe it’s time that we seed territory and let the blacks go run their own show. Because I guarantee you, you come back in six months, it’s going to look like Haiti.

I mean, you look at what’s going on in South Africa right now and how the black governments first of all, when the Boers, the dutch Boers settled South Africa. There was nothing there. There was no indigenous population except a few bushmen and hottentops. There weren’t any Zulus. There weren’t any hosa. Those tribes moved down from Central Africa and they moved in. And now the population is about 70 million blacks to 3 million whites.

They were given control of the government when the apartheid government in South Africa fell, and they’ve run a first world country into the ground where they can’t even keep the power on. They can’t provide clean water for people to drink. Let’s divorce ourselves. We don’t need the blacks. We do not need them. They don’t contribute anything that helps the greater good of mankind. They don’t they take up space.

They’re violent. They eat more than they produce, so we don’t need them. So let’s give her her wish and let’s divorce them, and let’s give them a homeland, someplace that they want reparations. Fine. We will give you reparations. But with the reparations comes repatriation back to your home continent. So we’ll pay you to leave. Yeah, I don’t think it’s unreasonable. People are sick and tired of this. People are absolutely just at the end of their rope with all of this stuff.

There’s one more video here I wanted to play, too, that kind of talks about this, but we don’t need them. They’ve outlived their usefulness that they never had a usefulness other than as labor on the cotton fields 150 years before I was even born. This is an interesting video. MAGA republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. The willingness to engage in political violence is fatal in democracy. More and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool in this country. There is no place for political violence in America, period. None. Ever. See that. One more time from the beginning. Well, Scott, let me point some things out to you. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

Maggie? Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. The willingness to engage in political violence is fatal in democracy.

More and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool in this country. There is no place for political violence in America, period. None. Ever. Well, Scott, that’s an old Democrat trick, and that is, they accuse their opponent of what they do. Yes, but let me point out some statistics for you. Back in 1964, when Johnson began the civil rights movement and began the social safety net with welfare spending and all this, we had a population of around 240,000,000 people.

And of that, 8% of the population was black. So we had just under 20 million people in this country who were black. Since the implementation of Johnson’s Great Society, civil rights, all this nonsense, the population of the country has grown to 330,000,000, of which 70 million of those 330 are immigrants. And the black population went from 8% to 13% of that population. So from 19 million plus to almost 44 million, 43 million blacks in this country.

So they have doubled their numbers. And that has been through the generosity of white people taking money out of our paychecks from our work to provide for their welfare benefits, their Section Eight housing, their health care, all of these things that we have provided grottis because we’re nice. And I’ll say it again, that our opponents, who really aren’t the blacks, they’re just a tool. And I don’t mean any harm to any black people.

I really don’t. I’m not vengeful don’t hate them, don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want to be hurt by them, but I don’t want to hurt them. I want them to live and prosper, but I want them to do it on their own. But our real enemy has been something else. This Kazarian group here, those are the ones who’ve engineered this, and those are the ones who set out to change the demographics of America.

From being a 90% white country, we’re down to being a 60% white country. We have lost ground. Our numbers are not we’re not even at replacement level. And this was all by design. This is what the Khazarian Zionist Jews have been doing. They use the banking system, they buy politicians. It’s time for a change. And if the blacks want to divorce us, I welcome mean, we will give you reparations, and we will be glad to repatriate you to somewhere in West Africa of your choosing.

Ghana has already volunteered to take them, so I would be happy to do that. I’d be happy to take the white South Africans in exchange for them, in fact. Yeah, but the thing is, Mike, I don’t think the country has got the cohesion or the government or the sense of unity to do anything. Really, really don’t. Every day that goes by, I see an archipelago forming, I see one landmass beginning to totally break apart into different areas.

Now, be advised, there are very strong regions. The majority of the American people are very strong. Majority of the American people are conservative, traditional. They do not subscribe to all of the open borders, endless war, transgender, homosexuality, all of the perversion that does not appeal to or get the support of. I would say 85% of the American people 80, 85% all over the place. But that being said, we’re having, as you described earlier, the onset of an economic collapse, the onset of a political collapse, and the onset of a Weimar Republic.

And so we’re going to have good regions, good states, texas, portions of South Dakota. I mean, all basically the entire country except for some of the shit zones like New York City or Chicago or parts of Detroit, and places where you have these black youths running amok, places like that. They’re leopard colonies. They’re worthless. Rope them off, barricade them off. You don’t come out. The thing with is, wherever whites go, blacks follow.

See, the thing is, the blacks are the most racist people in the world. I’ll tell you why. Because you’ve got a black guy, you got a black woman. They go to college, they get a degree, they get a decent job someplace if they’re married. If they’re a couple, they’re making 100 and 5200 grand a year. They’re doing okay. What’s the first thing they do? They leave their neighborhood and then move into a white neighborhood.

Why? Because they have good schools and it’s safe. But then they come there and they may be a great couple. They may be wonderful. They may be just what you want as neighbors, decent people. But you know what? They’ve got some cousin somewhere, Tyrone, who just got out of prison and he doesn’t have any place to go. His parole officer insists he’s got to have a place to stay.

So you put him up in the spare bedroom or the basement or wherever, and then the next thing you know, tyrone’s friends are coming by. They just got out of prison, too. So next thing, cars are getting broken into, young girls are getting harassed. There’s drugs in the neighborhood. And suddenly your good neighborhood’s not so good. It’s not because anything that the decent black couple did it’s because of what their relative did who came to live with them because he needed a place to stay after he got out of jail.

And so that’s the pattern. And that’s how it I remember I grew up in the St. Louis area. I remember back when Ferguson was all white. My Uncle Bill lived up there and he worked his whole life. He was an auto worker, union man, good guy. Miss him terribly. But he couldn’t go to Ferguson these days. He’s dead now. But he couldn’t because it’s all black. It’s all turned to shit.

I’ll say it again. The blacks have we’ve heard of the Midas touch, right? Everything you touch turns to gold. Blacks have the fecal touch. Everything they touch turns to pieces. It’s just how it is. And anybody who doesn’t recognize this is stupid and blind. The blacks see it. That’s why when they achieve some modicum of success, they don’t stay in their neighborhood to make it better. They run to hide behind you in.

Your neighborhood. They don’t want to deal with their own people. They don’t want to because they know how their own people are. So what we really have is somebody who is in the women’s block. Well, you think you’re exactly right. And you see the pattern being replicated in all these neighborhoods where you have the slow ghettoization. It’s tragic. But the question is how many people are going to be putting up with this more.

I wanted to bring up the other story that you had shown us. That one’s awful. There we go. So this is man who identified as a Muslim woman files legal claim to retrieve testicles from ex boyfriend’s Fridge. Scott, if you need to even ask about mean the Muslim woman who’s left his testicles to his boyfriend’s fridge is obviously mentally ill and he shouldn’t have been allowed to hurt himself.

He belongs in an institution. All of these homosexuals are mentally ill. They’re just not right. The homosexual lobby strong armed the American psychology association to get the classifications of what is a mental illness rewritten. And they did this back in the guess the last one that had a homosexual as a mental illness was the DSM three. We’re up to the DSM five or six now. I don’t recall.

But now they’re talking about this transgender nonsense as being a normal life. This is not normal. These are mentally ill people. And the thing that I look at, I have to ask myself, say, wait a minute. You want me to accept you as a woman when you’ve got a dick and a set of nads on you, but you can accept yourself for how you were born, but you want me to change my mental model about what you are, that you want to pretend to be a girl, a woman, but you don’t accept yourself.

So you’re kind of speaking out of both sides of your mouth. You’re a hypocrite. Because if you can’t accept yourself for what God gave you as your birth, how do you expect me to accept you pretending to be something you’re not? Let me play Megan Kelly’s comments on this. So what we really have is somebody who is in the women’s locker room taking the women’s trophies and the women’s medals and getting off on the fact that he is dressed like a woman, immersed with women, and they want the women to get the therapy.

We have crossed the Rubicon. Get out. Get out of our swimming pools. Get out of our locker rooms, get off of our track meets. Get out. We’ll find an accommodation for you. Hopefully you’ll get the help you need. But we are not surrendering, girlhood or womanhood, to you and your mental issues. Well, Scott, she’s right on. She’s exactly right. I fear that the United States, our country, is on the verge of great domestic violence.

I really fear this. I smell it in the air. I mean, I don’t leave the house unarmed. I mean, I’ve got a concealed carry permit, and depending on where I’m going, I may have a backup piece on me. But I don’t leave the house unarmed. I’ve got something on me constantly. And do I like it? Do I want to live that way? No, I don’t. It’s extra weight, a little inconvenient stuff.

But I’m not going to have a group of three or four or five black teens come up and stick a gun in my face, brutalize me and probably kill me for certainly, Rob, it’s not going to happen. I’m going to drop them where they stand. Well, the best weapon for close combat, of course, is a knife, a punch, dagger or something on your fixed blade. I would always say a fixed blade on you because you’re right.

We are entering a time. Look, you and I know in the audience knows this, too. Conservatives, contrary to Joe Biden, conservatives do not thrive on chaos. Conservatives do not advance anarchy. Conservatives do not erupt into explosions of fire and violence and thuggery. Conservatives, MAGA Trump supporters, don’t beat people up in the streets. We don’t break windows. We don’t storm the Capitol. That’s antifa. That’s FBI, CIA and other Democrats, part of a coup d’etat.

Conservative, traditional Republican Christian Trump supporting Americans. Don’t do that. It’s not in our nature. It’s not in our character. And the democrats and the anarchists and the homosexuals and the transgenders and the blacks and the BLM and all of these groups. They do that because of the mental instability in them, because of the violence and the anger and the self hatred, because of the disintegration of their family at a young age, because of their pathetic mothers and fathers who were probably in jail or on drugs or their uncles that abused them or whatever it is.

The tale of Democrat life is always strewn with violence and betrayal and abuse and drugs and alcohol and corruption and the absence of religion. Democrats never have a religious foundation. They’re antireligious and they try and make up for it through humanism and communism. So we’re at this area. What’s remarkable and striking, of course, Mike, is we’re in a position in American history where we have never had so many sick, toxic people in our country ever before, and we have so many different flavors of sickness and toxicity and madness.

You have men cutting off their penises and drilling holes into them and calling themselves woman like Megyn Kelly just commented on. You’ve got women, young women, cutting off their breasts and taking hormone pills. These people are mad. These people are going to get worse unless they have a thief on the cross moment. But that’s between them and God. But I agree with you. I think we are on the cusp to such a violent revolution because all of these people hate so much, and they try and project their hatred onto Trump or Republicans or Christians as if we are the source of their pain, their agony, their self loathing.

No, they are the source of their own pain, their own self loathing, their choices. We’re not making the choices for them. They’re making their choices to do the ruinous, suicidal things to themselves. But they’re only going to become more and more angry. And the danger is with the soros prosecutors and courts and the police. They’re in a position to position themselves against the traditional white conservative people. I see this too.

So you’re going to have, I think, a major uprising, and I think it’s going to bring in the fall of America, like the fall of Rome. I wish it wasn’t true, but I see a complete collapse and a reorganization of the states like Rome Readjusting or reforming into the Florence republics or something. I think you’re going to have the American continent reform where you have the Midwest and the Mountain, Rocky Mountains and some portions of California and such, and the south.

I think they’re going to reconsolidate. But some of these other areas are going to become no man’s lands. They’re going to become just wastelands. And we’re not even getting into the Ukraine Russia military, China situation. But I’ll hand it to you to finish up on the domestic assessment. Go ahead. Let’s look at Megyn Kelly’s comments. What you do is you have men who are failed athletes who go in and compete with women, and so these are failed men who don’t have what it takes, but yet they pose as if they’re women to do this.

It’s not acceptable. Megyn Kelly is exactly right about that, and it is. It’s mental illness of a multitude of stripes. We’re burdened with an underperforming black population that is never going to amount to a hill of beans, ever. I mean, there may be individuals who come up and do well because they’re always outstanding individuals, but as a collective, as a group, as a statistical average, they’re not. They have lower IQs.

70 to 75 is the average black IQ in this country. Average white IQ is around 100 to 102. Asians are 104 to 108. And so we’re burdened with a stupid population that makes up 13% of our numbers. How do we compensate for them, particularly when they’re violent and they’re uneducated and in many cases, they’re not even educable. So what do we do with them? How do we handle this? These are the talks we need as a country to be having.

And everyone is too gutless and scared of hurting somebody’s feelings to have this kind of conversation. The Asians are stellar citizens. They’re great neighbors. They’re good people. They’re kind, they’re loving, they’re family oriented. The blacks don’t want them near me. Don’t want to near me. Like I said, I’ve got a couple of black friends who are outstanding individuals at what they do. They are the cream of the crop, but they’re just individuals.

They’re not the mass of black many that lives in Chicago or New York or Chicago or do we how do we rectify this? How do we make a fair and equitable society where everyone has an opportunity to compete, and those that fail to compete get cold? How do we do this? How do we set this up so that there’s a purpose? We don’t need to bring Mexicans up here or other illegals from the south to pick fruit and vegetables on the farms.

We’ve got a black population that you cut off the welfare. They’re going to be begging for those jobs because that’s all you could train them to do. That’s what they were brought here for the first place, was to pick cotton. So now you go ahead and pick tomatoes or grapes or something else. I don’t know how to fix this. I’m sorry. It hurts their feelings. Too bad. This is reality.

And when this greater depression comes, it seems like we’re inclining into a time of deep individual selfish requirements and needs. I see this morphing into. If things collapsed, if you have a Weimar Republic tomorrow, if you have the collapse of the dollar and stuff, suddenly what happens, Mike? You go into, hey, I need to do this. I need the following, I need that, I need that, I need that.

Selfishness kicks in. It’s an instinct. It’s survival. You’re a long range scout. You’re Special Forces. You’re out there operating by yourself. You’re not Gomer Pyle standing around the flight line waiting for someone to tell you where to march. That’s not us. That’s not the majority of the traditional conservative MAGA people. That may be the black, that may be the Mexican, that may be others, but it’s not us.

We don’t kick the rocks and wait for someone to tell us what to do when all hell breaks loose, when all shit falls apart, then you put on your big boy pants, okay, what do I need? I need gas, I need food, I need water. And whatever I need to do to get it, I’m going to get it. Whatever tools, whatever weapons I need to get it, I’m going to have with me.

Now, what people do I need to get these things? And it’s not advocating theft. It’s not advocating stealing or anything, but it’s maneuvering and advancing along a trajectory when an avalanche is going to come down and block the freeway, which is our economic livelihood, our institutions, our systems of government, everything people have taken for granted for the last 100 and 5200 years. When a big avalanche comes and blocks that road and suddenly you don’t have bread, you don’t have this.

You don’t have toilet paper, you don’t have whatever it is. What are you going to do? How are you going to adapt? Now, here’s the thing, Mike. We don’t lose our heads. We conduct ourselves. We kill if need be, but we conduct ourselves. We advance and we build teams and we build teams according to leadership and natural strength of character. People are leaders who have the strength of character to lead, not who.

Well, I studied leadership in school, all that bullshit. Half these pastors are that kind of beta male. Real leaders are those who rise up and command the hearts and minds of others because they have an anointing, they have a strength. The people know that guy’s going to get the job done, and he’s not going to take any prisoners, and no one’s going to back him down. So we’re entering this phase of aynran’s selfishness, supreme individual selfishness for survival.

Now, what happens to those who don’t know how to be cold blooded and organized? The blacks, right? The Mexicans. Mexicans aren’t bad. They’re bad. They’re still bad. They’re still crazy as a bunch of nut jobs sometimes, but they’re tribal. They’re Indians. But the blacks gone. Now, the Indians is in the Sikhs and the Continental Indians. Not the American Indians, but the Indians over from Calcutta. Those ones. Those are good people.

Go ahead. I used to make jokes about two kinds of Indians. You have the Casino Indians and you have the Intel Indians. So we all know what we’re talking about here as far as this goes. You’ve got two types, and we’re talking about the Casino Indians in this country. And you make a good point here about the Mexicans. Everybody calls them Hispanics. Most of them have no Hispanic in them.

They’re not a drop of they’re Indian blooded. They’re Indians. They’re Yakisos. Mestizo means mixed. So if they’re yucky, they’re mestizo. But they’re not. These are the indigenous people who are living in Mexico, who speak Spanish, and they’ve been labeled as Hispanics when they don’t have any Hispanic blood at all. This is what we’re competing against. Our people, Northern Europeans, we aggregate in small villages, usually around 500 plus people, because you can stake out an area, you can defend it well enough.

You have alliances with the surrounding villages. They know their territory, you know yours. And so if a greater force comes in, whether it’s the Romans or a Tale of the Hun, you bond together and you repulse the invaders. That’s what the Battle of Tootenberg Forest was about. That’s what stopped the Roman march through Northern Europe. Yeah, but that’s what our people do. These other people, I don’t know what they mean.

We’re going to find out. Well, and that’s the thing to prepare for, because they are going to go crazy. They’re going to go start graving mad. They’re going to go ballistic and berserk, and they’re not going to know what to do. Humility is not going to be the first thing that comes to them, I don’t think. Quietness. Do they have skills? Do they know how to farm? Do they know how to raise livestock? Do they know how to forage and find food? Do they know how to hunt? The answer is no, no, and no.

They do not. The only kind of hunting they know how to do is at the Circle K when they’re shoplifted. That’s it. Did you see that video of that shoplifter? That black guy who brought a garbage can in? I loved it. I loved it. In California, he’s dumping all the cigarettes and he’s going to make a haul. And then the two Sikh Indian Sikhs stopped him and beat him with a stick.

I thought it was great. I did, too. It was the funniest, greatest video I think I’ve seen. Let me see if I can bring that up again. Let me finish. Go ahead. Because now the police are looking at these guys for assaulting this guy. They’ve used the legal system to castrate any alpha male who will defend his property or his family. In this country where the criminal has more rights than the property owner does, the criminal is coming in there to steal and they can’t stop him because that was the third time he had been in there that day to steal from them.

And I am glad. But we’ve got to repudiate this broken judicial system, this Jewish judicial system that makes the property owner or the person defending their life or protecting someone else why are they subject to the legal ramifications and the thief gets to walk with nothing? Why does that matter? That’s what I’m talking about. That’s where we’re going. Cops that come in, or district attorneys or anyone like that who tries to come in and prosecute these Sikhs for defending their shop and beating this shoplifter.

Not killing him, not hitting him in the head. Hitting him with a rod on the ass and on the legs to punish him. And they do this in Philippines and other countries. But hitting him with a rod to get the message. You don’t come in here and steal from us. Any cops or anyone else that starts to shut down or arrest these kind of people who do that are going to be killed.

These cops are going to get killed. Have a sympathy for them. I have no problem with cops getting killed. They step in to stop people from defending their homes and their livelihood and their property because they pick their side. You’re on the side of the criminal. You can die like the criminal. The judges and the courts and the prosecutors step in on the side of the criminal. You’re going to die like the criminal.

Your courts are going to die like the criminal. We’re at that stage where there is no more permission or authority or jurisdiction that can be given to them. When they start to do these actions. There is no law. The law is done. It’s over. Whenever a man is arrested and prosecuted for defending his property he’s trying to run a store, support a family and the criminal comes in and steals from him and the guy beats him with a stick.

He’s not harming him. There’s no bodily injury. There there’s no bodily harm. Just pride and some pain. And he deserves some pain. And maybe it’s time to bring back things like the stocks. And if they’re going to be a serial thief like that, maybe do what Iran does. You cut the hand off and that hand won’t steal again. Yes. So it’s time to rethink how we do law enforcement in this country.

Again, I’ve said this for a long. The the thing like FBI and DEA, DEA in particular, they’ll bust a guy for drug trafficking. Well, we’ll make you a deal if you help us get your boss. And then they’ll bust the boss. Well, we’ll make you a deal if you help us get your boss. Meanwhile, the distribution line is still wide open and they’re selling drugs to the kids in the high school.

Bust them all. This first guy gets busted, stop him. And the next guy comes in, you stop him. I don’t care about the big guy. You stop his distribution network. He’s not making any money. He’s in trouble with his boss. Let his boss kill mean we need to rethink this. This whole thing about the FBI and the DEA wanting their convictions. They want to shut down the whole cartel.

They haven’t shut down a thing on the cartels. All they do is enable the cartels and get leverage over them so they could get them to do what they mean. It’s a perverse system we’re living in. It’s time to rearrange. It time to rethink all of these things and design a world the way we want it designed. A way that works, a way that makes sense. And if the blacks don’t like it, tough.

We will give you reparations. We’ll repatriate you gladly. We don’t want you here and we don’t want the Mexicans here. Stay home, go back, and any business that hires them. We need to go talk to the ownership of the businesses that hire these people. Say, wait a minute, dude. You’re going to have problems here if you keep hiring these people. I can’t say what they are, but you might be start having problems.

You might want to make sure your insurance is paid off. It’s time to take the gloves off and get a little tough with folks around here because the illegal aliens coming in here, people who hire them, make money off of it, make a lot of money off of them, but it hurts everybody else. Yes. It suppresses wages, it takes from the tax base, all of that. It’s time to get tough.

Time to push back hard. Yes. Mike Ennis, it’s a great honor to have you on. Thank you very much for joining us. It’s a powerful expression and synopsis of what we may be facing. And again, a lot of the conflict that is occurring, the solutions we’re putting forth is to settle the conflict and secure the stability and the safety of our country and our future republic we’ve been talking about, we’ve heard for the last what, 40 years? 30 years.

Diversity is our strength. Diversity is death. It’s killing us, it’s killing our society, it’s killing our culture. And it’s time for us to fight back and say no. We don’t want to be diverse, we want to be homogeneous society. Look at Japan, very peaceful, homogeneous society. Look at us, very violent, diverse society. I don’t want to live in a diverse society. I want to live in a homogeneous society with people who are like me.

Anyway, Scott, thank you so much. Lt amen evening and thanks for having me on. It’s always an honor and a privilege, sir. Always a pleasure. Thank you for joining us on Globalfreedomtv. com. We will see you tomorrow. God bless you. Good night. .

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