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Oh my God. You. As soon as the door shut all the way, the dog in front of the cameraman appears to be quite unnerved and scared as to what just happened, which just adds even more unease to the video. Did this dog perhaps see something in the hallway that we didn’t see? It is entirely possible, and it wouldn’t be the first video in which household pets seemingly notice something unnatural in their owners’ homes. What do you make of this strange piece of footage? Do you think that this uploader’s cousin is being haunted by something he cannot see? I’m curious to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

People Are Now Realizing That They Are Now Slaves To The [CB] System Change Is Coming

The Deep State, corrupt politicians, the private West Central Bank, and the World Economic Forum are reportedly pushing a “Green New Deal” and climate agenda. However, people are beginning to question this, particularly in relation to global fires reportedly caused by bad infrastructure and arson. The economic implications of such policies are also concerning, with data indicating retail sales are declining, credit card delinquencies increasing, and housing markets

Ep. 3133a – The Economic Trap Has Been Set The People Are About To See The Economic Truth

Summary – The entire system is about to collapse under the watch of the residents, the Federal Reserve and the treasury. The Green New Deal is not going the way they thought it was going. New data shows that savings are even less than the Department of Energy originally projected. Biden has a decision to […]

Ep. 3134a – Bidenomics Has Failed The [CB] Is Following The Covid Playbook Using It For [CBDC]

– The Central Bank is following the COVID playbook and using it for Central Bank digital currency. Gold is the one asset that has proven to withstand inflation. From now until after the elections, the government can print as much money as they want.

How To Turn Your Savings Into Gold!

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