Ep 3135b – Whos The Conductor? What Role Can The Military Play? Think Stages Indictments Boomerang


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– This episode 3135 BN. Today’s date is August 9, 2023. The title of the episode is who’s the Conductor? What role can the military play? Think stages indictments.
– There are certain states like New York, like Illinois, like California and many others, they’re having a huge amount of problems. The deep state has done is they open the borders and they’re letting everyone in, without vetting them. Now the people of these states, they see the reality of all of this.
– We’ve come to find out that the Biden administration has given the Taliban more than 2.3 billion since its chaotic exit from Afghanistan two years ago. Now Poland, they’re sending about 2000 troops to Belarus. Their agenda is to destroy Russia. What do they have to do? They have to push a war.
– Envirocleans technology can help keep your family healthy. They have a patented Earth mineral technology plus hospital grade HEPA filter. Use code X 22 for 10% off your home air purification unit and free air quality monitor. That’s $150 savings.
– Trump’s World’s Fair is going to tell the story of what happened. The truth is coming out. They’ve been trying to dumb down the children from the very beginning. It’s much easier to see the truth when you look back in time.
– Election interference. The good news is that the people get it, and so does the fake news. They’re seeing the election interference. Trump amplified this with this plan so people can’t even question it. Plus, I do believe the military has an active role in this entire plan.


Site: https://mypatriotsnetwork.com : full summary text presention: ep-3135b-whos-the-conductor-what-role-can-the-military-play-think-stages-indictments-boomerang

Report. My name is David. This episode 3135 BN. Today’s date is August 9, 2023. And the title of the episode is “Who’s the Conductor? What Role Can the Military Play? Think Stages and Indictments.”

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Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politician, big tech, fake news, the puppet masters. They have been set up from the very, very beginning.

Trump, he needed the deep state players to do everything to him so the people of this country could, number one, see the system. See what the criminal syndicate is, how they operate, how they are not part of this country, how they’re separate and apart. They have a two-tiered justice system. They don’t follow the rule of law. They do believe they’re above the people, that they don’t have to abide by anything, and they hate the Constitution. And yes, they have committed crimes against we the people.

Now, Trump, he needed to set them up, and he needed the people to see this firsthand. He needed the people to understand who and what they really are and what the system is. Because otherwise, how would the people then make a decision to take back the country? They wouldn’t be able to.

You would go to the election. You would think it was just another four-year election, and you would just vote. Remember, this was never about the four-year election. This was about destroying and exposing the deep state players. It was about showing we the people that our country was infiltrated. It was about taking this country back. And that is what Trump has been doing.

Now, he needs the deep state players to throw everything at him. He needs the indictments at him. He needs them to play dirty. He needs to set precedents. And that’s exactly what is happening right now. Remember, everything that you’re witnessing is all on paper. Everything that you’re seeing can be reversed very easily.

Actually, Trump is going to take what they’re doing to him and he’s going to reverse it, and it’s going to go right back at them, just like a boomerang. Remember, he’s the conductor. He is orchestrating all of this.

And yes, there are certain players in government right now, certain players that are following the script because remember, this is an information war and you fight the deep state with information. And sometimes it’s disinformation to confuse the deep state, to set them up, to get them where you want them. You need to know your enemy. You need to know how they’re going to react. You need to understand them. And once you do, you can then maneuver and have them do exactly what you want them to do.

And sometimes you need certain players within your administration or part of the plan. And they need to operate in a certain way to push the deep state to exactly where you need them to go. To expose who they are, to expose the two-tier justice system, to expose their crimes against humanity, to expose how they lied to Congress and to the American people. To expose the pedophilia rings. You needed to do this to set them up. And I do believe this is exactly what Trump and the Patriots have been doing. They have been using information to set them up. Set them up right now.

No, think about the different phases. Think about the different stages that needed to be completed before we get to the stage where he can go ahead and indict and arrest and have trials. You couldn’t start this from the very beginning just by rounding up people and arresting them, because most of the country, I would say the majority at this time, didn’t believe any of this. They didn’t believe there was fake news. They didn’t believe the government was so corrupt like it is today. They didn’t believe the United States was infiltrated. They didn’t believe any of that. There are still some people that don’t believe still. But once again, this is part of the plan. The plan is to get people to understand, and there are different stages along the way.

The first stage when Trump first came down the escalator and he said he was going to run for President was to get into the White House and actually get in there in a way the deep state couldn’t stop him. And that’s exactly what he did. He used the Electoral College. They never saw that coming. They used the popular vote. Remember, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and they thought the Electoral College, as they’ve done in the past, would just go along with the popular vote. They never saw this coming. They never expected her to lose. She lost. Trump used the Electoral College. Remember, Trump is going to follow the Constitution all the way down the line here. He’s going to follow the rule of law all the way down the line here and he’s going to use information to set up the deep state players.

So once he got into the White House, what was he able to do? He was able to see all their crimes, and he would be able to put everything into place, to set up everything, to catch them in the act and use it against them later on. And that’s exactly what he did. He put everything into place.

Now, he knew at this point that they were cheating in the elections. He knew that they were going to push the cheating to a place we’ve never seen before. And he needed them to do this. And he needed the people to be on his side to do this. Because if the people weren’t on his side and they didn’t go out to vote, the deep state wouldn’t cheat like they cheated in 2020. So he needed to build it up. He needed the people on his side. He needed the people to get out and vote, because with that, it made the deep state cheat like we’ve never seen before. It’s clear as day what they did. Space Force caught it all. He caught them in the act. Yes, he caught them spying. He caught them in all their crimes. Remember, he has all the classified information. He has everything on them. Just because he has it, just because the military has it, doesn’t mean they’re going to have a military coup. He needs the people to see it. He needs to be transparent. He needs the people to understand how their system works.

So once he did all that and put everything into place, he needed them to cheat. And that’s exactly what they did. They had an insurrection. He set everything up. The Space Force was monitoring it. They didn’t come under the posse comitatus act until 2021. The military was monitoring all of it. Then all of a sudden, there was an insurrection. The military was activated. That was the exception for the posse comitatus act. And now the military is in control of the country.

But that’s not the end of it. He knew that. He needed to wake the people up. He knew, how am I going to wake this country up from their slumber? I need them to see the infiltration. I need them to understand there’s a two-tiered justice system. I need them to see what the tyrannical government really looks like. Because remember, these people that have been playing this role, and I’m talking about all the people in government, most of them, say the majority, they’ve been playing a role, pretending that they’re working for you. He needed to bring them out from the shadows, and he needed them to strip away their roles. And he needed them to show you that, look, they’re not really doing anything for you. They’re actually against you. And how was he going to show this to everyone? It had to happen to him. YouHere is the text reformatted into natural paragraphs:

See, he’s the focal point. He’s the bait in all this. He needed to show everyone, look what they’re going to do to you now. Could he do this to everyone in the country? No, that’d be ridiculous. How would you do this? So the best way to do it is to have them all focus on Trump. That’s what he did. I’m going to have the entire deep state focus their entire energy on me so I can show the country who and what they really are. And that’s what people are seeing right now.

Now, remember, everything that they do to him, he’s going to do to them back. He needs to set a precedent. Just like with his taxes. They went after him. He brought them all the way up to the Supreme Court. He could have just handed them over. There was nothing wrong with his taxes. Why did he spend all this time going through each appeal to bring them to the Supreme Court if his taxes were completely clean and there was nothing there? Because that’s what they found. They found nothing.

Why would he spend all this time? It makes no sense. Unless he needed to set a precedent. That is exactly what’s happening with everything else. Think about all the indictments that are happening right now. They’re continually indicting him on January 6. Election fraud. Presidential Records Act. Why would they be doing that? Why would he be taking it? Because he’s setting something up. The same reason he was going after Pence during the election, saying, why didn’t you just say, I reject these votes? Why didn’t you do that? He hit Pence very hard. It was a setup. There was a certain reason for it, because they needed to use this later on.

Remember, this is not a four year election. We’re battling the deep state. It’s an information war. So when people go, oh, that person’s bad. Oh, that person’s not good, think about what Trump is doing and look at his perspective and how he needs to wake the people up. Remember, it’s all happening to him. And there are certain individuals that need to work with him. Some are going to act good, some are going to act bad. Trump is going to go after those people because it’s an information war. It’s not a physical war.

Sometimes in a physical war do generals go ahead and say, okay, this platoon we’re going to set up, they’re going to be a diversion, we’re going to send them out, and then we’re going to hit them from the side. Well, that’s a physical war. The same thing’s happening in the information war. Okay, we’re going to distract them. We’re going to send them and push them towards this area while we do something else, and we convince them to do what we want them to do. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. And Trump, he is conducting all of this.

Yes, the military is in the background. What role can the military play while all this is happening? I do believe they can play a role where they can conduct things from behind the scenes. And that’s exactly what’s happening. Trump, he is going to indict every single one of these people. But he needs the people to understand how and what the system is. And he needs everything to be done to him first. So people rally behind him.

When we approach the 2024 election, I do believe everything that we’re witnessing, everything that we’re seeing has been set up for this moment. And once Trump gets the green light from we the people, that’s when everything changes. When I say the green light, I mean a fair, transparent election. And he wants the people to show the deep state, the world, that they voted for him, the majority voted for him and said, yes, we want you to clean all this up.

Think about his rallies. He continually says it’s either the deep state wins or we win. It’s your decision. And he’s telling you this is what we can do. If you choose me, we can destroy the deep state, we can repair the economy, we can do all of these things. You must make the decision. But to get to this point, I first need to show you, and I’m talking about Trump saying this, I first need to show everyone the system so we can take it back. And that is what we’re seeing right now.

Now we’re going to be talking a lot more about this because we can see the deep state players, they are attacking them left and right. And I do believe that this is all part of the plan. And we can see the majority of the people right now, well, they’re starting to understand and they’re starting to realize what’s going on, just like the people are starting to realize what’s happening with Bud Light, with the Woke agenda and how they were trying to remove certain names and change history, remove statues.

The people are starting to realize, wait a minute, maybe we shouldn’t be doing this. I think we need to start to push back. And what’s very interesting is that the Native Americans, they are actually inspired by the Bud Light boycott and they would like the name back on the Washington team now. It’s the what? Washington commanders. It used to be the Washington Redskins. Well, they want that name back. Now that’s very interesting because didn’t the deep state players, the fake news, tell us that having the name Redskins is racist? Well, how come the Native Americans, how come they’re not going along with this? Actually, the Native Americans who are objecting, they’ve already signed a petition that has about 60,000 signatures right now.

And what they said is that they felt disrespected to see that name dropped from the football team. I mean, really, think about this for a second. So Naga’s, president of Global Impact Campaigns, said in terms of changing the name Redskins, the Native American community was never asked how they felt about it. So the fake news, the corrupt politicians, they decided to tell us how they felt and they tried to tell us that it was racist and now they are pushing back, just like American First Legal is pushing against Target.

American First Legal they filed a lawsuit in federal court against Target over misleading statements to shareholders about monitoring political social risks resulting in a 12 billion loss due to its recent promotion of queer transgender propaganda to children. America First Legal, which is led by former Trump Senior Advisor Stephen Miller, claims that the management only cared whether its leftist stakeholders were satisfied in reference to the 2022 2023 proxy statements that ensure the board was monitoring social and political issues.

Also, Targets management has adopted supplier diversity targets, including majority of collections to be made by the LGBTQIA plus creators and brands in 2022 and engage in the odious and illegal practice of race based hiring by adopting a plan to increase its representation of black team members across the company by 20%. So now they’re being sued by America first Legal.

Remember Trump and Stephen Miller, they set this up to go up against all these different companies, just like the deep state does, where they have lawfare and the rest where they go and they sue certain companies. Trump decided to counter all this with American First Legal and it seems like it is working.

Now the other thing that’s very interesting is that we had President Biden out in the Grand Canyon and he was telling the Native Americans there that they’re going to be building a monument and they’re going to make sure that there’s no uranium excavation first of all. Uranium, that’s very interesting, but by the way, there was going to be no uranium excavation in this area until 1032. But he’s saying that I’m making it permanent now. Did he actually really make it permanent? We’ll have to wait to see exactly what is being done.

But what’s very interesting about this, and Liz Croken put this out, is that John Podesta crawled out of Tony Podesta’s torture chamber yesterday to attend an event with Joe Biden, aka Pedo Peter at the Grand Canyon. Tony Podesta legit made a reference to his torture chamber in one of the Podesta emails to John released in 2016, biden appointed Podessa as a Senior Advisor and the President for Clean Energy, Innovation and Implementation in 2022. Earlier this year, Elon Musk met with Podessa and another Senior Advisor to discuss electric vehicle production at the White House. Skippy has a lot of nerve to show his face in public, especially after General Finn called for pizzagate to be reopened and investigated. And it’s very interesting that he’sOut there, and I do believe very, very soon we’re probably going to hear more about Podesta because we know from the post that he’s one of the first indictments and we’ll have to see how that all plays out.

Now the other thing that’s very interesting is that we can see that the cocaine story is back now and we know this all has to do with the Bidens. And now we’ve come to find out that the bag of cocaine found in the West Wing last month reportedly may have belonged to someone in the Biden family orbit. And the resident allegedly knows who it is. So Soldier of Fortune publisher Susan Katz Keating made the shocking claim, citing three security sources in a report published on Sunday, even texting a number linked to President Biden in a bid to sniff out the culprit.

So I think they all know who it is. I think we’re all starting to realize who it is. And once again, with all the cameras and everything that was going on there with the Secret Service and all the detection that you have to go through to get in there, there’s no way that the Secret Service doesn’t know who it is. And I do believe in the end it will come out just like everything else.

But the other thing that’s really interesting is that since Devin Archer just testified in front of Congress and he just spilled the beans on the Bidens, we’ve come to find out that Hunter Biden and his business associates told Ukrainian energy firm Barisma to remove a picture of then Vice President Joe Biden and Barisma board member Devin Archer from its website. And the emails are from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

So, in May 2014, then VP Biden’s counsel, Demetra Lambros told Eric Sherwin that’s interesting. A business associate at Hunter Biden’s investment firm, rosemont Seneca Partners, to have Barisma remove an image of Joe Biden and Archer from its website. Now, once again, this is very interesting and this is what the email says. Hey guys, Sherwin said in May 13, 2014, email to Hunter Biden and Archer. There is apparently a photo of Devin and the VP on Barisma’s website. I can’t see it. The website isn’t working very well right now. But Demetra VP Counsel called and asked that we tell Barisma they need to take it down legally. They aren’t comfortable with the VP’s picture being up on the site as what seems like an endorsement.

Sherwin was referencing the VP’s Counsel Lambrose, who President Biden appointed in June 2021 to serve as a chair as the President’s Commission on the White House Fellowships. She previously worked with the Biden in 1996 as General Counsel of the Senate Judiciary Committee under then Democratic Delaware Senator Joe Biden’s Chairmanship.

So the question is, why would they put his picture up there in the first place if he has nothing to do with any of these businesses? Really? Think about that for a second.

Now the other thing that’s very interesting is the Oversight Committee, they revealed more banking information and they put out a thread. And let me just read it. Today we’re releasing a bank records memo detailing how the Bidens and their associates received millions from oligarchs in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine as Hunter was sealing these deals. Then VP biden dined with these oligarchs in DC. We’re now identifying 20 million in payments from foreign sources to the Bidens and their associates. During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, hunter sold him as the brand. No real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself.

On February 14, 2014, Russian oligarch batterina wired 3.5 million to the shell company associated with the Hunter, Biden and Devin Archer. About 1 million was transferred to Archer, and the remainder was used to initially fund a new company account, which Archer and Biden used to receive other foreign wires. In the spring of 2014, a Ukrainian oligarch placed Archer and Biden on the Barisma Board of Directors and agreed to pay each of them 1 million per year. Then Vice President Joe Biden visited Ukraine. Soon after they joined Barisma. Hunter claimed credit for this visit to show value.

On April 22, 2014, Kazakhstani oligarch Keens Rakhishev wired the exact price of Biden’s sports card to a bank account used by Archer and Biden. The next day, a payment was made to purchase the sports car. After receiving the sports car payment, archer and Biden then arranged the Barisma executives to visit Kazakhstan in June 2014 to evaluate a three way deal among Barisma, a Chinese stateowned company, and the government of Kazakhstan. Hunter bought in millions of dollars from Batarina, Barisma, and Rakashev. Vice President Biden had dinner with them in the spring of 2014 and 2015 in DC. This is clear corruption that enriched the Biden family.

Absolutely. And the people, what are they seeing? They’re seeing more and more evidence that’s building upon each other. And this is going to be a problem for the Bidens. They are becoming a liability. And yes, I can see a lot of the House members, they want to impeach Biden. But once again, this impeachment most likely is going to go absolutely nowhere. Now, the House, they might vote to impeach, but it’s never going to get past the Senate.

Now, this is exactly what happened to Trump. Will this happen? Most likely. But I do believe that the deep state players, as more and more of this evidence comes out, the deep state, they’re going to realize Obama in the basement. They’re going to realize that we need to separate ourselves from this, because if they continue with the investigation, they keep doing what they’re doing, they’re going to start to make connections with other individuals, and something might turn up where there’s a connection with Obama, there might be a connection with Hillary Clinton.

And we can see already the Senate is already saying, yeah, it’s a no go if they push impeachment. Actually, it’s not even coming from the Democrats. It’s coming from Mitch McConnell. You know, the guy that froze up. His battery wore down and he just froze, and they had to recharge him. Well, it seems that Mitch McConnell is urging House Republicans to oppose Joe Biden impeachment. He’s urging them not to impeach Joe Biden for his multi million dollar foreign bribery and pay for play schemes. Why is he saying this? Well, isn’t he involved in this, too? Isn’t he involved with his wife? Didn’t they make a lot of money off China? Absolutely. And you could see that it’s not coming from the Democrats. It’s coming from the rhinos.

So I do believe this is going to build and build and build and build where there’s a point where there’s so much information that the deep state players, Obama in the basement, hillary Clinton and the rest, they’re going to be very afraid that something might come out that is going to lead to them. And I do believe this is when they’re going to say, okay, enough is enough. He’s a liability. We need to get rid of him. But we can’t call that too much attention to all of this. How are we going to get rid of him?

And I do believe Trump, he’s been saying this for quite a while, said it in the very beginning, the 25th Amendment. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. This is going to be very, very interesting as we move down this path.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we can see that there are certain states like New York, like Illinois, like California and many others, they’re having a huge amount of problems because what’s happening? Well, all the illegals that they’re allowing into this country, the Republicans, the red states, they are shipping them up to these states, and they are having major, major problems out in New York. We can see the governor out there saying we need to give the migrants work. They need to go to work. Because why? Because this will help the state.

Now think about why she says we need to give them work. Well, first of all, yes, they want them to vote for them. Secondly, think about all the people that are leaving these states. They need low cost individuals to work. And who are they going to get? The illegals? And she is trying to push to get them to work. And you can see that this whole thing is going to fall apart on them in the end. It’s not going to work. Just like Massachusetts. That’s another state. They have a problem there because all the illegals are being sent up there. They don’t have the funds to actually support this.

NewYork doesn’t have the funds. California doesn’t have the funds. This is why they come up with emergencies. That’s why Massachusetts Democratic Governor Maura Healy declared a state of emergency, responding to an unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants in the sanctuary state. And what does she want? She wants money. And this is why they’re declaring the state of emergency. California does it with forest fires. Holy crap. Look, all these forest fires. We need federal funding.

New York, let’s see what they pull out of their hat, because we can see all these states, they’re going to say, State of emergency. State of emergency. We need federal funding. We need money, because we can’t support this. This is what they always do. There should be no money going to any of these states. Remember, they’re all sanctuary states. They all told us this is normal. This is okay. This is what we want. We need to accept everyone, except when they’re accepting them, because now the reality hits, and the people of these states, they see the reality of all of this.

Sometimes you need to have the people walk through this, and you need to have the people see reality because theory sounds great. Oh, let’s open the borders. Let’s let everyone in. It’s great gaslighting, great propaganda. Yes, everyone can come to America. Yes, this is going to be incredible. Until the illegals go to these areas and they can’t support them. Think about all the people saying, oh, yes, let’s let them in. You know what? Let them into your house. Support them. Go ahead. Don’t FET them. Remember, we’re not allowed to because remember, the United States is our home. So basically, what the deep state has done is they open the borders and they’re letting everyone in, and they’re letting everyone into our home without vetting them. So all these people that are saying that this is okay, you need to let them into your home without vetting them because they’re coming into the United States, which is our home, and you need to let them into your home. How many people do you think are going to volunteer for this?

Remember, you get no money for this. You just got to let them live there. Use your resources, because remember, everyone needs to come in. Doesn’t matter if you’re a drug trafficker, human trafficker. Doesn’t matter if you’re part of an Ms 13 gang. Actually, you’ll never know. You know why? Because you never vetted them. Why do you think you have a door on your house? Why do you think you have a lock on that door? Because anyone that comes to it what happens. Who’s there? What’s your name? What do you want? Well, it’s the same thing with the United States. You come up to the border. Why do you want to come to the United States? Who are you? Let’s do a little background check. Oh, you’re an Ms 13 gang member. I’m sorry. We have enough of those. We’re going to have to turn you away. Oh, you’re a child trafficker. Oh, I’m sorry. We’re not going to accept you here either. That’s how it works.

And you can see that these states, they’re imploding from all this, and they are starting to realize, and the people of these states are starting to actually see the reality of it all. Now, the other reality is what is happening out in Afghanistan, what’s happening out in Ukraine. And you could see that the war is building. But before we. Get to that. We’ve come to find out that the Biden administration, they have given the Taliban, who is now controlling Afghanistan, more than 2.3 billion since its chaotic exit from the country two years ago. And this report is coming from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction that was released a week ago and found that since the American military left Kabul and 13 US service members were killed and billions of dollars of equipment were left behind, well, money has continued to flow into Afghanistan. And this is coming from the cigar SIGAR report that was released on July 30. Unbelievable.

Now, the other thing that we’ve come to find out is that the US State Department encouraged the Pakistani government to remove Imran Khan as Prime Minister over his neutrality on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And this is according to a classified document attained by the intercept. So once again, we have let’s see the deep state players telling individuals in other countries, other deep state players, to overthrow the government in that area, just like they overthrew the United States government. I’m starting to see a pattern here. Is everyone else starting to see a pattern? I think we’re all starting to see a pattern here.

Now the other thing that we’re starting to see is that now Poland, they’re sending about 2000 troops to Belarus. And yesterday we talked about how Douglas McGregor is saying they’re setting something up here. And these nations are part of NATO. And remember, if you attack one nation, it’s attack on all. So it seems that they’re starting to prepare for something. And even when you look out at Iran, and this is coming from disclosed TV, iran says it has obtained the technology to build supersonic cruise missiles. I mean, this is just a recipe for disaster at this point. But Colonel Douglas McGregor, he said something very interesting. He was being interviewed and Green Lives Matter put this out on X and it says the following.

And this is what the colonel says. Their agenda is to destroy Russia. Why? They would like to replace Putin because Putin presides over the last major power in Europe that has a national identity, a national language, a national culture that rests on orthodox Christianity, that makes Russia the enemy of the globalist. What have the globalists done to us? They’ve flooded our country with non-Europeans, with a specific goal of diluting us, destroying our national identity, eliminating our culture, expunging any remaining power that the Christianity may wield culturally inside the West. And they want to do that to Russia. They want to do that to Russia because Russia has enormous resources mineral, agricultural, oil, gas, and rare metals. If you can remove Putin, you can strip the entire country of its resources and enrich yourself. That’s why Russia has to go. Russia is holding out.

And to get Russia, do you think they can just infiltrate it like they did the United States? No, I think it’s going to be very difficult to get Russia. What do they have to do? They have to push a war. I think Trump and the Patriots, they know this. They know the playbook, that they were going to eventually do this. Actually, we know this from the 16-year plan. We know in the end, what they actually wanted was war. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be in the position, not Trump. And Hillary Clinton was supposed to bring us to war. Trump countered all of this, stopped the war, turned the tables on them, and is going to use this against them.

Brilliant, I have to say. But look, along the way, the entire war cry from the deep state players that we must support Ukraine, we must go to war with Russia, well, the people aren’t going along with it anymore. No matter how many Ukrainian flags they put on their profile, it makes no difference. No matter how many times the radio, the fake news, the news organizations continually repeat it, the people aren’t going along with it. Rasmussen reports put this out on X and said the following more than a year after Russia invaded Ukraine, half of US voters think the war has harmed America’s national security, and many want to see a negotiated peace. Well, that’s very interesting. Now they want to see a negotiated peace. Who’s going to negotiate peace? Who can have peace in 24 hours? Actually, when you start to look at the plan, it’s all starting to come together.

The people, they are waking up. The people are seeing the truth. Remember, to destroy the deep state, to take back the country, trump needed the military. He got the military. He needed to see the classified information. He needed the ability to set the plan in motion. The other part of the plan, which he needed, it wouldn’t work without it. He wouldn’t be able to succeed in any of this. And he knew it from the very, very beginning. And this is why he spoke at Andrew Jackson’s house. Remember, Andrew Jackson drained the swamp. He got rid of the Central bank. How did he do it? He knew that he needed to go to the people. The people, they were the strength. They were the power.They were the unstoppable power. And Trump knew the only way to finish this was to get the people. And he came up with this plan. Yes, he took the long way around. Yes, he could have come up with the military. Yes, we could have had civil war. Yes, there could have been death and destruction. There could have been blood. But why would you want that instead? Could you wait a little longer? Could you wait and use information so nobody gets hurt? Can you show the people over time what the deep state is? Can you make the people see it and believe it? Well, the only way to do that is to make them walk through it.

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And Trump, he decided that this was the course of action, because we will come out better if we do it this way. If we go directly at them and we have a military coup, we would have death and destruction. This is why he is doing it. And what do people learn as we go through all this? They learn the truth. Sometimes when you look back in time and you look back at what happened throughout this entire process, throughout this entire information war, the truth is a lot easier to see. And I do believe this is why Trump said we’re going to have a celebration. It’s going to be a year long, it’s going to be the World’s Fair. And I do believe there’s going to be exhibits explaining the story, because when you look back in time, it’s much easier to see.

Just like when you look back at the videos of all these people saying that it’s the unvaccinated that are causing this, as it’s the unvaccinated that are killing the people. It’s the unvaccinated that should be kept out of jobs and stores and things like that. See, when you look back in time and you start to look at what really happened, it looks pretty darn scary. And the truth is, right in front of your face, you could see it very, very clearly, especially when you have the peer reviewed documents come out to back up the facts. And I do believe this is exactly what Trump is going to be doing with this fair, because he’s going to have the Garden of Heroes, those people that sacrificed a lot to take back the country. He’s also going to have the Fair, which I do believe is going to tell a story of what happened. And people are going to learn. It’s going to confirm everything, just like we saw Dr. Jan Halper Hayes, where she confirmed a lot of what we know today. I do believe we’re going to see a lot more of this.

I mean, look what we just found out. We found out from peer reviewed documents that children almost never pass COVID infections in school. This was a study that was done, and it was published in the JAMA Health Forum, a peer reviewed journal. So in fall 2021, in four Massachusetts school districts with 18,000 children, researchers found 44 potential cases of in school transmission. You read that right 18,000 students, 34 schools, four months, and 44 COVID infections, including no infections of teachers or other staff members. So think about it. Go back in time. Why were they keeping the kids out of school? Why didn’t they want the children to return? Once again, they didn’t want the children to learn. They didn’t want the children to succeed. They’re dumbing down the nation. That’s what no Kid Left Behind was about when Bush was in power. I know it sounds good, but it really isn’t. Common core sounds good. OOH. It’s Common Core. Remember, everything that they say is always the opposite. They didn’t want the children to learn. They’ve been trying to dumb down the children from the very beginning because it’s easy to convince them of other things.

I mean, if you go back in time and you go back to July 16, 2020, CNN put this out, teachers are so worried about returning to school that they’re preparing wills, propaganda, and lies. How did we know that children don’t pass? It because the scientists were telling us. Oh, that’s right. They were censoring. The scientists. They didn’t want anyone to know this. There were people that knew. They were trying to get the message out. But the deep state players, the fake scientists, the fake doctors who are corrupt, they were pushing the message, and everyone else was being censored. And now the truth is coming out. It’s much easier to see the truth when you look back in time.

I mean, you could see how corrupt the system is, because all you got to do is look at the states. You got to look at New York. You look at California. You look at the laws that they’re passing. I mean, I think it’s pretty darn clear that they’re not following the Constitution. They want to shut people up. They want to keep the weapons away from the people. I mean, look what’s happening out in California. Carolyn Borasenko put this out and said, california is going to pass a bill that makes it a misdemeanor crime for parents to speak out at school board meetings. It’s punishable by a $1000 fine and up to one year in jail. So wait a minute. An office where people are voted in? It’s a public office. They are going to make it impossible for you to speak, and it’s going to be a crime for you to speak where you don’t agree with them. And this is your children. Isn’t this completely unconstitutional? Doesn’t this go against the Constitution? Completely. Absolutely. And this is what people are seeing right now. This is what people are starting to realize, that these people, well, they’re corrupt. They hate the Constitution. They don’t abide by the Constitution. Why? Because these people were never elected in these positions. These people are installed by cheating in the elections. And that’s what Trump is going to prove later on. Actually, that’s what the people are going to see when we go to the 2024 elections. We’ll be getting to that in just a little bit.

But first, let’s talk about Antifa, because Andy no, who follows Antifa around, reports on Antifa. He was attacked by Antifa and he went to trial. It was a civil trial. And the jury has reached a verdict in the trial of the investigative journalist Andy no versus Rose City Antifa and its alleged affiliate members, in which they found both defendants, john Colin Hacker and Elizabeth Renee Richter, not liable in the civil case brought against them. And no filed a complaint in Portland, Oregon in 2020 claiming assault and other injuries over alleged acts of violence carried out by members of Antifa, which began in 2019. And we can see in the corrupt city of Portland. Do you really think Andy no was going to get a fair trial? I mean, that is the breeding ground for Antifa. Really think about this. DC Drano responds to all this and says Portland is lost. Conservatives are not safe there, and the law will not protect you if you are violently attacked. Let it implode and rot. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. And this is what we see in all these different cities. We see crime. We see the politicians, the installed individuals allowing this to happen because this is part of their plan. Their plan is to create chaos. Their plan is to move the law enforcement up to the federal government. And I do believe this is what they’ve been trying to do from the very, very beginning. But once again, what are people saying? They’re seeing exactly what they’re causing. Trump, he put this out on Truth and he said, our country’s becoming a cesspool of drugs, filth and crime. Our border is being invaded, and our grossly incompetent leader doesn’t.Three years ago, we had the strongest and safest borders in history. Today, it is the worst. And the entire world is laughing at us. MAGA and he’s absolutely right. With all the criminals coming over the border with them releasing the criminals, the country is becoming a cesspool of drugs, filth, and crime.

If you wanted to show the people what the deep state agenda really is and you wanted them to experience it, what do you do? You actually show them. I saw a video of this woman in San Francisco, and she put it out on TikTok, and she said that she was so afraid to go out in San Francisco, even in the daylight, and she wanted to know if anyone else was afraid at night. She won’t even go out.

So think about it. The people now are seeing this. The people are saying, holy crap, this is getting scarier and scarier, and if you try to stop the criminals, well, you might be prosecuted. So the people are walking through this. The people are seeing the cesspool of drugs, filth, and crime. Do you think they’re going to turn to the installed leaders and saying, hey, thanks for the great job? Hey, you think they’re going to turn towards those people that support San Francisco, like Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and the rest? Do you think they’re going to say, hey, you know something? You’re doing a fantastic job. I love it. I love the crime. I love the looting. I love being raped. I love it all. Thank you very much. No, the people are going to say, enough is enough. And that’s where people are being pushed to. They’re being pushed to the precipice. That’s what this is all about. And each level, you’re going to get people hitting the precipice. Everyone doesn’t reach the same precipice at the same time. Some people might reach it economically where they lost their job. I reached the economic precipice. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t stand Biden. I have a job. I work in San Francisco. But it’s so scary to go out because there’s crime, drugs, people spitting on me, people telling me if I don’t get out of the way, are they going to rape me? I hit the precipice. I can’t take it anymore. Biden and all the others, they suck. I can’t vote for them anymore. I’m done with them. Other people, they might have to be brought to war to have a slap in the face to understand what’s really going on here. But you can see the deep state players, they’re going to keep pushing. They’re going to show you who they are. And I do believe Trump and the Patriots want the deep state players to do this because this wakes the people up.

Look what the Biden Department of Justice, look what they just did. They ordered an independent journalist to turn over all video he shot near the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Steve Baker said he was served a subpoena signed by Assistant US Attorney Anita Eve demanding he show up in Washington, DC. On August 16 to turn over his material. Why would they want his videos? Why would they want him to turn that over? Because they don’t want the truth out there. So now they’re going after reporters, those people that are filming, and they want that information because they don’t want that information countering what they’re saying. But is this going to work? Absolutely not. Actually, this is what people are seeing. The people are saying, wait a minute. He was there. He was just filming, and now you have a court order to get his material. Why? Did he commit a crime? No, he just filmed stuff, and now you’re demanding that film. I mean, really, think about this for a second.

Now the other thing that’s very interesting, I guess a rumor was started that Carrie Lake is preparing to enter the 2024 Arizona Senate race. And Carrie, her war room responded to it and said, that’s news to us. So at this point, it seems like it’s fake. But let’s look at all the other fake things or conspiracies, and let’s look at the scorecard right now because it seems that the conspiracy theorists are winning over the journalists. Let’s see. Hunter Biden’s laptop. Well, conspiracy theorist won. Vaccine harmful conspiracy theorist plandemic. Conspiracy theorist. Lockdown conspiracy theorist. Ivomectin works. HCQ. Works. Well, looks like the conspiracy theorists got that one. Useless face masks. Yep. Twitter censorship. Epstein. Sex island. Ukraine. BioLab. Child trafficking. Russiagate. Hey, it looks like the journalists, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Oh, that’s right, because they get their talking points at 04:00 A.m.. The truth. Ers, they look for the truth. And you could say a conspiracy theorist all you want. That really means truth right now. I do believe in the future what they’re going to do in the Merriam Webster Dictionary and all the other dictionaries, they’re going to say, conspiracy theorist equals truth teller. I do believe that definition is going to be changed in the end.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Mike Pence, he was being interviewed, and Charlie Kirk put this out on X. He says, Wait, did Mike Pence unwittingly acknowledge that Trump’s legal strategy regarding the 2020 election was valid? Pence says he didn’t have the constitutional authority to act. But here during the interview, he says if he did act, the issue would have been turned over to the House of Representatives. So let’s think about this for a second. Let’s go back in time. Pence first said he didn’t have the authority. Trump kept saying he did. And this scared the deep state players. They were scared that, holy crap, look at this. There’s a loophole where if something happens and Trump’s in power and we want to get rid of him, we’re going to have to change the rules so his Vice President doesn’t have the power to send the electors back. So Trump kept pushing and pushing and pushing, saying that Pence had the ability to do this. And the deep state players said, Holy crap, we got to change this law. Let’s change it right now. So they don’t have this ability. Now, I do believe Trump tricked them because now, as we’re approaching the 2024 election and if we use paper ballots, which I do believe we’re going to be using, what happens when all of this is brought to Congress? Can VP Kamala then reject it? No, they already changed the law. But now think about what just happened with Pence. Now he’s admitting that, yes, he did have the power. Now, why in the world would he do that? First of all, the mission was accomplished with setting up the deep state for the 2024 election. But since the deep state is going after Trump with election fraud and they’re saying that Trump knew what he was saying is fake, it’s time to turn the tables on them once again. So now Pence is now changing his story.

And that brings me to Trump’s attorney because Trump’s attorney, remember, we’re going through this election fraud case with Jack Smith. Trump’s attorney said that he welcomes former Vice President Mike Pence’s testimony and expects it could be key in proving Mr. Trump’s innocence in a case over whether the former president committed crimes in connection with the efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 election. So, oh my God. So it’s going to be proven that Trump was right because Pence is going to say yes. When I look back, I did have the ability to do this. So wait a minute. So did Trump just turn the tables on the deep state players? He got what he wanted and now he’s going to get them again. Absolutely. Information warfare. This is how you play the game. The deep state, they’re confused. They don’t know what’s going on. Misinformation, disinformation. Trump is brilliant at this. It’s like he’s playing 5D chess or something.

And isn’t it odd how the election interference is coming out at the same time they indict Trump on election fraud? I mean, yesterday we talked about what was happening out in Michigan, where we had this Michigan city clerk, Anne Maish. She noticed something odd about a woman dropping over 8000 completed voter forms at the city clerk’s office and did something about it. She made a phone call to the Muscagon Police Department and asked them to investigate. Now, this information was sent to the FBI, and the FBI did nothing. The FBI failed to follow up on the alleged election crimes. According to Michigan election investigator Phil O’Halloran, the Election Integrity Chair of the Michigan Republican Party.Think about all of this. Go back and think about what you know.

Now, let’s say we know that the DOJ, the FBI, the CDC, DHS, and the rest, they’re all part of the criminal syndicate. So when you give information about election interference or election fraud and you give it to the FBI, you now know that the FBI, since they’re part of the criminal syndicate and they’re manipulating the elections, they were ever, ever going to do anything about it. This becomes clearer and clearer every single day.

So what do people need to do at this point? We don’t go to the FBI. We go to the local police. We have them investigate everything. Why would we go up to a centralized police force, which is the FBI today, or DHS, or have the DOJ take on the case? Why would we go to them if we now know they are the criminal syndicate and they will ever, ever do anything?

I think the people now understand this. Remember, we needed to show everyone, or Trump needed to show everyone what the deep state system really is. Do you see the criminal syndicate? Is it getting clearer and clearer every single day? Absolutely, it definitely is. And we can see that this entire criminal enterprise of cheating in the Michigan elections, it was deep and wide, and the criminal syndicate was involved. And yes, it was a coordinated effort. And yes, Hillary Clinton, she paid $58,599 to GBI strategies during the 2016 election. That was part of all of this. And we can see that now. It is all falling apart around them.

But let’s go back a little bit in time. Remember, we saw video of the mail-in ballots where the mules were dropping the ballots off. And remember, you’re only allowed to have one ballot per person unless you get permission that it’s a relative. And I don’t think it could be the second removed cousin or something like that. But when you look at this video going back to 2020, what do you see? You see mule after mule after mule, and it just didn’t happen in one city. It happened in multiple cities. There’s a pattern here.

And this is why Trump referred to Catherine Engelbrech and Greg Phillips, because what did they do? They caught this all on videotape. They have the information. But remember, the people need to see it, the people need to understand it, and for people to accept it, it needs to be dripped out and reinforced over time. And that’s what Trump has been doing. And I think it’s been very, very successful. And I think the people now are on Trump’s sides. And it’s just going to get better and better as time goes on, as we approach the 2024 election. And you watch what the deep state the criminal syndicate is doing to him. Remember, he’s the guy that they’re going after. He actually put himself out there. So you could see very, very clearly what they’re going to do to you. That’s the whole point of this. Because otherwise, if he wasn’t in the way, people might say, oh yeah, that was a one-off story with that guy over there’s. A one-off story about that guy over there. People wouldn’t really see it, but now you could see it very, very clearly.

And what’s very interesting is that Joe Biden, right now, the resident, is losing his footing with the working class voter as well as black and Latino voters. The voters know that the Democratic Party does not care what happens to them and they’re leaving. Actually, Richard Barris put this out and this is on X, and he said the following: anyone else notice Trump is winning 74% of Hispanic Republican primary voters in Arizona. That’s 72 out of the 97 interviews conducted with Hispanics. 54% of white primary voters, 55% of black primary voters. Twelve out of twelve Asians that interviewed are voting for Trump. 60% of all other races, albeit very small sample sizes for all but white and Hispanic. MAGA is far more diverse and younger. So Trump, he’s getting the black people, he’s getting the Hispanic people over to his side.

Now, what’s very interesting that reminds me of post 1233. This is April 21, 2018. And down below it says the following: they will lose black vote once Haiti is revealed. Lost. Now awakening those people that are waking up, they’re losing those people. That’s what we’re seeing right now. They keep them enslaved. What did Hussein do to the black community? Verse POTUS, POTUS built them up, got them jobs. What did Hussein do? That’s Barack Obama? He destroyed them.

Trump, he put this out on True Social. He says, if the 2024 Republican primary election for President of the United States was held today, who would you vote for? 55% Trump, 13% DeSantis, 5% Chris Christie, 4% Vivic, 9% Pence, Scott and Haley. Trump is the winner, hands down.

Now, what’s very interesting is we can see that the deep state players, they are now panicking because they realize the majority, they are now awake. The majority can see the criminal syndicate. The majority is starting to catch on. And MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson said that the Republican Party was now a terrorist religious cult called MAGA. That’s very interesting.

Then we have Bill Mitchell out there and said, I’ve recruited a new undercover agent to infiltrate the next Trump rally. His instructions are to blend in and gain their trust. And it’s a guy with long hair with buck teeth, wearing a hat. And Dan Scavino decided to respond to this and he said the following: this is what the DeSantis campaign influencers out there in the world of social media think of you Trump train. Attacking Trump supporters really shouldn’t be part of one of their many campaign resets. But what do I know? Remember this, now I don’t forget it. This is what they think of you. Simply put, they are not ready for the big leagues. They’re proving it each and every day and their ship is sinking. Just look at the polls. Join Team Trump. Let’s get this done.

And actually, they’re using the same strategy as Hillary Clinton. Didn’t she call the Trump supporters deplorables? How did that work out for Hillary? Not too well. It seems that DeSantis is using the same exact playbook. Or the people that are supporting him, they’re using the same exact playbook. Isn’t that interesting?

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that Adam Schiff, he seemed to put out some comms on X. He said, meet Charlie, 100% old English sheepdog. Such a sweetheart. And he is really good at herding sheep. Who knew? That is very interesting. Lisa May responded to this and said he’s good at herding sheep. If only dogs could talk. He’s seen things. Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country. Hope this 7.8 million was worth it. She’s referring to post 3778, January 21, 2020. And this is what she is referring to. And with this dog, it is also dog comms.

And what we come to find out is that Diane Feinstein, at her home in California, she had a fall. And right now she returned home. She was sent to the hospital, she returned home. Now, you need to think, how much longer is she going to be in this position? I don’t think that much longer. And I do believe she’s probably going to have to step down. And Gavin Newsom is going to have to select someone else, or they might wait until she passes, because Schiff did send out dog comms. But we also know that Jimmy Carter is up there in age. But let’s see how this plays out. And it’s going to be very, very interesting.

Now, with Trump’s cases, we can see that things are starting to heat up. In the month of August, TechnoFog put this out and said, Trump DC case. The court ordered dates for the protective order hearing to be held by August 11. Trump both my lawyers need to be present. We prefer August 14 or 15th. Strategy behind this to test whether Judge Chukan rejects this reasonable request. That is very interesting.

Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that the January 6 committee, the Fake Committee, has failed to turn over numerous documents into the House record pertaining to the security failures that led to the Capitol riots. Now, the defunct House Democrat run committee refused to index the documents, omitted records related to January 6 security failures, neglected to include particular witness depositions, and wiped out communications with the Biden White House. Under Democratic leadership, the J Six Committee included only two never Trump members from the GOP. It did not allow Trump or his legal team to participate in the questioning of witnesses or present evidence.

So we can see that things are really heating up. The information is coming out and the people are waking up to the criminal syndicate. It’s going to be very interesting to see how all of this unfolds.Please reformat the text into natural paragraphs for easy reading:

Team to defend himself. It was not so much an investigation as a kangaroo court with a predetermined narrative to vilify Trump. They blame him for the events of January 6, and now they’ve gotten rid of all the records. Wait, don’t we call this obstruction? Obstruction of justice? Don’t they continually say this about Trump, that he obstructed justice? Now, I would like to see the deep state players explain how this is okay. Because if they can do it, then why can’t Trump do it? Aren’t they saying that he destroyed records? Aren’t they saying that he shouldn’t and he’s obstructing justice? Well, if they just did it, then Trump can do it. How are they going to get themselves out of this one? This is going to be very, very interesting.

Trump put out three truths and said the following, “So now that I have full subpoena power because of the freedom of speech sham indictment by Crooked Joe Biden, deranged Jack Smith, and the DOJ, it has just been reported that the unselect January 6 Committee of political hacks and thugs has illegally destroyed their records and documents. This is unthinkable, and the fake political indictment against me must be immediately withdrawn. The system is rigged and corrupt, very much like the presidential election of 2020.”

He continued, “The January 6 Unselect Committee got rid of everything, discarded, deleted, thrown out, a flagrant violation of the law. They had so much to hide, and now that I have subpoena power, they didn’t want to get caught. They knew exactly what they were doing. An egregious criminal act and blatant disregard of the law. Can you imagine if I would have done such a thing?”

He further stated, “The January 6 Unselect Committee extinguished and destroyed all evidence and records. Criminals. And that’s exactly what they are. They are criminals. And what’s very interesting is that special Counsel Jack Smith obtained a search warrant in January for records related to Trump’s Twitter account. But this search warrant was a secret search warrant, and they wanted to get Trump’s Twitter account information. I do believe they were looking for DMs because all the other stuff is completely public. So the search warrant was so secret that Trump didn’t even know. Jack Smith issued a subpoena for the records. Biden’s corrupt Justice Department obtained a nondisclosure order that prohibited X from informing Trump about Jack Smith’s subpoena. Over the course of the months-long legal battle, X argued that the nondisclosure order violated the First Amendment and Stored Communications Act. The Justice Department argued Trump would put the so-called ongoing investigation in jeopardy. I didn’t know you can violate someone’s First Amendment rights just because you think it could put something in jeopardy. There’s no crime there, so how could you violate the rights of a person? You can’t. Let me continue.”

The DOJ finally amended the nondisclosure order and allowed X to notify the former president of the existence and contents of the warrant. Trump’s counsel responded to Jack Smith’s request for a protective order gag order and addressed First Amendment issues. In a trial about First Amendment rights, the government seeks to restrict First Amendment right. Worse, it does so against its administration’s primary political opponent during an election season in which the administration’s prominent party members and media allies have campaigned on the indictment and proliferated its false allegations. And we can see that’s exactly what they’re doing.

Trump responded to all this and said the following, “Just found out that Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ secretly attacked my Twitter account, making it a point not to let me know about this major hit on my civil rights. My political opponent is going crazy trying to infringe on my campaign for president. Nothing like this ever happened before. Does the First Amendment still exist? Did deranged Jack Smith tell the Unselects to destroy and delete all evidence? These are dark days in American. Absolutely. But remember, just because things are deleted, just because you don’t see them and they say they’re deleted, doesn’t mean they’re deleted. Absolutely not. Let’s try logic. Put this out on Twitter and says, ‘I sense a plot twist. Nothing digital is ever lost.’ Referring to post 46 46, September 10, 2020. Down below it says, ‘Seek and destroy. Lose incriminating evidence. They never thought she was going to lose. Sloppy. Nothing digital is ever really lost.’ Absolutely. And we can see that Trump, he now has all the leverage. You don’t think he has this information? Of course he does. He set them up. He wants them to delete it. He wants them to come after him. He has the subpoena power. He has the ability to discover. He has the ability to produce his evidence. And Trump redrewth Jack Posobiec on truth and said, ‘Trump should subpoena Ray Epps to testify in public at the J Six trial. Actually, he should subpoena everyone, have them on the stand in front of the entire country. If they want to lie, let them lie, because this is going to hurt them later. But this should be very, very interesting.’

Trump shared some important information and said, ‘Remember, these indictments aren’t legit. They were all thrown out at me quickly and haphazardly, including the local ones, by my political opponent, Crooked Joe Biden. It’s not like the state or country is coming down on me. It’s a dishonest politician and his gang of thugs breaking the law in order to get reelected. There should be outrage at this, a new low in American politics. Election interference. The good news is that the people get it, and so does the fake news. The people do get it. They’re seeing the election interference. You need to see how bad it’s going to get. And I do believe Trump amplified this with this plan so people can’t even question it. They see it firsthand. And you’re going to see more outrageous things like this as time goes on, because what is Trump doing? He’s setting it up. All the indictments, everything that they’re doing to him, he’s proving to everyone, look, it’s a tyrannical government. Look, they’re dictators. Look, they’re criminals. You see, I’m being proved right, and they’re interfering in the election. I said it all along that they interfered in the 2020 election, and here they are interfering in the 2024 election, and now I’m going to prove that they interfered in the 2020 election. He got them where he wants them. And all these indictments that you’re seeing, think, ‘Oh, indictments are coming,’ but not the way you think. He’s going to turn this all around. Everyone’s used to the indictments. Everyone sees it now. Everyone understands it. He’s going to show you what a real indictment is. Actually, they’re just sitting there waiting. Let’s go back to post 35 80, November 11, 2019. It says, ‘Indictments coming 2019.’ Now, does that mean it’s coming in 2019? It’s in brackets. No. I do believe this is another year. It might be 2024. And remember that picture that Trump put up? It’s him. And it says, ‘Indictments are coming.’ I do believe he’s setting this all up to indict and imprison all of these people. Let’s go back to post 1661, July 1, 2018. Down below, it says, ‘Think stages. What role can military intelligence play? What role can NSA play? Bang.’ So think about all the stages that we had to go through. Think about what role the military intelligence and the military is playing right now. I do believe they are pushing and setting things up so people can see exactly what’s going on. Plus, I do believe the military has an active role in this entire plan. And we know as we approach the 2024 elections, we know the deep state is going to try to cheat. Yes, they’re going to try to postpone the elections. They’re going to throw everything they possibly have at the elections, because if they can’t cheat, if they can’t win, they’re going to have to postpone. And what’s very interesting, coming out of the Daily Mail, it says more than 40 million voters have had their data stolen after a raid on the Electoral Commission. In the biggest data breach in UK history, Sir David cited Russia because of the record of its military intelligence and civilian agents in interfering with Western elections. While investigations into the attack are continuing, there is no evidence that it is Russia, but they believe it is Russia. So right now we have a story coming out that Russia attacked the election systems in the UK. And Russia has a history of attacking Western countries and attacking their election systems.They building a narrative right now? Are they building it up for a attack? Well, this is how they start. They need to build the narrative. Oh, look, Russia did it to the UK. Oh, Russia’s now doing it to another country. Oh, look, Russia did it to the United States. We must go to war. Russia just attacked us.

Trump knows the playbook. Trump knows exactly what’s going on. He told us. He knows. And if he knows that we’re going to be attacked, that we’re going to head to World War II and they’re going to most likely attack the election infrastructure.

Are things set up where the people actually get their vote? Where you can’t have a foreign country interfere, you can’t have the deep state interfere. Can you have the elections protected and transparent? You can if the military controls them. And I do believe we’re heading down that path.

And Julian Drum on truth, he put something out. And this is from Trump going way back to 2014, and this is what he tweeted out back then. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu think about all the battles we’re going through. Does Trump know the enemy? Does he know himself? He doesn’t fear these little things right now because he’s in control. He knows in the end he will win the war. The people will win the war. The people will see the criminal syndicate. The people will take back the country.

And when the people take back the country, they’ll understand how to keep the country. And they will tell their children and their children will tell their children how we had to fight for freedom. Because freedom just doesn’t come to you. You have to fight for it every single time. And I think the people now are waking up. And Trump, his plan is working.

Why? The patriots are in control. Listen. And everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.


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