We Dont Want Wars Biden Pledges More Financial and Weapons Support After More Threats From Iran | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about how the text discusses the current international relations situation, focusing on the United States’ involvement in proxy wars, particularly in Ukraine, China, Iran, and Israel. It questions the benefits of these wars for the American people and the economy, suggesting that the money spent on wars could be better used domestically. The text also mentions the potential escalation of hostilities in the Middle East, with the U.S. sending military forces in response to Iran’s vow of retaliation over a recent killing. Lastly, it highlights the fear and uncertainty among people in Lebanon, with airlines canceling flights and warnings against food hoarding.


Before we start to get into Michaela Montgomery and who she is and what her background is and how she came to be And we get into the jobs and we go into California and Chevron is now leaving California for Texas. We’re gonna get into all of that Everything that y’all think different people talking about their experiences in the job market new layoffs 19,000 people was laid off from another company We gonna dive into that but we got it got to get into international relations first Right and the reason I don’t think that international relations are so important is because it’s directly tied to whether or not your tax Dollars is being spent effectively and more importantly who you’re going to vote for in this November election And so we like to ignore all of the court issues and the problems That’s ultimately causing inflation as causing you to lose a job that ultimately will plunge us into a deeper recession Which ultimately leads to a depression and we like to ignore those type of things But I think that those type of things are absolutely important.

And so over the weekend They’re basically saying that the United States of America is basically plunging themselves deeper into these proxy wars Which not only includes Ukraine and the chip war that we got going on with China over there in Taiwan But also Iran and Israel and I believe personally I believe personally That we need to mind our own business and stop participating in all these proxy wars Which ultimately lead to you giving all the American dollars over into it Well, let me tell you what’s happening over in Iran and Israel right now The u.s.

Is now sending a carrier strike group warships and a fighter squadron to the Middle East bracing for a potential escalation a further one of hostilities as Iran vows retaliation over the killing of a senior Hamas leader in Tehran earlier this week It blames Israel for the attack Israel has not commented growing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah and Iran are also Competing a new warning on Lebanon the US Embassy in Beirut is warning America. This is so dumb, man This is so dumb Honestly, my question then becomes who’s really the ones that’s making money off these wars And I’ll just say to big companies nah, man.

Look man, I understand world peace But I also understand that it’s important very important For a lot of people to make a lot of prophecy, you know on a millionaire morning show we don’t we don’t just want to say oh man, we just don’t want to who else is really benefiting from this because You can’t tell me that this is good for the American people. Remember remember we supposed to be Americans first We don’t look out for the rest of the world. We gonna participate in making sure that we keep the world safe I’m all for it cool But at the same time we got to take care of home before we start getting to be mighty yellow on that Who are the ones that honest to God are genuinely? Benefiting from the trillions of dollars that we spend on an annual basis on all of these wars What the heck is happening and how is this administration truly justifying? Considering all of the monies that’s going out of United States of America and how much has really happened in this in its economy in this country There’s more billions and then they package it with the Homeland Security border deal and say well, no, it’s supposed to be a bipartisan deal Nobody and I mean nobody, you know how they had a means where they say nobody and then they say, you know Whatever it is.

Nobody in United States of America if they took a poll today and they said hey listen Do you think that we should continue to hold it down and participate in these? Nobody and I mean nobody is saying that yo, I want to continue to fight what I ran an endless Profitable for somebody wars. Nobody is wanting this Nobody zero Zilch nada Americans who want to get out of the country to book quote any ticket available This is airlines begin canceling flights in and out of the country seen it’s been we’d have been In is in Beirut and Ben you’ve you’ve covered so many periods like this in Lebanon through the years I wonder as you watch events there and reactions are folks Really bracing for something big Yes, they are they people are very worried that even though over the last ten months we’ve had periods of high tension followed by periods of relative calm But now this one seems worse than anything before now the US Embassy in addition to telling people just book any ticket You can they wanted it Evacuations for you where they booking these tickets to Just a question Where are they booking these tickets to when they say? Oh man, just book a ticket just book a ticket They leave in some some very important information out of that equation book a ticket where? Where are they booking a ticket to where these airlines flying these people to book a ticket where? Chicago New York Denver Atlanta Where they put any tickets to I’m just curious.

Where are you going? Where you going US Nationals in the event things get even worse could be very difficult and back in 2006 When the airport was struck in the early days of the war by Israeli war planes The US did manage to evacuate some of the US Nationals out of here But it was quite chaotic now for instance Kuwaiti Airlines is the latest Airlines to announce that it’s going to stop flying To Beirut tomorrow. They said is their last flight and it’s not clear when they will resume flying to Beirut That’s just the latest airline to make such an announcement today.

We also heard from the Minister of Economy and Trade Who warned people not to hoard food? He reassured the public that there is an adequate amount of food Available at the moment. You don’t really get the sense that when they tell you don’t hoard food start hoarding food There’s panic, but there is real fear All of our friends APS when Hezbollah when Iran retaliate for this series of assassinations here in Beirut and in Tehran That this time it’s not going to be like in April where it was a very orchestrated telegraphed strike by Iran 12 days after that Israeli strike on the diplomatic Complex in Damascus this time It’s widely believed that not only will Iran strike but all of its allies in the region Hezbollah, of course, and we’ve heard the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah say that’s what they’re going to do But also the Houthis in Yemen and various Pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq.

So the stage is set for perhaps a very Dangerous period not just here in Lebanon, but across the Middle East Jim Surprise surprise More war More more war and listen an attack like that would inevitably inevitably set up the conditions for a response against all of those parties And and yet one more cycle of violence but wait a minute Beirut. Thanks so much So let’s break down some of these developments with me here is Andrew Miller He’s the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs This is a really dicey time there, which I mean we could say so many times in recent years, but particularly now What is your expectation about the degree of Iran’s response here because if that Assessment is correct and it’s going to be multi prong with Iran and its proxies.

That’s a major escalation Well, I think one thing to understand Is that despite the successful interception of the April attack by the US? Israel and partners that was very much a perfect storm. Everything went right which let me tell you something man Here’s my question. I got a couple questions as an American because I have a unique view on this based off of the fact that I Don’t want any more new wars I don’t want the United States of America to continue to send our tax dollars over into something that we can control I don’t want to be a part of NATO to where we’re the ones that’s funding the majority of what goes over into there I don’t want them to say well We’re not sending in no new troops But we don’t send a whole bunch of money in order to build a bunch of weapons and all of this stuff and participate in It I am NOT interested in it Aside from that I because nobody wants war Nobody wants to do it, especially when the economy is going into a recession and probably into a depression But here’s my question, right? And this is what I want you guys to think about when they parade out Meg the stallion in front of y’all and they keep All hitting on the same points and saying Trump want to take take abortion away from the women No, he said that he wanted to make sure that he gave it to the states to have a conversation about we all know That they’re gonna continue to say a bunch of stuff.

That doesn’t make sense Here’s my question for y’all when you think about the leader of the United States of America and the decisions that they have to make When it comes to facing world leaders managing wars Determining whether or not we should even be participating in these wars in the first place bringing troops home international policy Being diplomatic as far as going back and forth and negotiating for hostages who you trade out Will you keep whatever right how much money you send over to Russia when you then get Paul wheeling back? Who you send over there and then what you get back in return? Why we got Brittany Griner and why we traded for the Russian merchant of death and how that benefited the United States of America versus Continue to give y’all diversity equity and inclusion to make sure that y’all vote a certain way when we think about all of these things and we think about the proxy wars and we think about Taiwan and You know going back and forth with China for Taiwan in order to be able to secure more chips While we try to build up our own chip infrastructure and it’s being incentivized by the federal government. Well, we start to talk about all of these things and we and we really take into consideration what’s happening in these streets Right, and we start to think about who our leaders should be at the forefront of these movements As far as going back and forth with these men these monstrous massive budgets Alliances men negotiating across the board.

Would you love to see just suggest a general idea? Would you love to see? Kamala Harris parade herself out there and stand in front of these leaders and say we are or we aren’t or whether or not we’re going to participate in a war because I Mean, she’s a part of the very administration that she won’t don’t want to acknowledge She’s a part of the very administration that’s got us into these wars in the first place these proxy wars, by the way It’s not actual physical wars I want to give him a little bit of credit or Would you like to see somebody who has successfully managed to keep us out of war from 2016 through 2020 in the first place? Just curious.

Would you prefer to see? Honestly, because we need to take this into consideration Amongst all of the different things that we talking about jobs inflation immigration communities Funding of different things layoffs all of this stuff that’s happening in the economy and on American soil immigration crisis into your into your cities Taking away whatever white jobs black jobs Indian jobs. I don’t really care all of the layoffs y’all can’t feed your family You go to the grocery store and it costs you triple what it cost you ten years ago Okay, when we think about this, right and we really put it in perspective when it comes to foreign policy international wars bringing troops home managing our military making a smart decision pressing button having a new codes and How other leaders view our leaders here in the United States of America in addition to who we got in Congress Right because those members matter.

Also, who would you rather have at the helm? To manage these these, you know, the United States of America Versus all of these other countries. Would you rather have Trump or would you rather have Kamala? Because I mean while they give you and parade for you games and they do shoot commercials with Taraji P Henson and they say oh girl, they not like us Would you rather have Trump at the helm or would you rather have Kamala Harris? Honest to God question Cuz I’m gonna just tell you I’m tired I’m tired of the wars.

I’m tired of Them our monies and our tax dollars. I’m tired of them holding our borders over a barrel and trying to justify not funding Closing off our borders in order to package it with a deal to send it over into these three different countries. I’m tired I’m tired It’s a little old after a while They depend on us to have PTSD. They depend on us to Normalize things so that it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal. Oh, this is just a part of what’s what’s supposed to happen We supposed to spend the majority of our monies on these things.

No, it’s not normal. It’s not normal. I’m tired I’m tired about hearing about it I’m tired about hearing about how it is that we’re gonna continue to participate in these wars and we act like we not having No wars because American troops is not a part of it. But our tax dollars are I’m tired It’s it’s over it’s tiresome for me personally, but I’m just asking y’all don’t worry about it I don’t want to spend a whole lot of time on it I just wanted to give you all my thoughts on that and I wanted to keep y’all updated on what’s happening When it comes to world news because that’s something that’s often not talked about amongst our black leaders In in morning shows and we tend to focus on the surface level stuff and we not paying attention It was really happening behind the scenes You


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benefits of proxy wars for America current international relations situation domestic use of war funds escalation of hostilities in Middle East impact of wars on American economy proxy wars in China proxy wars in Iran proxy wars in Israel proxy wars in Ukraine recent killings and Iran's vow United States involvement in proxy wars US military response to Iran retaliation

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