URGENT! Biden To Take Control Of Internet!?! FCC Votes Nov15th!

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URGENT! Biden To Take Control Of Internet!?! FCC Votes Nov15th!


➡ The Biden administration is accused of trying to control the Internet by implementing provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, potentially gaining effective control over all internet services and infrastructure. This move is seen as a tactic to control narratives, particularly ahead of an election year.
➡ The commentary discusses an alleged power maneuver by President Biden’s administration to acquire control over internet narratives, particularly utilizing provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in a vote scheduled in November. The speaker points out negative aspects including prospective FCC controls on internet service providers, monetary fines on convened entities, price controls, and enforcement of a contentious liability theory.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner. Got an urgent message here for all of you. Biden’s power grab. Power grab of the Internet. This will be to control narratives. This is a sneaky move, a very sneaky move by this administration to censor and control conversation and narratives on the Internet as we come into an election year. So what I’m looking at here, as we’re distracted by Israel and all the wars abroad, and we will continue to be distracted, this is a major power move for all of your Internet services.

Basically so. Commissioner Carr opposes President Biden’s plan to give the administration state effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the US. This happened in October. I’m just getting wind of this. They’re going to be voting on this tomorrow. They’re going to be voting on this tomorrow. In October 2023, the Biden administration called on the Federal Communications Commission to implement provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The FCC will vote on November 15. Tomorrow, that’s tomorrow on new rules. I oppose the plan for several reasons. This is from Commissioner Gar. President Biden’s plan hands the administrative state effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the country. President Biden’s plan sweeps entire industries within the FCC’s jurisdiction for the first time in the agency’s 90 year history. Sweeping control. President Biden’s plan allows the FCC to impose unfunded build mandates on ISPs and unlimited monetary fines on every convened entity.

President Biden’s plan includes price controls. President Biden’s plan adopts an expensive and disfavored theory of liability that Congress neither directed nor authorized the FCC to adopt. Wow. This is a major, major power move by President Biden’s administration. And now I guess I’m starting to see why the EBS will be so important in the days, weeks, and months to come. This is sweeping control of the Internet, folks. You can look it up.

It’s on the government website. This is happeNing. I just got wind of this on an Instagram post and I went and looked it up and I was like, oh, wow, this is real. This is actually real. This is happening. While we’re distracted with everything else, they’re taking full control of the Internet. I don’t know what you do here in this situation. This is happening tomorrow. I’m sorry for the late report on this, folks, but things get by me.

This has not been reported on the MSM, nothing. I don’t know who you contact, your congressman. I don’t know. I’m just reporting on this, literally just saw this today. So I’m spreading the word. I’m spreading the news out there. Who do you contact for this? I literally just saw this 15 minutes ago, looked it up and sure as hell it’s real. It’s legit. So as we’re distracted, no MSM coverage, nothing.

FCC will vote on November 15. That’s tomorrow on new rules. Wow. Let me repeat this one more time. The plan hands the administrative state effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the country. President Biden’s plan sweeps entire industries within the FCC’s jurisdiction for the first time in the agency’s 90 year history. President Biden’s plan allows the FCC to impose unfunded build mandates on ISPs and unlimited monetary fines on every conveyed entity.

President Biden’s plan includes price controls. They’re essentially going to control all your Internet. Folks. This is disturbing. Go to Ninoscorner TV for more. I will be having Juan Osavin. I’ll be having many influential guests coming in the next weeks and months to come as we fight this fifth generation war later, folks. .



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Biden administration internet control control over internet narratives control over internet services controlling narratives in election year enforcement of contentious liability theory FCC controls on internet service providers Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provisions monetary fines on convened entities power maneuver by Biden's administration price controls in internet services

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